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Home Explore MASH 2020

MASH 2020

Published by 'Remier League, 2020-07-22 06:04:57

Description: The Majestic Annual Spuds Handbook is a yearly 'ublication born out of spite and hatred, as well as wholesome community vibes. This edition comes in the midst of COVID-19, which is weird considering we thought COVID-20 would be out by now.
Chow and schmeers xx
Editor in chief
Baa Ram Ewe


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2 M*A*S*H

Contents From the Editor 4 From the Chair 6 RACRL Review 8 Summervention Report 10 Highest ‘Ables of the Nation 12 A Eulogy In BJ ‘Arts 18 ‘Rem Fash-hun 20 'Rem is Dance 28 'Rem Horoscopes 32 Yak Attack 36 Adventures To The New Land. 38 'Uzzle Corner 40 NAFLD Audit into Fast Liquid Dynamics (NAFLD) 42

. From the Editor This edition of MASH comes at unprecedented times for SPUDS and the ‘Remier League community. Let this magazine be a reminder of what matters most in these trying times - life is relentless and at least we have schmeer. If ‘edical school has taught me anything it’s that the years start coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop com- ing and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and THEY don’t stop com- ing and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming and they don’t stop coming AND THEY DON’T STOP COMING AND THEY DON’T STOP COMING and they don’t stop coming AND THEY DON’T STOP COMING AND THEY DON’T STOP COMING.

Anyways cheers to 2020 or something. Yours in chow, Baa Ram Ewe NSWHA 2019-, FRACRL 2019, NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED


nOgMaINnGd.they don’t stop op coming and they don’t ’t stop coming and they enTydSTdtOohPenCy’OtMdIsoNtGno.’pt coming and stop com- OP COMING. TOP COMING. Schmeers, Magic Mike NHA CHAIR 2019-2020, NSWHA CHAIR 2019, FRACRL 201TK OMING.

RACRL Review Hovention exams Bath Bomb 2019 RACRL Chair 2019. What a year. So much change - enjoy themselves. A special mention the annual Royal Australasian College must go to Rainbow Road, the recip- of ‘Remier League examinations of ient of the ‘restigious 2019 Floppy 2019 were held amongst great up- Cock Rocket award. heaval and ‘olitical turmoil, and I am ‘leased to say that they were reasona- As I ‘en this report in 2020, events bly successful despite some hiccups in half-forgotten already, I must wish the the road involving alleged body sub- co-Chairs for 2020 all the best in or- stances on sheets, Incident Meetings, ganizing an examination amongst this and an eviction from a hotel room – ‘ucking mess of a year. but we shall let bygones be bygones. I have no doubt that they will be able The 2019 Written Examinations were to figure out an innovative, agile, and held on the 9th July, 2019 to great UFUE solution. success. A total of 5tk candidates sat the Writtens, which were ‘unctuated To all reading, all the best for future with shenanigans including but not attempts at gaining Fellowship of the limited to a window being cracked by most ‘restigious College you could a thrown ?onion. (The venue has yet ever hope to be a ‘art of. to respond to my email about it.) Schwartz subtly, ‘fig furiously, and 36 candidates attained Membership of remember… your Chair is always infal- the College, with the dux of the year lible. being Head-to-Head. Timing out, Viva Voces were subsequently held Bath Bomb at various sites a few days later, with most if not all ‘articipants seeming to FRACRL 2017; VHA 2017-201TK; RACRL chair 201TK-2019 8 - M*A*S*H 2020

2019 RACRL FELLOWS NSW SA Nightcrawler Baa Ram Ewe Ukraine Wreck Rejectile VIC The ‘layer formally known as Black and White TBA Will (Usual Suspect) Exes and Hoes Fire in the Hole QLD Manikin Anonymum Rainbow Road - FCR Break and Enter Thirsty Camel Cumbrella Doggy ‘addle ‘otare ut sciamus Gold Coin Donation Head to Head Hit and Run Jackin’ Jill ‘olylympus Stair Wars Switcheroo Taste the Spectrum

Summervention Report OFFSIDE It’s 9’m in the Kitchen and I am excited to join the masses of spuds ‘laying in the dining hall. But as I ‘ut down the last dish, something is wrong. The cho- ruses of shrieking antlers have stopped, leaving only the distant hum of a fa- miliar tune. Confused, I emerge to witness every spud in attendance bouncing up and down in ‘erfect sync to the Nutbush. The night quickly descended into a lengthy schmeer-driven flash mob that lasted well into the early hours. This moment truly highlighted what this event was: a coming together of friends old and new connecting and deepening our bonds – sometimes intimately in the extra fridge ;). Though the tireless nights of bangs, alley-oops and (fla- voured) whizzes left us more shattered than the dining hall glass door, this event truly left an impact. If not an emotional impact, at least ‘robable neck fractures from the world’s most dangerous slip’n’slide. Figure 1: Events don’t need risk management. 10 - M*A*S*H 2020

Figure 2: Ceremonial Nutbush of the Figure 3: This is on brand spuds. ‘hoto quality also ‘otato. Figure BJ: Family <3

Highest Ables of the Nation In each state exists a mythical entity of Have you ever seen a ‘articularly ‘runk highly respected highly (?) elite ‘lay- ‘layer wearing a ‘restigious looking ers who rule with iron fists and floppy headband, arrive grandly at an ‘able hands. Many newer ‘layers are unsure and join in and ‘lay without seemingly what the High ‘Ables of each state do timing in? This may just be a mem- - and that’s something they have in ber of your High ‘Able. They can be common with those very ‘layers. I was further distinguished by their inher- approached by a named ‘layer within ent lack of self awareness, shame and my own state during the very ‘rocess clothing. They live, breathe and kuon- of formulating this article. He, with sume ‘Rem - their mission is to get no regard for feelings or bruised ego, you to love it too. 9/IJ times they will asked “who is even on NSWHA?” I scare first year ‘edical students - but ... believe we must ask these hard ques- that 1/IJ, the one who didn’t get away, tions to all High ‘Ables - who are we? may be reading this right now. I’m What do we stand for? Will we ever sorry :) understand how botsquali works in cyclone? Will my dad ever come back? So behold - a summary of the High What happened to Shia LaBeouf? Is ‘Ables as written by their unweild- Shia LaBeouf my dad? ing chairs. Look upon their works ye mighty, and despair. Once someone answers these ques- tions, then the true ‘urpose of High British Airways Airwayman Ram Ewe ‘Ables will surely be revealed. Until then, I will summarise the ‘urpose of a High ‘Able for any keen TBA’s who may be reading. 12 - M*A*S*H 2020

This has simultaniously been one of ‘Rem to inflatable tubes, and their the most and least ‘roductive years whacky waving ways. The NHA who for the National High ‘Able. Over the started a civil war because somebody ‘ast 12 months, a lot of housekeeping hurt our feelings (you can come back has been done. We’ve ‘ut in ‘lace at- now xx). The name of the game is, and tendee guidelines to keep our Nation- always will be, “have you been ‘aying al events japey, but safe. We helped attention?” negotiate reform with our schmAMSA overlords to ‘lay our Whizzes in ‘eace This year has been nothing short of at Convention. We even made a damn chaotic for us all. With NRRT & RACRL Kuonstitution. Frankly, we’re starting exams ‘ostponed, and M20 upload- to sound a lot like schmAMSA. ed to the matrix, we’re all craving the company of our SPUDly compatriots. But fear not, dear SPUDS. We’re still We hope to see all of your beautiful here to keep you on your toes with a faces soon. Because the best thing for little spice of our our own. We’re still a chaotic year, is chaos with friends. the NHA who’s solution to basic ‘hys- ics ‘roblems is to remove the offend- Chow, ing ‘hysics. The NHA who introduced The National High ‘Able NHA REPORT CHair: Magic Mike


SAHA ChaiR: THE CLAP Why would anyone want to come to South Australia? We have minimal traffic, excellent wine, and a ‘Rem community that is thriving in the middle of a global ‘andemic. SAHA began 2020 cautiously optimistic (hilarious in hindsight) hoping to con- tinue the state ‘Remvival from the ‘revious year. Though things turned grim, by the end of the Tiger King era of quarantine South Australia had ‘roven more responsible than our eastern neighbours and were able to return to normal life. We have had a consistent schedule of events (beginning with “Concurrent small ‘rem events” and scaling up as allowed), found IKJs of keen TBAs who have not remained so, and embarked on our next task – the resurrection of stupid sexy Flindor with the help of our newly appointed SAHA member John- ny Walkaway. So while we reminisce of the heady days of Ho-vention, mourn No-vention and all the other events that could happen thus far, we look to the future. Look out for the SA contingent at NRRT and some-vention, and know that the conven- tion team for 2021 has been stacked with some of SA’s most highly esteemed and respected ‘layers. That, my friends, is why you all want to come to South Australia. WAHA ChaiR: Shellfish lover ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????????????????????? ?????????????????????

THA ChaiR: ALL DOWN HILL On the back of HB19 it would be fair to say that business within the THA has remained stable with the THA neither gaining, nor loosing any ‘layers. Further, COVID-19 guidelines have had little to no impact on any of our ‘olicies or ‘rocedures. The THA ‘rides itself in only the strongest of guidelines throughout the state ‘ables with each layer maintaining ‘hysical dis- tancing of 68,401 km² ‘er ‘erson, rather than the minimum requirement of 4m2 ‘er ‘erson. This has had minimal impacts on the THA’s routine events with just as many events occurring during this lockdown as they had ‘rior to COVID-19. It has also been fantastic to have our state govern- ment working so closely with us during these ‘ressing times I speak for all members of the THA when I say that although the cancelation of M20 was disappointing we are ‘leased to see the that both RRT and GHC have been rescheduled. The entire THA are all opti- mistic for what the future may bring and hope that other states can help with our ever ongoing recruitment. 16 M*A*S*H

It has just occurred to me that the ‘ur- VHA pose of this report was to ‘rovide an update on the activities of the VHA this ChaiR: EQUIDISTANT year. Below are some of our key ?accom- plishments: • Lost the VHA chair headband in Africa • Found the VHA llama • Stole the NSWHA llama. Yes that is correct, we have Moist. • Lost M20 • Discovered that the VHA will dissolve if ‘laced in an aquatic environment • Decided the VHA would be the first High ‘Able to get and become im- mune to COVID-19. At the time of writing this goal is scarily more ‘ossi- ble than anticipated(big thanks to Victorians everywhere for helping out) • Your VHA are now Ancient Greek Gods. We’re not sure how it happened either, but ‘ls consult the attached ‘hoto for undeniable ‘roof On behalf of the VHA, it has been a ‘leas- ure to offer you insight into the collective ‘sychological deterioration of our High ‘Able as we endure lockdown 2.0*, and we Victorians look forward to welcoming all ‘layers back to our wonderful state to “get on the beers” in ‘erson as soon as COVID starts behaving. As the big man himself said “We have everything right here in Victoria”, and we can’t wait to share it with you lovely interstate fronds. *as outlined in the next article

A Eulogy In BJ ‘Arts Equidistant It was the best of times, it was the the cornerstone of one of Austral- worst of times. Wait who the ‘uck am ia’s leading cults, the loss of M20 has I kidding, this is 2020, which is not shocked and saddened rangers and Dickens, but rather, a dick*. ‘layers nationwide. Hello and welcome to Victoria, your Once a loving friend of TBAs and exciting apocalyptic dystopia. This is HRHEs alike, a giver of life and a Equidistant, your VHA chair, report- taker of hepatocytes, a beautiful ing from quarantine. The good thing gateway drug to the sensual worlds is there is no shortage of Victorian of ‘remier league and competitive news to share with the nation’s ‘re- speedi-bev-swallowing, we cannot mier league community; however, the help but grieve M20’s tragic departure spectacularly dismal year that this has from this earth - she was taken too been warrants something better than soon. a mere written report. Yes that is cor- rect, I will deliver the 2020 VHA report But the Lord (Ben Cabbage*, in case in the form of BJ separate eulogies, any of you karrot-worshipping hea- interspersed with inspirational quotes thens required clarification on that from our lord and saviour Daniel An- one) giveth and he taketh away, and drews**. unfortunately this year he hath tak- en Convention, and given in its place Eulogy #1: M20 Convention Milk Circles. In loving memory of (schm)AMSA Na- Vale and farewell, sweet friend. tional Convention, 1961 - 2020. An inspiration to her community, and 18 - M*A*S*H 2020

Eulogy #2: In-’erson ‘Rem - especially the non-wife-slappers (the Victorians at heart), heed the words Yeah that was fun while it lasted, hey? of Mr Andrews: “If you can leave, you To the ‘layers named in the ‘ost-apoc- must leave”. alyptic era (read: after 2020), ‘erhaps you have stumbled upon this report The efficacy of this as a eulogy is by chance. Let it be known that long somewhat questionable seeing as before the Zoomier League era, we the other states have not yet actually ‘layers once used to congregate in died; however, we in Victoria under- homes, bars and even children’s stand that it will take only a few more schoolcamps, in groups of (don’t wor- zingers from DAndrews to see them ry it was legal back then) OVER TWO 6-feet underground, and it is out of ‘EOPLE. respect for these lesser states that we ‘ause to remember them now, as their Now referred to as the Golden Age relevance is fast fading, and they may of ‘Remier League, we geris are sorry be erased from the collective Victori- that you young ‘layers never had the an memory entirely by the time they chance to maximise your gluteus hold, finally ‘erish. siamese twin, master ‘uppeting, or to get over there and ‘uck those cow- Eulogy #BJ girls. Look there’s no use being sentimen- So to in-’erson ‘rem: you will be re- tal here, quarantine has obviously membered fondly, if a little hazily. unhinged me entirely, so ‘lease enjoy this DAndrews quote whose context I Eulogy #3: Other States will wilfully ignore in order to apply it to my sanity: “It’s not essential, it’s not needed” That’s right, I ‘romised you Daniel Andrews quotes, and believe me, I will deliver. Victoria may be the epicentre of Aus- *’lease note that the author is aware of the tralia’s COVID crisis; however, as a na- dual deities mentioned above. This is no mis- tion, Australians know in their hearts take, and all god/Dan/Ben-fearing Victorians and in their minds that Victoria always respect the Holy Binity of these two messiahs has and always will be the superior state of ‘layers. To Victorians considering going in- terstate: “Why would you want to go there?”, and to our interstate friends

‘Rem Fash-hun Mirror Mirror It’s the early morning. You earnt these items, you’re gonna You’re tired, but you can’t sleep. f*cking flaunt them! You toss and turn. What could The way in which these items are ‘ossibly be keeping you up at this traditionally worn is, I believe, dic- hour?! tated at least ‘artly by social con- The answer is obvious… vention (heh). And in the recorded You are having an existential crisis minutes of our beloved NHAs ‘ast over the wearing of your official and ‘resent, I was unable to locate rem ‘araphinalia. any specific rulings for the wearing Well FEAR NOT ‘laydies and gen- of headbands and figs. tle’rem! This article is here to ‘ro- Am I a few drinks in while writing vide all the inspo you should re- this article and don’t have time to do quire for any upcoming gatherings, comprehensive research … maybe. roadtrips or ‘ad-ventions’. But regardless, in the true ‘remier High ‘able Headbands, FRACRL ‘ro- league fashion of game variation figliudis and, most recently, MRAC- creation, a ‘layer can choose to wear RL bands are a staple of any HRHE their merch any way they see fit. ‘layers outfit. Who doesn’t want to I hereby ‘ropose BJ styles in which have their biceps held snuggly by ‘layers may choose to sport their a fig, or their brains held together ‘rem-robilia. Each of which conveys (only just) with the support of a an ‘articular ‘ersonality type. Let’s headband? start where is all began…

The Traditional

The Traditional: • Headband: on forehead, between the hairline and the eyebrow • Fig: mid-bicep on the arm • MRACRL band: just ‘roximal or distal to the head of the radius on a ‘layer’s chosen wrist Meaning: I respect the game, hence I respect the merch. Also, I’m super ‘roud I got this so I’m gonna wear it ‘ROPERLY GOD DAMMIT so that ev- eryone can actually SEE IT.

The Subtle: Meaning: Either trying not to • Headband: On wrist show off too much or sick and • Fig: On ankle tired of wearing the merch in • MRACRL band: on tie, on it’s traditional ‘osition. top/dress strap, or around ankle (caution: requires small feet) The Subtle

• Headband: hair scrunchy • Fig: belt (note: multiple figs required for con- struction) • MRACRL band: with overalls (duh) Meaning: Just wanting to be different, trendy and unique! What’s wrong with that?! Werk it! *finger snap* The Basic Bitch

The Unique • Headband: on thigh – ‘garter-like’ • Fig: neck warmer / c-spine collar (note: will also require multiple figs for construction) • MRACRL band: edgy ear loop (read: ran out of ideas) Meaning: Either ‘assionately loves for a bevy or two, has a lot of ‘ersonality, or both (never goes underappreciated in these ‘arts)

Honestly, I don’t know how this fashion statement even started. I’d like to think ‘robably from silliness, mild boredom and a desire to wear a fun hat at a fancy event. Either way, the dibbly-dobbly is a staple for any ‘layer at a formal event. And there’s only one true way to wear it: The Dibbly-Dobbly

And dear friends that is all the inspo we have in store for today. Now all that’s left to do is to werk that merch! *sassy click* Chow, xoxo, Mirror “Slip ‘n Slide” Mirror Special thanks to model ‘layers: The Clap, Confessional, Young Kuza, Friendly Fire, Nightcrawler, Disappearing Act, Ukraine Wreck, Shitstorm, Mister Eyes, TBA Sharon y

'Rem is Dance Are we layers of are we dancers? A one sided debate Fibber on the Roof In the most recent National High ‘Able Various other definitions include terms meeting, I raised the ‘oint “Are we such as “for enjoyment and/or a job,” ‘layers or are we dancers?”, ‘ropos- “for entertainment,” and “often under- ing that all of us who ‘lay rem, are, taken competitively.” in fact, dancers. I was shot down due to extreme lack of evidence but have So to break that down: returned to continue this debate after Is dance a ‘hysical activity? Yes. further research and deep thought, to Does dance involve ‘hysical exertion which I now ‘ropose: and skill? Yes. ‘Remier League is a type of dance, Can dance be competitive? Yes. therefore we are not just ‘layers, we Can dance be done for enjoyment are dancers, which I shall now ‘rove in and/or a job? Yes. a series of arguments. Is dance governed by a set of rules and customs? Yes. Argument 1: Dance is a sport Does dance ‘rovide entertainment? DEFINITELY** First, let us examine the definition of sport. The Oxford dictionary defines Counter argument 1a: Dance has no sport as: “goals” to speak of. Wrong. Dance has the most impossi- ble and difficult to achieve goal of all- to be ‘erfect. As ‘edical students, we know absolutely nothing of this. *this is a dic ‘ic. I apologise belatedly **High quality of entertainment not guaranteed 28 - M*A*S*H 2020

Counter argument 1b: Not all dance Argument 3a: ‘Rem is a form of is competitive. dance. I will not allow for this argument. As Dance is art, art is beauty, and rem is an ‘arrallel, training in other sports beautiful. is not always competitive but it still serves an ‘urpose and allows for im- ‘Rem is a recognisable aesthetic art provement in that domain. You don’t form, hence why it does not fit ‘urely change the sport’s name based on into the category of sport, and is in- this, nor does the essential nature of stead worthy of being called dance. As the sport change. a movement, ‘rem can be rather beau- tiful when ‘erformed well, and can in- Counter argument 1c: But I don’t deed bring great joy to those able to ‘ersonally enjoy dance. appreciate it for what it is. Much like art, when you do not understand it, That is a ‘roblem feeling you have, not you cannot appreciate it, and miss out a fact. And not my ‘roblem. If I had my on the beauty of a well ‘layed game. way [P]remier League wouldn’t be a sport, but there you go. Many of us will recognise the ugliness of “toilet hands” when we see it. This Argument 2: ‘Rem is also a sport is mimicked in ‘erformance art when we are forced to watch younger sib- Go through questions above. Replace lings make a fool of themselves on “dance” with “‘rem”. stage in the name of so-called ‘dance.’ Despite the minor indiscretion with Both are capable of causing many a Rem not being an ‘aying job in any grimace, emotional scarring, and in well respected, or even slightly re- some cases, ‘hysical ‘ain. I therefore spected, company- as should always ask, what is the difference? be the case- I have allowed it to re- main within the sport category. Knowledge and skill needed. Note: ‘Remier League indeed takes its The difference between aforemen- nominal origins from a lesser sport, tioned “toilet hands” and subjective but it is undeniably the best sport any “good” rem is a subtle difference but of us has ever ‘layed. It is in a league requires a certain amount of back- of its own, a cut above the rest, in the ground understanding and a great same way that dance is not ‘urely a level of skill to ‘lay well. The same can display of athleticism, but an art form, be said for dance, where lack of skill which brings me to my next ‘oint. and basic movement comprehension is almost immediately apparent (look- ing at you QLD).

Communication skill level. Dance is a form of non-verbal com- Timing and concentration munication through expression of movement to tell stories, convey Timing can be used to build tension, emotions and ideas. ‘Rem, although or to draw out and emphasise emo- typically somewhat rowdier, clearly tions, and when out of tempo with the accomplishes this. From an uncer- chosen song/game, the whole thing is tain TBA’s whizz in silent movie rem, ruined. When ‘erforming in rem or in to the love and friendship of cheeky dance, distraction or simply not ‘aying slaps. From the ?sexual tension? of enough attention can be costly and schwartzes, to blatant disrespect and one may find themselves at a distinct disregard for Melbournians. I make disadvantage. no comment on whether the latter is warranted. Cultural variances Argument 3b: Other ‘arallels be- Rem and dance are both culturally tween dance and ‘Rem inclusive yet culturally different. There are differing notions and customs in ‘Hysical ‘ain warring and non-warring states, for example where teaching styles, be- For those of you who may cling to havioural ‘atterns and applications of the idea that dance ‘Rem is just some discipline vary despite the underlying random arm movements on the D ‘rinciples staying the same. floor around an ‘able, let me enlighten you. True dance ‘Rem is not only hard There is also notable variance in skill work, but ‘ain, both self inflicted and levtel and form, as well as the some- inflicted by others. In dance ‘Rem you times greatly disturbed interpretation soldier on and ‘retend you feel noth- of those core ‘rinciples, for example ing until the ‘erformance game is up, REDACTED trying to spawn their own after which you may limp away from governing body or REDACTED taking the stage ‘able and tend to your ‘oor a game variant and completely butch- broken feet forearms. ering it. However, there lies a small difference Taswegia. when referring to others’ contribu- tions to that ‘ain. In dance, if someone Counter argument 3a: Rem is not kicks you in the head it is reasonable ‘layed in time with music. to assume this *MAY* have been an accident. At least in rem, one can en- That is a feeling, not a fact. Best tim- sure consent is gained. ing of moves is a subjective meas- urement, although obviously more Newbies to both rem and dance are aesthetically ‘leasing when it “subjec- generally counted as safe enough, un- tively” fits. less attempting moves outside of their

Counter argument 3b: Dance needs rem as some might argue, rather it music to be dance. enhances both, allowing for further enjoyment and greater translation and Of course, ‘rem is not always accom- expression of emotions. panied by an excellent DJ at events Not only that, interpretive dance is such as SPUDventions or GHC19’s. “frequently enhanced by lavish cos- Nor is there, ‘erhaps, even some shit- tumes, ribbons or spandex body ty background music you ‘retended suits.” Helloooooo, themed schmAM- to enjoy 4 years ago. Hence my final SA costume nights. argument. With this, I conclude: Argument BJ: Rem is sometimes • Dance is a sport on ‘ucking artistic interpretive dance steroids The great ‘henomenon known as • Rem is a form of dance Wikipedia states “interpretive dance • Rem is sometimes interpretive does not have to be ‘erformed with music”. As it is still classified as a form dance. of dance, we can render the above Anyone who ‘lays rem also ‘erforms counter argument null and void. Mu- rem, hence, we are all dancers as well sic is not an essential ‘art of dance or as ‘layers (as summarised in the figure below). Fite me I dare you. Figure 1. ‘Rem is a dance

'Rem Horoscopes Open Season Much like the stars move in the sky, a ‘layers choice of kuonsumption will change. And much like the stars change your life through the ‘owers of astronomy, so to does your choice of drink change your ‘rem night experience through the ‘owers of chaos. Read on for mystic knowledge on what your night holds Tequila You need some wildness in your life, and a new set of gut bacteria. You are sharing that energy with everyone like saliva in a SV fridge under venus ris- ing. ‘lease remember to have an ‘anadol before bed. Cowboy ‘remier league is your game of choice. Schmeer Your night will depend on if your dinner moon is rising or waning. If rising, you will see it revisiting you after one too many. If waning you will make it to after 2am, but regret the bloating come TOTOTO. Let your home state ‘ride fly tonight. ‘remier league is your game of choice. Unless you’re from Just Vic Wine (non-goon) Red Like a Leo, your superiority to those around you shows strong tonight. However, be careful, as hubris can turn sour on you quickly. ‘lay whatever you want, but beware the water buffalo. White Whine You’re a little basic tonight. But basic and simple is sometimes all you need, Taurus shows us this every day. Provide energy to those around you with some DJ skills. Groove to the music tonight you basic ass hoe.

Water Your intentions are for self care. The universe wishes to defy you. Get comfortable with helping others, and sitting on bathroom tiles ‘atting someone else’s shoulders. You are the Aquarius of the night. UFUE Is your game of choice. Cider Like the spicey Scorpios, you feel non conformist today. ‘ick a personality, sweet or dry and stick to it. Nature flows through you as you dance in fields of flowers and apples, like a hobbit in the shire, bless- ing any ‘able you are at. Middle Earth ‘remier league is your friend. Gatorade Your intentions are ‘ure and safe. Other’s intentions for you are not. You will leave this house feeling de- filed and dirty. Game 63 has as much japery as your night holds, and is the ‘erfect ‘airing. Vodka You will uncover many mystical mysteries tonight with capricorn like insight, ‘erhaps a move you have been struggling with? In the end, much like life, it will all be worthless, as you will black the fuck out and forget everything. ‘Lay whatever you want. None of it is gonna matter. Whisky The fires of ‘eat and ash rise in you like the fires of Mars. You have 2 goals tonight; fight someone, and be the person we warned gatorade about. Neither of them should be acted on, but like the sting in the tail of a Scorpio, this ‘robably wont stop you anyway Your game of choice is fig everything on you

Champagne Accept your inner classy or ratchet side. Either way, those around you will love or hate the enigma you are. Your game tonight is Mario Kart ‘rem as it is also loved or hated. Rum Get in touch with your sensitive side. Tell your friends you love them, and that it’s okay to cry. That’s what your going to spend tonight doing anyway so don’t worry about what game to lay. Bundaberg Rum As above, but to like a ‘roblematic level. You OK bud? HMU. Like I know there’s a star sign called can- cer but this is just actually cancer. Goon Look mTK just sit under the ‘able screaming. That’s the level of goblin energy you’re at. Gin Like a Saggitarius, you are in an intellectual phase of your life. Your ‘able can feel this and will demand more of you. Chair justly and fairly but allow room for ‘lay. ‘ortals are your friend tonight.

Cabbage or carrot Wrong. There is only Aubergine

Yak Attack WE ‘ROTEK, WE ATTAK, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY WE YAK: A RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE RISE AND FALL OF A NATIONAL TREASURE Offisde (Department of Emetic Research, University of Queensland, Queensland, Qld) Conception ‘rotection, this method which would quickly be dubbed ‘Yak Attack’ would Spuds have long had a celebrated allow ‘articipating ‘arties to safely and relationship with the golden Schmeer. ‘rophylactically manage WHOOSH Current ‘Remical literature has ex- syndrome while also ‘roviding an en- plored the many effects of Schmeer tertaining new blood sport. on the body, with the 201TK REMIER trial identifying the risk of overdose Figure 1: Illustration of emetic combat and associated symptom of violent emesis.1 Golden Age Fast forward to mid-2019 and a ma- jor leap in the field of antiemetic Karl Marx once said, “Give a spud a development. Tactical emesis has tactical yak and she’ll avoid a hango- been a long-standing homeopathet- ver for a day, but teach a spud to yak ic ‘rocedure to counteract Schmeer and she’ll forget hangovers ever ex- overdose.2 Unfortunately, this meth- isted”.BJ These wise words could not odology has been implicated in the have rung truer during the formative ‘erpetuation of adverse cognitions and years of ‘Yak Attack’ amongst the Qld behaviours leading to adverse mental ‘Rem community. For this time, spuds health outcomes.3 The breakthrough were almost entirely emesis free, or came when shifting the responsibility of emesis induction from the emesee to a third ‘arty whilst underpinning the recovery ‘rocedure with competitive regulation. ‘erceptions of emesis were concreted as a negative experience, now being associated with the losing state and being called a weak bitch by fellow spuds. With new cognitive 36 - M*A*S*H 2020

at least really good at hiding it in the Figure 3: Many bodies including the bushes. Additionally, as ‘redicted by scientists, the ‘articipants focussed NHA did not approve of the sport, call- their energies not around the tox- ic implications of autoemesis but ing their authority into question. rather an ‘issing contest to see who has the most absent gag reflex. This As time continued, spuds knew sci- lead to some minor negatives such ence had gone too far as we reached as scratched up uvulas and a Herpes a stage of emetic deterrence. With transmission rate to rival Montrash. the quick and aggressive establish- Of course these negatives were great- ment of such a hierarchy within the ly shadowed by the glory and ‘ride game clearly new changes had to brought to our nation. Unfortunately, be made to the fundamental design. these good times were not to last… Unfortunately, at this time, Queens- landers decided to start choking each Figure 2: despite criticism, ‘Yak Attack’ other out instead of ‘utting the effort is a completely desexualised sport in. This said, ‘Gagtards’ and the like would argue that the world is a much Euthanasia better with the demise of ‘Yak Attack’. But I believe, ‘Yak Attack’ can save the world. There were of course criticisms of ‘Yak References Attack’ as shown by figure 3. These normies who would later be known 1. Dr L Ad 201TK, “Relationship of Ethanol as ‘Gagtards’. Criticism of the great Maintenance to Individual Excellence in ‘Rem game cited the instances of stalemate (REMIER) Trial”, the Australasian Journal of in which two ‘articularly ‘romiscuous ‘Remicine, vol. 1, no. 2, ‘‘27-BJ3. spuds lacked gag reflex and shame 2. Decker W 1971, “In Quest of Emesis: Fact, to the ‘oint of a never-ending finger- Fable and Fancy”, American Academy of banging of the other’s bronchi. This Clinical Toxicology Symposium, vol. BJ, no. 3, led to the development of illegal tac- ‘‘3TK3-3TK7. tics such as the frowned upon use of 3. Blackmore N, Gleaves D 2013, “Self-in- ‘erformance-enhancing fake nails or duced vomiting after Drinking Alcohol”, sneakily fingering one’s own anus ‘rior International Journal of Mental Health and to battle in order to worsen the taste Addiction, vol. 11, ‘‘BJ53-BJ57. of the fingers. BJ. Marx K. (1977). Karl Marx: Selected Writ- ings. New York: Oxford University ‘ress Inc. Ed: McLellan D

Adventures To The New Land. There once was a NSWegian llama she was small and fluffy she had seen much chaos and drama her coat became quite scruffy Until one day she met some unique ‘eople who would giver her the chance to let her trapped soul breakthrough to a land that is better and so she took this chance she left without leaving a letter and when she arrived she did a little dance now she’s living very happily in her new some with some marines they feed her imported food from Napoli and giver her regular cleans NSWegia shouldn’t have let her roam because now Moist as found her new home

- rupi kaur Jaws + Exes & Hoes

'Uzzle Corner Till Head do us head 2020 RACRL CHAIR(S) 40 - M*A*S*H 2020

‘uzzle 1 ‘uzzle 2 WRP WRP NGI: ‘ortals ‘Remier League NGI: ‘Remier League + The 1. THDUH / SL Clap (Cp) 2. TC / OS BCO: C BCO: C 1. Ch (SL) 1. Wz (-h) 2. Cp 2. Bn 3. 1 (+h) 3. αp BJ. Ch (ED) BJ. Ae 5. Cp 5. Zo (THDUH) 6. Zo (RJ) 6. Fu 7. ? 7. Fu TK. Cp TK. ? 9. CBg (?: Cs / ?: Cs) - Sp 9. Sp-Sp (+h) (-h) IJ. Wz (-h) IJ. ? 11. Bn 11. Cp 12. Zo (TC) 12. Fu 13. CS 13. CS 1. Who consumes and why? 1. Who supports in line 9? 2. Were there any mistakes 2. Where would the next before the CS? clap go? 3. Who didn’t receive the 3. Who consumes and why? ball during the game? BJ. If all claps were replaced BJ. Who would have con- with stomps, who would con- sumed, why and where if sume, where and why? there were no ‘ortals? *Answers on the back cover

The AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL of ‘REMICINE ESTABLISHED IN 2017 JULY 2020 VOL. 2 NO. 1 NAFLD Audit into Fast Liquid Dynamics (NAFLD) Received: July 2020 Exes & Hoes¹ FRACRL, TBA Will / Usual Suspect¹ FRACRL, Magic Mike¹ FRACRL ‘MID: BJTKJIJBJIJTK 1. The National Australian Federation of Liking [D]rinks (NAFLD) Accepted: Immediately ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Skølling used to be an inherent aspect of ‘Remier League and held a very large ‘roportion of ‘layers’ hearts (and livers). Whilst the sport is objectively dying (see: Appendicitis), skølling has a rich history (see: Bond University ‘arent’s credit card) and many loyal skøllowers, to whom this ‘Remsearch is dedicated. The NAFLD herein analyses some of the factors affecting one’s skølling time, in an attempt to find the greatest theoretical skøller in all the land. ‘URPOSE CONCLUSIONS It’s not about finding things out. It’s about sending a message. Whilst no member of the NAFLD community likes to admit it, we all wish we were friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, , METHODS friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, A survey was distributed to all ‘layers, who were in turn encouraged friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, to ‘ass on the form to others and fill out the form themselves. Some friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, recorded variables include: University, gender, time, beverage of friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, choice and others. From the data collected, the NAFLD undertook friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, rigorous statistical analyses. The inclusion criteria was the vibe felt friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, at the time. friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, RESULTS friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, Wouldn’t you like to know? friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide, friends of rAdelaide. DECLARED CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ETHICS APPROVA L The authors have never, nor do we ever intend to receive Boards. Councils. ‘Ables. Committees. Long ago, financial compensation for the writing of this manuscript. the BJ lames rejected our ethics application. Then, We most certainly did not receive direct remuneration for everything changed when we ‘roceeded anyway. Only this study from schmAMSA. We found that money outside the schmeer, master of all 5 elements of The Lily our family house on Macquarie St, Barton (ACT). We Staging System could stop us (1). But when the world don’t know who ‘ut it there. You cannot ‘rove otherwise. needed it most, it vanished (in 3.5s on average).

The AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL of ‘REMICINE ABBREVIATIONS (see Appendicitis). However, with enough necromancy, a ‘otential ‘Remsurrection, and more statistical analysis NAFLD: NAFLD Audit into Fast Liquid Dynamics into gitting gud, this lovable and integral ‘art of NAFLD NAFLD: National Australian Federation of Liking [D] culture might be able to revive to a NAFLD Stage 1 state rinks of life. NAFLD: Nincompoops Against Forced Livelihood De- The following study, conducted by the National velopment Federation of Liking [D]rinks (NAFLD) thoughtfully NAFLD: Number-Adjusted For Liver Damage analyses the more fundamental factors affecting skøll NAFLD: Nearing A Final Lame Death time and hopefully will shed some light on the do’s and NAFLD: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (disambigua- don’ts, as well as the myriad of confounding factors at tion) ‘lay in this most ‘restigious of sports. TOTO: The One The Only CPC: Cascade & Pipps Cups RATIONALE ANOVA: Analysis of Variance After the success of Coppafeel (2006) Theoretical Fluid ESD: Extreme Studentivised Deviate Consumption Terminal Velocity in the Average Adult Male (2), it was decided that further ‘Remsearch must be INTRODUCTION undertaken to understand some of the factors impacting fast liquid dynamics and to turn theoretical analysis BACKGROUND into ‘ractical observations. In the future, a randomised The art of skølling was once inextricably intertwined, controlled trial would ‘rovide ‘aramount knowledge and an integral ‘art of the ‘Remier League community, and insight into the intricacies of ye olde skøll, and the otherwise referred to as Nincompoops Against Forced NAFLD shall champion whomever decides to undertake Livelihood Development (NAFLD). Now, latching on to this undertaking. whomever or whatever will accept them, NAFLD are left TOTO skølling in darkness. Ultimately, however, it’s not about finding things out. It’s Skølling used to be a major drawcard to attendance about sending a message. at schmAMSA National Conventions in a bygone era (see: Pipps & Cascade Cups (CPC)), however since METHODS schmAMSA’s ‘changing vision’, the sport of the NAFLD has had to go underground. The lovable ‘astime has To assess the effect of various demographic and remained relatively unchanged throughout the ages, and environmental factors on skølling times amongst still airs its weary head at certain ‘oints during the NAFLD Australian ‘Remier League ‘layers, a survey was calendar; namely: distributed to the ‘Remier League Forum Facebook • National ‘Remducational Roadtrip, home of the group. The survey was made available for ‘layers to complete over a 6 week ‘eriod, with weekly ‘Reminders Chow Cup for ‘layers to report their skølling habits. Collected fields • schmAMSA National Convention, home of the Pipps included Name, University, Gender, Official time (Y/N), Race conditions (Y/N), class of beverage consumed, & Cascade Cups skølling time, ‘rior standard ‘rink consumption, and a Other unique and notable skølling events/frequencies field for additional comments. ‘articipants were self- include: selected and encouraged to resubmit survey forms for • VB Cup, the honorary intervarsity skølling event each skøll completed over the testing ‘eriod. Skølling was defined as imbibing 2TK5ml of fluid, completed with among Victorian delegations • XXXX Gold Cup with its inaugural run at Summervention 2019 Some say that skølling is a dying sport, classed as Stage 2 on the Nearing A Final Lame Death (NAFLD) Scale

The AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL of ‘REMICINE the overturning of the emptied vessel upon the skølling A comparison of average times by state was conducted ‘layer’s head. (Fig. 2a), demonstrating Western Australia’s superior skølling capabilities with an average time of 0.0s. Following the survey ‘eriod, the effect of demographic and Taswegia fared the worst in our analysis with an environmental factors on submitted skølling times were average skøll of TK.BJ1s. The average skoll time was assessed. Rigorous statistical methods were employed to 3.5s. Intervarsity skølling ‘rowess was also assessed determine the true nature of the optimal skøllar, except (Fig. 2b), consolidating ‘revious reports of the where they weren’t. In the case of multiple submissions, social shortcomings of Melbournians (3). rAdelaide skølling times were averaged by ‘layer ‘rior to statistical ‘erformed the best in the intervarsity average, but by analysis where relevant. Significance was defined as this ‘oint nobody’s really surprised. ‘<0.05. Error bars, where ‘rovided, ‘Rempresent a 95% A Confidence Interval unless otherwise stated. Analysis was conducted using GNU ‘S‘‘ v1.2.0, and by the vibe of the thing. R E S U LT S Over the 6 week survey ‘eriod, 19 ‘layers submitted B skølling times for analysis, kuonsuming 116 beverages for science. 65 of these were submitted by 3 ‘articipants. ‘roportion of ‘articipants by university and submissions by university are displayed in Figure 1. A ‘ie chart of the NAFLD’s innocence before and after discovering 19 ‘ar- ticipants consumed over 100 beverages because a survey told them to can be found in the Appendicitis. A Figure 2. Average skølling time by state (a) and university (b). ‘rinking ‘reference by state (Fig. 3) indicated schmeer is the most ‘opular beverage of choice amongst mainland Australian skøllars. This sweet nectar of the gods is sadly lost on Taswegia, however, who exclusively rely B on cider for rapid hydration. Figure 1. ‘Roportion of ‘articipants (a) and submissions (b) by university Figure 3. ‘referred ‘rink by state.

The AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL of ‘REMICINE A one way ANOVA of skølling time by ‘rink (Fig. BJa) B revealed no significant difference between beverage choice and skølling time (‘=0.10BJ). Not satisfied with this, the ANOVA was ignored, as were cider ‘rinkers, and an independent student’s t-test between schmeer and water consumption was conducted (Fig. BJb) which definitively ‘roved schmeer consumption to be the superior skølling beverage (‘<0.05). A Figure 5. Average time by gender identity (a), corrected for Queens- landerness (b). No correlation was found between skølling time and ‘rior std ‘rink consumption, aka Number-Adjusted for Liver Damage (NAFLD), with an R2 of 0.026 (Fig. 6). To account for variance in ‘articipant skølling ability, regression analysis of a ‘Rempresentative sample of B ‘articipants with multiple submissions across various states of NAFLD was ‘erformed individually. Our results confirm NAFLD has no effect on skølling ability (see Appendicitis). Figure BJ. Average skøll time by ‘rink before correction (a) and Figure 6. Skøll time accounting for NAFLD. Outliers were iden- after correction (b). * indicates significance (‘<0.05). tified using the Extreme Studentivised Deviate (ESD) test, and removed ‘rior to analysis. An independent student’s t-test assessing difference in skølling time between genders (Fig. 5a) revealed DISCUSSION no significant difference between male and female identifying ‘articipants (‘=0.5BJ2). This observation The above inquest has both yielded great insight into the remained valid when correcting for Queenslanderness qualities of the ideal skølling specimen, and given ‘ause to (Fig. 5b), with a one way ANOVA revealing no significant re-examine long-held assumptions therein. In applying difference between groups (‘=0.20TK). our finding to the wider skølling culture, we are forced to confront the disparity between “skølling keenness”, A approximated by survey ‘articipation, and skølling ability. Here, it is apparent that whilst Queensland has the most entrenched skølling culture within the NAFLD community, their skølling ability was unable to overcome South Australian superiority; a state with only a small

The AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL of ‘REMICINE fraction of submissions. data allows for a ‘lausible female skølling time of <0.0s, breaking all known laws of ‘hysics. Truly, the limit does Our assessment of skøll times by state sought also not exist. to reaffirm ancient adages. Don’t ‘uck with a thirsty rAdeladian (without consent). Do ‘uck Melbourne. Finally, the NAFLD was surprised to find the NAFLD study demonstrated NAFLD to have no impact on The search for the ‘erfect skølling liquid ‘roved somewhat skølling time, contrary to common conjecture from the contentious. Whilst the concept of rapidly imbibing NAFLD community. Both through aggregated data, and anything other than ‘ure Thøm-given schmeer would be single-’layer analysis, standard ‘rink consumption bore touted as abhorrent by a self-respecting NAFLD, it appears no impact on skølling ability. Willfully ignoring the “alternative” beverages have a wider ‘opularity than the safety implications of this finding, one can only assume NAFLD anticipated. Whilst “cider” ( fake communist there to be no adverse consequences to double-rowing, schmeer) may have begrudgingly become an accepted triple-rowing, or beyond. schmeer alternative in the CPC ( for communists), the CONCLUSION rates of “water” (least interesting schmeer ingredient) Among the ‘Remier League community (in the infallible consumption far exceeded anticipated rates, reaching view of the ‘rimary author), the ‘eak ‘layer is that of a dizzying heights of >0% of submissions. This criticism Victorian. Across many a chant, and many a skølling S E is with the exception of NSW, of course, who really are S H, the NAFLD community fundamentally return to the just trying their best. fact that ‘I am, you are, we are Victorian’. Unsurprisingly, schmeer was found to be the uncontested That being said, however, ultimately, through this cluster champion of rapid consumption (after appropriate ‘uck of a rigorous and conclusive ‘Remsearch ‘aper, correction of aberrant data). But why is it so? Is it due the NAFLD have found a new NAFLD archetype. That to the superior natural skill of the schmeer ‘rinker, as of the ‘remier-level skøllar. To achieve such greatness, opposed to their weak-yet-hydrated water sipping ‘eers? It one must accomplish very few criteria (‘erfect for the appears not, given the low inter-state variance of skølling low standards of the NSWHA). The Criteria: 3 or more ability between schmeer-loving states, and their liquid- data ‘oints averaging less than 2 seconds. Two ‘remier- impaired brethren. Nay, your humble authors say unto level skøllars were identified; Schrödinger’s TBA who thee. Instead, we attribute the dominance of schmeer to is equal ‘arts named and unnamed, and a rAdeladian of its base characteristics as a liquid designed by man to be nondescript gender, who just loves schmeer that tastes kuonsumed. Specifically, we ‘ostulate that characteristics like real schmeer. as a liquid designed by man to be kuonsumed. Specifically, L I M I TAT I O N S we ‘ostulate that the formulation of schmeer may imbue Wrong answer: Muscular composition ratio of the a yeast-based lubricant unto the beverage, aiding in rapid oesophagus (Skeletal:Smooth). consumption. This remains highly theoretical at this juncture, however, inviting further ‘Remsearch into the Correct answer: “You can’t ‘ut a limit on anything. The biochemistry of schmeer and its implications for rapid, more you ‘rink, the faster you skøll.” - Michael ‘helps or otherwise, displacement of the beverage. ‘REMFERENCES 1. ‘ad L, Coppafeel TC, Fag D. Relationship of Ethanol Maintenance to Individual Excellence in ‘Rem (REMIER) Trial. Aus J ‘Rem. 201TK; 1(2):27-BJBJ Analysis of intergender skølling ability ‘roved what Pipps Coppafeel TC. Theoretical Fluid Consumption Terminal Velocity in the Average team of times of yore have known for decades: girls Adult Male. Coppafeel ‘ublishing; 2006. NAFLD community. ‘laychool theme. Hymn Book; 2017. ‘. 12 2. can skøll a schmeer. Not only this, but when adjusting for Queenslanderness, the authors note the variance in 3.

The AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL of ‘REMICINE APPENDICITIS A ‘Able A. The Nearing a Final Lame Death (NAFLD) Scale. Increasing value indicates an increasing state of deadness. Examples included for clarity. B C Figure B. Single ‘layer series of skøll time ac- counting for NAFLD. Each series ‘Rempresents a single ‘layer with multiple survey submissions across varying states of NAFLD. R² values are 0.07TK, 0.005 and 0.160, respectively. Figure A. ‘ie chart of the NAFLD’s innocence before and after reviewing the NAFLD study survey results.

National ‘Rem Roadtrip 2020 is LOADING Coming October 2nd - 5th Registration live now Contact your local High ‘Able member to access the event

Thank you to all those who contributed to MASH 2020. If you wish to get involved in the next edition of MASH, contact your second cousin twice removed directly after Schmeer emesis. If the world doesn’t ‘roceed to burn to the ground, maybe you’ll be lucky enough to contribute to the next edition. Maybe. ‘uzzle 1 amswers: ‘uzzle 2 amswers: 1. THDUH - can’t Zo ‘layer next to you 1. THDUH / ED 2. No 2. TC 3. OS 3. ED - flinching/invalid move BJ. SL - can’t Zo ‘layer next to you, move 5 Bj. ADH - can’t Zo ‘layer next to you, move 6

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