FOREWORD Eclipse Magazine is a registered youth youth by introducing programs that are based Malawian company. This maga- going to contribute towards productivity zine offers entertainment, arts, lifestyle, when it comes to entrepreneurial skills. discovery and business articles. Eclipse Magazine was established in November, OTHER SERVICES TO BE OFFERED 2020 to create a place where people can read and relate lifestyles and stories. As a Eclipse magazine is also an advertisement company our aim is to build and promote agency on it's own. It focuses on brand brands as well as growing businesses and building and brand awareness for both ideas formed by the youth. small and large scale businesses through its weekly and monthly online and offline The Eclipse Magazine was formed and issues. founded by Praise Samuel Kondowe, a young Malawian based in Lilongwe. CHALLENGES PARTNERSHIP WITH 21st GENERATION Establishing the brand has not been easy. Looking at how it started and where it is Being a Youth based company, the eclipse heading to, challenges arise when it comes Magazine joined forces with a start-up to identifying optimal financial resources organization called 21st Generation. 21st to help grow the brand. Generation is a Youth-led organization that deals with mental health and Youth DEAR YOUTHS empowerment with a vision of creating a safe space where the youth feel free to Let's promote togetherness and gather as talk about their mental health problems. we plan to be sharing the magazine to over Together these companies are building a 5000+ audience both in malawi as well us vision called Vision 2022. outside countries. The Vision 2022 focuses on transforming the nation by working hand in hand with the youth of malawi to help enfold and en- force change. The Vision 2022 carries on its back strat- egies that are focused on empowering the
EDITOR’S NOTE Eclipse Magazine is malawian based company which focused on promotion individuals and business brands. The magazine features all sorts of articles from arts, business, lifestyles ,en- tertainment and discorvery trends, we got it all. As the saying goes “good content is King”, Eclipse Magazine offers the best and quality contents you deserve, that’s why we are the best Magazine brand. Due to high rise of suicide cases in Malawi, the brand has thought wise to join the fight by providing educational, mo- tivational and inspirational articles to help people gain more knowledge on how to overcome and understand that they are not alone when it comes to Mental health challenges. We are looking forward to working with each and everyone who is interested in sharing his or her uniqueness to others. You can also advertise your products with us by contacting :+265997510528/+265999977232. or [email protected] CHIEF EDITOR Mr. Praise Samuel Kondowe | X-MAS EDITION 2021 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
ECLIPSE | PROFILE THE MULTI-TALENTED A musician, actor, Graphic designer, Photographer and film director at Colden Visuals and CEO of DripAlot clothing and fashion brand - Colden | X-MAS EDITION 2021 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
THE MULTI-TALENTED We are all born with talents but some talents Magazine that lack time management skills af- are amazingly unique. We took some time and fected his ability as a multi-talented to balance visited one of the multi-talented guy we know all this tasks. He adds that lack of optimal fi- who currently lives in Lilongwe, Malawi in Area nancial resources hinders him from giving out 43, going by the name Colden (Timothy Cold- best quaity products and projects. en Banda). WHAT IS YOUR ADVICE TO YOUR FELLOW C olden is a Musician, Actor, Graphics de- YOUTH signer, Photographer and film direc- tor at Colden Visuals. Surprisingly he is “My advice to my fellow youths is that they also the CEO of DripAlot clothing and fashion should know that there’s a time when the uni- brand. The main aim of all these talents he has verse opens up just to show us what is truly is to showcase natural designs, give out Natural possible. Patience is the key never give up on high quality and showing the beauty of nature. your dreams, no matter the draw backs and He has been able to move from several stages consequences. Every thing is possible with an in his talents which shows that hard work really open sharp mind, let us turn our dreams into pays and nothing comes from a silver platter. our realities. Colden set is to release his first album titled “I RELATE” which is based on a true heartbreak “ Remember nothing is impossible”. story experience, this album will drop soon and the release date is yet to be announced. He has “Do what you know is best no matter what a dream of being Malawi’s Next big thing, hav- they say, yes some come to help and some ing his own Hollywood in Malawi under Cold- to destroy. Do not aim for at specific type of en Visuals, having a media and filming training group to impress, do it for everyone for we center, help those who couldn’t make it in life all equally we have big hearts and dreams by giving them a second chance such as paying school fees and supporting their talents, help- and we can do it”. ing the less privileged, the sick and building a Fosters home. “I inspire myself by telling myself i can do it, I also push myself to my breaking point and that’s what keeps me going”. Colden’s response after being asked what really inspired him in what he does during our interview. All he wants is to show and encourage all talented hearts by letting them know that they can do it no mat- ter what draws them back for he knows where he is coming from.. “ I hope to creating a safe space for the talented peers out there for they can do it and make Malawi a better place. When pursuing a dream there are alot of chal- lenges one meets, Colden confirms to Eclipse ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 | 7
PROFILE I believe in positivity, success, and balance. Strengths My philosophy is rising to become my best creative, insightful, altruistic self within the bounds of raising the peo- Patient, assertive, and intuitive. ple around me as well. I’ve had the honour of being The Lilongwe Academy 2021 sixth I do not work well with ethics that aren’t form valedictorian, as well as the same my own. I enjoy leading myself and find it year’s Head-girl. I’ve captained two foot- hard to accept authority above my own. My ball teams as well as acted in 2015 short consequent abandonment led to introspec- drama Mercy’s Blessing. My goals are finan- tion and enlightenment on the way I take cial freedom for myself, a 25% cleaner envi- care of myself and the situations around ronment in terms of pollution, 25% reduced me. I love art and the diversity within it. I endangered species, 25% of the world’s for- strive to find beauty in everything around ests replanted, and 100% renewable energy me, and create it where I can. Making things resources. from scratch give me a sense of fulfilment. The advice I’d give is, do something that I ’m multilingual, fluent in English, Chiche- makes you happy, but also helps the world wa and German, and my talent is music. around you. Words of inspiration: keep go- I indulge in singing and playing the xylo- ing. It might hurt, you might be tired, and phone, flute, and guitar. it might be loss after loss, but keep going until you will bring your success into reali- My biggest challenge is finding comfort in ty. It’s worth it if you want it. Malawi as a third world country. Its lack of entertainment, basic needs, and progres- sive lifestyles makes it hard for me to ef- fectively enjoy my growth within the coun- try, and participate in efficiently building its future. ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 | 9
ECLIPSE | PROFILE Michael My name is Michael William Mhone, aged 22, a as a way of building up my brand \"Mbanandi student at LUANAR-BUNDA College pursuing arts\". In 2021 I was given the opportunity to BSc in Irrigation Engineering and I'm based in participate in the \"My Bucks\" pencil art compe- Blantyre. tition, this event helped me to be more creative and gave me motivation to practice what I love I fell in love with art at a very young age. I de- and showcase it to the world, I counted on this veloped passion for portrait paintings and as an achievement, the competition was called chased my goal of being visual pencil art- \"A Mother's Love\" pencil art competition which ist.I use the name Mbanandi Arts as a brand was organized by My Bucks, By God’s grace name. Mbanandi is tumbuka for \"ambiri\" in and with a hard working spirit I won the compe- Chichewa. tition and to this very day I count on this as an achievement. People are able to approach me Growing up as a young Malawian is not easy to do art portraits for them, I take this as a step when it comes to Art, being an artist is seen as forward and a gateway to many doors of op- a waste of time to many for that's what most portunities even though it's not daily that I get people say, but these negative thoughts and customers or support but I am always grate- opinions didn't stop me from chasing my dream ful for what I have achieved so far, with such of being \"the greatest visual pencil artist\" here opportunities I am able to provide for myself In Malawi, better yet in Africa. In my everyday the basic necessities that I have always wanted life i make sure to set goals and achievements because of the money that I make through my 10 | X - M A S E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
PROFILE talent. to reach his level of art. Let's always pray for our family, friends and everybody, God is the My goal is that one day I should have a place or one who blessed us with these talents and the shop where I'll be doing my artworks. This will things we are able to do, let's involve Him in help my customers to have access to purchase our plans and everything we do. or admire my work. My other goal is to organise an art exhibition with my fellow artists. Finally, My fellow youths don't be demotivated with I want to have an art gallery. the work of other people in your field, but get motivated with their works and you will grow. My Background story as a Malawian Youth Learn to wait or to give it time to grow and you will succeed. I started in 2017 with the help of a friend named Bizimungu Sambakunsi, during the course I stopped doing art due to lack of motivation and lack of materials. In 2020 March, schools were closed due to Covid-19, at this time I was very much focused on art for it was what kept me busy at the time and I joined an Art technic group on WhatsApp where I met Emmanuel Phale, this young man motivated me to take my time and focus on art and take it seriously, he gave me hope and rea- son not to throw my passion away. With the help from my Mother I managed to get some materials and I started. Since then, I have al- ways utilized each minute I found to draw something till to where I am now. With school, time for art is very minimal. Ma- terials is another challenge, in Malawi we don't have stoles that sell art materials to the fullest, and this makes the materials to be expensive since we have to import. I believe that I am a fast learner and am able to use what I have, the level of my art with the materials I have doesn’t match honestly, I'm far behind when it comes to materials. When it comes to time management, I lack time to practice, considering how I have to balance my school schedule and time to train myself when it comes to become better at my work. Lack of Resources is also something I can I en- counter along the way. And the lack of moti- vation, most Malawians do not appreciate the value of art and they can't buy an artwork at its price. Art is patience, it doesn't matter how long it will take you to finish it, but at the end you are going to be happy with the outcome. Despite that waiting is tiresome, I have learnt that sometime it's good to wait for the best. My friend Emmanuel Phale is the one who in- spired me to believe in myself. My sister Thokozile also played a big role of encourag- ing me to work hard and make art as a busi- ness. Right now, Arinze Stanley an artist from Nigeria is the one who inspires me and I want ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 | 11
Sanny PROFILE I am an upcoming Pop and Christian Contem- In addition to this, my art is partly a sweet es- porary artist, singer, songwriter and guitarist cape from some things i can hardly talk about. aged 21. I am a fourth-year student at the Ma- I find life in a pen, a piece of paper, a guitar lawi University of Business & Applied Scienc- and a mic. Music carries scars and lessons we es (The Polytechnic) studying a Bachelor of can hardly Express in ordinary language. We Engineering in Metallurgy and Mineral Pro- may not freely or openly say it but most of us cessing. have attempted the unmentionable here and the best we could do is to try to address the I have managed to perform on the biggest depth of these suicides to the best that we stage ever (Church) and at the Deft Poetry can. Festival. I got Accepted and Recruited by 21st Generation a youth led NGO that deals I am greatly inspired by Jonathan Mcreynolds with mental health and youth empowerment. and Travis Greene, i wish to impact Christian music as they do and more. My goal is to record music that will be listened internationally, open a music shop for selling Good producers are very expensive, I've nev- musical instruments and accessories and cre- er recorded my songs yet because of this. I ate a platform and host open mics where up- wish to record at Manifest Studios in Lilong- coming artists, from singers, instrumentalist, we, Abstract and OBK records in Blantyre. All pencil artists etc. to showcase their talents. of these producers charge 30 thousand above and it's very hard for a student like me to BACKGROUND AS A MALAWIAN YOUTH raise such an amount of money for an album, Growing up I was a football player till the age mixtape or an extended playlist (Ep). It's hard of 14 when it was not going well with my fami- for family to believe that their kid can survive ly because of getting home late or staying the school while doing art and it's understanda- whole day away from home. Later on, in life i ble because most artists are not doing well to picked up music after inspired by the Seventh pay for their living . Day Adventist accapella music which had a huge impact on my life. Advice to my fellow youth -Life will always have a hole if God is not the My love for music and as a solo artist grew in centerpiece. secondary school when i met Wongani Nthara - Youths need to be generational thinkers. who was an artist known as Dazzle, but unfor- People who think about their future not just tunately, he committed suicide this year on the present. Who plant a seed not just for 22 February. This pained me prompted me them but for generations to come. to ask and join 21st Generation so i should be -Malawi is very different from other countries, part of this movement to help fellows with they should not have plastic dreams of radios mental health. While in secondary school he and tv screens. Work hard in class get the pa- used to teach me singing and we had a quar- per and also do your craft (Art). tet. Later on after secondary school i met these X - M A S E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 | 13 people; Bright Nkhoma and Trust Kachime- ra who are amazing guitarists and singers who helped me arrange my music and grow in these areas of music. Another friend is Frank Pangani, he is my favorite songwriter, he helped me into writing my first complete song titled Tell Me More in early 2019 which i haven't recorded yet. ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
LMMiaoabnruaianlihysaa ECLIPSE MAGAZINE | X-MAS EDITION 2021
MonLaliiasbauMnyaarPiROaFIhLE I am Monalisa Mariah Liabunya, a Bambino MENTAL HEALTH PANDEMICS HERE IN MALA- graduate. I'm 20 years old. I have 2 published WI? poetry anthologies (they all came out in 2021, \"in my mind \" in March and \"perspective \" in GBV is something that we need to work on as November). I'm the first born in my family, I a team. It's not only about the girl child but have two siblings Irene and Phillip. I love read- all of us as a society. We need to understand ing books, I love reading and writing poetry, that abuse is not only about physical violation sometimes I get my inspiration from movies, but mental violation too. In Malawi it seems I like watching psychopath videos and Greek like most females mentally abuse men and we mythology. don't actually notice it because of the idea of being a man. Sometimes it's actually unfair to Q. WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START WRITING? just blame one gender. I don't support physical violence but some females actually say offen- My own life inspired me to start writing. I love sive words that leads to physical violation and analysing and redefining words. Maya Angelou the sad part is that we don't hear the guys side and Elizabeth Barrett Brownings also inspired of the story, we're quick to judge by the look me. of the reaction and the impact. Therefore, we need to make mental health awareness a habit. Q. WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES THAT YOU HAVE FACED? The problem I faced as a poet was balancing school work, my art and my social life. Q. HOW DID YOU OVERCOME THE CHALENG- MMLiaoabnruaianlihysaa ES? I learnt to balance my time. I started reading books, watching videos about poetry and had a schedule for my school work and this helped me in improving in English (I got an A in my IGCSE). I accepted it as part of my life and my journey. Q. WHAT ADVICE CAN YOU GIVE TO YOUR FELLOW GIRL, WHO WANTS TO ACHIEVE A CAREER IN ARTS? My advice to all young people who are artistic is to aim high and always be willing to learn more. We can all agree that \"education is no longer the key to everything \", we all need to discover our talents embrace them and take risks. It's also important to listen to yourself more when you're an artist because that's what makes art unique and authentic. Don't try to fit in, believe in yourself, plan, create and give it to the world. Be open to criticism and human behavior. Q. WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT THE GBV AND X-MAS EDITION 2021 | ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
E Q UA L I T Y \"the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.\" We all want the girl child to be protected and that is the song we keep on singing each and every day. All these gender wars started with the star \"equality\" , as women we felt out of place and underestimated by men. But sadly the song of \"equality \" doesn't make me happy anymore because of what we've be- come. As women or a girl child, we're loved , pro- tected, listened to and etc. My question is , since we've started getting what we never had... Who's going to protect the male child on the streets, who's going to listen to the lyrics written by the male child and who's going to redefine \"masculinity\" for the male child? We all want to be equal and our souls yearn for change but what kind of change do we want ? A female child gets pregnant and drops out of school, \"society \" gives that child a second chance to live again. A male child drops out of school and starts using drugs, \"society \" he is not man enough or he is useless. What is \"equality\" all about if we don't see the toxicity of our actions and words towards men? Monalisa Mariah Liabunya | X-MAS EDITION 2021 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
CHILDREN! Our Children Rise up my baby boy! Rise up my baby girl! My baby girl, I love you so much and I want you to know that the past can only be avoided if you leave it behind. My baby girl, make this world a better place for you and your brother. Treat him with love and respect and he'll give it back. Help him heal and learn to listen to his voice more. Rise up my baby girl because today is a brand-new day. Educate yourself my baby girl and keep on learning! My baby boy, learn to speak up when the world is against you. My baby boy, you are who you are and don't let anyone define \"being a man \" for you because you're different. Let your soul guide you and let the mind teach you the art of being self. My baby boy, teach your sister how to be strong. Let her open up about her past, so that you can help her live in the present. My baby boy, I know you got so much pressure on your shoulder but don't let it stray you away from your pur- pose. You're my baby boy and I love you. Rise up my baby boy! Rise up my baby girl! My Dear children make this world a better place for all of you. Please, don't make it a battlefield against each other. Monalisa Mariah Liabunya ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 |
ECLIPSE | POETRY YOU LIVE IN ME By Sight Saver I still wonder why i love and hate you I want you out of my head, But why do I feel like I can’t live without you? I feel we’re stuck, But I need salvation and redemption, I can’t save you, I wouldn’t save you. Nor would I depart from you We’re stuck, we’re one, I can’t take back the love I gave you, This is unrepentantly regret, You live in me, You are the demon in me. | X-MAS EDITION 2021 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
LOVER BOY By sight saver He is both here and there, Vowed his heart belongs to Nneka Said he can’t live without Amaka But Anna is the love of his life, Just as Ada believes he’s hers Lover boy He rehearses lines like a dyeing poet Dribbles hearts like Messi Inflicting pains without mercy Soiling his manhood in any potholes Like politicians He has his manifesto His lips scent like queen of the night He seduces even at eye sight He believes in “point and kill” Lover boy He sees nothing good in women Other than upper shoot and down curves Like my DEMO CRAZY For the women ,of the women, by the women He loves more just when you undress. He is the master key opening many padlocks A hero, he believes he is, He will settle down when he gets married He believes He is catching fun besides he’s handsome ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 |
Meek POETRY Ya poma. Meek Yapoma is a human being who fell in love What words of inspiration would you like to with art and is dating art and his virginity was give your fellow youths? broken by art, but he is not an artist. Some of his written thoughts, experiences and obser- My words of inspiration will come from Prov- vations have been published in International erbs 17: 22 which says “A happy heart is a Online Magazines; Kalahari Magazine, Bharath good medicine and cheerful mind works heal- Vision Magazine and Fundza among others. ing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” H e self-published one Anthology in 2020 tiltled CherryPlum Anthology which is available in all leading On- line Bookstores around the world. Recently he has released another book titled Invisible Feelings Inside Us, dealing with is- sues related to mental health and is available in both Digital and Hardcopy formats. Lack of exposure for him has been a chal- lenge. He believes that it is because of less commitment, because he has to concentrate on schoo. Lack of digital knowledge in most Malawians is also a challenge. He loves learn- ing new things, new ways of life that adds val- ue to what he does and he loves being crea- tive. After being about life changing experiences he said “they make me cry and appreciate the Divine power though”. Meek got inspired and influenced into this by his untold life stories and his family. Though the challenges, he still has hopes, dreams and goals to fulfil by im- proving himself in the course of reaching bil- lions of people around the world, which is a long-term goal. What advice can you give to your fellow youth? Live your own life and improve it. After all, you were born alone and you will one day die alone. ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X - M A S E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 | 21
CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS ON MENTAL H E A LT H Climate change is considered to be the greatest threat to nature and humanity in the twenty first century. T he experts assume the average glob- to UN estimates. In 2008, 20 million people al temperatures are to increase by 1.4 were migrants due to climate change, and by degrees celsius to 6.4 degree celsi- 2050 these can be almost ten times more, us by the end of the 21st century and which will exceed the current total number of that may result in a Sharp rise of sea level, migrants worldwide. alteration of rainfall distribution pattern, oc- currence of floods and drought, leading to de- MENTAL HEALTH cline in agricultural production, reduction in crop yields and livestock productivity which Mental health encompasses emotional, psy- will result into food shortage. These condi- chological, behavioral, and social well-being. tions have far-reaching environmental, social, It determines how people cope with the nor- agricultural, and economic effects and are ul- mal stress of life and function timately harmful to our health and well-being. within their community. Mental illness, on the Climate change not only other hand, adversely affects one’s thinking, affects our physical health but can also harm feelings, and/or behaviors. As a result, it can our mental health and wellness. lead to difficulties in functioning. Climate change can cause and intensify stress and A particularly critical situation may develop anxiety, adversely affecting mental health. in Asia, Africa and Latin America, it threatens For example, events such as extreme storms extinction and disappearance of more than or extreme heat can lead to depression, an- 25% of rare animals and plants species and ger, and even violence. Everyone is at risk, may enhance migration processes. According but not everyone is affected equally. Groups 22 | X - M A S E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
MENTAL HEALTH ment, people may experience a diminished sense of self, difficulty relating to others, diminished social interaction, and solastal- gia (the loss of a sense of place, solace, and security tied to one’s physical environment). Community impacts include domestic abuse, child abuse, and violence (e.g., assault and civil conflict). Economic insecurity and phys- ical damage are other potential effects. THE UNITED NATIONS CLIMATE CHANGE GLOBAL SUMMIT The 2021 United Nations Climate change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP26, was the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference, held at the SEC center in Glasgow Scotland, United Kingdom. His Ex- cellence Dr. Lazarus Chakwela, The President of the Republic of Malawi attended the sum- mit, representing Malawi. The President of the conference was UK Cabinet Minister Alok Sharma. Delayed for years due to the COV- ID-19 Pandemic, it was the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). The conference was the first since COP21 that expected parties to make en- hanced commitments towards mitigating Cli- mate Change. that are especially vulnerable to the mental The main objectives of the COP-26 meeting health impacts of climate change include chil- were to: Commit to more ambitious targets dren, the elderly, and women. Also at risk are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, disadvantaged groups, those with existing discuss measures to adapt to the inevitable mental illness, and those with close ties to the impact of climate change, increase funding land, including farmers and tribal communi- for climate action, in particular for develop- ties. ing countries. This is all possible if the world as a whole is going to be able to maintain CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON MENTAL 1.5°C. HEALTH Global emissions must peak by 2025 to keep Natural disasters are sudden in their onset warming at 1 5°C: we need deeds not words. and include destructive storms, floods, wild- Earth could exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius of fires, and extreme heat. global warming-the \"safe\" limit for tempera- Natural disasters may cause posttraumatic ture rise outlined in the Paris Agreement-as stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, soon as the early 2030s, according to a land- and stress. Self-harm, including substance mark report by the world's most senior cli- abuse and suicidal ideation, may also occur. mate scientist. Climate change can affect the way we think about ourselves, each other, and the world. After a climate event or resulting displace- ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 | 23
MENTAL HEALTH AND ITS EARLY SIGNS MENTAL HEALTH - Having unexplained aches and pains. - Feeling helpless or hopeless. Mental health includes our Emotional, - Smoking, drinking or using drugs psychological, and social well-being. more than usual. If affects how we think, feel, and act. - Feeling unusually confused , forget- It also helps determine how we han- ful, on edge, angry, upset, worried or dle stress ,relate to others and make scared. choices. Mental health is important - Yelling or fighting with family family at every stage of life, from childhood and friends. and adolescence through adulthood. - Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships. Over the course of your life, if you - Having persistent thoughts and mem- experience mental health problems ories you can't get out of your head. , your thinking,mood and behaviour - Hearing voices or believing things could be affected. Many factors con- that are not there. tribute to mental health problems in- - Thinking of harming yourself or oth- cluding; Biological factors,such as ers . genes or brain chemistry, Life expe- - Inability to perform daily tasks. riences, such as trauma or abuse and Family history of mental health prob- MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS lems. Mental health problems are common Positive mental health allows people but help is available. People with men- to; tal health problems can get better and - Realise their full potential. many recover completely. - Cope with the stresses of life. - Work productively. EARLY WARNING SIGNS - Make meaningful contributions to their community. Not sure if you or someone you know is living with mental health problems? Ways to maintain positive mental , Experiencing one or more of the fol- health include; lowing feelings or behaviour can be - Getting professional help if you need early warning signs of a problem: it. - Eating or sleeping too much or too - Connecting with others. late. - Staying positive. - pulling away from people and usual - Getting enough sleep. activities. - Developing coping skills. - Having low or no energy. - Feeling numb or like nothing mat- ters. | X-MAS EDITION 2021 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE Wellbeing is a positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for many sectors of society, because it tells us that people perceive that their lives are going well. Good living conditions (eg Housing, employment) are fundamental to wellbeing. Tracking these conditions is important for public policy. Howev- er, many indicators that measure living conditions fail to measure what people think and feel about their lives, such as the quality of their relationships, their positive emotions and resilience, their realization of their potential, or their satisfaction with their life - i.e, their “Wellbeing” , wellbeing generally in- cludes global judgements of life satis- factions and feelings ranging from de- pression to joy. ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 |
I am Viola Chimwemwe Munthali from area 23 The 21st generation can introduce programs Lilongwe, I came to know about 21st generation such as recovery group (group therapy), focus through a friend who was attending the mental group discussions and some physical exercise health teaching at pebbles. routines or aerobic activities like swimming, hiking, etc. And some other activities that are I am thankful to have been part of the debate suitable for introverts or shy members since winners. But I feel more passionate since the not every person is comfortable with a crowd. debate was a learning experience for me. Hearing other people’s ideas and perspectives about mental health and parenting helped me to have a better understanding of how other people look at mental health. I feel like as much as parents are connected with children so is mental health and parenting. Since a person’s mental health is basically de- termined by how they were raised or natured. The type of environment that a person is raised contributes to how that particular person will interpret various situations or scenarios they go through which contributes to a person’s mental health. The establishment of 21st generation as an or- ganization that deals with mental health and youth empowerment has provided us with the opportunity of a platform that enables to ex- press our thoughts. ECLIPSE MAGAZINE X-MAS EDITION 2021 | 29
My name is Liccy Takondwa Banda, from the bate has given me the strength to carry on with City of Blantyre. I came to know about 21st Gen- this great task the 21st Generation is about to eration through my friend's WhatsApp status establish to the society. where the group link was shared, later saw it on another then I decided to join. After reading In addition, I would like to congratulate the the objectives of the group I learned that 21st youth behind the establishment of 21st Gener- Generation is a group consisting of the Youth ation. This is indeed a great initiative that will that are striving for a society with good mental help my fellow youth speak out their minds health. Being one of the topics that really inter- concerning their mental health issues. Through est me, I decided to give myself full participa- the platform and especially this debate, I have tion and that is how I got myself registering in learned that so many of the youth are going the debate on the topic \"Parenting and Mental through mental health problems but do not Health\". speak out for fear of their parent's reaction. I also have understood that there must be a need to build some effective communication between parents and their children. There is a lot to be exchanged between both parties so that together we have a nation with less issues concerning mental health. The coming of \"21st Generation\" should be re- garded as an answer to problems affecting our mental health, therefore, despite conducting debates, I suggest this should also be a place where the youth will get counselling concern- ing different aspects of life. I would also love if this platform acts as a bridge to opportunities that can help us improve ourselves in access- ing paying or voluntary jobs. Talented people should also feel safe trusting their talents will be exposed if they pass through 21st Genera- tion. This should be the window to a generation full of active youth. We will stand together to make a generation that is having good mental health. 21st Genera- tion is the path to making this a reality. Togeth- er with the rest of the nation, we can work on the stability of our mental state. B eing a part of the debate was really a X - M A S E D I T I O N 2 0 2 1 | 31 perfect experience for me and com- ing out as a winner has really given me some feeling of positivity. In addition, this has stimulated my spirit of consistency in issues concerning mental health. Working on issues concerning mental health has really been my dream and making it out of this de- ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
21st Generation is a youth led organization that The movement has reached over 1000+ au- deals with Mental health and Youth empower- dience engagement with the youth online ment. 21st Generation was formed in June when (WhatsApp). The vision is that by 2022 Febru- a group of friends discovered how the Malawian ary it should reach over 5000+ audience. youth lack support and empowerment when it comes to mental health issues. As a startup organization we are facing differ- ent challenges that we wish to overcome when 21st Generation aims at creating a safe space we get the right help from the right people where the youth can talk about their men- hopefully. tal health problems without fear of judgement. The organization also aims at establishing pro- grams that are going to help the youth gain en- trepreneurial skills that are focused on building a better Malawi for the youth. Over the past few months 21st Generation has been forming a movement that aims at building small owned business that belong to the youth, this movement aims at contributing in the growth of the brands that present these busi- nesses. 21st Generation org recently organized a launch party event in Lilongwe that featured different activities that were performed by the youth. | X-MAS EDITION 2021 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
TACKLING MENTAL HEALTH organisation’s vision, mission and objective to Every year on 10th October, people around the globe commemorate World Mental Health Day. In Malawi, the day was commemorated in Li- longwe. People from all walks of life came to- gether to commemorate the day. As an organisation, we took part in this year’s the audience. event. We also presented to Malawians who gathered at St Johns Rehabilitation Centre -Monalisa Liabunya launching her two poetry on how 21st Generation will help fan away the books, ‘Perspective and In My Mind.’ dawn of Mental Health issues which has been affecting the youth for so long. Our awareness did not end that day. We con- tinued and are still continuing to campaign for mental health online through various social me- dia platforms where the youth are most active. So far we have reached close to 1000 youths and provided a safe-space and support to some. Financial resources from car wash fundrais- ing activities and sale of apparel; T-shirts both long and short-sleeve which are still available for sale and Golf-shirts were used to fund and prepare for the organisation’s launch party that was scheduled on November 27th , 2021 at Peb- bles Boutique Hotel. LAUNCH EVENT IN PICTURES -The Guest Speaker, Kondwani Magombo, a Nouthetic counsellor and Executive Director of -The event host, Riana Brown, navigated the iRise Talks Malawi advising the excutive about whole colourful event excellently. togetherness. -Presentation of Certicates Of Recognition by GrandPen Publications officials to five individu- als who contributed in Monalisa Liabunya’s an- tholies. -The organisation’s Founder and Executive X-MAS EDITION 2021 | Director, Grey Mafuta (Centre) explaining the ECLIPSE MAGAZINE
-Mrs Chetama, a Social Worker at Tikondane Sanny spiced up the event with his music and Care for street children, advising the audience lastly, Micheal of Mbanandi Art showcased his on how helping someone is vital to one’s men- art. tal health. -Meek Yapoma launched his book ‘Invisible Feelings Inside Us’. Helpline/Contact Details In case you would like to inquire more about 21st Generation organisation, or you are in a great need of support, feel free to use the contact details below. 21st_Gen will always be there for you 24/7. Call/Whatsapp: +265983011622 ECLIPSE MAGAZINE Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @21st_gen_ Email: [email protected] | X-MAS EDITION 2021
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