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Home Explore Activus Transport Newsletter Spring 2015

Activus Transport Newsletter Spring 2015

Published by Activus Tranport, 2015-11-09 22:33:15

Description: Activus Transport Newsletter Spring 2105

Keywords: Activus Newsletter Spring 2015


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Activus NewsSpring EditionMessage from the GM In this issue: The organisation is and Sutherland Shire and as far away • Message from the now in full swing with as Tenterfield and Broken Hill as a way General Manager the new name and of expanding our services whilst still branding. Watch out keeping our focus on clients. Some of • 2015 Annual General for the bright orange these partnerships will involve shared Meeting and purple logo on the vehicles whilst others will be about vehicles, uniforms and shared training and policies. • Rebranding News advertising. Everyone • Staff Comings and has accepted the At a recent conference I attended, Scottnew name and its clear that clients, Morrison, our local Federal MP, gave our Goingsvolunteers and staff are more interested service great praise for the work we do • Dr Robyn Findlay,in the services we provide and not the under contract with the government – it isname of the service. Transport for NSW terrific to be recognised by the politicians University of Qldhave complimented us on changing our in power. • Tech Savvy Seniorsname, as they had previously had issues • Introducing the newwith funding being sent to the wrong On behalf of the Board I would like toorganisations due to many services thank everyone for their dedication Operations Departmenthaving Sutherland Shire in their name. to our clients and to the work of the organisation. You are the face of the AGM 2015Lots of exciting news, in July 2015 we organisation and without your continuedprovided almost 1,000 more trips than good work and positive promotion of the Date: Thursday 22nd October, 2015in July 2014. This outcome is terrific as service we would not be able to achieve Time: 2-3pmit shows that we have the capacity to such great outcomes. Address: Engadine Bowling Clubprovide a wonderful service to our clients. 61 Cambrai Ave, Engadine Thank you to our clients for embracingTransport for NSW, our funding body, the name change and changes to internalhas chosen our service to trial a new staff and thank you to staff for keepingpurpose built vehicle later this year. the service running so smoothly whilstThese vehicles are being designed to we undergo all of the changes necessarymeet the needs of our clients and will to manage the name change andhave purpose built modifications – we internal restructure.will be one of the first in the State to havea vehicle on our fleet and from this we Don’t forget, if you know of anyonewill be able to give the Department a fully who may have mobility restrictionscomprehensive assessment of the value due to age or disability or are transportof the vehicle both from the drivers’ and disadvantaged, please ask them to callthe clients’ perspective. our office on 9548 0122 and our staff will assess their eligibility.We have formed partnerships withorganisations across both St George Roslyn MortonTIME2 LIVING HEALTH &ENJOY ACTIVITIES WELLBEINGGroup activities, caring Shopping and local village To and from medical, healthcentres or social visits. centre visits. and wellbeing appointments.

ACTIVUS NEWS | SPRING EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2015Rebranding news Staff comings & goingsIts full steam ahead for the rebranding many social media platforms. We aren’t A very warm welcome to our new staff:of our organisation to Activus Transport just on Facebook but Google+ and Client Services Officers, Marie Mayne andInc.  We’ve now received our new Twitter too! Semra Murphy, our new Drivers, Anthonybrochures, business cards, email Moss and Rick Wallace, Jenny Rixon joinssignatures, letterheads and a whole Staff and Volunteers are in the process of the team as Project Manager and last butarray of marketing pieces  with more choosing the new uniform which, contrary by no means least, Geoff Houldsworthin the pipeline. to popular belief won’t be Orange pants who has joined the team as Business with a Green top – not sure how that Development Consultant.Our Website is currently being built and rumor got started!will include up to the minute information They have all been extremely busy inabout all our many services. It will also Our vehicles are also getting a face-lift their new roles and are feeling verycontain links to other useful organisations, with brand new signage and our building comfortable integrating with the existinginformation about becoming a volunteer, at Engadine will soon have the bright Activus Team of Staff, Volunteers andpositions vacant, a gallery of pics and Activus logo on it too. So, when you see Clients. Look out for our pocket rocketmuch, much more. our vehicles around the place – be sure Michelle who is back ‘on the buses’ to let us know.  We’d love to hear what after working in the office for a coupleWe’ll keep you posted.  In the meantime, you think. of months.if you haven’t ‘liked’ us on our brand newFacebook page – what are you waiting Stephanie McCamley Michelle is really happy to be backfor?  We would love to see you in our behind the wheel and working closely with Activus clients once again. Jim has moved to the Corporate Services Team and takes on the role of Corporate Services & Fleet Administrator. Activus is lucky to have such a dedicated team of  staff and volunteers. VOLUNTEER LUNCH INVITATION When: Thursday 17th September 12:00pm Where: Engadine RSL 1029 Old Princes Hwy, Engadine Cost: Free RSVP to Kylie 9548 0122

ACTIVUS NEWS | SPRING EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2015Activus volunteers are pricelessActivus Transport salutes every one ‘As the population ages and as more among older people, it is more often than of its volunteers for the wonderful people are living alone, social isolation not the result of the death of a partner. work they do.  We rely heavily on amongst older people is emerging as their commitment and dedication.  a major issue’ says Dr Robyn Findlay, One of Activus’ key causes is “get outWithout them, we simply could not University of Qld. and about’.  We are seeking to connectmeet the needs of our community.   people through out Time2Enjoy, Health The shift has coincided with an increase and Wellbeing and Living Activities We thank them for embracing the in people living alone in their middle programs.  We can take clients to changes within the organisation years with a third of those on their group activities and social events, and for helping to enrich the lives own being aged between 40 and 59 to and from medical and wellbeing years of age. appointments and to shopping and of our Clients.  local village centre activities. Researchers also found that there has “Volunteers don’t get paid, not been a sharp increase in the proportion If you or someone you know has mobility because they’re worthless, but of those living alone who are aged over restrictions because of age or disability, 80.  In the middle-aged age group living reside in the Sutherland shire and live because they’re priceless.” alone often results from separation independently – call us and we’ll tell you -Sherry Anderson and divorce. how to get started.  If you would like to volunteer, Among younger groups, living alone or know someone who would – is linked with delays in marriage while call our office on: 9548 0122 and ask for Kylie. a heartfelt Tech Savvy Seniors ACTIVUSTHANK YOU LAUNCH If you’d like to learn more about EVENTvoTluOnOtUeeRrs computers and in particular the Internet, call the Broadband for Seniors hot-line on When: 22 October 2015 Time: 3-5pm 1300 795 897 for a list of kiosks in your Where: Engadine Bowling Club 61 area where you can receive individual Cambrai Ave, Engadine and workshop training.

ACTIVUS NEWS | SPRING EDITION ACTIVUS TRANSPORT | 2015Introducing the new Operations Department!As many of you are aware, Activus along with two new staff members, Marie was badly affected by the electricalTransport has undergone an organisation and Semra. We welcome Marie and storms in April and it has taken overre-structure and many of our clients have Semra to the Activus team!! Both have four months to rectify the situation.been inquiring about who’s working ample experience in Community Services We really did appreciate your patiencewhere now. and are looking forward to speaking with during this period. you over the phone.We now have a new Operations Just to familiarise you with our phoneDepartment which has two new I have the privilege of being the system, when we are all on the phone,sections called Client Services and Operations Manager, now, as well your call will go to the answeringClient Transport. Client Services takes as remaining Roslyn’s 2IC, and machine. Please leave a message alongall bookings, completes new client am excited, along with my team in with your name and phone number,assessments and registrations, and continuing to offer our great service to and we will return your call as soonClient Transport does the scheduling our new and existing clients. as possible.for all vehicle runs and coordinatesthe Drivers and Transport Assistants. Many of you will remember Jim and Kylie I hope this gives you an insight intoConsequently, many of our staff have from the old Group Transport section? the new structure of Activus Transporttaken on new roles. Both have now joined our new Corporate – our roles may have changed, but the Services team. Jim as Corporate Services same old faces are still here (plus newLorraine is now Supervisor of the and Fleet Administrator, and Kylie as ones!) and our passion for offering theTransport section and Rhonda and Donna Corporate Services Assistant. best transport service to our clients(who also drives our cars) make up the hasn’t Transport team under Lorraine. With a restructure, there are alwaysJunko is now Supervisor of Client teething problems and as many of Trish DeenServices and has been joined by Marge you are aware, our major problem was the phones. Our phone system t. 02 9548 0122 e. [email protected] a. 1160 Old Princes Highway (PO Box 303) f. 02 9548 0926 w. Engadine, Sydney NSW 2233

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