DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 8 Issue 3 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 16– 20 February 2020 Access the digital campus on daily basis for assignment and notices. Kindly check the circular for the Important dates for the academic year 2020-2021 Prepare well for the upcoming exam. Kindly refer to the Circular for India trip uploaded in the portal. Spending time outdoors, basking in nature, the pure air invigorates kids and leaves them feeling rejuve- nated. There’s something great about fresh air and sunshine that just puts kids in good mood and moti- vates them to get some exercise which indirectly helps them with in their studies. A lovely school trip being organized on Saturday 15th February to Motiongate Dubai (6-12 girls) and Wild Wadi Water Park Dubai (6-12 boys) provided the students apart from awesome entertainment, a chance to explore and mingle with their friends; hence enhancing children’s health, mind, and soul without spoiling their innocence.
Special Program Theme: Skit and Speech – Compassion Objective: To understand the importance to cooperate each other in daily life. Learning Outcome: To build positive relation- ships among students - important for creating a learning community that values diversity. To be kind, humble and tolerant. Provide experiences that develop both good learning skills and social skills. Skit on Compassion and Speech. Grade 8 A and 7 A boys started the assembly with the positive vibes and with health and fitness exercise and later they had put up the assembly on the theme compassion. The boys started with the skit how to be humble, kind and tolerant towards others and how to spread peace among others. Later a speech on compassion by Yash raj and Rohin was delivered how to be compassionate with others and what changes it will bring in others life. The students learned about the importance of Compassion and how to cooperate and help each other. Compassion is important because it allows people and groups to work together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits.
\"Tajneed- The capsule Learning Moves\" The Tajneed leadership team of Dunes conducted team building games to the bus drivers. Basket ball game was conducted. The goal of this activity was to create an awareness about the importance of physical fitness to maintain a healthy life. It developed togetherness by encouraging collaboration and teamwork. The participants had lot of fun and learnt the skills of team spirit, cooperation and motivation. Tajneed team thanked the bus drivers for taking care of their safety in the bus.
Role plays are important in teaching language it allows the students to practice speaking in conversational situation, build confidence and fluency, assess the progress, and put learning into action. Students have Done a role play on the topic “shopping” each group created a conversational situation and spoke well in Arabic.
Poetry has tremendous appeal for children and it is the best way of exciting their love of the language. It lays the foundation for the appreciation of the beauty of language. It educates their emotions and enhances their power of imagination. The rhythm of poetry helps the students to acquire natural speech rhythm. Poetry is taught for sheer pleasure and enjoyment. It further lays the foundation for an adequate ap- preciation of English poetry. Four students (two in junior and senior categories) from Dunes International School participated in Emirates NBD poetry for all competition organized by Emirates Airline Festival of Literature on the 19th Nov, 2019. We wish the luck as the school awaits for the results.
Inquiry Based Learning Students are introduced to several key concepts of electrical circuits. They designed circuit for series and parallel connections. They explored the physics behind this circuits and their pervasiveness in our homes and everyday lives. They learn about some of the physics behind circuits, the key components in a circuit and their pervasiveness in our homes and everyday lives.
Outside classroom learning helps the students to visual things really and gain a better understanding of the concept. Grade 8 students were taken to the school garden for their research project on 'Role of soil in plant's growth\". Students analyzed the factors that can affect the plant growth and presented in the class.
Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image Op art, short for optical art, is a style of visual art that uses optical illusions. Op art works are ab- stract, with many better known pieces created in black and white. Typically, they give the viewer the impression of movement, hidden images, flashing and vibrating patterns, or of swelling or warping. Op art works are ab- stract, a true Op Art piece “teases” the eye. May often be unable to focus when viewing an Op Art piece. This lesson is a great way to talk about Line, Shape and Pattern with Students. Optical Illusions build excitement, because it is fun to see the way the different illusions can trick the eye. The best part about this lesson is that none of the Op Art pieces look the same when they are finished. Many examples of Optical Illusions are provided for the students to help them generate their ideas as they plan.
Learning music improves knowledge. Students learn the basic songs in keyboard including the different keys. They also understand the position of wrist and the proper fingering. Students will learn to play the basic songs like “Mary had a little lamb” and “Twinkle Twinkle”. .
PLANT A TREE FOR YOUR TOMORROW : Enhancement of environmental activities by planting trees and taking care of garden to focus on sustainability.
“The year branded “2020: Towards One of the most important things that we the next 50”, will “involve all can do for our children is to develop a sense segments of the UAE society in shap- of self-esteem in them. Positive self-esteem ing life in the UAE for the next 50 will be far more fruitful for them than any years and preparing for the country’s significant numbers on the mark sheet. Child Golden Jubilee celebrations of 2021”. might already be stressed about it. Don’t The UAE aims to implement numer- add to that stress because children at this ous plans across diverse sectors that age have far less experience in handling include economy, education, infra- stressful situation. structure, health and media. The government emphasizes on working Best wishes together as citizens and residents across all sectors towards the next Regards 50 and make significant changes and raise aspirations. His Highness Sheikh Sadhana Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan said, “The UAE is about to mark a major milestone in its modern history as it approaches the Golden Jubilee with rising hopes and aspirations to strengthen its cultural position in the journey of humanity. With the willpower and unity of our people, we will work tirelessly to achieve our goal in making the UAE among the best countries in the world by the UAE centennial in 2071.” FINAL EXAMINATION BEGINS FROM 4.03.2020-12.032020
Dear Parent, “It is impossible to think of you without being overwhelmed by gratitude for all you’ve done for the school and your child in past year”. As we come to the end of another successful year, we want to thank you for working in partnership with Dunes International School to ensure your kids are achieving their best . Appreciating your endless hours of volunteering, chaperoning, organizing donating ,nurturing and supporting your child in the direction to foster the school’s vision that has resulted in students academic development and success of the school. Given their outstanding performance this year, our hopes are only getting higher for the upcoming school year. We hope that learning will continue in the days to come and you will encourage your child to Innovate and Excel Special thanks to our PTA who, went above and beyond the call of duty to provide whatever was necessary to add to our students’ school experience. We look forward to welcoming all children refreshed and ready for the challenges of the year ahead. With best regards, Dunes International School Family.
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