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Home Explore When is the right time to buy a business

When is the right time to buy a business

Published by benchmarkbizau, 2015-04-16 00:48:17

Description: I tell my buyers …the time is right if the business is right for them… there is no right or wrong time. Quality businesses will be bought and sold no matter what the economic situation… because there are not that many options around, How can you make a living if you don’t want to work for a boss?

Keywords: Australian Businesses for Sale, Brisbane Business for Sale, Business Brokers Australia, Business Valuers, Businesses for Sale Australia, Cafe for Sale, Childcare Business for Sale, Concrete Truck Business for Sale


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When is the right time to buy a business? BY

How’s this………………….“…………………….buyers often ask me, “is it a good time to buya business in this market at the present time”? ?I tell my buyers …the time is right if the business is right forthem… there is no right or wrong time. Quality businesses willbe bought and sold no matter what the economic situation…because there are not that many options around, How canyou make a living if you don’t want to work for a boss? Mostof us cannot live off an interest return of 5% on a say a$million dollars sat in a savings account these days. – So theneed to earn income cannot be ignored.Contact Info:Broker Support Centre, Suite 104, Bermuda Point, 20 Lake Orr Drive. Varsity Lakes, QLD 4227Australia

“Sellers ask me is it a good time to sell their businesses? “ Itell them from my experience over the last 9 years in sellingmany diverse General Businesses, through various economictimes, that the right time to sell is when it is timely for themto sell…that means having their business properly preparedfor sale as “Victory loves preparation” … Russell Crowe saidthat in the Gladiator after beating all his rivals in battle!Selling when it’s timely for the seller is not always possible, aslife is a game of chance and the tides can changeunexpectedly any time in a life cycle. – So the best businessowners are always prepared to sell – then they will be able tosell when it suits them best.Contact Info:Broker Support Centre, Suite 104, Bermuda Point, 20 Lake Orr Drive. Varsity Lakes, QLD 4227Australia

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