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IELTS BookCase Writing Tips 1

Published by ieltsbookcase, 2020-11-27 15:09:21

Description: IELTS BookCase Writing Tips 1


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Advantages and Disadvantages Essay IELTS advantages and disadvantages questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of that statement. There are two kinds of question that can be asked in this type: Type 1: simply asks to discuss the advantages and disadvantages. It is not an opinion essay. Example Question: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this. Type 2: one side is stronger than the other side. Comment on the overall weight of advantages or disadvantages. This is an opinion essay. Example Question: It is a common aspiration among people to run their own business, rather that work for an employer. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages? Structure for Type 1 Structure for Type 2 Introduction: Introduction  Paraphrase the question.  Paraphrase the question.  Outline Sentence  Thesis statement : State (This essay will discuss) which one outweighs the other Main Body Paragraph 1  Outline Sentence: (This essay  State 1 Advantage will discuss) Main Body Paragraph 1 (Stronger Side)

 Expand/Explain Advantage  State Topic Sentence  Example  Expand/Explain why it is  Result strong  Example  Topic Sentence  Expand/Explain why it is strong  Example  A short summary of your ideas in this paragraph. Main Body Paragraph 2 Main Body Paragraph 2 (Weaker  State 1 Disadvantage Side)  Expand/Explain Disadvantage  Example  Topic Sentence  Result  Expand/Explain why it is not strong  Example  A short summary of your ideas in this paragraph. Conclusion: Conclusion  Summary of the main points  Summary of the main points and restate position.

Question 1 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this. INTRODUCTION (35-40 Words) Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question (It is widely/generally/often stated/believed/debated/proposed/argued/advocated in many countries/society/by many people/amongst people that ……………………..). This essay will suggest/propose/discuss/highlight that ___________ is the (biggest/ main/ primary/ chief/foremost) advantage of this (whereas/and/while) __________ is the (biggest/main/primary/chief) disadvantage It is advocated in many countries that before embarking on college, many young people are advised that a year working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that saving money is the foremost advantage of this whereas a reduced motivation to study is the primary disadvantage. BODY (200 Words) Paragraph 2: Firstly/To begin with/ To start with/On the one hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one advantage). Furthermore/ To elaborate/Moreover (Explain further). For instance/ For example/ To illustrate/ One clear example is (Give an example).Furthermore/In addition to this/ Additionally (State another supporting point)

To begin with, the chief advantage of taking a break between high school and college can be saving money. To elaborate, third level education is very expensive and lots of students decide to work for some time and save up money before they begin their studies. This not only allows them to cover their tuition fees and accommodation costs but also helps them to focus on their studies, rather than struggle financially. For instance, recent surveys have revealed that many deserving students drop out due to the high costs associated with graduate school.Furthermore, many students have to work part time to support themselves financially which proves to be an added burden on them in addition to their academics. Paragraph 3 On the contrary/however /on the other hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one disadvantage). To elaborate/Furthermore (Explain further).For instance/ For example/ To illustrate (Give an example) On the other hand, many students often get used to working or travelling and do not want to return to a life of study after a year off. This short term view can cause some to bypass university altogether and go straight into a job that is beneath their capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their future career might have done. To illustrate, a recent survey by the British Government found that 26% of students who take a gap-year never enter tertiary education. Paragraph 4: Conclusion (35-45 Words) In conclusion/To conclude/ To sum up/ To summarize/To recapitulate/ To reiterate (Give a brief summary of the main points discussed) In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows people to gather up savings, however, they should also be careful that it does not lead to disillusionment with education altogether.

Question 2 It is a common aspiration among people to run their own business, rather that work for an employer. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages? Introduction Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question (It is widely/generally/often stated/commonly seen/ believed/debated/proposed/argued/advocated in many countries/society/by many people/amongst people that ……………………..) In my opinion, (choose which one outweighs the other). This essay will suggest/propose/discuss/highlight that ___________ and ________ are the (biggest/ main/ primary/ chief/foremost) advantage/disadvantage of this (whereas/and/while) __________ is the (biggest/main/primary/chief)advantage/disadvantage. It is commonly seen that people aspire to start and run their own business, instead of pursuing a job. In my opinion, the problems associated with running a business far outweigh its benefits. This essay will propose that initial capital investment and the risk involved are the primary disadvantages, whereas a complete hold on the business is the main advantage of choosing business over job. BODY (200 Words) Paragraph 2: Stronger Side To begin with/ To start with/ Firstly (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one advantage). To elaborate/furthermore (Explain further). For instance/For example/To illustrate (Give an example). Secondly/Furthermore/To add on/ In addition to (State the second advantage/disadvantage). (Explain further and give an example if possible). Admittedly, there are many disadvantages to owning a business. Firstly, starting your own business generally requires an initial investment. To elaborate, it is imperative for the owner of the business to invest certain amount of money for the key infrastructure. For instance, the owner of the business might need to

invest in machineries and buildings to start a business. However, the problem is that everyone is not affluent enough to invest a large amount of money. Secondly, running a business always involves a certain amount of risk. There is no fixed monthly income from a business; it could even incur losses if it is not managed appropriately. In short, a business can be a burden if it is not managed and monitored properly. Paragraph 3:Weaker Side On the contrary/however/despite these advantages or disadvantages/on the other hand (State one advantage/disadvantage). To elaborate/Furthermore/Moreover (Explain further).For instance/ For example/ To illustrate (Give an example) On the other hand, one of the obvious benefits is that the business owner has complete authority over any decision related to the business. In comparison, most of the employees working in a company do not have much say in the functioning of the company. To illustrate, a restaurant owner can take the decision to open a new branch to expand the business whenever required. Moreover, a successful business acts as a launch pad for the children from business families to start their career. Paragraph 4: Conclusion In conclusion/To conclude/To sum/ To summarize/ To recapitulate/ To reiterate (Restate your opinion and give a brief summary). In conclusion, although there are some advantages to running one’s own business, I believe there are greater problems associated with it. The business can turn into a huge loss in the absence of appropriate measures and regular monitoring.

Discuss both views and give your opinion/ Argumentative essay IELTS discuss both views essay questions typically states two opinions and then ask you to state your opinion. For example: 1. Some people think that environmental problems should be solved on a global scale while others believe it is better to deal with them nationally. Discuss both the sides and give your opinion. 2. Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned. Discuss the main arguments and give your opinion. In such type of essay, you can either favor one side of the argument or can have balanced opinion as well. ESSAY TIPS  Identify both sides  Find supporting points for both sides  Only give the opinion if the tasks ask to do so  Use discussion essay language  Follow a safe discussion essay model DISCUSSION ESSAY LANGUAGE You should try to use the following language in your essay-  Many people believe that  It is commonly believed that  Some people think that  It is often thought that  It is considered by many that  Many argue that  Some people support the opinion that

TEMPLATE of DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS AND GIVE YOUR OPINION. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and state your opinion. INTRODUCTION (35-40 Words) Para 1 Admittedly/ Irrefutably/ Admittedly/ Induitably (paraphrase the question). It is often argued by some/many argue that/ many people believe that/it is commonly/frequently/often believed that/some people think that/it is often thought that/it is considered by many/some that/some people support the opinion that/ (give answer + add additional points) (use linking words however/nevertheless/particularly/especially) Indubitably, research in the field of science and healthcare is burgeoning significantly. Today, many researchers comprehend the nutrient value of each and every product a person consumes and how fast food is detrimental for human beings. The panacea to this is often debated; awareness. In this essay, I will analyze both the sides of the contention before establishing my own opinion. BODY (200 Words) Para 2 Firstly/ To begin with/ On the one hand/ To embark upon (state/make a point) To elaborate,/furthermore/moreover (explain/elaborate the point). (Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint) For instance/to illustrate/exemplify (give an example (use linking words consequently/owing to) On the one hand, scientists recommend cognizance as a remedy against the consumption of unhealthy junk food due to evident averments. To begin with, the supplement value of any food item available to mankind is tested and the result is hence proved. In addition, fast food is inexpensive and readily available in every nook and corner. Inferior quality material is used to prepare affordable meals and environment in which it is cooked and served is often contaminated.

Para 3 However/ On the other hand/ In contrast/ On the flip side/ On the contrary/ Nevertheless,( state/make a point) , (explain/elaborate the point). Despite/ in spite of (Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint) To give an example (exemplify) On the other hand, several prodigies firmly concur with the myriad pertinent rationale that educating people about the negative ramifications of junk food will do no good. Firstly, most of the masses live either below poverty line or are in lower middle class category. Affording a good healthy meal is beyond their wildest imagination. It is not that they refrain from relishing good quality cuisines but they cannot bestow themselves that. Secondly, the highest standard of farm yield in the third world nations are exported to advanced countries. The left over is exorbitant, leaving no choice of commoners. CONCLUSION (35-50 words) Para 4 In conclusion/to conclude/to summarize/in Essence/all in all/given these points ( I would like to state/ I opine that/ I am of the opinion) (restate which opinion is better or more important). It should be the endeavor of (give a light/strong recommendation which viewpoint is better and important) To conclude, I would like to state that junk food is deleterious to human health and masses are aware of it. However, it is the purchasing power of the average person which prohibits them to avail nutritious food. Hence, it is government’s call to intervene and bring forth some plausible amelioration.

Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and state your opinion. Indubitably, research in the field of science and healthcare is burgeoning significantly. Today, researchers comprehend the nutrient value of each and every product a person consumes and how fast fast food is detrimental for human beings. The panacea to this is often debated; awareness. In this essay, I will analyze both the sides of the contention before establishing my own opinion. On the one hand, scientists recommend cognizance as a remedy against the consumption of unhealthy junk food due to evident averments. To begin with, the supplement value of any food item available to mankind is tested and the result is hence proved. In addition, fast is inexpensive and readily available in every nook and corner. Inferior quality material is used to prepare affordable meals and environment in which it is cooked and served is often contaminated. On the other hand, several prodigies firmly concur with the myriad pertinent rationale that educating people about the negative ramifications of junk food will do no good. Firstly, most of the masses live either below poverty line or are in lower middle class category. Affording a good healthy meal is beyond their wildest imagination. It is not that they refrain from relishing good quality cuisines but they cannot bestow themselves that. Secondly, the highest standard of farm yield in the third world nations are exported to advanced countries. The left over is exorbitant, leaving no choice of commoners. To conclude, I would like to state that junk food is deleterious to human health and masses are aware of it. However, it is the purchasing power of the average person which prohibits them to avail nutritious food. Hence, it is government’s call to intervene and bring forth some plausible amelioration.

In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system is appropriate? It is a highly debated issue whether students should study many subjects or only a few subjects. Both systems have their own merits. The answer depends on the student interests and the goals of their studies and the country’s requirement. There are many advantages of a broad range of subjects. To begin with, a broad range of subjects would provide a well rounded education which is very important for the holistic developments of students. In addition, students could find out what their real interests are as they would be exposed to a variety of fields of study. Just after passing out of high school students really do not know what they would be good at. So, if they have to make decisions at that time, they would be guided by their peers or parents. If they make a wrong decision at that time then may drop out of school or end up with low grades. Moreover, it is ideal for those students who have many interests. They will pursue education for the sake of education and not just to learn trade. Consequently, when they try to find out job after graduation, their versatility will allow them to apply for a wider range of jobs. On the other hand, there are many advantages of studying a narrow range of subjects. Such courses are vocational in nature. Such students find it easy to find a job in their specific field of study. Naturally, companies will be more interested in job applicants who have superior knowledge and so can make better contributions. What is more, these students enter the job market earlier and start earning. This helps them to support their families. This also allows students to focus on their interests and the subject relevant to them. A physics or chemistry student may feel out of a place if he has to study ancient poetry or western literature. Finally, such students have lesser burden and so more time for hobbies.

To conclude, both the systems have their own merits. So it depends on students’ choice and needs of the country. One size fits all approach cannot be applied to today’s world.

Discuss both views and give your opinion/ Argumentative essay IELTS discuss both views essay questions typically states two opinions and then ask you to state your opinion. For example: 1. Some people think that environmental problems should be solved on a global scale while others believe it is better to deal with them nationally. Discuss both the sides and give your opinion. 2. Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned. Discuss the main arguments and give your opinion. In such type of essay, you can either favor one side of the argument or can have balanced opinion as well. There can three possible types of such question- 1. Discuss both views and give your opinion 2. Discuss both views 3. Discuss Type 1 QUESTION TYPE Opinion based STRUCTURE Discuss both views and give essay I + V1 + V2 + C Type 2 your opinion Summary based Type 3 Discuss both views Summary based I + V1 + V2 + C Discuss I + V1 + V2 + C We will give opinion only in the TYPE 1 after discussing both the views. In TYPE 2 and TYPE 3 we will have summary NOT the OPINION. ESSAY TIPS

 Identify both sides  Find supporting points for both sides  Only give the opinion if the tasks ask to do so  Use discussion essay language  Follow a safe discussion essay model DISCUSSION ESSAY LANGUAGE You should try to use the following language in your essay-  Many people believe that  It is commonly believed that  Some people think that  It is often thought that  It is considered by many that  Many argue that  Some people support the opinion that TEMPLATE of DISCUSS BOTH VIEWS AND GIVE YOUR OPINION. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and state your opinion. INTRODUCTION (35-40 Words) Para 1 Admittedly/ Irrefutably/ Admittedly/ Indubitably (paraphrase the question). It is often argued by some/many argue that/ many people believe that/it is commonly/frequently/often believed that/some people think that/it is often thought that/it is considered by many/some that/some people support the opinion that/ (give answer + add additional points) (use linking words however/nevertheless/particularly/especially) Indubitably, research in the field of science and healthcare is burgeoning significantly. Today, many researchers comprehend the nutrient value of each and

every product a person consumes and how fast food is detrimental for human beings. The panacea to this is often debated; awareness. In this essay, I will analyze both the sides of the contention before establishing my own opinion. BODY (200 Words) Para 2 Firstly/ To begin with/ On the one hand/ To embark upon (state/make a point) To elaborate,/furthermore/moreover (explain/elaborate the point). (Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint) For instance/to illustrate/exemplify (give an example (use linking words consequently/owing to) On the one hand, scientists recommend cognizance as a remedy against the consumption of unhealthy junk food due to evident averments. To begin with, the supplement value of any food item available to mankind is tested and the result is hence proved. In addition, fast food is inexpensive and readily available in every nook and corner. Inferior quality material is used to prepare affordable meals and environment in which it is cooked and served is often contaminated. Para 3 However/ On the other hand/ In contrast/ On the flip side/ On the contrary/ Nevertheless,( state/make a point) , (explain/elaborate the point). Despite/ in spite of (Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint) To give an example (exemplify) On the other hand, several prodigies firmly concur with the myriad pertinent rationale that educating people about the negative ramifications of junk food will do no good. Firstly, most of the masses live either below poverty line or are in lower middle class category. Affording a good healthy meal is beyond their wildest imagination. It is not that they refrain from relishing good quality cuisines but they cannot bestow themselves that. Secondly, the highest standard of farm yield in the third world nations are exported to advanced countries. The left over is exorbitant, leaving no choice of commoners.

CONCLUSION (35-50 words) Para 4 In conclusion/to conclude/to summarize/in Essence/all in all/given these points ( I would like to state/ I opine that/ I am of the opinion) (restate which opinion is better or more important). It should be the endeavor of (give a light/strong recommendation which viewpoint is better and important) To conclude, I would like to state that junk food is deleterious to human health and masses are aware of it. However, it is the purchasing power of the average person which prohibits them to avail nutritious food. Hence, it is government’s call to intervene and bring forth some plausible amelioration. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food. Some think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and state your opinion. Indubitably, research in the field of science and healthcare is burgeoning significantly. Today, researchers comprehend the nutrient value of each and every product a person consumes and how fast food is detrimental for human beings. The panacea to this is often debated; awareness. In this essay, I will analyze both the sides of the contention before establishing my own opinion. On the one hand, scientists recommend cognizance as a remedy against the consumption of unhealthy junk food due to evident averments. To begin with, the supplement value of any food item available to mankind is tested and the result is hence proved. In addition, fast food is inexpensive and readily available in every

nook and corner. Also/Moreover/ furthermore, inferior quality material is used to prepare affordable meals and environment in which it is cooked and served is often contaminated. On the other hand, several prodigies firmly concur with the myriad pertinent rationale that educating people about the negative ramifications of junk food will do no good. Firstly, most of the masses live either below poverty line or are in lower middle class category. Affording a good healthy meal is beyond their wildest imagination. It is not that they would want to refrain from relishing good food but it is just that they cannot bestow themselves that. Secondly, the highest standard of farm yield in the third world nations are exported to advanced countries. The left over is exorbitant, leaving no choice of commoners. To conclude, I would like to state that junk food is deleterious (harmful) to human health and masses are aware of it. However, it is the purchasing power of the average person which prohibits them to avail nutritious food. Hence, it is government’s call to intervene and bring forth some plausible amelioration. In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. For today’s world, which system is appropriate? It is a highly debated issue whether students should study many subjects or only a few subjects. Both systems have their own merits. The answer depends on the student interests and the goals of their studies and the country’s requirement. There are many advantages of a broad range of subjects. To begin with, a broad range of subjects would provide a well rounded education which is very important for the holistic developments of students. In addition, students could find out what their real interests are as they would be exposed to a variety of fields of study. Just after passing out of high school students really do not know what they would be good at. So, if they have to make decisions at that time, they would be guided by their peers or parents. If they make a wrong decision at that time then may drop out of school or end up with low grades.

Moreover, it is ideal for those students who have many interests. They will pursue education for the sake of education and not just to learn trade. Consequently, when they try to find out job after graduation, their versatility will allow them to apply for a wider range of jobs. On the other hand, there are many advantages of studying a narrow range of subjects. Such courses are vocational in nature. Such students find it easy to find a job in their specific field of study. Naturally, companies will be more interested in job applicants who have superior knowledge and so can make better contributions. What is more, these students enter the job market earlier and start earning. This helps them to support their families. This also allows students to focus on their interests and the subject relevant to them. A physics or chemistry student may feel out of a place if he has to study ancient poetry or western literature. Finally, such students have lesser burden and so more time for hobbies. To conclude, both the systems have their own merits. So it depends on students’ choice and needs of the country. ‘One size fits all’ approach cannot be applied to today’s world.

Two-Part Questions The key to answering the Writing Task 2 questions, especially the Two-Part questions, is to carefully ANALYSE the questions. Writing Task 2 assesses the ability to understand and engage with the question that is given. Therefore, spending the time to ANALYSE and UNDERSTAND the question before even trying to answer it is absolutely key. Doing so gives confidence to create a clear and strong argument throughout the essay. How to analyse the question: 1. Take note of the TOPIC words that are used so that you have a general idea of what your essay will discuss. For instance, in Example Question 1, the main topic is Technology. 2. Then explore the MICRO-TOPIC words. This will allow you to fully engage with the question. To illustrate, the key micro-topic is Relationships. Example question 1: Nowadays the way people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development? Sample Answer 1: Modern advancements in technology have altered the way we communicate with one another. This essay will discuss how we can now form bonds with people all over the world, and then state that on the whole, this is a very welcome development. For the first time in human history, people can communicate with someone they have never met before, in a country they have never been to, through the internet. These may not be the same kind of friendships we traditionally form face-to-face, but it is hard to dispute that they are not ‘relationships’. Social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, provide a platform that allows us to chat and comment on someone else’s life instantaneously. For example, there are now IELTS groups on Facebook where students can help and support each other by providing helpful resources and feedback on essays. Overall, this new phenomenon has great benefits, principally encouraging tolerance of other cultures. Before computers we hardly ever came across someone from another culture, let alone people from a myriad of different places in one Facebook group. This has led to people understanding that we are all mostly the same and you should not judge someone because they were born in a different place. For example, thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have joined the same online groups that show support for peace and solidarity, something that would not have been possible 25 years ago. In conclusion, the web has changed our interactions forever, making the world a global village where people can freely chat and form lasting connections and this essay only sees this as a good thing that will continue to bring citizens of the world together. Example Question 2: Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.

Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? Sample Answer 2: I think that it is true that in almost every country today, each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week. This essay will discuss the reasons behind generating the huge amount of waste by households, families and individuals. The majority of the rubbish generated today comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as processed food. But even if we buy fresh food without packaging, we still produce rubbish from the plastic bags used everywhere to carry shopping home. The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than families did in the past. Convenience is also very important in modern life, so we buy packaged or canned food that can be transported long distances and stored until we need it, first in the supermarket, and then at home. However, I think that the amount of waste produce is also a result of our tendency to use something once and throw it away. We forget that even the cheapest plastic bag has used up valuable resources and energy to produce. We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult to dispose of. I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public. Children can also be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to take action. Governments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging such as plastic bags, by providing recycling services and penalizing households and shops that do not recycle their waste. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste. With the political will, the right measures could really reduce the amount of rubbish we produce.

Advantages and Disadvantages Essay IELTS advantages and disadvantages questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of that statement. There are two kinds of question that can be asked in this type: Type 1: simply asks to discuss the advantages and disadvantages. It is not an opinion essay. Example Question: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this. Type 2: one side is stronger than the other side. Comment on the overall weight of advantages or disadvantages. This is an opinion essay. Example Question: It is a common aspiration among people to run their own business, rather that work for an employer. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

Structure for Type 1 Structure for Type 2 Introduction: Introduction  Paraphrase the question.  Paraphrase the question.  Outline Sentence  Thesis statement : State which one outweighs the (This essay will discuss) other  Outline Sentence: (This essay will discuss) Main Body Paragraph 1 Main Body Paragraph 1  State 1 Advantage (Stronger Side)  Expand/Explain Advantage  Example  State Topic Sentence  Result  Expand/Explain why it is strong  Example  Topic Sentence  Expand/Explain why it is strong  Example  A short summary of your ideas in this paragraph. Main Body Paragraph 2 Main Body Paragraph 2  State 1 Disadvantage (Weaker Side)  Expand/Explain Disadvantage  Topic Sentence  Example  Expand/Explain why it is  Result not strong  Example  A short summary of your ideas in this paragraph.

Conclusion: Conclusion  Summary of the main points  Summary of the main points and restate position.

Question 1 In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do this. INTRODUCTION (35-40 Words) Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question (It is widely/generally/often stated/believed/debated/proposed/argued/advocated in many countries/society/by many people/amongst people that ……………………..). This essay will suggest/propose/discuss/highlight that ___________ is the (biggest/ main/ primary/ chief/foremost) advantage of this (whereas/and/while) __________ is the (biggest/main/primary/chief) disadvantage BODY (200 Words) Paragraph 2: It is advocated in many countries that before embarking on college, many young people are advised that a year working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that saving money is the foremost advantage of this whereas a reduced motivation to study is the primary disadvantage.

Firstly/To begin with/ To start with/On the one hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one advantage). Furthermore/ To elaborate/Moreover (Explain further). For instance/ For example/ To illustrate/ One clear example is (Give an example).Furthermore/In addition to this/ Additionally (State another supporting point) To begin with, the chief advantage of taking a break between high school and college can be saving money. To elaborate, third level education is very expensive and lots of students decide to work for some time and save up money before they begin their studies. This not only allows them to cover their tuition fees and accommodation costs but also helps them to focus on their studies, rather than struggle financially. For instance, recent surveys have revealed that many deserving students drop out due to the high costs associated with graduate school.Furthermore, many students have to work part time to support themselves financially which proves to be an added burden on them in addition to their academics. Paragraph 3 On the contrary/however /on the other hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one disadvantage). To elaborate/Furthermore (Explain further).For instance/ For example/ To illustrate (Give an example)

On the other hand, many students often get used to working or travelling and do not want to return to a life of study after a year off. This short term view can cause some to bypass university altogether and go straight into a job that is beneath their capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their future career might have done. To illustrate, a recent survey by the British Government found that 26% of students who take a gap-year never enter tertiary education. Paragraph 4: Conclusion (35-45 Words) In conclusion/To conclude/ To sum up/ To summarize/To recapitulate/ To reiterate (Give a brief summary of the main points discussed) In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows people to gather up savings, however, they should also be careful that it does not lead to disillusionment with education altogether.

Question 2 It is a common aspiration among people to run their own business, rather that work for an employer. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages? Introduction Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question (It is widely/generally/often stated/commonly seen/ believed/debated/proposed/argued/advocated in many countries/society/by many people/amongst people that ……………………..) In my opinion, (choose which one outweighs the other). This essay will suggest/propose/discuss/highlight that ___________ and ________ are the (biggest/ main/ primary/ chief/foremost) advantage/disadvantage of this (whereas/and/while) __________ is the (biggest/main/primary/chief)advantage/disadvantage. It is commonly seen that people aspire to start and run their own business, instead of pursuing a job. In my opinion, the problems associated with running a business far outweigh its benefits. This essay will propose that initial capital investment and the risk involved are the primary disadvantages, whereas a complete hold on the business is the main advantage of choosing business over job.

BODY (200 Words) Paragraph 2: Stronger Side To begin with/ To start with/ Firstly (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one advantage). To elaborate/furthermore (Explain further). For instance/For example/To illustrate (Give an example). Secondly/Furthermore/To add on/ In addition to (State the second advantage/disadvantage). (Explain further and give an example if possible). Admittedly, there are many disadvantages to owning a business. Firstly, starting your own business generally requires an initial investment. To elaborate, it is imperative for the owner of the business to invest certain amount of money for the key infrastructure. For instance, the owner of the business might need to invest in machineries and buildings to start a business. However, the problem is that everyone is not affluent enough to invest a large amount of money. Secondly, running a business always involves a certain amount of risk. There is no fixed monthly income from a business; it could even incur losses if it is not managed appropriately. In short, a business can be a burden if it is not managed and monitored properly.

Paragraph 3:Weaker Side On the contrary/however/despite these advantages or disadvantages/on the other hand (State one advantage/disadvantage). To elaborate/Furthermore/Moreover (Explain further).For instance/ For example/ To illustrate (Give an example) On the other hand, one of the obvious benefits is that the business owner has complete authority over any decision related to the business. In comparison, most of the employees working in a company do not have much say in the functioning of the company. To illustrate, a restaurant owner can take the decision to open a new branch to expand the business whenever required. Moreover, a successful business acts as a launch pad for the children from business families to start their career. Paragraph 4: Conclusion In conclusion/To conclude/To sum/ To summarize/ To recapitulate/ To reiterate (Restate your opinion and give a brief summary). In conclusion, although there are some advantages to running one’s own business, I believe there are greater problems associated with it. The business can turn into a huge loss in the absence of appropriate measures and regular monitoring.

Question 3 The food travels thousands of miles from farmland to consumers. Some people think it would be better to our environment and economy if people ate local produced food. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Introduction Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question (It is widely/generally/often stated/commonly seen/ believed/debated/proposed/argued/advocated in many countries/society/by many people/amongst people that ……………………..) In my opinion, (choose which one outweighs the other). This essay will suggest/propose/discuss/highlight that ___________ and ________ are the (biggest/ main/ primary/ chief/foremost) advantage/disadvantage of this (whereas/and/while) __________ is the (biggest/main/primary/chief)advantage/disadvantage. It is widely seen in many countries that transportation has significantly impacted the food industry. Due to this, supermarkets are loaded with imported fruits and vegetables. It is often opined that, this development has plethora of adverse effects not only for the host country’s financial position but also on land and human health. In my opinion, the benefits of domestic food items exceed the pros of imported goods.

BODY Paragraph 2: Firstly/To begin with/ To start with/On the one hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one advantage). Furthermore/ To elaborate/Moreover (Explain further). For instance/ For example/ To illustrate/ One clear example is (Give an example).Furthermore/In addition to this/ Additionally (State another supporting point) There are several benefits of eating local food. To begin with, the fundamental advantage is that local grown food is full of flavor and more nutritious. To elaborate, it has a shorter time between the harvest and table and it is less likely that the nutrient value has decreased. Food imported from far away countries is often older, has traveled and sits in distribution centers before it gets to the store. In addition, domestic food supports the local economy. The money that is spent with local farmers stay within the nation and can be reinvested with business and services in the community. Moreover, production of home grown food also benefits the environment, as it helps to maintain farmland as well as green and open spaces in the region. Paragraph 3: On the contrary/however /on the other hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one disadvantage). To elaborate/Furthermore (Explain further).For instance/ For example/ To illustrate (Give an example)

On the other hand, people have the desire to taste and explore different varieties of food items that are being produced across the globe. Furthermore, some of these are essential in curing specific types of diseases besides their deliciousness. One clear example is the kiwi fruit which is originated and cultivated in Australia, however, its consumption is maximum in South Asian countries because it is quite helpful in curing dengue, an ailment caused by biting of a particular mosquito. Apart from this, some extraneous factors such as war, drought, regional conflict and natural disasters can also affect country’s ability to feed itself. Paragraph 4: Conclusion In conclusion/To conclude/ To sum up/ To summarize/To recapitulate/ To reiterate (Give a brief summary of the main points discussed) To conclude, transporting food over a long distance is undesirable and have more negative consequences than the positive ones. It not only threatens our local farmers, but the chemically preserved fruits and vegetables that are being imported are also not a healthy choice. Thus, it can be said that having locally grown food has more advantages than disadvantages for the consumer, economy, environment and the community as a whole.

Question 4 The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken legally. What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning one language in the world? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. INTRODUCTION (35-40 Words) Paragraph 1: Paraphrase the question (It is widely/generally/often stated/believed/debated/proposed/argued/advocated in many countries/society/by many people/amongst people that ……………………..). This essay will suggest/propose/discuss/highlight that ___________ is the (biggest/ main/ primary/ chief/foremost) advantage of this (whereas/and/while) __________ is the (biggest/main/primary/chief) disadvantage It can be strongly argued that tourism has revolutionized the world and has led to an increased prominence for the English language. A common belief is that this will lead to English becoming the single language spoken legally. This essay will examine the simpler communication channels and better relations with foreign countries as the main advantages and the destruction of native language as the chief drawback of having a single universal language.

BODY (200 Words) Paragraph 2: Firstly/To begin with/ To start with/On the one hand/To embark upon (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one advantage). Furthermore/ To elaborate/Moreover (Explain further). For instance/ For example/ To illustrate/ One clear example is (Give an example).Furthermore/In addition to this/ Additionally (State another supporting point) To embark upon, the main advantages of having a single language rather than multiple local languages are ease of communication among several countries and an improved inter-country relationship. Due to a universal language, it would be easier to communicate with other countries and access their resources. For instance, a US citizen can freely communicate with a Japanese and this would improve the revenue for Japan in terms of tourism. Moreover, Japanese are very hardworking and they can contribute some ideas for the US economy. Additionally, having one global language leads to improved inter- country relationship. To illustrate, due to a single language, it would be relatively easy to exchange foreign workers and thereby fill the skill gap among the countries. Paragraph 3 On the contrary/however /on the other hand (the primary/fundamental/chief/main advantage of ………..State one disadvantage). To elaborate/Furthermore (Explain further).For instance/ For example/ To illustrate (Give an example)

On the contrary the main disadvantage is the extinction of localism. Although it is possible to make English the primary language of a country, it is really difficult for every country to attain the level of fluency as a native speaker. Moreover, the accent differs from one country to another. For instance, Canada, Australia, and the US have English as their primary language. However, they differ in their accent. Furthermore, this leads to an extinction of not only local language but also local culture that have been preserved by the ancestors for a long time. Paragraph 4: Conclusion (35-45 Words) In conclusion/To conclude/ To sum up/ To summarize/To recapitulate/ To reiterate (Give a brief summary of the main points discussed) In conclusion, a single universal language is definitely beneficial for every country and improves the relationship among them, but it is certainly detrimental for the local language and damages the local culture in future.

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