PENCILS & CHARCOAL Simply Sketching Simply Colour Simply Watercolour Pencil Sets Pencils Pencils 12x (4H, 2H, H, F, HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B & 8B) 12x Colouring Pencils 8 Piece Watercolour Tin D 644 200 012 D 646 200 012 D 643 200 008 PK 12 PK 12 PK 12 13 Piece Artist 8 Piece Drawing Tin Sketching Set D 644 250 008 D 644 200 000 PK 6 PK 6 Simply Blending Artists’ Charcoal 11 Piece Manikin 4x Blending Stick Sketching Set & 6x Tortillons Set 15x Willow Charcoal D 644 200 100 D 845 300 200 Thin (approx. 2-4mm) 8 Piece Sketching Tin D 808 010 015 D 644 200 008 PK 12 12 Piece Drawing Tin 15x Willow Charcoal D 644 250 012 Simply Drawing Medium (approx. 5-6mm) Accessories D 808 020 015 PK 12 3x Erasers Set: Putty Rubber, 25x Willow Charcoal Sketching Creative Easel Set Gum Eraser Medium (approx. 5-6mm) D 646 200 201 & Vinyl Eraser D 808 020 025 D 845 700 100 PK 1 5x Willow Charcoal PK 6 Thick (approx. 7-9mm) Simply Charcoal D 808 030 005 12x Willow Charcoal D 157 700 012 1x Willow Charcoal 8 Piece Charcoal Tin Chunky (approx. 15-20mm) D 649 100 120 D 808 040 001 PK 12 10x Willow Charcoal Assorted (approx. 2-10mm) 12 Piece Charcoal Tin D 808 050 010 D 649 100 130 PK 1 PK 6 Putty Rubbers Small / Soft Small / Firm D 812 020 100 D 812 010 100 PK 36 PK 36 Large / Soft Large / Firm D 812 020 200 D 812 010 200 PK 12 PK 12 99
Daler-Rowney has a worldwide reputation for the finest papers for drawing, sketching, pastel and watercolour work. The correct surface can have a dramatic effect on a finished piece of work. The coarseness or ‘tooth’ of a drawing paper has a direct effect on an image created using pencil or charcoal. Successful works in soft pastels rely on the interweave of the paper fibres to hold the unbound pigments on the surface. The demanding techniques of watercolour painting require high performance papers, specially sized to accept colour accurately and speedily but also withstand repeated applications of washes. Daler-Rowney papers embrace the demanding needs of the artist and support them fully with acid free papers which will not discolour over time, remaining true to the original artists’ colours. Papers are available in wide range of sizes, weights and formats, from loose sheets, pads, blocks and spirals to the world leading range of fine art sketchbooks. Daler-Rowney papers are designed to support artists on each step of their journey, from beginners to professionals alike. By: Lisa Jay Created with: Simply Drawing Paper More: 101
SURFACES PAPER Langton Prestige Langton Prestige Postcard Pad / 12 Sheets / In CDU 100% Cotton, Mould Made Cold Pressed (NOT) A6: D 431 330 600 Watercolour Paper Watercolour Paper 300g/m² 140lb. PK 20 A superb 100% Cotton mould made archival quality Pad / 12 Sheets Sheet watercolour paper with a 22 x 30in / 55.9 x 76.2cm: D 414 433 300 distinctive soft touch and 7 x 10in / 17.8 x 25.4cm: D 431 330 710 natural whiteness. The flawless 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 431 330 912 PK 10 Langton Prestige surface features a distinctive random PK 6 texture that only woollen felts can give and a demanding 10 x 14in / 25.4 x 35.6cm: D 431 331 410 quality inspection from one 14 x 20in / 35.6 x 50.8cm: D 431 331 420 of Europe’s oldest mills. Every sheet is both gelatine sized PK 3 to give a strong and resilient performance for the most Block / 12 Sheets demanding techniques, and acid free with an alkali reserve 7 x 10in / 17.8 x 25.4cm: D 433 330 710 to preserve the finest pieces 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 433 330 912 of art from discolouration. PK 6 Available in Hot Pressed, Cold Pressed and Rough textures. 10 x 14in / 25.4 x 35.6cm: D 433 331 410 14 x 20in / 35.6 x 50.8cm: D 433 331 420 PK 3 Langton Prestige Langton Prestige Langton Prestige Rough Watercolour Paper Hot Pressed Watercolour Board 300g/m² 140lb. Watercolour Paper Pad / 12 Sheets 300g/m² 140lb. 22 x 30in / 55.9 x 76.2cm 7 x 10in / 17.8 x 25.4cm: D 431 340 710 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 431 340 912 Pad / 12 Sheets Cold Pressed (NOT): 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 431 350 912 D 304 275 310 PK 6 PK 6 Hot Pressed: 10 x 14in / 25.4 x 35.6cm: D 431 341 410 D 304 275 320 14 x 20in / 35.6 x 50.8cm: D 431 341 420 10 x 14in / 25.4 x 35.6cm: D 431 351 410 Rough: PK 3 PK 3 D 304 275 330 Block / 12 Sheets Block / 12 Sheets PK 5 7 x 10in / 17.8 x 25.4cm: D 433 340 710 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 433 350 912 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 433 340 912 PK 6 PK 6 10 x 14in / 25.4 x 35.6cm: D 433 351 410 10 x 14in / 25.4 x 35.6cm: D 433 341 410 14 x 20in / 35.6 x 50.8cm: D 433 341 420 PK 3 PK 3 Sheet 22 x 30in / 55.9 x 76.2cm: D 414 435 300 Sheet 22 x 30in / 55.9 x 76.2cm: D 414 434 300 PK 10 PK 10 102
SURFACES PAPER The Langton Langton Cold Postcard Pad / 12 Sheets / In CDU Mould Made Watercolour Paper Pressed (NOT) A6: D 403 330 600 Watercolour Paper An established mould made woodfree paper that 300g/m² 140lb. PK 20 performs with rigour. Perfectly sized and acid free, watercolour washes are beautifully rendered Pad / 12 Sheets Sheet and retain an even distribution across the surface 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm: D 401 703 022 making the paper ideal for wet in wet techniques. A5: D 403 311 500 The Langton is also very responsive to other media. A4: D 403 311 400 PK 10 Colour washes, pen and ink and pencil work perform to perfection due to the Langton’s high PK 6 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm: D 414 153 022 paper stability and resistance to tearing. A3: D 403 312 300 PK 125 Available in Hot Pressed, Cold Pressed A2: D 403 312 200 and Rough textures. Carry Bag / 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm PK 3 5 Sheets: D 401 753 022 10 Sheets: D 401 713 022 Block / 12 Sheets PK 1 10 x 7in / 25.4 x 17.8cm: D 404 331 007 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 404 331 209 PK 6 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4 cm: D 404 331 410 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 404 331 612 20 x 16in / 50.8 x 40.6cm: D 404 332 016 PK 3 Spiral / 12 Sheets 7 x 5in / 17.8 x 12.7cm: D 405 311 000 10 x 7in / 25.4 x 17.8cm: D 405 311 400 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 405 311 700 PK 6 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4 cm: D 405 311 900 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 405 312 300 20 x 16in / 50.8 x 40.6cm: D 405 312 800 PK 3 Langton Rough Langton Cold Pressed (NOT) Watercolour Paper Watercolour Board 300g/m² 140lb. 12 x 10in / 30.5 x 25.4cm: D 301 401 210 Pad / 12 Sheets 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4 cm: D 301 401 410 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 301 401 612 A5: D 403 440 500 18 x 14in / 45.7 x 35.6cm: D 301 401 814 A4: D 403 440 400 PK 6 PK 6 Langton Cold Pressed (NOT) A3: D 403 440 300 Watercolour Paper A2: D 403 440 200 425g/m² 200lb. PK 3 Spiral / 12 Sheets 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 405 321 209 Block / 12 Sheets PK 6 10 x 7in / 25.4 x 17.8cm: D 404 441 007 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 404 441 209 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4 cm: D 405 321 410 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 405 321 612 PK 6 PK 3 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4 cm: D 404 441 410 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 404 441 612 Sheet 20 x 16in / 50.8 x 40.6cm: D 404 442 016 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm: D 414 413 425 PK 3 PK 10 Spiral / 12 Sheets 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm: D 414 403 425 10 x 7in / 25.4 x 17.8cm: D 405 441 007 PK 100 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 405 441 209 Langton Hot Pressed PK 6 Watercolour Paper 300g/m² 140lb. 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 405 441 612 20 x 16in / 50.8 x 40.6cm: D 405 442 016 Pad / 12 Sheets PK 3 10 x 7in / 25.4 x 17.8cm: D 403 401 007 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 403 401 209 Sheet PK 6 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm: D 401 503 022 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4 cm: D 403 401 410 PK 10 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 403 401 216 Carry Bag / 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9cm PK 3 5 Sheets: D 401 553 022 10 Sheets: D 401 513 022 PK 1 103
SURFACES PAPER Aquafine Watercolour Aquafine Texture Travelbook / 12 Sheets Smooth & Texture Paper Cold Pressed (NOT) A5: D 432 250 500 Aquafine watercolour paper is ideal Watercolour Paper for use by students and beginners. 300g/m² 140lb. PK 6 Manufactured using 100% virgin wood pulp, Aquafine watercolour Pad / 12 Sheets Postcard Pad paper is acid-free and calcium 12 Sheets / In CDU carbonate buffered to prevent A4: D 403 660 400 A6: D 431 230 600 the deterioration of colour and to 7 x 10in / 17.8 x 25.4cm: D 403 660 107 preserve the integrity of the paper 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 403 660 050 PK 20 over time. Every sheet is free of 25 x 25cm: D 403 660 053 optical brightening agents and 20 x 40cm: D 403 660 056 Aquafine Texture is internally and surface sized. Its Cold Pressed (NOT) weight of 300g/m² offers good water PK 6 Artboard absorbency and the surface is very Pad / 10 Sheets easy to use and effect corrections. A3: D 403 660 300 A4: D 304 601 410 12 x 16in / 30.5 x 40.6cm: D 403 660 051 A3: D 304 601 310 104 16 x 20in / 40.6 x 50.8cm: D 403 660 052 35 x 35cm: D 403 660 054 PK 3 24 x 68cm: D 403 660 055 PK 3 Jumbo Pad / 50 Sheets A4: D 431 231 409 A3: D 431 231 309 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 403 660 070 12 x 16in / 30.5 x 40.6cm: D 403 660 071 25 x 25cm: D 403 660 072 PK 3 Block / 12 Sheets 24 x 32cm: D 404 662 432 PK 6 30 x 40cm: D 404 663 040 40 x 50cm: D 404 664 050 PK 3 Spiral / 12 Sheets 7 x 10in / 17.8 x 25.4cm: D 405 660 060 9 x 12in / 22.9 x 30.5cm: D 405 660 061 PK 6 12 x 16in / 30.5 x 40.6cm: D 405 660 062 PK 3 Sheet 35 x 50cm: D 403 660 040 50 x 70cm: D 403 660 030 PK 25 Carry Bag / 50 x 70cm 5 Sheets: D 455 431 005 PK 1 Manipack / 50 x 70cm 10 Sheets: D 455 435 070 PK 1
SURFACES PAPER Aquafine Smooth Travelbook / 12 Sheets Line & Wash Board Hot Pressed Watercolour Paper A5: D 432 255 500 22 x 30in / 55.9 x 76.2cm 300g/m² 140lb. PK 6 Cold Pressed (NOT): D 304 300 310 Pad / 12 Sheets Hot Pressed (Fine): D 304 300 320 A4: D 431 235 400 PK 5 PK 6 Line & Wash Boards A3: D 431 235 300 Line and Wash boards are sturdy, durable boards covered with PK 3 an acid free watercolour paper which preserves finished pieces Jumbo Pad / 50 Sheets of work and protects against A4: D 431 235 409 discolouration. Available in A3: D 431 235 309 Hot Pressed and Cold Pressed texture surfaces, these boards PK 3 are particularly suited to line and wash, and illustration work. Sheet 35 x 50cm: D 415 403 550 50 x 70cm: D 415 405 070 PK 25 Carry Bag / 50 x 70cm 5 Sheets: D 455 435 005 PK 1 Simply Watercolour Paper Simply Watercolour Paper A good quality medium 190g/m² 90lb. textured surface which is perfect for beginners in Pad / 12 Sheets watercolour painting. A4: D 431 532 400 PK 6 A3: D 431 532 300 PK 3 105
SURFACES PAPER Georgian Oil Painting Paper System3 Acrylic Paper Georgian oil painting paper System3 paper is a high quality acrylic surface features an excellent surface featuring a texture which recreates the random for oil colour with a natural weave of linen. Ideal for use with all acrylic texture similar to canvas. It is colours and mediums, it is a perfect surface able to absorb oil evenly while to both practice and develop technique as well maintaining the brightness, as for finished works. intensity and shine of the painted colours. Georgian Artboard Pad / 10 Sheets A4: D 304 603 410 A3: D 304 603 310 PK 3 System3 Georgian Acrylic Paper Oil Paper 230g/m² 140lb. 290g/m² 174lb. Pad / 20 Sheets Pad / 12 Sheets A5: D 403 600 500 A4: D 403 612 400 A4: D 403 600 400 A3: D 403 612 300 10 x 7in / 25.4 x 17.8cm: D 403 611 400 PK 6 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 403 611 700 14 x 10in / 35.6 x 25.4cm: D 403 611 900 A3: D 403 600 300 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 403 612 200 A2: D 403 600 200 20 x 16in / 50.8 x 40.6cm: D 403 612 700 PK 3 PK 3 System3 Artboard Sheet Pad / 10 Sheets 30 x 20in / 76.2 x 50.8cm: D 401 020 001 A4: D 304 602 410 A3: D 304 602 310 PK 12 PK 3 Simply Acrylic Paper Simply Acrylic Paper 190g/m² 90lb. A good quality surface with a canvas like texture, Pad / 16 Sheets perfect for beginners in A4: D 436 731 400 acrylic painting. PK 6 A3: D 436 731 300 PK 3 106
SURFACES PAPER Optima Artboard Calligraphy Paper Pads featuring an excellent Pad / 10 Sheets 90gsm parchment paper with cloudy formation, popular A4: D 304 604 410 with calligraphy artists. A3: D 304 604 310 Calligraphy Paper PK 3 90g/m² 62lb. Pad / 30 Sheets Optima Mixed Media Paper A4: D 403 375 400 Optima Mixed Media paper offers excellent tooth for all PK 6 drawing techniques such as pencil, pen & ink, pastel and A3: D 403 375 300 charcoal but is also ideally suited for works in watercolour PK 3 and acrylic. With a heavy 250g/m² weight and spiral binding, these pads are so versatile that they can even support creations in collage and visual journaling. Optima Medium Grain Arteco Mixed Media Paper 250g/m² 169lb. High quality white Lightly textured drawing paper with cream paper, ideal Spiral / 30 Sheets a light texture. for sketches & drafts. A5: D 437 150 500 A4: D 437 150 400 PK 6 A3: D 437 150 300 A2: D 437 150 200 PK 3 Manga Ultra-white, bleedproof paper, ideal for all types of markers. Manga Drawing Arteco Sketching Oiled Manila 70g/m² 48lb. Medium Grain Paper 95g/m² 65lb. Stencil Paper 160g/m² 98lb. 275g/m² Pad / 50 Sheets Spiral / 30 Sheets 10 Sheets A4: D 435 270 400 Pad / 50 Sheets A4: D 405 070 400 30 x 20in / 76 x 51cm: A3: D 405 070 300 D 410 500 015 PK 6 A5: D 403 020 550 A4: D 403 020 450 PK 10 PK 1 A3: D 435 270 300 PK 6 Jumbo Spiral / 120 Sheets 107 PK 3 A3: D 403 020 350 A4: D 403 071 400 A2: D 403 020 250 A3: D 403 071 300 PK 3 PK 6
SURFACES PAPER Fine Grain & Smooth Paper Daler-Rowney Smooth & Fine Grain pads feature ideal papers for drawing and sketching offering the choice of a completely smooth or a fine grained texture. Available in a range of weights, each paper is suitable for all dry techniques and pen and ink work, with the heavyweight papers also supporting light watercolour washes. Fine grain papers are also available in an eco friendly recycled paper form. Heavyweight Cartridge Drawing Smooth Paper Smooth Paper Smooth Paper 220g/m² 135lb. 130g/m² 80lb. 96g/m² 65lb. Pad / 25 Sheets Pad / 30 Sheets Pad / 50 Sheets A5: D 403 040 500 A4: D 403 040 400 A5: D 403 010 500 A5: D 403 020 500 A4: D 403 010 400 A4: D 403 020 400 PK 6 A3: D 403 010 300 A3: D 403 020 300 A3: D 403 040 300 PK 6 PK 6 A2: D 403 040 200 A2: D 403 010 200 A2: D 403 020 200 PK 3 PK 3 PK 3 Jumbo Pad / 60 Sheets 25 x 25cm: D 434 232 525 A1: D 403 010 100 PK3 PK 1 Sketching & Drawing Sheets Red & Yellow Paper 96g/m² 65lb. 150g/m² 90lb. A1: D 401 250 100 130g/m² 80lb. Pad / 25 Sheets 30 x 22in / 76.2 x 55.9in: D 401 260 400 A6: D 434 130 600 A1: D 401 260 100 A5: D 434 130 500 150g/m² 90lb. A4: D 434 130 400 A2: D 401 370 100 A3: D 434 130 300 A1: D 401 270 100 PK 6 PK 250 A2: D 434 130 200 220g/m² 135lb. A1: D 411 220 125 PK 3 PK 25 Spiral / 25 Sheets A1: D 401 280 100 A6: D 405 010 600 A5: D 405 010 500 PK 125 A4: D 405 010 400 A3: D 405 010 300 108 PK 6 A2: D 434 010 200 PK 3 Jumbo Pad / 100 Sheets 25 x 25cm: D 434 332 525 PK 3
SURFACES PAPER Drawing Heavyweight Cartridge Fine Grain Eco Paper Fine Grain Paper Fine Grain Paper 120g/m² 75lb. 200g/m² 120lb. 160g/m² 98lb. Pad / 30 Sheets Pad / 30 Sheets A5: D 434 250 500 A5: D 437 033 500 Pad / 30 Sheets A4: D 434 250 400 A4: D 437 033 400 A3: D 434 250 300 A3: D 437 033 300 A5: D 437 034 500 A4: D 437 034 400 PK 6 PK 6 A3: D 437 034 300 A2: D 434 250 200 A2: D 437 033 200 PK 6 PK 3 PK 3 A2: D 437 034 200 Heavyweight Drawing PK 3 Fine Grain Eco Paper Fine Grain Paper 200g/m² 120lb. 120g/m² 75lb. Pad / 30 Sheets Pad / 30 Sheets A5: D 434 230 500 A5: D 437 035 500 A4: D 434 230 400 A4: D 437 035 400 A3: D 434 230 300 A3: D 437 035 300 PK 6 PK 6 A2: D 434 230 200 A2: D 437 035 200 PK 3 PK 3 109
SURFACES PAPER Graphic Series Graphic Series Marker Layout Graphic Series Paper 70g/m² 48lb. 45g/m² 31lb. High quality pads featuring papers of a variety of textures and weights. This series supports a wide Pad / 50 Sheets Pad / 80 Sheets range of techniques from dry media, sketching, A4: D 403 425 400 A4: D 403 030 400 illustration, tracing, washes, markers and inks. Ideal A3: D 403 425 300 A3: D 403 030 300 for students as well as for professionals. The smooth heavyweight Bristol paper gives PK 6 PK 6 exceptional results when using a whole range of techniques. The ultra-white, bleedproof Marker A2: D 403 425 200 A2: D 403 030 200 Paper is suitable for all types of markers. The Tracing paper is ideal for all types of pencil, drawing pens PK 3 PK 3 and inks. The fine grain drawing paper is suitable for media, colour, coloured pencil and light pen and washes. The Layout pads are perfect for graphite sketches, marker-pen illustrations, calligraphy or technical drawings. The Tracing Pads offers 2 weights and are suited for every pen, pencil, eraser, ink and marker. Graphic Series Drawing 200g/m² 120lb. Pad / 20 Sheets A4: D 435 520 400 PK 6 A3: D 435 520 300 PK 3 Graphic Series Graphic Series Graphic Series Bristol Tracing Tracing 250g/m² 115lb. 90g/m² 62lb. 60g/m² 40lb. 20 Sheets A4: D 435 620 400 Pad / 50 Sheets Pad / 50 Sheets A4: D 403 240 400 A4: D 403 550 400 PK 6 A3: D 403 240 300 A3: D 403 550 300 A3: D 435 620 300 PK 6 PK 6 PK 3 A2: D 403 240 200 A2: D 403 550 200 Sheet PK 3 PK 3 50 x 65cm: D 413 252 230 Tracing Paper Sheets Tracing Paper Sheets PK 10 90g/m² 62lb. 60g/m² 40lb. 50 x 65cm: D 413 205 065 25 Sheets 25 Sheets A1: D 417 190 125 A1: D 417 155 125 PK 125 PK 1 PK 1 110 250 Sheets 250 Sheets A1: D 402 100 901 A1: D 417 155 100 PK 1 PK 1
SURFACES PAPER Simply Drawing Simply Simply & Sketching Paper Drawing Paper Sketching Paper 120g/m² 75lb. 95g/m² 65lb. A comprehensive range of pads with Pad / 50 Sheets Pad / 72 Sheets good quality papers A4: D 435 931 400 A4: D 434 935 400 supporting the most important dry PK 6 PK 6 techniques, from sketching and A3: D 435 931 300 A3: D 434 935 300 drawing to marker and pastel works. PK 3 PK 3 Simply Eco Drawing Paper 120g/m² 75lb. Pad / 50 Sheets A4: D 435 933 400 PK 6 A3: D 435 933 300 PK 3 Simply Marker Paper Simply 70g/m² 48lb. Pastel Paper Pad / 40 Sheets 150g/m² 90lb. A4: D 435 932 400 Pad / 16 Sheets PK 6 A4: D 437 531 400 A3: D 435 932 300 PK 6 PK 3 A3: D 437 531 300 Simply PK 3 Multicolour Paper 120g/m² 75lb. Simply Ingres Pastel Paper Pad / 21 Sheets Tracing Paper 160g/m² 98lb. A4: D 438 432 400 70g/m² 46lb. Pad / 40 Sheets Spiral / 24 Sheets PK 6 A4: D 435 935 400 Assorted Whites 9 x 6in / 22.9 x 15.2cm: D 405 210 906 A3: D 438 432 300 PK 6 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 405 211 209 PK 3 A3: D 435 935 300 PK 6 PK 3 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 405 211 612 Ingres Pastel Paper PK 3 Spiral bound pads with 160g/m² grid-textured paper in a choice Assorted Colours of 2 colour assortments. Sheets 9 x 6in / 22.9 x 15.2cm: D 405 220 906 are interleaved with bank paper 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9cm: D 405 221 209 allowing the artist to work inside the spiral, protecting the PK 6 art on one sheet from the back of the adjacent one. 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5cm: D 405 221 612 PK 3 111
SURFACES PAPER 035 Soft White 049 Dawn Blue 021 Vanilla 015 Apple Murano Paper 022 Latte 020 Lagoon 001 Pineapple 018 Jade This fine art paper range 023 Oatmeal 017 Holly breathes new life into traditional 024 Honey 041 Moss coloured paper. The naturally 003 Mandarin 046 Lily textured surface and cotton 019 Pale Peach 031 Stone content give it a classic, luxurious 051 Dawn Pink 030 Rose Grey feel, whilst the combination of 043 Poppy 032 Storm 35 sophisticated and fashionable 004 Strawberry 045 Taupe colours make it the ideal choice 040 Meringue 028 Chocolate for artists and crafters alike. 048 Violet 047 Pearl Grey Weighing in at a substantial 007 Bordeaux 010 Haze 160gsm, Murano is perfect 044 Twilight 033 Platinum for fine art applications such 011 Cobalt 029 Slate as pastel, pencil or charcoal, 013 Aquamarine 034 Midnight and crafty creations such as 008 Wedgewood cardmaking, memory-booking. Murano Paper 160gsm 98lb. A4 35 Colours D 425 020 *** / PK 50 65 x 50cm 35 Colours D 425 065 *** / PK 25 Murano Neutral Murano Cool Murano Warm 6 Colours 6 Colours 6 Colours 160g/m² 98lb. 160g/m² 98lb. 160g/m² 98lb. Pad / 30 Sheets Pad / 30 Sheets Pad / 30 Sheets 12 x 9in / 12 x 9in / 12 x 9in / 30.5 x 22.9mm: 30.5 x 22.9mm: 30.5 x 22.9mm: D 438 031 209 D 438 032 209 D 438 033 209 PK 6 PK 6 PK 6 16 x 12in / 16 x 12in / 16 x 12in / 40.6 x 30.5mm: 40.6 x 30.5mm: 40.6 x 30.5mm: D 438 031 612 D 438 032 612 D 438 033 612 PK 3 PK 3 PK 3 112
SURFACES PAPER 083 Ice White 025 Electric Blue 068 Snow White 205 Aqua Canford Paper 011 China White 036 Kingfisher 033 Ivory 208 Sky Blue Canford Coloured Paper and 024 Dresden Yellow 003 Azure Blue Card are high-quality paper and 010 Buttercup 211 Apple stiff card in a wide range of 072 Tangerine 212 Bright Green brilliant, matt colours, perfect 216 Orange 026 Emerald Green for presentation and display 207 Coral 034 Jewel Green in every setting – from the 007 Bright Red 215 Olive professional design studio to 031 Guardsman Red 217 Lime the school art room. It’s also an 078 Cherry 213 Hazelnut exciting and versatile medium in 209 Fuschia 014 Coffee its own right for paper sculpture 204 Blush 023 Dreadnought Grey and modelling, decorative arts, 210 Lilac 079 Gun Metal collage and craft. Easy to cut, 001 Amethyst 004 Jet Black curve, crease and emboss to 214 Grape 070 Frosted Silver create three-dimensional 081 Ocean Blue 071 Frosted Gold works of art. 052 Royal Blue Canford Paper 150gsm 90lb. A4 37 Colours D 402 290 *** / PK 50 A1 37 Colours D 402 275 *** / PK 25 Canford Card 300gsm 180lb. A4 37 Colours D 402 890 *** / PK 50 A1 37 Colours D 402 850 *** / PK 10 Canford Black 150g/m² 90lb. Pad / 30 Sheets A4: D 403 355 400 A3: D 403 355 300 PK 3 113
SURFACES SKETCHBOOKS Ebony & Ivory Sketchbooks Ebony Artists’ The Ebony range features a selection Spiral Sketchbooks of artists’ hardbound sketchbooks with 160g/m² 109lb. premium quality, crisp, white cartridge paper, suitable for all dry techniques, pen Ebony Artists’ Book / 50 Sheets Landscape & ink work and light watercolour washes. Hardback Sketchbooks The Ivory range with its smooth creamy 150g/m² 101lb. Portrait A5: D 813 100 500 coloured lighter weight paper and micro- 14.8 x 13cm: D 813 100 600 perforated pages remains an ever popular Book / 62 Sheets A6: D 813 200 600 26.5 x 21cm: D 813 100 400 sketchbook with discerning artists. A5: D 813 200 500 Portrait A4: D 813 200 400 PK 6 Ebony Artists’ Black Paper Spiral A6: D 813 880 600 PK 6 38 x 29.7cm: D 813 100 300 Hardback Sketchbooks A5: D 813 880 500 180g/m² 122lb. A4: D 813 880 400 A3: D 813 200 300 PK 3 PK 5 PK 3 Square Book / 48 Sheets Landscape 6 x 6in / 15.2 x 15.2cm: Portrait D 813 200 606 A3: D 813 880 300 A5: D 813 881 500 14.8 x 13cm: D 813 881 600 PK 6 PK 3 26.5 x 21cm: D 813 881 400 12 x 12in / 30.5 x 30.5cm: PK 5 D 813 201 212 PK 3 Book / 40 Sheets Landscape Portrait A5: D 813 600 500 21 x 26.5cm: D 813 610 400 A4: D 813 600 400 PK 6 PK 6 29.7 x 38cm: D 813 610 300 A3: D 813 600 300 PK 3 PK 3 Square 6 x 6in / 15.2 x 15.2cm: D 813 600 606 PK 6 12 x 12in / 30.5 x 30.5cm: D 813 601 212 PK 3 Ebony Artists’ Ivory Artists’ Ivory Artists’ Luxury Cover Hardback Sketchbooks Softback Sketchbooks Hardback Sketchbooks 90g/m² 60lb. 90g/m² 60lb. 150g/m² 101lb. Book / 78 Sheets Book / 78 Sheets Book / 62 Sheets A6: D 481 150 626 Portrait / Bluewave A6: D 813 550 626 A5: D 481 150 526 A4: D 813 330 400 A5: D 813 550 526 A4: D 481 150 426 A4: D 813 550 426 PK 5 PK 5 PK 5 Portrait / Purple Fabric Book / 50 Sheets / In CDU A4: D 813 350 400 Ebony Artists’ 9 x 14cm: D 481 150 914 Union Jack PK 5 Hardback Sketchbooks PK 15 150g/m² 101lb. Book / 62 Sheets Portrait A4: D 481 380 400 PK 5 114
SURFACES SKETCHBOOKS Cachet Sketchbooks High quality artist papers presented in sketchbooks featuring a variety of coloured covers. Cachet Earthbound Softback stapled Cachet Artists’ Recycled Sketchbooks 30 Sheets Watercolour Sketchbooks 110g/m² 70lb. 300g/m² 180lb. A5: D 474 150 500 A5 / 20 Sheets Hardback / 80 Sheets A4: D 474 150 400 Landscape / Linen Cover A3: D 474 150 300 Blue: D 476 214 500 A5: D 474 100 500 Purple: D 476 215 500 A4: D 474 100 400 PK 3 Red: D 476 213 500 A3: D 474 100 300 PK 3 PK 3 Cachet Artists’ Spiral / 80 Sheets Hardback Sketchbooks 160g/m² 109lb. A5: D 474 500 500 A5 / 40 Sheets A4: D 474 500 400 Portrait / Linen Cover A3: D 474 500 300 Chartreuse: D 476 107 500 Mocha: D 476 102 500 PK 3 Black: D 476 101 500 PK 3 Cachet Artists’ Blue Tangerine Black Cachet Artists’ Spiral Sketchbooks Spiral Sketchbooks A5: D 468 209 500 A5: D 468 228 500 A5: D 468 278 500 Mixed Media 160g/m² 109lb. 250g/m² 169lb. PK 6 PK 6 PK 6 Book / 30 Sheets Book / 40 Sheets Amethyst Berry A4: D 468 209 400 A4: D 468 228 400 A4: D 468 278 400 A5: D 468 298 500 A5: D 468 207 500 A3: D 468 209 300 A3: D 468 228 300 A3: D 468 278 300 PK 6 PK 6 PK 3 PK 3 PK 3 A4: D 468 298 400 A4: D 468 207 400 Square Square Square A3: D 468 298 300 A3: D 468 207 300 20 x 20cm: 20 x 20cm: 20 x 20cm: PK 3 PK 3 D 468 209 800 D 468 228 800 D 468 278 800 Square Square PK 3 PK 3 PK 3 20 x 20cm: 20 x 20cm: D 468 298 800 D 468 207 800 PK 3 PK 3 115
SURFACES SKETCHBOOKS Graduate Sketchbooks The Graduate range offers great value for money sketchbooks in a variety of practical sizes and styles, perfect for any art student. Graduate Hardback Landscape Graduate Soft Cover Graduate Soft Cover Sketchbooks Stapled Sketchbooks Stapled Sketchbooks 130g/m² 80lb. A5: D 481 751 500 140g/m² 86lb. A4: D 481 751 400 160g/m² 109lb. Book / 46 Sheets A3: D 481 751 300 Book / 20 Sheets Eco Portrait PK 6 Matt A5: D 481 700 500 A6: D 481 750 600 A5: D 815 000 500 A4: D 481 700 400 A5: D 481 750 500 A4: D 815 000 400 A3: D 481 700 300 A4: D 481 750 400 A3: D 815 000 300 A3: D 481 750 300 PK 10 PK 10 PK 6 Gloss A5: D 813 999 500 A4: D 813 999 400 A3: D 813 999 300 PK 10 Graduate Premium Landscape Graduate Premium Premium Sketchbooks Black Spiral Coloured Cover feature a rigid 1.4mm Sketchbooks A5: D 435 360 500 Spiral Sketchbooks thick cover and the 160g/m² 109lb. A4: D 430 360 400 160g/m² 109lb. Value Sketchbook cover is 300g/m2 card. Book / 30 Sheets PK 5 Book / 30 Sheets Portrait Graduate Value Portrait Jumbo /45 Sheets A4: D 430 260 400 Spiral Sketchbooks 160g/m² 109lb. A5: D 435 260 500 Portrait PK 5 Book / 30 Sheets A4: D 435 260 400 Landscape A3: D 430 360 300 A4: D 430 460 400 Landscape A5: D 430 130 500 A3: D 430 460 300 A5: D 430 160 500 A4: D 430 130 400 PK 5 A4: D 430 160 400 A3: D 430 130 300 PK 5 A3: D 430 160 300 PK 5 Square PK 5 6 x 6in / 15.2 x 15.2cm: Graduate Paper D 435 460 606 160g/m² 109lb. 8 x 8in / 20.3 x 20.3cm: Sheet D 435 460 808 A3: D 401 801 553 12 x 12in / 30.5 x 30.5cm: A2: D 401 882 552 D 435 460 212 A1: D 401 801 551 PK 5 PK 100 116
SURFACES SKETCHBOOKS A compact range of Simply Pocket everyday sketchbooks Sketchbooks Soft White 100g/m² 65lb. With either soft white or extra white medium grain Soft Cover in CDU paper, they are available 24 Sheets in a variety of sizes in 14 x 8.9cm: D 482 150 355 both hardbound and spiral bound formats with PK 15 black or coloured covers. Hard Cover in CDU 72 Sheets 14 x 8.9cm: D 482 100 355 PK 10 Simply Sketchbooks Simply Art Therapy Books Simply Soft White Coloured Cover 100g/m² 65lb. A short range to meet the Sketchbooks trending demand for adult Soft White Hardback / 54 Sheets colouring books. 110g/m² 75lb. A6: D 482 154 600 Red / 54 Sheets A5: D 482 154 500 A5: D 482 160 500 A4: D 482 154 400 A4: D 482 160 400 A3: D 482 154 300 Blue / 54 Sheets PK 5 A5: D 482 170 500 A4: D 482 170 400 Wirebound / 54 Sheets PK 5 A6: D 482 254 600 A5: D 482 254 500 Simply Sketchbooks Simply Art Therapy A4: D 482 254 400 Extra White Books Large A3: D 482 254 300 100g/m² 65lb. 21.4 x 29cm / 8.4 x 11.4in PK 5 Hardback / 110 Sheets 25 Sheets / In CDU Hardback / 110 Sheets A6: D 481 150 600 Geometrics A5: D 481 150 500 D 483 100 110 4 x 6in / 10.2 x 15.2cm: D 481 100 406 PK 12 Kaleidoscope D 483 100 210 5 x 8.5in / 14 x 21.6cm: A4: D 481 150 400 D 481 100 508 A3: D 481 150 300 Utopia D 483 100 310 8.5 x 11in / 21.6 x 27.9cm: PK 6 D 481 100 811 World Cultures D 483 100 610 Simply Art Therapy PK 3 Books Small PK 10 11 x 14in / 27.9 x 35.6cm: 14.8 x 21cm / 5.8 x 8.3in D 481 101 114 25 Sheets / In CDU PK 6 Geometrics D 483 100 100 Wirebound / 80 Sheets Kaleidoscope 4 x 6in / 10.2 x 15.2cm: D 483 100 200 D 481 500 406 Utopia PK 12 D 483 100 300 5 x 8.5in / 21.6 x 14cm: Fashion D 481 500 508 D 483 100 500 8.5 x 11in / 27.9 x 21.6cm: World Monuments D 481 500 811 D 483 100 600 11 x 14in / 35.6 x 27.9cm: PK 10 D 481 501 114 PK 3 117
MOUNTBOARD A selection of high quality UK manufactured mountboards. Daler-Rowney mountboards are manufactured in the UK produced using wood pulp from managed forest estates in Europe. These estates harvest and replant trees specifically for paper production and annually plant more trees than are felled. All boards meet the stringent specifications of the Fine Art Trade Guild (FATG) and are available in a variety of cores to support a wide range of needs, from the most basic presentation to the framing of valuable works of art. Daler-Rowney is a founder member of the Fine Arts Trade Guild 118
MOUNTBOARD 101 White 341 Sea Haze 107 Cream 028 Blue Graduate Mountboard 024 Yellow 090 Turquoise 039 Peach 290 Pale Green The core is made from virgin wood 007 Burnt Orange 002 Green pulp with a characteristic pale 018 Pink 036 Grey ivory colour. Each board is alkaline 048 Red 012 Black sized and pH neutral. The range is 031 Burgundy available in a variety of 15 colours Ice White and meets FATG approval for Ivory standard mountboard. Black 1250µ A1 15 Colours D 329 110 *** / PK 10 Graduate Mountboard Packs A4 A3 A2 12 per Pack 8 per Pack 5 per Pack Ice White Ice White Ice White D 329 412 091 D 329 308 091 D 329 205 091 Ivory Ivory Ivory D 329 412 030 D 329 308 030 D 329 205 030 Black Black Black D 329 412 012 D 329 308 012 D 329 205 012 Assorted Colours Assorted Colours Assorted Colours D 329 412 900 D 329 308 900 D 329 205 900 PK 5 PK 5 PK 5 119
MOUNTBOARD Cream Core Mountboard 017 Bright White 020 Daler Cream 101 Tint 1 110 Tint 10 The core is made from virgin wood pulp 091 Ice White 655 Papyrus Texture with a characteristic pale ivory colour. 404 Cumulus Cloud 107 Tint 7 Each board is alkaline sized and pH 062 Super White 070 Pale Ivory neutral. The range is available in a 054 Snow White 030 Ivory wide variety of over 100 colours and 200 Polar White Ingres 696 Pale Ivory Texture textures and meets FATG approval for 697 Snow White Texture 601 Antique Ivory Texture standard mountboard. 623 Jasmine Texture 638 Orchid Texture 003 Lily White 011 Champagne 1400µ 9 Murano Colours 103 Tint 3 Texture 215 Cream Caramel Ingres D 322 005 *** 035 Soft White Murano 019 Deep Cream A1 342 Adobe Flannel 357 Linen Flannel 97 Colours 078 Silver Birch 299 Sand Ingres D 302 001 *** 286 Cotton White Ingres 092 Maize 105 Tint 5 695 Light Parchment Texture PK 5 104 Tint 4 Ingres 045 Parchment 267 Soft White Ingres 625 Pale Peach Texture 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm 602 Alpine White Texture 024 Primrose 069 Antique White 003 Mandarin Murano 97 Colours 9 Murano Colours 694 Antique White Texture 087 Sahara 285 Milkwood Ingres 408 Marble Pink D 302 002 *** D 322 205 *** PK 10 A0 3 Colours: D 302 010 *** / PK 10 40 x 60in / 101.6 x 152.4cm (Jumbo) 4 Colours: D 302 009 *** / PK 5 White Core Plus Mountboard These boards feature a conservation grade core made from alpha cellulose fibres. The soft natural white colour remains white over time and the core offers a clean, crisp bevel cut. Each board is lignin free, alkaline sized, pH neutral and is calcium carbonate buffered to enhance its natural lifespan by minimising the effect of atmospheric pollutants. The range is available in a comprehensive selection of colours and textures and meets FATG approval for standard mountboard. 1400µ 32 x 47in / 81.5 x 120cm 97 Colours 9 Murano Colours D 302 128 *** D 303 065 *** PK 5 40 x 60in / 101.6 x 152.4cm (Jumbo) 2600µ 32 x 47in / 81.5 x 120cm Please see page 122 Black Core Mountboard The core contains carbon black to create a deep black colour, offering a distinctly different appearance. Each board is lignin free, alkaline-sized and pH neutral to enhance its natural lifespan. 1400µ 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm 4 Colours D 302 004 *** / PK 5 CORES Mountboard Black Core Cream Core A0 Jumbo White Core Plus Black Core 120
604 Blush Texture 047 Saxe Blue 049 Seal 019 Shadow Pink Murano 224 Oxford Blue Ingres 011 Chocolate Murano 077 Shadow Pink 082 Twilight Blue 052 Silver Grey 018 Dawn Pink 008 Damson 022 Dove Grey 637 Dusky Pink Texture 613 Aubergine Murano 001 Ash Grey 608 Grey Mauve Texture 068 Willow Green 073 Dawn Grey 059 Sunset Pink 013 Catkin 036 Misty Grey 626 Raspberry Murano 055 Soft Green 034 Mid Grey 085 Terracotta 018 Emerald Murano 083 Wedgewood 723 Poppy Red 035 Jade 737 Stone Grey 066 Pillar Box Red 002 Avocado 026 Green Grey 048 Scarlet 086 Sage 072 Dark Grey 016 Crimson 043 Russian Green 034 Midnight Murano 067 Plum 006 Bottle Green 012 Charcoal Black 607 Plum Murano 027 Holly Green 042 Poster Black 031 Maroon 056 Stone 010 Deep Black 074 Delft Blue 046 Sandstone 033 Silver Metallic 028 Horizon Blue 606 Fellstone Texture 032 Gold Metallic 205 Sea Breeze 025 Cinnamon Murano 041 Pompadour 725 Rust 011 Cobalt Murano 014 Coffee 029 Hussar Blue 050 Sepia Mountboard Cream Core Mountboard White Core Plus 121
MOUNTBOARD 01 Tint 1 86 Cotton White Ingres 91 Ice White 69 Antique White White Core Plus Mountboard 54 Snow White 70 Pale Ivory 00 Polar White Ingres 11 Champagne Continuation of the white core range 97 Snow White Texture 42 Poster Black for Jumbo and thick sizes 03 Tint 3 Texture 1400µ / 40 x 60in 101.6 x 152.4cm (Jumbo) 8 Colours D 302 128 7** / PK 5 2600µ / 32 x 47in 81.5 x 120cm (Extra Thick) 5 Colours D 302 128 8** / PK 5 Jumbo Extra Thick Double Sided Mountboard White Foam Board Cream Core Black Core 3mm Black Foam Board Double Sided Double Sided 5mm 1400µ 1400µ A3: D 311 130 300 A4: D 311 250 400 Poster Black / Poster Black Poster Black / Poster Black PK 10 PK 20 A1: D 302 001 003 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: A2: D 311 130 200 A3: D 311 250 300 D 302 004 542 PK 5 A1: D 302 001 542 PK 20 PK 10 PK 5 A1: D 311 130 100 A2: D 311 250 200 30 x 40in / 76.2 x 101.6cm: White Display Board Grey Board D 311 133 040 PK 20 1800µ 2mm 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: 22 x 32in / 55.9 x 81.5cm: PK 10 A1: D 311 250 100 D 303 180 020 D 303 200 100 5mm PK 10 PK 20 PK 25 A4: D 311 150 400 5mm Packs Pulpboard 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: A4 / 10 Pack: D 311 250 410 1275µ D 303 200 200 PK 20 A3 / 5 Pack: D 311 250 305 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: D 303 070 500 PK 12 A3: D 311 150 300 PK 1 PK 25 2.5mm PK 10 Mountboard 22 x 32in / 55.9 x 81.5cm: Studland Bags Milton Ticket Board D 303 250 300 A2: D 311 150 200 A1: D 814 000 001 45 x 65cm: D 303 033 110 PK 25 PK 20 PK 250 PK 25 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: A1: D 311 150 100 A0: D 814 000 000 Barrier Board D 303 250 400 A0: D 311 150 000 1200µ 20 x 30in / 50.8 x 76.2cm: PK 150 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: PK 12 D 311 152 030 D 303 012 934 30 x 40in / 76.2 x 101.6cm: Even the most intricate Self Adhesive Board D 311 153 040 designs can be cut PK 10 1400µ 40 x 60in / 101.6 x 152.4cm: from Daler-Rowney 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: D 311 153 040 mountboards. Xtra Tak D 302 140 000 Self Adhesive Board PK 10 1400µ PK 15 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: 5mm Packs D 302 214 000 A1: D 302 140 100 A4 / 10 Pack: D 311 150 410 PK 15 PK 10 A3 / 5 Pack: D 311 150 305 122 2000µ PK 1 32 x 44in / 81.5 x 112cm: D 302 200 000 PK 5
MOUNTBOARD 62 Super White 70 Pale Ivory 30 Ivory Conservation Mountboard 54 Snow White 01 Antique Ivory Texture 11 Champagne A truly Professional Conservation board, 00 Polar White Ingres 15 Cream Caramel Ingres which conforms to Fine Art Trade Guild 57 Linen Flannel requirements for Conservation. The 97 Snow White Texture 23 Poppy Red core is made from alpha cellulose fibres, 48 Scarlet featuring a soft natural white colour that A1 31 Maroon remains white and offering a clean, crisp 29 Hussar Blue bevel cut. Each board is alkaline sized, pH 23 Jasmine Texture 82 Twilight Blue neutral and calcium carbonate buffered 68 Willow Green for enhanced durability and longevity. 03 Lily White 43 Russian Green All boards are lignin free with no optical 25 Rust brighteners and cover papers are resilient 33 Tint 3 Texture 49 Seal and bleed resistant. 37 Stone Grey 92 Adobe Flannel 12 Charcoal Black 1400µ A1 78 Silver Birch A1 4 Colours D 302 003 1** / PK 5 86 Cotton White Ingres 32 x 47in / 81.5 x 120cm 97 Colours 44 Tint 4 Ingres D 302 003 7** / PK 5 40 x 60in / 101.6 x 152.4cm 67 Soft White Ingres (Jumbo) 4 Colours 60 Alpine White Texture D 302 003 3** / PK 5 69 Antique White Conservation A1 A1 A1 Jumbo 94 Antique White Texture Mountboard 85 Milkwood Ingres Conservation 20 Daler Cream A1 600 Antique Gold A unique product developed 675 Sovereign Gold by Daler-Rowney, Goldfinger is an all-purpose, rub-on metallic 344 Green Gold paste available in five finishes. It can be used for the restoration of antiques, gilding picture frames, stencilling, plaster, clay or wood decoration, mouldings for imitation ormolu furniture, textiles, leather, plastics, model making and greeting cards. 230 Copper Goldfinger 702 Silver Varnish 75ml: D 145 007 000 PK 6 Goldfinger 22ml D 145 008 *** PK 1 123
BRUSHES High quality brushes are one of the most important tools of an artists’ trade. Their design and manufacture demands precision, patience and skill. Therefore you can rest assured that every Daler-Rowney brush is designed to meet the requirements of discerning artists. Each brush is made from the finest materials, individually hand-crafted from start to finish by brush-makers with generations of experience. Fine art painters and decorative artists can select from compact but comprehensive ranges of types, shapes and sizes, offering excellent choices for all techniques and abilities. Photography by: Cheríe Altea More: 124
BRUSHES Diana No. 6 Series 101 D 201 001 006 Round Kolinsky Sable Brushes Round Long Handle Short Handle No. 7 No. 3/0 For colour-holding capacity and D 201 001 007 D 201 101 000 spring there is no better natural hair No. 3/0 No. 0 or man-made fibre than the finest D 201 001 000 No. 8 D 201 101 990 selected Kolinsky sable, making it D 201 001 008 No. 2 ideal for watercolour painting. The No. 2/0 D 201 101 002 high quality Diana brush range is D 201 001 900 No. 10 No. 4 created with the finest Kolinsky sable D 201 001 010 D 201 101 004 hair with a unique tapering process No. 0 No. 6 to give a full belly, precise point and D 201 001 990 No. 11 D 201 101 006 high degree of spring. It comprises D 201 001 011 a range of round head brushes with No. 1 PK 1 short handles allowing the artist D 201 001 001 No. 12 a fine touch for precise work. The D 201 001 012 Brush Set offer is complemented by the long No. 2 4x Brushes handled Series 101 and the short D 201 001 002 PK 1 Round / Short Handle handled Series 43 and 46 for delicate Sable Classic Set works such as lettering, small details No. 3 Series 46 and retouching. D 201 001 003 Retouching Round Series 34: 0, 2, 4, Short Handle Round Series 43: 2 Series 43 No. 4 D 202 802 100 Designers D 201 001 004 No. 4/0 PK 1 Short Handle D 201 046 099 PK 1 Contents may vary No. 1 No. 2/0 D 201 043 001 D 201 046 900 No. 2 No. 2 D 201 043 002 D 201 046 002 No. 3 No. 3 D 201 043 003 D 201 046 003 No. 4 No. 4 D 201 043 004 D 201 046 004 PK 1 No. 6 D 201 046 006 PK 1 Series 34 Series 34 Series 24 Sable is essential Round Round to achieve high Short Handle Short Handle standards in watercolour or No. 2/0 No. 3/0 gouache and D 202 034 900 D 213 024 000 Series 34 features an excellent European No. 0 No. 2/0 dressed red sable hair. D 202 034 990 D 213 024 900 A range of round head brushes with No. 1 No. 0 short handles, perfect D 202 034 001 D 213 024 990 for watercolourists. No. 2 No. 2 D 202 034 002 Petit Gris Brushes D 213 024 002 No. 3 This Petit Gris brush is No. 4 D 202 034 003 constructed in the traditional D 213 024 004 quill style. Manufactured No. 4 using classic pure Russian No. 6 D 202 034 004 squirrel hair, it is favoured D 213 024 006 by watercolourists and silk No. 5 painters. This brush holds No. 8 D 202 034 005 a considerable amount of D 213 024 008 colour with superior point. No. 6 PK 1 D 202 034 006 No. 8 D 202 034 008 No. 10 D 202 034 010 No. 12 D 202 034 012 PK 1 125
BRUSHES Series 85 Series 60 Series 67 Round Flat Shader Filbert Sapphire Brushes Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle A unique blend of the finest No. 5/0 No. 2 red sable hair and tapered D 219 085 050 D 219 060 002 No. 4 synthetic filaments work No. 2/0 No. 4 D 219 067 004 together to create a brush D 219 085 900 D 219 060 004 that performs like a sable, No. 0 No. 6 No. 6 and lasts like a synthetic. D 219 085 990 D 219 060 006 D 219 067 006 Sapphire is designed for No. 1 No. 8 discerning artists of fine D 219 085 001 D 219 060 008 PK 1 art and decorative painting No. 2 No. 10 in watercolours, oils, D 219 085 002 D 219 060 010 Series 21 inks and gouache. No. 4 No. 12 One Stroke D 219 085 004 D 219 060 012 Short Handle Series 50 No. 6 No. 14 Script D 219 085 006 D 219 060 014 1/4” Short Handle No. 8 No. 16 D 219 021 006 No. 1 D 219 085 008 D 219 060 016 D 219 050 001 No. 10 No. 20 1/2” No. 3 D 219 085 010 D 219 060 020 D 219 021 012 D 219 050 003 No. 12 D 219 085 012 PK 1 3/4” PK 1 No. 14 D 219 021 019 D 219 085 014 Series 52 Series 51 Oval Wash 1” Liner PK 1 Short Handle D 219 021 025 Short Handle 1/2” No. 10/0 Series 57 D 219 052 012 PK 1 D 219 051 100 Angle Shader 3/4” No. 2/0 Short Handle D 219 052 019 D 219 051 900 1/4” 1” No. 0 D 219 057 006 D 219 052 025 D 219 051 990 1/2” No. 1 D 219 057 012 PK 1 D 219 051 001 No. 2 PK 1 Series 55 D 219 051 002 Flat Wash Short Handle PK 1 1/2” D 219 055 012 126 3/4” D 219 055 019 1” D 219 055 025 PK 1 Series 48 Brush Wallets Fan 3x Brushes Short Handle Short Handle No. 2 Wash Set D 219 048 002 One Stroke 3/4”, Flat Wash 1/2”, 1” PK 1 D 219 300 106 Landscape Set 4x Brushes Round 8, Script 3, Short Handle Flat Wash 3/4” D 219 300 107 Classic Set Round 1, 4, Script 3, PK 1 One Stroke 1/4” D 219 300 104 Fine Detail Set Script 1, Round 4, 6, 8 D 219 300 108 PK 1 Contents may vary
BRUSHES Series B24 Series B36 Series B48 Bristlewhite Brushes Round Short Flat Long Flat Bristlewhite brushes are Long Handle Long Handle Long Handle pure hog bristle brushes and more particularly, the No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 finest quality Chungking D 207 924 001 D 207 936 001 D 207 948 001 hog bristle, noted for their resilience and durability. No. 2 No. 2 No. 2 They are dressed by D 207 924 002 D 207 936 002 D 207 948 002 hand, using interlocked construction, which helps No. 3 No. 3 No. 3 to retain the shape, D 207 924 003 D 207 936 003 D 207 948 003 allowing perfect control for both firm strokes No. 4 No. 4 No. 4 and delicate touches. D 207 924 004 D 207 936 004 D 207 948 004 Series B12 No. 5 No. 5 No. 5 Filbert D 207 924 005 D 207 936 005 D 207 948 005 Long Handle No. 1 No. 6 No. 6 No. 6 D 207 912 001 D 207 924 006 D 207 936 006 D 207 948 006 No. 2 D 207 912 002 No. 8 No. 8 No. 8 No. 3 D 207 924 008 D 207 936 008 D 207 948 008 D 207 912 003 No. 4 No. 10 No. 10 No. 10 D 207 912 004 D 207 924 010 D 207 936 010 D 207 948 010 No. 5 D 207 912 005 PK 1 PK 1 No. 12 No. 6 D 207 948 012 D 207 912 006 No. 8 PK 1 D 207 912 008 No. 10 Series B84 D 207 912 010 Fan PK 1 Long Handle No. 2 D 207 984 002 No. 4 D 207 984 004 No. 6 D 207 984 006 PK 1 Brush Sets 5x Brushes Long Handle Classic Set Round 2, Short Flat 1, 4, 8, Long Flat 6 D 207 901 100 Selection Set Round 2, Short Flat 1, 4, 8, Long Flat 6 D 207 901 102 PK 1 Contents may vary 127
BRUSHES Cryla Brushes Series C10 Series C15 Series C40 Cryla brushes are designed for Round Broad acrylic painting and feature a Short Handle Flat Glaze Long Handle natural-look firm synthetic fibre Short Handle No. 14 filament in a variety of shapes No. 2/0 D 204 040 014 and sizes of head. The brushes D 204 010 900 1/2’’ No. 16 offer good, even performance D 204 015 050 D 204 040 016 and strong levels of durability. No. 1 No. 18 They also feature a smoked D 204 010 001 3/4’’ D 204 040 018 finish, seamless ferrule and a D 204 015 075 No. 20 silver-coloured handle retaining No. 2 D 204 040 020 the classic Cryla style. D 204 010 002 1’’ D 204 015 100 PK 1 Series C20 No. 3 Round D 204 010 003 1 1/4’’ Series C45 Long Handle D 204 015 125 Fan Blender No. 0 No. 4 Long Handle D 204 020 990 D 204 010 004 1 1/2’’ No. 2 No. 1 D 204 015 150 D 204 045 002 D 204 020 001 No. 5 No. 4 No. 6 D 204 010 005 PK 1 D 204 045 004 D 204 020 006 No. 6 No. 8 No. 6 D 204 045 006 D 204 020 008 D 204 010 006 No. 8 No. 10 D 204 045 008 D 204 020 010 No. 8 No. 12 D 204 010 008 PK 1 D 204 020 012 No. 10 Brush Sets PK 1 D 204 010 010 Short Handle 4x Brushes Series C25 No. 12 Classic Set Flat D 204 010 012 Long Handle Round 1, 4, 6, Flat Glaze 1/2’’ No. 1 No. 14 D 204 802 100 D 204 025 001 D 204 010 014 5x Brushes No. 2 Selection Set D 204 025 002 No. 16 Round 2/0, 2, 8, Flat Glaze 1/2’’, 3/4’’ No. 4 D 204 010 016 D 204 802 106 D 204 025 004 Long Handle No. 6 No. 18 4x Brushes D 204 025 006 D 204 010 018 Heavy Effect Set No. 8 Round 1, 6, Flat 4, Filbert 4 D 204 025 008 PK 1 D 204 802 101 No. 10 PK 1 D 204 025 010 Series C30 Series C35 No. 12 Contents may vary D 204 025 012 Filbert Bright Long Handle Long Handle PK 1 No. 0 No. 1 D 204 030 990 D 204 035 001 No. 2 No. 2 D 204 030 002 D 204 035 002 No. 4 No. 4 D 204 030 004 D 204 035 004 No. 6 No. 6 D 204 030 006 D 204 035 006 No. 8 No. 8 D 204 030 008 D 204 035 008 No. 10 No. 10 D 204 030 010 D 204 035 010 No. 12 No. 12 D 204 030 012 D 204 035 012 PK 1 PK 1 128
BRUSHES Dalon Brushes Series D77 Series D88 Series D99 Dalon was the first real rival Round to the sable brush. It is a Short Handle One Stroke Rigger remarkable man-made brush Short Handle Short Handle imitation of natural sable hair. No. 5/0 Each Dalon filament is extruded D 206 877 999 1/4’’ No. 1 and tapered to a point, just D 206 888 003 D 206 899 001 like natural hair, and the brush No. 3/0 head is meticulously hand- D 206 877 000 3/8’’ No. 2 crafted with exactly the same D 206 888 004 D 206 899 002 care and attention as sable No. 2/0 brushes. Dalon’s high resilience D 206 077 900 1/2’’ No. 3 and durability ensures excellent D 206 888 005 D 206 899 003 shape retention and long life in No. 0 use not only with watercolours D 206 077 990 3/4’’ PK 1 but also for acrylics and oils. D 206 888 007 No. 1 Series 155 D 206 077 001 1’’ Hake D 206 888 008 Flat Wash No. 2 Short Handle D 206 077 002 1 1/2’’ 1 3/4’’ D 206 888 010 D 206 100 002 No. 3 2 3/8’ D 206 077 003 PK 1 D 206 100 003 No. 4 PK 1 D 206 077 004 Hake Brushes No. 5 Broad one stroke goat D 206 077 005 hair brushes intended for loose watercolour No. 6 techniques and washes. D 206 077 006 No. 7 D 206 077 007 No. 8 D 206 077 008 No. 9 D 206 077 009 No. 10 D 206 077 010 No. 12 D 206 077 012 PK 1 Brush Sets 4x Brushes Short Handle Starter Set Round 2, 5, Rigger 1, One Stroke 1/4’’ D 206 802 103 5x Brushes Classic Set Round 1,3,5, Rigger 1, One Stroke 3/8’’ D 206 802 100 PK 1 Contents may vary 129
BRUSHES System3 brushes are System3 short handled brushes resilient and durable, perfect for painting The soft synthetic filaments with acrylics. give a good snap and perfect spring ideal for thin to medium The dark-tipped synthetic flow acrylic colours. These short filaments and black handled brushes are available shadow aluminium in 10 series of head shapes and ferrule combined with an sizes from 10/0 to 32. ergonomic black handle gives this brush style, System3 long handled brushes affordability, flexibility and comfort. Available in short The stiff synthetic filaments retain and long handled options, their shape even after heavy use, System3 brushes are an allowing the artist more control ideal fine art and craft and accuracy and are ideal for painting tool for beginners heavy body acrylic colours. These and enthusiasts alike. long handled brushes are available in 5 series of head shapes and sizes from 0 to 12. Series 00 Sword D 281 000 *** Series 50 Series 85 Series 67 Series 57 Series 55 Script Round Filbert Angle Shader Short Flat D 281 050 *** D 281 085 *** D 281 067 *** D 281 057 *** D 281 055 *** Series 81 Spotter D 281 081 *** Series 51 Liner D 281 051 *** 130
BRUSHES Series 45 Series 41 Round Bright D 281 045 *** D 281 041 *** Series 42 Series 46 Filbert Fan D 281 042 *** D 281 046 *** Series 44 Flat D 281 044 *** Series 278 Skyflow D 281 278 *** Series 21 Long Flat D 281 021 *** 131
BRUSHES Series 51 Series 00 System3 Synthetic Brushes Liner Sword Short Handle Short Handle Series 278 Skyflow No. 10/0 1/4’’ Short Handle D 281 051 090 D 281 000 025 1’’ D 281 278 100 PK 1 1/2’’ 1.5’’ D 281 000 050 D 281 278 150 Series 67 2’’ PK 1 D 281 278 200 Filbert 2.5’’ Short Handle D 281 278 250 3’’ No. 2 D 281 278 300 D 281 067 002 PK 1 No. 4 D 281 067 004 Series 21 Long Flat No. 6 Short Handle D 281 067 006 1’’ D 281 021 100 No. 8 D 281 067 008 PK 1 No. 10 Series 55 D 281 067 010 Flat Short Handle No. 12 1/4’’ D 281 067 012 D 281 055 025 1/2’’ PK 1 D 281 055 050 3/4’’ Series 50 Series 57 D 281 055 075 Script Angle Shader 1’’ Short Handle Short Handle D 281 055 100 No. 1 1/4’’ D 281 050 001 D 281 057 025 PK 1 1/2’’ PK 1 D 281 057 050 132 Series 85 PK 1 Round Short Handle Series 81 No. 3/0 Spotter D 281 085 000 Short Handle No. 0 No. 10/0 D 281 085 990 D 281 081 090 No. 2 D 281 085 002 PK 1 No. 4 D 281 085 004 No. 6 D 281 085 006 No. 8 D 281 085 008 No. 10 D 281 085 010 No. 12 D 281 085 012 No. 14 D 281 085 014 No. 30 D 281 085 030 PK 1
BRUSHES Series 45 System3 Stiff Synthetic Brushes Round Long Handle Series 41 Series 44 Series 42 Filbert No. 0 Bright Flat Long Handle D 281 045 990 Long Handle Long Handle No. 8 No. 2 No. 8 No. 2 D 281 042 008 D 281 045 002 D 281 041 008 D 281 044 002 No. 10 No. 4 No. 10 No. 4 D 281 042 010 D 281 045 004 D 281 041 010 D 281 044 004 No. 12 No. 6 No. 12 No. 6 D 281 042 012 D 281 045 006 D 281 041 012 D 281 044 006 PK 1 No. 8 PK 1 No. 8 D 281 045 008 D 281 044 008 Series 46 No. 10 No. 10 D 281 045 010 D 281 044 010 Fan Long Handle PK 1 No. 12 D 281 044 012 No. 4 D 281 046 004 PK U 1 No. 6 D 281 046 006 No. 8 D 281 046 008 PK 1 Brush Wallets Long Handle Brush Zip Cases Short Handle 302 / 3x Brushes 10 x Brushes Round 8, Bright 12, 300 / 3x Brushes Filbert 10 Synthetic / Short Handle Round 4, Short Flat 1/2”, Filbert 8 D 281 300 302 D 281 300 300 Classic Set 402 / 4x Brushes Liner 10/0, Round 2, 4, 8, 301 / 3x Brushes Round 6, Bright 10, Short Flat 1/2”, 3/4”, Sword 1/2”, Round 2, Spotter 10/0, Script 1 Flat 2, Filbert 8 Angle Shader 1/4”, Filbert 8, Skyflow 1 D 281 300 301 D 281 300 402 D 281 300 110 400 / 4x Brushes 501 / 5x Brushes Stiff Synthetic / Long Handle Round 0, 4, Short Flat 1/2”, Round 0, 4, Flat 4, 8, Filbert 6 Bright 8 Heavy Body Set D 281 300 400 D 281 300 501 Round 0, 4, 6, Flat 4, 8, Fan 4 Bright 8, 12, Filbert 8, 10 401 / 4x Brushes PK 1 D 281 300 111 Round 4, 8, Angle Shader 1/2”, Short Flat 3/4” Contents may vary PK 1 D 281 300 401 Contents may vary 500 / 5x Brushes Round 3/0, 6, Angle Shader 1/4”, Short Flat 3/4”, Filbert 8 D 281 300 500 PK 1 133
BRUSHES Long handled natural bristle Series 24 and sable hair brushes, ideal Round for oil painters. D 283 024 *** Oil painting generally calls for resilient, durable and sturdy hog Series 60 Series 61 bristle brushes that have good colour Sable Bright Sable Round retention and are easy to use. The Georgian range meets this need but D 283 060 *** D 283 061 *** also includes a range of sable brushes whose softer hair allows the much Series 67 greater level of control required for Sable Filbert more intricate detail. D 283 067 *** Series 63 Sable Rigger D 283 063 *** Series 18 Short Filbert D 283 018 *** Series 36 Short Flat D 283 036 *** 134
BRUSHES Series 12 Georgian Natural Brushes Georgian Sable Brushes Filbert Series 84 The brushes feature extra fine Long handled brushes Fan D 283 012 *** quality Chungking bristle for featuring a high quality maximum colour holding & European red sable hair, D 283 084 *** smooth flexible strokes. They ideal for the fine detail work are hand made using traditional required for portraiture and interlocked construction for other delicate techniques durability and control. Sized which can’t be achieved with from 1 upwards they come in traditional hog bristle brushes. a variety of 7 head shapes for Consequently available in different strokes. small sizes from 0 to 10 and in a variety of 4 head shapes. Series 48 Long Flat D 283 048 *** Series 278 Skyflow D 283 278 *** 135
BRUSHES Georgian Brushes Series 278 Series 48 Flat Skyflow Long Handle Short Handle No. 2 D 283 048 002 2’’ No. 4 D 283 278 200 D 283 048 004 No. 6 2.5’’ D 283 048 006 D 283 278 250 No. 8 D 283 048 008 3’’ No. 10 D 283 278 300 D 283 048 010 No. 12 PK 1 D 283 048 012 Series 18 Series 84 PK 1 Short Filbert Short Handle Fan Series 12 No. 2 Long Handle Filbert D 283 018 002 Long Handle No. 6 No. 2 No. 2 D 283 018 006 D 283 084 002 D 283 012 002 No. 10 No. 4 D 283 018 010 No. 4 D 283 012 004 D 283 084 004 No. 6 PK 1 D 283 012 006 No. 6 No. 8 Series 36 D 283 084 006 D 283 012 008 Flat No. 10 Short Handle PK 1 D 283 012 010 No. 2 No. 12 D 283 036 002 Series 24 D 283 012 012 No. 4 D 283 036 004 Round PK 1 No. 6 Long Handle D 283 036 006 No. 8 No. 1 D 283 036 008 D 283 024 001 No. 10 D 283 036 010 No. 2 No. 12 D 283 024 002 D 283 036 012 No. 14 No. 4 D 283 036 014 D 283 024 004 No. 16 D 283 036 016 No. 6 No. 18 D 283 024 006 D 283 036 018 No. 8 PK 1 D 283 024 008 No. 10 D 283 024 010 PK 1 136
BRUSHES Series 61 Series 60 Sable Round Series 67 Long Handle Sable Bright Sable Filbert No. 0 Long Handle Long Handle D 283 061 990 No. 2 No. 2 No. 2 D 283 067 002 D 283 061 002 D 283 060 002 No. 4 No. 4 D 283 067 004 D 283 061 004 No. 4 No. 6 No. 6 D 283 060 004 D 283 067 006 D 283 061 006 No. 8 No. 8 No. 6 D 283 067 008 D 283 061 008 D 283 060 006 No. 10 PK 1 D 283 061 010 No. 8 D 283 060 008 PK 1 PK 1 Series 63 Sable Rigger Brush Zip Cases Long Handle No. 5/0 10x Brushes D 283 063 050 Long Handle No. 1 D 283 063 001 Classic Set No. 2 White Bristle D 283 063 002 Round 2, 4, 6, Fan 4, Filbert 2, 6, No. 3 Short Flat 6, 10, Long Flat 4, 8 D 283 063 003 D 283 300 110 PK 1 Fine Art Set White Bristle & Sable Sable: Round 2, Bright 4 White Bristle: Round 8, Filbert 6, Short Filbert 6, Short Flat 4, 8, Long Flat 6, 10, Fan 6 D 281 300 111 PK 1 Contents may vary Brush Wallets 401 / 4x Brushes Round 0, Short Flat 6, Long Handle Filbert 2, Long Flat 4 D 283 300 401 300 / 3x Brushes Round 4, 8, Short Flat 6 402 / 4x Brushes D 283 300 300 Round 4, 8, Fan 4, Short Filbert 6, 301 / 3x Brushes D 283 300 402 Round 2, Rigger 5/0, Bright 2 500 / 5x Brushes D 283 300 301 Round 2, Filbert 2, Fan 2 Short Flat 2, Long Flat 4 302 / 3x Brushes D 283 300 500 Round 2, Short Filbert 6, Long Flat 2 501 / 5x Brushes D 283 300 302 Rigger 2, Bright 4, Filbert 2 Short Flat 6, Long Flat 8 400 / 4x Brushes D 283 300 501 Round 2, Short Flat 4, Filbert 4, Long Flat 8 PK 1 D 283 300 400 Contents may vary PK 1 137
BRUSHES A comprehensive range of soft synthetic and natural hair brushes, ideal for watercolourists. Oozing style and quality, the soft synthetic or natural filaments contrast with the black shadow ferrule and black handle creating a brush that looks as good as it paints. Available in short handled options, Aquafine brushes offer excellent performance in the hands of beginners and enthusiasts alike. Series 34 Series 21 Sable Round One Stroke D 282 034 *** D 282 021 *** Series 81 Series 85 Series 62 Series 55 Spotter Round Flat Shader Short Flat D 282 081 *** D 282 085 *** D 282 062 *** D 282 055 *** Series 51 Series 50 Liner Rigger D 282 051 *** D 282 050 *** 138
BRUSHES Aquafine Synthetic Brushes Aquafine Sable & Goat Brushes Series 48 These brushes utilise hand mixed Sable is essential to achieve the highest Fan blends of thick and thin filaments, standards in watercolour or gouache tapered to a point, as well as and the Aquafine range features a D 282 048 *** different lengths to become a series of sable round brushes. For colour remarkable imitation of natural sable holding capacity and spring there is no hair. This special construction gives better natural hair or synthetic fibre. them excellent point and stroke, This range is complemented by a small superb shape retention and long life. selection of goat blend pointed washes, featuring a traditional style wire bound ferrule and offering outstanding colour holding and flow control. Series 52 Series 278 Oval Wash Skyflow D 282 052 *** D 282 278 *** Series 24 Pointed Wash D 282 024 *** 139
BRUSHES Series 21 Series 81 Aquafine Brushes One Stroke Spotter Short Handle Short Handle Series 278 Skyflow 3/4’’ No. 10/0 Short Handle D 282 021 075 D 282 081 090 1.5’’ D 282 278 150 1’’ PK 1 2’’ D 282 021 100 D 282 278 200 3’’ 1.5’’ D 282 278 300 D 282 021 150 PK 1 PK 1 Series 48 Fan Short Handle No. 2 D 282 048 002 No. 4 D 282 048 004 No. 6 D 282 048 006 PK 1 Series 55 Series 62 Series 50 Flat Shader Rigger Short Flat Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle No. 2 No. 2 D 282 062 002 D 282 050 002 1/2’’ No. 6 No. 4 D 282 055 050 D 282 062 006 D 282 050 004 No. 10 No. 6 3/4’’ D 282 062 010 D 282 050 006 D 282 055 075 PK 1 PK 1 1’’ D 282 055 100 Series 51 Series 24 Liner Pointed Wash 1.5’’ Short Handle Short Handle D 282 055 150 No. 10/0 No. 2 D 282 051 090 D 282 024 002 PK 1 No. 4 PK 1 D 282 024 004 No. 6 D 282 024 006 PK 1 140
BRUSHES Series 34 Brush Zip Cases Sable Round Series 85 Short Handle 10x Brushes Round Short Handle Short Handle No. 4/0 No. 3/0 D 282 034 040 Classic Set D 282 085 000 Synthetic No. 2/0 No. 3/0 Round 0, 2, 4, 6, 10, Fan 2, Rigger 4 D 282 085 900 D 282 034 000 Short Flat 1/2, Flat Shader 2, 6 No. 0 D 282 300 110 D 282 085 990 No. 2/0 No. 1 D 282 034 900 Fine Art Set D 282 085 001 Sable & Synthetic No. 2 No. 0 Sable: Round 4/0, 0, 2, 4 D 282 085 002 D 282 034 990 Sintetici: Round 8, Short Flat 1/2, No. 3 Oval Wash 1/2, One Stroke 1/2, D 282 085 003 No. 1 Flat Shader 6, Rigger 2 No. 4 D 282 034 001 D 282 300 111 D 282 085 004 No. 6 No. 2 PK 1 D 282 085 006 D 282 034 002 No. 8 Contents may vary D 282 085 008 No. 3 No. 10 D 282 034 003 D 282 085 010 No. 12 No. 4 D 282 085 012 D 282 034 004 No. 14 D 282 085 014 No. 5 No. 18 D 282 034 005 D 282 085 018 No. 26 No. 6 D 282 085 026 D 282 034 006 No. 30 D 282 085 030 No. 8 D 282 034 008 PK 1 No. 10 Series 52 D 282 034 010 Oval Wash Short Handle PK 1 1/2’’ D 282 052 050 Brush Wallets 401 / 4x Brushes 3/4’’ Round 4/0, 4, 8, Short Flat 1/2” D 282 052 075 Short Handle D 282 300 401 1’’ D 282 052 100 300 / 3x Brushes 402 / 4x Brushes Round 4, Short Flat 3/4”, Round 6, Oval Wash 1/2”, PK 1 Pointed Wash 4 One Stroke 3/4”, Fan 2 D 282 300 300 D 282 300 402 301 / 3x Brushes 500 / 5x Brushes Round 6, 10, Rigger 2 Round 6, Rigger 2, Flat Shader 6, D 282 300 301 Short Flat 1/2”, Oval Wash 1/2” D 282 300 500 302 / 3x Brushes Round 4, 8, Short Flat 1/2” 501 / 5x Brushes D 282 300 302 Round 2/0, 2, 6, Short Flat 1/2”, Oval Wash 1/2” 400 / 4x Brushes D 282 300 501 Round 1, 4, Rigger 4, Flat Shader 6 PK 1 D 282 300 400 Contents may vary PK 1 141
BRUSHES Expression Brushes Series E47 Series E57 Series E51 Series E85 Fan Angle Shader Liner Round The range consists of premier Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle synthetic brushes specifically designed for the needs of decorative painters. No. 1 1/8’’ No. 18/0 No. 3/0 A remarkable blend of synthetic hair D 293 047 001 D 293 057 001 D 293 051 180 D 293 085 000 combining different thickness of filaments produces a more controlled No. 2 1/4’’ No. 10/0 No. 2/0 spring and fine point, which can be D 293 047 002 D 293 057 003 D 293 051 100 D 293 085 900 used with all mediums. The brushes feature a unique balanced handle No. 3 1/2’’ No. 2/0 No. 0 which provides a comfortable grip D 293 047 003 D 293 057 005 D 293 051 900 D 293 085 990 and prevents fatigue through hours of painting. PK 1 5/8’’ No. 0 No. 1 D 293 057 007 D 293 051 990 D 293 085 001 3/4’’ No. 1 No. 2 D 293 057 008 D 293 051 001 D 293 085 002 1’’ No. 2 No. 3 D 293 057 009 D 293 051 002 D 293 085 003 PK 1 PK 1 No. 4 D 293 085 004 Series E32 Series E55 Series E50 Series E60 Base Coater Flat Wash Script Flat Shader No. 5 Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle D 293 085 005 1 1/4’’ D 293 032 010 3/4’’ No. 0 No. 1 No. 6 D 293 055 008 D 293 050 990 D 293 060 001 D 293 085 006 PK 1 1’’ No. 1 No. 2 No. 8 Series E52 D 293 055 009 D 293 050 001 D 293 060 002 D 293 085 008 Oval Short Handle PK 1 No. 2 No. 6 No. 10 1/4’’ D 293 050 002 D 293 060 006 D 293 085 010 D 293 052 003 3/8’’ No. 3 No. 8 No. 12 D 293 052 004 D 293 050 003 D 293 060 008 D 293 085 012 3/4’’ D 293 052 008 PK 1 No. 10 PK 1 D 293 060 010 PK 1 No. 12 D 293 060 012 No. 14 D 293 060 014 No. 20 D 293 060 020 PK 1 Series E67 Series E77 Series E81 Series E100 Brush Zip Case Filbert Triple Loader Spotter Dagger Striper Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle 10x Brushes No. 2 3/8’’ No. 15/0 1/2’’ D 293 067 002 D 293 077 004 D 293 081 150 D 293 100 005 Decorative Art Round 2, 4, Fan 2, No. 4 PK 1 No. 10/0 PK 1 Flat Wash 3/4”, D 293 067 004 D 293 081 100 Flat Shader 4, Triple Loader 3/8”, No. 6 No. 5/0 Filbert 6, Liner 1, D 293 067 006 D 293 081 050 Angle Shader 1/4”, 3/8” D 293 100 110 No. 8 PK 1 D 293 067 008 PK 1 PK 1 Contents may vary Brush Wallet Short Handle 4x Brushes Special Effects Round 0, 2, 4, 8 D 293 310 004 PK 1 142
BRUSHES Filbert Round Flat Soft Synthetic Soft Synthetic Soft Synthetic Graduate XL Brushes – No. 30 for the big picture! No. 40 No. 40 D 212 360 030 A unique and comprehensive D 212 367 040 D 212 385 040 No. 50 high quality offer to answer D 212 360 050 the growing & trending No. 50 PK 1 No. 60 consumer market for painting D 212 367 050 D 212 360 060 in large formats. Ideally suited No. 70 for applications such as large PK 1 D 212 360 070 canvases, indoor & outdoor murals and home decoration, PK 1 these oversized brushes are suitable for traditional, mixed Filbert media & urban techniques. Stiff Synthetic The range features 3 blends No. 40 of hair, soft gold synthetic D 212 368 040 for fluid colour, water-based No. 50 paint, large area washes D 212 368 050 & smooth surfaces, stiff No. 60 burgundy synthetic for heavy D 212 368 060 body colour, impasto & rough No. 70 surfaces and natural bristle D 212 368 070 primarily for oil but also gesso & varnish on all surfaces. PK 1 Flat Round Round Natural Bristle Natural Bristle Stiff Synthetic No. 50 No. 40 No. 30 D 212 387 050 D 212 386 040 D 212 362 030 No. 50 PK 1 D 212 386 050 No. 50 D 212 362 050 Filbert PK 1 Natural Bristle No. 60 No. 30 Flat D 212 362 060 D 212 369 030 Stiff Synthetic No. 50 No. 30 No. 70 D 212 369 050 D 212 361 030 D 212 362 070 No. 50 PK 1 D 212 361 050 PK 1 No. 60 D 212 361 060 No. 70 D 212 361 070 PK 1 143
BRUSHES Graduate Brushes Bristle Brushes Flat Synthetic Brushes Round Long Handle Long Handle A multi-technique range, Bright Bright perfect for students and Long Handle No. 1 Long Handle No. 4 hobby painters. No. 2 D 212 144 001 No. 6 D 212 161 004 D 212 141 002 D 212 160 006 The Graduate brush range No. 6 No. 4 No. 16 No. 16 is designed to perfectly D 212 141 006 D 212 144 004 D 212 160 016 D 212 161 016 meet the needs of No. 10 students and hobbyists D 212 141 010 No. 8 PK 1 No. 20 with an excellent value No. 14 D 212 144 008 D 212 161 020 for money offer. D 212 141 014 No. 18 PK 1 PK 1 Featuring 6 different blends D 212 141 018 of hair, the range includes Fan brushes with natural, PK 1 Long Handle synthetic and blends of natural and synthetic hairs, No. 2 Filbert 16 head shapes and a D 212 146 002 Short Handle variety of sizes, both with short and long handles. The PK 1 No. 2 synthetic blends are great D 212 167 002 for acrylic but excellent all round brushes, natural No. 6 bristle are the best choice D 212 167 006 for oil and there are 4 more blends particularly suited PK 1 for watercolour. One Stroke Short Handle 3/4” D 212 121 075 PK 1 Filbert Round Long Handle Long Handle No. 1 No. 2 D 212 142 001 D 212 145 002 No. 4 No. 6 D 212 142 004 D 212 145 006 No. 8 No. 10 D 212 142 008 D 212 145 010 PK 1 PK 1 Spotter Short Handle No. 10/0 D 212 181 090 PK 1 Sword Short Handle 1/4” D 212 100 025 PK 1 144
BRUSHES Flat Wash Angle Shader Pony / Synthetic Brushes Oval Wash Short Handle Short Handle Short Handle 1/2” 1/4” Flat Wash D 212 155 050 D 212 157 025 Short Handle 1/2” 3/4” 1/2” 1/2” D 212 154 050 D 212 155 075 D 212 157 050 D 212 159 050 1” 3/4” 3/4” D 212 155 100 PK 1 D 212 159 075 D 212 154 075 1” PK 1 Rigger D 212 159 100 1” Short Handle D 212 154 100 Round No. 1 PK 1 Short Handle D 212 130 001 PK 1 No. 1 No. 2 D 212 185 001 D 212 130 002 Round Wash No. 4 No. 3 Short Handle D 212 185 004 D 212 130 003 No. 6 No. 18 D 212 185 006 PK 1 D 212 189 018 No. 10 D 212 185 010 No. 26 No. 12 D 212 189 026 D 212 185 012 No. 30 PK 1 D 212 189 030 Fan PK 1 Short Handle No. 4 D 212 147 004 PK 1 Flat Shader Liner Goat Hair Brushes White Goat Short Handle Short Handle Oval Wash Black Goat Short Handle No. 8 No. 10/0 Round Mop D 212 160 008 D 212 151 090 Short Handle 1/2” 1/2” D 212 152 050 PK 1 PK 1 D 212 188 050 3/4” 3/4” D 212 188 075 D 212 152 075 1” D 212 188 100 1” D 212 152 100 PK 1 PK 1 145
BRUSHES & ACCESSORIES Graduate Brush Sets 3x Brushes 4x Brushes 5x Brushes Long Handle Long Handle Long Handle The range of single brushes is balanced with a complimentary selection of sets. There are Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic 22 SKUs of wallets and 2 zip cases in the Bright 8, Round 12, 20 Bright 6, 12, Round 8, 18 Flat 4, 8, 16, Round 4, 16 range, offering combinations of 3, 4, 5 & 10 D 212 531 001 D 212 541 001 D 212 551 001 brushes. The brush selections for each set are popular combinations designed to suit Bristle Bristle Bristle particular techniques and applications. Round 4, Flat 2, Filbert 4 Round 2, Flat 1, Fan 2, Bright 2, Round 2, D 212 531 002 Filbert 2, Bright 4 Flat 4, Filbert 1 Contents may vary D 212 541 002 D 212 551 002 PK 1 PK 1 PK 1 3x Brushes Short Handle 4x Brushes 5x Brushes Short Handle Short Handle Synthetic Comb Flat Comb 3/4”, Filbert Comb 6, Synthetic Shader Synthetic Classic Angle Comb 3/8” Angle Shader 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” Liner 1, Round 1, Filbert 6, D 212 530 001 D 212 540 006 Flat Shader 2, 10 D 212 550 001 Natural & Synthetic Synthetic Detail Watercolour Spotter 10/0, 3/0, Round 1, 3 Synthetic Selection White Goat Oval Mop 3/4”, 1/2”, D 212 540 007 Liner 10/0, Round 3, Synthetic Flat Wash 1/2” Filbert 4, Angle Shader 1/4”, D 212 530 005 Bristle Flat Shader 8 Bright 6, Flat 4, Round 1, 4 D 212 550 002 Synthetic & Bristle D 212 540 008 Bristle Fan 1, Synthetic Detail Synthetic Flat Comb 3/8”, 1/2” Synthetic Watercolour Liner 10/0, Spotter 5/0, D 212 530 006 Round 5/0, 4, 10, Flat Wash 1/2” Script 1, Filbert 4, D 212 540 009 Flat Shader 4 Synthetic Round D 212 550 003 Round 4, 6, 10 Natural & Synthetic D 212 530 007 Watercolour Synthetic Watercolour Synthetic Flat Wash 3/4”, Script 3, Round 6, Filbert 6 Synthetic Watercolour Synthetic Round 1, Flat Wash 1/2”, Sword 1/4” Round 6, Rigger 2, Oval Wash 1/2” White Goat Oval Wash 1/2”, D 212 550 006 D 212 530 009 Black Goat Round Mop 1/2” D 212 540 010 Synthetic Flat & Shader PK 1 Flat 4, 8, Chisel Shader 8 PK 1 Angle Shader 1/4”, 3/8” D 212 550 008 Brush Accessories Synthetic Watercolour Landscape Round 0, 2, 8, Rigger 1, Oval Wash 3/4” D 212 550 009 PK 1 Brush Roll Brush Bags 7.5 x 28cm: D 210 000 905 D 210 000 910 PK 250 PK 1 7.5 x 41cm: D 210 000 906 Brush Zip Cases 10x Brushes Long Handle PK 100 10x Brushes Acrylic & Oil Set Brush Tub Short Handle D 210 000 911 Synthetic Artists’ Set Round 4, 16, Bright 4, 8, 16 PK 1 Synthetic Bristle Round 1, 4, 8, Script 3, Bright 6, Filbert 6, Flat 2, 4, Round 8 Filbert 8, Flat Shader 4, 10, D 212 500 110 Angle Shader 1/2” Fan 2, Flat Wash 3/4” PK 1 D 212 500 100 PK 1 Extendable Brush Tube D 210 000 005 PK 1 146
BRUSHES Oil Brushes Watercolour Brushes Acrylic Brushes Natural & Synthetic Zip Case Simply Brushes Bristle Zip Case 10x Brushes This comprehensive Short Handle range of sets 10x Brushes represents an excellent Short Handle Round 0, 2, 4, 8, Filbert 6, value for money Flat Shader 4, 10, Skyflow 1”, offer for beginners in Round 0, 3, Filbert 2, 6, Flat 2, 8 Oval Wash 3/4”, Flat Wash 3/4” all techniques. Bright 4, 6, 8, Skyflow 1” D 216 919 010 D 216 949 010 PK 6 Contents may vary PK 6 Gold Taklon Zip Case 10x Brushes Short Handle Round 1, 6, Filbert 4, Liner 1, Flat Shader 6, 12, Angle Shader 1/4”, Flat Wash 3/4”, Skyflow 1”, Fan 2/0 D 216 929 010 PK 6 Gold Taklon 2” Gold Taklon White Bristle Natural & Synthetic Set Natural Hair Brush Sets Brush Sets Mega Brush Brush Sets Long Handle Short Handle Long Handle 6x Brushes Short Handle D 216 920 100 Short Handle D 216 940 600 3x Brushes D 216 910 300 4x Brushes PK 6 3x Brushes PK 6 D 216 910 301 D 216 920 400 D 216 940 300 D 216 920 401 2” Gold Taklon D 216 940 301 2” Bristle Mega Brush 4x Brushes D 216 920 402 Skyflow Brush Long Handle D 216 910 400 D 216 920 403 Short Handle 4x Brushes D 216 940 100 D 216 921 100 D 216 940 400 5x Brushes 5x Brushes PK 6 D 216 910 500 D 216 920 500 PK 6 Long Handle D 216 920 501 1.5” Bristle PK 6 D 216 920 502 4x Brushes Skyflow Brush D 216 940 401 Short Handle Sable Brush Set 6x Brushes D 216 940 402 D 216 941 100 Short Handle D 216 920 600 D 216 920 601 6x Brushes PK 6 4x Brushes D 216 940 601 D 216 910 401 7x Brushes D 216 920 700 7x Brushes PK 6 D 216 940 700 Long Handle Natural & Synthetic Set 10x Brushes Short Handle 10x Brushes D 216 940 110 D 216 920 110 10x Brushes PK 6 D 216 910 110 PK 6 PK 6 147
EASELS Table Easels Edinburgh 148 Edinburgh D 802 000 098 Artsphere D 802 000 023 Wimbourne D 802 000 014 PK 1 Artsphere Edinburgh Wooden Box table easel. Fully adjustable painting angle and top canvas holders. Folds down to create portable carry case in which you can store all your art materials. Suitable for oil, acrylic and watercolour. Removable box dividers and carry handle included. Weight: 1.6kg (3.5lb) Artsphere A3 Maximum canvas height: 430mm (17in) A brilliant new concept in easel design for artists, designers, hobbyists and crafters. The Artsphere table easel has a unique ball and socket joint that allows a detachable drawing board to move in any direction. Easy to operate and manoeuvre whilst working, a chunky handle locks the board securely in place for hundreds of applications such as drawing, painting, modelling and sculpture. Ideal for use in your studio, at home or in school, the Artsphere has a small base and a large work surface area that can be positioned flat or portrait/landscape. You can also work independently with the drawing board, ideal for stretching paper when painting. Deeper pieces such as canvas can be held to the board using the repositionable wedges. Weight: 2.6kg (8lb) Wimbourne Work surface area: 785 x 420 x 80mm (19 x 16 x 3in) Wimbourne Oiled wooden table easel with adjustable support. Takes canvas up to 690mm (27in) in height. The canvas position can be set to suit either backwards or forwards tilting position. Weight: 2.1kg (4.6lb) Folded size: 785 x 420 x 80mm (19 x 16 x 3in) Maximum canvas height: 390mm (27.2in)
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