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DialofOurLives Newsletter

Published by Dial Newsletter, 2014-12-24 10:42:13

Description: DialofOurLives Newsletter


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PAGE 2CHRISTMAS AT DIAL (BARBADOS) INC—Hope BradyAs the Christmas season comes to anend, we anxiously await the words\"Happy New Year!\" Another year is aboutto pass us.We look back in reflection at the accom-plishments, mistakes, and lessonslearnt, as all have attributed to ourgrowth. Dial Barbados Inc is two yearsold; we’ve surpassed expectations andovercame many obstacles. Looking back,we must truly thank God for bringing usthis far. The road was never easy but wemade it.With the implementation of two new out to be huge successes. We completed forget the past, but learn from it anddepartments Customer Care and Busi- the NISE 100 Improvements and we are move forward into our futureness, both aspects that are a necessity currently awaiting the results as we are with opened hearts and minds to receivein the current telecommunications envi- all the blessings, opportunities that awaitronment, have been well received by confident we will take home the prize. us.customers. Our casual attire no longer “Cheers to a new year and another chancesuited the layout of the stores or the To end our fun filled year, we closed withCorporate environment which it created our staff party dubbed “An All White for us to get it right.” ~Oprah Winfreywhich changed the direction to which the Affair”. It was wonderfully planned andCompany intended to undertake. Our executed. The staff truly enjoyed them- Love and BlessingsArea Retail Manager Maria Higgins de- Hope Bradysigned a unique all black attire that has selves.been causing quite a stir. This designhas been labelled as one of the trendiest From everything we have experienced we now have a fresh new outlook of thework attire in the market. coming year. This enables us to leave the past where it belongs, not that weWe were faced with the deaths of familymembers of our work colleagues, whowe gave our whole hearted support, asthere is no easy way to say goodbye.We participated in some exciting andexhilarating team building activities. Wereinacted Survivor and more recentlyGame of Thrones both of which turned

PAGE 3 Up Close with Stefano Dimera — Jarad1. If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be?I would go on vacation right now so I could see the ball drop in Times Square.2. If money was no object, what would you do all day?I would try to find persons who are in need of an extra push in life and provide it.3. What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?How to effectively operate in a work environment. Besides the theories beingtaught; how to interact professionally with all types of people.4. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?2012. I would not have cheated on the girl I was in a relationship with at thetime.5. How would your friends describe you?Ambitious. Focused. Fun (extreme). Trustworthy.6. What is your proudest accomplishment?Forming my dance group (Bluetooth breakers). We won the first time we enteredDanceFest and we won again at Kensington oval the following year.7. What would you sing at Karaoke night?I wouldn’t sing because I cannot sing.8. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?Inside my head because a lot of stuff happens that I don’t understand (in theworld). So the only place I can be comfortable is in my head.9. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?Same powers of Superman but not his weaknesses.10. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?My grandfather because we did not have enough time. Lil’ Wayne because he isdifferent. Michael Jackson as he was an influential figure in my life. God becauseI have a lot of questions.11. Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?That is a funny question both have advantages because you can get ahead in lifewith intelligence and there are still avenues for people with looks.12. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?Legalise weed. We only indulge in the act if it’s illegal. There isn’t going to be ashigh a demand. Crime should be cut.13. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?Product extremely addictive.14. Who knows you the best?Myself.15. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?Making a lot of money can’t really say with what. My paralegal studies would becomplete. Living off my company’s success.

PAGE 4 Top Sales Person & Christmas Babies “You are the creator of your own destiny” \"What do you callpeople who are afraid of Santa Claus? Claustrophobic.\" - Anonymous


PAGE 6Alice “Belly Full of Laughs”Everyone usually has a hard the sales floor to check on \"$101,237.65\".first day at a new job, and it's how the kid did on his first day. \"How many custom- The manager, astonished,no different for the kid in this ers bought something from says, \"$101,237.65?!? Whatfun fictitious story. When his you today?\" the heck did you sell?\"manager comes to check on The kid frowns and looks at The kid says, \"Well, first, I soldhim after his first day, he is the floor and mutters, him some new fish hooks.disappointed by the number \"One\". Then, I sold him a new fishingof people the kid has made rod to go with his new hooks. The manager replies, \"Just Then, I asked him where hesales to. Check out the story one?!!? Our employees was going fishing and he saidto see how the kid replies to average sales to 20 to 30 down the coast, so I told himhis boss's outburst. customers a day. That will he was going to need a boat.A young guy from North Da- have to change and soon if We went down to the boat you'd like to continue your department, and I sold him akota moves to Florida and employment here. We have twin engine Chris Craft. Thengoes to a big \"everything un- very strict standards for he said he didn't think hisder one roof\" department our sales force here in Honda Civic would pull it, so I Florida. One sale a day took him down to the automo-store looking for a job. might have been accept- tive department and sold him able in North Dakota, but that 4x4 Expedition.\"The manager says, \"Do you you're not on the farmhave any sales experience?\" anymore, son.\" The manager said \"A guy came in here to buy a fishThe kid says, \"Yeah. I was a The kid took his beating, hook, and you sold him a boat but continued to look at his and a TRUCK!?\"vacuum salesman back in shoes. The manager feltNorth Dakota.\" kind of bad for chewing The kid said, \"No, the guy him out on his first day. He came in here to buy tamponsThe manager was unsure, but asked (semi-sarcastically), for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, \"So, how much was your your weekend's shot, youhe liked the kid and figured one sale for?\" should go fishing.'\"he'd give him a shot, so he The kid looks up at his manager and saysgave him the job. \"You starttomorrow. I'll come downafter we close and see howyou did.\"His first day on the job wasrough, but he got through it.After the store was locked up,the manager came down toSend your Guesstimations [email protected].

PAGE 7 DEAR MARLENADear Marlena,My man of 3years has not proposed to me. I doeverything, cook, clean, wash take care of two ofhis children that are not from me Doc. I just don’tknow what to do. Every time I ask, he does say“next year baby”. Marlena he don’t even work,every month I does tek my money and buy brandfor he to wear. Truth is, when I met him, 29 of his32 teeth were bad, but I got a good job so I fixthem and now he being difficult about mar-riage...Do you think I should just propose to himinstead? I really do love him a lot. I am running outof options, please help me Doc.Best RegardsJenniferDear Jennifer,You are in love with a man who does not love you.Stop it!This man is never going to marry you. Love your-self first. Jennifer, you seem to have seriousissues please tell me how you got involved with aman that has two teeth; this letter has upset myequilibrium, I will pray that you find common senseand leave that man. All the best with that!Best WishesMarlena (Doc)

PAGE 8 Get Healthy with—SammyDecember is usually We want to encourage each holiday season. lose weight, but it does-synonymous with an you to start this New Celebration doesn't n't have to be a time toabundance of eating Year on the right foot. have to mean glutton- lose your health. Theand a lack of exercise. The holidays are a time ous eating, or depriva- key is to go into the tion for that matter. It's holidays with a plan. for celebration time to bring the focus Here are five ways to and family, not back to the purpose of keep your health over to put on the holiday. Enjoy your the holidays. weight. It's al- friends and family, the most as if we've time off and the tradi- come to accept tions of the holidays. that we are go- The holiday season ing to put on 10 might not be a time to pounds duringTips and Tricks

PAGE 9SU DO KU Contact Info: Name: Jamelle Clarke Cell #: 255-2224PINEAPPLE BROWN SUGAR HAM GLAZE1 Cup Brown Sugar1 teaspoon mustard2 tablespoons floor1/4 cup pineapple juicePineapple sliceMaraschino cherriesCombine brown sugar, mustard and flour. Add pineapple juice and mix thoroughly. Spread mixture overham. About 1/2 hours before ham has finished baking, remove from oven and pour drippings. Decoratewith pineapple slices and maraschino cherry halves in the centres. Return ham to oven for about 30 min-utes to allow glaze to set.



PAGE 12 Inside Story Headline For unto us a child is born, for unto us a child is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9 6 - 7Dial (Barbados) Inc ContributorsLIME Welches “The Walk”BridgetownBarbadosPhone: 555-555-5555Fax: 555-555-5555E-mail: [email protected] include your stories or publications,please contact us! Merry Christmas

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