Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute
From Its Inception In its early years, CUSRI to the Present research was carried out with the goals of promoting the national Chulalongkorn University development projects, identifying Social Research Institute (CUSRI) is development alternatives, and one of Chulalongkorn University’s providing solutions to various and Thailand’s earliest Social social problems. CUSRI also Sciences research institutes. Originally initiated the Political Economy founded under the Faculty of Study Group, the Alternative Political Science in 1967, it was Development Study Project, and subsequently promoted to an the Qualitative Research independent institute on 22 April Association, as well as a series of 1974. rural research projects which
allowed CUSRI to participate in and initiate new research concepts and practices such as community forests, local wisdom, and more. From its initial rural and agricultural research projects, CUSRI has broaden its research interests into the study of indigenous groups, informal labor groups, the urban poor, the disadvantaged groups, and other contingencies such as social and cultural impacts during and post- Covid-19 pandemic. Since 2007, CUSRI has devoted its attention to the problems of inequality and social justice as well as the social transition toward theSustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Research Groups CUSRI’s operations are categorized by the nature of work and specialization into four research groups as follows: 1 2 The Community and Envi- The Cultural Dynamics and ronment Research Group Ethnicity Research Group Research interests: Natural Research interests: Socio-cultural resource and environmental man- changes, social and community agement; community participation; adaptation and transformation community research, Participatory into modern and post-modern Action Research (PAR); social society; ethnicity and ethnic science quantitative research; changes in contemporary societies; environment and social impact cultural dimensions in alternative assessment;organizationmanagement, development knowledge management; educa- tional technology
3 4 The Human Security and The Rights and Social Development Research Justice Research Group Group Research interests: Livelihood Research interests:Humaninsecurity and rights of various groups of due to changes in the society and people in Thailand, especially the impacts of such change in all vulnerable groups like the low-in- population groups from past to come groups, the disadvantaged present, using a multidisciplinary groups, and informal workers, approach to develop knowledge exploring the dimensions of people’s and create policy recommendations livelihood, job/income security, for human security housing security, occupational safety, health, and risks
Research Units Three research units (RU), under Chulalongkorn University’s support, are established to develop in-depth expertise in the following areas of social science research: 12 The Indigenous Peoples and The Contemporary Peasant Development Alternatives Society Research Unit Research Unit Missions: To develop researches Missions: To gain deeper knowledge that correspond with changes in and understanding of indigenous the social structure of peasant peoples and development societies and the adaptation of alternatives; to support policy today’s peasants; to monitor and formation and implementation of report the impacts of government policies to protect the cultural policies on peasants; to connect rights of indigenous peoples; to government policies to their participate in a collaborative network implementation at the local level for the protection of indigenous in order to strengthen the sustainable peoples while creating more adaptation peasant society social awareness on the issues and to restructuring; to create national nurture a deeper appreciation of and ASEAN research networks cultural diversity in Thailand
3 The Human Security and Equity Research Unit Missions: To integrate studies on human security and equity by researchers from the Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute, the Environmental Research Institute, the School of Agriculture Resources, and external researchers from the Academic Center for a Just Society in four key areas: 1) Marginal population groups; 2) Agriculture and resources; 3) Environment, tourism, and disaster management; 4) Religion and drugs
Journal of Social Research CUSRI have been disseminating scholarly works from its researchers and others via the bi-annual, peer- reviewed academic journal since 2007. The Journal of Social Research publishes academic and research articles, as well as book reviews in the fields of social sciences, social development, social research. Instructional Functions CUSRI collaborates with other faculties and Research Institutes of Chulalongkorn University, offering 3 graduate-degree programs: 1. Master of Arts Program in Human and Social Development (Multidisciplinary) 2. International Master of Arts Program in Environment, Development and Sustainability 3. Doctor of Philosophy Program in Environment, Development and Sustainability Contact Us Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute (CUSRI) 4th – 5th floor, Visid-Prajuabmoh Building, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel (+66)2-218-7396, (+66)2-218-7385 Website Facebook Email [email protected]
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