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Home Explore WCLC 2016_Print Specs__Onsite Program

WCLC 2016_Print Specs__Onsite Program

Published by vancouver, 2017-06-14 13:28:15

Description: WCLC 2016_Print Specs__Onsite Program


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Advertising SpecificationsOnsite Program Send ad files for submission to: [email protected] Program File specifications:Printed Size: 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) PDF/X-1a preferredColour: Full colour CMYK Single page PDF/X-1a—PDF version 1.3 (Acrobat 4); output resolution of 2400 dpi; composite CMYK; high-FULL PAGE - NO BLEEDS HALF PAGE - NO BLEEDS quality JPEG or lossless Zip compression; resolution for color and grayscale images is 300 dpi; resolution for184mm x 271mm 184mm x 129mm monochrome images is 1200 dpi; and fonts are embedded and subsetted 100% as well as other characteristics JPG and TIFF files will also be accepted All trim/bleed marks should be includedFULL PAGE - BLEEDS HALF PAGE - BLEEDS210mm x 297mm 210mm x 142mmAdd 3mm bleed to all sides Add 3mm bleed to all sides(216mm x 303mm) (216mm x 148mm)FOR ALL ADSSafety area: keep all important text and images 13mmfrom all sides of printed page size

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