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Published by USA Pulses, 2018-05-16 17:02:10



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CEO’S LETTER CONTACTSTHE PULSE REVOLUTIONTim McGreevy, CEO STAFF & NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERSThe 2016 crop of dry peas, lentils and chickpeas has yielded a The USADPLC successfully launched a CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER record 2.2 million metric tons, new grower education platform called nearly double the production of PulsEd. PulsEd was funded in part by TIM MCGREEVY these pulses in 2015. a grant we received from USDA/Risk [email protected] International Year of Pulses (IYP) Management Agency (RMA). The growerended in 2016 and the pulse revolution has education series featured webinars on VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETINGbegan. In 2016/17 we saw record pulse marketing, weed, insect and disease man-crop sales domestically reaching almost agement of dry peas, lentils and chickpeas. PETE KLAIBER900,000 metric tons. The North American If you missed these informative webinars, [email protected] campaign we invested in result- I encourage you to visit our website ated in an increase of over 400,000 metric VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH &tons from the 2015/16 fiscal year. FY 2016/17 changed the pulse industry in MEMBERSHIP SERVICESJoin the Half Cup Habit- In January 2017 a fundamental way. Acreage and produc-we launched the “Half-Cup Habit, Just tion continue to increase. In 2016 we saw TODD SCHOLZAdd Pulses” North America Marketing a total of 2,667,100 acres planted in dry [email protected]. Over 50,000 people signed peas, lentils, chickpeas and dry beans withup for the “Half-Cup Habit” and of those production at 2,464,201 metric tons. In DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONSsurveyed 86% reported they are eating 2017 we saw a total of 4,402,500 acresmore pulses since taking the challenge and planted in dry peas, lentils, chickpeas and DREX RHOADES99% plan to continue to eat pulses after dry beans with production at 2,643,337 [email protected] challenge. This marketing effort has metric tons. Demand for pulse crops iskept the pulse industry in high gear with DIRECTOR OF DOMESTIC MARKETINGover 2 billion social media views and over3.3 million website views. BECKY GARRISON [email protected]’s recent imposition of new tariffs on increasing dramatically in our domesticdry peas, lentils and chickpeas has been a markets due to an effective North Amer- DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP SERVICESdisappointment on an otherwise bright ex- ican Pulse Marketing Campaign. Exportport marketing campaign in the last fiscal growth potential continues to grow de- KIM MONKyear. In fact, exports in the 2016/17 mar- spite India pulling away from the market in [email protected] year end were over 500,000 metric the latter part of 2017. Pulse research andtons—a feat that has only happened three technical seminars are poised to deliver DIRECTOR OF RESEARCHother times in the past ten years. Export results that will increase demand for pulsemarkets remain strong despite the absence crops all over the world. 2016/2017 set JEFF RUMNEYof India in the current marketing year. records and will go down in history as the [email protected] most exciting pulse industry research beginning of a new wave of growth for thecompleted this last year was conducted pulse industry. ASST. MARKETING MANAGERby Dr. Dil Thavaraja, a Pulse Quality and I would like to thank every grower andNutrition Professor at Clemson University. industry member for funding the activities TAYEBEH SOLTANIDr. Thavaraja completed a study on rats of the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council and [email protected] the effects of a lentil based diet. for the terrific staff I work with who man-Three groups of rats were fed a lentil diet, age the programs featured in this edition OFFICE & AUDIT MANAGERcorn diet and a controlled (balanced) diet. of ‘Take Your Pulse’.Within six weeks those rats that consumed ELIZABETH AUNEa lentil based diet had an overall lower [email protected] weight, lower body fat percentageand good intestinal pathogens. Weight STRATEGIC OPERATIONS MANAGERmanagement is the number one consumerconcern in the world today. This study SANDRA RUMNEYwill help identify pulses as a solution to a [email protected] obesity epidemic, in turn helping todrive demand for pulses both domestically USA DRY PEA & LENTIL COUNCILand internationally. EXEC BOARD OFFICERS PAT SMITH, IDAHO CHAIRMAN ANDREW FONTAINE, WASHINGTON VICE CHAIRMAN BEAU ANDERSON, NORTH DAKOTA SECRETARY/TREASURER AMERICAN PULSE ASSOCIATION BOARD OFFICERS GREG JOHNSON, NORTH DAKOTA CHAIRMAN CHAD NICKELS, TEXAS VICE CHAIRMAN USADPLC CONTACT INFORMATION: 2780 W. Pullman Rd. Moscow, Idaho, 83843 208 • 882 • 3023 Industry Website www.usapulses.org2 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

CONTENTS 4 10 8 IN THIS ISSUE ON THE COVER 12 02 CEO’S LETTER Over 90 entrepreneurs, academics, and 04 FOOD AID & PULSES industry leaders who cover the entire landscape of value chain components gather at the first How will pulses play out in the annual Pulse Protein Innovation Summit. United States’ food aid efforts? 20 THE NEXT PHASE 08 GROWER EDUCATION The Half-Cup Habit is blowing the The PulsED Webinar Series is Pulse Pledge out of the water. Find complete! out what’s next for the North Amer- ican Marketing Campaign. 10 PULSE PROTEIN SUMMIT 22 RIDING THE RAILS Plant-based protein is in, and you’ll be amazed at the response of the food VP of Marketing, Pete Klaiber waves industry. goodbye to the USA Pulse Industry. 12 THE MAGNIFICENT 24 USADPLC ANNUAL SEVEN Latin-Inspired Recipes. REPORT 16 PULSE INNOVATION Get the link to the USADPLC MIAMI Chefs, meet the past annual report. Growers 22 18 A PERPEXING PAST OF PLANT PATHOLOGY Nebraska is discovering the pros and cons of raising chickpeas.16 TAKE YOUR PULSE || 3

Food Aid & PulsesARTICLEBYED&PATTYHAAG THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVINGccording to the UN Food & Agriculture Organiza- tion, global hunger is on the rise, affecting 11% of the Over the past 50 years, Food for Peace, in its various forms, has world population. In 2016 the estimated number of provided food and assistance for over 3 billion people in 150 countries. These programs all rely heavily on in-kind transfers ofAundernourished people increased domestic commodities, food purchased from American farmers to 815 million, up from 777 millionthe previous year, due to natural disasters through a competitive process, for their implementation.and political strife. Although the United States government generally viewsSince the inception of international U.S. sending food to people in need as a humane tradition, thereFood Aid nearly 60 years ago, the United are many economic benefits to our economy as well.States has played a major role internationally Enter pulses. Although Federal programs did not originallyin providing food aid across the globe in cover vegetables or most dry pulse crops, educationalorder to reduce world hunger and malnutrition. efforts led by the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council ledWhat began as the Marshall Plan, a program to selected pulse crops such as lentils, dry peas andto provide assistance to war-torn Europe chickpeas being accepted into some commodityafter WWII, led to the Agricultural Trade programs under the 2002 Farm Bill.Development and Assistance Act of 1954, known Including pulses made sense. They are loaded withas PL-480 or Food for Peace, signed into law by low cost vegetable protein, and are high in dietaryPresident Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1961, President fiber, magnesium, potassium, and folate.Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act into As Tim McGreevy, current USADPLC CEO notes,law, creating the U.S. Agency for International “In these emerging or developing markets, gettingDevelopment (USAID) by executive order. Aid adequate protein levels into your diet is really critical,opportunities greatly increased during this time and these pulse crops bring a really incredible source ofand the following ten years became known as the affordable vegetable protein to the food aid system.”“decade of development”.Through the work of USAID, U.S. international food Pulses are also invaluable in emergency feeding situations asassistance has been distributed through programs such as the they are easily transportable, can be stored for long periodsMcGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child of time without losing nutritional value and they don’t needNutrition Program, and Food for Peace. refrigeration. Because they are in dry form, they can be4 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

“PL 480 OFFERS ANOTHERMARKET FOR US, IT’S A PROGRAM THAT AFFECTS A LOT OF PEOPLE AND IS IMPORTANT FOR THE PULSE INDUSTRY IN MY STATE.” - KIM MURRAYPulse grower, Kim Murray in Froid, Montana.rehydrated and cooked. Pulses such as Montana pulse grower Kim Murray talks “Sometimes food aid is kind of a lastsplit peas don’t require soaking overnight, about the increase in pulse crops over resort, another source to sell somea huge advantage in areas with limited the past decades and the continuing role product which is good for the farmer andwater resources, and can be cooked in 30 of food aid in his region. “PL 480 offers it’s a great way to help people that needminutes, using a minimum amount of fuel another market for us, it’s a program that it.”unlike some other food commodities. affects a lot of people and is important Despite 2016 being designated by theDuring the 1970s when growers were for the pulse industry in my state,” claims UN as the International Year of Pulses inbuilding a market for pulses, growers, as Murray. “We try to service food aid needs recognition of the importance of pulseswell as recipients of food aid, benefited as well as commercial, as varieties get to worldwide food security, US foodfrom the programs. Many in the industry better every year in terms of yield and assistance in general is rapidly diminishing.agree that farmers were kept afloat by PL disease resistance. We as farmers have As the number of U.S. acres devoted to480 during those first years. been pretty good at keeping the world fed pulses have increased dramatically sinceWhile much of the food aid sent overseas and I think it will continue.” 2016, the number devoted to food aid haveis for emergency situations such as The evolution of new markets for U.S. decreased.severe drought, flooding or political pulses in countries which originally What caused this dramatic shift in theunrest, another part of the program is had been aid recipients was a new and amount of pulses grown for food aid?developmental. For the past twenty-five welcome benefit for the American pulse Several factors are involved. Foodyears, USAID has prioritized “sustainable industry. manufacturers have much more flexibilitydevelopment” for developing countries “Food aid has been important over the with research and development. In 2000in their efforts to improve their economic long term in developing a market,” says there were about a dozen productsconditions and quality of life. Pete Klaiber, USADPLC VP of Marketing. created using pulses. Today the numberToday agencies are helping to improve “For instance, the Philippines received U.S. has grown to 1200 products, featuringfarming practices by training farmers peas as a food aid ration many years ago. everything from dog food to pizza flour,to use good seed sources and good Peas are not native to the Philippines and products too expensive or not suitablemanagement practices in order to increase not traditionally part of their cuisine, but for food aid but meeting a commercialproductivity within their own agricultural people accepted and adopted peas and demand in more affluent and to become more sustainable. they continued to be a good buyer of U.S. Other factors for reduced food aid are the“We used to ship a lot of food aid to peas commercially. The food aid program amount of seed available, higher domesticJapan and several other Asian countries ended long ago but we saw a transition prices and demand, and the amount ofafter WWII, “ says McGreevy. “And now into use of peas regularly by the Philippine federal funding available to purchasethey’re commercial customers of ours, consumer so that was the kind of victory crops for aid.they have their own supplies and they we have seen.” As Andrew Fontaine, owner of Spokaneimport products such as U.S. pulses and Richard Mickelson, pulse grower from Seed, observes, “The food aid scenarioseed as well. The long term goal, of course, North Dakota, talks about how the depends on the government, it couldis to improve agriculture systems around farmer benefits from from PL-480 when go away overnight. This currentthe world so that food needs aren’t as commercial markets are too tight. administration has said they don’t >>>great.” TAKE YOUR PULSE || 5

Food Aid & Pulses Genessee, Idaho pulse farmer Howard Jones “THE LONG-TERM GOAL, examining young chickpeas. OF COURSE, IS TO IMPROVE AGRICULTURE SYSTEMS AROUND6 || TAKE YOUR PULSE THE WORLD SO THAT FOOD NEEDS AREN’T AS GREAT.” - TIM MCGREEVY want to spend money on it so over the stroke of a pen that whole market could be gone.” Currently, USAID staff work in more than 100 countries around the world to strengthen political relations with foreign governments, expand free markets and to help people recovering from disaster or struggling with food insecurity. Pulses still play an essential role in alleviating hunger now that the need is greater than ever. Many nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have established food aid programs and many such as Feed the Children and Catholic Relief Services include pulses in their food basket. Though with a fraction of the funding and on a much smaller scale, these NGO’s have committed to continuing the U.S. practice of responding globally to cultures in crisis. Washington grower Kevin Mader has been involved with both government and private food aid. “We’ve done all kinds of things, we’ve done PL-480 work, donated to orphanages overseas, given to Feed the Children, etc.” He talks about the logistics of being involved with food aid as a private group. “Getting the freight paid for and the product paid for is easy, no problem, but knowing how to negotiate and weave our way through all that red tape of the different countries, that’s the hardest part of doing food aid for us. Farmers always want to give, they like helping people out, they like to give product, if you’ve got a good legitimate need you’re giving to, farmers absolutely love to give product.” Although the United States, through both federal and private organizations, has

“WE REALLY LIKE TO SEE IT WHEN THE ECONOMY HAS IMPROVED TO THEPOINT WHERE THEY’RE NOT NEEDING FOOD AID ANYMORE AND THEY’RE DOING COMMERCIAL BUSINESS WITH US.” - HOWARD JONESbeen the largest contributor by far to international food aid, there The Mader family (Kevin is second from right) owns andis concern about the future of food assistance for all involved. operates Palouse Brand pulses in Pullman, Washington.“We believe food aid is necessary in difficult times,” says HowardJones, pulse grower from Idaho. “My heart breaks when I see anation that goes through huge trauma like having a famine. Wereally like to see it when the economy has improved to the pointwhere they’re not needing food aid anymore and they’re doingcommercial business with us.”“It’s been projected that by 2050 there could be 10 billion peopleon the earth. These people will need food. It will be interesting tosee how agriculture and the government respond to the needs ofall those people” TAKE YOUR PULSE || 7

A PARTNERSHIP FOR PULSE CROP GROWER EDUCATIONWWW.USAPULSES.ORG/PULSEDIn 2017, the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council (USADPLC) and the for programs, and work out the overall videoconferencing equipment acquired Spokane Regional Office of the logistics of the program. through the grant, the USADPLC staff Risk Management Agency (RMA) The committee decided to launch the implemented a live remote video broadcast from the Best Western Inn in Moscow,partnered to provide free grower event at the 2017 Western Pulse Growers Idaho. This was the first event of its kindeducation to dry pea, lentil, and chickpea Association (WPGA) annual grower from the location, and the first interactivefarmers in the Pacific Northwest. Through meeting in Moscow, Idaho. As part of the educational event ever produced for thean online project entitled Educating PNW launch, Director Ben Thiel of the Spokane pulse industry. The Planting IntentionsPulse Crop Growers on Best Management RMA Regional Office opened the PulsED and Weed Management webinars werePractices to Reduce Risk, funded by a program by describing all of the RMA risk produced during the grower meeting,Risk Management Education Partnership management products available to pulse followed by an additional presentation byProgram (RMEP) grant, the USADPLC growers. Ben Thiel, a grower panel, and an officialcreated PulsED (puls; the Latin term for closing of the PulsED program. Ultimately,pulses and “ED,” an abbreviation for One of the most recurring issues was the the USADPLC promised six moduleseducation) an offering of live broadcast need to reschedule webinar dates due to but delivered seven modules and a bonuswebinar modules on various topics of weather, as a webinar took low priority presentation.concern to new and established pulse crop versus getting a tractor into a field. As afarmers. Although the pilot project was result, the committee changed the order of Also, the USADPLC produced a totalfunded for only Pacific Northwest growers, the events, and the USADPLC applied for of 28 separate roll-in videos for thethe content applies to most pulse growing a no-cost extension to have enough time series, including an introduction to theregions. after harvest to deliver the last webinars. Spokane Regional RMA Office (https://bit. ly/2GnypXP) so that PNW pulse growersA planning committee comprised of 24 The extension allowed the Planning could put a name to the faces of thoseUSADPLC staff, PNW pulse growers, Committee to schedule the final webinars working on their members, researchers and Spokane of the RME project at the 2018 WPGARMA staff met on several occasions to plot Annual Grower Meeting, one year Jo Lynne Seufer, the former Riskthe course of the webinar series, set dates following the initial launch. Utilizing remote Management Specialist with the Spokane8 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

ABOVE: VP of Marketing, Pete Klaiber (left) leads a grower panel session onUnderstanding Pulse Markets (L-R: Howard Jones, Brian Silflow, Dave Harlow,and Jon Olson). RIGHT: Ben Thiel, Director of the Spokane Regional Office of theRisk Management Agency presents the multitude of crop insurance productsavailable for pulse growers, as VP of Research & Member Services, Todd Scholzapproves.Regional Office of the RMA, wrote in her create future grower education materials BELOW: Pulse growers, Neil HeitstumanRMA blog, “USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council - this project truly was the catalyst for a (Culdesac, ID), Ron Renfrow (Kendrick,and their initiatives are true to our RMA grower education movement in the pulse ID), Dave Harlow (Pullman, WA), and Toddgoals – ensuring that farmers and ranchers crop industry. A PulsED webinar will be a Wittman (Lapwai, ID) take the pre-webinarhave access to tools and strategies in part of every WPGA grower meeting, and survey along with a breakfast burrito at themanaging risk in agriculture.” the USADPLC will be holding webinars Pulse Crops Harvest Concerns webinar inWhile the organizers wanted to reach and podcasts for all growing regions in the June, 2017.every pulse producer, the total in person future.attendance was 164. This includes TAKE YOUR PULSE || 9participants from the PNW and as far awayas Pennsylvania. Overall, the programleaves the industry with a great library ofgrower education information.The USADPLC continues to promote theseries, and have edited the full programsinto shorter, content specific segmentsavailable throughout the year, like KayTiesle’s presentation on how to use the RMAwebsite, and Dr. Drew Lyon’s explanation onusing the Herbicide Mechanisms of Actionfor Pulse Crops online tool, available onthe grower education site, is unique about this program, isRME helped fund the infrastructure to

The impossible is now possible. This faux burger, named The Impossible Burger, tastes, smells, feels and even bleeds like the real deal.The latest consumer data shows plant-based protein sources in the world that this project would serve as a roadmap that meat eaters are open to be part of that equation? for product innovation in this domain.” other sources of protein. 22.8 In an effort to lead this conversation, At an event designed to explore the million Americans are flex- the American Pulse Association (APA), validity of producing plant-based meat itarian, meaning they’ll eat the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council alternatives, the proof often comes downvegetables primarily, but enjoy meat in (USADPLC), and the Good Food Institute to the pudding. In this case, the attendeesmoderation. Mattson, one of the leading (GFI) combined forces to host the first experienced a very different menu thaninnovative food companies, claims that Pulse Protein Innovation Summit. This what might be experienced at a typicalalmost half of the population say they technical seminar was designed to explore industry event. All the menu items werewant to eat more plant-based foods and and influence food manufacturing interest selected from the website andless meat. Plant-based protein is one of in using pulse crops as their preferred the USA Pulse Cookbook developed forthe top food trends of 2018, and many source of plant-based protein. the IYP 2016 official launch event. APAfood companies, including meat providers,“THE PURPOSE OF THE EVENT WAS TO DRAW TOGETHER IDEAS BASED ON THE PLANT- BASED MEAT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE” - DR. JEFF RUMNEYare buying out smaller companies to invest The summit, which took place in Oakland Board Chairman, Greg Johnson welcomedin plant-based protein and producers of over three-days starting on January the enthusiastic audience to the summitmeat analogs (i.e., fake meat). Many pulse 17, 2018, brought together 90 invited during the first night’s banquet, informingproducers also raise cattle and promoting professionals from academia, industry, the audience of the role of the APA, andmeat alternatives seems counter produc- and government to discuss all stages of the importance of pulses in the food chain.tive. However, according to Beef Maga- plant-based meat product development,zine, companies like Tyson, who recently research, and innovation. Colleen McClellan of Datassential initiatedinvested in Beyond Meat, one of the first “The purpose of the event was to draw the first discussion of the day by sharingmeat analog manufacturers, believe that together ideas based on the plant-based the consumer data behind the plant-basedhedging your bets is good business. meat development cycle, and identify protein trend. McClellan stated that fullSo, if large food manufacturers and meat where the barriers are,” said Jeff Rumney, vegans are on the decline, traditional meatsuppliers are investing in meat alternatives, Director of Research for the APA and one eaters are trying to eat more plant-basedshouldn’t pulse crops, one of the highest of the planners of the event. “We hoped protein, flexitarians are trying to add a bit more to their primarily >>>10 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

FIGURE 1: The Plant-Based Meat Design Cycle. Design cycle graphic courtesy of e Good Food Institute. Idaho pulse grower, Pat Smith (second from right) joins in on a roundtable work session / Raton Swami from Maple Leaf listing the benefits of pulses for food product innovation.vegetarian diet. However, the traditional Stuckey says every food company now Different experts in their respectiveveggie burger has never quite satisfied needs to ask themselves, “What is our fields presented information about eachconsumers as a meat alternative. Flexitarian approach?” stage of the plant-based meat design cycle. CEO Tim McGreevy discussed theMcClellan states that although 88% of Maple Leaf Meats, the largest meat farming and agronomics of pulses, whileconsumers know of the veggie burger, distributor in Canada, and Johnsonville Kurt Braunwart covered the breeding,only 46% have tried it, and of that group, Foods, the largest sausage distributor in variety development for specialty traitsonly 27% actually liked it. There’s room the United States both had their Research and production of pulses. Bob Tyler of thefor improvement and an opportunity for and Development people at the event, University of Saskatchewan and Anushaplant-based proteins. and Cargill attended as well. In fact, Samaranayaka of POS Bio_SciencesBarb Stuckey of Mattson defined this Maple Leaf just invested in Field Roast, discussed protein processing, and fourflexitarian consumer further and discussed an alternative meat manufacturer based in industry experts addressed the productthe race to market for plant-based meat Seattle, WA. “If they’re investing, they’re formulation and texturization with tasteproducers. The old veggie burger is seeing the same trends we’re seeing,” and flavor considerations. Brian Plattnerbeing replaced with burger alternatives said McGreevy. “They’re betting on of Wenger Manufacturing relayed thethat smell, taste, feel and even bleed like plant-based foods having an impact in the principles of scaling up the production oftraditional burgers. The battle to reach marketplace.” meat analogs.these Flexitarians is now center store. >>> TAKE YOUR PULSE || 11

/Pulse Protein Innovation Summit/ McGreevy was blown away by the diversity of the chicken, and shrimp. The U.S. pulse industry staff was speakers. “The energy in the room and the discussion impressed with how most of the meat products did of what’s happening in the world of meat alternatives taste and feel like meat, but some of the items, like the was incredible,” said McGreevy. shrimp, needed work in the “mouth feel” department. The balance of the event on Thursday and Friday “The challenge is the right texture,” said McGreevy, morning was devoted to small group discussions. “but the taste is spot on.” The goal was to allow small groups to have more Pat Smith, a grower from Kendrick, Idaho, and Chair of conversations with the presenters to explore the the USADPLC said it was great to be in the same room details of the presentations and to ask for clarifications. “The innovative ideas coming from the folks in that room was impressive,” declared McGreevy. In particular, McGreevy mentioned a presentation by Dr. Rajesh Potineni with Kerry on flavor chemistry. Dr. Potineni explained that the number one priority for consumers was taste, and boasted that the science was so exact, his team could replicate the flavor of anything. To Potineni, replicating flavor was not the challenge. The real challenge for food manufacturers is replicating the texture of meat. To illustrate the point, one of the events was a “Beach BBQ” showcasing many of the meat analog products either in production or being prepared for distribution, like burgers,12 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

with these food professionals so excited to hear aboutpulses. “It was very exciting to be around those people,”said Smith. “This event was a great showcase for ourproducts.”On Friday, the small groups were asked to make a4 - 2 - 1 plan; what the industry needs to address in the(4) quarters of 2018; (2) goals for 2019; and, (1) far-reaching goal for the future.Rumney felt the general response based on an app-based survey of the event was very positive. Attendeescommented on everything from the diversity of theattendees, the quality of the information and moderators,to requests for recipes from the banquets.Many of the attendees requested to attend the eventagain in coming years. One very excited attendee,Jeffrey Steiner with the USDA National Institute of Foodand Agriculture posted immediately about his positiveexperience at the summit, “This meeting will help allinvolved develop a common vision for the scienceneeded to bring these unique crops to more tablesacross the country.”“We couldn’t be more pleased with how this turnedout,” said McGreevy. “The attendees were extremelydiverse, yet we had farmers in the audience having adiscussion about biodiversity and farming practiceswith vegetarians, flexitarians, researchers, and foodinnovators,” he mused. “It was a great discussion, and adiscussion we need to continue.”Another summit is in the works. Rumney says thatplanning is underway for an event in November of2018 on sprouting and fermentation as a pathway toinnovation. PHOTOS Clockwise from previous page, top: The Summit meeting room / plant-based faux shrimp and faux beef crumble / Jeffrey Steiner’s Instagram post / Summit participants brainstorming / Maggie Sadowsky, Food Scientist with The Culinary Architects. TAKE YOUR PULSE || 13

LATIN-INSPIRED RECIPESCCialrainbtbreoa-nLiBmeeaRniscewith DISCOVERY TAMALES CHEF CLAUDIA GALOFRE-KREVAT LSeicnitliilanMaLernintailrAarancini with THE MAGNIFICENT14 || TAKE YOUR PULSE SEVEN Claudia Galofre-Krevat is a Colombian-born, Montana-based chef and culinary educator. Taking inspiration from the farmers around her, Chef Claudia has become a passionate ambassador for pulse crops, highlighting both their local origins and their global flavors. Claudia has created hundreds of recipes, hosted dozens of sold- out special events, and traveled the state with her Lentil Caravan cooking classes. In 2015, Claudia joined author Liz Carlisle for the Lentil Underground book tour, cooking for a 200-person event hosted by Michael Pollan and headlining her own event at Stanford University’s Teaching Kitchen. Chef Krevat agreed to develop this series of seven Latin-inspired recipes for the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council and the American Pulse Association, and is currently completing her first solo cookbook, Pulse of the World. Look for the reveal of these dishes on our social media outlets @USAPulses and #USAPulses. Until then, please enjoy Claudia’s recipe for the World Cup Peruvian Lentil-Quinoa Salad on the following page.

Andalucian Garbanzo Lettuce Wrap Brazilian Feijoada/Black Bean StewServes 8 New World PaellaGluten-Free & VeganWORLD CUP PERUVIANLENTIL-QUINOA SALADMany soccer game countries in the world share more than just theirpassion for the sport, - they also share the use of pulse crops in theirdiets. This mash-up of culture recipes combines ingredients from thePeruvian Andes mountains, like quinoa, corn, cilantro, and tomatoeswith Eastern Mediterranean ingredients like lentils. The result is adelicious fusion of cuisines, that make for a highly dense nutritioussalad with over 18 grams of plant base protein.INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS1/2 cup dried pardina lentils, rinsed 1. You can cook the lentils and the quinoa simultaneously as they will both take1/2 cup dried off-white quinoa about 20 minutes each to be ready. Add one cup of water to a small pot. Heat1 cup fresh corn kernels water, and when it begins to boil, add lentils and lower to medium.2 cups of water, divided, one cup foreach quinoa and lentils 2. Meantime repeat the same for the quinoa. Soon after the water begins to boil,1 cup Roma tomatoes, cubed reduce heat to medium and allow to cook for 20 minutes or a bit more. Stir at1 cup English Cucumber, cubed times as it tends to stick to the button of the pot.1 cup fresh Italian parsley, choppedfine 3. When both lentils and quinoa are ready, remove from heat. For the lentils,1 cup fresh cilantro, chopped fine drain in a large colander and run cold water to allow it to cool off quicker.1/2 cup fresh mint, chiffonade Place in a large bowl. Do the same for the quinoa.1/8 cup fresh lime juice1/8 cup olive oil 4. Combine quinoa and lentils in a large bowl and place in the refrigerator and1 teaspoon Kosher salt allow it to cool off quicker.1 teaspoon cumin 5. Once mixture is cool, incorporate the tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, and herbs. 6. In a cup, add the olive oil, lime, cumin, and salt; stir. 7. Add mixture to salad and blend. 8. Allow flavors to marry for at least half hour. 9. Serve in a bowl and enjoy. 10. You can top with queso fresco for a World Cup finished look. TAKE YOUR PULSE || 15

Tim McGreevy explaining the many benefits to cooking with pulses to a group of professional chefs to launch the Pulse Innovation Miami event.Howard Jones addressing the crowd. In March of 2018 the USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council (USADPLC) and the American Pulse Association (APA)Roger Sammons chatting up a chef. partnered with Pulse Canada to host the third annual “Pulse Innovation Miami” conference, an immersive event aimedTim McGreevy with Pulse Canada’s at educating large-volume chefs and culinary professionalsCourtney Hirota. about the benefits of adding more pulse ingredients to their menus. The objective of the event was to create opportunities16 || TAKE YOUR PULSE for these executive chefs to promote pulses in their plant forward menu choices. “Consumer research shows that 51% of consumers will try a new food item in a restaurant before cooking it at home,” explains Tim McGreevy, CEO of the USADPLC and the APA. “Training food service professionals on how to create delicious pulse dishes is a key strategy for increasing consumption of all pulse crops in the United States.” The participants were Executive Chefs carefully selected from the professional food industry, ranging from restaurant chains, airlines and hotel brands, college and university campuses, and contract foodservice providers to attend the Culinary Institute in Miami event. The organizers of this collaborative North American Pulse Marketing Campaign event offered several presentations about the health, nutrition, sustainability and affordability of pulses. The majority of the day included an interactive session with pulse growers followed with culinary demonstrations by fellow chefs showcasing the versatility of pulse ingredients in dishes like black bean and pork blended meatballs, pulse smoothies, pulse forward salads and a chocolate dessert mousse made using aquafaba (the water obtained by soaking chickpeas and beans). The interactive session that introduced chefs to pulse growers turned out to be a big hit with the participants. Genesee, Idaho pulse grower Howard Jones and Montana grower and

Clockwise from bottom left: Sammons enjoying a Chef Christine Farkas pulse cooking demonstration / USA Pulse representatives commanding an audience / Sammons address- ing the chefs.transloader, Roger Sammons discussed topped with fruit and nuts and chives, croissants stuffed with beet and chickpeatheir respective farming operations chickpea fries with blood orange harissa, hummus, and wine-braised beluga lentilsand participated in a robust and lively aquafaba aioli and pickled chickpeas - all with coconut corn arepas.question and answer session. Riley Philo, creations of the visiting chefs. McGreevy thought the U.S. pulse growersthe chef for the Sawgrass Marriott Hotel, Jones was amazed at the level of did a fantastic job representing the pulseresponded in a follow-up survey that, “The professionalism displayed by all of the industry at the event and felt the chefs thatgrowers were the icing on the cake. Few chefs involved. “The event was an eye- participated in the event would be newtimes do we get to talk to growers and opener for me. I do not have much of an ambassadors for the benefits of pulseslearn about the other side of our food.” idea about the quantities and qualities of in restaurant menus. “The Pulse MiamiLorien Vilchez, a chef with Four Seasons basic food ingredients that are required resulted in another 20 food professionalsin Miami stated, “I wasn’t sure what to to serve a large number of people,” Jones who will help us continue the pulseexpect, so it was amazing. Very refreshing said with admiration. “One of the chefs revolution,” claimed McGreevy. “I wouldand informative. I love the farmers!” And, stated that his group serves 60,000 meals like to thank Roger Sammons and Howardit seems Jones and Sammons felt that a month. I would find that a real challenge Jones for participating in the grower panelconnection. to satisfy that many people and their during the pulse Miami event. It was one“It was amazing how interested each chef changing habits and tastes.” of the most popular sessions of the day.”was in the farmer’s story. I truly believe Feedback from chef participants was very As for growers Howard and Roger,we could have discussed the farmer’s positive. Zack Lorber, a chef at Penn their trip to the Miami event was bothperspective for much more than the hour State University said, “I spent several a privilege and a unique experience,we were allotted,” said Sammons. “The hours today with our dietitians and chefs respectively. “My biggest takeawayquestions were awesome, and they truly looking for ways to incorporate more from the event was the interest chefswanted to know how pulse crops affected pulses into our operations. Everyone is had in meeting the growers of the foodour farming operations. This was truly a very pulse positive today.” they cook,” said Sammons. “There is agathering of very passionate people.” The event concluded with an invitation- tremendous opportunity for individualChefs then transitioned to a hands-on only reception for media, local chefs, producers to align themselves and theirevent for the remainder of the day, sharing and influencers at Tuyo, a fine dining pulse crops with end users such as hotelthe professional kitchens to create their establishment that is located on the top chains, food service companies, andown pulse inspired dishes. Imagine a floor of the Miami Culinary Institute. restaurant chains. The chefs want to telllamb and red lentil merguez with chickpea 80 guests attended the reception that the farmer’s story with the food productsflatbread, pork & red lentil croquettes with featured an all-pulse menu including they create.”mustard aioli, lentil-mushroom chorizo, beluga lentil caviar spoons, black beanchickpea blueberry muffins, lentil oatmeal chocolate mousse, aquafaba macaroons, TAKE YOUR PULSE || 17

/ Dr. Bob Harveson / DR. BOB HARVESON, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLNChickpeas’ Perplexing PastIn the state of Nebraska, summer Disease Alters Ancient Agricultural late winter-early spring, and maturation fallow is considered a crop rotation Practices”, University of Nebraska- in early summer. The chickpea crop is in the semi-arid climates, but Lincoln plant pathologist, Dr. Bob spring-planted and this cycle shift is many farmers are discovering Harveson explores the ancient chickpea thought to be due almost exclusively towhat farmers of Idaho, Montana, and the perplexing disease that plagues a single plant disease. That is the rest ofNorth Dakota, and Washington already it. It is presented in a form based on the story.know, pulses help the bottom line. Field Paul Harvey’s “Rest of the Story”.pea acreage in particular has been Wild Chickpeasteadily growing in Nebraska for the Introduction The wild chickpea, C. reticulatum, islast few years, increase from 10,000 The chickpea (Cicer arietinum), also presumed to be the progenitor of theacres in 2011 to 60,000 acres in 2017. known as the garbanzo bean, is an cultivated form. It is a small, relativelyRecognizing the potential, the number annual grain legume and is a staple rare plant endemic to southeasternof certified seed dealers have increased crop and important source of protein Turkey and is confined mostly tofrom only two to eight. in central Asia, Africa, India and the shallow, limestone soils. It requires a Mediterranean. It also is one of certain vernalization period to properlyDry peas as a “gateway pulse” in the eight Neolithic founder crops germinate and yields are better in winterNebraska makes perfect sense, they responsible for the origins of agriculture, when adequate water levels are present.require little water to grow, and rebuild being first domesticated by early In this region most of the rainfall occursthe soil for following crops. Chickpeas farming communities in a region known between December and February andand lentils have a lot of potential as as the Fertile Crescent in the Near East, any crop sown after February wouldwell. However, both crops are a little before expanding into India and Africa. depend on existing soil moisture fortrickier to grow for the first-time pulse adequate growth and flowering.producer. Chickpeas in particular are The eight founder crops include threesusceptible to Ascochyta blight, and cereals (einkorn wheat, emmer wheat, Chickpea Domestication The chickpea is thought to have beenrequire care to avoid a complete loss and barley); four legumes (lentil, pea, domesticated about 11,000 years ago.from the disease. chickpea and bitter vetch); and one oil and fiber crop (flax or linseed). All The domesticated form is now planted during spring for summer harvest. It isIn the following article, printed originally of them except chickpeas follow a setin the Phytopathology News as “A Plant pattern of fall germination, flowering in also well known that this practice results18 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

/ Plant Pathology’s Perplexing Past /ASCOCHYTA BLIGHT SYMPTOMS IN A CHICKPEAFIELD IN NEBRASKAin a substantial yield penalty. For example, abiotic force. this concept. They suggest that chickpeachickpeas planted in the fall routinely Ascochyta Blight production began at the end of the pre-yield 2-2.5 tons/ha more than spring- Asochyta blight is a fungal disease caused pottery Neolithic age (9,000 to 10,000planted crops. Therefore, cropping by Didymella rabiei (formally Ascochyta years ago), suddenly vanished, and thenover the winter should be the practice of rabiei) and is considered worldwide to reappeared in the early Bronze Agechoice, but it is not. Although it has been be the most damaging and important (6,000 years ago) after the initiation ofdone this way for thousands of years, the disease affecting chickpeas. It affects all farming. The difficulty in growing the cropquestion has been raised: Why did ancient above-ground plant organs, and under the over the winter seemingly explains itsfarmers stop planting in the fall despite its proper environmental conditions it can be scarcity during that gap period and thatobvious agronomic benefits? There must a devastating disease that spreads among the conversion of planting chickpeas inhave been a good reason for sacrificing and throughout fields in astonishingly spring must have started after the initiationhigh yield potential for the much lower and short periods of time. Conditions favoring of farming (Bronze Age). All due to a plantunstable yields obtained with a system infection include cool temperatures (65- disease! Now you know the rest of theplanted in spring. 70° F), high humidity, and water splashing story.This question was answered from (rainfall). Thus disease development andexperiments conducted in the early 1960s spread is strongly enhanced by periods of Bob Harveson is the Extension plant pathologistin Israel, and results clearly implicated rainfall during the cropping season, which stationed at UNL’s Panhandle Research anda disease called Ascochyta blight as the is characteristic of the Near East over late Extension Center in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.major yield inhibiting factor. Fall-planted winter-early spring. A fall-planted croptrials survived the winter, but were would have a fully closed canopy at this Referencesdestroyed by the disease in spring. Spring time and be more susceptible to blightsown crops were able to avoid the disease epidemics. Abbo, S., Shtienberg, D., Lichtenzveig, J., Lev-Yadun,but yielded much less (<1.0 t/ha). Some Conclusions S., and Gopher, A. 2003. The chickpea, summerfall-planted, partially disease-tolerant It is now speculated that after cropping, and a new model for pulse domestication inlines produced 70% more seed yield than domestication, chickpea production the ancient near east. Quar. Rev. Biol. 78: 435-448.the spring-planted crops, while disease- was abandoned as a field crop until thesusceptible crops planted in fall yielded warm-season species were introduced Abbo, S., Saranga, Y., Peleg, Z., Kerem, Z., Lev-Yedun,nothing. It was thus concluded that blight from Africa and Asia before being S., and Gopher, A. 2009. Reconsidering domestica-was the primary reason ancient farmers integrated into cropping systems in tion of legumes versus ceraeals in the ancient Nearin the Near East modified the planting of the Fertile Crescent areas of the Near East. Quar. Rev. Biol. 84: 29-50.chickpeas to the spring and not because East. Archeological records supportof freezing temperatures or some other Kirst, K. K. 2016. The domestication history of chickpeas – ah! garbanzo beans! Online:https:// ry-of-chickpeas-170654. TAKE YOUR PULSE || 19

THEHNAELXFT-PCHUAPSEHABIT BY JOSIE CURTIS, SENIOR COUNT EXECUTIVE @ MAXWELL PR & ENGAGEMENT 2017 was another great year for pulses! Find out aboutthe next phase of increasing consumer pulse consumption. Maxwell PR & Engagement is the public relations firm responsible for implementing the North American Pulse Marketing Campaign.Pulses made the top of the list of NBC’s Today Show’s Tasty Trends. If 2016 made pulses a star superfood among health-focused consumers, 2017 made them a mainstay in kitch- ens across the continent. The 2017 Half-Cut Habit campaign built on the awareness and devotion to pulses we built in 2016, and was designed to generate additional awareness, educating a broad- er consumer set on pulse benefits and to address one of the key hurdles to pulse consumption we’ve identified through research: ease-of-use. Throughout the year we engaged new audiences to further increase pulse consumption and generate impressions (more than two billion!).20 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

ATTvhoaoesmctSaaawpddzlaaoiitnistMPgste.ooaaCustahnrnyd’!t earTeshcyiispayweno.dauTs!ht”aaasnntky daebliLscToeioonlmuauTttirhsalee!etSloytIuetaffsleiadnIn addition to consumers becoming more From Health Food to Habit end of 2017.comfortable regularly adding pulses totheir home-cooked meals, the industry While 2016’s Pulse Pledge encouraged Two Billion Impressions andsaw incredible growth as well, with just consumers to eat a minimum of one ½ cup Beyondunder 900 new products containing pulses serving of pulses each week for ten weeks,coming to market in 2017. the Half-Cup Habit challenge upped the Overall, the Half-Cup Habit promotionAt the core of the 2017 campaign was a minimum commitment each week in an was (and continues to be) a huge suc-new website for the U.S. and Canada pulse effort to increase pulse consumption and cess, reaching nearly the same number ofindustries, which drew more than one establish regular eating habits, while also sign-ups in just six months than the Pulsemillion unique visitors throughout the aligning with the USDA nutritional recom- Pledge garnered in a year.year (300,000 more than our goal!). mendations for healthy eating patterns. Key highlights from the 2017 campaign,The site is also home to the Half-Cup Habit Taking learnings from 2016 that health totaling more than two billion impressionschallenge, where we reached our sign-up and other benefits alone weren’t enough overall, are included here.goal with 50,000+ consumers commit- to make them a household staple, we put • Half-Cup Habit: 50K+ (June 21-De-ting to eat pulses three times per week an increased focus for the challenge onfor four weeks. fast, easy, family-friendly recipes, recipe cember 31, 2017) collections and meal plans (e.g. “5-In- • Earned Media: 1.76B impressions inWebsite Draws in More than gredient Recipes,” “30-Minutes or Less”One Million Unique Visitors in etc.) and simplified prep tip guides, and 389 stories2017 we provided these materials to consumers • Social Media Ads: 72.7M impressions, via weekly and monthly e-newsletters, andThe updated North American website driving to the website. with 174K new presented an oppor- The Half-Cup Habit program officially • Influencers: 80.1M impressionstunity to highlight recipes, quick and easy kicked off June 21, 2017 with more than • Ambassadors: 59.4M impressions viameal ideas (an increasing consumer need), 160 social media posts from food bloggerpreparation tips and more. Our expanded and health influencer partners promoting 52 ambassador postsaudience of health-focused Millennials, the campaign launch, reaching an audience • Native Content: 23.1 M impressionsBoomers and Gen Xers repeatedly came of 10.8M and resulting in more than 3,000 • Website: 3.3M page views via 1Mto the site and tried many of the recipes, Half-Cup Habit sign-ups in just the firstaccounting for more than 3.3 million page day, and more than 50,000 signups by the unique visitorsviews (see some recipe reviews above). And, with pulses featured as one of the top food trends for 2018 in a January 10 segment on TODAY, the movement shows no signs of slowing down! TAKE YOUR PULSE || 21

KLAIBER CATCHES A TRAINPETER KLAIBER RIDES THE RAILSOALL ABOARD?nce upon a time, a young man was in a one mile race. Four our export sales in the short term. It laps around the high school wasn’t that I was blind to changes in the track. He took the lead rightmarketplace; I could see pulses were finding new uses in pet food, flours,from the starting gun. As he protein concentrates and other value-entered the last lap, he was still in the lead. added applications. But frankly, I didn’tHis split time at the 3/4 mile mark was his think those uses would expand so quickly.fastest ever. He was sure that his fellow Then the International Year of Pulses andrunners were starting to fall away, burned the North America Pulse Brand campaignout by the fast pace of the first three laps, super-charged domestic demand, andand that he would cruise home to victory. domestic sales surged to the front. I wasBut then he heard a voice over his right as surprised as the young man in the mileshoulder. In a matter-of-fact tone, the race.voice said softly, “Excuse me, I’ve got atrain to catch.” And then there was a blur First, let’s give credit to the people whoas a competitor shot past that surprised created and executed a strong marketyoung man and went on to victory by a development plan: Jennifer William (néewide margin. Roberts) re-energized our domestic marketing efforts when she joined theWhy do I tell you this story? After Council in 2005. In 2006, Jennifereighteen years, I am retiring from my drafted a five-year strategy for domesticmarketing position at the Council. During promotion. She reached out to food Clockwise from top: Pete enjoys a cigar with golfing buddies,my time here, my primary focus was on manufacturers and put together our (L-R) Pete Johnstone, Dean Brocke, Pete, and Dirk Boettcher /our export markets. I knew that domestic first training course, using the Culinary Pete’s favorite post-USADPLC activities / Pete with internation-interest in pulses was on the increase Institute of America to familiarize food al marketing reps, Pornnicha Sathujarun and Dee Richmondas well, but I thought that home-grown industry R&D staff with the versatility of (center). Opposite Page: 2016 International Year of Pulsesdemand did not have a chance to overtake pulses. >>> marked the beginning of a new era of domestic marketing for pulses / Pete organized the USPLTA annual golf tournament for 18 years, seen here with Mike Quann, Chair of the Domestic Marketing Committee.22 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

In 2011, Jennifer returned to her hometown of Chicago, andAli McDaniel joined the staff and picked up where Jennifer leftoff. Ali created the Cooking With Pulses website to appeal toconsumers, and expanded our training work at the CIA. She alsoracked up a lot of frequent flyer miles as she went to trade shows,conferences, seminars for R&D food scientists, and industryconventions. Ali left us in 2013 to return home to the Atlantaarea. (Note: During their tenures with us, Jennifer kept Illinoislicense plates on her car, and Ali did the same with her Georgiaplates. That might have been a hint that they were both feeling alittle homesick.)Mackenzie Christensen (née Lilwall) replaced Ali. She hit the Now we are about to begin a new chapter in this story with theground running, expanding our social media outreach as we naming of a new Director of Domestic Marketing in 2018. Thebecame active on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. As part of the position has evolved over the years, and will continue to do media campaign, she worked with outside consultants to Nowhere will that be more apparent than in the ways we com-create a brand and an effective messaging strategy. Mackenzie municate with our target audiences. We have seen social mediaalso took us to a whole new level of trade show participation by help us reach the public in a way we could never afford usingincluding cooking demonstrations and special events. Mackenzie traditional media. But it will take a special formula that com-was lured away by ADM in 2015, and more recently has been bines relevance, timeliness, engagement and utility to continuepromoting pulses at AGT Ingredients in Bismarck ND. our success. Our message will have to change and grow withinThen came Jessie Hunter, who assumed a key role in our the context of the evolving messaging platforms that we use.branding and promotion efforts just before the kick-off of the That will be a challenge for our industry in general, and our newUN International Year of Pulses. For two years, Jessie was Director of Domestic Marketing in particular. I’m confident thatindefatigable in her efforts — juggling a heavy travel schedule, it is a challenge that will be met.multiple state grant activities, and brand campaign management Our domestic marketing efforts are racing to the front and showto make IYOP a success. She launched the Powered by Pulses no signs of slowing down. I can hear a voice over my rightcooking competition, got pulse flours listed in the USDA School shoulder saying, “Excuse me, I’ve got a train to catch.”Buying program for school lunches, coordinated the nationalPulse Feast event, and helped transform the momentum of IYOPin 2016 into a North America Brand Campaign in 2017 thatincreased positive market awareness of pulses. At the end of2017, Jessie stepped aside, looking forward to spending moretime with her family. TAKE YOUR PULSE || 23

USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council & American Pulse Association 2780 W Pullman Road Moscow, ID 83843 CHECK OUT THE EFFORTS OF THE USA DRY PEA & LENTIL COUNCIL AND THE AMERICAN PULSE ASSOCIATION ON BEHALF OF THE PULSE INDUSTRY! View and download the 2016/17 USADPLC Annual Report at (or scan the qr code above)24 || TAKE YOUR PULSE

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