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Home Explore Brand Guidlines Complete

Brand Guidlines Complete

Published by jsyer, 2016-10-31 05:46:56

Description: Brand Guidlines Complete


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Corporate Style GuidelinesBRAND GUIDELINES 1

Corporate Style GuidelinesCONTENTS1. Corporate Logo 03 2. Colour Palette 11 3. Typography 134. Iconography & Imagery 15 5. Videography 21 6. Values & Voice 237. Corporate Literature 27 If you have any queries about the use of these brand guidelines or require guidance on how you can use any of Servest's brand assets then please contact the marketing department on [email protected]

Corporate Style Guidelines1 CORPORATE LOGO1.0 Logo1.4 Group Slogan1.1 Acquisition & Joint Venture Logos 1.5 Isolation Zone1.2 Logotype 1.6 Co-branded Documents/Items1.3 Redundant Logos 033

Corporate Style Guidelines Primary Logo Secondary Logo1.0 Logo Primary Logo The Servest logo is the most recognisable part of our company identity and should only be used as per these guidelines. The primary, full colour logo should be used where possible on a white background. If the logo is to be placed on a dark background or on an image, then the reversed logo can be used. Our logo is a registered trade mark, however the logo should never appear with \"®\" or \"registered trade mark\" next to it without prior consent from [email protected] Secondary Logo Where it is not possible to use the primary logo, the secondary logo can be used, this is a single colour logo in 100% black, that is only to be used when only black and white printing is available, or when reproduction might be an issue. The Exception The exception to this rule is when using the logo on documents with a single pre-determined colour. The logo may be used at 100 per cent in the designated colour. The logo must not be reproduced or manipulated in any way, shape or form and must always retain its dimensions. Always use an approved logo file, which can be found on The Hive or via [email protected]

Corporate Style Guidelines1.1 Acquisition & Joint Venture Logos Part of the groupLlewellyn Smith Logo Part of the groupThe Llewellyn Smith logo should only be used for or by Chartered SurveyorsLlewellyn Smith employees, on documents that are forLlewellyn Smith clients, or when their services are being Please contact [email protected] for enquires relating to acquisition and joint venture logos.advertised. The Llewellyn Smith Chartered Surveyor logomust only be used by the companies registered chartered 05surveyors, documents to clients that take these services,or when they are being advertised. There are single colourwhite and black versions that can be used as appropriate.Pest Patrol LogoThe Pest Patrol logo should only be used by Pest Patrolemployees, on documents for their clients or when theseservices are being advertised. There are also single colourwhite and black versions that can be used as appropriate.Further AcquisitionsIn the case of further acquisitions occurring, additionallogos will be created for the use for or by employeesworking as part of that company and on material relatingpurely to that companies offering.Atalian Servest LogoThe Atalian Servest logo should only be used on items ordocuments that relate to the joint venture. There is also ablack and white version that can be used on light or darkbackgrounds. Further brand guidelines for Atalian Servestare available at request.

Corporate Style Guidelines CLEANING1.2 Redundant Logos Logos and elements not to use The logos, icons and elements on this page are out of date and are no longer to be used in any shape or form. This list is not exhaustive and may be added to as needed. If you have any documents with old logos in them, then please replace the logo and update the document at your earliest convenience.06

1.3 Logotype Corporate Style GuidelinesLogo Use 07The logo may be used vertically when applied to exhibitionstands and folder spines.Any other use needs to have approval from [email protected] applies to all logo types.Diagonal use is not permitted.

Corporate Style Guidelines ONE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOUR FACILITIES1.4 Group SloganSlogan useThe company slogan can be used across marketing and salescollateral or on other documents as a strap line to the logo.The logo with the slogan is available from The Hive or [email protected]. Please do not type the sloganunderneath the logo in any other font, or try to replicate thelogo in any way.08

1.5 Isolation Zone X Corporate Style Guidelines XIn order for the primary brand identity to stand out clearly, X Heightit must have a clear environment. Always ensure the X 25mmidentity is positioned correctly and respects the isolationzone. Each x on the diagram should equal the height of the 09'S' in the logo.This applies not only to the background, but also to theinterference from nearby text, photographs and othergraphic elements that might compromise the impact of thelogo. Never place the logo on complicated photographicbackgrounds.In general the logo should be placed on the top right ofdocuments, but where needed the logo can be used on theleft or on the bottom if appropriate.Minimum SizeThe minimum size of the logo is 25mm wide. The logoshould never be used smaller than this size as this wouldlead to a compromise in legibility. There is no maximumsize.The minimum isolation zone is defined by the heightopposite the x character within the identity as shown, as itis scaled up or down. Ensure nothing encroaches within thiszone. This applies, for example to the edges of the page,merchandise, web pages and banners.For large formats such as banners, billboards and signagethe logo should be proportionally balanced to the size ofthe piece. In all cases, the logo should never:• Bleed off any edge• Be cropped/cut

Corporate Style Guidelines1.5 Co-branded Documents/Items Logo use When co-branding documents, or tenders, please ensure that you consider Servest's and our partners brand guidelines and that you have adequate permission from the partner to use their assets. In most occasions both logos should have equal weight and be of a similar size, for more guidance please contact [email protected]. If a partner, client or publication would like to use the Servest logo, please forward or direct them to the marketing department, who will be happy to assist.10

Corporate Style Guidelines2COLOUR PALETTE 2.0 Colour Palette 11

Corporate Style Guidelines 100% 75% Servest Blue Pantone Solid Coated 27472.0 Colour Palette 100% 75% CMYK 100/85/0/15 RGB 19/60/169 Primary Colours 100% 75% HEX #123C8A Servest’s corporate colours are a fundamental part of its 50% 25% 10% corporate identity and must not be changed in any way. The colours are Servest Blue (Pantone 2747) as well as (Pantone Servest Silver 877) for the triangle above the Servest and for accents. These Pantone Solid Coated 877 colours must not be substituted and where you can not use CMYK 0/0/0/40 pantone colours, please use the CMYK or RGB colour values. RGB 167/169/172 HEX #A7A9AB Digital Colours 50% 25% 10% Servest’s digital colour is to be used where the document or item is to be viewed on a screen, for example on the website, Servest Digital Blue in emails, or in presentations. The blue is #19305F or Pantone Solid Coated 533 RGB 24 48 95. CMYK 100/89/35/26 RGB 25/48/95 Secondary Colours and Colour Palette HEX #19305F Others colours may be used where appropriate by 50% 25% 10% consultation with the marketing department. Partner Brand Colours When preparing documents in association with partners then the partners colours may be used. Monochrome Black and white can both be used as appropriate.12

Corporate Style Guidelines3 TYPOGRAPHY 3.0 Typography 13

Corporate Style Guidelines3.0 Typography Headers - Heroic Condensed Bold Subheadings - Din Condensed Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZPrimary Fonts abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 0123456789Typography is just as important to the brand identity asimages and logos. The primary fonts are Calibri, which is Digital body copy - Roboto Condensed Print body copy - Calibri Regularto be used for all body copy, except in digital environment ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZwhere Roboto Condensed should be used. For headers ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzplease use Heroic Condensed Bold and for any sub- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789headings please use Din Condensed. 0123456789 Digital Sans MedSecondary Fonts ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZWhere the primary fonts are not available, Calibri should be abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzused throughout. 0123456789South African Fonts Digital Sans Light MedThese fonts can be used on existing documents, and ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZdocuments prepared for South Africa, but for UK abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzdocuments please use the primary fonts. 012345678914

Corporate Style Guidelines ICONOGRAPHY &4 IMAGERY4.0 Iconography 4.3 Contact/Social Media Icons4.1 Additional Iconography 4.4 Imagery4.2 Icon Dynamics 15

Corporate Style Guidelines4.0 IconographyService Icons FACILITIES MANAGEMENT MANAGED SOLUTIONS BUILDING SERVICES CATERINGEach of Servest's main service lines have had icons designedto be a visual representation of the service line. These can beused individually or grouped together. When grouped, eachicon must be given equal spacing and they should not betouching, overlapping or distorted in any way.The icons can either be used in either of the Servest blues(please see page 12) or in white as appropriate. CLEANING ENERGY & COMPLIANCE GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PEST CONTROL SECURITY WASHROOM SERVICES WASTE MANAGEMENT16

Corporate Style Guidelines4.1 Additional IconographyAdditional Service Icons CHARTERED SURVEYING COMPLIANCE CONSUMABLES DEKIT TRUCKS FLOOR POLISHINGWe have icons created for some of our additional services,please follow the same guidelines as the main icons.If you require an icon that has not already been designedplease contact [email protected] who can lookinto this for you. ENERGY HAND TROLLEY HIGH LEVEL DELIVERIES CLEANING HIREWATCH HOUSEKEEPING LAUNDRY SERVICES MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL PICK FACE PORTERAGE RE-COUP RECEPTION & MANAGEMENT CONCIERGE SPECIALIST STORE RETURNS TRAILER CLEANING/ VENDING CLEANING SERVICES PREPERATION 17

Corporate Style Guidelines FACILITIES CATERING BUILDING CLEANING SECURITY MANAGEMENT CATERING SERVICES CLEANING SECURITY4.2 Icon Dynamics FACILITIES CATERING BUILDING CLEANING SECURITY MANAGEMENT SERVICESIcon Shape FACILITIES BUILDING MANAGEMENT SERVICESThe icons can either be used in a stand alone format orenclosed within a circle or a square. Wherever possible theicons should be paired with the relevant descriptor.Please only use the stand alone icons when they are used inisolation.The circle should be used when more than one icon is beingused, or to help highlight the icon when it is used near otherelements.The square should only be used within a metro grid.ExceptionsWhen there are predetermined shapes within a document,the stand alone icon may be placed within said shape,ensuring sufficient space is allowed around the icon.18

Corporate Style Guidelines4.3 Contact/Social Media Icons 0800 614 678Social media and contact icons have been chosen to [email protected] the service icons. Please use these whereverspace allows. They can be used either within a circle orstandalone.Do not use any alternative icons.For any icons not listed that you need, please [email protected] for guidance. www www @Servest_UK Servest-UK Servest_UK 19

Corporate Style Guidelines4.4 Imagery Servest has invested in bespoke corporate imagery that incorporates using our staff on real client sites. This imagery should be used wherever possible to reflect the nature of Servest’s business. Images should be people focussed and have a modern feel. Where multiple images are to be used together, use a metro grid style layout when possible.20

Corporate Style Guidelines5VIDEOGRAPHY 5.0 Videography 21

Corporate Style Guidelines5.0 Videography Logo Please use the outlined logos (page 4). Colours Please use the digital blue (page 12). Tone Please use the standard voice (page 24). Sound All sound must be clear and should represent the professional and engaging tone that represent the core values of the business. Correct permission should be sought for any music used. Content All video should be created to a professional standard, any home made videos created on camera phones or home video equipment is not permitted, unless prior agreements with Marketing are in place, including final approval.22

Corporate Style Guidelines VOICE & VALUES6.0 ToneofVoice6 6.1 Servest Values 6.2 Service Values 23

Corporate Style Guidelines Our tone of voice should reflect our professionalism and informative, yet personal approach to the business. We should aim to create clear and6.0 Tone of Voice simple messages, so information is easily received and remembered by our team, clients and other stakeholders. All communication should emphasiseOur tone of voice should reflect our professional and our service offering being tailored to our clients, our partnership approachinformative, yet personal approach to the business.We should aim to create clear and simple messages, so to relationships and our status as industry thought leaders.information is easily received and remembered by our team,clients and other stakeholders. All communication shouldemphasise our service offering being tailored to our clients,our partnership approach to relationships and our status asindustry thought leaders.24

6.1 Servest Values Corporate Style GuidelinesOur Values PEOPLE & SERVICEServest’s success has been built on its under pinning WE ARE PASSIONATEcompany values that have remained almost unchangedsince the beginning. These values serve as a compass for People are at the heart of our business, and we believe inour actions and describe how we all behave. relationships and human partnerships to create mutual success.All our values have the overarching themes of people andservice. WE ARE REPUTABLE We operate with integrity and diligence. Our reputation for delivery is as important as our focus on sound business ethics. WE ARE ORIGINAL Our entrepreneurial foundation still drives our spirit of innovation and inventiveness, creating custom, relevant solutions for a complex marketplace. WE ARE ACTIVE We are proactive, and we respond to our customer’s needs with the adaptability and flexibility that makes us unique and valued. 25

Corporate Style Guidelines6.2 Service ValuesOur Services FACILITIES MANAGEMENT MANAGED SOLUTIONS BUILDING SERVICESThe values of each of our services align with the company's An integrated team of professionals, working Managing your projects from start to finish, Delivering maintenance, repairs andcore values. Each service team is proud to work in partnership as one to offer you an integrated solution to ensuring we are always timely, visible and installations to ensure your property iswith our clients to offer a tailored solution. save you stress, time and money. accountable. always compliant. CATERING CLEANING ENERGY & COMPLIANCE Crafting award-winning, great tasting food Working together to create clean and A range of services to reduce your that is responsibly sourced and catered to hygienic environments that encourage energy consumption and ensure your suit your business and budget. productivity and happy colleagues, compliance. customers and guests. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PEST CONTROL Creating and maintaining external settings Enriching your employees’ surroundings Protecting your business from the impact of that enhance your business image. with a service that is tailored to fit your pests and the associated issues. business and budget. SECURITY WASHROOM SERVICES WASTE MANAGEMENT Utilising trained professionals and Providing services that ensure your Cost effective waste disposal and technology to keep your business safe washrooms are clean, hygienic and recycling services. and secure. user friendly.26

Corporate Style Guidelines CORPORATE LITERATURE7.0 Letterhead7 7.1 Letterhead Correspondence 7.6 Desktop Screen Saver 7.7 Invoice7.2 Paper 7.8 PowerPoint Slides7.3 Business Cards 7.9 A4 Advert7.4 Compliment Slip 7.10 A5 Advert7.5 Email Signature 7.11 Advertising Banners 27

Corporate Style Guidelines 1 27.0 Letterhead 3 A4 letterhead 4 Size A4 portrait. W 210mm x H 297mm 1. Servest logo to top of page: 12mm 2. Right margin: 15mm 3. Servest address front size 9pt Roboto (Aligned with 'one solution for all your facilities' text) 4. Contact details: 9pt Roboto (Aligned with 'one solution for all your facilities' text) 5. Registered company and legal details: 7pt Roboto (This will differ for various companies) Headed paper can be ordered from [email protected]. The template is available via The Hive or by contacting [email protected] 528

7.1 Letterhead Correspondence 6 Corporate Style Guidelines 7 1A4 Letterhead Correspondence 8 2Size 9 3A4 portrait. W 210mm x H 297mm 10 41. Servest logo from top of page: 12mm2. Right margin: 15mm 5 293. Servest address: 9pt Roboto (Aligned with 'one solution for all your facilities' text)4. Contact details: 9pt Roboto. (Aligned with 'one solution for all your facilities' text)5. Registered company and legal details: 7pt Roboto (This will differ for various companies)6. Recipient address: 50mm from top of page7. Left margin: 15mm. Font Size: 10pt Calibri8. Dear line: 100mm from top of page9. Left margin: 15mm10. Letter content: 10pt CalibriHeaded paper can be ordered from [email protected] address should be left aligned and start 50mm fromthe top with the left margin set to 15mm. This is to ensurethat the address is clear within a windowed envelope.A template is available via The Hive or by [email protected] use either Calibri or Roboto (page 14) in min 9ptand maximum 12pt.

Corporate Style Guidelines 1 27.2 PaperPaperSizeA4 portrait. W 210mm x H 297mmA4 landscape. W 297mm x H 210mmThe logo should be placed in the top right corner, withsufficient space so that it is printed clearly and clear from anyother elements. Templates for blank word documents areavailable on The Hive.1. Servest logo: 12mm from top of page2. Right margin: 15mm 1 230

Corporate Style Guidelines7.2 Business Cards FRONT 2Business Cards 3 1Business cards can be ordered from [email protected] 4SizeW 54mm X 85mm BACKFront1. Use logo with the strapline 12. Side margins: 12mm3. Top margin: 17mm 24. Bottom margin: 19mm 3Back 41. Use logo with strapline. Top margin: 3.5m. Right margin: 2.8mm2. Employee name: Heroic condensed 11pt. Job title: Din condensed bold - 7pt. Left margin: 4mm3. Contact details and address - Roboto - 6pt. Left margins: 4mm4. Social media links : Font Din condensed bold - 5pt Bottom margin: 2.8mm 31

Corporate Style Guidelines 1 2 37.4 Compliment Slip 4Compliment Slip 5 6SpecificationsCompliment slips can be ordered [email protected]. You should ensure that anything youwrite on doesn't encroach on any of the information printedon the slip.SizeDL Landscape. W 210mm x H 99mm1. Use logo with strapline.2. Top margin: 12mm. Right margin: 15mm3. Address: Roboto 9pt (Aligned with one solution for all your facilities text)4. Contact details: 9pt Roboto (Aligned with one solution for all your facilities text)5. Registered company and legal details: 7pt Roboto (This will differ for various companies)6. Bottom margin: 10mm32

7.5 Email Signature Corporate Style Guidelines 32Email Signature 4Specifications 5IT will add your email signature to your account so it 1automatically sends. Please do not manually add asignature in Outlook. Please ensure your details arecompleted on your account on The Hive (, so that the correct details aredisplayed on your signature.SizeW 779px x H 97px1. Use Servest logo with strapline2. Left margin: 4mm. Right margin: 18mm3. Contact details: size 9pt - Din condensed bold4. Employee name: 12pt - Calibri bold. Job title: 11pt Calibri light5. Phone and email: 10pt Calibri light 33

Corporate Style Guidelines 2 1 4 37.6 Desktop Screen 5Desktop Screensaver 6IT will update your screen saver as and when needed.SizeScreen size. W 1920px x H 1080px1. Use Servest logo with strapline2. Top margin: 117mm Side margins: 187mm3. Line thickness: 3pt4. Icons: Circle weight 1.5pt. Heroic condensed: 14pt5. Follow us: Din condensed bold 35pt. Side margins: 315mm6. Social media icons: Bottom margin: 56mm Side margins: 298mm34

Corporate Style Guidelines7.7 Invoice 1 2 3Invoice 9 4 68Specifications: 7The invoice template has been designed to work withour accounting systems and has been approved by the 10appropriate senior members of staff. If you have problemswith printing on the template please contact your line 5manager in the first instance who can liaise with themarketing department.SizeA4 portrait. W 210mm x H 297mm1. Servest logo with strapline2. Top margin: 12mm. Right margin 15mm3. Address: 9pt Roboto (Aligned with one solution for all your facilities text)4. Contact details: 9pt Roboto (Aligned with one solution for all your facilities text)5. Registered company and legal details: 7pt Roboto (This will differ for various companies)6. Left margin: 15mm7. Invoice address: 100mm from top of page8. Invoice address and site address details: 10pt Calibri light9. Invoice number details: 10pt Calibri bold10. Invoice data input: Calibri light 10pt (table info) 35

Corporate Style Guidelines An Introduction to Servest 17.8 PowerPoint Slides 3 24 PowerPoint Slides Specifications: A template for presentations is available on The Hive. If you need a sales or marketing presentation please contact the Client Solutions or Marketing departments. Size PowerPoint 4:3 Page Setup W 254mm x H 190.5mm 1. Front cover font: 24pt Heroic condensed bold 2. Master slide Servest digital blue bar (page 8) Height 30mm 3. Servest silver bar (page 8). Height 10mm 4. Servest logo: Bottom right 60mm wide36

7.9 A4 Advert Corporate Style GuidelinesA4 Advert ONE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOUR FACILITIESAll advertising must be approved by the marketingdepartment. There are standard adverts that can beused as appropriate or bespoke advertising can becreated as needed. Please complete the marketing briefdocument that can be found on The Hive or by [email protected] portrait. W 210mm x H 297mm CATERING CLEANING SECURITY ENERGY PEST CONTROL CONCIERGE FACILITIES BUILDING MANAGED INTERIOR GROUNDS WASHROOM WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES SOLUTIONS LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE SERVICES MANAGEMENT Working with you to provide a difference. 0800 614 678 Servest is an expert in facilities management, creating environments which help organisations to be more efficient, effective and sustainable. With more than 20,000 servest-uk people working across 7,000 client sites across a diverse range of both public and private @servest_uk sectors we self-deliver a comprehensive range of services from catering and cleaning to security and building services, and more. Outsource your facilities management to Servest and you can drive down your operating costs, strengthen the focus on your core business and ultimately improve your profitability. Whether you need a specialist service, integrated approach or a total facilities management solution, Servest can deliver value to your organisation and your people. 37

Corporate Style Guidelines ONE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOUR FACILITIES7.10 A5 Advert CATERING CLEANING SECURITY ENERGY PEST CONTROL CONCIERGE A5 Advert FACILITIES BUILDING MANAGED INTERIOR GROUNDS WASHROOM WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES SOLUTIONS LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE SERVICES MANAGEMENT All advertising must be approved by the marketing department. There are standard adverts that can be Working with you to provide a difference. used as appropriate or bespoke advertising can be created as needed. Please complete the marketing brief Servest is an expert in facilities management, creating environments which help organisations to be document that can be found on The Hive or by contacting more efficient, effective and sustainable. With more than 20,000 people working at 7,000 client sites [email protected]. across a diverse range of both public and private sectors we self-deliver a comprehensive range of Size services from catering and cleaning to security and building services, and more. A5 portrait. W 148mm x H 210mm Outsource your facilities management to Servest and you can drive down your operating costs,38 strengthen the focus on your core business and ultimately improve your profitability. Whether you need a specialist service, integrated approach or a total facilities management solution, Servest can deliver value to your organisation and your people. 0800 614 678 servest-uk w w w.ser @servest_uk

7.11 Advertising Banners Corporate Style GuidelinesAdvertising Banners 39All advertising must be approved by the marketingdepartment. There are banners that can be hired out fromthe marketing department or bespoke banners can becreated as appropriate. Please complete the marketingbrief document that can be found on The Hive or bycontacting [email protected] 100mm x H 200mm

Corporate Style Guidelines 0800 614 678 Servest House @Servest_UK Heath Farm Business Centre Servest-UK [email protected] Bury St. Edmunds www Suffolk IP28 6LG40

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