TRAINING CATALOG | SECURITY COURSESIn-flight Security Security Checkpoint ManagementOnline Code*: TSCS-17 Online Code*: TSCS-38 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dFrom minor incidents to bomb threats and hijacking situations, Evaluate the capabilities and limitations of your technology andthis course takes a practical approach to in-flight security training. team against the IATA-ACI Security and Egress Project criteriaLearn the standards and techniques used throughout the industry to increase efficiency in your screening handle passenger disturbances; then put them into practiceduring simulation exercises in the safety of the classroom. Security Financial Planning andAn ideal course for teams. Optimization NewPassenger Data Program Online Code*: TSCS-12Online Code*: TSCS-58 | Length: 3d | Length: 3d Plan your organization’s finances to maintain compliance and high standards to address new security regulations and effectivelyThis course will answer your questions about API, Interactive API optimize your security and protection costs.(IAPI) and PNR data, as well as the many standards currently usedto transmit them. Working from the API-PNR Toolkit, the practical Security Management Systems - SeMSexercises in this course will also help you understand the steps tobuild a data program in alignment with international standards. Online Code*: TSCS-18Recurrent Aviation Security Training | Length: 5dOnline Code*: TSCS-05 Learn the essentials of IATA’s SeMS initiative and how it can make your organization IOSA compliant. Leave the course with | Length: 3d tools to build a SeMS that produces measurable and auditable results. This course is recommended for anyone with AVSECAuthorities around the world require recurrent training for airport, responsibilities.airline and warehouse security staff. This course covers the training Also available in Spanishrequirements recommended by ICAO, EU, TSA, and other majorsecurity programs to help keep your organization compliant. Course Security Risk and Crisis Managementcontents are updated at the beginning of each calendar year.Also available in Italian Online Code*: TSCS-28Security Audit and Quality Control | Length: 5dOnline Code*: TSCS-10 Is your team prepared to react in the event of a crisis? This course will show you how to address security vulnerabilities in your | Length: 5d organization and equip your facility to handle the aftermath of a crisis. Learn how to assess risks, develop a crisis plan and set upEnsure your compliance with ICAO Annex 17 audit requirements, a crisis center. For managers and international and national security programs. Beneficial forboth entry-level auditors and quality managers preparing for anaudit, this course explains the audit and quality control proceduresrequired in multiple security segments. 101
TRAINING CATALOG | SECURITY COURSESSecurity X-ray Screening Operations X-Ray Screening Refresher – Baggage Screening NewOnline Code*: TSCS-03 Online Code*: TSCS-19 | Length: 4d | Length: 6hCertify your staff for airport baggage, cargo, and mail facilityscreening according to European Commission regulations. Maintain and improve the baggage screening skills of your employees using IATA’s online x-ray simulator platform powered byUnruly Passenger Prevention and Responses Simfox.Online Code*: TSCS-16 X-Ray Screening Refresher – Cargo Screening New | Length: 3d Online Code*: TSCS-20An unruly passenger can pose a real threat to safety and, inextreme cases, cause costly delays. Whether you work in the | Length: 6hair or on the ground, the practical training methods in this coursewill help you handle incidents objectively and with confidence, Maintain and improve the cargo screening skills of your employeeswith tactics for calming unruly behavior at its earliest stages. using IATA’s online x-ray simulator platform powered by Simfox.102
Travel and today’s traveler. Whether you are looking to becomeTourism an agent, move up the ranks, or start your own business, this collection of courses will ensure youIncreased competition and technology are pushing have the knowledge and skills to work in a dynamictravel professionals to innovate products, services, industry with success. Learn about new products,and sales practices to meet the expectations of trends and marketing approaches to support the growth of your travel business and career.DIPLOMASFoundation in Travel and Tourism DiplomaStudy the basics of the travel and tourism industry and understand what it takes to become a successful travel agent. Improve yourcustomer service and sales skills in order to better advise clients about when and where to travel based on their needs. Learn howto provide the best flight, accommodation and tour options, and how to ensure clients fulfill all necessary travel requirements. DIPL-22Requirements: 1 Elective courseManaging the Travel Business DiplomaImprove your management skills in accounting, negotiation, marketing, and product development with this flexible distance learningcourse from IATA. DIPL-24Requirements: 1 Required courseLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. 103 Contact: [email protected]
TRAINING CATALOG | TRAVEL AND TOURISM COURSESTRAVEL AND TOURISM DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDTravel and Tourism Consultant DiplomaStudy popular tourism destinations and improve your sales skills to successfully advise your clients on the best travel options.Learn how to customize and construct complex travel itineraries, gain the skills to process ticket exchanges and reissues,and understand how industry regulations affect your travel operations. DIPL-14Requirements: 1 Required courseTravel Sales and Operations DiplomaDemonstrate that you have gained complete essential competencies to be a successful travel agent or travel agency manager with theIATA Travel Sales and Operations Diploma. Promote yourself as a holder of the highest level travel and tourism diploma to employers,customers, and travel industry suppliers. DIPL-55Requirements: 2 Required courses and 1 Elective courseCOURSESAccounting & Financial Management for BSP and BSPlink Training for AirlinesTravel Agencies for EuropeOnline Code*: TTTG-93 Online Code*: TALF-82 | Length: 20h | Length: 1.5dLearn to speak accounting language, grasp accounting principles This fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learnand interpret financial statements to assess and steer your more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP)business. This step-by-step, interactive online course walks you and Governance, and the latest enhancements or functionalitiesthrough practical accounting and finance procedures and proven in BSPlink.strategies for profitability.Advanced Skills in Journey Pricing BSP and BSPlink Training for Travel Agentsand Ticketing in EuropeOnline Code*: TTTG-15 Online Code*: TALF-36 | Length: 80h | Length: 1.5dThis course is for the travel professional who wants to be recognized This fully customizable workshop is designed for IATA Accreditedas a fares and ticketing expert. A key benefit are study units on Travel Agents to learn more about local IATA Billing andticket exchanges and reissues resulting in a refund or an additional Settlement Procedures (BSP) and Governance, and the latestcollection for the new ticket price or a penalty fee collection. enhancements or functionalities in BSPLink.BSP and BSPlink Training for Airlines BSP and BSPlink Training for Travel Agentsfor Africa in AfricaOnline Code*: TALF-37 Online Code*: TTTG-02 | Length: 1.5d | Length: 1.5dDesigned for airlines participating in IATA Billing and Settlement Designed for airlines participating in IATA Billing and SettlementProcedures (BSP) and Airline General Sales Agents (GSAs), Procedures (BSP) and Airline General Sales Agents (GSAs),learn more about local BSP and Governance, and the latest learn more about local BSP and Governance, and the latestenhancements or functionalities in BSPLink. enhancements or functionalities in BSPLink. .104
TRAINING CATALOG | TRAVEL AND TOURISM COURSESBSP Essentials for Travel Agents Foundation in Travel and Tourism with AbacusOnline Code*: TTTG-49 Online Code*: TTTG-04 | Length: 20h | Length: 200hThis training is specifically for travel agents, designed to raiseawareness of the BSP system and improve BSPlink use and Acquire essential knowledge and skills to work in the travel andefficiency. It explains elements of the BSP system and simulation tourism industry and become an effective travel professional.of BSPlink functionality. Provide accurate advice on flights, accommodations, tourist packages, as well as travel document requirements.CASS and CASSlink Workshop for Airlines Also available in FrenchOnline Code*: TALF-34 Foundation in Travel and Tourism with Amadeus | Length: 1.5d Online Code*: TTTG-05This fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learnmore about local IATA Cargo Account Settlement System (CASS) | Length: 200hand Governance, and the latest enhancements and functionalitiesin CASSlink. Acquire essential knowledge and skills to work in the travel and tourism industry and become an effective travel professional.CASS and CASSlink Workshop for Cargo Provide accurate advice on flights, accommodations, touristAgents packages, as well as travel document requirements. Also available in FrenchOnline Code*: TALF-33 Foundation in Travel and Tourism with | Length: 1.5d GalileoThis workshop is designed for IATA Accredited and Associate Online Code*: TTTG-06Cargo Agents to learn more about local IATA Cargo AccountSettlement System (CASS) and Governance, and the latest | Length: 200henhancements and functionalities in CASSLink.Destination Geography Acquire essential knowledge and skills to work in the travel and tourism industry and become an effective travel professional.Online Code*: TTTG-82 Provide accurate advice on flights, accommodations, tourist packages, as well as travel document requirements. | Length: 20h Also available in FrenchBuild your confidence and ability to sell the most visited Foundation in Travel and Tourism with Sabredestinations and tourist attractions so you can provide valuabletravel advice to your customers. Online Code*: TTTG-07Also available in Spanish | Length: 200h Acquire essential knowledge and skills to work in the travel and tourism industry and become an effective travel professional. Provide accurate advice on flights, accommodations, tourist packages, as well as travel document requirements. Also available in French 105
TRAINING CATALOG | TRAVEL AND TOURISM COURSESFundamental Skills in Journey Pricing Global Distribution Fares and Ticketing -and Ticketing SabreOnline Code*: TTTG-14 Online Code*: TTTG-29 | Length: 20h | Length: 50hThis course teaches essential terms and procedures in fare IATA’s Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Fares & Ticketingconstruction so you provide your customers with accurate course helps you develop comprehensive fare construction skillsinformation and advice as well as the best value in air fare. through interactive simulations of Sabre, Galileo, or Amadeus.You will develop the knowledge and skills to become the travel Also available in Frenchprofessional your customers trust.Geography in Travel Planning Managing a Corporate Travel ProgramOnline Code*: TTTG-53 Online Code*: TALF-76 | Length: 70h | Length: 3dIn order to successfully sell travel products, you need to This course will demonstrate how to deal with balancing costsunderstand what drives travel choices. Study world geography with traveler expectations, whilst gaining control of travel andand time zones to better advise clients on travel destinations and expenses through strategic management of a corporate traveltours, and explore different regional modes of transport to offer program.customized travel itineraries. Managing the Travel BusinessGlobal Distribution Fares and Ticketing -Amadeus Online Code*: TTTG-10Online Code*: TTTG-26 | Length: 145h | Length: 50h Build skills in management and administration through this training in accounting, negotiation, marketing, and productIATA’s Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Fares & Ticketing development. This course prepares you to develop your productcourse helps you develop comprehensive fare construction skills offering and be a motivating team leader.through interactive simulations of Sabre, Galileo, or Amadeus. Selling and Managing Airline Reservations andGlobal Distribution Fares and Ticketing - Travel in Amadeus (SMART Amadeus)Galileo Online Code*: TTTG-88Online Code*: TTTG-28 | Length: 65h | Length: 50h Learn how to make and manage bookings for flights, hotels andIATA’s Global Distribution Systems (GDS) Fares & Ticketing car rentals in the Amadeus system using our unique simulationcourse helps you develop comprehensive fare construction skills program. This eLearning course is recommended for travel agentsthrough interactive simulations of Sabre, Galileo, or Amadeus. and airline ticket agents.106
TRAINING CATALOG | TRAVEL AND TOURISM COURSESSelling and Managing Airline Reservations Social Media for Travel Industryand Travel in Galileo (SMART Galileo) Online Code*: TTTG-69Online Code*: TTTG-30 | Length: 10h | Length: 65h This course explains the steps for marketing activities throughLearn how to make and manage bookings for flights, hotels and four major social networking platforms: Facebook, Twitter,car rentals in the Galileo system using our unique simulation YouTube and LinkedIn. Learn about the role social media plays inprogram. This eLearning course is recommended for travel agents the travel industry and, most importantly, how to implement socialand airline ticket agents. media strategies that can increase business opportunities.Selling and Managing Airline Reservations Ticket Repricing, Exchange and Reissueand Travel in Sabre (SMART Sabre) Online Code*: TTTG-91Online Code*: TTTG-31 | Length: 30h | Length: 65h Customer needs frequently change. Travelers will modify theirLearn how to make and manage bookings for flights, hotels travel dates and destinations after purchasing their air tickets,and car rentals in the Sabre system using our unique simulation or request a flight or routing change after travel has begun.program. This eLearning course is recommended for travel agents This course enables you to manage revalidations, exchanges,and airline ticket agents. or reissuances with confidence.Selling International Rail Transportation Travel Agency Fees: A Professional ApproachOnline Code*: TTTG-68 Online Code*: TTTG-13 | Length: 15h | Length: 2.5hAdd rail travel to your product mix. This course will help youunderstand common types of rail products, their benefits, and the You will learn general trends and best practices in theterminology specific to international rail travel. implementation or setting of agency fees, the various types of fees collected by travel agencies, and the best way toServing the Travel Customer communicate them to customers. Additionally, you will learn how to compute, market, explain, defend, and ultimately chargeOnline Code*: TTTG-66 transaction fees. | Length: 20h Travel and Tourism ConsultantCustomer service is important in the competitive travel industry, Online Code*: TTTG-09helping you successfully retain business, attract clients andfoster positive agent-customer interactions. This eLearning | Length: 160hcourse recommends practical ways to stay in touch with travellingcustomers and win customer loyalty. The course focus is on the travel professional as a specialist.Also available in French You will learn skills in selling niche travel products, improve your ability to interpret and apply industry resolutions applicable to IATA accredited travel agencies, including BSP remittance and settlement procedures. 107
CONTACTSContact the training team in yourregion for more information.ASIA - PACIFIC AND SOUTH ASIAtel: +65.6499.2367email: [email protected] - NORTH AND CHINAtel: +86.10.8571.9262email: [email protected], RUSSIA AND CIStel: +41.22.770.2820email: [email protected] EAST AND AFRICAtel: +41.22.770.2820email: [email protected] AND SOUTH AMERICA tel:+1.305.779.9860email: [email protected]/training-centers108
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