SErRA MESA CONNECTIONYour Neighborhood Source - Serving local communities, kids & causes throughout Southern Vol.1 No. 11 - August 2017Longtime Resident Gives Back WHAT’S INSIDE? to the Community She Loves By Jeanne Rawdin LANDMARK TRIBUTE FOR NOTABLE SERRA MESA NATURE PRE- SERVER Page 3 HOME OFFICES Page 12V ickie Riggs is a long-time resi- here ever since. We built a second story, View of the Riggs Front Courtyard VOLUNTEER FOR THE dent of Serra Mesa and consid- and landscaped a courtyard in the front RETIRED SENIOR VOL- ers her neighborhood one of the and patio in the back, making this our place. “We’ve had more seniors move UNTEER PATROL best-kept secrets in San Diego. dream home.” in, and young families as well. ButSerra Mesa was built as a track develop- they refresh and improve our neigh- Page 13ment in the 1960s, but throughout the Vickie recalls a particular family borhood and that’s the beauty of it.”years homeowners have customized their memory as one of her favorite experi- CHARLES ALLEN ‘DOC’houses to create, as she puts it, “a sweet ences living in Serra Mesa. “When our Not only does Vickie appreciate her HANNA MEMORIALlittle neighborhood feeling.” Add to that son was a teenager, he ventured down neighborhood, she feels a strong pullthe convenience of easy access to three into the canyon with two of his bud- to give back to the community. For Page 15major freeways, and it puts almost any dies and caught a rattlesnake. Our very starters, she joined the local chap-destination in San Diego only 15 minutes thoughtful neighbor, Dick Jones, shared ter of the League of Women Votersaway. an excellent rattlesnake recipe with us several years ago, and is presently co- when he heard the news. So we had Vice President. “My husband bought this house in the rattlesnake for dinner! Oh boy!”sixties. But being in the Navy, he only Why did you choose to get in-lived in it off and on until we moved back Vickie doesn’t believe Serra Mesa has volved with the League of Womento San Diego in January 1989. We’ve been changed much over the years. She says Voters? it’s still a neighborly and family-oriented I picked the League of Women Vot- ers because of its non-partisan posi- Continued on Page 2 Contact a local Serra Mesa expert to sell your home!
2 | AUGUST 2017Longtime Resident Gives Back to the Community She LovesContinued from page 1 to form a partnership between Jones Elementary The Riggs Home on Anrol Streettion, working intimately to preserve and pro- School and the John Paul Jones Navy ship thatmote our political opportunities. It was founded was homeported in San Diego. I continued as a the creeks near town, we saw a newborn filly justin the 1920s, and it’s worked nonstop to educate volunteer while our son attended junior high and after it was born on our Colorado camping trip,the public about how to be an engaged and high school. But when he became a senior, I took and we even took a trip to Mexico.well-informed citizen. a continuing education class that taught me silver- smithing. Growing up on a farm you learn responsibility; My job has been as a Candidate Forum Chair, everyone has a job. And you really appreciate whatwhere we come in with a team to moderate an I was in love! I found the medium that brought it takes to make a living. You appreciate what youevent where the candidates running for local of- me the greatest joy. I like hands-on art; I create have when you see how much it takes to get there.fice have an opportunity to share their positions stained glass and truly enjoy it. In fact, I did 21and qualifications. The Candidate Forum and stained-glass panels for the Plymouth Congrega- Your husband, Wayne Riggs, is a retired Navyour Sips & Civility events are probably the two tional Church in North Park in 2003. chaplain and a retired pastor of Plymouth Con-most successful ways of reaching the public. gregational Church in North Park. Share a storySips & Civility events are held at the downtown But designing and creating jewelry is like making about the two of you.library where we attract mostly young people miniature sculptures. I love the three-dimensional I proposed to my husband, Wayne, when I waseager to learn how to vet the issues, hear about aspect of jewelry as well. And the beauty of the only six years old. He was 26 and on his way intocurrent topics, and generally how to be a more materials—the textures and colors and layers of the Navy to be a chaplain. He thought it was sweet,educated voter. intricacy that can be created—stirs my soul! but I really meant it. Thirty years later, when we met again, I still felt the same way! It’s amazing We study the issues, including the proposi- In 2001, I attended the Gemological Institute of and wonderful that he fell in love with me, too.tions on the ballot, and we invite both sides to America so my work would be at a professional And now we’ve been married 28 years. Miracles dospeak on the issues in many cases. We never level, not a hobby level. I’m a Graduate Jeweler happen!take a position on a candidate. Gemologist, which means I have bench training as If you’re interested in learning more about Vicki well as a knowledge of gemstones and diamonds. Riggs’ artwork, go to other volunteer causes are you passion-ate about? My tagline is Unique and Dramatic Wearable Art! Forever Yours Pendant from Vickie Riggs Designs That’s what I enjoy the most – finding very unique An organization that I have invested in heav- material to work with and creating pieces that stirily for the last several years is Soroptimist. This your heart, make you smile, or take your breathorganization champions women and girls, sup- away! There is so much out there that you’ll neverporting opportunities to better their education find in a regular jewelry store. I make it my missionand become vibrant, fulfilled women in our to share that with people.communities. What are you most passionate about? The chapter I was in helped form the Doris People. My family, volunteering in meaningfulHowell Foundation. It also supported “Just In ways, and my art. I’m happiest when I see peopleTime” (a San Diego nonprofit that helps foster smile. When I was in college, I asked one of myyouth) in its startup years and helped form favorite professors, “What’s my greatest strength?” Ia coalition of Soroptimist clubs called STAT, was disappointed at the time when he told mewhich stands for Soroptomists Together Against “people.” But now I know it’s true.Trafficking!. It works to prevent girls and Tell us a little bit about your childhood.young women from being coerced into humantrafficking and slavery. Growing up in rural Kansas, I had a lot of free- dom, time to explore the world around me, and a I know you’re a recognized and admired great appreciation for all of Mother Nature. My Girlartist. Please describe your art -- how long Scout troop was quite unusual. We camped out byyou’ve been doing it, why you chose your par-ticular medium, and what you get out of it. Oh boy, this is a fun one! I’ve been passionateabout drawing and painting and creating since Iwas a little girl on a very rural farm in Kansas. Iwas just reflecting recently that this backgroundis probably what gave me such an appreciationfor the natural beauty of the gemstones that Iuse in my jewelry. My college education was in graphic design– knowing that it would be a career that couldearn me a living. As it turned out, I needed thatcareer when I divorced and my son was onlysix months old. I worked for a corporation forthree and a half years before opening my ownadvertising agency. I ran that agency for fiveand a half years until I married and moved toSan Diego. Having the luxury of not needing to create afull-time income, I turned to volunteer work.I became PTA president at our son’s elemen-tary school. I also worked as a parent liaison
3AUGUST 2017 |Landmark tribute for notable Serra Mesa nature preserverS By Tom Leech erra Mesa is blessed with many natural canyons, Mission Village Drive, and the yet-to-be-named trail providing opportunities for residents to take a stroll from the SM Park and Rec Center over to the SM/KM or serious hike into the canyons, thus enjoying Library. They mostly meet on the first Saturday of each nature while adding to personal fitness. Our major month, from 9 a.m. - noon at the specific canyon en-canyon has a familiar name as it’s at the end of Ruffin trance (the July 1 location will be at Taft/Ruffin).Road and located next to Taft Middle School. Serra Mesaenvironmental activists, working with the Sierra Club Volunteers experience rewards by seeing how theirand Council member Donna Frye, saw success in January efforts have significantly enhanced the access, native2003 when the City Council voted to set aside this area as foliage, scenery and enjoyment of our canyons. Fordedicated open space. information check the SM web site. A key player in making that happen and continuing on a dozen more years as leader of the Friends of Ruf- Thank you Bonnie Hough.fin Canyon was Serra Mesa resident Bonnie Hough. TheFriends, working with SD City Park & Rec, took on the Tom Leech is a member of the Friends of Ruffin Can-major role of managing and upgrading this specific can- yon, Board member of SM Community Council, andyon and other natural areas in our community. Bonnie co-author (with Jack Farnan) of Outdoors San Diego:and the Friends partnered with Taft Middle School, wrote Hiking, Biking & Camping.grants, and in 2005 formed the Taft Service Club thatcreated and enhanced the native plant garden right besideTaft. For many years the Friends have organized frequentwork parties at this garden to remove invasive weeds, plantnative plants, and water as needed. Bonnie passed away two years ago and, with the effortsof the Friends and San Diego City Park & Rec., on May 25a plaque honoring her was placed in this Bonnie HoughNative Habitat Garden. You can see the plaque and thekiosk describing the person the Garden is named for andstroll around to enjoy the many plants in bloom rightnow. Looking at Taft from the main road, Gramercy, themarked entry is to the left. The best way is to walk or bikefrom your neighborhood, or alternately there is parking inthe Ruffin Road cul-de-sac, adjacent streets, and on week-ends or after work you can park in the Taft School lot. The Friends invite all to come join their frequent workparties, held right here at Ruffin, at Shawn Canyon off Curious of what your home is worth? For a free consultation call a native Serra Mesan to help you sell your home! Did you know there is now anew Down Payment Assistance Program? Purchase a home now for as little as 0% down! Contact us today: 858.437.3172
10 | AUGUST 2017Muses of The Old Globe September 1 – October 29, 2017E xplore the stories of ex- Globe Theater. Davies has been Wiki Commons Photo by Bernard Gagnon Women’s Museum of California traordinary women who involved with The Old Globe since make up the history of the 1951, acting, writing, archiving, Women, as well as the Globe Board The Women’s Museum of California isOld Globe Theater this fall at the and speaking about the treasured of Directors, Davies has now com- one of 3 brick and mortar museums in theWomen’s Museum of California. theatre since that time. She has bined two areas of interest, con- country which focuses on women’s historyMuses of The Old Globe opens published many articles about San necting stories of women and The and the only one in California. Founded into the public September 1st and Diego, particularly about Balboa Old Globe for this exhibition 1983, our mission is to educate and inspireruns until October 29th at the Park and The Old Globe. Having future generations about the experiencesWomen’s Museum in Liberty Sta- served on the City Advisory Board and contributions of women have madetion. on Women and on the County throughout history. The WMC features a Commission on the Status of variety of changing exhibits and displays on There have been many female women’s history, sponsors workshop andplayers in the history of the Old lecture series, develops and implementsGlobe since its beginning at the educational and cultural events, including1935 California Pacific Interna- art shows, live performances and presenta-tional Exposition including direc- tions; maintains a library, archive & collec-tors, actors, playwrights, crafts- tions.people, and business leaders. Thisexhibit will highlight just some of Exhibit Hours:the women who have performedtheir roles and left their mark Noon – 4:00 PM,at the Globe. Themes of Shake- September 1 – October 29, 2017speare, strong community in-volvement, and artistic adaptation Tickets: $5 General, $3 seniorsare unifying threads and from its and Students, Free for Militarybeginnings, women have played a and Museum Membersstrong role in the Globe’s story. This exhibit is curated by Dar-lene Davies, historian of the Old The Great 1 BUY ONE GET THE WINDOW SECONDWe must sell 500 windows and patio doors by August 21ST, so we’re passing incredible savings on to you! OR PATIO DOOR 50% OFF 5 YEARS NOOR INTEREST* We’re only offering this discount and • America’s Choice: Most trusted, most recognized, most recommended family of window and patio door brands special financing until August 21ST– among homeowners. it will end sooner if we reach our goal ! • Superior Performance: Only Renewal by Andersen uses Fibrex® frame material, which blocks thermal heat transfer nearly 700 times better than aluminum framed windows, is 200% stronger than vinyl, and, unlike wood windows, requires virtually no maintenance. • Unrivaled Design Options: Renewal by Andersen’s Fibrex frames come in a variety of beautiful colors, from white to our popular dark Teratone®. Other window materials will fade, crack or warp in the sun’s heat so they are only available in shades of white. Call to schedule your • RenewalbyAndersen.com858-437-5752FREE Window Diagnosis:1Based on 2016 homeowner brand survey. Andersen family of brands aggregated: Andersen, Renewal by Andersen, Silver Line and American Craftsman. *Valid with the purchase of 4 or more windows. Not valid on previous orders. Valid on initial consultation only. Valid on purchases made on August 1, 2017 or before August 21, 2017. 0% APR for 5 years available to wellqualified buyers on approved credit only. Finance charges will be waived if promo balance is paid in full in 5 years. Renewal by Andersen of San Diego, Inc. Lic. 995160
a casual sit down restaurant with 11AUGUST 2017 | a relaxed atmosphere thbeers. Enjoy a special for each day of the week, and happy hour Monday to Friday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Jo Deeg on her 89 birthdayhe Serra Mesa Village celebrates seniors by honoring those who have proved that life relevant and when one has purpose, anything is pos- T sible. See the photo of long time Serra Mesa Resident Jo Deeg at the Sea World Dolphin Encounter. Congratulations Jo and thanks for leading the way.FREE COFFEE Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. with the purchase of any breakfastitem. MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON. Not valid with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer per visit. Some restrictions may apply. Expires 7/31/2017. 3232 Greyling Drive | | [email protected] Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM Sun 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Argelia Ventura David Granda Laura RoaGeneral Manager Executive Chef Service Manager
12 | AUGUST 2017 Home Offices By Terry O’ReganDID YOU KNOW? SERRA MESA These days, more and more homeowners are working from home. But if your home office isn’t designed for full-time use, accomplishing your work-related goals can be difficult. By planning wisely and up- grading appropriately, you can make your home office a comfortable and motivating environment. Home Offices That Fit Your Lifestyle and Work Habits Home office needs will differ based on work habits and lifestyle. Many homeowners prefer to locate their offices away from loud living spaces. If you need a quiet space, think about converting a upstairs or back bedroom away from the living room or kitchen into a residential office. Parents who need to work while monitoring children may want a more centralized or scalable space. Hiring an professional home stager or designer with expe- rience creating residential office spaces can be invaluable in designing the right space to fit your needs. Custom Desks, Chairs and FurnitureJennifer St.Clair Think of your home office as an investment. Splurging on a custom-built desk and an ergonomic office chair will maximize your productivity and Broker/Owner minimize stress, joint pain and poor posture. A finish carpenter or handy- man can deliver custom amenities such as bookshelves that are perfect for CA bre# 01856341 one of the most productive areas of your home.Jennifer was born in to Real Estate Design a Home Office Environment for Visitorsand when she was 11 years old she Pay special attention to the looks of your home office. If you can, com- started delivering flyers door to fortable plush chairs or a mini couch. If you keep your work area neat and door to help her REALTOR® Mom. you have the room, you may be able to create your own conference areaJennifer has always had an interest with the addition of an extra table. It’s nice to have a dedicated bathroom in in Real Estate and at 18 years old your office. If installing a new bathroom isn’t affordable, consider designat- took her first foreclosure seminar ing one of your family bathrooms for office use. after graduating from college at University of Tennessee with a Wiring and Communication Needs degree in Finance. It usually makes sense to have at least one separate phone line exclusivelyCustomer Service focused, Jennifer for your office. If you use the Internet, fax machine or email extensively, additional lines are a good idea. A separate business line allows you to have truly understands buyers and a professional voicemail or answering machine message. It also gives yousellers’ wants and needs allowing the option of using call forwarding if you occasionally work from another location. A designated business line also makes it easier to keep youngsters her to anticipate and deliver from intercepting your important business calls. And at the end of the whatever is necessary for her day, you can leave the business line to the answering machine or voicemail clients to accomplish their goals without missing calls from friends and family.and dreams. Her integrity, honesty, and responsiveness are what Another common issue with home offices is electrical power. Copiers, keep her clients coming back and laser printers and computers use a lot of electricity. Check with an elec- referring their friends, families, trician about adding a couple of circuits so that you don’t have to worry about tripping the circuit breaker every time you make a photocopy. Hire a and co-workers. qualified electrician to make any changes to your home’s wiring. A pro will Jennifer has personal experience ensure any upgrades are safe and designed to handle your day-to-day use. buying foreclosed homes at Don’t Forget Home Office Ground Rules auction, fixing, and re-selling them for a profit. Jennifer andher team,St.Clair Homes & Estatesspecialize in representing listings,investor clients, first time buyers, VA military buyers, and move up/ move down sellers. Jennifer’s clients will tell you, without exception, what sets her apart is her integrity, high energy, responsiveness, honesty, experience, knowledge, and her keen negotiating skills. 858-405-8525 direct It’s important to establish ground rules for your home office. Set work hours, install dedicated phone lines and keep extra clutter out of your office. Also, make sure your work computer isn’t open to family use. [email protected] and other entertainment software can slow your computer and make it dif- ficult to finish projects.
13AUGUST 2017 | RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PATROL EASTERN DIVISION SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT Since 1993, the RSVP has be- come a VERY important part of the San Diego Police Department in partnership with the commu- nity. The RSVP’s at SDPD Eastern Division are reaching out to the Kearny Mesa and Serra Mesa communities for volunteers. The RSVP are uniformed volunteers who provide an additional re- source to our police department by performing non-confronta- tional, non-criminal duties for the purpose of freeing our police officers to focus on their more serious duties that they havebeen trained to do. We are your neighbors who patrol our communities inmarked, white cars. The RSVP are trained to perform many police related duties such ashome security checks when neighbors are on vacation, checking on thewelfare of our homebound seniors patrolling our school areas, enforcingdisabled parking enforcement, participating in Homeland Security assign-ments, searching for stolen vehicles, and assisting detectives by conductingwitness checks You too can become a part of this neighborhood safety and crime preven-tion organization. You need only to be at least 50 years of age and be free tocommit a minimum of three and a half days per month of your time andattend a 40 hour Police Academy. If you are interested in this community service, or want more informa-tion, please call us at 858-495-7990.
14 | AUGUST 2017 We Are Preventive Dentistry Dedicated • Home care education/ to Providing hygiene re-care program • Night Guard Healthy • Athletic GuardsTeeth and Gums Cosmetic Dentistry for Life! • Smile Design • Bonding • Teeth Whitening • Veneers • Additional ServicesNew Patients Joanne C. Vargas-Velasco, DMD, DC Restorative Dentistry are Always • Periodontal (Gum) Therapy Welcome! Office: (858) 292-1155 • Composite/Resin Fillings Fax: (858) 292-1177 • Inlays/onlays • Crowns/Bridges [email protected] • Implant Restoration
CHARLES ALLEN ‘DOC’ 15AUGUST 2017 | HANNA MEMORIAL Notes from the Friends of Ruffin Canyon Memorial Saturday September 9, 2017, San Diego • First Saturday Cleanup September 2 at Taft Middle School 9:00 – 12:00 • Coastal Cleanup September 16th at lower baseball fields at Serra Mesa Rec Center 9:00 – 12:00 • November fire left burned palm trees on Sandrock – they have been cut down Please join the Serra Mesa neighborhood and family at the Beat 311 crime stats, July 2017 Casa Machado restaurant on Saturday 9/9/17 from 11:30 -1:30 for this amazing man and family. There will be sharing of 46 crime case numbers were assigned in July 2017. Not all were stories and great memories of our neighborhood Doctor and for actual crimes (i.e. death report, attempt suicide, etc.) and I friend Charles Hanna. May he rest in peace. do not include domestic violence information in crime stats. St Columba Here is highlights of statistics: Catholic School •••••••• VPACRRCAeaoaeotuttnrsmbtetiodPbydmmraTeeToplhernhiwistreteecmiRlfsfai-ta-et6--l0-43lsB9iB,du0uerrgwngltealiarareryly-Bm1-2uortgolarcryyc-0les Now Enrolling ••cAeaxsssCeasrui)mlt-e0-3 (No outstanding suspect in these Officers made a total of 21 physical arrests and issued 37 traffic St. Columba School is located in the quiet neighborhood of citations in June. There were 5 reported vehicle collisions. WeSerra Mesa. The school is proud to offer a well-rounded faith- do not take police reports for non-injury accidents unless theybased education with a variety of extra-curricular activities are hit and run.from Preschool – 8th grade. The charisma of the school hasalways been a family-friendly community that is dedicated to 20 | JUNE 2017its students. Expires 04/30/17 St. Columba is beginning its 55th year of being establishedand has a lot to celebrate. This is a school that has a rich his- 619-535-9620tory of producing students who have gone forward and be-come successful and productive citizens. We are especiallyproud of the many alumni who have continued to practicegood Catholic Stewardship. St. Columba welcomes new fami-lies into its community and is proud to share all it has to offerin Catholic Education. We welcome you to come and visit the school to see foryourself all that St. Columba has to offer. To schedule a tour,please call the school office at (858) 279-1882.
22 | AUGUST 2017 Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa Branch Library August/September Library Events & Programs September 7, 2:30 p.m. Coloring Club for Adults. Find out why coloring for adults is the latest & greatest way to de-stress! Come and spend an hour of stress relieving, mindful, and calm creative expression. Supplies are provided! September 12, 5:00 p.m. Friends of the Library Meeting. Join members of your community to discuss ways to support the library. September 12, 6:45 p.m. Serra Mesa Library Book Club. Join members of your community to discuss Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo. September 14, 2:30 p.m. Employment Workshop: Resume Writing Workshop. Make sure your Resume stands out! Get the latest tips and techniques to wow employers with an organized, effective and winning resume. Open to all, especially military families. Offered by the Fleet and Family Support Center. Children Programs Kids Night with Hopscotch Tiny Tots – Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. Join Miss Kim for music, stories, arts and crafts in a program which is ideal for toddlers and preschoolers. Friday Morning Storytime – Fridays, 10:00 a.m. Join Ms. Carrie and Ms. Sandy every Friday morning for stories, songs, and fun!All San Diego Public Library Locations will be Closed August 17, 24, & 31, 10:00 a.m. Music Time for Kids with Cowboy Bob. Comeon Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor dance with Cowboy Bob as he introduces music and instruments in a showDay. appropriate for all ages. August 21, 10:30 a.m. Yoga Storytime for Kids. Toddlers will hear stories andAdult Programs songs while learning yoga poses.Art Exhibits – The Friends of the Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa Branch Library present August 23, 12:00 p.m. Baby/Toddler Explore Time. Come let your baby oran exhibit of artwork by the Associated Fine Artists in the Community Room and 21 toddler learn about the world by exploring. Little ones are able to make noise, play,California Missions by Rachel Evans in the display cases. and meet new friends. This is a loosely structured, baby-led program of play, music, art, stories, songs and more. For babies and toddlers 0-2 years.eReader/Tech Clinic – Saturdays and Sundays, 2:00 p.m. (except September 9) August 19, 2:00 p.m. Sally Ride Science: Solar Eclipse Workshop. Get readyLearn how to download library eBooks to your eReader or computer. Quick tips & for the ‘Great American’ solar eclipse on August 21. Find out the science behindhelpful hints to get the most out of your downloads. Bring your own eReader, tablet, this awe-inspiring event with a family-friendly workshop. Registration required.or laptop for hands on learning. August 26, 2:00 p.m. Sally Ride Science: Slimy Sea Creatures. In this hands-onKnitting Circle – Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. Join the knitting circle. Improve your skills class students will learn about slimy sea creatures like octopuses and sea this traditional art form. Program is for students 6th-8th grade. Registration required. for a Free Computer!! Computers 2 SD Kids at the Serra Mesa-Kearny August 28, 10:30 a.m. Preschool Craft. Join us for a fun, easy-to-make children’sMesa Library – Classes on August 26, 10:00 a.m. craft.The San Diego Public Library and Computers 2 SD Kids are teaming up to provide September 1, 4:00 p.m. STEAM2 Academy: Exploring the Five Senses. Learncomputers for families with children. Volunteers will guide you through an all about the five senses; taste, sight, touch, smell, and hearing with hands onintroductory computer class at the library. Attendance at this class is required experiments. This program is geared toward kids ages 4-8.before you can receive a computer. Computers 2 SD Kids will give you a Technology September 6, 4:00 p.m. LEGO Builder Club. Join us to build Lego creations thatAssistance Program application. They will review it and notify you whether you will be displayed in the library.qualify based on your verified income. Sign-up at the Serra Mesa-Kearny Mesa September 11, 10:30 a.m. Preschool Craft. Join us for a fun, easy-to-makeBranch Library or call 858-573-1396 starting on the 1st of each month. children’s craft. September 13, 12:00 p.m. Baby/Toddler Explore Time. Come let your baby orAugust 17, 3:00 p.m. Serra Mesa Village Meeting. Join members of your toddler learn about the world by exploring. Little ones are able to make noise, play,community for presentations on healthy lifestyles for older adults. and meet new friends. This is a loosely structured, baby-led program of play, music, art, stories, songs and more. For babies and toddlers 0-2 years.August 23, 6:30 p.m. Serra Mesa Community Council. A meeting to provide September 14, 10:00 a.m. Music Time for Kids with Cowboy Bob. Come danceinformation and act as a forum for identifying and solving community problems. with Cowboy Bob as he introduces music and instruments in a show appropriate for all ages.August 25, 1:00 p.m. Metro Career Workshop: Finding Hidden Jobs. Thisworkshop shows you the best search strategies for tapping into the hidden jobmarket. Offered by the Metro Career Center.August 27, 1:30 p.m. San Diego Folk Song Society. Join the folk song circle andenjoy free, live music.August 28, 1:30 p.m. OASIS Monday at the Library: Great Castles in EnglandEnjoy a “virtual travelogue” of several castles throughout England (both famous,and lesser known) that spans the history of medieval castle building, and gives anunderstanding of the architecture, military significance, and cultural value of castlesfrom the 9th century to the 15th century.
23AUGUST 2017 |
“St.Clair Sells Serra Mesa” We serve ALL San Diego countyAsk us about our Love it or List it for free guarantee Ranked in the Top 5% Our raving fans say it best! in San Diego county! \"Working with St.Clair Homes & Estates toAs heard on KCBQ and purchase my 1st home was an outstanding experi- KOGO radio ence. Thanks to the extraordinary professionalism and indispensable expertise of Terry and the St.Clair team - we closed a month later! My case involved several potential deal breakers includ- ing: a unique offer structure; a multiple offer situation; an appraisal issue; and an aggressive closing schedule; all of which they handled effortlessly. I would highly recommend Terry & Jennifer to all serious buyers who appreciate flawless service and peerless professionalism.\"Recently Sold in Serra MesaFull Address TotBds EstSF TotB YrBlt DOMLS ListPrice Sold Price Lst Date COEDate3575 Ruffin Rd 204 2 788 1 1975 3 $257,500 - $265,000 $265,000.00 6/2/2017 7/17/20179149 Village Glen Dr 186 3 1096 2 1980 0 $350,000.00 $350,000.00 5/29/2017 7/26/20177728 Nightingale Way 2 1200 3 1974 7 $359,000 - $379,000 $381,000.00 6/2/2017 7/10/20177716 Nightingale Way 2 1278 3 1974 21 $390,000.00 $390,000.00 5/4/2017 7/5/20173587 Ruffin Rd 119 4 1309 2 1975 6 $374,999 - $399,999 $407,500.00 6/22/2017 7/31/20177754 Nightingale Way 4 1454 3 1974 6 $425,000.00 $450,000.00 6/9/2017 7/13/20175950 Mission Center Road B 2 1440 3 1986 16 $495,000 - $519,000 $499,000.00 6/8/2017 7/21/20178662 Glenhaven Street 3 1381 2 1960 13 $525,000.00 $525,000.00 5/3/2017 7/5/20174908 Juneberry Ct 2 1695 3 2005 0 $529,000.00 $534,000.00 6/23/2017 7/7/20172566 Melbourne 3 1108 2 1960 7 $525,000 - $550,000 $560,000.00 6/1/2017 7/3/20172878 Amulet Street 3 1277 2 1959 0 $550,000 - $569,000 $550,000.00 6/9/2017 7/13/20173262 Towser 3 1200 2 1958 19 $575,000.00 $575,000.00 6/8/2017 7/5/20178902 Gramercy Dr 4 1152 2 1958 3 $545,000 - $575,000 $575,000.00 6/2/2017 7/10/20179144 Hector Avenue 3 1853 2 1970 21 $549,000 - $575,000 $510,000.00 6/10/2017 7/12/20178622 Pinecrest Ave 4 1356 2 1956 6 $575,000.00 $575,000.00 6/15/2017 7/18/20172290 Salisbury 4 1700 3 1961 9 $589,000.00 $602,500.00 4/6/2017 7/12/20173133 Mobley 3 1080 2 1958 6 $599,000 - $619,000 $619,000.00 6/23/2017 7/25/20179667 Stonecrest blvd 3 1307 3 1998 6 $624,000.00 $618,000.00 6/8/2017 7/19/20178811 Sovereign Rd 4 1900 3 1959 10 $644,900.00 $644,900.00 6/10/2017 7/18/20172887 W Canyon Ave 3 1514 3 1999 11 $659,900 - $679,900 $675,000.00 6/1/2017 7/13/20178432 Royce Ct 4 1700 3 1961 10 $699,000.00 $688,058.00 6/15/2017 7/14/20178713 Encino Avenue 4 1700 2 1961 4 $649,000 - $759,000 $693,000.00 6/1/2017 7/13/20172760 W Canyon Ave 5 2915 3 2000 3 $815,000.00 $805,000.00 5/17/2017 7/17/20172626 West Canyon Ave 5 2677 3 2000 11 $825,000.00 $814,067.00 5/23/2017 7/7/2017 Jennifer St.Clair Broker/Owner B.S. Finance, Certified Negotiation Expert® [email protected] 858-405-8525 direct CA bre#01856341 Terry O’Regan REALTOR® [email protected] CA BRE #01254073 858-437-3172 directData from public records and represents properties listed or sold by various brokers. If your property is currently listed this is not meant as a solicitation.
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