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Published by USA Pulses, 2018-06-27 22:34:17



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2014 USADPLCANNUAL REPORTUSA Dry Pea & Lentil Council USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 1 2780 W. Pullman Road Moscow, Idaho 83843 Phone : 208-882-3023 Fax: 208-882-6406

2014 ANNUAL REPORTUSADPLC CEO, Tim McGreevyDear APA Members:The USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council (USADPLC)provides this Annual Report to describe theactivities and accomplishments funded in the 2014calendar year.The past year was filled with challenges, engaged in the committees organizing IYOPopportunities and accomplishments. The following activities. IYOP provides a unique opportunityis a brief look at the highlights of 2014: to define pulse crops as the food of the future.• Farm Bill- On February 7, 2014, President • Exports- U.S. exports of dry peas, lentils and chickpeas reached a new record totaling over Obama signed into law the Agriculture Act of $468 million in Marketing Year 13-14. 2014. The law authorized funding for the Pulse • New Products- General Mills launched Crop Health Initiative (PCHI) up to $25 million Cheerios “Protein”. This is the first major dollars per year for the length of the farm bill. breakfast cereal company to include lentils in The legislation also authorized $10 million over the box. The USADPLC has been investing in five years for a new School Pulse Crop Products technical seminars that have included major program to expand use of pulse crops in school cereal companies for over 10 years. menus. Pulses are in the Farm Bill. The next step is to convince Congress to appropriate Further details and accomplishments are contained money to these new initiatives. The farm bill in this annual report. also established a new farm program for pulse crops (PLC/ARC). The new safety net moves a Sincerely, little closer to our goal of equal treatment with other program crops. Tim D. McGreevy, CEO• Pulse Crop Revenue Insurance pilot- The first USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council year of the Pulse Crop Revenue Insurance pilot was successfully executed for producers of dry peas, lentils and chickpeas. The USADPLC worked with RMA to gain an option to insure up to 85% of your pulse revenue under new pilot program. Over 50% of pulse producers signed up for revenue insurance in the first year of the program.• International Year of Pulse Crops (IYOP)- At the very end of December 2013 the United Nations declared 2016 as the International Year of Pulses (IYOP). The USADPLC staff is actively2 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

CONTENTSPage 4 International Market Page 6 Domestic Market Development Development To ensure that U.S. dry peas, lentils and chickpeas To increase demand for have outlets in export U.S. dry peas, lentils and markets that will provide chickpeas in domestic competitive returns to U.S. markets including product growers, processors and innovation, educational exporters. outreach and promotional materials. APA/Pulse Health Research Program Initiative To provide improved Increasing public varieties of dry peas, awareness of the health lentils and chickpeas for and environmental U.S. growers as well as benefits of pulse crops. access to the best crop management tools.Page 8 Page 10Page 14 Information / USADPLC MISSION Government Affairs The USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council’s mission To enhance the is to support the economic, scientific, and economic well-being and political well-being of the United States dry competitiveness of US. dry pea, lentil and chickpea industry. We achieve pea, lentil and chickpea this by developing international markets; producers. establishing footholds in domestic consumer markets and food manufacturing; providing a world-class pulse research infrastructure; and by communicating our industry’s goals to potential political allies, partners and stakeholders. USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 3

INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ISSUESMARKETING • USADPLC continued to represent the interests of the pulse industry with respect to rail service delays in2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTS the Northern Plains, including meetings with BNSF officials.NON-TARIFF TRADE BARRIERS • USADPLC reached out to elected officials to bring attention to the disruptions caused by the failure of • Early in 2014, USADPLC and USDA APHIS, working together, the Pacific Maritime Association and the International found a solution to India import certification requirements Longshore & Warehouse Union to reach a contract concerning weed seeds and soil contamination. As a result, covering West Coast ports. pulses imported from the US are no longer subject to penalties of five times the usual import permit fees, making us more MARKET DEVELOPMENT competitive in the largest pulse market in the world. • US exports of dry peas, lentils and chickpeas set a new • USADPLC and USDA APHIS coordinated efforts to ensure record in the 2013-14 marketing year (SEP - AUG), with a that India waived its standard fumigation requirements for total of $468.5 million, bettering the old record of $404.2 imported pulses for cargoes coming from the US. Without million set the previous year by 16%. Sales of dry peas a waiver, US pulse exports to India would effectively cease were the key factor in our global sales growth, and US pea due to both the cost and unworkability of methyl bromide export volumes of 556,500 MT for 2013-14 were equal applications at pulse processing facilities. to 79% of the 2013 US dry pea harvest. Both yellow peas and green peas found buyers in India, China, Mexico and • USADPLC communicated with Mexican authorities both in around the world who were ready to pay a premium for writing and in person on the effect of new Mexican inspection US quality. regulations on pulse shipments entering Mexico by rail. The • USDA statistics show that our 2013-14 marketing year rules would increase shipping costs and create delivery lentil export volumes represented 96% of the 2013 US delays. Due to our efforts together with those of other lentil harvest. India and Spain were our leading lentil commodity groups, the Mexican authorities have suspended markets, while Mexico and Peru showed good growth. the new regulations pending additional review. • Overall US chickpea exports continued to trend lower, as domestic demand took a larger share of the market, but Turkey continued to expand as an export market for US chickpeas, while Spain maintained its traditional position as our #1 chickpea export market with volumes equal to the prior year.India Trade Team

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CONTINUED TRADE ACTIVITIES • USADPLC hosted a trade team representing ten companies from India that met with US pulse industry members from Minneapolis to Spokane, including visits with nine US processors/exporters and tours of two processing plants. They also met with researchers at the WSU/ARS facility, as well as WSU faculty working on new products featuring pulses.Pakistan Trade Team • We also hosted a team from China representing six companies that visited the Montana and the Palouse and met with six US processors/exporters, as well as a team from Pakistan that traveled from Minneapolis to Seattle, and met with ten US processors/exporters, as well as visits with researchers at NCI and WSU. Turkey Trade Mission • We participated in a number of international trade shows and other events, including the SIAL show in Paris, the Alimentaria show in Barcelona, and the Gulfood Show in Dubai. We also sponsored the annual Mexico Pulse Congress meeting that brought together buyers from all over Latin America with US suppliers, and we sent a team to participate in the India Pulses Conclave, which attracted over 500 Indian pulse traders. • USADPLC holds a seat on the Board of the CICILS/Global Pulse Confederation organization, and in 2014 we used our position to push for the ‘United Nations Year of the Pulse 2016’, which has now been approved by the UN General Assembly. We are now working to ensure that the Year of the Pulse will include activities that will help us promote US pulses globally, including research projects, consumer education, crop protection harmonization, and the elimination of trade barriers.China Trade Team USADPLC PROPOSAL 5

Lentils 5 Ways PREPARING LENTILS 3 Easy Steps 3 12Lentils are nutrient powerhouses, containing more than 15 grams of 2300to ber and 17 grams of protein in every 1 cup serving! ey are great foryou, good for the environment and taste delicious too. ese versatile Rinse lentils Combine lentils Simmer forcrops are grown in the Northwest and Northern Plains of the U.S., and with water – no and water, bring 20-30 minutes. water to a boil.DOMESTICenjoyed across the world. Here are 5 ways you can do the same. need to soak! For every cup of lentils, use 2.5 cups of water. TIPS:MARKETING1cupdry= 2 / cupsUse unsalted Acidic ingredients Di erent lentils have cooked water – salt like tomatoes di erent textures. Use toughens slow cooking. Add softer red (decorticated) lentils during them late in the lentils for soups or dhals cooking. cooking process. and rmer French green lentils for salads. 2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTSProduct Development Courses Social Media• NPGA and the USADPLC hosted a Bakery and Snack • In FY14, the Council aimed to grow its social media audience product development course for value-added food as a means to educate consumers about versatility, ease of manufacturers at the Culinary Institute of America. use and health benefits of pulses. Some of the companies in attendance included: General Mills, Frito Lay, Dunkin’ Doughnuts, • Facebook fan-base grew by more than 49,000 fans and1 Safeway, Campbell’s, and Whole Foods. NPGA was Twitter following grew by 340+ users, all while maintaining awarded $93,320 through the North Dakota State ODUSeADpTaArMtSmpEeecAnitaLlotfyCACOgrorOipcKuBllItouEcrSke for this course through a 2a high engagement level at average 4.9%.LENTIL Grant. • Social Media is the second highest driver to the Council’s• Hosted a culinary 101 hands on course at the Culinary Support Sales Inc. headquarters in Chicago consFuAmRerMweTbOsiteCcRoUokSinTgwFiLthApTuBlseRs.EcoAmDwPeIbZsiZteA. for Nation Pizza, one of the largest independent pizza and food producers. The focus was on pulse Trade Shows functionality and versatility as ingredients for pizzas. This course created an intimate setting • The pulse industry was for our members to highlight their ingredients in represented at 14 applicable applications and have the opportunity trade shows and for 1-1 closed door meetings for troubleshooting conferences in and other ideation. 2014 (complete list on the next page). Hundreds of contacts and leads were made that will provide the foundation FOOD & NUTRITION CONFERENCE EXPO (FNCE)3 MEXICTAaNrgTeOtSiTnAgDAthe Food Industry 4for future partnerships. LENTIL LASAGNA• Continued work with Culinary Sales Support Inc. to foster relationships with the top 200 restaurant chains in the U.S. One- on-one meetings and continued outreach with current partners in 2014 included entities such as: The US Department of Defense, Wal-Mart, Pollo Tropical, and Nation Pizza.• Managed growing database of industry contacts and continued to develop relationships with restaurant chains and manufacturers.• On going media outreach to specialized foodservice and value-added manufacture outlets. • Developed four page quick reference baking brochure: Flavor and Functionality Baking with Pulses. This resource spotlights versatility, challenges, considerations and solutions.• Launched a chef’s blog on the web page• Reformatted food industry tab to be more user friendFloy.r more recipes and info, visit cookingwithpulses.com6 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT5 LENTIL SPRING ROLLS @USADPLC / USADPLC

DOMESTIC MARKETING CONTINUEDTargeting the Consumer• Developed an editorial calendar to use for social media outlets.• Created relationships with influential bloggers to develop recipes, videos, and articles.• Updated website, recipes and photography• Created visual infographics tip sheets for consumers and educators.SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTING THE ExpEriEncE thE INDUSTRY v ersati lity of pulses! Cost Effective | Easy To Prepare | Nutrient Rich EDUCATING CONSUMERS2014 TRADE SHOWSTrade shows are a vital part of the domestic marketing strategy, which is to educate the food industry. These areopportunities to spread our message about the many innovative ways to use pulses and pulse fractions on menusand in value-added product applications. A continual presence is important for the sustained growth of businessHigh-performancerelationships and to maintainCerealsproduct innovations. our position as an industry leader in resources for Bheakaeltdh gaonoddns utrition,Dreecsispeertss and Side dishesEntréesNatural Products Expo West MarNcGhluute7nt-frre9iet2ioS0nu1ac4kssResearch Chefs Association March 11-14, 2014Protein Trends & Technologies Seminar April 8-10 2014Natural Restaurant Association Show May 17-20, 2014Institute of Food Technologist Annual Conference July 21-24 2014Washington State School Nutrition Conference July 28-29 2014The Flavor Experience August 4-7 2014IDEA World Fitness August 13-16 2014National Lentil Festival August 22-23 2014Food and Nutrition Expo and Convention October 17-21 2014Institute of Food Technologist- MN Section October 28 2014International Foodservice and Editorial Council November 3-5 2014Institute of Food Technologist- Chicago Section November 12 2014Harvest Montana NovemMbaerrk2T0w-a2in1 2014 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 7

American Pulse AssociationFarm Bill Pulse Crop Health Initiative• Pulse Crops Health Initiative. A $125 Million initiative ($25M/ year for 5 NHuetarlitthio&n Functionality PSruoEsdtnuahicnatanivbcitielyit&y years). We have successfully secured language in the Research Title of the (Reduce Obesity - Chronic Disease) $7 million (Reduce Global Hunger) Senate version of the Farm Bill and $10 million $8 million AFRI language in the House version. APA Research Fund• Pulse Crops Products Program for School Food. A $10 Million initiative, 1. $150,000-Pilot Research Project Grants. Provides “seed” funding for pilot or secured as a stand-alone item in the Nutrition Title of the Senate version of proof-of-concept research projects with potential to secure further external funding. the Farm Bill. Funded proposals this year include:Ag Appropriations /Funding a) PI- Dr. Mark Brick, Colorado State University, Measure the fiber content in • Congress. Worked to gain funding for chickpeas, lentils, and dry peas using an improved method to update the the newly authorized programs in the Farm Bill. The aim is to show admin Nutrient Databank. Development of technical officials how these two programs, b) PI- Dr. Volker Mai, UniverrseisCtooyumrmcoeerscfialFusleorida, Evaluate impacts of chickpeas on PCHI and School PCPP accomplish the microbiota in reduced systeComnsumicer uisne flammatory markets. administration goals of improved nu- trition and reduced health care costs. c) PI- Dr. Joann Slavin, University of Minnesota, Comparing satiety with protein • Administration. Began to work with smoothie uEsxipnegctepduOlsuetscoamsesporof ttheeinPusloseuCrcroep. Health Initiative administration to present PCHI and the School Food Pulse Products pro- d) PI- Dr. Carol Miles, Washington State University, Using garden based STEM gram as items to fund to solve health problems, nutritional requirements biology and K-12 Education to increase pulse consumption. and sustainability issues. These initia- tives are no longer earmarks so fund- The aim is to increase the number of researchers working on pulse crops and provide ing is a possibility. an ongoing stream of data demonstrating the health benefits of pulse crops that can be leveraged by the industry to increase consumption. 2. $50,000-USDA Database Project. A partnership opportunity with Dr. David Hay- towitz, USDA-ARS, to unify research on phytochemical concentrations of the various pulse crops into a searchable dataset as well as giving the USDA a platform from which to promote pulse crops in another way in addition to the contexts of agricul- ture and nutrition. 3. $30,000-Scientific Meeting - PCHI2. To advance the scientific effort described at the first meeting of the PHI Planning Session, a group of scientists was gathered at Snowbird Resort in Utah in April, 2014. The meeting reviewed the scientific plan, heard from selected presenters and participated in a brainstorming session to eval- uate the possibility of presenting a coordinated proposal to current public funding sources. This meeting produced a white paper and planning document as the basis for submitting a formal proposal to further the PCHI. 4. $15,000-Scientific Meeting Sponsorships and Travel Support. APA sponsored several scientific meetings this fiscal year and also sponsored the travel and at- tendance of scientists presenting pulse crop research results at different nutritional conferences.8 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

Highlights 2014American Pulse Association Continued.APA School Food Promotions International Year of Pulses• APA and USADPLC led a training session at the Culinary In- • In collaboration with Global Pulse Confederation, stitute focused on School Food Products and issues faced by Pulse Canada and the Grain & Legumes Nutrition School Nutritionists and Food Program Planners. In addition, Council of Australia, the American Pulse Association APA began to work on regulatory issues hampering adoption has worked to achieve a designation by the United of pulses in school feeding programs. Nations of 2016 as the International Year of Pulses. APA staff has taken positions as voting members of Thematic Planning Committees and key steering committees. This is an unprecedented opportunity for the global pulse industry to showcase the impor- tance of pulse crops to meet the global challenges of nutrition, food security and sustainable agriculture production. Accomplishments this year include most- ly organizing the committees and working groups to plan the events of 2016.Creating Awareness CampaignIn conjunction with the IYOP, Pulse Canada has invited the international industry to participate in an advertising campaign withpotential for a world wide impact. APA is serving on this planning committee and helping to fund and direct the campaign.IYOP Leo Burnett Team USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 9

Research2014 HighlightsBREEDING PROGRAM• Funded the USDA-ARS Grain Legume Genetics and Physiology (GLGP) Research Unit. This program has developed new va- rieties of dry peas, lentils and chickpeas for nearly 40 years.• Supported Western Regional trials coordinated by the Dr. George Vandemark, GLGP Research Unit. These trials provide standardized evaluations of advanced lines in growing regions representing WA, ID, MT and ND. Collaborators include Dr. Chengci Chen at MSU and Dr. Kevin McPhee of NDSU.• Supported State Wide Variety trials evaluating elite selection materials compared to commercially available varieties. Dr. Chengci Chen of MSU coordinated multiple locations representing different climatic regions in MT. Similar trials are coordi- nated in Washington by Dr. Steven Guy of WSU and in Idaho by Dr. Kurt Schroeder of UofI.The program released the following varieties and is increasing seed forcommercial production:Avondale Lentil, Richlea class:• Seed increase process of Richlea type lentil, LC01302300R named Avondaleis underway with increases planted in WA and MT. This lentil is in the topthree varieties for yield across the northern tier with 10-16% increase over check. AVONDALE LENTIL• Seed increase for Avondale was sent to New Zealand by WASCIA in fall of2013 was successful with over 6,000 lbs of seed available in beginning of2014 planting cycle.• WA State Crop Improvement is serving as coordinator and chief license holder with ARS to administer seed increase andto help allocate the seed.• All seed must be sold as class of certified seed.Eston Class Lentil:• Release and early seed increase of Eston type lentil, LC01302273E. This is a small, green lentil with good yield perfor-mance. This variety is still performing well and the breeder is working to increase seed for release.Morena Lentil, Pardina Class• Morena lentil, a Pardina type lentil with taller growth habit and good yield potential, was released with PVP. License wasrecommended and approved for WA State Crop Improvement. Seed was planted and year in advance orders were made.• Disease vulnerability to Stemphylium Blight has hampered its acceptance by industry.Hampton Green Pea:• Release and continued seed increase for green pea, PS05100736, named Hampton, with resistance to two major virusdiseases, Aphanomyces root rot tolerance and improved yield performance with excellent quality.• Breeder seed increases sent to NZ in 2012 and 2013 so Crop Improvement began with 11,000 lbs of Breeder Seed for seedincrease in March, 2014.• The variety performed well (in top 3 and 4) in the Statewide Variety Trials in MT and ND but primarily selected for PNW.10 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

2014 Research Highlights ContinuedVARIETY RELEASES CONTINUEDChickpeas are generally adapted to PNW but some varieties are being developed that performin the drier climates of central WA.Nash Chickpea, Large Kabuli class:• Large seeded Kabuli, café type chickpea (CA04900843C) called Nash.• In trials, Nash produced a larger share of “A” size beans than the check varieties.• WSCIA had 300 lbs of Breeder Seed with potential for 4-6000 lbs of Foundation Seed in 2015.• Well adapted to PNW with moderate resistance to A. Blight equal to Troy Chickpea.Royal Chickpea, Kabuli Class:• Large seeded Kabuli Chickpea (CA04900851 C) café type.• Early maturing (95 days) and resistant to Ascochyta blight.• Royal shows better performance in intermediate rainfall zone than Sierra and other widely planted varieties. Makes more large beans in low rainfall (11 inches) years.• Agronomic traits of Royal are not significantly different than Sierra in days to flower, A. Blight resistance or standability.Licensing applications and PVP approvals are in process for the followingvarieties:• Request for PVP with Title V for Avondale is submitted and license application for WA State Crop Improvement is in process. Sub-license for partner in MT is in place.• Release and authorization for sole license agreement to Central WA Grain Growers for Fall Sown Type Pea, “Lynx” (PS05300180W). This is a small seeded autumn sown pea intended for winter forage and game mixes. PVP application is approved and winter pea is performing well.• Application for PVP with Title V for Hampton is in process and license application for WA State Crop Improvement is submit- ted.• PVP with Title V (Certified Seed) requirement for Nash and Royal have been submitted with WSCIA as the license manager.Research Reports are available at the following websites.• 2013 GLGP Research Unit Progress Report and Western Regional Variety Trials http://www.ars.us• 2013 MSU Statewide Variety Trials Report: uation%20Annual%20ReportCARC.pdf• 2014 MSU Lentil Variety Selection:• 2014 MSU Pea Variety Trials:• 2013 ID Statewide Variety Trials: USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 11

2014 Research Highlights Continued2014 Final Reports will be published and available after December 14, 2014 atthe same web locations or at the websites listed below• 2014 WA Statewide Variety Trials:• 2014 ID Statewide Variety Trials: / GENOMICSThe program invests a portion of its funds in projects which continue to further the genetic information available to breeders and otherscientists in the Legume research community.• Two exciting projects funded this year were international genomics projects which will complete the sequencing the ge- nome of the Pea and the Lentil by 2016.• Each project is nearly $50,000 and accesses over $2 million of international research.NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION / ANALYSISNutritional research and new product development research is managed by theAPA. The APA allocates $245,000 in research activities to support this missionarea.• Two projects funded by USADPLC complemented the APA efforts.1. First is a project experimenting with pea protein as an encapsulation coating for vitamins or micronutrients to fortify products. This project leverages USADPLC funds with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.2. The second project is beginning to investigate functionality characteris- DR. SHYAM SABLANI MICROENCAPUSLATION tics of different varieties of peas and lentils. This proposal is investigat- ing the link between genetics (variety and class) and functionality. PULSE QUALITY SURVEY The research program provides an annual pulse quality survey to the industry. The 2013 survey is available on our website at USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

2014 Research Highlights ContinuedCROP PROTECTION• Working toward Section 3 national labels for pulse crops: o Lorox DF—Herbicide with activity on broadleaf weeds and good crop safety. Full section 3 label for pulses, peas, lentils and chickpeas, issued this year. o With the help of Dr. Michael Wunsch, NDSU Carrington Pathologist, nominated fungicide fluazinam (Omega®) for IR-4 program. Provides effective control of Anthracnose in Lentils. o Beeleaf—Insecticide for use against sucking insects like aphid and lygus bugs. It is in IR-4 for residue data package development. Advantage over registered products is safety to pollinators. o 2,4-DB in lentils—Herbicide with some activity on thistles in lentils for use as a post-emerge herbicide—no alternative products. Registrant sponsored trials indicate possible damage to lentils—final year of evaluation for crop safety.• Continued participation in NAFTA TWG and the Regulatory Cooperation Council toharmonize MRLs in North America—Canada, US and Mexico.• Worked with Pulse Canada, CICILS/IPTIC, Trade Members, EU Officials and especially,US EPA to harmonize the saflufenacil (Sharpen®) MRL for lentils as a pre-harvest aid. The Codex MRL is now approved andthe EU MRL is scheduled for approval next spring.• Established MRL priorities for USEPA on pulse crops for submission to Codex.• Codex MRL process is a priority for the International Year of the Pulse Market Access thematic area.OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Conducted annual research review process including coordinating request for proposals, evaluation of presentations/ proposals, and conducting the meeting. • Participated in the US Priority Setting Committee for the US Codex MRL committee delegation RESEARCH REVIEW COMMITTEE USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 13

INFORMATION/GOVERNMENT AFFAIRSNational Farm Policy• Priority of the year was Farm Bill 2014which passed early in 2014. USADPLCworked to gain funding throughappropriations authorized by the FarmBill including the Pulse Crop HealthInitiative (PCHI) and the School FoodPulse Crop Products Program.• The Farm Bill 2014 authorized funding forthe PCHI at $25 Million/ Year for five yearsdue to the hard work of the USADPLC, DC MISSION TEAM WITH RANDALL JONES, GIPSA-FGISAmerican Pulse Association and theentire pulse industry.• With the leadership of the USADPLC and the APA, the Farm Bill also authorized $10 million over 5 yearsfor a School Foods Pulse Crop Products Program to expand use of pulses in school menus.• USADPLC worked with RMA to gain an option to insure 85% in the pulse crop revenue insurance pilotprogram and coordinated the addition of enterprise units for next year.• USADPLC worked to support continued investment in export promotion programs in the trade title ofthe Farm Bill including the Market Access Program (MAP), Foreign Market Development (FMD), Food AidPrograms (PL 480, McGovern-Dole).Market Access Barriers and Opportunities in Global Markets • Continued to work with USDA Foreign Ag Service, US Trade Representative and other government officials to implement Free Trade Agreements in Columbia and Peru. • Monitored activities of the US Trade Representative and other officials to insure pulse crops were considered in Pacific Rim Free Trade Agreement and the European Free Trade Agreement. • Continued education to policy makers of the importance of a Free Trade Agreement with Viet Nam and to remove barriers to trade with Cuba. • Worked with USEPA, Pulse Canada, Canadian PMRA, CICILS-IPTIC, Codex Officials, and registrants to gain harmonized MRL for pulse crop priorities crop protection products. • Represented US Pulse Crop priorities in support of Saflufenacil (Sharpen®) for harmonization of MRLs especially for pre-harvest use in Lentils. • Worked with US government officials to insure an extension of a waiver to phytosanitary restrictions in India which require fumigation with Methyl Bromide. • Continued to develop protocol for India through USDA FAS and APHIS to meet requirements concerning soil in pulse crops. Waiver extended while negotiations continue.14 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTSAppropriation Initiatives and Crop Protection Regulations• Continued to support and represent theimportance of key policies for the pulseindustry including:• o Pulse Health Initiative• o USDA-ARS Pulse Quality/ End Use Scientist• o USDA-ARS Breeding Program Coordinatorto be located in Sidney, Montana.• USADPLC long argued the need for ARS toincrease funding of scientific effort in pulsecrops. This year, ARS combined the pulseresearchers at Prosser with the Grain LegumeResearch Unit at Pullman, WA. This process ARS PLOT COMBINEadded a weed scientist to the team andincreased funding to all scientists.• Continued to support federal funding of the PL 480 Program, use of Food Aid funds to purchase USgrown products and continued use of pulses in the food aid program.• PL 480 funding maintained at over $1 Billion in appropriations for FY 2014 less sequestration.• Funding for MAP and FMD remained at 2011 levels in appropriations for FY 2014 less sequestration cuts.Crop Insurance / Risk Management Efforts• RMA approved pilot project for Non-Futures Revenue Crop Insurance Program for Pulse Crops in 2012. USADPLC successfully provided data support in December 2013 to establish harvest price.• In 2014, MT, ND, WA and ID producers signed up over 50 % of eligible acres for coverage.• Over the crop year, USADPLC continues to provide data collection service with the DataTracker program for WA, ID, MT and ND to support the establishment of harvest price.• Complete dataset for 2014 is due to Watts and Associates on December 10, 2014 for this crop year.• Worked with Watts and Associates to develop needed data elements for projected and harvest price for the pulse crop revenue insurance pilot project.• Continued to support data collection efforts for projected price election for revenue pilot project in ID, WA, ND and MT.• In addition to technical support for the program, continued to work with RMA, USDA, and Congress to support funding for Crop Insurance programs.Transportation• Worked with Congress and US Transportation Board officials to pressure US rail shippers to report grain shipment data indicating responsiveness of service like volume of shipments, number of late requests, and other statistics.• Supported legislation and actions protecting fair competition for rail service to captive shippers.• Supported improvements of the Columbia River channel to improve industry access to Pacific seaports.• Joined with other agricultural shippers to highlight impacts of labor disagreements with Pacific seaports. USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 15

INFO/GOV CONTINUEDOther Issues:• Worked with USDA FGIS to establish a grading office in Minot, ND. Collected survey of additional needs for grades in the industry.• Sent letters and visited USDA NASS to restore statistical reports lost to sequestration—the Stocks on Hand report in June and the Seed Planted Report for Dry Peas, AWP and Lentils.• NASS agreed to restore reports as a result of USADPLC actions and is working with Congress to develop a permanent solution.ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES IN 2014National Representation• Contracted with Gordley Associates in Washington, D.C. to representthe pulse industry and provide timely information on key issues,technical advice on policy and provide industry outreach to advancethe industry priorities.• Sent 12 industry representatives from WA, ID, MT, ND and the trade toWashington D.C. in February, 2014. In spite of a snow storm, conductedover 50 visits to different members of Congress, government agenciesand private volunteer organizations to advance the policies and issuesof the industry.• Conducted four additional Washington, D.C. trips to monitor progresson funding the authorized programs in the 2014 Farm Bill like the NonFutures Based Pulse Crop Revenue Insurance Program and the PulseCrop Health Initiative. DALE THORENSON,Reports and Publications GORDLEY ASSOCIATES • Produced the materials to support the DC visits including industry background information, policy positions, white papers all prepared on a thumb drive and the USADPLC Website. new technology • Provided trip reports and market evaluations distributed to the member boards. • Published weekly Pulse Pipeline newsletter and maintained consistent and timely presence on the social media Facebook and Twitter and an internet presence on our national website. • Provided semi-annual magazine Take Your Pulse to the entire industry for the 3rd year. • Published several videos on You-Tube promoting the pulse industry.ATTACK • Supported the Annual Recipe contest and the promotion of the National Lentil Festival.OFDTRHOENES! • Published annual report for USADPLC. compI•an rtiesnotniorCneops,moSrpetseildewdPitslhatanUttSiesDdtiA,cCa-NlrorAepSpPSo.rrotds uincctliuodni,nSgtoScekesdoinngHand andPchLoooutgrotaesn:s(yBalobafoirRvweh)iotRhnodabaneBertlwaBirsl.aixi(rbpwerloiotphwdh)riAsonfgieresnutesfierxidcedUonAwTVinhgdrerUoenACeVa..n(rMyigoahnyt,)F2Ya0orm1u3ns.g.Pehsottsoosn, 14SUMMER2014 • Handled crisis communications for the industry.16 USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

2014 ACCOMPLISHMENTSInternational Year of the Pulse a• USADPLC staff took on key roles on the IYOP thematic committees to help the industry take advantage of this once in lifetime opportunity.• CEO serves on IYOP oversight committee as Treasurer and member.RESEARCHMeeting Coordination• Coordinated all meetings for the USADPLC National Board.• Coordinated the Industry Info/ Government Affairs Committee Meetings.• Attended and supported Montana Pulse Days organized by the NPGA in December 2014.• Supported policy development process for board meetings and annual conventions of member organizations—NDDPLC, WPLGA, ID PLC, WA PLC, MPAC and USPLTA. USADPLC ANNUAL REPORT 17

ADDRESS:2780 W. Pullman Road, Moscow, Idaho 83843 PHONE: (208) 882-3023 FAX: (208) 882-6406 EMAIL: [email protected] CONSUMER WEBSITE www.cookingwithpulses.comUSADPLC ANNUAL REPORT

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