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Home Explore Ken-Tal News August 2017

Ken-Tal News August 2017

Published by jonewell, 2017-08-04 20:35:12

Description: Ken-Tal News August 2017

Keywords: san diego


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Your Neighborhood Source - Serving local communities, kids & causes throughout Southern California Vol.1 No. 15 AUGUST unrealistically for repairs due to the Meet Your Neighbors: price they paid (If I pay a premium price, I want a premium product). It is important to have your agent thoroughly vet the buyer’s agent, the Steve and Kathy McClelland of Talmadge! buyer’s loan officer, and the buyer’s motivation and experience owning a ocean, “every day, if we can, provided home in the area (aka: are they com- the water temperature is 65 degrees ing from a tract development where or higher!” Gardening and travel cast iron plumbing and foundation are high on their hobby list, too! settling will scare them away?). The Both are volunteers within and bottom line here is this - price talks outside of our Talmadge. Kathy has first, but know who you are dealing served as a member and Chair of the with and set up realistic expectations Talmadge Block Party Committee, for all parties in order to ensure a heads up the Talmadge Welcome smooth process and a win for all! Team, and she teaches English to the children in low income districts 2. Appraisals - As our values con- of Tijuana. Kathy claims, “While I tinue to rise, appraisals are becom- am the face of these pursuits, Steve ing increasingly difficult. You may supports with graphics, computerSISELITLERRE’AS LMLAYRAKET? Is our market activity con-agree on a certain price with a buyer, f you live in Talmadge, chanc- Rita, who is 13 years old and was just support and everything else to make tinues to move in a posi- but if they are stretching themselves es are you’ve seen Kathy and introduced to homegrown catnip! my volunteer work most effective.” with price, be aware as a seller that Steve walking around - ei- Both Steve and Kathy grew up inAtive direction for sellers, I you may need to adjust your price ther on a mission to get in their Texas, where they attended UT Aus- Having known Kathy personally if the appraisal does not come in at daily exercise or Kathy perform- tin. Immediately after graduating in for many years, I (Megan Beauvais)wanted to take this opportunity to value, or move on to another buyer. ing one of her many philanthrop- 1975, they loaded up their car and can personally attest to how luckybring to your attention some po- I always tell my clients whether buy- ic activities for the community. headed towards California, “just we all are to have both her and Stevetential pitfalls to be aware of as you er or seller, “there are three basic po- Celebrating their 43rd wedding because it sounded cool…we’ve as advocates to our community! Tal-may be planning to sell your home. tential outcomes if an appraisal does anniversary this month, Kathy and been here ever since and love it!” madge is truly a special neighbor- not come in where it needs to be: 1. Steve have been happy Talmadge In their professional lives, Steve is hood and they have definitely left As a seller, it is true that there are Buyer asks Seller to reduce price to residents for 35 years! Similar to the an architect and photographer, and their mark on the quality of life we allgenerally more buyers than there meet appraised value, 2. Buyer asks way many find this exceptional, hid- Kathy is a travel agent extraordi- enjoy here! Next time you see Kathyare homes for sale, which often re- Seller to meet in the middle, reduc- den gem of a neighborhood, their naire and teaches Travel and Tour- and Steve in the neighborhood, besults in multiple offers. While sell- ing the price by half the difference, real estate agent brought them here ism classes at Southwestern College. sure to say hello! You will always beers may be in the driver’s seat when and Buyer will add the other half to from Kensington and they LOVED Now we all know San Diego is all greeted with a very friendly smile!!it comes to price, know that there their down payment, 3. Seller will not how quiet and friendly it was, and about the outdoors, and there is noare many obstacles to overcome reduce price and buyer still wants to yet so close to all the City has to offer! lacking there in Steve and Kathy’sthroughout the process. As your buy, so Buyer adds the deficit of val- They share their home on a quiet lit- daily lives! Steve is an avid golfer ue to their down payment.” Antici- tle street in Talmadge with their kitty, and they both love swimming in the®REALTOR , my job is to guide pate these discussions as you navi- gate through the appraisal process. AUGUST EVENTSyou through these issues so thatyou may come out on top, which Although our market is still rather 8/2,9,12,16,23,26,30: Fair @ 44 Location: 4350 El Cajon Blvd, 4pm-8pmto me, means that you come out hot, keep in mind that the ultimate 8/4: FREE CONCERT IN THE PARK, University Hts @ Trolley Barn Park, 6-8pm, www.uhcdc.orghaving made fully educated deci- goal is for you to have a successful 8/4, 11, 18: FREE CONCERT IN THE PARK, Mission Hills@ Pioneer Park, 6 pm, www.missionhillstowncouncil.orgsions throughout your negotiations. sale, and you always want your buy-1. It’s not all about price - I have er to be happy with their home once 8/6: Litter Pick-up Contact: Margo Kasch ([email protected]) 7:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m.seen sellers accept a price far exceed- you deliver the property to them 8/8: FREE CONCERT IN THE PARK, North Park-Bird Park, 5:30pm, www. northparksd.orging their asking price only to fall out (there’s no telling what a disgruntled 8/20: America’s Finest City 5K & Half Marathon, Balboa Park, www.afchalf.comof escrow a short time thereafter. buyer will do post closing), so do 8/27: Bike The Bay, 25 mile bikeride,, $60-$65This is common when the market your best to keep negotiations calm,is “hot” as we see buyers “jump in collected, strategic, and fair for all.feet first” without analyzing value,condition, etc. Their goal at the I hope this information is helpful. KEN-TAL FOOD TRUCK NIGHTS ALL SUMMER LONG!bidding stage is to “win.” Once they If you would like to discuss how Ihave secured the contract, many can help you navigate through your Bring your picnic chairs & blankets and enjoy a night off of cooking while you eat dinner al fresco with your neighbors!often have second thoughts about sale successfully, please give me ahaving paid too much, or negotiate call at 619-944-2798! KENSINGTON: Contact: Megan Beauvais TALMADGE: Contact: Laura Pool At: Franklin Elementary 4481 Copeland Ave 5:30pm-7:30pm [email protected] 8/31: Super Q, 8/24: located at Dick St & 50th 5pm-8pm 9/28: Salt & Lime, JOIN THE KENSINGTON TALMADGE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION!If you are a business owner residing in Kensington or Talmadge and/or have astorefront within those same communities, you are eligible to join this amazingnetworking group! The KTBA supports local businesses, as well as the commu-nity by providing events throughout the year including the Spring Walkaboutand the Holiday Lights Bike Ride! Come meet with local, like-minded, hard-working business owners like yourselves and develop a network (and friend-ships) like no other! for more information! “I can personally attest to the value of my membership in the KTBA. Through my attendance at mixers and other KTBA events my business has been positively impacted by the relationships I’ve formed with fellow neighborhood business owners.” – Brad Weber Local Umbrella Media

2 | AUGUST 2017 A Conversation with Jerry Sanders A life in public servic BY JENNIFER COBURN Adams Ave News Bay Park Connection College Area Connection Hillcrest News IB Connection Ken-Tal News Mission Hills News North Park News Serra Mesa Connection South Park News Local Umbrella Media- your neighborhood source - Group Publisher Jerry Sanders is president and CEO of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce and a 23-year resident of Kensington. (Photo by Manny Cruz) Brad Weber Jerry Sanders has spent most of all price points is fundamental to Denver. Luckily, San Diego has ington since you moved to the [email protected] his professional life in public service. having a workforce that will help many amazing inherent qualities community in 1994? He joined the San Diego Police propel the city’s progress. those other cities just can’t match Associate Publisher Department at age 22 then became and the spirit of community and The whole Kensington neighbor- Kat Haney one of the youngest police chiefs in Q. What would be the top collaboration at work here contin- hood has been generally upgraded the history of our city. After retiring three things you’d like to see ues to attract business in spite of the over the years. It’s really nice to see [email protected] from the police department, he happen in order to make San state’s often tough regulatory bur- so many families moving in and became CEO of the United Way of Diego the most business- dens. remodeling and helping to clean up Editor San Diego, then chaired the board friendly city? and improve the feel of the neigh- Manny Cruz of directors of the San Diego chap- Q. If you could bring one borhood. Everyone here takes great [email protected] ter of the American Red Cross. A. Housing affordability is one of new business to San Diego pride in living in Kensington — it’s the biggest issues facing our entire tomorrow, what would it be a great San Diego community. Art Director Now Sanders serves as the presi- region and it’s good that it is getting and why? Chris Baker dent and CEO of the San Diego the attention it needs from our Q. What’s your favorite [email protected] Regional Chamber of Commerce, elected, business, and community A. San Diego has become known Kensington hangout? an organization dedicated to creat- leaders. I’m optimistic we can make for the innovation that happens Writers/Columnists ing greater opportunities for busi- some real progress and make San here. It would be great for one of A. My backyard. But if I’m ven- Bart Mendoza nesses in the San Diego-Baja Cali- Diego a place where everyone who our big tech giants — like Google turing out, we frequent Café Sorella, Delle Willett fornia region. There’s not a great wants to live and work here can or Amazon — to open a new tech Blue Boheme, and Ponce’s. For a Jen Coburn difference in the operations of non- afford to do so. campuses here. We have a very beer I’ll stop into Clem’s Tap House Sara Wacker profit organizations and businesses, active start-up community and hav- and Club Ken. Nina Ruud though, he says. Both are driven by Quicker permitting of new busi- ing one of those leaders here would Beau Schmidt a mission to serve others and create ness — We don’t want to hold up help further grow that community Q. You walk in Kensington Leo Christopher opportunities. Each must have fis- those people who want to come to and help bring more attention from for an hour to four hours cally responsible policies and pro- San Diego to open or grow their around the world to what’s being every morning. You enjoy the Shelby, Shelby's Gardens cedures in order to thrive. business. When the permitting pro- created and innovated in San Diego. quiet of the early morning or Lisa Howe cess can be simplified, businesses do you listen to music, pod- We caught up with Sanders at his can be up and running faster which Q. What do you wish people casts, or audiobooks? Photography office in Downtown’s Emerald Plaza creates jobs, builds communities knew about the Chamber of Manny Cruz to talk about his work at the Cham- and drives our economy. Commerce, but often don’t? A. When I walk in morning I Sande Lollis ber of Commerce and his 23 years don’t listen to anything. But when Jim Childers as a resident of Kensington. We also need to continue focus- A. That we are an organization I’m walking in the afternoons I’ll ing on improving opportunities for that prizes the holistic progress of listen to music I’ve downloaded like Media Consultant Q. You’ve mentioned your all San Diegans to advance and grow our city first and foremost. While classic rock-and-roll alt-rock, and Tom Shess goal at the Chamber is to their careers in San Diego. We want we believe that supporting our busi- indie rock. Currently it’s Florence + make San Diego the most San Diego to be a place where pro- ness community and prioritizing the Machine. Marketing/Advertising business-friendly city in Cali- fessionals can experience the full job creation are critical pieces of San Brad Weber fornia. How would you rate us range of their career — from entry Diego’s success, we also support our Q. What are you reading now? level to senior executive. And with partner organizations and candi- right now? [email protected] that we want to offer all ranges of dates for office that reflect the A. I’d say we’re well on our way. success in San Diego. So it’s a mar- unique culture and community that A. I’m currently reading ‘The Kat Haney The city is a lot more financially ketplace that offers entry, mid and makes San Diego so special. We Polaris Protocol’ by Brad Taylor. I [email protected] sound now, which opens the door senior level careers the opportuni- understand that a thriving city enjoy action thrillers. for more opportunities to increase ties to excel. depends on everyone being at the Sales Associate and improve city services — some- table, and the Chamber’s table is Q. What is your ideal San Tina Canavan thing that benefits communities and Q. What’s the greatest chal- always growing. We’re proud of that, Diego weekend? [email protected] business alike. There’s also been a lenge businesses in San Diego and hope more people will join us concerted effort by the city and the are facing today? and our friends as San Diego con- A. It’s pretty simple: Hanging out Social Media & Web Design business community to increase tinues to improve and develop. As I with my wife and daughters and Tina Canavan housing and streamline the permit- A. I think the top challenge is always like to say, “We aren’t your granddaughters. I’m fortunate that ting of new business so that it’s a simply doing business in California. grandfather’s Chamber.” both of my daughters live within [email protected] more efficient and quicker process. Our state has some of the toughest two miles so I get to see them and The issue of housing in particular, regulations and highest taxes. This Q. What are the greatest the grandkids very often. And it’s Chairman/CEO is tremendously important as the makes it tough for San Diego to changes you’ve seen in Kens- great that we’re bringing up another Bob Page supply and availability of homes at compete with similar cities across generation in Kensington. the nation like Austin, Seattle and [email protected] Associate Publisher Rebecca Page [email protected] Letters/Opinion PiecesLocal Umbrella Media encourage letters to theeditor and guest editorials.Please address cor-respondence to [email protected] mail to Manny Cruz. Please include a phonenumber,address and name for verification pur-poses; no anonymous letters will be printed.We reserve the right to edit letters and editorialsfor brevity and accuracy. Story ideas/Press ReleasesDo you have an idea for an article you wouldlike to see covered in this newspaper? We wel-come your ideas, calendar item listings andpress releases. For breaking news, please callus at (619) 287-1865.For breaking news, please call us at (619) 287-1865. For all other news items, please [email protected]. PO Box 3679,Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 461-4484North Park News distributes copies monthly toresidents and businesses of North Park, SouthPark, Golden Hill and Normal Heights.The entire contents of North Park News is copy-righted, 2016, by REP Publishing, Inc. Repro-duction in whole or part is prohibited withoutprior written consent.All rights reserved.

3AUGUST 2017 |Granny’s Got an Axe to GrindLocal senior began writing thrillers and horror novels in her 70s When 84-year-old University dren. “But it wasn’t painful or advertising agency. “I didn’t go out Horror and thriller writer Sharon Hawes hams it up with a very large kitchen knife.Heights resident Sharon Hawes tells uncomfortable, more like a shudder of my way to do scary things, but Ipeople she’s authored two books, of pleasure.” For many years she did- just loved reading scary books,” she were terrified that he wasn’t going spends time with her “gentlemanthey assume she spins cozy myster- n’t admit to anyone that she loved says. to make it, but so relieved when he friend” of 30 years. She says he isies or historical romance novels. She reading horror. “I thought it would did.” She says the film had all of the very supportive of her fictionallooks as though she might write be considered strange for a woman At age 70, Hawes decided to write elements of good horror writing: a blood lust and often joins her forsweet children’s picture books about to be turned on by this sort of fic- her first novel and is currently work- likeable person in danger and mul- horror movie nights even thoughbaby unicorns and winged pixies tion. Now, I’m not embarrassed.” ing on her third, “The Cure,” about tiple surprises about who is good he doesn’t really like them. For thecasting magical spells in an enchant- a woman whose depression is alle- and who is evil. “I liked that the most part, her friends get a kick outed garden. Hawes became a horror fan in her viated only when she contemplates good guy wins because I’ve seen sto- of Hawes’ double life as sweet old 30s when her eldest son, Will, was doing something illegal. “My pro- ries where the bad guy just drives lady and thriller novelist. “Some Not this granny. 12 years old, and forged his mother’s tagonist and her twin decide to kid- off and I don’t find that satisfying.” people, though, they say, ‘What the Hawes spends her days immersed name on a permission slip from the nap a young boy and take really hell makes you want to write that?’”in the world of the macabre, pen- library so he could check out “The good care of him while they hold While Hawes is not delving intoning spine-chilling thrillers and Exorcist.” him for a $2 million ransom, but dark stories, she plays bridge andsupernatural horror stories. Her things take a wrong turn,” Hawesdebut novel, “The Sitter,” a thriller “I probably would have told him says. “I’m in the process of writingabout a murderous babysitter, was he shouldn’t read that sort of thing the subplots now.”selected as a finalist in the 2012 San at his age, but he was also very per-Diego Book Awards. Her follow up suasive so he could have changed Hawes is actively engaged in Sannovel, “The Matriarch,” my mind if he had tried,” she recalls. Diego’s writing community, taking visits a quiet Southern California From there, the two shared a love story stricture classes with Marniranch town where the women go on of horror. “Will introduced me to Freedman and fiction writing witha murderous rampage for no appar- to Stephen King books, and I started Mark Clements at San Diego Writ-ent reason. But a dark secret holds reading everything he wrote. I was ers Ink.“I’m always surprised by thethe answer to the bloody mystery. very impressed with King’s writing feedback I get from fellow writers,” Hawes’ love of horror and and started reading more books in Hawes says with a laugh.“Several ofthrillers began as a reader. “When I the genre. Before long, I was my classmates said they really enjoyread scary stories, it gave me physi- hooked. Normal life was ho-hum the humor in my horror stories.”cal chills across my body, like when and this gave me a charge.” She says she is delighted to hear thisyou’re in danger,” Hawes explains, since this year’s horror-comedy,sitting in her rocking chair in her Hawes was the mother of three “GET OUT,” was one of herCraftsman style home filled with young boys, Will, Andy, and Peter. favorites. “I loved that moviepictures of her sons and grandchil- She was married to a man she has because you were really rooting for since “very amicably divorced,” and the guy to get out of there, and you worked as a production artist at an

4 | AUGUST 2017Go discover San Diego’s 15 newest, independent & honest breweries Living the R C G X O NT W S F S MY R T U Q H S W OJ M Z S V UE O HHOPPY E E Z U X NG I H T G BL T RLIFEwith Beau SchmittTo celebrate some of San Diego’s awesome L K F U L NF J W E U EC C EGold Medal Winning Breweries, I wanted to U X U D R AA A S L U XI E Ecreate something fun. Word Searches are fun. O P R H Q CV I L G A PR T PSo, grab a beer and enjoy. R H R X K GW I A I I BC O UThe Brew Project is dedicated to creating moreexposure and awareness for San Diego’s inde-pendently owned and operated breweries. Westand for localism.Have a great week, Q P B E Z NT L S U G LL R NBeau P K D W W IP V L T S NE P [email protected] K U F P O KP A R I A HN T C P Q V N C OL E P S R WI J FALIGN E Q P A B MH N G F T VN Q PBATTLEMAGE F W L R G SE S P O H CE P SBLACKPLAGUE H B A T T LE M A G E NM J KCHULAVISTA L J A S E OJ N A I D NI V PCIRCLENINEEBULLITIONINDIANJOEJACKEDUPPARIAHPROTECTORROULEURSMOKINGCANNONSPECHOPSTHREEPUNKWISEGUYASK THE TRAVEL EXPERT: Do you think the cost differences between a Group Tour vs.Custom Privatized Tour with Private Driver and Guide is worth it?First, find a reputable touring company that offers great pricing. Second, you First Cabin: China Explorer 14 Nights Tauck: China & The Yangtze River 14 Nightsmust decide if you are willing to accept the obvious (and many not so obvious) Two Travelers Sharing Accommodation Two Travelers Sharing Accommodationdrawbacks to sharing a coach with 20 or more travelers. You may be surprised Private Van, Private Driver, Private Guide Twenty Plus Travelers Per Groupto find the cost is comparable or even much less with First Cabin Travel; and 4 Nights Beijing / Beijing Fairmont Hotel 3 Nights Beijing / Waldorf Astoria HotelI’m very confident you will find the privatized First Cabin tour will produce 2 Nights Xian / Hyatt Regency Xi’an 2 Nights / Shangri-La Xi’ana MUCH more memorable, and much less stressful, vacation. See the com- 2 Nights Guilin / Shangri-La Hotel 2 Nights Guilin / Shangri-La Hotelparision on the right. 3 Nights Yangtze Explorer Wu Deck 3 Night Yangtze Explorer Wu Deck 2 Nights Shanghai / Fairmont Peace Hotel 2 Nights Shanghai / Fairmont Peace Hotel “We recently traveled to China with First Cabin on a custom designed tour 1 Night Hong Kong / Shangri-La Hotel 2 Nights Hong Kong / Intercontinental Hotelfor our family of 5 and loved the convenience of traveling with our ownguide, driver and schedule. We could make last minute changes based on 15 Breakfast Meals (All meals On Explorer Cruise) 15 Breakfasts, 10 Lunches, 12 Dinnersweather, availability of attractions and had the ultimate flexibility in touring Private Guide For Shore Excursions on Yangtze Private Group Guide For Shore ExcursionsChina with our interests in mind. Never had to worry about other people as Private Boat and Guide for Shennong Stream Private Group Guide for Shennong Streamyou would on a group tour and First Cabin arranged a fantastic itinerary. We Hutong family visit and rickshaw ride Beijing Hutong family visit and rickshaw ride Beijingeven had a private guide on the shore excursions while on the Yangtze. River.” Kung Fu Evening Show in Beijing Optional(Actual Client) Anonymous, Rancho Santa Fe Han Yang Ling Underground Museum Xi’an Han Yang Ling Underground Museum Xi’an Shanghai Urban Planning Center Shanghai Urban Planning Center Robert Kenyon, a Marine Corps veteran who first Motorcycle sidecar through Old Shanghai Optional visited Southeast Asia in 1963, thereafter returned Shanghai Acrobatic Performance Shanghai Acrobatic Performance to San Diego to serve 7 years as a Deputy District Tipping to Private Driver & Guide Discretionary Tipping to Private Guides Inclusive Attorney. His passion for travel overcame his love Admission Fees and Porterage Inclusive Admission Fees and Porterage Inclusive of the law, which led to the start of First Cabin Travel Land Arrangements and In-China Airfare: Land Arrangements and In-China Airfare: in 1989, offering luxury-styled travel to destinations $7,690 $8,790 worldwide. For special offers on custom tours for San Diego residents contact Robert at www.first- / CA Reg: 2016168-40

5AUGUST 2017 | Diversionary Theatre Receives State Grant Student Matinee Program and Stonewall Salon to benefitWINNIE’SPICKS!OUT OF THE FURNACE – Christian Bale, 1000 TO 1: THE CORY WEISSMAN STORY Diversionary TheatreWoody Harrelson, Casey Affleck. Very good sus- – I like true stories that are so inspiring. It makespense! Two brothers cross paths with a vicious you so thankful for your own life. Cory scored Diversionary Theatre is one of 1,706 gram builds writing and acting skills, andcrime ring. Woody Harrelson does an outstand- 1,000 points in high school and was expected to organizations across the state that will be strong ensemble principles. This programing acting job, as usual. Those of you that love be a standout athlete at Gettysburg College. Fol- receiving grant awards from the California will meet weekly and culminates with anaction and suspense should not miss this one. lowing a catastrophic stroke at the end of his fresh- Arts Council (CAC). The two grants original devised performance on Diver- man year, Cory’s comeback is really something to awarded to Diversionary will support sionary’s historic Mainstage. This grant wasZOOKEEPER’S WIFE - Jessica Chastain. In watch. A winner! Diversionary’s Student Matinee Program provided through CAC’s Artists Activating1939, Poland, Antoniana Zabinska and her hus- and help establish the Stonewall Salon, a Communities successfully run the Warsaw Zoo and raise THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY. – Disney new program for LGBT and communitytheir family. Their world is turned upside down documentary. Oh yes, this is an oldie. If you allied seniors “We are honored and grateful that thewhen the country is invaded by the Nazis. This are like me, you have never taken the time to see state of California is recognizing and sup-is a true story and very much an edge of your this one. You MUST as soon as you can. Three “I’m thrilled that Diversionary is part- porting Diversionary’s commitment to theseat drama. You will admire these people that animals that will win you over. I was talking out nering with the state on these two vital pro- San Diego community with these grants,”worked so hard to save others. It is very tense. loud to the screen. I love it and it is a movie for grams serving the San Diego community. said Jenny Case, managing director.Put it on your list! everyone. It made me sad at times and also very The theater is a place for communal heal- happy. That is nature for you. Based on a true ing, understanding and reconciliation, and Diversionary Mission:GREY LADY - Eric Dane, Natalie Zea, Amy story. these programs will have a significant “Diversionary, the third oldest LGBTMadigan. When Boston police detective James impact on the youth and older generation theater in the country, was founded in 1986Doyle’s partner is killed in an ambush, a clue sends Don’t forget! If you are having a hard time find- we serve. These programs represent the with the mission to provide an inspiringhim to Nantucket. A murder mystery unfolds ing a movie or you want a copy made of a VHS heart of our mission,” said Matt Morrow, and thought-provoking theatrical platform or DVD, please call Guy (my son) and he will do executive artistic director. to explore complex and diverse LGBT sto-BAG IT - A documentary about plastic that this service for you. Call 619-990-0852 or email ries, which influence the larger cultural dis-everyone of you need to see. The harm it is doing at [email protected]. Diversionary’s Student Matinee Program cussion. Our vision is to foster and amplifyto our babies, especially when you use the serves middle and high schools across the the next generation of LGBT voices by pro-microwave. See this film and get educated. A See you next month, Winnie county in providing access to theater arts ducing new plays and musicals in a dynam-lot to learn to save your life and loved ones. Excel- and cultural education. Students attend a ic, inclusive and supportive environmentlent information! NOTE: Winnie will be celebrating her 90th birth- performance of one of Diversionary’s that celebrates and preserves our unique day this month and she will see you next month Mainstage productions and are also culture. We are a vital part of San Diego's with more thoughts and suggestions. engaged in the themes and subject matter thriving theater ecology and one of only presented in the shows through pre- and ten theatres in the county dedicated specif- post-show in-classroom workshops. Many ically to developing and giving voice to sto- of the students who attend these perfor- ries about the LGBT community.” mances come from low-income commu- The California Arts Council’s grant pro- nities and this is their first exposure to live grams are administered through a multi- theater. The grant provided through the step, public process. Following an open call Artists in Schools Exposure program of the for applications, all submissions are adju- CAC will enable the program to continue dicated by peer review panels made up of and expand to program in San Diego experts from the arts field. Based on panel County. recommendations and available funds, the Council voted on grant awards at public Diversionary’s Stonewall Salon is a new meetings in San Diego on May 9 and interactive arts education program for Sebastopol on June 7, 2017. LGBT and community allied seniors focused on developing and writing per- sonal histories, giving their often unheard dynamic life stories a platform. The pro-

6 | AUGUST 2017Eating Italian in South Park BY MINDY FLANARY AND JOYELL NEVINSPiacere Mio (‘My Pleasure’) and Buona Forchetta offer a tempting variety of authentic Italian cuisinePiacere Mio — the name is Italian for ‘My Pleasure.’ Buona Forchetta’s outside patio is large and open-air.Piacere Mio to us. This allowed us to enjoy more laughter It landed on our radar because we were dis- Peaslee brought in a new baker who works and conversation without feeling any pressure cussing the restaurant while crossing a busy in the off-hours to make fresh breads and pas- Good news San Diegans! You don’t need to to leave. street, when a stranger stopped us and urged tries offered every morning. We highly recom-fly to Italy to experience authentic Italian food. us to go — immediately. We figured that if the mend the croissant and gingerbread cookie.You only need to go as far as South Park. Olive The owners, Marco and Stefano with ties to restaurant was good enough to stop traffic, it They both melt in your mouth. Here’s a bonusGarden, this is not. Roma and Genova, respectively, have now was worth a first visit. And we have learned it fun fact — the former pastry chef and her opened a second Piacere Mio in Rancho is worth a second and third as well! boyfriend are currently sailing around the On the busy corner of 30th and Fern sits Bernardo. This location added homemade world.Piacere Mio. The name is Italian for “My Plea- wood-fired pizzas to the menu. Grant’s Marketplace: The Deli onsure,” and it certainly was our pleasure to eat Buona Forchetta: A “Good Fork” the Corner Grant’s offers meal options like baked egg-there. We love that they make all their pastas plant, grass-fed Harris Ranch burgers, quichesin house. The tagliatelle was done to al dente If you want to get wood-fired pizza in South Deli offerings at Grant’s Marketplace. the size of deep dish stuffed pizza, and manyperfection. Park, try Buona Forchetta. Their website refers others. They have a tasting menu that pairs to the Stefano Ferrara pizza oven as their star Just down the street from Buona Forchetta food with beer and wine suggestions. Five varieties of pastas are offered on the player. Lovingly named Sofia after co-owner is Grant’s Marketplace. This is a long-standing“Make your Own Pasta Dish” menu: pap- Matteo Cattaneo’s first daughter, the oven was corner store in the South Park neighborhood. Whether you want a sit-down experience orpardelle, taglierini, capellini, gluten free, and featured in Food and Wine magazine. As a specialty grocery store, they offer a variety grab and go, South Park offers plenty for thethe aforementioned tagliatelle. You can mix it of artisan cheeses, wine, and gourmet coffee Italian food aficionado. Where should we goup with sauces such as bolognese, pesto, and At Buona Forchetta, tag lines like “May the as well as sundries like butter and soda. Many next? Check out @fbbgals on Instagram forthe traditional tomato among others. Be sure Fork be with You” and “Forchettaboutit” and of those options are from local distributors, more photos from our adventures and to offerto come hungry as portion sizes are large. pictures of celebrities on their porcelain like Coronado Spice and Tea. your suggestions. .Joyell’s attempt at finishing her entire plate thrones all add to the lighthearted atmosphere.was an epic fail (Mindy knew from the start The inside is slightly cramped, but the outside There are also several options for gluten free Restaurant Details:she would be taking some home). patio is large and open-air. and vegan scattered around the store. You can Piacere Mio try the fair trade Virtuoso Coffee brewed in 1947 Fern St., 92102 The bolognese sauce was rich without being We recommend starting off with an appe- house —Joyell recommends the Mexican brew. (619) 794-2543overpowering. The pesto was also subtle in its tizer — there are so many delicious choices. www.piaceremiosd.comflavoring. Other sauces offered in their ready- Along with traditional options such as This is a place known for their regulars. Staffmade dishes include a pink cream, white wine, bruschetta and caprese, you’ll also find pizza member Jordan Oliver says with a smile,“I see Buona Forchettaand saffron sauce. Also on the regular pasta in a jar and wild octopus. the same people. I know their kids and their 3001 Beech St., 92102menu were choices such as orecchiette with dogs.” She has been working there since new (619) 381-4844Italian sausage, homemade squid ink pasta in The regular menu is augmented by an exten- owner Jason Peaslee and is wife Liana took Buonaforchettasd.commarinara sauce, and raviolis stuffed with sive special list, outlined on floor to ceiling over from namesake Joe and Kim Grant.salmon, ground beef, or spinach. chalkboards. The categories for the specials are Longtime North Park resident Mindy Fla- always: pizza, risotto, gnocchi, ravioli, pasta, nary is a government contractor supporting Helping create these items is Chef Antonio, and a zuppa (soup). the Navy, which allows her to travel the world.who comes from Napoli in Southern Italy. He Mindy’s dream dinner would include the fic-worked at the famous Pizzeria Dal Presidente On their regular menu, we highly recom- tional character guest Daenerys Targaryen andalong Via dei Tribunali. While our server, mend the ossobucco alla milanese — the meat mathematician Fibonacci. Joyell Nevins is aManuela Ionuale, may not be famous in Italy, was so tender, it split apart with a fork. The writer whose passion is to tell stories, both ofshe certainly made us feel like superstars. She eggplant parmesan, another dish worth trying, the people in San Diego and her hometown ofand the other staff contributed to the warm came in crispy layers of eggplant drenched in Dayton, Ohio. Her dream dinner table guestatmosphere. marinara sauce and cheese. would be Jesus Christ and Elvis Presley. Mindy noted that our experience reminded Buona Forchetta holds a special place in ourher of being in Italy, where dinner is an affair foodie hearts — it was the outing that movedand you never get the feeling of being rushed. us from acquaintances to friends. With a loveAs typical in European restaurants, we had to of good food and laughter, it was at this restau-ask for our check rather than it being presented rant that the seed for “Food, Booze, and Bou- tiques” was planted.

7AUGUST 2017 |Jordan Oliver and Vanessa Cruz are staff at Grant’s Marketplace. Piacere Mio:Penne in Pink Sauce with Shrimp and ArugulaBuona Forchetta: The Ossobucco al Milanese.Piacere Mio: Mixed Greens Salate

8 | AUGUST 2017San Diego Welcomes More Refugees Than any Other California CountyBY ELIZABETH AGUILERA | CALMATTERS would be “detrimental” to the country. Ramazani Ali leads a group of fellow student graduates in dancing at a San Diego park. (Photo by Peggy Peattie It’s unclear what that means for refugees for CALmatters) Zawadi Namagazuzyo was about 12 whenshe was forced to flee her native Congo. Her from countries the order singled out for a will find support and a network to help them although 15 members skipped the vote, andmother and many family members were dead. broader ban: Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen settle in. it’s now before the Senate AppropriationsHer father wanted her to live. and Somalia. Committee. More than two-thirds of refugees, he said, “There was fighting, a lot of fighting,” she The U.S. Supreme Court will hear chal- do have some sort of family connection in the Another proposal would allow specialsaid, recalling how the two of them ended up lenges to the order this fall. States. immigrant visa-holders who pass certain testsat a refugee camp in Zambia. She grew up to move to the top of hiring lists for particularthere for 13 years— getting married, giving “They’ve had to flee some of the most hor- Refugees enter the U.S. on refugee status government jobs. It’s on hold until next year,birth, and always waiting to be resettled some- rific things human beings have to offer, they and after a year they must apply to become a McCarty says, while sponsors work out details.where else in the world. are escaping war, they are escaping terrorists, Legal Permanent Resident, which grants them Among opponents: the Service Employees they are escaping ISIS, they have been vetted a green card. After five years in the U.S. they International Union Local 1000, which com- Then 10 months ago, Namagazuzyo and her and now we are putting them through another can apply for citizenship. plained that it went too far by offering refugeesfamily were resettled in San Diego County, merry-go-round of uncertainty,” Murphy said. special consideration otherwise reserved exclu-where her father had been living for a few In San Diego, the majority of recent refugees sively for U.S. veterans.months. And under a brilliant sun on a recent Last year the U.S. admitted nearly 85,000 are from Iraq and Afghanistan, according toFriday, she joined other refugees at a picnic to refugees. More than half went to just 10 states the San Diego Refugee Forum, a collaboration Critics such as the organization Refugeecelebrate their graduation from a 12-week including Texas and New York, but the largest between the four resettlement agencies in the Resettlement Watch insist the program disre-English intensive class. Drumming reverber- group,7,908 refugees, settled in California, county — IRC, Catholic Charities, Jewish gards the impact refugees have on U.S. naturalated through the park, Congolese and Somali according to a Pew Research study. And 3,100 Family Services, and the Alliance for African resources. They also contend that it’s wrongdishes were spread out alongside pizza— and of those landed in San Diego County, along Assistance. for the U.S. to welcome refugees that will pro-a red, white and blue cake anchored the dessert with another 520 military interpreters on Spe- vide cheap labor for certain industries and endsection. cial Immigrant Visas, who are also classified “We want California to put out the welcome up receiving welfare and other taxpayer-fund- as refugees. mat for refugees, many of whom assisted our ed aid. “I ask questions about the life in San Diego, military as interpreters overseas, to help themabout the rent, bills, electricity,” said Nam- Since the end of the Vietnam War, California normalize their lives and be more productive When refugees arrive in the U.S., resettle-agazuzyo, who was surprised to find so many has welcomed 732,000 refugees, according to members of our communities,” said Assem- ment agencies work with them for an intensefellow African immigrants in her new home. state data. During that time, San Diego reset- blywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, a Demo- 90 days to help them find jobs, open bank“We speak together the language, we are many tled more than 85,000 refugees —roughly crat from San Diego and co-author of the accounts, register their children for school andin San Diego. I feel good.” equal to the entire population of cities such refugee bills currently being considered in the set up their lives. After that, the agencies offer as Chico or Newport Beach. state Capitol. other services that refugees can apply for, such For nearly a decade, no California county as auto and business loans.has received more refugees than San Diego You see it, hear it and feel it as you walk the The legislators have claimed one victoryCounty, followed by Los Angeles and Sacra- streets of the City Heights neighborhood east already — the final state budget approved in Back in City Heights at IRC’s New Rootsmento, according to state and federal data. A of downtown San Diego, where shoppers June allocates $10 million to be used over three Community Garden, where mainly refugeeslarge number of refugees are assigned to San throng Somali, Ethiopian and assorted Asian years for high-refugee-population school dis- tend some 95 plots, the greenhouses are filledDiego because of its concentration of four restaurants and a cacophony of languages ric- tricts to help support and integrate refugee with edibles rustling in the breeze.Idzai Mubai-resettlement agencies and the existence of sev- ochets in the air. In the nearby city of El Cajon, children. wa, 51, stretches her arms out over her threeeral rooted immigrant communities already where Arabic speakers do a brisk business in lush plots, bursting with kale, collard greensin the area. The trend dates back to the Viet- shops along Main Street, Iraqi Christians “Many of these kids come from heartbreak- and sugar cane stalks. She arrived in San Diegonam War, when hundreds of thousands of known as Chaldeans number an estimated ing and extreme trauma-filled circumstances,” 15 years ago from Zimbabwe, and remembersSoutheast Asians landed at Camp Pendleton 60,000, and many arrived as refugees. said McCarty, the assemblyman from Sacra- being thenewbie absorbing the cultural shocksfor U.S. resettlement. Many stayed, helping mento. “Certainly counseling and mental of American life, such as how children don’tmake the area a beacon for people fleeing from “San Diego has the fault of having the best health support is critical and most school dis- have to wear school uniforms. Now her daugh-violence, hunger and instability. weather in the world,” said Bishop Bawai Soro tricts need extra translation services.” ters are graduates of or are in college—one of St. Peter Chaldean Catholic Church, which on a scholarship at Vassar. “San Diego historically has been a very wel- is now looking for a third location in which The federal government funds the bulk ofcoming county,” said David Murphy, executive to hold its overflow services. Soro himself refugee costs, funneled through resettlement “The moment I got this garden it was golddirector of the International Rescue Commit- arrived in Chicago as a refugee 40 years ago, agencies. This year $37 million of that came for me. It just brings me close to home,” shetee there that resettled Namagazuzyo’s family and today he ministers to the infusion of Iraqi to California. The funds pay for initial housing said. “It made a huge difference because thisand hosted the English class. “There is now a refugees in San Diego. costs and then provide cash aid for the refugees is part of my income, it helps me sustain myvibrant multi-cultural population living in San for about 90 days, until refugees must begin family.”Diego.” “The wars that took place in Iraq didn’t just paying their own expenses. Refugees are destroy buildings and bridges and infrastruc- required to pay back the organization that She grows corn as her family’s chief food- At a time when President Donald Trump ture — they destroyed the human soul as well,” transports them for the travel expenses source, but the rest of the rows she plants tocites terrorism as justification to crack down he said. “These Iraqis are luckiest people in incurred in getting them to the U.S. In addi- sell at local farmer’s markets under the nameon immigration — the U.S. Supreme Court the world because they came to America.” tion, refugees may receive help from programs African Sisters Produce. She picked up on whaton Wednesday upheld, for now, key provisions such as CalWORKs (cash and food assistance) people are looking for. Kale has been hot. Andof his ban on refugees — California lawmakers The office of the United Nations High Com- and Medi-Cal (health care) that are funded that’s why this year she’s finally trying herare working to extend the Golden State’s wel- missioner for Refugees defines a refugee as by both the state and the federal government, green thumb on a California staple: strawber-come to the world’s displaced people. someone who has “been forced to flee his or according to the state Social Services Depart- ries. her country because of persecution, war, or ment. The agency does not keep data specifi- Democratic legislators from counties with violence.” The U.S. government further defines cally on what those costs are for this group. is a nonprofit, nonpartisansignificant refugee populations are pushing a refugee as someone who may “face persecu- media venture explaining California policiesbills to help with education and employment, tion based on religion, political opinion, race, One of the bills would allow refugees and and politics.and secured a $10 million budget allocation nationality or membership in a particular special immigrant visa holders to pay in-stateto help refugee children. social group.” As a result, waves of refugees tuition rates upon arrival at public colleges. tend to reflect global conflict zones. No one voted against it in the Assembly, “We are a warm place and not just theweather but our hearts, and the legacy of that Once refugees have applied for refugee sta-continues,” said Democratic Assemblyman tus from the U.N., the agency, the U.S.Kevin McCarty of Sacramento, lead author of Embassy or other non-governmental agenciesthe refugee bills. “We welcome refugees who may refer refugees for resettlement in the U.S.are escaping war and persecution.” That referral kicks off an application process that can take years. President Donald Trump’s current executiveorder states that more than 300 people who The average wait time in a refugee camp isentered the United States as refugees are cur- 17 years.rently under FBI counterterrorism investiga-tion, and cites two examples of convictions — When considering a refugee, the U.S. con-including a Somali man brought to the U.S. ducts one of the most rigorous vetting pro-as a child refugee and sentenced to 30 years in cesses of any person allowed into the country,prison for his role in the plot to bomb a according to the U.S. Department of State.Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Accepted refugees have little say about toOregon. It also would cut the number of which state or county they will be sent. Tworefugees admitted this fiscal year from 110,000 factors play a role: if a refugee has family mem-to no more than 50,000, saying any more bers in a certain locale, and if a large commu- nity of refugees from the same country has already settled in a given area. The idea, Mur- phy said, is to provide a home where refugees

9AUGUST 2017 |By Bart Mendoza August 20 Paul Combs Gilbert Castellanos Castellanos Fundraiser for Young Musicians September 8 Alfred Howard Grateful Shred There can be no doubt that trumpeter Gilbert Castellanos is one of Paul Combs Quintet’s Tribute to Tadd Dameron Blaze Bayley the most important musicians to ever call San Diego home. Beyond his great gigs and session work, Castellanos has made it his life’s work It’s a testament to the fleeting nature of fame that an artist like to introduce jazz to younger audiences, while mentoring future gen- jazz composer, arranger and pianist Tadd Dameron (1917- erations of performers. On Aug. 20, Castellanos will host a fundraiser 1965), once hugely influential for his work with Count Basie, for his new program, The Jazz Lions Conservatory, at the Handlery Dizzy Gillespie and Sarah Vaughn, has largely faded from all Hotel. Starting at 2 p.m. a legion of legendary artists including Mike but the most detailed of musical history books. On Sept. 8, Wofford, Marshall Hawkins, Tommy Aros and more will take the Dizzy’s hopes to change that, with a special performance from stage with young musicians to promote this wonderful new educa- The Paul Combs Quintet. This show promises to be a real treat tional opportunity. If you are a fan of jazz, this event promises to be for jazz fans. Combs is a saxophonist and Dameron biographer, one of the year’s highlights. with his band’s set this night comprised of previously unknown musical treasures found while researching the life and music of this unsung hero of early jazz. September 2 A Rare, Spoken Word Performance by Alfred Howard On Sept. 2, Soda Bar has a particularly strong bill, featuring The Heavy Guilt, The Paragraphs, and Cardinal Moon, but this is a show where you will want to catch the opener, Alfred Howard, in a rare, spoken word performance. Howard is a lynchpin of the local music community, one of the founders of the Redwoods artist collective/label and a member of such combos as Dani Bell & The Tarantist, but he is also a wonderful raconteur, full of riveting, conversational stories, full of wit, humor and occasionally a moral. Anyone who has read his online postings knows what a talent Howard is; this opportunity to hear him read from his work shouldn’t be missed. August 5 Dream Gig for Jazz and Duke Ellington Aficionados Swing fans won’t want to miss The San Diego Museum of Art’s new music series, “Portraits In Jazz,” taking place on Aug. 5. Presented by acclaimed trumpeter, Gilbert Castellanos, the event’s inaugural edition will feature a tribute to Duke Ellington by Gaslamp Quarter Jazz Orchestra, an 18-piece local big band, joined by special guests Rickey Woodard (tenor saxophone) and Melissa Morgan (vocalist). The celebration of the prolific composer’s music kicks off with a brief talk on Ellington and his life, before digging into some of the gems in his catalog of more than 1,000 songs. The night will feature the tunes original arrangements as recorded by Ellington, making this a jazz aficionados dream gig. September 5 The Church Mid-’90s Gems from Blaze Bayley September 16 Hard rock fans won’t want to miss an appearance by Blaze Bayley at Ethereal, Psychedelic Rock by The Church Brick by Brick on Sept. 5. Best known as the singer for Iron Maiden from 1994-1999, Bayley has made the best of his brief time with the Legendary Australian band The Church returns to San Diego on iconic rockers, performing songs from the two albums he recorded Sept. 16. Still helmed by frontman Steve Kilbey and guitarist Peter with them as well as with his earlier band, Wolfsbane. While you won’t Koppes, the quartet performs ethereal, psychedelic rock, as best hear any of the classic Maiden hits, there will be enough mid-’90s exemplified by their ’80s college radio hits, “The Unguarded gems in the set list to keep any music lover happy. Although his tenure Moment,”“Reptile” and “Under The Milky Way.” Currently touring with Iron Maiden was short-lived, Bayley is still a part of rock history in advance of their 26th album since their 1980 founding, “Man well worth checking out. Woman Life Death Infinity,” The Church remains a compelling listen, with each spin of their albums revealing more. While the set list this night will include new material, longtime fans will be happy to know the show is a career retrospective, highlighted by their best known songs.

10 | AUGUST 2017 ASK THE EXPERT CHIROPRACTIC CARE DLOoeVs EyoYuOr cUhRildSEnLeeFd, LmOorVeEheYlOp iUnRscLhIoFoEl? BY DR. STACEY MERLOGOOD VIBRATIONS FAMILY CHIROPRATIC - SAN DIEGO, CA - THE SPECTRUM AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN CUSTOMER SERVICE“City Beat News congratulates those companies that demonstrate excellent customer service. Good Vibrations Family Chiropractichas won the Spectrum Award of Excellence and is most honored to have earned such high ratings for such a prestigious award.”What would you do if you knew Chiropractic could help you live ahealthier, happier & a more Vibrant LIFE?Chiropractic is for everyone: newborns, children, pregnant women, In this month of Valentine’s, romance, and relationships it your health. One thing we recommend our clients do is to doathletes, adults and older adults. We see people who have pain Bisaceaksytotosgcehtocoaulgthitmuep oinf cyuelaturrablreixnpgesctatbioonus tomf wihxeerdeand disease, to people who are striving for optimal health. sffhoheraoevuwoleiluednrcsgbshheseoillfulfd-iolkdrdere.ebvneeAevlwiloentphrhmolyoiufoeegnnnhtaeenaIe,dndbedewsMlgipheraevoOtewcoiRttauhhErla,lttyrfhorreemforloaeamtrniiostpnitcahsahfrreoeiepiluransntstiadocsranehtwsiovohihniotpaaolsll. tthheirrogurogchertyhsehmoppaigngaianloangndtheagouatisnidaetishleos mof ethwe sitohrey.oAulrl aTnhd emyorneeiendtimmateoreelastiuonpsphoiprIt,wmanot rtoe bhrienlgpy,oaunr dattmentoiorne tpchrheociflredesss.hedinfogoreddtiheanttslaacrkesktehpetnhuetrreie. nTths enemceidssdalreyisfloersvairtealmheaianltlhyGood Vibrations Chiropractic is a place where people come and feel ytrunoeo.lneuaetdTildoohevnirsemsshrwteioaplhansroteiwdoy,iniolnrlsuehbgiceap.reheMiie,svayteloohthuessitpeowrneo.ileclfSiyeefotlxifhucp-leeohsrvaiuteevinpecmcrpweeeaoimtthrecostyhrtoethiuhlejdroresyroxeelpaufn.negcdWthwaythoihaoeunonnrlike it is their second home. It is about LIFE, people, and health. oIfEhPowowreaw5il0l t4rePatlaounr,seblvuets aenvdetnhutshheoswe wpeiewciellsalolofwpoathpeersr and contain many chemicals and preservatives that are disease httmohavtoarFeetroaaerltawmusrasteay.rnsesyhsuyaspedfapaornsorIisnehenvadaveteretsyodtoreuhsngireegellpeitnodvcnwoauitrnlhtvuetsrhdeois.amniddeeactiaomrfesefeoslrf-oclotahvuee.rsseI,The friendly atmosphere, peaceful surroundings, colorful décor, proLmaosttin,gc. reate an “all about me” page and anand lively music are unique and unlike the typical doctor’s office. and have tended to focus my love and energy on the well-being “IEGPet/t5in0g4thaetriaghgt laamnocuen”t opfasgleeepaanndd rmestatkheatsyuoruer byooduyGood Vibrations is a safe oasis which facilitates your best possible ssnocuceornpeepmdetosnhrmitetsiivsmueecnreepitinwicavcaigaitrltheoeisntno.myBtooehrnpeuittnirhmfgoocrauthlrshlihebeleedesapfe’lostirhpse3.ak-ypeo5Cyeu.rrcesTparlrttiaiytonnigncttoahortlietstusolteaueehlasppac.vpahenoTedarhrntisyass,chiropractic adjustment, and the well-being of your body, mind cocrpyeoofofemnetTurhsrpisehodatnpsieosecsesreeicctyodfhltneooiiir,savfneirwetIk,….ralblorIyoemhuhIaatandedsayenntnldhfoce-iiolnvfforegfuvaremerlreiakeaevnegenondeIft atlhloewrsapyoisutrs,bbrauins dtorisvteoprsparnodduocitnhgetrhsewnheuorowpeilplthideelsptihnagtand spirit. satythbiomoeDuousarkelai,ltcpysehtaryeeipoxltuedcerhracistninshdtgeor,koioestreuhpomgenyheeotdeouioatufafcrttoihtnhmtegehrgbefewoetfutdohinnraideglyaeb.gteioyHodoondiisunnrsroettsef:cta.hDgdoTi.olordydnri’hsetaepgdalriitnvehge-. was, or like many of my clients are, you may have some catching Evxieerwcisine gntoht eoirnlcylaismsrporoovmes , yphoyusicmalighhetalftihn, dbautddmiteinotanl/-At Good Vibrations we serve the Exceptional Chiropractic Experience! eaml oatiroenaasl atshawtelnl. eeWdheton yboeu aedxedrcriesessyeodurdburraiinngsecyroetuesrOur chiropractors are located in the heart of Kensington in beautiful uytMeoplulHiytnoagoCrdewyohosieuiClnerdmsate?hsnlfeahIaolriCewttalremoefauawscteheklwfy-aalooruSvdeulo.ocvrIcefienylseoosfouffekrucsintelilgvfSeiac,nnhtdhtoheheoroelmwiDsiraarmanoyroaztafhinonedgrr ge2tyni0ovo-deumuosrrriypnaohcuunihtnedaiswlndwwailhmkebicpouwhrrioaalsvdtrnreeiedtnwtctsgehhellnmce-sboeamemkioneefsgfehoaptersra&iotglttniehgniinfariscnteahdienntetthotdacopitlfhpafbeeisnresbeerlnasoosclo.eoldiamEnwbvyhe.oonicuuhartSan Diego! way to go about deepening your sense of self-love. health. TESTIMONIALS taFhnrrdToousShmtgerehlefrn-tetghhcteaahererarenecatipitsmohinetshustmeslwtuoeitspuocttllaewekcaeolprfadiinsseesecslrxfee-pollsfor-oevctsmeaso.rieoTynahtoheioadumfterwosserec,lefh-icwlnaiolnecvdelpd’.usreavsdcIeittolaiocyinpes. haSdepjaAuHletshsctam.ivaaieYnlsnogpEtuysedroicusuniroeacnrnlaveentoriovueofosenutsdhsycesssoytbsesneimtbsestmluikisnlcetyhpgaoet,nucscrketeecmfdrroeatatrisnsftdietteohrgdeceaotctepnhidntiaergusovctlichn2saigyrt0soootpyeprrmteaiaamc.ntraiIsdctl,The Entire Team at Good Vibrations is wonderful. The staff is tehxepaectrioefnseclef-scatore,stphecmiaolriezewde cinanstnruurctutrioe nou,rysoeunsrecohfisledlf’-s cIoenntrcolosuanrdagceooyrodiunattoesfeovceruysthoinng thhaet shuappppenosritnsytooucr rbeoadtye,courteous, kind and eager to get you in on time. The doctor’s are oldpofvaotehyIs.neewmToahsiuneelrlrldvebeinasmeriitesfieaussaloelnmllif.niisetLnhepe,rgevbt,oi’usesptwplmtehewwacathiiktfcohieocfuecslteludiolenrln’ietyktsboeietuat’amstrkofoicnuruhegrlliianlpwmdcro.aairctzrhtieinccgpet,.cuawrree- tmftawaorroabafbaimknaorreeenudyadptottrhatuetogesocr.tdioshieCehcaetehcalefscoriilr,ttrrporadbspeirtencaerata2atgticsaointwtn,ophgsrae,aastnteyorwaokedbrhunseaorpltnoadfsronofiotgcciseeeugncnsstrhtghieotoaoenhsgnaoseet,c.hdlatIeiSnbav’tndmaiettenyfheroveivlneroDorneuiyogiosywhekuostgiyroulnosenrrtvgeeraemrayblfvriaioolaenniurrtadyges-,phenomenal! Their adjustments are always performed with high sMystoemndoauyt.AHuagvuinsgt 7yo, uart 6ne:3rv0opu.smsy.satetmGwooordkiVngiborpatitmioanllysintention. I feel like I am the center of the universe when I am consistently ask people a key question. When you are on faCBollurohnLiwindarssaogttthlipyoye,rnoraaaeudclsdtetrilioecncfmgahyeot1inul0otdrut’mbosroiodnIBpEyutatiPtecmoskapooletrfhorfemo5Sarl0icmtnh4hd.aoftPuoilltnlaseInbsEse,sPttgoaWantydhoouiersrkrthsdyheaoyokuepiysr.there. The office has a congruency and I get the sense they do bqeuneefsictiiaol nfosr, yaonudr hleeatl’tsh.wAolrl kthattoigsertehqeuirretdofomr tahkiseisthfoirsnot have “jobs” but vocations. I am in the service industry and I daownfemoSearmtoiakrneprsrltatgar,nenantebdicoyyanf,nildrnwoehdgotoahik’rnsedignimfnlgigwagshttkhhtheadratoutotesseuesungdosphhafpneotoyxioyrnisgtsuestrgnruiMvcmcitnhUagysioklSdyusTo’isuntobptaehpaeusppatcfreaeoorstnye-- yatohsumetaobllsetpsoteprsidocodhinoogfotelhviyenergyasrdanaeydv. mominedntafnodrnotice all the small details- this is a solid bunch. I feel when I get fvirisdt?edYofuorrs, yorotuhre mchasilkdo’sf tdheaypetooplebyeousulocvcee?ssIftuisl.yoDurso,my adjustments they help me recover faster and calm my nervous yurtbionhguuchedotty?nhdsaycntHiyoesaouyevusesd,tmyweosmuhupsatt?eepcgvPuoeiitraocyldckoosaun3reres-aim5dyteoiasrnuspekgdteoo,cwnaiahfnfiiyyrcv?ostian,sceTiu?sthiaeboNlerncoesatsacu,soshotnenheliyadfthtayuroenelyueeyta,eoerdulael improves your sense of well-being.system down each and every time I’m there. I have been to MANY ntoo gsotaodrttoonanydoanye oelnsee, bauntdnowwroitheetrhs ehmavedtoowwonr.k hard tochiropractors in the past and the doctors at Good Vibrations are just IAEtPGoWodorVkibsrhatoiopnsRFeagmiislytrCahtioronpraacntidc, wOenhlaivneecrHeaeteldpgreat. Do yourself a favor and call them up and meet them. You’ll take care of you. Therefore, it is your duty to make yourself, afowroraklslhpoaprtehnattsis: wdewsigwn.eBdetyoognivdetyhoeuIEa Pb.lcuoepmrint for yoursee what I’m talking about. It’s palpable. - Evan A. aisndiNmeepspxoestsc,iimballelaytkyoeobuseruhyreoeaultrthhb,aeytsotyuoarnugdrregcaitvheesiltadvllahlyuaoeusathniamdvreeesttooougrmicveee. etIott optimal health expression. It clearly lays out a step by step planI’ve always had stress-pain on my left shoulder, so when the tthhoesetyeoauclhoveer, iaf nyodu athreesricakp, instpsa,ivnioerwsimthpleyinroctlfausnscrtiooonimng, of what actions are needed for you to be your best. You canassessment correlated with my pain I was happy to set up sessions toatwhtfheasyeeoplilkuafr-srcttb,aohrIpeertwloioaminulnladgggl hihihvaneevtageyhlstonheuoiwprtsoomislmtlecanedhgtesieoaiydml,o. upubIllreefehfyt,oehogaiurnleetghatsrtyetyhooonueuerkwcftniaortnoposwdtptorhdiewotaorwhiytsoyetraorilrndeft call 619-281-1234 or email us at [email protected] get adjusted. It’s crazy to say but after my first adjustment, I isncvhesotiongl.iTnaykouerpheicalttuh.res during your tour and look to reserve your seat at our next session. Mention this articleinstantly felt better. Turning my neck to the left was always a and get your seat for free! Or if you KNOW you are ready tolittle tight, but after every adjustment, it’s always perfect. They’re Eating healthy foods is one of the easiest ways to improve improve your health, schedule your first appointment today!always forthcoming and open with what they’re adjusting. Withthat said, they only adjust me where it’s needed, which I appreciate. “When you have your health, you have a thousand dreams,I’m also a triathlete and am active with soccer and basketball each but when you lose your health you have but one” Proverb. Soweek. I can honestly say that getting adjusted every week feels what are you going to doing to TODAY take care of yourself?great and helps me keeping up with my active lifestyle. - Jerry V. 4060 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116 | 619.281.1234

11AUGUST 2017 |

12 | AUGUST 2017

13AUGUST 2017 |

14 | AUGUST 2017

15AUGUST 2017 |Jobs Partnership Tech San Diego launches University Talent Initiative BY DOUG RAMSEY | UC SAN DIEGO NEWS CENTER A new initiative in San Diego will help find Director Kevin Carroll, talent is the number- University Talent Initiative, which is primarily Diego initiative has to bring additional intern-more interns and full-time employees for tech- one barrier to growth for the region's small- funded by a grant from the Legler Benbough ship opportunities to our students.”nology companies from among students in and mid-size companies. “These companies Foundation. The non-profit Tech San Diegocollege or getting ready to graduate. are at a disadvantage when it comes to sourc- plans to develop relationships with key faculty Tech San Diego plans to hold on-campus ing university talent,” said Carroll.“For far too in the Jacobs School of Engineering as well as events at UC San Diego to offer a mix of com- The nonprofit organization Tech San Diego long, the best and brightest local university key student organizations. Case in point: Tech pelling and career-helpful activities that high-announced that it is boosting regional talent graduates have led an exodus from San Diego San Diego already has an agreement with the light the regional tech economy. The organi-efforts by hiring a director for its recently- every spring to other tech clusters, including UC San Diego Data Science Club to highlight zation has also implemented a new studentlaunched University Talent Initiative. The Silicon Valley, Seattle, New York and Austin. the growing data science and analytics cluster. event initiative to allow UC San Diego stu-effort starts out as a partnership with the Uni- We need to engage these students with the dents to attend select Tech San Diego events.versity of California San Diego to improve the local tech community.” Computer Science and Engineering Profes-local talent pipeline, from talent access to sor Rajesh Gupta welcomed the announce- Since 1994, Tech San Diego has assistedinternships, research and collaborations, while He added: “Our regional tech cluster is ment. “UC San Diego is strongly supportive members from all sectors of technology,building tools to help local companies find among the most vibrant in the world, so there of additional links between the regional tech- including cybersecurity, big data, robotics,qualified workers. are plenty of opportunities here for graduates.” nology cluster and the campus,” said Gupta. software as a service (SaaS), biotech and “We are excited at the potential this Tech San healthcare, Internet of Things, defense, wire- According to Tech San Diego Executive UC San Diego is the pilot university for the less and telecommunications, and more.Computer Science and Engineering Professor Rajesh Gupta: ‘UC San Diego is strongly supportive of additional You’re Retired.links between the regional technology cluster and the campus.’ Your Money Isn’t. WE ❤ KENSINGTON & TALMADGE Positive News for your Neighborhood in your mailbox each month! Local Umbrella Media David S Tam, AAMS® Member SIPC Financial Advisor IRT-4395C-A . 4134 Adams Avenue Suite 104 San Diego, CA 92116 619-521-1343

16 | AUGUST 2017

17AUGUST 2017 |KIDS’ KORNER: SOCAL FUN WITH RHOADS Hey my name is Rhoads, I am a thirteen out with the nose of your board facing theyear old outdoor enthusiast. Summer is upon waves. Doing this prevents you from being aus and it's getting hot so it's time to visit the giant target and makes it easier for otherbeach. The beach is a place where I can do surfers to maneuver around you. Don't hogone of my favorite outdoor activities which is all the waves, take turns with your fellowsurfing. The reason why I like surfing so much surfers. Part of the enjoyment on a busy dayis being in the ocean and feeling the flow of can be encouraging each other. Once you'rethe water around you. Speaking of flow, you paddling into the wave look left and right forcan keep it going by having good etiquette out other surfers. You don't want to take a wavein the water. I'll take this opportunity to share from and collide with someone already in thesome with you. Grab your board and as you wave. Be respectful to your environment.get ready to hit the waves, survey your sur- Remember the ocean is someones home soroundings and take note of the surfers in the don't leave trash behind and be kind to theline up. Choosing a clear path to paddle out environment by using eco friendly accessoriesand not overcrowd a specific spot is key to and gear like Matunas eco-surf wax. Thats iteveryone enjoying the waves. Always paddle for today, have fun out there.:) Help Us Find Our Next Youth Hero! Every Day our neighborhood kids do incredible things! Do you know a wonderful kid who has done something special? Let’s celebrate by making him or her our next Youth Hero! Contact us at [email protected]((619) 280-9500 4585 30TH ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92116

18 | AUGUST 2017Businesses Supporting Nonprofits It’s more than just the moneyFrom left, Art and Michelle Candland of AJW Facilities & Construction, Teresa Stivers of Walden Family Services, Ron and Mary Alice Brady of the Brady Company. As San Diegans, we are fortunate struction, which provides restora- organization. Local attorney Felix Tinkov and his “The great thing about Art, Jeffreyto live in a generous and supportive tion services for health care and life “Corporate sponsors are attracted law firm have provided in-kind legal and all of our corporate donors iscommunity where corporate spon- science industries, is a strong services “far beyond what we could that they aren’t supporting us forsors significantly contribute to San Walden supporter. So was his pre- to the level of trust that Voice of San ever afford,” says Lewis. their own rewards, they are in it forDiego’s nonprofit organizations. As vious company Trust Employee Diego has, and they want to be asso- the kids that we help,” says Stivers.local nonprofit leaders will tell you, Asset Management (TEAM), which ciated with that,” he says. “We have Walden Family Services receives “Their kindness is phenomenal.”through company partnerships Candland founded to assist with a bond with the community, and it in-kind support from local busi-their organizations —and others — asset management for kids born is nice to recognized as bringing that nesses as well. Pamplemousse Grille And Stivers encourages all busi-receive more than just money. with health or developmental issues. to the community.” and owner/chef Jeffrey Strauss nesses to get involved with the com- As Walden serves foster and adopted opens the restaurant throughout the munity.“No matter what a business’ The People Behind the Compa- children who are medically fragile, Voice of San Diego has found a year to Walden to host special core services or products are, thereny Candland’s understanding of special creative way to help its corporate events. At the organization’s annual is a San Diego nonprofit that could needs children makes his company partners promote the other non- Wine D’Vine fundraising gala, use their help,” she adds. When Teresa Stivers, the CEO of and his personal commitment to profit organizations those partners Strauss auctions off the opportunityWalden Family Services, based in Walden even more meaningful. support. Knowing it is difficult for to have him personally prepare anSan Diego, talks about her corporate non-profits to generate awareness in-home dinner.donors, she lights ups. In her nearly “Art is our chair, cheerleader, of their mission and the servicesseven years with Walden, which pro- advisor for fund development, a they provide, Voice of San Diego Scott Lewis of Voice of San Diego says it is a flattering as well as mutually beneficialvides services to foster and adoptive mentor to some of the youth we founded Partner Voices. experience when a corporate donor supports his organization.children and families, Stivers has serve and a motivator to our staff,”formed many corporate relation- says Stivers. As a part of Voice of San Diego’sships that have led to monetary con- website, Partner Voices provides atributions as well as in-kind dona- Candland’s financial support to platform for nonprofits to showcasetions. Many of these donors have Walden goes far beyond his personal who they are and what they do.employees who serve on Walden’s and company contributions. Under Voice of San Diego’s corporate part-two boards of directors, which is a his guidance, Walden broke the $1 ners often pay for the nonprofits’double bonus for her organization, million mark in fundraising in 2016. profiles. Partner Voices allows busi-as Walden receives support at the nesses to support their favorite orga-corporate level and from the volun- “Art is very generous himself and nizations, those organizations toteers. Not only do they have the he tells everyone about Walden, gain much needed visibility andcompany on their side, but the peo- even his dentist,” Stivers notes. Voice of San Diego to receive fund-ple behind the company as well. ing while helping others in the com- A Win-Win-Win munity – a true win-win-win. Art Candland serves as chair of For Scott Lewis, editor-in-chief atWalden’s Foundation board of Voice of San Diego, the first digital Being Kind through In-Kinddirectors, which oversees charitable nonprofit news organization to Voice of San Diego also receivesfundraising and constituent ser- serve a local community in the vital support through in-kind con-vices. Candland’s company, San country, it is a flattering as well as tributions from local firms. Mind-Diego-based AJW Facilities & Con- mutually beneficial experience when Touch Software has helped Voice of a corporate donor supports his San Diego with its robust website.

19AUGUST 2017 |

20 | AUGUST 2017American Cancer Society and LocalVolunteers Save More Lives From Cancerthrough Annual Relay For Life Event On August 12th, over 900 local residents Funds raised help the American Cancerwill join together at the American Cancer Society provide free information and sup-Society Relay For Life of San Diego Down- port for people facing the disease today,town at Embarcadero Marina Park North and fund cancer research that will helpto raise funds and awareness for a world protect future generations. Thanks to thewithout cancer. The event starts at 9am. generosity of our donors, the Society has invested more than $4.6 billion in research Founded by Dr. Gordy Klatt in Wash- since 1946, and have funded more thanington in 1985, the Relay For Life move- 20,000 scientists at more than 1,000 insti-ment is the world’s largest fundraising tutions nationwide.event to save lives from cancer. Unitingcommunities across the globe, we cele- Take action this year and help makebrate people who have battled cancer, cancer a priority by participating or donat-remember loved ones lost, and take action ing to the Relay For Life of Carlsbad-for lifesaving change. During Relay For Encinitas. Visit events, members of each team take sandiegodowntownca to learn more aboutturns walking or running around the track the event, or contact Kyle Wadstrom ator path. Teams participate in fundraising [email protected] 858-735-in the months leading up to the event. 0529.

21AUGUST 2017 |COP LOG Your police department’s report to the community Hello Mid- driving under the influence, and Staff of the Multi-Cultural Community Relations Organization. It seems there is never a low in City Commu- graffiti or other acts of vandalism activity at Mid-City Division. Dur- nity Members, in progress. Here are a few examples Office. The MCCRO mission the Service Area Lieutenant for the ing the past two months, the “Calls of non-emergencies crimes: bur- expanded, covering the Middle East, 820’s Service Area and her Commu- For Service” for our communities It’s always an glaries where the suspect has left the Arab, and Islamic Communities. nity Relations Officer is Officer have kept us busy. The following exciting time scene, stolen checks or credit cards, Additionally, the MCCRO is located Terry Hoskins; and Lieutenant data was obtained from our Crime serving the stolen identification, loud parties, at 5348 University Avenue, San Romeo De Los Reyes is the Service Analysis Unit. During May 2017, great commu- runaway juveniles, past instances of Diego, California (619-531-1599). Area Lieutenant for the 830’s Service there were a combined 7,253 CFS nities within graffiti or other vandalism, and The MCCRO diverse staff of ten Area and his Community Relations for the entire Mid-City Area. To fur-OFFICER TERRY HOSKINS the Mid-City minors violating curfew. Addition- speak Hmong, Laotian, Vietnamese, Officer is Officer Danny Medina. ther expound on these numbers: Division juris- ally, here are a few other numbers Arabic, and Somali. 2,216 CFS were in the 810’s Servicediction. t has been several months, that may prove to be useful: gang The following communities, Area; 2,708 CFS were in the 820’ssince we first contributed to the related activity (619)531-2847, vio- We published our command staff belong to the respective service Service Area; and 2,329 CFS were inLocal Umbrella Media and it is our lation of traffic laws (858)495-7800, several months ago, and thought we areas: 810 Service Area communities the 830’s Service Area. During Juneintent to provide our communities abatement of abandoned vehicles would publish it again for those are Normal Heights, Burlingame, 2017, there were a combined 7,234with information that may not be (858)495-7856, or prostitution who may have missed it. The Mid- North Park, and Adams North; the CFS for the entire Mid-City Area.well known. This is especially true activity (619)531-2452. City Commanding Officer is Cap- 820 Service Area communities are To further expound on these num-with reporting crimes and suspi- tain Thomas Underwood. There are Rolando, El Cerrito, Redwood Vil- bers: 2,066 CFS were in the 810’scious activities. In June 1987, an Indochinese three service areas, which make up lage, Talmadge, Kensington, Colina Service Area; 2,708 CFS were in the A great source of information can Storefront was established by the the Mid-City Division jurisdiction Park, Chollas Creek, Fox Canyon, 820’s Service Area; and 2,450 CFSbe found at the SDPD website at San Diego Police Department. The and each have their own Lieutenant Islenair, and Rolando Park; and the were in the 830’s Service Storefront was launched, in order and Community Relations Officer: 830 Service Area communities arerevention/community. to better serve the growing South- Lieutenant Benjamin Kelso is Ser- Teralta East, Teralta West, Fair- Please feel free to contact your Crimes and suspicious activities east Asian refugee community arriv- vice Area Lieutenant for the 810’s mount Village, Castle, Azalea/Hol- respective Community Relationsare reported as either emergencies ing to San Diego from the Vietnam Service Area and his Community lywood Park, Swan Canyon, Fair- Officer by email or phone, if youor non-emergencies. Emergencies War. The Department hired Relations Officer is Officer Jenny mount Park, Corridor, and have Police related questions or con-are situations that demand imme- Indochinese Service Officers, who Hall; Lieutenant Laura McLean is Cherokee Point. cerns pertaining to your communi-diate attention and should be were refugees themselves to act as ties: Officer Jenny Hall, (619) 516-reported by calling 911. Non-emer- liaisons. In the late 1990’s and early 3009 or [email protected];gencies and suspicious activities 2000’s, an increase of East African Officer Terry Hoskins, (760) 807-should be reported by calling (619) refugees arrived in San Diego due 9957 or [email protected];531-2000 or (858) 484-3154. If you to conflicts in East African coun- Officer Danny Medina, (619) 516-wish to remain anonymous, you tries. In 2001, the Department hired 3003 or [email protected] request to do so. its first Somali descent African Ser- Here are a few examples of crime vice Officer. Shortly afterwards, in Thank you!emergencies: fights, sexual assaults, an attempt to reach more commu- Terry Hoskinsburglaries or robberies in progress, nity groups, the Storefront wasdomestic violence, flashlight beam appropriately renamed the Multi-in business or home, hit and run, Cultural Community Relations

22 | AUGUST 2017Travel: A Visit to Omaha Beach Our D-Day guide once lived in North ParkAerial view of the American War Cemetery and landing beaches.BY TOM SHESS,NORTH PARK NEWS TRAVEL WRITER We left Paris mid-week, mid- a small river runs though bayou and there are restaurants lining the shores Stained glass from Bayeux cathedral.afternoon from Gard du Nordaboard a stop-at-every-station train the door. While we waited the two nous sommes tellement honorés!” ing and I believed they spoke from because the guide can tailor the tourto Bayeux, a small town in Nor- men came up the aisle behind me. I The man, who spoke English said, the heart. to your interests.mandy located near the iconic turned and smiled. The man nearestOmaha D-Day landing beaches. me smiled “are you here to see the “We’re honored that you are here That moment on the train set the Our guide, Danielle Duboscq, is American beaches?” and Americans are loved in Nor- affectionate and positive tone for native to Normandy and she pro- We had booked two nights at the mandy.” our Normandy tour. We saw each vides excellent historic D-Day inputChurchill Hotel in the center of “Yes, we’re here to see Omaha remarkable site with different eyes. as well as local flavor. She’s quick toBayeux and a daylong tour of the beach. Our fathers came ashore a His sincerity touch me deeply. Certainly eyes that saw the sacrifice point out all the sites in NormandyNormandy area. We had decided to few weeks after D-Day in different Unabashedly, I admit his words of so many WWII allies everywhere worth visiting ( www.normandyy-forego a group tour and instead U.S. Army units.” Of course, I could- teared me up. I nodded several we walked. a local tour guide, who would n’t leave it at that. “My wife’s father times hoping he understood Idrive the three of us in her car from earned a Silver Star in Belgium for meant thank you. At that point, but Thanks to our wonderful tour As no doubt we live in a smallone end of the historic sites around gallantry.” before I took a step to disembark, guide and two friendly Frenchmen world, Danielle Duboscq lived onBayeux. they both offered to shake my hand. aboard a train from Paris, our trip Ray Street in North Park earlier in The man who spoke to me in “Normandy will never forget what to Normandy renewed our pride to her marriage to a San Diego news- On board the arriving train were English turned to the other man and America did,” said one. be Americans. paper reporter, John wife and adult son. Glancing pointed at my wife, “Le père de saaround the rail car I noticed two femme a remporté une médaille d'é- “Toujours merci,” said the other. OUR TOUR GUIDE: If your interests are more focusedmiddle-aged men had come aboard toile d'argent.” What they said — and I could tell If you are going to visit Nor- on the military aspects of D-Day,at Caen (our last stop before it in their eyes — was not chamber mandy, we strongly suggest you hire her son Trevor Standefer, is a Nor-Bayeux). Commuters, no doubt. The second man responded in a of commerce boosterism. They were a personal guide. That is important mandy Beaches Battlefield Guide polite gasp, “Bienvenue à Bayeux, matter-of-fact. It was a chance meet- ( Dressed in suits and shoes thatvery well could have been in style in1944, they read their newspapersand glanced up once each early inthe trip. No doubt our family con-versation was loud (we thoughtbecause of the noisy train), but themen had it right: we were simplyloud Americans. I made a note tospeak more quietly. As the train chugged into Bayeuxstation, my family stood in the aislewaiting for the conductor to open

23AUGUST 2017 |Church in village Ste. Mere Eglise, where a paratrooper got hung up in the steeple and watched the battle surrounding the landing from his perch. He survived.Rroadside monument to 101st Airborne. Although not as numerous as Get-tysburg, there are quite a few monuments around the Normandy beaches.American tourist in the American Cemetery above Omaha Beach. Mike and Tom Shess visiting a modern sculpture, ‘Les Braves,’ on Omaha Beach. It was donated by American families.Cathedral in Bayeux; seemingly every town and village in France has such sized Shell bursts above Omaha beach. The area remains unchanged. A major piece of German artillery would have been on thechurches. cement platform.

24 | AUGUST 2017

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