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Home Explore Daler-Rowney UK & Export Catalogue 2019

Daler-Rowney UK & Export Catalogue 2019

Published by gopidasgayatri, 2021-01-03 09:24:19

Description: Daler-Rowney UK & Export Catalogue 2019


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OIL COLOUR VARNISHES, MEDIUMS & THINNERS Oil Varnishes Retouching Varnish Damar Varnish A removable picture This versatile varnish varnish. Will give a is used to bring back low gloss when applied the original paint thinly. Damar dries quality of dry or hard and clear within a dull oil. Retouching few hours. Removable Varnish is reduced with with turpentine or solvents and is much white spirit. thinner than final top coat varnishes. Damar Varnish 75ml: D 114 007 004 Retouching Varnish 75ml: D 114 007 010 PK 6 PK 6 300ml: D 114 030 010 PK 1 Matt Varnish Matt Varnish Artists’ Clear Clear Picture Varnish Picture Varnish 75ml: D 114 007 800 A removable varnish that 75ml: D 114 007 002 dries to a matt finish. It A removable picture PK 6 can be mixed with Artist’s PK 6 varnish for a clear Clear Picture Varnish to even gloss, which will 300ml: D 114 030 800 give a range of semi-gloss not yellow or bloom. surfaces. It is non-yellowing. When applied lightly PK 1 Removable with turpentine by aerosol it makes an or white spirit, and can excellent Retouching 500ml: D 114 501 800 be used to varnish oils Varnish. May be used or acrylics. on both oil and PK 1 acrylic painting. 400ml Aerosol: D 114 400 800 PK 6 Linseed Stand Oil Alkyd Flow Medium Reduces the consistency of oil colours and Slightly thinner than enhances flow. It is Alkyd Gel, it increases viscous and dries slowly the transparency and to a tough elastic film. flow of oil colour, Faster drying than pure allowing paint to be Linseed Oil. Reduces brushed out more brush marks. smoothly. Reduces drying time. Linseed Stand Oil 75ml: D 114 007 015 Alkyd Flow Medium 75ml: D 114 007 022 PK 6 PK 6 Water Washable 300ml: D 114 030 022 Brush Cleaner PK 1 250ml: D 114 250 030 PK 1 49

Self Portrait By: Stephanie Kane Created with: Georgian Water Mixable Oil More: 50

Georgian Water Mixable Oil colours offer artists the possibility of experiencing oil painting without the need for solvent-based mediums. An alternative to traditional oils, this balanced range of 40 vibrant colours can be thinned, mixed, and washed using water and as such is ideal for studio use as well as classroom environments. All Georgian Water Mixable Oil colours offer high levels of lightfastness, pigment load, and durability. The viscosity and smooth texture of the colours out of the tube mirror traditional oil colours and can be used for impasto techniques, or thinned down with water they can create wash effects similar to watercolours. Surface-dry between 5 and 7 days, and no colour shift from wet to dry. 51

OIL COLOUR 651 Lemon Yellow 515 Crimson Alizarin Hue *** PY3 / PW6 *** PR177 Georgian Water Mixable 617 Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue 401 Permanent Red Violet Light Oil Colour 37ml *** PY73 / PY3 *** PV19 / PW6 • 40 colours 627 Primary Yellow 409 Primary Magenta • Metal tube with screw lid *** PY73 *** PV23 • Dimensions: 10.9 x 3.7 x 2.5cm 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue 406 Cobalt Violet Hue *** PY83 / PO34 *** PV19 / PV23 Georgian Water Mixable 618 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue 135 Prussian Blue Oil Colour 200ml *** PY83 / PO34 *** PB15 / PBk9 • 30 colours 619 Cadmium Orange Hue 142 Primary Cyan • Metal tube with screw lid *** PO34 / PY74 *** PB15 • Dimensions: 21 x 6.5 x 4.2cm 505 Cadmium Red Light Hue 123 French Ultramarine *** PR9 / PO34 *** PB29 503 Cadmium Red Hue 129 Sèvres Blue *** PO34 / PR112 *** PB15 / PW6 504 Cadmium Red Deep Hue 110 Cobalt Blue Hue *** PY73 / PR101 / PR5 *** PG7 / PB29 / PW6 561 Rose Madder 112 Coeruleum Hue *** PV19 *** PB15 / PY184 / PW6 TRANSPARENCY Georgian Georgian Water Mixable Water Mixable Opaque Oil Colour 37ml Oil Colour 200ml Semi Opaque D 119 037 *** / PK 3 D 119 200 *** / PK 1 Transparent LIGHT FASTNESS **** Permanent **** Normally Permanent **** Moderately Permanent **** Fugitive AVAILABILITY 37ml 200ml 52

130 Sky Blue 663 Yellow Ochre *** PB29 / PB15 / PW6 **** PY42 145 Turquoise 667 Raw Sienna *** PW6 / PB15 / PG7 **** PR101 Trans / PY42 / PBk9 350 Cinnabar Green Light Hue 221 Burnt Sienna *** PW5 / PY1 / PG7 **** PR101 Trans / PR101 347 Permanent Green Light 223 Burnt Umber *** PY3 / PG7 /PY42 **** PR101 Trans / PR101 / PBk9 363 Olive Green 247 Raw Umber *** PY73 / PR177 / PG7 **** PBr7 375 Sap Green 264 Vandyke Brown Hue *** PG7 / PR101 Trans / PY73 *** PBk9 / PBr7 / PR170 382 Viridian Hue 065 Payne’s Grey *** PG7 *** PB29 / PBk7 024 Buff Titanium 034 Ivory Black *** PW6 **** PBk9 577 Flesh Tint 009 Titanium White *** PW6 / PY42 / PR101 *** PW6 / PW4 635 Naples Yellow 001 Zinc White *** PW6 / PY73 / PY83 *** PW4 Work in Progress By: Stephanie Kane Created with: Georgian Water Mixable Oil More: 53

OIL COLOUR SETS Georgian Water Georgian Water Mixable Oil Colour Mixable Oil Colour Starter Set Introduction Set Set of 6x 20ml tubes  Set of 10x 20ml tubes  of Georgian Water of Georgian Water Mixable Oil colours: Mixable Oil colours: Cadmium Yellow Hue Lemon Yellow Alizarin Crimson Hue Cadmium Yellow Hue French Ultramarine Cadmium Red Hue Viridian Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue Yellow Ochre French Ultramarine Titanium White Coeruleum Hue Viridian Hue D 119 900 150 Yellow Ochre Burnt Umber PK 1 Titanium White D 119 900 050 Georgian Water Mixable Oil Colour PK 1 Selection Set Set of 10x 37ml tubes  of Georgian Water Mixable Oil colours: Lemon Yellow Cadmium Yellow Hue Cadmium Red Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue French Ultramarine Coeruleum Hue Viridian Hue Yellow Ochre Burnt Umber Titanium White D 119 900 650 PK 1 54

OIL COLOUR MEDIUMS Water Mixable Medium for Oil Colours Mixes with traditional oil colours to make them water mixable. Oil Medium Water Mixable for Oil Colours Linseed Oil 75ml: D 119 707 029 Reduces the PK 6 consistency of water mixable oil colour and slows down drying time. In its raw state, it gives colour a high gloss. Diluted, it creates an excellent medium for many different painting styles. Linseed Oil 75ml: D 119 707 031 PK 6 Water Mixable Fast Drying Medium Mixes with water mixable oil colours to accelerate their drying time. Stand Oil Fast Drying Medium 75ml: D 119 707 014 75ml: D 119 707 015 PK 6 PK 6 Water Mixable Linseed Stand Oil Reduces the consistency of oil colours and enhances flow. It is viscous and dries slowly to a tough elastic film. Faster drying than linseed oil. Reduces brush marks. Because bristle brushes do Work in Progress not react well to water, it is By: recommended to use synthetic or sable brushes with Georgian Stephanie Kane Water Mixable Oil. Created with: Georgian Water Mixable Oil More: 55

OIL COLOUR 651 Lemon Yellow *** PY3 Graduate Oil 38ml 675 Primary Yellow • 42 colours *** PY73 • Metal tube with screw lid 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue • Dimensions: 10.9 x 3.6 x 2.5cm *** PY73 / PY83 618 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue Graduate Oil 200ml *** PY83 • 42 colours 631 Yellow Orange • Metal tube with screw lid *** PY73 / PR122 • Dimensions: 17.1 x 5.2 x 3.5cm 619 Cadmium Orange Hue *** PY73 / PR112 588 Vermilion Hue *** PY73 / PR112 503 Cadmium Red Hue *** PR112 513 Crimson *** PR170 540 Primary Red *** PR5 563 Rose Madder *** PV19 London-Brighton Bike Race TRANSPARENCY By: Studio Andelino Opaque Created with: Semi Opaque Graduate Oil Transparent More: LIGHT FASTNESS 56 **** Permanent **** Normally Permanent **** Moderately Permanent **** Fugitive AVAILABILITY 38ml 200ml

409 Permanent Magenta 368 Olive Green 065 Paynes Grey *** PR122 *** PY73 / PR101 / PG7 *** PB29 / PBk7 450 Violet 388 Yellow Green 034 Ivory Black *** PV19 *** PY74 / PY42 / PG17 **** PBk9 123 Ultramarine 635 Naples Yellow 035 Lamp Black *** PB29 *** PW6 / PY83 **** PBk7 139 Phthalo Blue 024 Buff Titanium 009 Titanium White *** PB15 *** PW6 *** PW6 / PW4 135 Prussian Blue 573 Portrait Pink 001 Zinc Mixing White *** PB27 *** PW6 / PR101 *** PW6 / PW4 120 Primary Blue 663 Yellow Ochre 702 Silver *** PB15:3 **** PY42 *** PW20 / PBk7 110 Cobalt Blue 667 Raw Sienna 708 Gold *** PB29 **** PY42 / PR101 Trans *** PW20 / PR101 Trans 112 Coeruleum Hue 221 Burnt Sienna 707 Rich Gold *** PW6 / PB15:3 **** PR101 Trans *** PW20 / PR101 Trans 382 Viridian Hue 538 Venetian Red 230 Copper *** PG7 **** PR101 *** PW20 / PR101 Trans 352 Hooker’s Green 223 Burnt Umber *** PY73 / PB27 **** PBr7 London-Brighton Bike Race 375 Sap Green 247 Raw Umber By: *** PY73 / PB15 **** PBr7 Studio Andelino Created with: Graduate Oil More: Graduate Graduate Graduate Oil is an affordable range Oil Colour 38ml Oil Colour 200ml of oil colours ideal for students and D 117 038 *** / PK 3 D 117 200 *** / PK 1 amateurs looking for reliability and performance. Graduate Oil colours are smooth, easy to use, and mix well together, drying to a low gloss satin sheen within 5 days. The colours in the Graduate Oil range offer an impressive pigment loading compared to their rivals in the same category. 57

OIL COLOUR SETS 12x 24x 36x 10x 22ml 22ml 22ml 38ml • • Selection • Lemon Yellow • •• Primary Yellow • • • Cadmium Yellow Hue • • Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue • • • Yellow Orange • • • Cadmium Orange Hue • • • Vermilion Hue • • • Cadmium Red Hue • • •• • •• Crimson • • • Primary Red • • • Rose Madder • • • Permanent Magenta • • • • •• Violet • • Ultramarine • • Cobalt Blue • • Prussian Blue • • Phthalo Blue • • Primary Blue • • Coeruleum Hue • • Hookers Green • • Viridian Hue • •• Olive Green • • Sap Green • Naples Yellow •• Buff Titanium • •• Portrait Pink • Yellow Ochre •• • Raw Sienna •• Burnt Sienna • Venetian Red •• Burnt Umber • Paynes Grey Ivory Black Lamp Black Titanium White Zinc Mixing White Contents may vary Graduate Oil Sets Graduate Selection Set Sets of 22ml tubes  Set of 10x 38ml tubes  of vibrant Graduate of classic Graduate Oil colours Oil colours 12x 22ml: D 117 522 012 D 117 900 100 24x 22ml: D 117 522 024 36x 22ml: D 117 522 036 PK 1 PK 1 58

OIL COLOUR SETS & MEDIUMS 6x 12x 24x 12ml 12ml 12ml Simply Oil colours are a perfect starting point for artists looking Lemon Yellow • •• to experiment with oils. Primary Yellow • • • • These smooth colours can be used Deep Yellow • straight from the tube or thinned down Orange • • to create glazes. Available in a wide • • variety of colours, Simply Oil offers Brilliant Red • great value for money, and together Primary Red •• with other products from the Simply Oil Vermilion Hue •• range, an easy entry point for artists to begin working with oils. Crimson • Cream • Simply Oil 12ml Sets Violet •• Sets of 12ml tubes  •• of vibrant Simply Cobalt Blue Hue •• Oil colours Coeruleum Hue • 6x 12ml: D 118 500 006 Ultramarine Blue • 12x 12ml: D 118 500 100 • 24x 12ml: D 118 500 124 Prussian Blue • Primary Blue •• PK 6 Portrait Pink •• •• Leaf Green • Sap Green •• •• Viridian •• Yellow Ochre Burnt Sienna Contents may vary Burnt Umber Black White Low-Odour Thinners Simply Oil Creative Simply Oil Starter Set A low-odour alternative Easel Set to turpentine, ideal Set of 12x 12ml tubes  when working in a Set of 12x 12ml tubes  of vibrant Simply Oil colours, confined space or for of vibrant Simply Oil colours, 3x brushes & 1x canvas those artists who find 3x canvas panels, turpentine too strong. 4x sketching pencils, D 118 500 005 Also used to clean 12x charcoal sticks, palettes and brushes. 1x display easel PK 1 7x brushes & Simply Oil 1x mixing palette Low Odour Thinner D 118 975 024 D 118 500 201 PK 4 PK 1 59

A New Day, Studland By: Oliver Pyle Created with: Artists’ Watercolour 60

Artists’ Watercolour offers professional artist superb rich and free-flowing colours, based on the suspension of the very finest quality pigments in an aqueous solution of gum Arabic in 80 colours. Artists’ Watercolours are characterised by varying tint strengths of different pigments. This makes them ideal for delicate washes, complex layering techniques and multi-colour shadings. Purest pigments triple milled with ultra-fine grind and the high pigment load per colour guarantee optimal light fastness and permanence along with a clear and rich colour across all 80 colours. The Artist Watercolour range and colours are designed to surpass the highest standards of professional artists with its excellent colour brilliance and covering power. 61

WATERCOLOUR 634 Naples Yellow 506 Cadmium Red Pale 637 526 Artists’ Watercolour 5ml 651 *** 588 *** • 80 colours 611 501 • Metal tube with screw lid 629 PR108 / PY35 / PW6 503 PR108 • Dimensions: 7 x 2 x 1.2cm 664 528 Artists’ Watercolour 15ml 601 Nickel Titanate Yellow 502 Cadmium Red Pale Hue • 80 colours 612 504 • Metal tube with screw lid 620 *** 529 *** • Dimensions: 8 x 3 x 1.5cm 613 515 Artists’ Watercolour Half Pans 618 PY53 525 PR254 / PY74 • 80 colours 640 509 • Blister pack 643 Lemon Yellow 537 Vermilion Hue • Dimensions: 7.5 x 5 x 1.2cm 615 414 619 *** 409 *** TRANSPARENCY 633 417 535 PY3 419 PR255 Opaque Semi Opaque Cadmium Yellow Pale Cadmium Red Transparent *** *** LIGHT FASTNESS PY35 PR108 **** Permanent **** Normally Permanent Bismuth Yellow Cadmium Red Hue **** Moderately Permanent **** Fugitive *** *** AVAILABILITY PY184 PR254 / PY74 5ml 15ml Half Pans Permanent Yellow Quinacridone Red 62 *** *** PY138 PR209 Aureolin Cadmium Red Deep ** *** PY40 PR108 Cadmium Yellow Cadmium Red Deep Hue *** *** PY35 PR264 /PR255 Cadmium Yellow Hue Perylene Red *** *** PY74 / PY153 PR179 Cadmium Yellow Deep Alizarin Crimson *** *** PY35 / PO20 PR83:1 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue *** *** PY3 / PY65 PR209 / PR179 Gamboge Hue Carmine *** *** PY3 / PY153 PR170 Indian Yellow Permanent Rose *** *** PY83 PV19 Cadmium Orange Quinacridone Magenta *** *** PO20 / PY35 PR122 Cadmium Orange Hue Permanent Magenta *** *** PO62 / PY65 PV19 Warm Orange Cobalt Magenta *** *** PO73 PV14 Permanent Red Ultramarine Violet *** *** PR254 / PO73 PV15 Artists’ Artists’ Artists’ Watercolour Watercolour 5ml Watercolour 15ml Half Pan Blister Packs* D 130 002 *** / PK 3 D 130 005 *** / PK 1 D 130 015 *** / PK 3

413 Permanent Mauve 382 Viridian Hue 523 Indian Red 107 361 411 135 *** 354 *** 223 **** 127 379 247 139 PV23 367 PB36 / PG7 264 PR101 140 353 250 121 Indanthrene Blue 378 Phthalo Green 063 Mars Violet 111 375 065 109 *** 363 *** 034 **** 116 373 035 137 PB60 663 PG7 001 PR101 123 667 009 155 Prussian Blue 221 Hooker’s Green Dark Burnt Umber 156 527 157 *** 583 *** **** 325 261 154 PB27 421 PY3 / PG7 / PV19 PBr7 Indigo Terre Verte Hue Raw Umber *** **** **** PB15 / PBk7 / PV19 PG18 / PY42 / PBk11 PBr7 Phthalo Blue RS Oxide of Chromium Green Vandyke Brown Hue *** Red Shade **** **** PB15 PG17 PBr7 Phthalo Blue GS Hooker’s Green Light Warm Sepia *** Green Shade *** **** PB15:3 PG7 / PY153 PBr7 / PBk11 / PR101 Manganese Blue Hue Vivid Green Neutral Tint *** *** *** PB15:3 / PW5 PY138 / PG7 PR101 / PBk11 / PB29 Coeruleum Sap Green Payne’s Grey **** *** *** PB35 PY153 / PG7 / PR101 PBk7 / PB29 Cobalt Blue Olive Green Ivory Black **** *** **** PB28 PY153 / PG7 / PR264 PBk9 Cobalt Blue Deep Green Gold Lamp Black **** *** **** PB72 PY129 PBk7 Permanent Blue Yellow Ochre Chinese White *** **** *** PB29 PY42 PW4 / PW6 French Ultramarine Raw Sienna Titanium White *** **** *** PB29 PY42 / PR101 PW6 Cobalt Turquoise RS Burnt Sienna **** Red Shade **** PB36 PR101 Cobalt Turquoise GS Light Red **** Green Shade **** PB36 PR101 Transparent Turquoise Venetian Red *** **** PG7 / PB15:3 PR101 Cobalt Green Deep Transparent Red Brown **** *** PB36 PR206 Phthalo Turquoise Perylene Maroon *** *** PG7 / PB15:3 PR179 * While stocks last 63

WATERCOLOUR SETS Artists’ Watercolour Lemon Yellow 20x 18x 12x 24x Miniature Box Set Cadmium Yellow Half Quarter Half Half Artists’ Watercolour Set of 18x quarter pans of  Cadmium Yellow Pale Pans Pans Pans Plastic Box Set Artists’ Watercolour Cadmium Yellow Deep Pans Set of 20x half pans of  • Metal Metal Artists’ Watercolour D 130 900 181 Cadmium Red • • D 130 900 026 Quinacridone Red • • • • PK 1 • • • • PK 1 Alizarin Crimson • • • • Permanent Rose • • • Permanent Mauve • • • • French Ultramarine • • • • • • • • Prussian Blue • • • Phthalo Blue RS • • • • • • • • Cobalt Blue • • • Viridian Hue • • • • Hookers Green Dark • • • • Hookers Green Light • • • • Yellow Ochre • • • Raw Sienna • • • Burnt Sienna • • • • • Light Red • Burnt Umber • • Raw Umber • Paynes Grey • • Ivory Black • Chinese White Contents may vary Artists’ Watercolour Metal Box Set Artists’ Watercolour Metal Box Set Set of 12x half pans of Artists’ Watercolour Set of 24x half pans of Artists’ Watercolour D 130 900 512 D 130 900 524 PK 1 PK 1 A New Day, Corfe Castle By: Oliver Pyle Created with: Artists’ Watercolour 64

WATERCOLOUR SETS Artists’ Watercolour Downstream from Waterloo Bridge Wooden Box Set By: Set of 20x tubes of  Artists’ Watercolour Oliver Pyle & accessories Created with: D 130 900 444 Artists’ Watercolour PK 1 Artists’ Watercolour Wooden Box Set Artists’ Watercolour Set of 30x half pans Wooden Box Set & 2 tubes of  Set of 15x half pans Artists’ Watercolour & 2 tubes of  & accessories Artists’ Watercolour D 130 900 666 & accessories D 130 900 555 PK 1 PK 1 65

COLOUR GOUACHE 665 Primrose 567 Scarlet 666 518 Designer’s Gouache 15ml 651 *** 513 ** • 90 colours 675 416 • Metal tube with screw-top lid 676 PY153 / PY3 / PG7 / PW6 533 PR9 / PR210 • Dimensions: 8 x 3 x 1.5cm 620 530 Designer’s Gouache 38ml 607 Canary 558 Geranium • 5 colours 643 576 • Metal tube with screw-top lid 618 *** 575 * • Dimensions: 10.5 x 3.8 x 2cm 685 412 631 PY73 / PY3 409 PR3 / BV10:BR2 / PV1 TRANSPARENCY 687 437 630 Lemon Yellow 445 Crimson Opaque 553 407 Semi Opaque 547 *** 135 ** Transparent 503 119 589 PY3 123 PR83:1 / PR5 LIGHT FASTNESS 517 125 Process Yellow Maroon **** Permanent **** Normally Permanent *** * **** Moderately Permanent **** Fugitive PY3 / PY73 PR12 / BV10:BR2 / PV1 AVAILABILITY Spectrum Yellow Mars Red 15ml 38ml *** ** 66 PY73 PR101 / PR3 / PR5 Cadmium Yellow Hue Madder Carmine *** * PY1:1 PR83:1 / BV10:BR2 / PV1 Brilliant Yellow Ruby Red *** * PY1:1 / PY73 BV10:BR2 / PR3 / PR9 Indian Yellow Rose Pink ** * PY1:1 / PO13 BV10:BR2 / PR3 / PW6 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue Deep Pink ** * PW6 BV10:BR2 / PR3 Middle Orange Process Magenta ** * PO13 / PY73 / PY42 PV1 / BV10 / BR2 Tangerine Magenta ** * PR4 PR5 / PV1 / BV10:BR2 Flame Orange Purple Lake ** * PY1:1 / PO13 PV3 / BV10:BR2 / PV1 Coral Spectrum Violet ** * PR4 / PO13 PV3 / BV10:BR2 Red Orange Brilliant Violet ** * PY42 PV3 / BV10:BR2 Brilliant Red Prussian Blue ** ** PR4 PB27 / PBk7 Cadmium Red Hue Rowney Blue ** *** PR3 / PR4 PB29 / PB15 Vermilion Red Ultramarine ** *** PR4 / PR9 PB29 / PB15 Flame Red Delft Blue ** *** PR2 PB29 / PB15 / PW6 Designer’s Gouache 15ml Designer’s Gouache 38ml D 136 005 *** / PK 3 D 136 014 *** / PK 3

112 Coeruleum Hue 348 Light Green 076 Warm Grey 2 110 374 077 124 *** 388 *** 080 *** 120 367 081 117 PG7 363 PG7 / PY3 082 PBr7 / PBk9 / PW6 106 663 085 150 Cobalt Blue Hue 578 Safron Green 086 Warm Grey 3 151 217 087 304 *** 667 *** 065 *** 145 221 035 341 PB29 / PB15 554 PG7 / PY3 039 PBr7 / PBk9 / PW6 340 215 041 382 Brilliant Blue 523 Yellow Green 008 Cool Grey 1 351 550 001 335 *** 247 *** 230 *** 309 264 702 370 PB29 223 PG7 / PY3 / PW6 / PY42 708 PB29 / PBk9 / PW6 355 075 707 Process Cyan Opaque Oxide of Chrome Cool Grey 2 * **** *** FB2:1 PG17 PB29 / PBk9 / PW6 Powder Blue Olive Green Cool Grey 3 *** ** *** PB29 / PW6 PG7 / PY3 / PO13 PG7 / PBk9 / PW6 Azure Blue Yellow Ochre Neutral Grey 1 * **** *** FB2:1 / PB29 / PW6 PY42 PBk7 / PW6 Ocean Blue Flesh Tint Neutral Grey 2 *** ** *** PB29 / PB15 / PW6 / PG7 PR4 / PY42 / PW6 PBk9 / PW6 / PBr7 Marine Blue Sandstone Neutral Grey 3 *** *** *** PB29 / PB15 / PG7 PR101 / PY1:1 / PW6 PB29 / PBk11 / PW6 Cyprus Green Raw Sienna Payne’s Grey *** **** *** PB15 / PG7 PBr7 / PY42 / PR101 PB29 / PBk9 Turquoise Burnt Sienna Lamp Black *** **** **** PB15 / PG7 PBr7 / PR101 / PBk11 PBk9 Pine Green Red Earth Velvet Black *** ** **** PB15 / PY1 / PBk7 PR5 / PR101 PBk7 Fir Green Brown Pink Jet Black *** *** **** PB15 / PY1 / PBk11 PW6 PBk1 Viridian Hue Indian Red Permanent White *** ** *** PG7 PR83:1 / PBr7 PW6 Mint Red Brown Zinc White *** **** *** PB15 / PG7 / PY3 PBr7 / PR101 PW5 Emerald Raw Umber Copper *** **** *** PG7 / PY3 / PW6 PY42 / PBr7 PR101 Trans. Brilliant Green Vandyke Brown Hue Silver (Imit) *** **** *** PG7 / PY3 PY42 / PBr7 PW6 / PBk7 Process Green Burnt Umber Pale Gold ** **** *** PG7 / PY3 / PW6 PBr7 PW6 / PR101 Trans. Leaf Green Warm Grey 1 Rich Gold *** *** *** PY42 PBr7 / PBk9 / PW6 PW6 / PR101 Trans. 67

GOUACHE SETS Designer’s Gouache Starter Set Set of 6x 15ml tubes of Designer’s Gouache D 136 900 004 PK 1 Designer’s Gouache Introduction Set* Set of 12x 15ml tubes of Designer’s Gouache D 136 900 001 PK 1 Designer’s Gouache College Selection Set Set of 12x 15ml tubes of Designer’s Gouache D 136 900 002 PK 1 68

GOUACHE SETS 6x 6x 12x 12x 30x 15ml 15ml 15ml 15ml 15ml Designer’s Gouache Studio Set Starter Process Introduction Selection Designer Set of 30x 15ml & 2x 38ml tubes of Lemon Yellow • • • Designer’s Gouache Spectrum Yellow •• D 136 900 005 • • Process Yellow • •• • PK 1 Cadmium Yellow Hue • • Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue • • • • • Flame Orange • •• • Brilliant Red • • Cadmium Red Hue • • Flame Red • • Crimson • Mars Red • •• • Process Magenta • Spectrum Violet • • • • Ultramarine • • Rowney Blue • Coeruleum Hue • Cobalt Blue Hue • Process Cyan • • • • Emerald • Viridian Hue • • Brilliant Green • • Process Green • • •• • Leaf Green • Olive Green • Yellow Ochre • • Flesh Tint Raw Sienna 38ml Burnt Sienna Indian Red • • 38ml Vandyke Brown •• • Raw Umber Contents may vary Burnt Umber Neutral Grey 1 Neutral Grey 2 Lamp Black Velvet Black Jet Black Permanent White Designer’s Gouache Starter Process Set Set of 6x 15ml tubes of Designer’s Gouache D 136 900 102 PK 1 * While stocks last 69

Watercolour Aquafine watercolours are made from a selection of modern high-quality pigments milled to perfection to offer optimal performance and control. Aquafine watercolours are rich, free-flowing transparent colours with excellent tinting strength and working properties that reliably produce beautiful, delicate washes. With a comprehensive palette of 48 colours, Aquafine boasts the largest range of colours in its category. Together with Aquafine Gouache and Watercolour Ink which have been formulated to the same high specifications, Aquafine Watercolour, mediums, brushes, pads, and artboards offer artists of all levels of expertise a complete watercolour suite of perfectly compatible products. 70

Northumberland Boatyard By: Charles Evans Created with: Aquafine Watercolour More: 71

WATERCOLOUR 651 Lemon Yellow 414 Quinacridone Magenta *** PY3 *** PR122 Aquafine Watercolour 8ml 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue 433 Purple Lake • 48 colours *** PY155 *** PV19 • Metal tube with screw lid 618 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue 420 Ultramarine Pink • Dimensions: 8 x 2 x 1cm *** PY3 / PY65 *** PR259 640 Gamboge Hue 419 Ultramarine Violet Aquafine Watercolour Half Pans *** PY155 / PR242 *** PV15 • 48 colours 643 Indian Yellow Hue 406 Cobalt Violet Hue • Blister pack with 2 half pans *** PY65 *** PV23 / PV15 • Dimensions: 10 x 5 x 1cm 619 Cadmium Orange Hue 413 Permanent Mauve *** PO71 *** PV23 Aquafine Watercolour Ink 29.5ml 588 Vermilion Hue 127 Indigo • 20 colours *** PR255 *** PB15 / PBk7 / PV19 • Glass bottle with dropper lid 503 Cadmium Red Hue 135 Prussian Blue • Dimensions: 7.6 x 4.4 x 4.4cm *** PR242 *** PB27 515 Alizarin Crimson Hue 122 Ultramarine Blue Light *** PR176 *** PB29 563 Rose Madder Hue 123 Ultramarine Blue Dark *** PR83 / PR122 *** PB29 537 Permanent Rose 110 Cobalt Blue Hue *** PV19 *** PB29 / PW6 578 Portrait Pink 142 Phthalo Blue *** PW6 / PR101 / PY42 *** PB15 TRANSPARENCY Aquafine Watercolour Ink Opaque Aquafine Watercolour Ink is a Semi Opaque pigmented, water soluble ink Transparent range with a high degree of light fastness and intermixability. LIGHT FASTNESS Aquafine Ink can be used straight out of the dropper, or diluted to **** Permanent achieve the most subtle of tones. **** Normally Permanent Because the inks are formulated **** Moderately Permanent with genuine fine art pigments, **** Fugitive colours will remain bright and vivid over time compared to AVAILABILITY dye-based inks which will quickly fade. Aquafine inks can be 15ml Half Pans 29.5ml Aquafine Aquafine applied using traditional brushes, WATERCOLOUR WATERCOLOUR INK Watercolour 8ml Watercolour Ink 29.5ml but also work well through D 131 008 *** / PK 3 D 166 029 *** / PK 3 airbrushes, technical pens, and paint markers making them ideal for producing technical illustrations and finely worked drawings. The expressive fluidity of watercolour inks is suitable for use by fine artists, illustrators, graphic designers, calligraphers, decorative artists and hobbyists. 72

Watercolour 112 Coeruleum Hue 634 Naples Yellow *** PB15 / PW6 *** PR176 / PBr24 157 Transparent Turquoise *** PB16 223 Burnt Umber 382 Viridian Hue **** PY155 / PR176 / PBk7 *** PG7 355 Leaf Green 264 Vandyke Brown Hue *** PY3 / PG7 **** PBr7 / PBk7 353 Hooker’s Green Light *** PY3 / PG7 247 Raw Umber 352 Hooker’s Green Dark **** PBr7 *** PY3 / PG7 / PV19 375 Sap Green 251 Sepia Hue *** PY73 / PB29 *** PY42 / PR9 / PBk7 363 Olive Green *** PG36 / PO36 065 Payne’s Grey 663 Yellow Ochre *** PBk7 / PB29 *** PY42 667 Raw Sienna 034 Ivory Black *** PBr7 **** PBk7 527 Light Red **** PR101 035 Lamp Black 221 Burnt Sienna **** PBk7 **** PR101 009 Titanium White *** PW6 001 Chinese White *** PW5 / PW6 702 Silver Imit *** PW6* Coated Mica Flake Metallic pigment 701 Gold Imit *** PW6 + Mica Northumberland Boatyard By: Charles Evans Created with: Aquafine Watercolour Photography: Nik Garrad More: Aquafine Ink Dropper Art Pen Watercolour Ink Set Paint Brush Technical Pen Set of 6x 29.5ml bottles of Aquafine Marker Airbrush Watercolour Ink +1 FW empty Pouring Mixed Media Marker: Technique Lemon Yellow Cadmium Red Hue Quinacridone Magenta Ultramarine Blue Dark Yellow Ochre Burnt Umber D 166 100 006 PK 1 73

WATERCOLOUR 001 Lemon Yellow 013 Coeruleum Hue HALF PANS & SETS Cadmium Yellow Hue Transparent Turquoise Aquafine Watercolour Half Pans • 48 colours 002 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue 014 Viridian Hue • 24 Blister packs with 2 half pans • Dimensions: 10 x 5 x 1cm Gamboge Hue Leaf Green Aquafine Watercolour 003 Indian Yellow Hue 015 Hooker’s Green Light Half Pan Blister Sets D 131 017 *** Cadmium Orange Hue Hooker’s Green Dark PK 3 004 Vermilion Hue 016 Sap Green Cadmium Red Hue Olive Green 005 Alizarin Crimson Hue 017 Yellow Ochre Rose Madder Hue Raw Sienna 006 Permanent Rose 018 Light Red Portrait Pink Burnt Sienna 007 Quinacridone Magenta 019 Naples Yellow Purple Lake Burnt Umber 008 Ultramarine Pink 020 Vandyke Brown Hue Ultramarine Violet Raw Umber 009 Cobalt Violet Hue 021 Sepia Hue Permanent Mauve Payne’s Grey 010 Indigo 022 Ivory Black Prussian Blue Lamp Black 011 Ultramarine Blue Light 023 Titanium White Ultramarine Blue Dark Chinese White 012 Cobalt Blue Hue 024 Silver Imit Phthalo Blue Gold Imit Aquafine Watercolour Aquafine Watercolour Half Pan Slider Set Half Pan & Tube Slider Set Set of 20x half pans Set of 18x half pans, 2x tubes of A quafine Watercolour & Brush of Aquafine Watercolour & Brush D 131 900 026 D 131 900 027 PK 1 PK 1 74

WATERCOLOUR HALF PANS & SETS Watercolour Aquafine Watercolour Alnwick Moor Travel Set Set of 12x half pans of By: Aquafine Watercolour & Brush Charles Evans D 131 900 001 Created with: Aquafine Watercolour Travel Set PK 1 More: Aquafine Watercolour Pocket Set Set of 12x half pans of  Lemon Yellow 12x 12x 12x 18x 20x 24x 12x Aquafine Watercolour Cadmium Yellow Hue Half Half Half Half Half Half Whole D 131 900 000 Pans Pans Pans Pans Pans Pans Pans Gamboge Hue PK 1 Cadmium Orange Hue Travel Pocket • • • • • • • •• Vermilion Hue • • • • • • Cadmium Red Hue • • • • • •• • • • • •• Alizarin Crimson • • • • • •• Rose Madder Hue • • • • • • • • • • Purple Lake • • • • •• Prussian Blue • • • • • Ultramarine Blue Dark • • • • •• Cobalt Blue Hue • • • • • • • • • • • •• Coeruleum • • • Viridian Hue • • • • • •• • • • • Leaf Green • • • • Hooker’s Green • • •• Hooker’s Green Dark • • • • •• Sap Green Tube • • Yellow Ochre Tube • •• Light Red •• Raw Sienna Burnt Sienna Contents may vary Burnt Umber Paynes Grey Ivory Black Chinese White Aquafine Watercolour Aquafine Watercolour Half Pan Tin Whole Pan Set Set of 12x whole pans of  Set of 24x half Aquafine Watercolour pans of A quafine D 131 900 888 Watercolour PK 1 D 131 900 444 75 PK 1 Aquafine Watercolour Half Pan Tin Set of 12x half pans of Aquafine Watercolour D 131 900 333 PK 1

WATERCOLOUR SETS 10x 18x 24x Half Half Half Watercolour Pans Pans Pans Mini Travel Travel Travel Lemon Yellow • •• Cadmium Yellow Hue • •• •• Gamboge Hue • Cadmium Orange Hue • •• Vermilion Hue •• Cadmium Red Hue • •• Alizarin Crimson • Rose Madder Hue •• Purple Lake • •• Prussian Blue • •• Ultramarine Blue Dark •• Cobalt Blue Hue •• Coeruleum Hue • •• Viridian Hue • • Leaf Green • Hooker’s Green Dark •• Sap Green • •• Yellow Ochre • Light Red • •• Burnt Sienna •• Aquafine Watercolour Burnt Umber • Travel Tin Paynes Grey •• Set of 24x half pans of  Aquafine Watercolour, Ivory Black •• 1 brush & 1 palette Chinese White D 131 900 924 Aquafine Watercolour Contents may vary Travel Tin PK 1 Set of 10x half pans of  Aquafine Watercolour, 1 brush & 1 palette D 131 900 910 PK 1 Aquafine Watercolour Travel Tin Set of 18x half pans of  Aquafine Watercolour, 1 brush & 2 palettes D 131 900 030 PK 1 Aquafine Watercolour Aquafine Watercolour Tube Slider Set Introduction Set Set of 10x 8ml tubes of  Aquafine Watercolour: Set of 12x 8ml tubes of  Lemon Yellow Aquafine Watercolour Vermilion Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue Lemon Yellow Prussian Blue Cadmium Yellow Hue Ultramarine Blue Dark Vermilion Hue Viridian Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue Yellow Ochre Cobalt Blue Hue Burnt Sienna Ultramarine Blue Dark Ivory Black Hooker’s Green Dark Chinese White Yellow Ochre D 131 900 025 Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber PK 1 Ivory Black Chinese White 76 D 131 900 556 PK 1

WATERCOLOUR MEDIUMS Watercolour Art Masking Art Masking Fluid Northumberland Boatyard Fluid 75ml: D 114 007 020 Used to create striking By: white highlights or areas Charles Evans PK 6 for overpainting at a later Created with: stage. Forms a fast-drying, Aquafine Watercolour 175ml: D 114 017 020 water-resistant film on Photography: watercolour paper and PK 1 board, easily removed Nik Garrad when dry by rubbing More: with an eraser, soft tissue or cotton bud. An old brush, pen or cotton bud should be used to apply the Masking Fluid as it is extremely difficult to remove from brushes when dry. Gum Arabic Increases the gloss and transparency of watercolours. Ox Gall Solution Gum Arabic Solution Improves the wetting and increases the flow of 75ml: D 114 007 001 watercolour. Only add a few drops of Ox Gall to PK 6 the mixing water. Ox Gall Paper Varnish Solution 75ml: D 114 007 008 75ml: D 114 007 005 PK 6 PK 6 Paper Varnish A clear varnish ideal for prints, Poster and Poster & maps, découpage and other Watercolour Varnish Watercolour papercrafts. The intensity of the Varnish gloss depends on the type of Apply one coat for paper, the more absorbent the a glossy surface on 75ml: D 114 007 009 paper the lower the gloss finish. watercolours, poster or gouache paintings PK 6 and designs. 77

Gouache GOUACHE COLOUR 651 Lemon Yellow Opaque Watercolour *** PY3 / PW6 Aquafine Gouache 15ml 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue • 30 colours *** PY155 / PW6 • Metal tube with screw-top lid 618 Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue • Dimensions: 8 x 3 x 1.5cm *** PY3 / PY65 / PW6 588 Vermilion Hue Aquafine Gouache 38ml *** PR255 / PW6 • 2 colours 503 Cadmium Red Hue • Metal tube with screw-top lid *** PR242 / PW6 • Dimensions: 10.5 x 3.8 x 2cm 515 Alizarin Crimson Hue *** PR176 / PW6 537 Permanent Rose *** PV19 / PW6 578 Portrait Pink *** PW6 / PR101 / PY42 Sandy Seaweed Cape Aquafine Gouache Vin+Omi Collection 2017 colours are made from By: a selection of modern Pee Wee high-quality pigments Created with: milled to perfection Aquafine Gouache to offer optimal More: performance, control, and opacity. TRANSPARENCY Formulated with the same pigments as Opaque Aquafine Watercolour Semi Opaque and Aquafine Ink, Aquafine Transparent Gouache bridges modernity and tradition with an LIGHT FASTNESS innovative range ideal for mixed media as well as **** Permanent traditional techniques. **** Normally Permanent **** Moderately Permanent **** Fugitive AVAILABILITY 15ml 38ml 78

Gouache Opaque Watercolour 414 Quinacridone Magenta 355 Leaf Green 034 Ivory Black *** PR122 / PW6 *** PY3 / PG7 / PW6 **** PBk7 420 Ultramarine Pink 363 Olive Green *** PR259 / PW6 *** PG36 / PO36 / PW6 035 Lamp Black 413 Permanent Mauve 663 Yellow Ochre **** PBk7 *** PV23 / PW6 *** PY42 / PW6 135 Prussian Blue 667 Raw Sienna 009 Titanium White *** PB27 / PW6 *** PBR7 / PW6 *** PW6 123 Ultramarine Blue Dark 221 Burnt Sienna *** PB29 / PW6 **** PR101 / PW6 006 Zinc White 110 Cobalt Blue Hue 223 Burnt Umber *** PW5 / PW6 *** PB29 / PW6 **** PY155 / PR176 / PBk7 142 Phthalo Blue 247 Raw Umber 702 Silver Imit *** PB15 / PW6 **** PBr7 / PW6 *** PW6* Coated Mica 112 Coeruleum Hue 065 Payne’s Grey Flake Metallic pigment *** PB15 / PW6 *** PBk7 / PB29 701 Gold Imit *** PW6 + Mica 6x 12x 15ml 15ml Cadmium Yellow Hue •• Cadmium Red Hue •• Permanent Rose Portrait Pink • • Ultramarine Blue Dark •• Cobalt Blue Hue • Coeruleum Hue • Yellow Ochre •• Burnt Sienna • Burnt Umber •• Ivory Black • Titanium White •• Contents may vary Aquafine Gouache Sets Sets of 15ml tubes of Aquafine Gouache 6x 15ml: D 136 901 004 12x 15ml: D 136 901 001 PK 1 Aquafine Gouache 15ml Aquafine Gouache 38ml D 136 015 *** / PK 3 D 136 038 *** / PK 3 79

WATERCOLOUR SETS Photography by: Kelly Kruse Creative Simply Watercolour is a perfect starting point for artists looking to experiment More: with the watercolour technique. The colours wet easily onto the surface, and can be thinned with water to create washes. Available in a wide variety of colours in both tube and half pan sets. Simply watercolours offer great value for money, and together with other products from the Simply Watercolour range offer artists an easy entry point to the watercolour category. Simply Simply Watercolour Watercolour Pocket Set Sets Set of 12 half pans of Sets of 12ml Simply Watercolour & Brush tubes of D 134 500 000 basic Simply Watercolour PK 6 6x 12ml: D 134 500 006 12x 12ml: D 134 500 100 Simply Watercolour 24x 12ml: D 134 500 124 Travel Set Set of 12 half pans of PK 6 Simply Watercolour D 134 500 008 80 PK 6

WATERCOLOUR SETS 6x 12x 24x 12x 12ml 12ml 12ml Half Simply Art Pans Masking Fluid • 75ml: D 118 975 020 Lemon Yellow • •• Primary Yellow • • PK 4 • • • Deep Yellow • • Simply Watercolour Gamboge Hue • • • Creative Easel Set • Set of 12x 12ml tubes of basic Orange • • • Simply Watercolour colours, Brilliant Red • • •• 1x watercolour pad, Vermilion Hue • 4x sketching pencils, Primary Red • •• 12x charcoal sticks, • • 1x display easel, Crimson • • 7x brushes & Violet • • 1x mixing palette • • D 134 500 201 Coeruleum Hue Ultramarine Blue • PK 1 • Primary Blue • Cobalt Blue Hue •• •• Prussian Blue • Leaf Green • Sap Green • • Viridian Hue •• Hooker’s Green •• • Portrait Pink • Cream •• • Naples yellow Yellow Ochre Burnt Sienna Burnt Umber Light Red Black White Contents may vary Simply Watercolour Starter Set Set of 12x 12ml tubes o f basic Simply Watercolour colours, 3x brushes & 1x canvas D 134 500 005 PK 1 81

GOUACHE COLOUR SETS Simply Gouache colours are a perfect starting point for artists looking to experiment with gouache. These opaque colours can be used straight from the tube and have excellent covering power. Available in a wide variety of colours, Simply Gouache offers great value for money and an easy entry point for artists to begin working with gouache. Simply Gouache Sets Sets of 12ml tubes of basic Simply Gouache 6x 12ml: D 126 600 006 12x 12ml: D 126 600 912 24x 12ml: D 126 600 924 PK 6 82

GOUACHE COLOUR SETS 6x 12x 24x 12ml 12ml 12ml Lemon Yellow • •• Primary Yellow • • • Deep Yellow • • Orange • •• Vermilion Hue • • Brilliant Red • • Primary Red Crimson •• Violet • Coeruleum Hue •• Primary Blue • Ultramarine Leaf Green •• Sap Green • Viridian Hue •• Hooker’s Green •• Portrait Pink Cream • • Naples Yellow • Yellow Ochre • Burnt Sienna •• Burnt Umber •• •• Black •• White •• Contents may vary Simply Gouache Starter Set Sets of 12x 12ml tubes of Simply Gouache, 3x brushes & 1x canvas D 126 100 005 PK 1 83

CALLIGRAPHY INKS 073 Scarlet 031 Green COLOUR **** PR112 / PY74 **** PG7 013 Burgandy 012 Brown Calli Calligraphy Ink 29.5ml **** PR5 / PR122 **** PR112 / PY74 / PG7 • 6 colours 011 Blue 010 Jet Black • Glass bottle with screw lid **** PB15:3 **** PBk7 • Dimensions: 5.7 x 4.5 x 4.5cm Specially designed inks for use in calligraphy. Calli is an acrylic-based range of pigmented, non-clogging, water-resistant inks specially designed for use in calligraphy, where optimum flow characteristics from the pen or brush are essential. Calli Calligraphy Ink Set Set of 6x 29.5ml bottles of Calligraphy Ink D 604 300 010 PK 1 Calli Calligraphy Ink 29.5ml D 604 301 *** / PK 3 84

INK COLOUR It is important to stress that the black is water-resistant and not Kandahar Drawing Ink is waterproof, so it will withstand a brilliant lightfast colour. a degree of splashing but not soaking by water. The ink flows easily from pen, brush and airbrush. Kandahar Black is ideal for illustration work and in mixed media technique, for example with watercolours, and does not discolour easily when exposed to light. The most suitable surfaces for use are paper, card and board. Kandahar Black Indian Ink 28ml: D 144 028 028 PK 6 175ml: D 144 175 028 1litre: D 144 100 028 PK 1 Pro Inks Simply Black Black Indian Ink 29.5ml: D 137 028 004 29.5ml: D 164 029 028 PK 12 PK 4 White 29.5ml: D 137 028 002 PK 12 Luma Ink Simply Calligraphy Sets White 29.5ml: D 137 028 003 14 piece set D 845 900 910 PK 12 PK 6 Dip pen set D 844 300 950 PK 12 85

BLOCK PRINTING COLOUR 607 Brilliant Yellow 547 Brilliant Red Oil Block Printing Colours 250ml 100 Blue 026 Black • 5 colours 011 White • Metal Tin • Dimensions: 7.5 x 7.7 x 7.7cm Oil based Block Printing Colours are highly permanent and intermixable. For use on canvas and primed surfaces, the five colours in the range can be complemented by blending any of the 58 Georgian Oil colours with Georgian Oil Block Printing Medium to create an infinite number of shades and possibilities. Oil Block For solid colour mix, 1.5 parts Printing 250ml medium to 1 part oil colour D 115 251 *** or 1 part medium to 1 part System3 acrylic colour depending PK 1 on the medium chosen, then print in the normal way. For Block Printing Medium transparent over prints, blend On their own Georgian the required amount of colour Oil Colours, like other into the medium and then print oil painting colours, are in the normal way. Allow prints unsuitable for block to dry overnight before over printing. However, printing, longer may be required correctly blending them in cool conditions. with Georgian Oil Block Printing Medium allows printing onto canvas and other primed surfaces. Georgian Oil Block Printing Medium 225ml: D 114 225 019 PK 1 86

BLOCK PRINTING COLOUR Water Soluble 607 Brilliant Yellow Block Printing Colours 250ml 660 Orange 547 Brilliant Red • 13 colours 513 Crimson • Plastic pot with flip-top lid 409 Magenta • Dimensions: 10.5 x 7 x 7cm 450 Violet 135 Prussian Blue Water Soluble Block Printing Colours are highly pigmented and fully intermixable. Drying much faster than oil-based alternatives, water soluble colours are easy and safe to use, and can simply be cleaned using soap and water. To optimise workflow, an enhanced drying medium is available in the range. 100 Blue 145 Turquoise 309 Brilliant Green Water Soluble 221 Burnt Sienna Block Printing 250ml 026 Black D 116 250 *** PK 1 Block Printing Medium 011 White Mixed with Block Printing Medium, System3’s rich Block Printing pigmentation gives Drier Medium the strong clear colour Water soluble Block definition demanded by Printing Drier Medium professional printmakers. is used to speed up Easy to clean off equipment drying time to optimise with water, this safe, workflow. It reduces solvent-free alternative to waiting time and traditional oil-based inks increases the layers is ideal for block printing created in a day. on paper, canvas and other primed surfaces. Block Printing Drier Medium 250ml: D 116 250 000 System3 Block Printing Medium PK 1 250ml: D 128 250 121 PK 1 87

Artists’ Soft Pastels Over many decades, Daler-Rowney have perfected the art of making soft pastels. The finest available pigments are combined with other ingredients to give the smoothest and most consistent painting experience through a carefully balanced range of 186 tints. The softness of each pastel produces graduated velvet tones of unsurpassed richness and hue. Daler-Rowney Artists’ Soft Pastels have the softest, creamiest mark, providing the most consistent coverage. Each vibrant colour derived from the precise blending of finest quality lightfast pigments. Each colour has the same pigment combination, which is then mixed with superior quality chalk and china clay to produce the different tints. All colours are non-hazardous, with minimal tendency to crumble and dust. 88

Photography & art by: Pepe Gaka More: 89

PASTELS SOFT 001 651 Lemon Yellow 1 003 514 Crimson Lake 3 002 651 Lemon Yellow 2 004 514 Crimson Lake 4 Soft Pastels 003 651 Lemon Yellow 3 001 562 Rose Madder 1 • 186 colours 004 651 Lemon Yellow 4 002 562 Rose Madder 2 • Pastel stick with paper sleeve 001 674 Rowney Yellow 1 003 562 Rose Madder 3 • Dimensions: 6.2 x 1.2 x 1.2cm 002 674 Rowney Yellow 2 004 562 Rose Madder 4 003 674 Rowney Yellow 3 001 443 Reddish Purple 1 004 674 Rowney Yellow 4 002 443 Reddish Purple 2 001 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue 1 003 443 Reddish Purple 3 002 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue 2 004 443 Reddish Purple 4 003 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue 3 001 425 Pansy Violet 1 004 620 Cadmium Yellow Hue 4 002 425 Pansy Violet 2 001 619 Cadmium Orange Hue 1 003 425 Pansy Violet 3 002 619 Cadmium Orange Hue 2 004 425 Pansy Violet 4 003 619 Cadmium Orange Hue 3 001 419 Ultramarine Violet 1 004 619 Cadmium Orange Hue 4 002 419 Ultramarine Violet 2 001 512 Cadmium Red Orange Hue 1 003 419 Ultramarine Violet 3 002 512 Cadmium Red Orange Hue 2 004 419 Ultramarine Violet 4 003 512 Cadmium Red Orange Hue 3 001 433 Purple 1 004 512 Cadmium Red Orange Hue 4 002 433 Purple 2 001 636 Rowney Orange 1 003 433 Purple 3 002 636 Rowney Orange 2 004 433 Purple 4 003 636 Rowney Orange 3 001 135 Prussian Blue 1 004 636 Rowney Orange 4 002 135 Prussian Blue 2 001 564 Rowney Red 1 003 135 Prussian Blue 3 002 564 Rowney Red 2 004 135 Prussian Blue 4 003 564 Rowney Red 3 001 139 Phthalo Blue Red Shade 1 004 564 Rowney Red 4 002 139 Phthalo Blue Red Shade 2 001 539 Poppy Red 1 003 139 Phthalo Blue Red Shade 3 002 539 Poppy Red 2 004 139 Phthalo Blue Red Shade 4 003 539 Poppy Red 3 001 123 French Ultramarine 1 004 539 Poppy Red 4 002 123 French Ultramarine 2 001 503 Cadmium Red Hue 1 003 123 French Ultramarine 3 002 503 Cadmium Red Hue 2 004 123 French Ultramarine 4 003 503 Cadmium Red Hue 3 001 140 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 1 004 503 Cadmium Red Hue 4 002 140 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 2 001 514 Crimson Lake 1 003 140 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 3 002 514 Crimson Lake 2 004 140 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 4 Soft Pastel D 153 *** *** / PK 3 90

001 149 Rowney Turquoise 1 003 383 Yellow Green 3 001 247 Raw Umber 1 002 149 Rowney Turquoise 2 004 383 Yellow Green 4 002 247 Raw Umber 2 003 149 Rowney Turquoise 3 001 663 Yellow Ochre 1 003 247 Raw Umber 3 004 149 Rowney Turquoise 4 002 663 Yellow Ochre 2 004 247 Raw Umber 4 001 381 Viridian Hue 1 003 663 Yellow Ochre 3 001 201 Autumn Brown 1 002 381 Viridian Hue 2 004 663 Yellow Ochre 4 002 201 Autumn Brown 2 003 381 Viridian Hue 3 001 667 Raw Sienna 1 003 201 Autumn Brown 3 004 381 Viridian Hue 4 002 667 Raw Sienna 2 004 201 Autumn Brown 4 001 379 Terre Verte Hue 1 003 667 Raw Sienna 3 001 073 Warm Grey 1 002 379 Terre Verte Hue 2 004 667 Raw Sienna 4 002 073 Warm Grey 2 003 379 Terre Verte Hue 3 001 221 Burnt Sienna 1 003 073 Warm Grey 3 004 379 Terre Verte Hue 4 002 221 Burnt Sienna 2 004 073 Warm Grey 4 001 352 Hooker’s Green 1 003 221 Burnt Sienna 3 001 551 Red Grey 1 002 352 Hooker’s Green 2 004 221 Burnt Sienna 4 002 551 Red Grey 2 003 352 Hooker’s Green 3 001 207 Madder Brown 1 003 551 Red Grey 3 004 352 Hooker’s Green 4 002 207 Madder Brown 2 004 551 Red Grey 4 001 377 Rowney Green 1 003 207 Madder Brown 3 001 435 Purple Grey 1 002 377 Rowney Green 2 004 207 Madder Brown 4 002 435 Purple Grey 2 003 377 Rowney Green 3 001 523 Indian Red 1 003 435 Purple Grey 3 004 377 Rowney Green 4 002 523 Indian Red 2 004 435 Purple Grey 4 001 343 Grass Green 1 003 523 Indian Red 3 001 104 Blue Grey 1 002 343 Grass Green 2 004 523 Indian Red 4 002 104 Blue Grey 2 003 343 Grass Green 3 001 245 Purple Brown 1 003 104 Blue Grey 3 004 343 Grass Green 4 002 245 Purple Brown 2 004 104 Blue Grey 4 001 357 Lizard Green 1 003 245 Purple Brown 3 001 345 Green Grey 1 002 357 Lizard Green 2 004 245 Purple Brown 4 002 345 Green Grey 2 003 357 Lizard Green 3 001 223 Burnt Umber 1 003 345 Green Grey 3 004 357 Lizard Green 4 002 223 Burnt Umber 2 004 345 Green Grey 4 001 375 Sap Green 1 003 223 Burnt Umber 3 001 053 Cool Grey 1 002 375 Sap Green 1 004 223 Burnt Umber 4 002 053 Cool Grey 2 003 375 Sap Green 3 001 264 Vandyke Brown Hue 1 003 053 Cool Grey 3 004 375 Sap Green 4 002 264 Vandyke Brown Hue 2 004 053 Cool Grey 4 001 363 Olive Green 1 003 264 Vandyke Brown Hue 3 000 016 Cream White 002 363 Olive Green 2 004 264 Vandyke Brown Hue 4 000 037 Daler Black 003 363 Olive Green 3 001 251 Sepia 1 004 363 Olive Green 4 002 251 Sepia 2 001 383 Yellow Green 1 003 251 Sepia 3 002 383 Yellow Green 2 004 251 Sepia 4 91

PASTELS SOFT – SETS Artists’ Soft Pastel Selection Sets Sets of 8x soft pastels Warm D 153 904 008 Cool D 153 903 008 Grey D 153 901 008 Dark D 153 902 008 PK 1 Artists’ Soft Pastel Wooden Box Complete collection of 180x soft pastels D 153 900 180 PK 1 92

PASTELS SOFT – SETS Artists’ Soft Pastel Selection Sets Sets of 16x soft pastels Assorted D 153 902 016 Warm D 153 904 016 Cool D 153 903 016 Grey D 153 901 016 PK 1 93

PASTELS HARD 002 516 Cadmium Tangerine 2 001 053 Cool Grey 1 003 523 Indian Red 3 002 053 Cool Grey 2 Pastels 001 221 Burnt Sienna 1 003 053 Cool Grey 3 • 24 colours 002 221 Burnt Sienna 2 004 053 Cool Grey 4 • Pastel stick with paper sleeve 003 221 Burnt Sienna 3 001 073 Warm Grey 1 • Dimensions: 6.2 x 0.8 x 0.8cm 004 221 Burnt Sienna 4 002 073 Warm Grey 2 001 663 Yellow Ochre 1 003 073 Warm Grey 3 004 207 Madder Brown 4 000 031 Intense Black 001 223 Burnt Umber 1 000 034 Ivory Black 002 223 Burnt Umber 2 000 035 Lamp Black 001 264 Vandyke Brown Hue 1 000 016 Cream White 004 264 Vandyke Brown Hue 4 000 015 Silver White Hard Pastel D 154 *** *** / PK 3 94

PASTELS HARD – SETS Artists’ Hard Pastel Selection Sets Sets of 12x hard pastels Grey D 154 901 012 Sketching D 154 902 012 PK 4 95

PASTELS OIL 000 007 Lemon Yellow 3 000 046 Green Grey 2 000 002 Rowney Yellow 3 000 043 Lizard Green 3 Pastels 000 008 Cadmium Red Orange Hue 4 000 047 Olive Green 3 • 36 colours 000 009 Rowney Orange 4 000 045 Rowney Green 3 • Pastel stick with paper sleeve 000 017 Carmine Madder 3 000 048 Terre Verte 4 • Dimensions: 6.9 x 1 x 1.1cm 000 013 Crimson Lake 4 000 044 Sap Green 4 000 011 Poppy Red 4 000 012 Indian Red 1 000 003 Rowney Red 1 000 027 Indian Red 4 000 028 Red Grey 4 000 022 Yellow Ochre 3 000 015 Rose Madder 3 000 029 Vandyke Brown Hue 4 000 016 Rose Madder 4 000 024 Raw Sienna 4 000 019 Reddish Purple 3 000 026 Burnt Sienna 2 000 035 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 1 000 025 Burnt Sienna 3 000 036 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 2 000 030 Burnt Umber 4 000 037 Phthalo Blue Green Shade 3 000 032 Cool Grey 2 000 040 Prussian Blue 4 000 033 Cool Grey 4 000 039 French Ultramarine 4 000 031 Intense Black 000 034 Green Grey 1 000 001 Silver White Artists’ Oil Pastels Artists’ Oil Pastels provide both an oil and a pastel effect and do not require fixing. Daler-Rowney Oil Pastels are smooth, easy to use, and have been carefully colour matched to the Artists’ Soft Pastels range. Oil Pastel D 155 *** *** / PK 6 96

PASTELS OIL – SETS Artists’ Oil Pastel Sets Sets of oil pastels 12x Pastels D 150 900 012 16x Pastels D 150 900 016 PK 12 24x Pastels D 150 900 024 PK 1 Simply Pastel Sets Pastel Fixatives Perfix Colourless Sets of Simply pastels Aerosol Fixative 150ml: D 114 170 000 12x Soft Pastels 400ml: D 114 280 000 D 157 500 112 PK 6 25x Oil Pastels D 157 500 125 97 50x Oil Pastels D 157 500 050 PK 12

PENCILS & CHARCOAL Pencils & Charcoals Photography by: Karim Theos Daler-Rowney pencils and charcoals are an ideal starting point for artists looking to build their skills in dry techniques. Simply pencils are available across a wide variety of sets and combinations, from sketching through to coloured pencils. Daler-Rowney charcoals are characterised by their smooth mark, deep black hue and uniform texture create an indispensable drawing tool for fine artists. 98

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