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Home Explore A Truly Holy Book Of Truth - For This 21st Century

A Truly Holy Book Of Truth - For This 21st Century

Published by zen, 2016-10-15 02:52:57

Description: A Truly Holy Book Of Truth - For This 21st Century

Keywords: secret of life,proof everything God,proof everyhing Jesus,proof everything Christ,proof everything Holy Ghost,proof everything Holy Spirit,proof everything science,proof everything faith,proof everything religion,proof everything multi faith


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A Truly Holy Book of Truth – For This 21st CenturyThe TRUE scientific basis – the TRUE SCIENCE - of the Opening of theBook of Genesis at the Start of the Bible.The basis of the TRUE Structure of the CREATION of GOD…Simon Richard Lee Guided by & by His And Our LadyArchangel Gabriel of the Triune Goddess – the Holy SpiritBoth share the Same Spiritual Name ‘Hear in the Name of the LORD’- Open Scholar 1967 - 1975, at St Albans School, Hertfordshire, England (sameschool, and science teachers, as famous Cosmology Professor Stephen Hawking... ButSi did far better overall than Stephen Hawking, and has an even larger IQ, partly as aresult, partly from his deep untrained Zen Enlightenment, than Hawking’s ‘180 IQ’!)- Open Scholar, BA, MA 1975-1983 in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Cell Biology,and Computer Science, at King’s College, Cambridge University, England- Chartered Senior Computer Systems Design Engineer and Manager/Consultant- With these letters after his name, NEVER ‘Doctor-er’ (Dr.) in front, thank God! : -CEng, MIEE, MIET, MinstMCZen Buddha Allah === JHWH God === ALpha&OmegAH!

Real Peaceful Rainbow Resistance Revolution • Stunning revolutions spelt out here in both science and multi-faith religions... Space is proven to be 7-dimensional, on just 2 pages, not the incorrect historical 3-dimensional. The most advanced scientists in the world have been waiting for this to be proven for some decades...! • Likewise ‘material objects’, even the tiniest particles, are made of multi- dimensional folds of ‘material made of space not “matter”’ so I prove karma consciousness as in the Far East - ‘matter’ is totally a delusion! • Just why ‘JHWH’ is the Name of GOD! This leads to full proof that the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit are quite different – and the Holy Spirit is the central and only female Person – or ‘Triune mother, daughter, counsellor’ in a Holy Trinity that is really a Holy Quartet! • Firstly as Mother (Mary) to Jesus ‘Mind or Meaning’ Christ at His Father’s Right Hand; Daughter (Gaia) to the Holy Ghost/’Spirit’ at His Left Hand. • Counsellor (Wisdom or Sophia) to the Most High Lord Good and His and Our Lady Goodness above Her or ‘Soul’, so to All Three - six Divine People in Total – at present – but the Bible forewarns that changes soon! Simon Richard Lee Guided by & by His And Our Lady Archangel Gabriel of the Triune Goddess – the Holy Spirit Both share the Same Spiritual Name ‘Hear in the Name of the LORD’- Open Scholar 1967 - 1975, at St Albans School, Hertfordshire, England (sameschool, and science teachers, as famous Cosmology Professor Stephen Hawking... ButSi did far better overall than Stephen Hawking, and has an even larger IQ, partly as aresult, partly from his deep untrained Zen Enlightenment, than Hawking’s ‘180 IQ’!)- Open Scholar, BA, MA 1975-1983 in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Cell Biology,and Computer Science, at King’s College, Cambridge University, England- Chartered Senior Computer Systems Design Engineer and Manager/Consultant- With these letters after his name, NEVER ‘Doctor-er’ (Dr.) in front, thank God! : - CEng, MIEE, MIET, MinstMCZen Buddha Allah === JHWH God === ALpha&OmegAH!

First EditionCopyright © The End of the Feast of Michaelmas – mid October2016 - by Simon Richard Lee & Archangel Gabriel and Her Angels!DedicationsThis new book, the apex of 35 years of hard intermittent work, isdedicated to my extremely hard working genius of a nursing sisterand manager and mother Barbara Dawn Day, born on 1st July 1931– who died tragically of breast cancer after suffering for over threeyears, luckily painlessly, on 24th August 2007.This book is also dedicated to the other most important women inmy life. They are my only child Guinevere Margaret Elisabeth, whowas born 22nd February 1991, in Welwyn Garden City,Hertfordshire, England, like me.Also my sister ‘Angel Clair’ was born in Hatfield nearby exactly 30years earlier. Again on 22nd February, but in 1961 not 1991 like mydaughter ‘Jeni’. Are they ‘multiply Pisces’ !??

IntroductionAn incredible, entirely new approach to many key ‘scientific’,as well as ‘spiritual’, aspects of the Universe.How, on passing right through the fabric or ‘curtains’ ofSpace, the extremely different, far greater ‘Kingdom of theHeavens’ is revealed and reached! 1.The ‘void’ or space is not three-dimensional, as generally thought! Simple proof given here, which is so elegant that it is totally convincing, that space in our Universe is in fact seven-dimensional! 2.The vital importance of space in many faiths, especially in the Far East, especially Buddhism and Zen, as an object of both meditation and veneration. The crucial word ‘mu’ in Zen Buddhism, and the closely related meditation, and reverence for, space or ‘the void’ in the East and Far East. 3.The principal scientific view of how the Universe first came about, the ‘Big Bang’ theory. 4.What is time? Where does it come from and where does it go to? 5.Science is very different in its approach to gaining knowledge, to the faiths and religions of the world. It is wrong to believe that scientists ‘seek the truth’, which is instead the aim of every single faith in the world. Scientists aim to ‘prove scientific facts’ about the world, starting with ‘observations’ of Nature, or experiments. These usually strike the general public as being extremely cold and indeed ‘clinical’, with little emotion involved. Science is very different to world faiths in at least two other ways. Firstly, whereas all world faiths are concerned with receiving and also giving out ‘messages’, astonishingly science nearly totally ignores languages in Nature. Secondly, scientists deliberately cultivate often very many ‘theories’ about aspects of science, to try to accurately predict all future observations in the same situation. Instead, all world faiths follow their own unique ‘Way’ (to God?), usually established by a spiritual leader. ‘To find the Truth, about life, and usually God’, in order to lead an increasingly 1

‘better life’. The most famous man ever, Jesus Christ, is so because so much of the world believes that he stood for the above ideals, shown in bold, far better than anyone else ever has.6.The quite astonishing way, in which the Hebrew ‘Name of God’, the four letters JHWH, is actually a totally accurate diagram of the Godhead in Heaven, showing precisely how interaction happens with our Physical Universe.7.A fuller picture is given, by adding to the JHWH diagram the Tree of Life, made of the two trees of the Holy Ghost (actions) and the Holy Spirit (words and feelings).8.How God created light on the first Day of Creation – which science tells us, starts with +/- charge, then electric and magnetic fields result, then finally these make light by combining together in a complex way.9.Proof that there is no such thing as ‘matter’! All particles have in fact been proven to be made of concentric nested spheres, of standing waves made of space, with their charge spread all around the surface of each particle. In this Section, we look at particles, atoms, molecules, macromolecules, and briefly, crystals.10. The “Seven Days of God’s Creation”, however long they actually lasted, witnessed very much Creation of stars, planets, then ‘biological life’ in several stages, as in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. We discuss all these phases in this Section. At the end of all this discussion, we will find that a whole radically new ‘Spiritual Science’ has emerged in the process! 2

Sensational Supernatural Stunningly New ‘Spiritual Sciences’! With NO Equations in them at all! They are in fact as old as the hills...What follows in the next several dozenpages will definitely cause resoundingchanges to all of our views, especiallyscientific views, of space and time.Even more so, we prove that all ‘material’objects are made solely of a FiligreeLattice of Space and Time – surrounded byelectrical charge. There is no such thingas ‘matter’ – ‘matter’ is a pure delusion.So we PROVE TOTALLY ‘karma’ conscious-ness in this small book! 3

Section 1 The True Nature of ‘Space’Space is actually an invisible ‘Filigree Lattice’, normally seenas ‘three-dimensional’ – but complete proof is given below,from first principles, that space is really ‘seven dimensional’!Conventional mathematical, scientific and engineering viewsof space – as ‘three dimensional’We usually start to learn about space (for instance at school) as‘containing three right angles at ninety degrees to each other’, inthree ‘axes’, ‘directions’ or ‘dimensions’.To start considering objects within these invisible threedimensions, we are first taught to draw a picture of the three axesor directions as below, called in mathematics ‘Cartesian co-ordinates’: -For hundreds, indeed thousands of years, until about 100 yearsago, science considered space to be an infinite ‘grid’ extendinguniformly out from a base as above, in all three directions. 4

At the start of the 20th Century, as we saw earlier, Albert Einstein,in particular, totally challenged all the ancient notions of space asabove, when he revolutionised ideas in science of time itself – in histwo theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity. GeneralRelativity theory even proposes that space can ‘curve’ – especiallynear very large, heavy bodies like stars.More recently, later scientists have tried to develop theories of theUniverse that claim that space has more than three dimensions.Trying to see what space actually looks like if it is indeed ‘multi-dimensional’, even with powerful computer graphical methods, has,not surprisingly, proven impossible! 5

Space has SEVEN dimensions – not three! Simple and complete proof!Firstly, the big problem with the above starting point, drawing threeaxes or ‘dimensions’ through an ‘area of empty space’ – is thataccording to every single science as well as every single world faithor religion – space is never ever empty. Space is always full ofobjects, even if so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye –fundamental particles, atoms, etc. Also – EVERYTHING is CURVED!An ‘object’ is obviously very easy indeed to define as “somethingwith a volume of space containing an inside as well as anoutside”.The outside of objects contained inside a relatively large volume offree space or empty space can readily indeed be seen to be threedimensional just as above. However, maths and science seem tohave mostly totally overlooked a very curious fact about the insideof all objects – also known about in geometry for thousands ofyears. For the inside of all objects contains four not threeaxes at right angles i.e. is four dimensional not threedimensional!The very simplest, clearest example of this is a cube – often a verymystical object in many faiths and religions – almost certainly forthe above or similar reasons: - 1. So, a large volume of free space or empty space – space outside objects – has three axes – or is ‘three dimensional’. So Outer Space is Three Dimensional. 6

2. As in the simplest example of the cube, space inside objects – has four axes – is ‘four dimensional’. So Inner Space is Four Dimensional.3. The normal or usual situation, throughout the entire Universe, is that Middle Space – Inner Space containing further objects within that space – is BOTH 3D AND 4D (3D to inner objects and 4D to the outer object).4. SO MOST SPACE CAN BE READILY SEEN TO BE SEVEN- DIMENSIONAL!5. Likewise, the ‘thing’ which separates ‘inside’ of all objects from their ‘outside’ must simply be a likewise SEVEN DIMENSIONAL MEMBRANE OF SPACE, FORMING THE ACTUAL SURFACE OF ALL OBJECTS!‘TREE STRUCTURE’ OF SEVEN-DIMENSIONAL SPACEIncreasing numbers of us scientists have recognised in the last fewyears especially, that if space is proven to be 7D not just 3D, anamazing thing will happen – science and all its maths would becompleted! Science will come to a final end, especially physics!Well, just my above two pages do exactly prove that space isindeed 7D – seven not three dimensional! QED!7

Section 2The vital importance of ‘space’ – or as it iscalled in the East, ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’‘Space’, or as they usually call it in the East, ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’,is a fundamental object of meditation and reverence in manyFaiths, especially in the East and Far East.Believers in Taoism, as well as other Chinese Faiths, and Buddhism,especially Zen Buddhism, in many areas of the East, regard studyof and meditation on ‘space’, that is ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’, asabsolutely vital.In addition, which is highly relevant to this, Zen Buddhists aregiven seemingly totally paradoxical or illogical puzzles, or ‘koans’,to try to solve in their ‘zazen’, or Zen meditation. Some Zen monkscan take very many years in ‘zazen’, yet never solve their ‘koan’.So never reach their goal, to attain Enlightenment – and so achievefull ‘Buddha Nature’, like the First Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.The ‘Gateless Gate’ or ‘Mumonkan’ contains 40 such puzzles or‘koans’, and the first and most common one to be set is the ‘mu’‘koan’. In fact, this ‘koan’ is very much related to meditation on‘the void’ or ‘nothingness’.‘Mu’ is a very simple word unique to the Far East meaning ‘yes andno’. Yet, intensely thinking about, and meditating upon, theimportance and meaning of this one profound word, is as importantto Buddhists, especially Zen Buddhists, as upon ‘the void’.These are usually said to be the two most common ways thatBuddhists attain ‘Enlightenment’ and so ‘the Buddha Nature’, thatis, completely come to terms with their own mind, or inner self, inrelation to the whole vast Rest of the Universe. 8

From a point of view of Full Enlightenment, let me first, hopefully,give you a quick overview of ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’.After that we will look very hard at the vital ‘importance’ of the ‘mu’word – ‘yes and no’ – or rather ‘yes AND no’.First, imagine being inside a ‘void’, somewhere without space, time,any objects, or any sensations at all whatsoever!Immediately we can say ‘such a void cannot exist! Yet we knowthat this void must exist, for we are inside such a void!’Immediately, from the above, we know that ‘space’ or ‘the void’has these two complementary opposite features or aspects:Cannot exist inside of space or ‘the void’ Does Exist!Immediately we have found one possible solution of many, to the‘mu koan’ just above. For ‘mu’ is the root basis of the creative‘AND’, of everything that emerges, fully created and above allGood, or Quality, from ‘the other side of the void or space’ – with‘yes’ and ‘no’, its two complementary opposite features or aspects:No ‘mu’, a Good Spirit or Quality of Space or the Void Yes!So we saw above, two examples of Qualities, Good Values, ‘Good’Spirits, or even physical Dimensions, each with two ComplementaryOpposite Aspects; coming out of or Being Created by ‘that behind’Space, otherwise called the ‘Void’ or ‘Nothingness’!A little thought tells us that this endless Creative Action, arisingfrom behind ‘the curtains of space’, must create the whole infinitevariety that we all witness, of other such Qualities or Good Spirits.In Section 7 of this Part One below, many such Spirits are listed.All Good Spirits have a Core Name, Word, or Action, if the Spiritchanges with Time, or Divine Quality – with two complementaryopposite aspects, which emerge on either side, pointing outwards.So the three parts of every variety of Good Spirits are in harmony,and totally non-destructive. 9

Obviously, from within space or ‘the Void’, is a very real, totallyinfinite Horn of Plenty for all the ‘Good Spirits’ in this Universe. 10

Section 3 The Origins of the UniverseMost peoples’ views on this awesome subject, are currently takenfrom recent theories in Science, usually the ‘Big Bang Theory’.It is only quite recently in time, that these theories from sciencehave mainly come to agree with the many much older Faiths andReligions of the World – namely that our Universe had a definitebeginning. Other scientific theories, however, propose oscillating,infinitely old, multiple or parallel Universes. To briefly summarisethe ‘Science’ and ‘Faith’ views: -Scientific View 1. An initial ‘void’ existed, when suddenly our Universe erupted from what science calls a ‘singularity’ – and Time began. 2. There was a ‘Big Bang’ or explosion and, in utter chaos, our Universe started to come about, first with only light, and after a huge amount of time, increasingly complex matter. 3. The current highly ordered Universe around us, has arisen from a complete extension and continuation till today, of these totally chaotic forces.Overall view of most world Faiths 1. The initial ‘void’ or ‘nothingness’ is the object of much veneration and indeed meditation – especially in the East and Far East. Indeed Time was the first ‘thing’ to emerge from the void – but vitally there were not one but two, incredible ‘something’s else’ along with Time. One was the above Horn of Plenty of Good Spirits, broadcast throughout the Universe. 2. That Horn of Plenty, along with Time, and the other ‘something else’, in fact between them, controlled the whole start of the Universe right up to the present day. 3. The whole process of the Universe forming, a completely ongoing set of very complex but highly ordered processes, was a Creative Action by these three – all totally ordered; not chaotic as in the scientific view. 11

Section 4 The Great Enigma of ‘Just what is time?’The usually puzzling Nature of Time Itself – that is resolvedfar more easily, once you realise that time is constantlycoming out of and re-entering ‘the Void’, and so what isbeyond the void!Time is absolutely vastly more important in the whole Universethan ‘something we detect steadily passing on watches and clocks’,although the most common question in the whole world is ‘what isthe time, please?’People often wonder what time actually is – and clearly time is avery regular, totally reliable, endless, invisible, totally non-material‘thing that is not a thing’ – like a kind of gas that appears out ofnowhere – then all the time, the present moment vanishes into thepast!Scientific views of time • From ancient times, right through the start of modern science around the 16th Century with the great pioneers like Galileo and Isaac Newton, until the start of the last or 20th Century, Time was regarded as more or less as described as above, as a very mysterious sort of ‘invisible gas’. Above all, until the start of the last or 20th Century, crucially Time was completely assumed to flow at precisely the same rate everywhere in the World and Universe. • Obviously with global exploration, the time round the world was measured in different ‘time zones’. Also it has always proved impossible to make any two clocks or watches tell precisely the same time! • Then about 100 years ago, Albert Einstein caused a major revolution in science with his two Theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity. Crucial to what I am saying here, the views of science about the Nature of Time itself, were forever altered by his two theories. The main features of the brand 12

new views of time that emerged as below, which were due mainly to Einstein, have been verified by countless experiments since.• Einstein proved conclusively that time flows at a very slightly different rate everywhere in the Universe (clocks at all points in the Universe measure time at different rates). Furthermore, time goes at a different rate for moving objects, compared to stationary objects. Finally, the presence of nearby large objects affects the rate of time passing – which Einstein said was due to the gravitational field or force of such a large heavy object. 13

A full ‘Spiritual’ View of Time• Time is not some vague ‘gas’ as above, at all! Time is totally fundamental to the entire vast, infinite Universe, constantly filing it, so is an absolutely crucial essential Quality, ‘Good’ Value, or Dimension, so a totally elite Good Spirit Being.• Crucially, therefore, totally different to the previous views of science, Father Time is a Highly Intelligent Spirit Being!• Of both the Wind of Good Spirits from the Horn of Plenty which we saw earlier, and also of Father Time, Jesus said, “The wind blows where it will, and nobody knows where the wind comes from, or where it blows to”.• As for any Good Spirit, Father Time is a ‘spiritual triple movement’ – comprising past present moment future. Containing two equal and opposite ‘forces’ or ‘drives’ – future present and present past.• So truly, Father Time is the ‘Grim Reaper’, yet is also the ‘Great Healer’, as well as the drive for all growth and change. As Jesus said, ‘one sows and another reaps’.• The amazingly simple yet dramatic picture below, shows the future as an infinitely gushing Good Spirit, constantly Sown from ‘beyond the curtains’ of space. Sown as infinite ‘Present Moments’ by Father Time, absolutely everywhere throughout our own gigantic Universe. However, our physical Universe only ever exists in the ‘Present Moment’, or ‘chronos’ time. With Father Time constantly Reaping all the Infinite Present Moments in the whole Infinite Universe, into the Infinite Past, back in ‘kairos’ time, beyond the Curtains of Space!• ‘Time Lords’ with ‘time machines’ are purely a creation of science fiction! For if people really could travel in time by time machine, you would quite definitely have met at least one such time traveller by now, if not multitudes of them!• However, the inhabitants of God’s Country, ‘behind the curtains of space’, are really ‘Time Servants’, quite the opposite of imaginary Time Lords, and can indeed, readily travel in time, in that incredible Country of the Origin of all Good and all Goodness! For there the whole of the Past as well as the whole of the Future of our Physical Universe is 14

stored. Apart from such memories that God chooses to erase,which is entirely God’s Right – notably on forgiving someone. 15

Section 5Science, world faiths, the way, better life, the truth – and The WordThe totally different approaches and methods of the manyfaiths of the world, and science, which is comparatively ‘coldand clinical’, mainly because it ‘observes’ so does not ‘gowithin – to spirit and soul’ as all faiths do.The vital ingredients of any faith are usually: - ‘a Way toTruth, probably of God’, as given in the Words of a spiritualleader, with the aim of obtaining a ‘new, much better,fulfilled Life, ideally freed from want and suffering’.Science is very different in its approach to gaining knowledge, tothe faiths and religions of the world. It is wrong to believe thatscientists ‘seek the truth’, which is instead the aim of every singlefaith in the world. Science should only ever claim to approximateto the truth about anything or any situation.Scientists aim to ‘prove scientific facts’ about the world, startingwith ‘observations’ of Nature, or experiments. These usually strikethe general public as being extremely cold and indeed ‘clinical’, withlittle emotion involved.Science is very different to world faiths in at least two other ways.Firstly, whereas all world faiths are concerned with receiving andalso giving out ‘messages’, astonishingly, science nearly totallyignores languages in Nature.Secondly, scientists deliberately cultivate often very many ‘theories’about aspects of science, to try to accurately predict all futureobservations in the same situation.Instead, all world faiths follow their own unique ‘Way’ (to God?),usually established by a spiritual leader. 16

‘To find the Truth, about life, and usually God’, in order to lead anincreasingly ‘better life, ideally free of suffering’.You will by now probably have guessed that I have been leading upto discuss the world’s most famous such spiritual leader, andindeed most famous man ever, Jesus Christ, often called the Lambor Son of God.Jesus’ disciple John described Jesus in the first chapter of hisGospel as ‘the Word of God’, and Jesus called Himself ‘the Way, theTruth, and the Life’.So all the key terms above, apply completely to Jesus, and hisglobal popularity is so huge because he stood for and actually fullyachieved these ideals, far more than any other spiritual leader.Father Time is constantly everywhere in the whole vast, giganticUniverse, so is in constant contact with absolutely all of space inthe whole Universe, especially all life.However, some careful thought indicates that He would actually bemeaningless – without ‘True Meaning’ (of life) also being present allthrough the Universe, at all times.On the other hand, the ‘True Meaning’ (of life) of everythingthroughout the whole vast Universe, needs Time as so unbelievablyfundamental and incredibly Cosmic a ‘partner’, in order to makeany sense. So the ‘True Meaning’ (of Life) and Father Time aremutually dependent upon each other.The ‘True Meaning (of Life)’ is just the same as ‘The Word of God’,so we have just neatly come to a full statement that Jesus, whichmeans ‘God with us’, really did ‘ascend to the Kingdom of theHeavens’ after rising from the dead, after his gruesome crucifixionin the spring of 33AD. His divine powers as Messiah, such as hismany miracles, can only be because He really was the Son of God.For in the next Section, we see that his claim to ‘sit at the righthand of God the Father’ is actually completely verified by the very 17

ancient Hebrew ‘Name of God’ or ‘JHWH’, which first appeared inthe Old Testament aeons before Jesus was alive in Israel!Perhaps amazingly, below is a very simple picture of how Jesus’“The Way, the Truth and the Life”, operates when it does, ‘throughthe curtains of space’, with Jesus just inside that very boundarybetween ‘the World’ and Heaven.You can see ‘the Way’ going from the World through the ‘curtains ofspace’ into Heaven, for anybody who wishes, to seek Truth there.Then the ‘True Meaning (of Life)’ is also passed, and seen to applyto Mary, just as much as Jesus. Jesus actually knew many womencalled Mary, not just His Mother Mary, during His time on Earth.Finally, more and better – spiritual – Life is given to the personseeking Truth, coming back out through the curtains of space, tothe Earth or Universe. True Meanings of Life Mother Mary the Virgin,THE TRUTH Mother of Jesus Christ, and His brothers and sisters. Jesus is the Chosen, Elect and Anointed MessiahThe Kingdom of the Heavens JESUS MARY‘Curtains of 7D Space’The World or Our One Universe All Mothers EverywhereTTHHEE WWAAYY THTHEELLIIFFEE Male Female Offspring 18

Sections 6 and 7The Mysteries at long last revealed of‘JHWH’ or ‘the Name of God’; also whythere are both a Holy Ghost and a HolySpirit!A Great and Ancient Biblical Mystery finally solved!The true meaning of the key Hebrew ‘Name of God’or ‘JHWH’, also called the ‘tetragrammaton’, isvividly and dramatically revealed here! For ‘JHWH’ isactually a picture of the Godhead – and there areactually four letters – so four core parts of theGodhead, not three as in the Christian ‘Trinity’! • I actually received a massive hint, or Received Divine Wisdom, that the Holy Name JHWH is actually a drawing of the Godhead, back in April 2016, while under immense stress, so pondered its structure then drew it out two weeks later. I am stunned at its sheer symmetry, and that it is entirely wave- like, and the way the sketch, as overleaf, solves so many biblical ‘jigsaw puzzles’ – and answers very many age-old questions! • I guessed immediately from my work on Time and ‘Meaning’ earlier, that the two ‘H’ were them. In fact the bar of each ‘H’ passes right through the boundary of Heaven and the World or Universe. So the ‘W’ in the middle must have a bar through it too – forming a very sacred, ‘the Alpha and the Omega’. Immaculate! • Then, I had always known that ‘God’ comes directly, from the Anglo-Saxon or English ‘good’. So it was amazing to see straight away, that the initial ‘J’ was actually – a ‘tick’, the symbol for ‘good’, that is as extremely old, as the very hills. 19



The Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost are two very similar typesof Spirit, but different... The total of 42 components of bothtogether (21 components for each) are ‘spiritual elements’.The Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit occupy not one but TWO ‘Treesof Knowledge or of Life’ described in many Holy Books – wecome to the Bible in Part Two of this book - notably overallwith twelve ‘fruit’ on their branches each with two ‘leaves’.Holy Ghost Spirits are in their very shape, and so activerotational mobility, like ‘spiritual electron particles’ we discusslater, ‘A’ or ‘Alpha’ (‘deed or action’ spirits - totally time based,or left hand brain i.e. affecting our right sides more).Holy Spirits are instead ‘Ω’ or ‘Omega’ – shape, or timelesswords, emotions or feelings – ‘feminine, right-hand brain’ HolySpirits. Their shape is again like their nature – reflecting theirmore ‘massive’, more stationary, basis - mostly outside time. Most alpha males want a real omega woman! Most omega females want a real alpha man! 22

The figure three pages back shows just why ‘JHWH’ is the Name ofGOD! This leads to full proof that the Holy Ghost and the HolySpirit are quite different – and the Holy Spirit is the central andonly female Person – or ‘Triune mother, daughter, counsellor’ in aHoly Trinity that is really a Holy Quartet! Firstly as Mother (Mary)to Jesus ‘Mind or Meaning’ Christ at His Father’s Right Hand;Daughter (Gaia) to the Holy Ghost/’Spirit’ at His Left Hand.Counsellor (Wisdom or Sophia) to the Most High Lord Good and Hisand Our Lady Goodness above Her or ‘Soul’, so to All Three - sixDivine People in Total – at present – but the Bible forewarns thatchanges soon!Most peoples’ views of the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit, theyinterchange the two phrases freely and often loosely!) are in factalso correct – that they form a massively complex and vast ‘cloudof spirit’ comprising the Very Intelligence of the Cosmos Containedin its zillions and quadrillions and septillions of living sentientcreatures! If you add to that my stunning new view here that inthe extreme, the Holy Ghost is the Very Person of Time Himself –and at the other extreme as above, the Holy Spirit is that very,very Feminine Lady Herself until revealed here, hidden away at thekey core of the Conventional Holy Trinity – which I see as betterviewed as a Holy Quartet!Finally – we briefly discuss the Most High Lord God (Good)and His and Our Lady Goddess (Goodness)John I in the New Testament of any Christian Bible starts ‘In theBeginning was the LOGOS’ – where logos means ‘law, word, orreason’ but is normally translated as just ‘Word’ (‘of God’). TheWord of God is always taken to be Jesus Christ, i.e. the Very Basisof the Mind of all Living Creatures, and likewise the ‘Reason’ aspectof this Logos corresponds to the Holy Ghost & Holy Spirit ‘Cloud ofReason’. Throughout the Bible and most Holy Books, of course,The Law in this Logos comes from The Most High Lord (and HisAnima or Hidden Lady) as Spirit of Good(Ness) so sound fair laws.They are also: - • The very Origin of the ‘and’ in male and female of all species • The very Origin of the ‘and’ in ‘yes and no’ – all opposites – mu or the Tao, or Zen, the very ‘such-ness of reality’ • Above all they are The Very Soul of Love or ‘Loving-Kindness’! 23

Section 8God said, ‘Let there be light!’ whichscience claims, arises from electro-magnetism.This is caused by positive and negativeelectrical charges causing electricity andmagnetism. This is through electrical andmagnetic fields, also charge distributionsElectrical charge has been known of, as static electricity andlightning only, for thousands of years (the Ancient Egyptians knewabout amber and other such substances). Benjamin Franklinestablished in the USA that lightning is made of large electriccharge.Yet it was only around 1800 that scientific study of electrical chargestarted, when the Italian scientist Volta invented the first electricbattery in that year.Soon electric circuits were invented, and electrical science andengineering was developed in the 19th, 20th and now the 21stcenturies.These sciences and areas of engineering have led in just the last 70or so years to electronic engineering and finally ICT (Informationand Communication Technology) and computers.The latter took off dramatically after the invention of the transistor,made of semiconductor, at Bell Laboratories in New York, USA, in1948. 24

Electrical charge is generally regarded in science and engineeringas a very fundamental ‘dimension’ of the Universe. Charge can bepositive (female), negative (male), or no charge or neutral. Astrong repulsive force, the electric or electrostatic force, existsbetween like charges (positive and positive – or negative andnegative - charges). An equally strong attractive force existsbetween charges of opposite polarity. This electrical force is thestrongest known in nature.The electrical or electrostatic force is proportional to the size of thetwo charges multiplied together – and is also proportional to1/(distance apart of charges – times itself – or ‘squared’). This issimilar to Newton’s law of gravitational force between two objects,which however only ever attract each other, unlike electric charges.Electrical charge also interacts strongly with space and time toproduce various electric and magnetic fields, which also furtherinteract. A magnetic field arises when a set of charges, or ‘field’ ofcharge, moves in a curve or loop. As you will recall from school, amagnetic field comprises loops between so-called ‘North Poles’ and‘South Poles’ of magnets, of their magnetic fields.In a similar way to electrical charge, there is a repulsive forcebetween two magnetic North Poles, or two magnetic South Poles,while there is an equal attractive force between a magnetic NorthPole and a magnetic South Pole. Basic qualities of electricity and magnetism 25

Scientific views, and mysteries, of light1. As I said above, physics and science state only observations of light, in particular that light can be described by just four quite simple equations or “Maxwell’s Equations”. These describe light as a ‘wave made of an electric field combined with a magnetic field, moving through space, in time’.2. It is also conclusively shown in science that light always emerges from one object after such an ‘energy transfer’, usually a particle, as discussed below next, and always travels precisely and directly to another particle. How this happens is another mystery in science. Spiritual views of light1. Light is actually made of spirit, so must instead be seen as the Godhead, at a particular point in Space, and weaves a message into these charges, and at that point creates an actual light wave, made of an electric and magnetic field.2. The Divine Purpose of Light must be to send information all around the Universe, always precisely targeted to travel exactly from one particle to another, after any ‘energy transfer’. Space has physical properties causing a well-known ‘maximum speed of light through space’.3. The Creation Story in the Book of Genesis starting the Bible, says that light was the first thing created by God, who then created the moon, all the stars and other lights in Heaven. 26

Section 9 Proof that all particles are made only of waves! That also proves that there is no such thing as ‘matter’ – it is all ‘karma’ – a delusionThere is now Proof Positive that Particlesare entirely, made of pure nestedspherical standing waves of space, withthe charge on the surfaceThis very rigorous and convincing PROOFwas made in 1988, by Professor DoctorMilo Wolff, of NASA, also MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, MITHence matter does not really exist! Thisalso fully proves the Truth of Hindu‘Karma Consciousness’ that matter is all‘karma’ – it is all an enormous delusion! 27

For thousands of years, most scientists, and so most individuals,have clung to very dogmatic beliefs that the Universe is all made of‘matter’, visualised as ‘hard points like pieces of grit – micro-miniaturised to an incredibly small size’.This can immediately be seen to be based on a pure convention.That of seeing this actually totally delusory and non-existent‘matter’, as (more or less ‘desirable’) ‘lumps of’ particles. Theseare thought of entirely as such micro-miniature hard bits of grit, indifferent shapes, sizes – and above all, monetary value.Yet incredibly important discoveries by a series of very famousscientists between 1890 and 1930 changed all that. Showing thatall particles behave as a wave, leading to the famous ‘waveparticle duality’ – and ‘quantum mechanics’.Yet every single one of these incredibly famous pioneers statedclearly that the only way to escape this duality, is to establish onceand for all and completely, that particles are not made of ‘microminiature points of grit’ – but ‘waves made of space’: -Einstein, Heisenberg, de Broeglie, Schroedinger and Dirac.Many scientists have tried to achieve this breakthrough ever since –from 1910 roughly till today, 2016.Yet literally just one ‘lone wolf’ pioneer, Professor Doctor Milo Wolff,now retired from MIT in New England, USA, proved conclusivelyback in 1988, that all particles are made of spherical ‘standingwaves, made out of actual space itself’.With the incoming part being the sum of all the waves in space,coming from all other particles in the whole Universe!He has gone on to prove that all the known Principles and Laws ofPhysics and so all of Science can easily not only be derived, butperhaps incredibly to physicists, completely proven, from this andjust two other very simple ‘Principles’. 28

Search on any large search engine on the Web for this ProfessorDoctor ‘Milo Wolff’, of MIT, for his many websites, especiallyMilo’s own main website, has written two books, the first published in 1990 and“Schroedinger’s Universe” published in 2008, and these books andhis many physics papers can be reviewed on his websites.By contrast, there are many wild, multi-dimensional, string,superstring, or other theories involving parallel or intersectingUniverses, in the world of today’s science – splattered all over theInternet.Meanwhile, that vast Megalith or Tower of Babel of scientistsperched on a Babel of mathematics, perched on a Babel ofcomputers... Analyzing the in turn bottom level Tower of Babel atCERN on the French-Swiss border, the Large Hadron Collider or LHC- seems to have totally conned the Nobel Prize Committee...!This, by vast claims in the above plethora of unbelievablecomplexity of multi-level Towers of Babel, totally incomprehensibleto one single human mind without megalithic calculations, andcomputer software by the bucketful in between...Claims that they have glimpsed, or think they have - just two orthree times! – the famous ‘Holy’ Grail of their ‘Standard Model ofParticle Physics’. The (in)famous ‘Higgs Boson’ - or so-called ‘GodParticle’!By complete contrast, the totally rigorous and complete proof, thatparticles are entirely made of waves made of space, NOT anysuch mythical and mysterious ‘gritty micro miniature pointsof matter’, was in fact 100% fully achieved back in 1988, byProfessor Doctor Milo Wolff.He has retired from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, havingtaught and lectured extensively throughout the USA and Asia, andalso worked for NASA and the United Nations. 29

His delightful proof, only a mere ten lines or so of quite easy maths,as in his books and all his web sites, is a complete solution ofSchroedinger’s Wave Equation for all ‘real’ particles.This proof contains no such delusory, mythical ‘beasts’ as the abovebizarrely huge ‘Higgs Boson’, nor even the equally, totally unlikely‘quarks’ and ‘gluons’.The last of the six ‘quarks’ to be (at least, claimed to be)‘obserrved’, the ‘up’ quark, has proven very hard indeedto be observed. One ‘up’ quark supposedly weighs thousands oftimes as much as a gold atom (Pardon!!!???). ‘Up’ quarks,apparently, so it is claimed, at last also, supposedly, only a fewtimes, have been ‘observed’ by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.That was as for the delusory ‘Higgs Boson’, also a claim by theLarge Hadron Collider at CERN. That they had also, perhaps,‘observed’ this equally delusory ‘up’ quark, obviously just ascomplete a scientific fairy story, as all these ‘quarks’ and ‘gluons’! 30

The TRUE WAVE-ONLY nature of ALL realparticles in the whole Universe – particles aremade of standing waves made of SPACEProfessor Doctor Milo Wolff published back in 1988, the first evercomplete simple solution of the famous “Schroedinger’s WaveEquation” - of the electron, the most common particle in the entireUniverse.This he achieved by making the acute and highly original insightthat any electron, and so any particle of any type, in fact, wasmade of a ‘spherical standing wave’. This is comprised of aspherical out-going longitudinal wave, together with an in-comingspherical longitudinal wave.Professor Doctor Milo Wolff realised that the in-coming waves arecomposed of in-coming waves from all other particles in theUniverse - superimposed by ‘Huygens’ Principle!’Note that the above diagram by Professor Doctor Milo Wolff isshown in two dimensions – but is a visualisation in the upperdiagram, of the interior of any particle in FOUR-dimensional space. 31

Whilst the lower diagram shows the vibration of that standing wavein the further three dimensions at each point in seven-dimensionalspace inside that particle!Just why there are two kinds of electrons: - • ‘normal’ electrons • ‘positrons’ or ‘anti-electrons’There are just two ways to superimpose the IN and OUT waves.One combination has a negative IN-wave amplitude at the centreand corresponds to the electron.The other has a negative OUT-wave at the centre forming an anti-resonance which is the positron.If the anti-resonance is superimposed upon the resonance, theyannihilate like electron and positron. This is seen from theequations that Professor Doctor Milo Wolff gives at his websites.Professor Doctor Milo Wolff’s Wave Based Versions ofconventional Principles in Science of ‘Conservation ofEnergy’ and ‘Conservation of Matter’A Minimum Amplitude Principle (MAP) is found, described byINTEGRAL OF: {AMP1+AMP2+ AMP3 +... AMPn }2 dx dy dz= a minimumi.e. The total amplitude of particle waves in space always seeks aminimum. 32

I would just add that as space is intelligent – space itselfconstantly guarantees that this is true!WHERE CHARGE RESIDES in any particle as above- totally described as a SPHERICAL STANDING WAVE.(Not as any ’micro miniature bit of grit’)Clearly charges repel each other in any particle made of onepolarity of charge – so must obviously all collect in a sphereuniformly around the centre of each such particle, forming the‘outside’ of any particle.A vital concept of quantum mechanics is ‘spin’– a measure of particle ‘symmetry’Spin is only found to take the value of ½ for any ‘real’ particle likethe electron above; -½ for ‘antiparticles’ such as the positronabove; and 1 for all ‘neutral’ particles like light or so-called ‘pions’,‘muons’ and ‘tauons’.Seemingly very mysteriously, ‘spin ½’ means a particle has torotate TWICE in space to return to its original position.‘Spin -½’ means rotation twice in space backwards - for positronsand all other ‘anti-particles’.Yet Professor Doctor Milo Wolff’s complete solution ofSchroedinger’s Wave Equation, as above, as two spherical wavesforming a particle made of a standing wave, completely explainsspin of these ‘real’ and ‘anti’ particles! 33

For if one watches an incoming wave as in the diagram above,enter the particle centre then reflect out again – yes, this doesindeed quite obviously involve not one but TWO completeinversions i.e. rotations in space of the spherical wave!THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ‘MATTER’ AT ALL! IT IS ALLA DELUSION! INDEED AS WIDELY SAID IN THE EAST –“MATTER” IS REALLY ”KARMA”, SO IS TOTALLY DELUSORY!THE APPARENT HARDNESS AND SOLIDITY OF ‘MATTER’, ISONLY DUE TO STRONG REPULSIVE FORCES DUE TO ITSELECTRIC CHARGES!So there is not really any such thing to be described as ‘matter’!There are only absolutely infinite upon infinite, minute, complex,waves in a staggeringly complex ‘Intelligent Filigree Lattice ofSeven-Dimensional Space’. Particles are spherical standing wavesmade of space, as proven above.Particles are not made of matter i.e. particles are not ‘microminiature tiny hard points of grit’. Instead, particles are mostlyconcentric nested spheres made of invisible Space. They are ruledby the intelligence, at an absolutely minute size, of space!Material only feels ‘hard or solid’ at our everyday human or animalor plant level, because of strong electrical forces due to thecharges that material contains. As we saw earlier, thesecharges are all concentrated on the surface of each particle.Delusory ‘matter’ only has an illusion of ‘hardness or solidity’. It isnearly all empty space! It does not really exist!So here we have just seen a completely proven basis that ‘matter ispure KARMA, i.e. a complete delusion’!This is a true proof of ‘Karma Consciousness’ as in the Far East! 34

Atoms, Molecules and Crystals as in the sciences ofatomic physics, chemistry and crystallographyWhat is an atom?An atom contains a central ‘nucleus’ known to contain only anumber of ‘protons’ or positively charged particles, each withexactly the same charge as an electron as in the last section, but ofopposite sign or polarity of charge. Atoms also contain in theirnucleus, a number of ‘neutrons’, particles with no charge.The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called its‘atomic number’. Atoms are organised in the ‘Periodic Table’discovered in the 19th Century by the famous Russian chemistMendeleev, strictly by their atomic number, which determines theirentire chemical ‘properties’.Around each atom there are always a number of electrons – whichoccur in ‘orbitals’ different to each atom, as shown in the table onthe next page. For any given type of atom, there are always anequal number of electrons round the nucleus, as the number ofprotons, or atomic number.The diagram on the next page, gives a feast of lots of differentviews of atoms, showing the ‘electron orbitals’ around the ‘nucleus’of atoms of many different types.‘Conventional’ scientific view of electron orbitalsMost scientists view electron orbitals, in their unusual andsomewhat equally unusually ‘attractive’ shapes, as ‘probabilitydistributions’ of a notional ‘point electron’ visualised as ‘whizzingaround inside each orbital’.However, as we just dramatically saw, Professor Doctor Milo Wolffhas created the start recently of a whole ‘New Physics’. Hence theshapes of the electron orbitals in the figure over the page are thevery shape of the actual wave function or STANDING WAVEof each electron around the nucleus of an atom! 35

Hence all the pictures of electron orbital shapes in thediagram below are in fact pictures of electron waves!The structure of the nucleus of any atom‘Conventional’ nuclear physics claims that there is a vital ‘strongforce’, holding the neutrons and protons in the nucleus tightlytogether, although there is a strong repulsive electrical forcebetween all the protons. This is said to be one of only four types offorce in Nature – the others being the force of gravity,electromagnetic forces, and the ‘strong force’.Totally revised View of the Forces in Nature according to theNew Physics of Professor Doctor Milo Wolff in the sectionabove; and overall in this entire paperIn his book ‘Schroedinger’s Universe’, Professor Doctor Milo Wolffmakes two new, radical, and astonishing proposals, after provingthat particles are all made of waves of space: - 36

1. The so-called ‘weak force’ in conventional ‘particle physics’ cannot any longer be believed to exist; as he has shown that particles are not ‘micro miniature bits of grit’ – but instead are waves in an intricately detailed Filigree Lattice of Space. 2. Likewise ‘gravity’ is not really a true ‘Force of Nature’ – Milo shows clearly that it is caused by a form of ‘Doppler Effect’ between the sets of waves in two bodies made in turn of lots of particles, all made of standing waves made of Space. 3. The ‘strong force’ can in turn also be seen not to exist in its own right from all that we have said up to now. Instead the nucleus of an atom is created and held extremely strongly together indeed, by a surrounding membrane of space, and the resulting compression within that membrane of protons and neutrons, causes : - 4. All their electrical charge to go to the surface of the nucleus, as in our discussion of electrons above; the standing waves of Space in the particles inside any atomic nucleus, again cause an immensely strong attractive force. 5. Hence there are really only two forces in Nature: – - Due to electrical charges, and derived electro-magnetism - Due to waves in Space - note that Space is very intelligent!Mendeleev’s famous Periodic Table of the ElementsThe famous Russian chemist Mendeleev first discovered the famousPeriodic Table in the late 1900’s. He showed that as atomicnumber, that is number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of anyelement increases, the atomic elements fit into a large ‘PeriodicTable’, of greatly organised layout.The smallest atom is hydrogen, with one proton and one neutron ineach hydrogen nucleus, with one electron orbital round thatnucleus. Then the next largest atom is helium, with two protons,two neutrons with two electron orbitals round its nucleus. Whilehydrogen is a very reactive explosive gas, helium is very stable andchemically un-reactive, so called an ‘inert or noble gas or element’.This is found to be because the two electrons surrounding eachhelium atom fit into opposing sides of the atom, which makes them 37

very low energy so very un-reactive. This electron pair in helium issaid to form a first complete ‘shell’ of electrons in the Periodic Table– its first such ‘Period’ of just the two first elements, hydrogen andhelium.The next two rows of the Periodic Table run from lithium(Li – 1electron) up to neon(Ne - 8 electrons) as in the table below; thensodium (Na – 1 electron) to argon (Ar – 8 electrons).With 2, 3, 4 etc, further electrons added, in each element in eachcolumn along the two eight-element rows.This process corresponds to these two rows filling up with a further‘shell’ each – now of eight not as above two electrons.Neon and Argon each have eight electrons - a ‘full shell’ - and likehelium above are observed to be very un-reactive, or ‘inert gases’.The reason why these two further rows of elements correspond totwo further ‘shells’ of exactly eight electrons round the atomicnucleus is quite simple. We saw, when describing seven-dimensional space much earlier, that atomic or ‘inner’ space is four-dimensional.Hence it has just these eight directions which can accommodate theeight electrons exactly, in such a full electron ‘shell’. This gives thecomplete eight-electron shell minimum energy, so maximumstability and least reactivity.Further down the periodic table things get more complicated – withso-called ‘transition elements’ etc – which are a major branch studyof chemistry. 38

Molecules water methane benzeneAs you can see from the above three examples, atoms of the sameelement (same atomic number or number of protons in the nucleusof each atom) often attach to each other to form groups of linkedatoms called molecules. 39

They achieve this through the outer electrons of the individualatoms in a molecule, joining together to form chemical bonds.These can be either of two types – covalent bonds or ionicbonds. Covalent bonds occur in the first two very importantexamples above, of the most important molecule there is, of water,and methane, the simplest hydrocarbon, or basis of fossil fuels.The electron orbital around the two hydrogen atoms ‘merges’ withan electron orbital round the central oxygen atom, to form a lowerenergy and hence more stable ‘bond’, made of the two orbitalscombined, one from each of the two atoms bonded together. Thebond then holds the two atoms in the bond together.In the terms of the previous discussion, that Professor Doctor MiloWolff has shown that all ‘matter’ is really ‘spherical standing wavesof Space’, we can see that each covalent bond is really a ‘super-orbital’ of a ‘bigger wave’, made of the two electron standing wavesmade of Space. One electron orbital comes from each of the twoatoms involved in being bonded, so now held together by the bond.Ionic bondsAn atom can readily lose or gain one or more electrons from outerorbitals around the central nucleus – to form an ion.A very important example of this is water, as shown above – whichhas the chemical formula H2O. This structure readily ‘ionises’ withone of the two hydrogen atoms passing one electronic charge tothe rest of the molecule, to form two ions as H+ (hydrogen ion) andOH- (hydroxyl ion or hydroxide ion).Such ions have strong electrical repulsive and attractive chargesbetween them due to having electric charge. Ionic bonds arecaused by strong electric forces between opposite charged.Other well known ions are positive metal ions like Na+ (sodium);Mg++ (magnesium); and Ca++ (calcium); all very important to thebody. Negative ions can be atomic or ‘groups’ such as Cl- (chlorineion or chloride); SO4— (sulphate); or NO3—(nitrate). 40

Very large molecules or ‘macromolecules’DNA or ‘the protein moleculemolecule of life’ ‘alpha helix’Molecules can become very large, yet still very orderly; this order isnot explained in science, but from our intense look at the Godheadearlier, this order is obviously due to Cosmic Intelligence. Mostsuch large molecules feature heavily in the cells, organs, andbodies of living sentient creatures – as we see in a little while.Structures of the famous DNA macromolecule, and a typicalprotein, are pictured above. These are perhaps the most famousexamples of such enormous yet highly elegantly ordered biologicalmolecules. They are an important feature of life itself, as inintelligent sentient creatures. 41

Crystals Sodium Chloride Diamond (common salt)We just discussed covalent and ionic bonding in molecules.The other main types of structure in Nature to contain these bondsare large arrays of atoms in crystals.The picture above left, of a sodium chloride crystal (common tablesalt), shows that it is a cubic lattice of alternating sodium ions(Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-), which are bound together by the ionicbonds of their equal and opposite electronic charges.The picture above right, shows carbon atoms bound together, eachby their maximum of four covalent bonds – in the structure ofdiamond, the strongest known structure in Nature. 42

Sentient Living Creatures Naturally including HumankindLiving creatures on Earth are all made of Cells, thevery basis of all organic, biological life, i.e. plants,animals, birds and fishObviously the large amount said so far in this long piece about theessentially Spiritual so non-material Nature of the Universe, willhave been very surprising and a complete challenge to anyconventional scientist reading it. As it is nearly totally new, andvery different to most conventional science.Likewise, many people of different Faiths or Religions will havefound much of what I have said here, new and radically different towhat they are used to, and at the very least quite challenging – andpossibly amazing!Conventional sciences are actually very materialistic – ‘matter-oriented’, if not actually ‘matter-obsessed’. In the ‘New Physics’emerging right now, complete Proofs from First Principles, ofevery single known Principle in Science, have followed hisproof by Professor Doctor Milo Wolff, that particles are ‘standingwaves made of space’.So particles are absolutely not ‘micro miniaturised bits of hard grit’,as has merely, totally unreliably been assumed, and so relied uponas ‘fact’, for centuries, if not for thousands of years.Modern science started in the Middle Ages, with the main pioneerreally being Sir Isaac Newton. Although the Greek word ‘physics’ isderived from ‘physis’, meaning ‘of spirit’, the early physicists andother pioneering scientists of those days, only ever seem to havetaken up a very crude indeed philosophy of science.One in which time, space and matter were only regarded as‘quantities to be measured and their properties and effects on otherthings observed’. Above all, these ‘quantities’ are definitely viewed 43

as ‘inanimate’. Science always sees them only as ‘lifeless’ or‘dead’, so they can, in a bizarre fashion, ‘be observed objectively’.Even though all through the above discussion, leading up to thissection, we saw clearly, if not proved this, that they are not‘quantities’ but rather ‘Qualities’ or ‘Good’ Values. They are‘Spiritual’ like the basis of ‘physics’ really should be!This philosophy of the ‘dead i.e. “physical” Universe’ even got builtinto the early mathematics of scientists back in the Middle Ages. Ina view built into the early maths of science that the Universe hadthose three ‘LMT’ dimensions – length (space), mass, and time.Eventually scientists aimed at a dream to succeed in completing awhole view or ‘model’ of the Universe based on this LMT approach.Then around 1800, electric charge, so electricity and magnetism,came into the picture, as the new sciences of electricity andmagnetism came about. Fitting electrical charge (‘Q’) into thefundamentally three dimensional ‘LMT’ ‘mechanical’ world wasnever to prove easy, and never has.As a result of this apparently dogmatic belief system, that startedin the Middle Ages, that: - physical quantities of space, time, andcharge are definitively “inanimate i.e. dead” – there is a very strictdivision even today between the ‘physical i.e. supposedly ‘dead’sciences’ and the various ‘life’ sciences: -Physical Sciences i.e. sciences of the supposedly inanimateor dead worldMathematicsPhysicsChemistryComputer Science and Information and Communication Technology(ICT) 44

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