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Home Explore Grade 5 newsletter

Grade 5 newsletter

Published by sheeja.j, 2020-04-24 07:28:49

Description: Grade 5 newsletter


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Investiture ceremony Quran Recitation Explanation of Quran School Prayer recitation English Prayer Oath Taking Leadership Song

Student council members Mohammed Ayaan Swasti Paliwal Anuj Santhosh Dolas Samiya Suresh Irshad Deputy Head Boy Deputy Head Girl Head Boy Zeyan Niyas Ahammed Haaniya Inaam Green Brigadier Green Brigadier

Ambassador of Innovation- Ambassador of Kindness - Diya fathima Anagha Santhosh Ambassador of Cultural Ambassasor of Health and manifestation- Bhavya Happiness - JaijithSaji manigandan

Dance - Kathak Fusion

Five Finger-Summary Chart: ENGLISH In grade 5 English classroom children were actively engaged with the summarizing activity. The students were asked to retell the story they read in five sequences. The students enjoyed a “handy” way to practice ordering, retelling, and summarizing fiction texts.

FRENCH In grade 5 french class ‫انقر لإضافة نص‬ The students were very enthusiastic to discover the french food. They were asked to write the food which they like and which they dont like using the negative forme. The students were engaged throughout the class as they were writing in french



My Identity Program is part of the efforts of the Department of Education and MATH Knowledge to promote and strengthen national identity to increase appreciation and respect for the students studying in the United Arab Emirates. The ultimate goal of building a consolidated UAE society with pride in it's national identity. To compare means to examine the differences between numbers, quantities or values to decide if it is greater than, smaller than or equal to another quantity. By comparing, we can define or find by how much a number is greater or smaller. Students of grade 5 had done an activity of comparing numbers related to my identity. Students have the opportunity to select the activity that they want to do and they have compared the population of 7 emirates of UAE, comparing the population of GCC countries and other countries

Moral Science Celebrating Earth day with poster making for our beloved Earth and showcasing our thoughts through it.

Finding difference between the two pics. Sprouting the seeds MORAL SCIENCE Understanding the value of patience through activities. Patience is a virtue which can help you deal with the biggest challenges of life.

Plants are amazing. Plant reproduction is important to the future because plants, like people, have to reproduce for there to be more of them. Germination is the process of seeds developing into new plants. First, environmental conditions must trigger the seed to grow. Usually, this is determined by how deep the seed is planted, water availability, and temperature. Students had a wonderful chance in learning through reflection on doing\"- an activity to determine the conditions needed for the germination of seeds. They enjoyed doing the experiment with the seeds and came to a conclusion that seeds germinate only when they get the right amount of air , water and warmth. They were enthusiastic to segregate seeds as monocots and dicots

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