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Home Explore Headlines and Tone Testing: Are You Able to Get Your Message Across?

Headlines and Tone Testing: Are You Able to Get Your Message Across?

Published by bonnic, 2015-01-19 09:19:18

Description: Writers often depend on headlines to create appeal for their write-ups. Headlines, after all, are often the first line of writing that a person reads when he comes across an article, news story or book. A headline can create curiosity, stir up interest and generate wonder. The tone of the headline also affects the readers' response and elicits reactions right then and there.


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Headlines and Tone Testing: Are You Able to GetYour Message Across?Writers often depend on headlines to createappeal for their write-ups. Headlines, after all,are often the first line of writing that a personreads when he comes across an article, news storyor book. A headline can create curiosity, stir upinterest and generate wonder. The tone of theheadline also affects the readers' response andelicits reactions right then and there. Forproper headline creation and tone testing, hereare some things to keep in mind:

The headline should set the toneWhether your write-up is upbeat, formal,businesslike, provocative, engaging or acall-to-arms kind of thing, the tone of yourheadline should reflect it. Very often, your goalas a writer helps set the tone of the headline andthe subsequent body of the write-up.Are you trying to give information? Raise aquestion? Intrigue the reader? Create a sense ofurgency? Decide on the goal of your write-upfirst and this will help guide you on finding thetone for your headline.Write down the keywords that define your articleThis is especially important if you will bewriting for the Web and quite useful even if youwill be writing for print. Keywords are words thatreflect or represent the main idea or topics thatwill be found in your article. These keywords

should then be found in your headline.Although some keywords are rather neutral in tone,there are some that best express the feelings oremotions that you might find appropriate for yourwrite-up. Write these words down so you can decidelater which one to use to achieve the best effect.When you go through tone testing later, thiseffect will be easier to determine.Write down the words that reflect the tone of yourheadlineSome words, like adjectives such as 'truly','really' and 'absolutely' set the tone of theheadline, making it seem like what you have tooffer is the ultimate. These words give a senseof exclusivity and can help your headline standout. 'How to', 'Guide to' and 'Tips for' are oftenused in headlines to set the tone for aninstructional article. Action words, on theother hand, set the tone for enthusiasm, making

the headline sound urgent.Tone testingSo how do you know that you truly have the righttone for your headline? Test it. Go online, useat least three search engines and type theheadline you're planning to use. Use the exactwords initially to test the headline.Once the search engine has produced a listing ofresults, go to the top 3 or 5 of these links andcheck how relevant your headline is. Read thearticles as well and check if the tone is similarto the tone of writing you wish to use.As part of the audience, you should be able to tellif the tone of the headline works. Test itagainst your reaction and how you responded to theheadline and the subsequent body of the article.Check reader reactions in the comment section aswell. There's a good chance you'll find frankassessment of the write-up there. Then use what

you've learned to apply in your own writing.Test the tone with a limited audience. Try showingthe headline to friends and ask them what theythink. More importantly, ask them what kind ofemotion/s the headline produces. If the answer isexactly what you intend the headline to create,you're on the right track. If not, revise theheadline.You could also tone test the headline by postingit online. Then change the words strategically tosee the kind of reaction you receive. Once youachieve what you want, stick to that headline.

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