ACTIVUS TRANSPORT ACTIVUS TRANSPORT OUR VISION Quality transport supporting the community. OUR PHILOSOPHY What do we believe in? The right of people to make choices in their own lives The right of people to dignity, respect, privacy and confidentiality The right of people to be valued The right of people to access services on a non-discriminatory basis The right of the community to access accountable and responsive services – 01 –
ANNUAL REPORT 2017 THE 2017PRESIDENT’S REPORTOnce again it gives me great pleasure to present my Activus has joined Living Well Locally Project providingreport as Chairman of Activus Transport, in our 27th year opportunities for us to work with other like-mindedof operation. organizations to promote options for local residents who may require additional support.From a small volunteer based service this organisationhas grown to a million dollar operation with a range The engagement of Hopscotch Accounting to handleof 11 buses and 12 cars delivering transport services to our finances has resulted in a streamlined timelyresidents of the Shire. financial reporting.This year your Management Committee has, been active We have converted the garage, previously used by Lions,in a governance role, developing strategies to promote into “The Shed” meeting and training room. This hasour services to those who need our support. We have proved valuable, as now the staff can attend trainingalso had to address how we intend to manage the major on site. We also utilise “the Shed” for our Managementchanges in our sector. Committee meetings and other community consultations.Assisted by consultants we were actively engaged To our General Manager Roslyn, all of our office staff,in developing a business plan to bolster the way we our paid drivers, bus assistants and all of our volunteers,deliver best possible service to our clients in line with on behalf of the Management Committee I wouldaged care reforms. like to extend a much deserved “thank you” for your dedication and efforts throughout these times of change,We have also made several changes to staffing in providing such an excellent service, for which we areand established new positions to streamline our renowned, despite the many teething problems incurredoperations, deemed necessary as a result of an with the new systems.organisational review. To the members of our Management Committee, myI take this opportunity to welcome our new staff to sincere thanks to each of you for volunteering to thethe organisation. committee, your dedication, enthusiasm and participation is greatly appreciated.We have also initiated new technology in reporting data,work health and safety, and document management, also Graham Warein dispatch, with the installation of new software andtablets in vehicles President – 02 –
ACTIVUS TRANSPORT THE 2017 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTWelcome to our 2017 Annual Report. This is my tenth The Management Committee have again been a greatGeneral Managers report for the organisation, over this strength in coping with the challenges of the governmenttime we have seen big changes from a small fleet of reforms. They are always willing to give their time tovehicles, with a small team of workers to now a larger help make the difficult decisions required to keep themore diverse range of vehicles and more people with organisation running smoothly.specialist roles using a wider range of technology. To make the best use of our facilities we haveThe Aged Care Reforms being rolled out by the transformed a small garage on our property, previouslyCommonwealth Government and the move to the used by Engadine Lions, into a small meeting andNational Disability Insurance Scheme for people under training room. This has been valuable as the staff do65 years with a disability are having massive changes to not need to go off site for training and the resources ofthe way we deliver services both now and in the future. the organisations are just across the car park. We areWhilst change is always exciting it does bring challenges also using this venue for our Management Committeeand I would like to thank the staff and volunteers who meetings and other community consultations.have worked so hard over the past year to provideservices to our clients. We know that our transport Talking of training, we would like to thank 3Bridges andservice allows people to stay active and mobile and Gary Melbourne for providing such a great range ofcontinue to participate in community life, which would training for our staff and volunteers, with a staff of 27 andotherwise be very difficult due to lack of transport or lack over 85 volunteers, our training needs are ongoing andof the mobility to access other forms of transport. the support of qualified trainers has made the training run very effectively.In October we were fortunate to be awarded the Serviceof the Year award for the Sydney Metro region. This We engaged Debbie Jamieson, Consultant, to carryaward was recognition of the wonderful service which out a Business Plan in late 2016 which was developedwe provide to our clients, and we thank the Community with a team of staff and Management CommitteeTransport Organisation for the award. members, we also had the valuable expertise of Marilyn Leeds, who has had a long history with TransportOver the past year we have made several changes to the for NSW and her assistance in the development of thisway we do business, much of this was in the light of the Business Plan was contract signed with Transport for NSW. Instead ofemploying a bookkeeper we now use the services of a We then followed this up with a Structure andfirm of Accountants to manage our finances and I would Organisation Review in early 2017. As a result of bothlike to thank Brendan from Hopscotch Accounting for his of these reviews we have made some changes to ourvaluable work and direction over the past year. We have staffing, engaged a Business Development Manager andalso engaged several recruitment firms to carry out our Client Services Manager and now have a specialisedstaff recruitment, this not only allows for a professional staff member who handles all of the referrals from Mystandard of recruitment, it also frees up internal staff to Aged Care and National Disability Insurance Scheme.carry out their tasks.– 03 –
Our work with other community organisations in Thanks must go to our dedicated team of volunteerthe region continues, with the Living Well Locally drivers and bus assistants, without their support weproject well underway. This joint project with Home would not be able to service the large number of clientsModification Solutions, Sutherland Food Services, each day. Recent census statistics show that volunteeringGymea Community Aid and Information Service and is still a core value for Australians and I am sure theNurses on Wheels allows us to work collaboratively with social connections that volunteering brings is as muchother likeminded services to promote options for people benefit to the drivers and bus assistants as it is to theliving locally who may require some additional support to clients.keep them living well. Thanks also to our office staff, drivers and bus assistantsTechnology is the new frontier, we are currently using who have worked so hard to provide the supportSamsung tablets in all vehicles, and these allow the necessary to our clients. We have a range of experiencedriver to process information on the trip direct into the from Lorraine and George who have been with thesystem, as we move to a more on demand service this organisation for over 20 years through to Sam and Greguse of technology is invaluable. our latest recruits. Our newsletter now has a regular feature of profiling one of our staff members and thisWe also use technology to report all of our data to has allowed both other staff and clients to get to knowvarious government departments, this reduces paper and the worker – as much of our office work is done over theallows for better reporting to justify our funding. Another phone this is a valuable tool to promote our staff.use of technology is the online reporting for our workhealth and safety system, this system allows staff to enter Thanks also to our funding partners, Transport for NSWincidents and accidents direct into the portal from their and NSW Health for their continued support, this financialphone or computer and the report is then generated support is valuable in allowing us to continue to offerdirect to the relevant supervisor. quality services to our clients.One of our biggest challenges going forward is to We look forward to continuing to provide qualitypromote our services to those in the community who transport to support the community.most require our support, our referrals from the My AgedCare site are averaging over 70 per month, however, Roslyn Mortonwith an aging population and cancellations running atover 20%, we need to be promoting our service so that General Managerpeople do not miss out on finding appropriate transportand so becoming socially isolated.– 04 –
ACTIVUS TRANSPORT INTRODUCING OUR BOARD MEMBERSGraham Ware Chris Bentley Ted Ashton Gary RichardsPresident Vice President Secretary TreasurerGraham retired from a career Chris has over 30 years’ Ted worked for many years Gary began his career asspanning forty years with NSW experience in a social welfare in the building industry a Chartered AccountantDepartment of Public Works. context. As a result, he culminating in the position (England & Wales) withHe specialised in building has held several positions of Manager, Quantity and Pannell Kerr Forster. Heconstruction and maintenance, as a senior legal officer Tenders Branch for the relocated to Canada wherespecification writing, contract within various government Department of Housing NSW. he qualified as a Canadiansupervision, WHS, and departments including NSW Chartered Accountant. Garysupervision of multi trade Health and other Quality Additionally Ted has made a career change intoteams in heritage building and Management roles. community links as a member Management Consulting whilestonework restoration projects. of the Hurstville APEX club in Canada joining Ernst and Chris has been an active for 15 years, assisted with the Young Consultants.He has extensive experience member on the Boards of Youth Club movement as ain all areas of project Engadine District Community football manager and coach, He accepted an offer to joinmanagement and supervision, Aid & Information Service, manager of tennis teams Price Waterhouse Consultantsand facilities maintenance Sutherland Hospital Local and organiser of Dancesport first locating in Brisbane thenand has completed training Community Advisory competitions for youth Sydney. Gary has operated hisin financial management, HR Committee and Sutherland club members. own Management Consultingand IT. Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area practice for the past 20+ Health Advisory Council. He Ted contributes to the Activus years specialising in projectHe is a Board Member of a joined the Board of Activus Board in the position of directing the planning oflocal Services and Citizens Transport in 2008 and Secretary and has been on health related services andClub and he currently holds currently holds the position of the board for 7 years. facilities mainly for the NSWthe position of President on Vice President. Health Department.the Activus Transport Board ofwhich he has been a member Gary is a past President andsince 2007. active member of Rotary Engadine. He is Treasurer on the Activus Board after joining the board in July 2015. – 05 –
ANNUAL REPORT 2017Phil Hayes Moya Turner Allan Humbley Jan ForshawMember Member Member MemberPhil started his career as a Moya has over 30 years’ Alan was the Managing In 2004 Jan was elected toprimary school teacher in experience in general and Director of his family business the Sutherland Shire Council,Victoria. He then pursued a midwifery nursing. Following running oyster farms in the re-elected in 2008, andcareer with Abbott Australia on from a strong background Sutherland Shire area for over became Deputy Mayor in a Pharmaceutical Industry in nursing, Moya continued 30 years. He was appointed During her 8 years on CouncilSales and Marketing her career as Community JP in 1992. On selling the Jan chaired the Communityrepresentative for 20 years. Health Nurse, Welfare business in 1998 he moved Services Committee and Worker with the homeless into property investment, worked to improve servicesPhil moved into driver training and Credit Line Councillor for owning and managing and facilities to aged carewith Trent Driving School Wesley Mission. commercial properties and community centres,for 4 years followed by over across NSW. upgrades to shopping centres15 years as a WorkCover Moya’s commitment to the and Surf Clubs, and the firstaccredited OH&S trainer community is demonstrated by During this time Allan has Men’s Sheds in the Shire. Janand consultant. her involvement in Community maintained a strong interest also served as a member Opera Choir (since 2008), in the local community as of the Board of HazlehurstCurrently Phil actively Bushcare with Sutherland a volunteer driver before Regional Gallery.contributes to the community Shire Council (over 15 years), moving onto the Boardas demonstrated by his role Toastmasters (since 1999) of Activus where he has Jan retired as a Councillor inas a volunteer driver and and Council of the Ageing – remained a strong Board 2012 but has continued toBoard member for Activus, presenting health talks to over member for over 12 years. His be active in the communitywhich he joined in 2014. As 55s at Calvary Hospital. commitment to the community serving as a volunteerwell as his work for Activus has seen him involved with and board member with ahe also sits on the boards of Moya has been a member on the local Police & Citizens number of local organisationsRotary, Lodge Gymea and the Activus Board since 2006 Youth Club for over 30 years. including Activus TransportWoolooware Golf Club. and is retiring from the the and Dunlea (formerly baord this year. Boystown, Engadine). – 06 –
ACTIVUS TRANSPORT REPORT FROM THERISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEIt is my pleasure to present the Fifth Annual Report for On a personal note I would like to thank all the membersthe Risk Management Committee (RMC) and its third of the RMC for their dedication and expertise throughoutreport under the Activus Transport banner. the year. I believe that we have an appropriate mix of management, staff and volunteers to enable us toThe RMC is an operationally focussed, sub Committee tackle any of our workforce issue. The RMC recognisesof the Management Committee. Its role is to review the need to develop a reporting culture within theand make recommendations on management systems, organisation. Members agree that the Committee ofpractices and procedures and the effectiveness of itself cannot decrease reportable incidents. Its role isrisk identification and minimisation. It also reviews to ensure that incidents are reported and reviewed andthe organisation’s compliance with internal guidelines that recommendations are actioned, monitored andand external requirements. At each meeting, the RMC implemented, if warranted. Please feel free to contactroutinely considers reports regarding training and any RMC members if you know of any workplace healthdevelopment of staff and volunteers and receives or safety issues or if you want to join the Committee.reports from the Management Committee, the GeneralManager, the volunteer’s representative and from other Thank you also to the Management Committee. RiskRMC members. It also analyses incidents and discusses Management continues as a Standing Agenda Itemthe release of relevant Best Practice Guidelines and for all its meetings and the RMC minutes are providedlegislative directives. to all Management Committee members and indeed to all members of Activus Transport, upon request.Once again, it has been a year of great change The RMC would not exist without its endorsementparticularly in the move from funding agreements to and contracts. As can be seen from the GM’s report,the organisation has spent a lot of time planning and Special thanks to Trish Deen, the former RMC Secretarypreparing for the many implications of individualised who has moved on to greener pastures - her dedicationcare funding. The introduction of new technology is of and professionalism have been missed.particular interest to the RMC because new technologyinevitably has a disruptor period before its benefits are Lastly, thanks again to all staff and volunteers for theirachieved. Despite this environment, the RMC continues commitment to this organisation. We all need to ensureto focus on effectiveness, efficiency and safety at all that it is as safe, efficient and effective as it can be.levels of the Organisation. Throughout the year, the RMChas begun to use performance reports which use Key Chris BentleyIndicators developed in the RouteMatch system. TheRisk Management Committee Awareness Survey was Chairman, Risk Management Committeeundertaken with very positive results. The current RiskManagement Plan is being reviewed and will incorporatethe safe working methods provided by Howsafe. Thethird party verification for registration for NDIS will alsobe considered.– 07 –
STATEMENT ONABORIGINAL RECONCILIATION Activus Transport Inc. respects the values, culture and heritage of the Aboriginal people and we will endeavour to promote this respect in all the work that we do. Activus Transport acknowledges the traditional Aboriginal people are the original custodians of the land on which Activus Transport is situated and we are committed to working in ways that are both supportive and empowering of Aboriginal people and their families and communities. Activus Transport vision for reconciliation is that Aboriginal people will be encouraged to connect with our services in a culturally secure manner and to strengthen our solid foundation of respect, relationships and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and community organisations. Activus Transport has a commitment to cultural diversity and respect for Aboriginal people and does not tolerate racism, prejudice and harassment of any sort. – 08 –
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2017TREASURER'S REPORT I am pleased to present the Treasurer’s Financial Report for the year ended 30th June 2017 for Activus Transport Incorporated. Gary Richards TreasurerFinancial Position Investment in New VehiclesThe financial health of Activus Transport remains strong During 2016/17 Activus Transport purchased 3 newin 2016/17 with the organisation owning assets worth Honda Odysseys. In July 2017, 3 similar vehicles were$2.777 million at 30 June 2017 which represents an purchased. Honda Odyssey’s have been determined, byincrease of 6.4% compared to assets worth $2.609 clients and drivers, to best satisfy vehicle expectations.million as at 30 June 2016. Our asset base primarily Currently 75% of our car fleet is less than 2 years old.comprises a vehicle fleet and cash at bank. We will continue to invest in our vehicle fleet to ensureTotal Government funding subsidies decreased to the provision of reliable and comfortable vehicles for$1.654 million in 2016/17 compared to $1.857 million in our clients.2015/16 (-10.9%). Income from all other sources includingpassenger / group charges and vehicle hire increased Major Changes in Grant Fundingto $0.569 million in 2016/17 from $0.527 million in2015/16 (+8.0%). Approximately 90% of Activus Transport funding in 2016/17 was generated from the CommonwealthExpenses incurred throughout the year were again Home Support Program (CHSP). This is a block grantwell managed resulting in an operating surplus of arrangement paid directly to Activus Transport (and$0.096 million. In 2015/16 Activus Transport achieved to many other aged care related services). Thean operating surplus of $0.233 million. The turnaround Commonwealth has announced that community transportin operating position is primarily related to the 10.9% funding will be paid directly to the service user (ratherreduction in Federal Government grant funding received than to the service provider). Initially this fundamentalin 2016/17 compared to 2015/16. $0.80 million of the funding change was to occur in 2017/18. However, onreduced surplus in 2016/17 was transferred to Asset 9 May 2017 it was announced that the existing blockReplacement and Project Reserves to ensure that Activus funding arrangement would continue to June 2020. AtTransport can replace our primary vehicle assets as this this point, therefore, Activus Transport has certainty ofbecomes necessary. funding for an additional 2 years only.Hopscotch Accounting To help prepare for this funding change Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has provided Grants in Advance of $0.080In 2016, Activus Transport engaged the services of million. These funds will be used to help prepare ActivusHopscotch Accounting, Chartered Accountants to Transport to operate without significant grant fundingprovide us with ongoing accounting and financial from July 2020. We are currently assessing a number ofreporting services. Brendan Lucas has provided Activus operating / financial strategies to enable us to continueTransport with excellent accounting services since service provision into the future.Hopscotch was commissioned.– 10 –
ACTIVUS TRANSPORT 5 SEPTEMBER 2017 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The following snapshot of financial information has been produced from the audited financial statements of Activus Transport Incorporated of which we signed an unqualified audit report on 31 August 2017. A copy of the full financial report is available on request. Yours faithfully Benjamin Fock Registered Company Auditor – 11 –
“Jaci is great at her joband what makes thedifference is she cares,she remembers whateach client likes orneeds, she knows whoneeds assistance andgives it as requiredwithout asking. Shemakes everyone feelsafe and does this allwithout effort”- Jan – 13 –
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ACTIVUS TRANSPORT VOLUNTEER PROFILE RON HUNTOur volunteers come to us via many pathways. Over 23 Most people don’t know that Ron has actually travelledyears ago Ron Hunt had a need to borrow a vehicle from around most of Australia. He says “it would be easier toa small organisation called Sutherland Shire Community list the places I haven’t been to than the ones I have!” ButTransport to transport a Brain Injury Support Group he of all of the destinations Ron has travelled to in Australia,was heavily involved in. He liked what he saw and joined his favourite is Wilpena Pound in South Australia.the team as a volunteer. Ron recently celebrated turning 80 years young – notSince that time he has seen our business grow and that you’d know it. Ron not only looks youthful but has achange dramatically from an extremely small fleet of only wonderful youthful outlook on life. Maybe he can credit1 small bus and 1 car. Today we have a diverse fleet of 9 that to his love of a wee dram of fine Scotch Whiskey.buses and 13 cars, a computerised booking system and a Or maybe it’s because he spends time investing in hisnew brand name - Activus Transport. greatest hobby - his great grandchildren of which he says “there’s no better gift I could receive for my birthdayRon is known to clients and colleagues for his vibrant, than to spend time with them.”cheeky and positive attitude towards life. In the famous words of Ron’s role model, Colonel ‘Weary’Prior to volunteering with Activus & other organisations, Dunlop. \"Life is no brief candle but a splendid torch madeRon & his wife owned a picture framing gallery based to burn ever more brightly.\"in Cronulla which displayed local up and coming artistsfrom around the Sutherland Shire Area. They hosted Keep shining brightly Ron – you’re one of the best.weekly wine & cheese evenings at the Gallery, which Ronadmits was his favourite part of owning the store. Fromtime to time Ron still dabbles in picture framing for familyand friends out of his home office (formerly known as therumpus room!). – 15 –
ANNUAL REPORT 2017 FUN FACTS DID YOU KNOW?We currently have 3,827 The number of new clients clients on our books. in 2016/17 was 860.Total number of transport Thursday is our busiest day We have a fleet of 13 cars Bookings 58,433 of the week. and 9 busesWe ran the service with 25 27,669 trips to and from staff and 89 volunteers medical, health and well being appointments – 16 –
ACTIVUS TRANSPORT STAFF PROFILE JUNKO KATOIntroducing Junko Kato, Senior Client Services Officer for One of her greatest passions is Tennis which she playsMy Aged Care and NDIS. socially and at competition level. In fact her whole family is active and takes part in soccer, gym, walking andJunko grew up in Shimane, Japan. After also living in tennis on a regular basis.Hawaii and Tokyo, she realised that a city offering arelaxed lifestyle was what she needed, hence her move According to Junko, if one day she were lucky enoughto Sydney in 1987. to win the Lotto she says her wish would be to “ build a school (and of course a tennis court) with her partner inBefore starting work with Activus, Junko worked in the an African country”.travel industry as an inbound tour operator and stayat home mum looking after her two children. She has I asked Junko what has impressed her about workingbeen a member of the Activus Team since April 2010 with Activus and she said “The dedication and passionwhen she started as Group Transport Assistant and was shown to the clients by our staff and volunteers” .responsible for assisting with client intake assessment forgroups and group transport arrangements. Thanks Junko for your passion and dedication.After completing her Community Services WelfareCertificate 4 and Diploma she moved into the positionof Client Services Officer and then onto her currentpositon as Senior Client Services Officer. Her newrole involves assessing new and existing clients foreligibility under programs such as MAC (My Aged Care)and NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). Thisrequires considerable skill in guiding clients through thecomplexities of these Government programs.But there’s more to Junko than meets the eye – forexample she was an A grade art student in high schooland seriously considered becoming a cartoonist. Shecan also play the piano (although admits a little rustily)and can speak fluent Japanese and even a little Spanishand Korean.
ANNUAL REPORT 2017 THANK YOU TO OURFUNDERS & SUPPORTERS Thank you to our funders, partners and supporters. Activus Transport relies on a varied range of support and funding sources. It is this generosity that allows us to provide transport services to clients across the Sutherland Shire. Funding Bodies Transport for NSW Commonwealth Department of Health NSW Health Supporters Sutherland Shire Council Sutherland Food Services Home Modification Solutions Gymea Community Aid and Information Service Ink Signs Club Heathcote Engadine Bowling Club Acknowledgements Brendan Lucas – Hopscotch Accounting Ben Fock – HLB Mann Judd Adam Lawdor – Vanguard House – 18 –
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