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Union Steam Ship Union Company. They carry Company Of New petrol, oil bitumen and other Zealand Ltd petroleum products to ports FIeet Division around the New Zealand coast. Two pulp and paper ships Ship Operations employed on the trans-tsman run are managed for a forest The Union Steam Ship Company industries shipper. owns and manages a fleet of 20 ships of many types, operating Technical trans-Thsman services and New The company has long and Zealand and Australian coastal varied experience in the services. operation, designing and The company's major operation building of vessels of all rlpes. A is with roll-on roll-off ships up to recent example is the motor 21,000 tonnes D\\V'T. These are tanker Thiko, a specialised supported by bulk carriers and bitumen and petroleum general cargo ships employing products carrier built to the the lift-on lift-off cargo-handling company's specifi cations for method. employnent on the New A fleet of four oil tankers is Zealand coast. managed on behalf of the New Supervision and control of the Zealand oil industry. One of technical operation and the large these ships is owned by the scale regular maintenance and
repair operation of owned and Wellington. managed vessels is carried out by Industrial relations are handled the companv's experienced by skilled specialist sraff and management team, based in - the company maintains a Wellington. A representative of prominent role in the industrial the Fleet Division is stationed at administration of the New Melbourne to provide on-the- Zealand sh ipping industry. spot supen'ision of Australian repairs and maintenance. Purchasing Cost Control AII purchasing and associated Cost control is rigorously cost control for the Union exercised, employing computer Shipping Group Ltd vessels and techniques and expenditure those managed for other owners, regulady monitored against set is handled by rhe company. hudgets. Vith more than a centurr..of Personnel seryice in the South pacific, the =# The company directly employs Union Steam Ship Company of f' New Zealand Ltd is the most I 450 deck and engineer experienced shipping officers, as well as a large organisation in the South pacific. number of ratings, who are It has a proud record of drawn from the Industry pool. technical innovarion in both ship The deployment of permanenr design and cargo handling staff is controlled from techniques.
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