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Home Explore Bruce McLean - October 15 newsletter new 2015 new one 29-9-15

Bruce McLean - October 15 newsletter new 2015 new one 29-9-15

Published by info, 2016-06-20 07:35:18

Description: Bruce McLean - October 15 newsletter new 2015 new one 29-9-15


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Solitude, by Joy Richards

Club ContactsExecutive:President: Maree Peter 5224166 [email protected] President: Tony Entwistle 5444565 [email protected]: Bruce McLean 5480066 [email protected]: Ray Day 5441245 [email protected] Editor and Webmaster: Graham Carter 07 8551833 [email protected] 021 02600437CommitteeRichard Breakspear 5419050 [email protected] Lawler 5489753 [email protected] Williams 5445996 [email protected] Jemson 7443123 [email protected] Richards 0274349165 [email protected] Stevenson 5469632 [email protected] and Greet New Members Ray Day and Pete LawlerFishing trips James Macdonald [email protected] 03 5403520Fly Tying Convenor no appointmentClub Librarian Cameron Reid 547 1197 [email protected] Master Richard Boyden 544 8028 [email protected] Sponsorship & Newsletter Advertising Ray DayClub Speakers: Committee membersClub Night Tea/Coffee: Maree PeterNewsletter Distribution: Brian Richards [email protected] 0274349165Life Members: 2007 John Willis 2012 Graham CarterPast Presidents: 06-08 Lester Higgins 08-09 Ross Walker04-06 Richard Boyden 11-13 Ray Day 13-15 Tony Entwistle09-11 Dennis Ealam THE NELSON TROUT FISHING CLUBMeets once a month at: Fish and Game Offices, 66 Champion Road, Richmond. Normally the 3rd Wednesday of the month 7.00pm. Please phone 5224166 if unsure. Any views or opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the committee, club or editor.

President’s FlylineThis is my first report as President so bear with me while I feel my way into thisnew roll. I do believe the club does needs a leader to guide the group into thenext two years of whatever it might bring, so with no-one else looking keen onthe job I have put my hand up to take the reins, (you all might regret letting medo this). Now I would not take on this roll if I did not know I had the support fromall the club members.I have only been trout fishing for three years so am classed as a novice comparedto a few of our long term members, I will be looking towards our moreexperienced members for their help and guidance over the next two years.Now a little bit about me.My husband Andrew and I live at Kohatu, we have a mixed family of his and hers,we are proud grandparents to 4 grandies, 1 girl and 3 boys, 2 of the boys arealready keen on fishing and they are only 3 and 2 so hopefully Gran can teachthem the art of fly fishing when she learns it herself.As I write this report we are on count down for our 5th grandchild to be born inMelbourne on about the 5th October, from my eldest daughter and her Englishhusband, not sure what you call an Aussie out of a Kiwi and a Pom. Something toponder on, watch this space for an update.Andrew and I also own an automotive garage in Brightwater - Ellis Street AutoRepairs, where you will find us Monday to Friday from generally 7.30am to about5.30pm ish we have had the garage for 8 years and have 4 qualified mechanicsand one part time office lady. And a little museum with automotive memorabiliaand some house hold bits too, so if you are ever passing when we are open feelfree to drop in and take a step back in time.Well the season has started now and you all should have been out and got yourlines in the water. Hopefully caught that first trout of the season, maybe somewill be entered in the best condition fish competition if you are not in you cannotwin. Richard is looking forward to ALL the entries this year.The last year we did not have a great selection of fish entered for the bestcondition fish and I am sure there were a lot more fish that could have beenentered. If you had just measured and weighed or taken a photo! So let’s see ifwe can have a good lot of entries this year. And there has to be some people thatspin fish so let’s see a few entries for the heaviest fish caught on a spinning rod.We just need the weight and a photo of said fish please.We have held our annual Casting Clinic at Garin on the 6th Sept which was wellattended by about 25 people and 12 club members. I don’t think we have everrun out of rods before, so it was a good day, apart from the weekly ‘Getting myName and the time wrong’. Just goes to prove you should always get the

article sent through and you should proof read. Everyone was heading for thecoffee shop for a hot drink at the end.The Rise Fly fishing Film festival was amazing, this was my first time attendingand I was highly impressed with the quality of fish and scenery that was on thefilm. And a good selection of out-door language too. No time for sleeping throughthat one for me, unlike some I can mention. I would like to thank Stefano for hiskind offer of free pizzas for all that attended the festive, when we finally got thetiming sorted out it all ran smoothly. So if you are ever heading to the moviesaround tea time it is always good to return the favour and have tea there too.We had Rhys Barrier talk at out September meeting as the new manager of Fishand Game for the Nelson region. His talk was very interesting - see report forfurther info.We have a good selection of speakers lined up for the coming year, but if anyclub members would like to hear a speaker on a certain subject please mention itat a monthly meeting and we 'll see about finding a suitable speaker.We have had a suggestion about the Nelson Search and Rescue Organisationgiving us a talk as we have donated some money for the new winch, we areplanning on them coming to our October meeting that will be well worthattending. So any suggestions on speakers or theme nights will be welcome andtaken in to consideration at our committee meetings.James MacDonald has some Club trips in the wings so we will wait and see whathe has to offer the club members in the near future.I am always approachable if you have anything that you feel I need to know ordiscuss. I might not reply straight away, I like to ponder and gather the right infobefore I reply sometimes.That is all from you gorgeous leader for this month. Wishing you all tight lines inthe water - (not from a snag).Maree PeterPresidentCover Photo: by Joy Richards FOR SALEJS Sharpe (English); Scotty split cane rod in good condition; HardyBrothers Trout Reel Perfect 3-7/8 in good condition;One tin of wet flies; Two tins assorted flies. Phone Hank on 03544399

5Fly Casting ClinicThe 2015 Annual Nelson Trout Club Fly Casting Clinic was held on Sunday the 6thof September. The day turned out to be a bitter cold tricky windy day and ofcourse the Annual fly casting schooling was held at Garin College , Richmond.Our main instructor for the day was Ex- President Tony Entwistle with ClubMembers assisting him.Even as cold as it was Tony was determined to show a record numbers of visitorsand old club members the real art of Tony`s fly casting methods and skills for themaximum performances.Tony suggested we all line up on the rugby field with the wind behind us and hewent through a step by step fly casting instruction.This included : best position for hand on the rod, best rod casting arc to use,what to do with your other hand holding the flyline and finally laying out the linestraight in front of you.The facial expressions on the visitors told the story Tony was getting his messageacross. 6


After each step club members Don Clemenson, Cameron Reid, Brian Richards, ournew President Maree Peter, Ray Day and few other Club members were helpingeach new beginner, with the Tony casting method and by watching you could seereal progress being made with each beginner.Looking around the rugby field it was great to see each group of beginners andtheir instructor applying the casting skills and techniques to continue trying toimprove.The message from the instructors “keep practising you will get it right soon.”At the end of the day a few of beginners were really keen to join the club and afew of the old members who had left the club were thinking of returning also.The Nelson Trout Fishing Club wish to thank all club members who helped out onthe day and a special thank you to Tony Entwistle for his expert teachingmethods.Note: On September 27th the next step of the clinic will be held with a castingskills practice on the Waimea River. Hope you can make it, but not the bittercold tricky wind.How to Catch a Trophy FishA picture may be worth a thousand words, but to mount a memorable trophyfish says a lot more. However not all of us are able to or even interested in sucha fish, all we like to do is enjoy our sport, the comradeship and the outdoors.But for some to mount a trophy fish although quite expensive will never look dullbecause the light was bad or be ruined by your fishing mate who cropped off thetail when he took the photo.For every fish caught and entered into a club competition there is usually abenchmark length or weight that is recognized by Club that designates that yourentry is deserving of the Trophy for that particular fish and where it was caught.But a trophy fish doesn’t have to be the biggest fish, for some regions, rivers andstreams its not about size.The circumstances and the story behind every fish is always worthy of an entryinto your Club’s trophy records, if not for yourself, then at least for theyoungsters coming through that want to aspire to greater fish.It is also about participation. You belong to a club for many reasons, and one ofthose should be to participate in club events including the registraion of fishcaught. If the fish is caught somewhere that you don’t want to advertise that’sfine, you don’t need to name the river or place. But at least have the courtesy ofjoining in.In some cases, fish caught by certain methods or under certain conditions mayalso earn other special category awards.So make this the year, the year that you will at least attempt to enter your fishinto the Club’s competitions, at least so others can admire your participation. 8

THE ON RIVER CASTING INSTRUCTIONSunday, the 27nd September was the day that the club held its annual on rivercasting tuition aimed for those who attended the casting lessions held at GarinCollage the previous weekend.There was a strong attendance of mostly non club persons both female and male.These people had taken advantage of the free lessions at Garin where our pastpresident Tony used his skill as a teacher and fishing guide to pass on the basicsof casting a fly rod.The on river day was a chance to expand on the techniques in a real fishingenvironment as there was a nice trout in the section of river chosen for the day(It soon decided that under the willows out of sight was the best place to be).As can be see in the photos there was a long line of casters in the river whichTony and other club members moved along giving advice to individuals asrequired.Some were more advanced than others but all were more knowledgeable at theend of the morning.Then it was time to light the BBQ, cook the patties and sausages, wrap them in abun, stand around telling lies about how good you are at casting along with allthe other fishing skills and generally have a great social time mixing with likeminded people.By the way we made a lot of new friends and the club has some more members.

Above: on river casting clinic The tail by David Scranney

BRAG PAGETop left: Great colours by David Scranney; top right: Just a Blush by DavidScranney; mid left: Look there is a fish down there by Ray Day; mid right:The Aussie dose not like sand flies by Ray Day; bottom: Slow drift by DavidScranney. 11

Brown Beetles bound to bug Brownsby Ben HopeComing up in November if we get warm nights is a great time for dry fly fishing. Irefer to the brown beetle hatch about November and early December.Many years ago I first encountered the brown beetle “hatch” on the RuamahungaRiver and by a big willow tree overhanging a pool, I found several fish risingsteadily. I tried and tried with little dry flies and little wet flies butto frustrating failure.But then I fluked a fine 2 kg rainbow. Back home I gutted it and found it full ofbrown beetles.I went back next twilight with a fat-bodied Coch-y-bondhu dry fly and caughtthree fine rainbows. Those were the days when you tended to kill all fish.The three trout stomachs were full of brown beetle.Adult brown beetle fly from mostly November and December at dusk much tothe annoyance of gardeners as they can strip fruit trees of leaves in a few nights.Gardeners, orchardists and pastoral farmers may hate them, but trout love them.Inevitably a good few beetles drop onto the water of streams and rivers.Trout settle into a steady feeding rhythm. And very big trout like them too.The brown beetle flight is brief - half an hour or perhaps three quarters of anhour.It’s important to have a chunky bodied fly such as the Humpy, a superb brownbeetle imitation.You can tie your own beetle imitations from deer hair, clipping the body to thebeetle shape. Try a foam body with a beetle back of brown raffia and a hook sizeabout a 12.For brown beetle dusk fishing, I use a floating line weight 5, a leader of aboutthree to four metres and I position myself on the eastern bank facing the glow inthe western sky which allows you to see rises.In the fading light you don't see your fly on the water but you know roughlywhere it is. Cast above the rise, watch and if a fish rises about where your flyshould be, pause \"one-two-three\" then tighten.The brown beetle hatchappeals to big trout and I’vebeen busted sometimes.Over the years, I’ve foundthe brown beetle rise isuniversal. The Ruamahunga,Tukituki, Mangatainoka,Wairau, Motueka andCanterbury’s The Styx, toname a few.

Annual Kids Fishing Ponds - 2015/16 seasonThe first of October has started the new fishing season and hopefully each ClubFisherman and Fisherwoman were successful.Now we need to focus a little on the young boys and girls of the Nelson Regionplus the special needs children. Last season children at the fish ponds enjoyedcatching a trout with all most 99.0 % landing a fish on the day .Sport Fishing for Youth Trust have just ordered the new season rainbow troutfrom the Christchurch hatchery and we have the funds to purchases a greateramount -so its all go.The Trust have set the days and times and here they are:First - Day times 8am to 12 pm and Evenings 5:30 to 7:30 pm (this is first for theTrust) 8 November Sunday Morning 15 November Sunday Morning 24 November Tuesday Evening 2 December Wednesday Evening 13 December Sunday MorningAfter these dates the fishing ponds will be open to families until the end ofFebruary.NOW!! The Trust is reaching out to Club Members to help on the the days andevenings - old Club Members and new Club Members. We need as many aspossible because lots of kids and each get only one hour to fish.Club Members are expected to show each child how to catch a fish and still havefun (rain or shine days ).Who knows maybe the boy or girl will take up freshwater fishing for life .Our thanks to all volunteer helper .PLEASE call or e-mail Richard Boyden if you want to help - Phone 5448028 [email protected] TROPHIES – TO BE SOLDThe new season has started and once again the Trophy Presentation Organizer isasking Club Members to take a Fish Registration Form with them while goingfishing and to use them.The Committee want the largest fish in all sections to be the final winners forone or two of the 15 Trophies.The Fish Registration Forms can be provided by Richard Boyden or forms are inthe Club Book Cabinet or available to print off from our Website.NOW !! We are not planning on selling the trophies but they are collecting dust insomeone house or they could go to a happy Honest Club Member.The Old saying for Older People “USE IT OR LOOSE IT”Lets be active mates 13

Above: Keen young fishers from last years open days and below: the enthusiamon the young faces is very infectious.

A FATHER’S ADVICE TO Bird may fly or beast may run,HIS SON Let this maxim e’er be thine: Follow not across the line.By: Commander MarkBeaufoy Stops and beaters oft unseen Lurk behind some leafy screen;If a sportsman true you’d be, Calm and steady always be:Listen carefully to me. Never shoot where you can’t see.Never, never let your gunPointed be at anyone; Keep your place and silent be:That it may unloaded be Game can hear and game can see;Matters not the least to me. Don’t be greedy, better spared Is a pheasant than one shared.When a hedge or fence you cross,Though of time it cause a loss, You may kill or you may miss,From the gun your cartridge take But at all times think of this:For the greater safety’s sake. All the pheasants ever bredIf ’twix you and neighbouring gun Won’t repay for one man dead. 15

A RETIREE'S LAST TRIP TO COUNTDOWNYesterday I was at my local Countdown buying a large bag of Purina dog food formy loyal pet, Jake, the Wonder Dog.As I stood in the check-out line, the woman behind me asked if I had a dog.When I heard her say that, I wondered: 'what does she think I have: an elephant?'So because I'm retired and have little to do, on impulse I told her that no, I didn'thave a dog, and that I was starting the Purina Diet again. I added that I probablyshouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time; but, that I'd lost 50pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out ofmost of my orifices and IVs in both arms.I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet - and that the way that it worksis: you load your pants pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or twoevery time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works welland I was going to try it again.(I have to mention here that practically everyone in check out line now seemedto be enthralled with my story.)Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog foodpoisoned me.I replied, \"No. I stopped to pee on a Fire Hydrant and a car hit me.\"I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack because he waslaughing so hard.Countdown won't let me shop there anymore.Better watch what you ask retired people. They have all the time in the world tothink up crazy things to say.A lonely widow, age 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She putan ad in the local paper that read:Husband wanted:Must be in my age group (70's),Must not beat me, must not run around on meMust still be good in bed!!!!!All applicants please apply in person.On the second day, she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay, she opened thedoor to see a Grey-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms orlegs.The old woman said, 'You're not really asking me to consider you, are you? Justlook at have no legs!The old man smiled, 'Therefore, I cannot run around on you!'She snorted. 'You don't have any arms either!'Again, the old man smiled, 'Therefore, I can never beat you!'She raised an eyebrow and asked intently, 'Are you still good in bed???'The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said,'Rang the doorbell didn't I?' 16

CLUB INFORMATIONFly Tying Nights: Club Subscriptions:Every first Tuesday of the month Family - $40/$50 with or withoutMembers who are interested in fly hardcopy newslettertying or learning to tie flies arewelcome to come along to the Fish and Adult - $40.00 with or withoutGame Clubrooms and get in some hardcopy newsletterpractice. Junior (13-16) freeChange of Address Out of District - $20.00Please let the secretary know any published NB: Club year runs from 1 July tochanges to your postal or email 30 June at 7.30 pmaddresses phone number, so you willcontinue to receive the newsletter. Magazine Articles and Photos All articles and photos will beClub Library and need to be to the editor by theThere is a Club Library which is second Sunday of every month. Itemsavailable on Club Meeting nights. can be emailed toIt holds a range of good books and [email protected] covering fly tying to fly fishingtechniques. To borrow from the library Advertisingis free to all members. All advertising enquiries or suggestions should be forwarded toIdeas for Club Nights or Trips the Treasurer.If you have any suggestions for speakersor other activities for Club Nights Trophy Application Formscontact a committee member. Application Forms are available from the Trophy Convener or on theAll Sub payments received before 12pm Club Website.30th September will go in the drawto have a free fishing licence. Club Merchandise For Sale( paid for by the club) Car Transfers $3.00 Club Badges $10.00 See the Treasurer at MeetingsUseful links about the river flows in the Upper South Island. 17

All mechanical Repairs All service by qualified Technicians New tyres W.O.F for cars, trailers, motorbikes, tractors, dumpers Restoration work undertaken - Courtesy car available Also selling Retro Tin Signs Ellis Street Auto Repairs104A Ellis Street Brightwater 03 5424035

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