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Home Explore Annual-Report_2019_EN


Published by barry, 2021-02-03 13:38:17

Description: Annual-Report_2019_EN


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CREDIT RISK - GENERAL DISCLOSURE - STANDARDISED APPROACH AS (RATED / UNRATED) ON 31 DECEMBER 2019 Gross Credit Exposures ASSET CLASS Rated Unrated Total Post CRM RWA AED ‘000 AED ‘000 AED ‘000 AED ‘000 Post CRM CLAIMS ON SOVEREIGNS AED ‘000 CLAIMS ON NON-CENTRAL 2,475,449 19,894,256 22,369,705 22,369,705 GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SECTOR 2,848,281 ENTITIES (PSEs) CLAIMS IN MULTI LATERAL - 2,009,469 2,009,469 2,009,469 132,165 DEVELOPMENT BANKS CLAIMS ON BANKS 202,166 - 202,166 202,166 - CLAIMS ON SECURITIES FIRMS 6,621,924 802,580 7,424,504 7,975,724 3,653,347 CLAIMS ON CORPORATES CLAIMS INCLUDED IN THE - - - - - REGULATORY RETAIL PORTFOLIO 5,465,097 21,421,879 26,886,976 31,131,176 30,220,362 CLAIMS SECURED BY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY - 28,086,346 28,086,346 28,042,525 21,562,535 CLAIMS SECURED BY COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE - 15,759,993 15,759,993 15,722,116 6,588,043 PAST DUE FINANCING HIGH RISK CATEGORIES - 9,831,636 9,831,636 9,828,788 9,828,788 OTHER ASSETS - 7,196,027 7,196,027 4,572,220 5,520,452 CLAIMS ON SECURITISED ASSETS - CREDIT DERIVATES (Banks Selling 987,330 52,761 52,761 52,761 79,142 protection) - 8,436,455 9,423,785 9,423,785 8,417,834 Grand Total - - - - - 15,751,966 - - - - 113,491,402 129,243,368 131,330,435 88,850,949 CREDIT RISK MITIGATION: DISCLOSURES FOR STANDARDIZED APPROACH AS ON 31 DECEMBER 2019 Gross Exposure prior to Credit Risk Mitigation Exposures Risk Less: Exposure covered by on-balance sheet netting AED ‘000 Weighted Less: Exposures covered by Eligible Financial Collateral Less: Exposures covered by Guarantees 134,799,786 Assets Less: Exposures covered by Credit Derivatives - AED ‘000 Net Exposures after Credit Risk Mitigation 1,220,481 90,071,430 - - - 1,220,481 133,579,305 - - 88,850,949 CAPITAL REQUIREMENT FOR MARKET RISK UNDER STANDARDISED APPROACH AS ON 31 DECEMBER 2019 MARKET RISK Amount AED ‘000 Profit rate risk Equity position risk 1,156,124 Foreign exchange risk - Commodity risk 1,247,315 Total Capital Requirment - 2,403,440 ADIB Annual Report 2019 149

Basel III Pillar III Disclosure EQUITIES DISCLOSURE FOR BANKING BOOK POSITIONS 31 DECEMBER 2019 Current Year 1) Details of equity position by type: Publicly Privately TYPE Traded Held AED ‘000 Government AED ‘000 Financial Institutions Trading and manufacturing - - Construction and real estate - 72,650 Energy - Others 25,861 - Total - 8,600 - 2) Realised and unrealised revaluation gains during the year: - 1,320 Realised gains from sales and liquidations Unrealised gains recognized in the balance sheet but not through profit and loss account 25,861 82,570 Total Amount 3) Items in (2) above included in Tier1/Tier 2 Capital: AED ‘000 TIER CAPITAL 896 29,385 Amount included in Tier 1 Capital 30,281 Amount included in Tier 2 Capital Total Amount AED ‘000 EQUITIES DISCLOSURE FOR BANKING BOOK POSITIONS 31 DECEMBER 2019 Capital requirements by equity groupings: 30,281 - GROUPING 30,281 Government Financial Institutions Capital Trading and manufacturing Requirement Construction and real estate Energy AED ‘000 Others Total Capital requirement - 21,404 - 6,720 - 258 28,381 150 ADIB Annual Report 2019

ADIB Annual Report 2019 151

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