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Published by capochichianatolejean, 2018-03-18 17:06:01

Description: IATA-Training-Catalog


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TRAINING CATALOG | AIRLINE OPERATIONS AND QUALITY COURSESISAGO for AuditorsOnline Code*: TALS-08 | Length: 4dA requirement for all ISAGO Pool member auditors, this coursecovers the audit process specific to ISAGO as well as itsstandards and recommended practices.ISAGO for Ground Service ProvidersOnline Code*: TALS-09 | Length: 3dGain a comprehensive understanding of the ISAGO Programto prepare your operations for a successful audit. Reviewthe ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices as per theGround Operations Standards manual. Leave this workshop withoperational tools and skills to use in your organization.Medical Issues in AviationOnline Code*: TCVG-19 | Length: 3dBe updated on passenger and crew health and safety, aircraftdisinfection and airline preparedness to prevent the spreadof communicable diseases based on International HealthRegulations (IHR) and World Health Organization (WHO)guidelines.Quality Management (QMS) for AirlinesOnline Code*: TALP-05 | Length: 4dThis course provides an introduction to QMS components andobjectives you can establish within your operations. Learn the keyregulatory and operational requirements for designing andcontrolling an efficient QMS, then practice your skills in processmapping, procedure writing and audit review. 51

Airport airport professionals in the areas of management,Planning marketing, operations and security including theManagement Airport Strategic Management course with Businessand Operations Simulation. Our courses are taught by experienced industry practitioners, providing best practicesWith passenger traffic expected to increase and skills to help you overcome the increasingsteadily for the next 20 years, airports of all sizes competition in the airport market.will be challenged to keep up with demand for This selection of courses and diplomas focuses ongreater capacity, level of service, and continued the skills you need to prepare for the challenges thatsafety. We have training for senior and junior-level lay ahead; from financing expansions and embracing privatization, to optimizing the passenger experience and ensuring efficient airside operations. Courses are available for all areas of airport activity, targeting the skills unique to your role in the complex airport work environment.DIPLOMASAdvanced Airport Operations Diploma For operations and corporate airport personnel, this diploma combines courses in differentareas of airport operations to enhance your knowledge. DIPL-18Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesAirport Operations Foundation Diploma This Diploma is designed to address the audience of prospective Airport and GroundOperations professionals. The variety of available courses gives the opportunity to identify the key areas required to be able to performtasks safely and efficiently. DIPL-98Requirements: 4 Elective coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRPORT PLANNING MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COURSESAIRLINE PLANNING MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDNew Airport Strategic Management DiplomaCombine courses in the areas of planning, management and business development for a complete overview of airport strategy.DIPL-13Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesCOURSESA-CDM in Airport and Ground Operations Airport Development and Infrastructure DesignOnline Code*: TAPG-61 Online Code*: TAPP-33 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dLearn how shared, timely information will lead to better decisionmaking and how the implementation of A-CDM at your airport can Airports have to be prepared to accommodate increasing capacityimprove punctuality and the use of resources. demand while sustaining safe, secure and efficient operations. Referencing IATA best practice and the Airport DevelopmentAirport Certification and Infrastructure Reference Manual (ADRM), this course helps you review yourStandards airport’s passenger traffic, constraints, and other key factors affecting future expansion.Online Code*: TAPP-05 Airport Extreme Weather Operations | Length: 5d and PlanningKeep your aerodrome facilities up-to-standard, meeting the latest Online Code*: TAPP-36certification requirements. Learn how to assess your facilityagainst operator obligations and recommend structural changes | Length: 4dto improve day-to-day operations. This course is recommendedfor aerodrome operators and management as well as With severe weather conditions causing millions of dollars inregulatory officials. damages and delays each year, you have to be prepared.Also available in Spanish Through practical planning exercises and real-life examples, this one-of-a-kind course reviews operational obstacles posedAirport Customer Service by weather and the planning tools to address them.Online Code*: TAPP-18 Airport Financial Management | Length: 3d Online Code*: TAPG-14Learn the principles of customer service from the perspective | Length: 5dof those who matter the most: your passengers, airlinesand airport businesses. This course helps you understand Financing development to meet growing capacity demandthe needs of different customer categories and how to meet is a challenge for most airports. This course sheds light onthem. All participants receive a complimentary copy of the airport privatization trends, cost-control processes, pricingIATA Facilitation Guide. strategy and other commercial practices to help your airport gain a competitive edge. 53

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRPORT PLANNING MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COURSESAirport Marketing & Corporate Airport Privatization and TransferCommunications Strategies of OwnershipOnline Code*: TAPG-24 Online Code*: TAPG-63 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dUsing trusted marketing methods, learn how to increase your Improve your overall understanding of the required actionsaeronautical and non-aeronautical revenues. This in-depth and complexities involved in the transfer of airport operationscourse will teach you how to design and implement corporate or ownership from government entities to private sector investorscommunications strategies, successful PR initiatives, and handle and operators.communications during crises.Airport Master Planning Airport Route Development and Commercial ManagementOnline Code*: TAPP-08 Online Code*: TAPG-47 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dThis course will help you prepare a roadmap for airportdevelopment and measure its progress. A master plan lays out This course shows you how to design and implement a developmentthe strategic direction for operations systems and future growth. strategy for two key revenue generators. Through intensiveYou will learn how to forecast an airport’s future capacity demand in-class exercises, you will learn how to determine the right mixand develop a master plan based on your findings. of aeronautical and non-aeronautical services to satisfy the customers, airlines and bottom line at any airport.Airport Operations - Advanced Airport Slots and CoordinationOnline Code*: TAPP-09 Online Code*: TALM-13 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dWith this big-picture approach, you will learn proven methods for Get the most out of the Standard Schedules Information Manualensuring safe, effective performance in all key areas of operations. (SSIM) with this practical course. Develop your skills to facilitateBecause an airport serves a complex network of stakeholders, coordination between the airline network and slot coordinators,this course outlines the specific operational requirements of manage a slot portfolio, and recognize capacity constraints.airlines, authorities, GSPs, and freight forwarders. Also available in SpanishAirport Operations (Distance Learning) Airport Strategic Management with Business SimulationOnline Code*: TAPP-14 Online Code*: TAPG-04 | Length: 45h | Length: 10dStarting a career or wishing to expand your knowledge in airportoperations? Get the background knowledge you need to succeed: Airport managers have the challenging job of ensuring safe,operational functions at the airport, technological developments, efficient operation across a complex business environment.future challenges, and more. This intensive course provides a series of exercises where youAlso available in Mandarin can identify your airport’s business challenges and address them at the individual, team and unit levels.54

TRAINING CATALOG | AIRPORT PLANNING MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS COURSESAirport Terminal Planning and Design Management of Aviation FacilitationOnline Code*: TAPG-39 Online Code*: TSCS-21 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dAn effective terminal design is the result of clearly defined In alignment with IATA’s Passenger Facilitation Program, thisfunctional requirements for current and future activity. This course course focuses on the crucial areas of airport access control,guides you through the issues to consider when undertaking the security regulations, and terminal and perimeter security withplanning and design of terminal facilities, including: forecasting, the aim to provide a secure, seamless and efficient “end-to-end”terminal flows and alternative terminal design concepts. passenger experience.Baggage Handling Services and Systems Safety Management Systems (SMS) for AirportsOnline Code*: TAPG-09 Online Code*: TAPP-10 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dLearn how to measure the performance of your baggage system,including its processes, infrastructure, and level of service. A successful SMS reduces the rate of incidents, improvesThis course shares industry best practice gathered during IATA’s communication and productivity, and helps your airport meetBaggage Program along with insight into airline service models. its legal responsibility to manage safety. Learn how to implementAlso available in Spanish an efficient SMS at your airport through which you evaluate, control and prevent costly errors systematically.Basic Airside Safety Also available in FrenchOnline Code*: TALP-17 Total Quality Management (TQM) for Airports | Length: 5h Online Code*: TAPG-33An interactive, flexible and cost-effective way of learning aboutimplementing best practices in airside safety. | Length: 5dCargo Business Development for Airports Airports provide services to a range of customers, requiring multiple processes to ensure every experience is positive.Online Code*: TCGP-67 This course shows you steps for taking a systematic process- based approach throughout your operations to progressively | Length: 3d improve your airport’s quality culture, practices and structures.This course gives you fuel for your marketing campaignsand ideas for attracting new cargo business to your airport.Emergency Planning and Responsefor Airports and GSPsOnline Code*: TAPP-12 | Length: 5dThis course helps you to develop a response plan that bringstogether aircraft operators, airport authorities, GSPs, and stateemergency response agencies. 55

Aviation in different areas of management. Strengthen yourPerformance leadership skills and improve your organizationaland Manage- performance with our extensive range of coursesment and diplomas. We offer leadership and management training programs, contextualized to the aviationAs our industry expands, it is necessary for leaders industry, to help business leaders foster highlyto have the versatility to perform multiple duties and skilled and motivated employees. From strategic planning and project management to effective communication and people management, our courses can help you acquire the skills and best practices you need to solidify your career and promote the success of your company.DIPLOMASAdvanced Management Program in Aviation offered by IATA and Nanyang Business SchoolThis program reviews management practices employed by airlines, airports and regulators to help you navigate the aviation industry’scomplex business environment. You will have the chance to study alongside peers from across the aviation value chain and work oncase studies that highlight the needs and challenges of the industry’s many businesses and organizations. DIPL-77Requirements: MBA (EMBA) in Air Transport offered by IATA and Nanyang Business SchoolOur EMBA gives you all the benefits of the Nanyang Business School’s world-ranked MBA program with a special focus on the globalaviation context. Training is condensed into five modules and can be completed over a 15-month period, giving you the flexibility to earnyour EMBA alongside your busy career. DIPL-73Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | AVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT COURSESAVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDGeneral Management DiplomaThis Diploma provides industry professionals with a first class general management education without interrupting their careers. Theprogram is designed to balance theory and practical application, being aware of the need for today’s managers and business leadersto develop and implement efficient operational solutions, while simultaneously ensuring the strategic renewal of their organizations.The diploma gives you the possibility to map your competency development from over 30 IATA general management courses in humancapital, strategy, project management, and other important areas. DIPL-56Requirements: 4 Elective coursesHuman Capital Management DiplomaThis diploma uses one of the most effective combinations of presentations and practical activities available to provide a broadunderstanding of people management, from selection to performance management, for measurable human performance improvementin the workplace. The diploma curriculum is delivered by a group of experts with extensive experience in managing people in an aviationcontext. The program includes a comprehensive list of topics covering key knowledge skills that can be transferred and applied to anygroup of people. The diploma represents a sure way to launch and/or advance your career in management. DIPL-20Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseIATA - University of Geneva Advanced Studies in Aviation ManagementIATA and University of Geneva have partnered to offer a program tailored for aviation professionals. Launched in 2010, the programcombines the academic excellence of the Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) with highly practical and timely IATAcontent. Spanning the full scope of aviation business issues, it offers a unique opportunity to gain specialized training and full academiccredit.Take a broad and critical view of the global aviation business with this executive program from the University of Geneva and IATATraining. Designed for working professionals, the Diploma of Advanced Studies in Aviation Management offers a unique combinationof academic and industry expertise, and can be pursued on a part-time basis. DIPL-37Requirements: Meet three times per year for three back-to-back coursesIATA - University of Geneva Diploma of Advanced Studies in Advocacy, Communication, and External RelationsThe diploma program offers 10 three-day courses under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).These 10 courses have been paired to better accommodate working professionals travelling to Geneva. DILP-82Leadership & Management Diploma ProgramA distance learning option for world-class leadership and management training Enhance your critical business knowledge and skillsthrough this highly-acclaimed training program that combines one IATA distance learning course (please choose one of the Electivecourses under the “Requirements and Registration” tab) with 10 Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) modules of your choice. DIPL-40Requirements: One IATA distance learning courseProfessional Training DiplomaLearn everything you need to know to become an effective instructor and develop your career in training. The IATA Diploma inProfessional Training uses one of the most effective combinations of presentations and practical activities available to provide a broadunderstanding of training, from inception to delivery and management, for measurable human performance improvement in the work-place. The program includes a comprehensive list of topics covering key knowledge skills that can be transferred and applied to anynew projects, job or assignment involving training. As a result, the program represents a sure way to launch and/or advance a careerin this field. DIPL-30Requirements: 4 Elective courses 57

TRAINING CATALOG | AVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT COURSESAVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDProject Management DiplomaDesign, plan and execute your projects with success! The IATA Diploma in Project Management uses one of the most effectiveinternationally recognized methodologies in partnership with the Project Management Institute (PMI), providing a broad understandingof project management, from definition to planning, monitoring and control. Participants use their own projects to apply conceptstaught throughout the Program. The Diploma curriculum is delivered by a group of experts with extensive experience in projectmanagement in an aviation context. The Program includes a comprehensive list of topics covering key knowledge skills that can betransferred and applied to any groups of people. The Diploma represents a sure way to launch and/or advance your career in Projectmanagement. DIPL-26Requirements: 4 Required coursesCOURSES Building Teamwork and CreativityAir Transport Fundamentals Online Code*: TAPH-24Online Code*: TCVG-27 | Length: 1d | Length: 45h This workshop is designed to create a new level of teamwork awareness and creativity, both in management and teamStudy the air transportation system plus the roles and functions members.of airlines, airports, Civil Aviation Authorities and Air NavigationService Providers.Aviation Leadership Development Program Building Teamwork and Stakeholderin collaboration with Harvard Business ManagementPublishing Online Code*: TAPH-80Online Code*: TAPH-79 | Length: 3d | Length: 46h This course will increase participants’ ability to work in aThis 3 months real-time, cohort-based virtual learning program will collaborative and cooperative fashion, to use team member’shelp you build essential management capabilities and leadership differences for maximum effectiveness, solve problems andskills. The curriculum covers the topics of Leadership & Influence, conflicts more efficiently, build trust with peers and plan strategiesOperational Excellence, Global Mindset & Collaboration. to manage stakeholder interaction and engagement.Aviation Strategy Execution Program Business Ethicsin collaboration with Harvard BusinessPublishing Online Code*: TAPH-65 | Length: 3dOnline Code*: TAPH-82 Understand key concepts of business ethics and how the adoption of the correct frameworks can enhance organizational | Length: 48h performance. This course covers a range of ethical issues and explores employee behaviors and responsibilities, leadership andThis 3 months real-time, cohort-based virtual learning program will decision-making, morality, diversity, discrimination and corporatehelp you build essential management capabilities and leadership social responsibility.skills. The curriculum covers the topics of Strategy Execution,Change Management and Team Leadership.58

TRAINING CATALOG | AVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT COURSESChange Management Effective Writing SkillsOnline Code*: TAPH-17 Online Code*: TAPH-73 | Length: 3d | Length: 3dPrepare for important organizational changes with proven Improve your professional and personal writing abilities.methodology and in-class exercises. This course will show you Understand the evolution of corporate communication practiceshow to develop a change strategy that focuses on the important and review the basics of writing emails, letters, memos, reports,‘people’ side of change and leverages resistance. proposals and more.Corporate Risk Management Foundations in Leadership Program in collaboration with Harvard Business SchoolOnline Code*: TAPH-46 Publishing New | Length: 5d Online Code*: TAPH-96Understand what risk management is and how it can helpan organization better manage its business and be more | Length: 4dresilient to performance and economic changes. This courseis recommended for safety, quality, and risk managers from all Develop a leadership mind-set and gain a management skillsetsectors of the industry. with this 16-week collaborative blended-learning program. This program is offered in collaboration with Harvard BusinessCustomer Service Publishing to help you as a new manager make a successful transition to your managerial ranks, while honing your leadershipOnline Code*: TAPH-42 potential. Also available in Mandarin | Length: 3d Harvard ManageMentor for IATA StudentsDevelop key skills that will create lasting and satisfying relationships and Graduateswith customers. Learn contact techniques to interact and engagecustomers, handle difficult customers and deal with complaints. Online Code*: TCGP-58Understand different social styles and cultures and study thelatest trends in customer service. | Length: 4hAlso available in Spanish and French The HMM© training program delivers critical leadership andEffective Communication Skills management skills when you need them most. Also available in SpanishOnline Code*: TAPH-09 Human Resources Management | Length: 4d Online Code*: TAPH-06Improve your understanding of cross-cultural differences, exploredifferent methods of communication, and learn how to transfer | Length: 5dinformation clearly and concisely according to the needs of youraudience. Practice your inter-personal communication skills This course provides an overview of the theory and practice ofthrough in-class exercises and presentations. human resources management function in an organization. ItAlso available in Spanish and French covers the core areas of human resource management, such as human resource planning, recruitment, staffing, performance appraisal, career planning and compensation. 59

TRAINING CATALOG | AVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT COURSESIATA - Embry-Riddle Aviation Management Leadership Development and SuccessionCertificate Planning New Online Code*: TAPH-23Online Code*: TAPH-95 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dThe certificate’s curriculum addresses topics such as the overview Key to an organization’s sustainability, talent development andand interdependence of the air transportation system and succession planning are also tools for motivating staff. Thisfundamental skills required of supervisors and/or managers. course will show you how to assess talent and succession candidates, and establish development plans for successors andInstructional Design high potential candidates.Online Code*: TAPH-02 Lean - Six Sigma in Aviation | Length: 5d Online Code*: TAPH-36Covering each phase of the design process, this course will teach | Length: 5dyou how to convert training needs into performance objectives,create a design blueprint, develop instructional content, plan your Understand the philosophy and practice of lean thinking incourse delivery and select the most appropriate training activities aviation and its focus on value for the customer and streamlinedin each situation. business processes. Learn tools that will lead to cost reduction, enable workspace organization, and improve time management.Instructional Techniques Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Lite - Level 1 CertificateOnline Code*: TAPH-03 Online Code*: TAPH-69 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dLearn how to effectively prepare for, conduct and wrap-up atraining event. This course provides you an opportunity to apply Obtain a standardized approach to problem solving for thethe basic principles of active training while you demonstrate your purpose of continuous improvement. Learn how to leverage Leaninstructional techniques. You will also evaluate the effectiveness Six Sigma tools to enhance problem-solving skills and execute theof a training event and your skill as a facilitator. Lean Six Sigma Tools to any aspect of the business.Also available in Spanish and FrenchInternational Negotiation Skills Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt CertificateOnline Code*: TAPH-21 Online Code*: TAPH-68 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dThis course will prepare you for each phase of the negotiation Understand the Lean Six Sigma Methodology and how toprocess, with techniques, tactics and behaviors regarding when to leverage its basic tools to enhance problem solving skills for anynegotiate and how to achieve successful, win-win results for both aspect of business. This course provides a standardized approachparties. You will learn and practice the strategies and skills that to problem solving for the purpose of continuous improvement.will help you become a successful negotiator.60

TRAINING CATALOG | AVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT COURSESManagement of Training Monitoring and Controlling Multiple Projects (30 PDUs)Online Code*: TAPH-04 Online Code*: TAPH-16 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dPrepare for important organizational changes with proven Developyour managerial skills and understand how you can align your This course will equip you with tools and methodology youtraining department with organizational goals. You will learn the can easily apply when taking on multiple projects, programs,tools to design a successful strategic development plan that and portfolios. This course helps you earn or maintain the PMIsupports your company’s mission and that best utilizes your credential.available budget and resources.Managing Across Cultures Procurement and Contracts Management (30 PDUs)Online Code*: TAPH-35 Online Code*: TAPH-28 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dCultural biases and behaviors can greatly impact yourmanagement style. This course will make you aware of your own Learn how to correctly manage and control the end-to-endcultural biases and how they affect your interaction with clients project procurement framework and contract life cycle, asand colleagues. You will also learn strategies for managing well as effective strategies to successfully handle suppliers acultural issues in multicultural teams, communications, and vendors. Master the step-by-step process for converting needscommon business situations. into outsourced goods and services. This course helps you earn or maintain your PMI credential.Managing People and Teams Project Management - Advanced (30 PDUs)Online Code*: TAPH-84 Online Code*: TAPH-38 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dImprove your effectiveness as a manager to create and strengthen Further develop your project planning skills and acquire practicala team, and assess your own strengths and areas for development techniques to deal with real projects. You will gain hands-onareas. Understand different behavioral characteristics and how experience using project software and understand how it canto manage them, and how to get optimal performance results by support your project planning. This course helps you earn orsetting clear expectations. maintain your PMI credential.Managing People Performance Project Management Essentials (30 PDUs)Online Code*: TAPH-26 Online Code*: TAPH-05 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dMaximize the performance of the people you manage by This course will teach you the fundamentals of projectsetting clear expectations. Develop your communication and management. Learn how to apply essential project managementmanagement skills to improve the performance of your staff. concepts, deal with changes and challenges, and check the impactUnderstand what motivates people and identify ways to maintain of your decisions on project outcomes. This course helps you earnand enhance employees’ ability to produce optimal results. or maintain your PMI credential.Also available in Spanish 61

TRAINING CATALOG | AVIATION PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT COURSESProject Management: Practice and Train the Trainer - AdvancedCertification Online Code*: TAPH-30Online Code*: TAPH-83 | Length: 3d | Length: 35h Build on your existing instructional skills, giving you multipleBe eligible for the Project Management Professional (PMP)© or opportunities to evaluate and improve the way you design,Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)© exams. conduct, and evaluate a training event. Gain valuable feedback from experienced facilitators in this practical and constructivePublic Speaking and Personal Impact learning environment. Recommended for experienced instructors and trainers.Online Code*: TAPH-97 Also available in Spanish and French | Length: 3d Training Needs AssessmentThis course will give you the total skill-set to be a compelling Online Code*: TAPH-01communicator and help you find your most effective naturalstyle, and rediscover your innate ability to be relaxed, persuasive | Length: 3dcommunicators. Learn how to execute an effective training needs assessment so that you can respond more effectively to performance improvement interventions. You will be armed with the tools and knowledge that will ensure that you can ask the right questions, find the answers to performance problems, evaluate barriers and the return on investment. Recommended for training or HR managers and experienced instructors. Also available in Spanish62

Cargo Air cargo operations can be very complex. Precision delivery and safety rely on how well airIATA Cargo training has an unparalleled track-record cargo professionals are trained. Taught by industryin helping thousands of air cargo professionals stay experts, our courses focus on industry best practicesat the top of their game. We offer the industry’s most and change management to help you adapt to thedynamic and innovative training solutions for every increasingly complex air transport environment.aspect of air cargo operations, including on-time We offer quality training solutions to respondperformance, business management and strategic to the diverse learning needs of the industry.planning.DIPLOMASAir Cargo Management DiplomaUnderstand the complex and changing issues required to maximize all aspects of the cargo business. DIPL-41Requirements: 4 Required courses and 1 Elective courseNew Cargo Leadership Development Program with Harvard Business PublishingThis program comprises cargo training through IATA courses and management skills through Harvard ManageMentor (HMM) modules.Today’s managers and business leaders need to be equipped with the skills and behaviors required to achieve key commercialobjectives. This advanced program will provide you with an in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of cargo airline business strategy,methodology and business development tools. The combination of IATA courses and HMM modules are designed to balance theoryand practical application, and to equip you with critical competencies in cargo airline business management. DIPL-97Requirements: 6 required courses and at least 10 HMM modulesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. 63 Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | CARGO COURSESCARGO DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDPharmaceutical Handling DiplomaPharmaceutical products are lucrative and fast-growing cargo commodities for businesses across the value chain. Are you qualifiedto claim your share? The pharmaceutical industry spends billions each year to ensure the reliable and compliant transport of itsproducts, and its expectations for your cargo business are high. This diploma will prepare you with the regulatory and operationalfoundations you need to start handling temperature-controlled shipments and show you how to build specialized pharmaceuticalservices into your daily operations. DIPL-78Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseSpecial Cargo Handling DiplomaDevelop a solid foundation for your cargo career by gaining knowledge and skills to accept and handle special cargo products suchas dangerous goods, live animals, perishables and pharmaceuticals.The regulatory requirements for transporting special cargo by air are complex and detailed. The IATA Diploma in Special Cargo helpsyou understand the intricacies of these regulations and allows you to safely and efficiently handle special commodities. DIPL-42Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseSpecial Cargo Handling Diploma (Distance Learning)IATA Diploma in Special Cargo Handling (Distance Learning) DIPL-45Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseSupply Chain Security Management DiplomaDevelop your credentials as a cargo security specialist with this specialized program. With subject matter direct from the organizationsthat set the standards for the industry, you will build a skill set you can use throughout the dynamic air cargo sector. DIPL-84Requirements: 4 Required courses and 1 Elective courseCOURSESAir Cargo Law and Convention Audit, Quality and Risk Management for Temperature Controlled CargoOnline Code*: TALL-11 Online Code*: TCGT-03 | Length: 2d | Length: 5dImprove your knowledge of international air cargo law conventionsand recommended practices to better serve your organization and This course provides a standard internal audit process you canclients. Analyze successful air cargo performance and learn how immediately apply within your business to ensure compliance withto apply recommended cargo practices for conditions of carriage. common regulations and quality standards. Through daily course exercises, you will have the opportunity to use the IATA Time andAir Cargo Management Temperature Sensitive Audit Checklist and develop corrective actions based on your findings.Online Code*: TCGG-01 | Length: 5dStudy basic air cargo regulations, operations, and businesspractices to improve your management skills and businessperformance. Learn how to identify the needs of your clients andmaintain excellent customer service. This course is recommendedfor graduates and professionals new to the cargo industry.Also available in Spanish64

TRAINING CATALOG | CARGO COURSESCargo Accident Investigation and Prevention Cargo Business Strategy and Planning ManagementOnline Code*: TCGP-29 New | Length: 5d Online Code*: TCGG-26Improve the safety of your cargo operations! Analyze various | Length: 4daccident scenarios and learn how to develop effective preventionprograms. Gain the skills to successfully investigate and report This course will introduce you to new managerial perspectiveson accidents and incidents. Designed for warehouse personnel, and show you how to create strategic pillars, develop encouragingsafety officers, and frontline supervisors. business strategies and materialize plans with accuracy, while working towards a common strategic goal.Cargo Advanced Rating and Marketing Cargo Claims and Complaint HandlingOnline Code*: TCGP-12 Online Code*: TCGG-11 | Length: 1d | Length: 2dLearn how to apply advanced construction and combination This course will provide you with the knowledge of the currentprinciples for unpublished rates, calculate appropriate rates and crucial legal aspects of carriage of cargo by air for all industrycharges for mixed consignments and ULDs, and complete air stakeholders who are concerned with effective cargo claimswaybills. Understand how to develop an advertising budget, select handling and loss prevention.the right advertising media, and use social media.Cargo Airline Management with Business Cargo EnglishSimulation New Online Code*: TCGP-23Online Code*: TCGG-18 | Length: 150h| Length: 5d This entry-level course will help you understand basic cargo terminology and principles. Study different modes of transport,The program provides a series of exercises to help airline commonly shipped cargo, types of packaging, cargo storage,management teams to simulate executive level decision making and what to do in case of loss or damage. Designed for non-nativeby assuming roles of the management team of a cargo airline. English speakers.The course participants will be able to experience, first hand, thecomplex decision making processes required in the day to day Cargo Introductory Courseoperation. Online Code*: TCGP-11Cargo Business Intelligence (BI) andCompetition Analysis | Length: 1d New This course is designed for newcomers to the cargo industry andOnline Code*: TCGG-28 helps you understand basic cargo terminology and principles, as well as aircraft routings and commonly used industry manuals| Length: 3d such as TACT and OAG World Airways Guides. Learn how to follow IATA standards to accept cargo and correctly handleLearn about the factors that impact performance in the industry, to make effective decision through the interpretation of Also available in Spanishmarket research and analysis, and how to help your companyimprove its market share. 65

TRAINING CATALOG | CARGO COURSESCargo Marketing and Advertising Cargo Route Development OptimizationOnline Code*: TCGM-02 New | Length: 4d Online Code*: TCGG-27Gain the skills to accurately forecast cargo demand in your region | Length: 3dand to prepare creative and cost-effective marketing solutions foryour target market. This course requires basic air cargo knowledge A high-level view of methods used to determine the benefitsand is recommended for marketing and sales managers. of actions in a given time period. Be empowered to make rapid decisions to change routes on your network or schedule.Cargo Operations Oversight for Airports Cargo Sales and Key Account ManagementOnline Code*: TCGP-84 New | Length: 4d Online Code*: TCGP-09Study the latest regulatory changes in the air cargo industry and | Length: 4dlearn how to provide operational air cargo oversight at your airport. Gain the tools and techniques to develop a strategic sales planCargo Proration in a competitive air cargo industry. Following an in-class case study, you will learn how to benchmark a company’s sales planOnline Code*: TALF-13 to determine areas for improvement. | Length: 5d Cargo Security AwarenessLearn how to apply the rules of the Multilateral Prorate Online Code*: TCGP-79Agreements - Cargo (MPA-C) to ensure your airline receives thecorrect cargo revenue entitlement. Understand the advantages of | Length: 200hproration agreements, the various methods of prorating, and theapplication of relevant provisos and requirements. Build your awareness in air cargo security regulations and the basic principles of security enforcement in the cargo environment.Cargo Revenue Accounting Procedures Cargo Skills and ProceduresOnline Code*: TCGP-83 Online Code*: TCGP-01 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dGain the practical means and knowledge to monitor your cargo This interactive entry-level course will provide you with the basicsales and revenue processing. skills you need to follow air cargo procedures. Learn how to use IATA’s TACT manual, accept cargo consignments, complete an airCargo Revenue Management with waybill, and deliver excellent customer service.Optimization Simulations Also available in Spanish New Cargo Supply Chain and Transport ModesOnline Code*: TCGP-47 Online Code*: TCGP-80 | Length: 4d | Length: 100hThis course will provide you with the knowledge of the currentcrucial legal aspects of carriage of cargo by air for all industry Improve your knowledge of supply chain management, logisticsstakeholders who are concerned with effective cargo claims and transport modes. Study different modes of transport, suchhandling and loss prevention. as road and maritime, the freight forwarding business and supply chain management.66

TRAINING CATALOG | CARGO COURSESCargo Warehouse Operations Live Animals Regulations (LAR) - Acceptance StaffOnline Code*: TCGP-64 Online Code*: TCGG-07 | Length: 4d | Length: 3dGain the skills and knowledge you need to work in air cargowarehouse operations. Study best practices in cargo operations, Accepting live animals at the check-in desk requires properprocedures, documentation and cargo handling. Learn about ULD awareness of the IATA Live Animals Regulations. This coursehandling and loading techniques, and how to work safely in a provides you with the global standard for transporting live animalswarehouse environment. by air. You will learn everything you need to know to ensure that live animals are checked-in properly to help avoid issues on board.Cargo XML Messaging and Standards Live Animals TransportationOnline Code*: TCGG-06 Online Code*: TCGP-06 | Length: 3d | Length: 4dAnalyze how Cargo-XML standards improve information exchange Learn how to use and comply with the IATA Live Animalsboth within a company and between different stakeholders, Regulations (LAR), to ensure that live animals are transportedsuch as shippers, freight forwarders, ground handlers, airlines, humanely and according to airline regulations and animal welfareregulators, and customs and security agencies. standards. Understand the different container needs for live animals and what to do in case of an emergency.e-Cargo Business Process and Standards Also available in Spanish and MandarinOnline Code*: TCGT-07 Managing Air Cargo Operations | Length: 4d Online Code*: TCGP-69This course will teach you how to apply the business processes, | Length: 8hfunctional specifications, and standards related to the e-Cargoprogram. Improve your understanding of operational management tools and techniques to gain the skills to develop and implement cost-IATA - Embry-Riddle Supply Chain effective air cargo operations for your organization. This courseManagement Certificate is recommended for cargo professionals with extensive management experience.Online Code*: TCGG-25 Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) | Length: 440h Online Code*: TCGP-50Designed for newcomers to the cargo business as well asindividuals currently working in the industry, this joint-certificate | Length: 2daddresses topics such as basic cargo procedures, loading,sourcing, procurement, packaging, and distribution. Learn how to use IATA’s Shipping Perishable Cargo Manual, and how to correctly pack, document and mark perishable cargo.Live Animals Regulations (LAR) Review special perishable shipping procedures and learn how to manage time and temperature sensitive cargo, such as cut flowers.Online Code*: TCGP-51 | Length: 6hLearn how to use IATA’s LAR Manual and how to comply with 67industry standards. Understand container requirements for liveanimals, how to protect their safety and welfare, and what to doin an emergency situation.

TRAINING CATALOG | CARGO COURSESPerishable Cargo Transportation Temperature Controlled Container OperationsOnline Code*: TCGP-21 Online Code*: TCGP-88 | Length: 5d | Length: 2dDuring this entry-level course you will learn how to safely ship timeand temperature-sensitive cargo while complying with industry In just two days, this course will bring you up-to-speed onstandards, and how to correctly reference IATA’s Perishable Cargo container types and their special operating procedures so you canRegulations manual. ensure your equipment and services meet industry requirements.Also available in Spanish and MandarinProfessional Air Cargo Supervisor Time & Temperature Sensitive Healthcare ProductsOnline Code*: TCGP-75 Online Code*: TCGP-97 | Length: 5d | Length: 8hMaking the transition into the role of a supersivor can be difficultwithout the proper training. Study the tools used by experienced This course is designed for personnel involved in the shipmentair cargo supervisors that will allow you to plan and manage your of healthcare and pharmaceutical products, explaining the usagedaily operations and interactions successfully. Learn management of the IATA Temperature Control Regulation Manual. Learn howtechniques that can be put immediately into action. to identify different types of perishables shipped by air, and how to list and identify shipper and carrier responsibilities.Safety Management Systems (SMS) ULD Operationsfor Cargo Airline Online Code*: TCGP-30Online Code*: TCGP-33 | Length: 3d | Length: 3d This course provides you with working knowledge and skillsGain the skills to develop a safety culture in your organization! of ULD handling, and complies with authority requirements forImprove your understanding of SMS and its function, and learn training of all persons involved in ULD operations, including thehow to implement and manage SMS in cargo operations. Learn training requirements specified in FAA AC 120-85 Sec. 268, to identify and manage hazards and risks, and how to Also available in Spanish and Mandarinmeasure safety performance.Temperature Controlled Cargo Operations ULD Train the Trainer NewOnline Code*: TCGP-63 Online Code*: TCGP-44 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dStudy industry best practices for packaging, storing and accepting Enhance your skills as a Unit Load Device (ULD) instructor withtemperature-sensitive shipments through practical exercises. the latest teaching methods.Learn how to create your own Standard Operating Proceduresand Service Level Agreements to ensure consistent level ofservice to your customers.Also available in Spanish and Mandarin68

Civil Aviation oversight and regulation of civil aviation with a focusAuthority on air safety, security, airspace policy, economic regulation, efficiency, sustainability, consumerA healthy, well-managed civil aviation sector is protection and respect for the environment.vital to the economy of every state. Strong aviation This comprehensive training portfolio extendspolicymaking and regulation support this. Civil from introductory to specialized courses for seniorAviation Authorities (CAAs) are responsible for the civil aviation management, and will assist states in the transformation of civil aviation in line with ICAO provisions.DIPLOMASCivil Aviation Management DiplomaStrengthen your Civil Aviation management skills using strategies based on the latest trends and market needs. DIPL-25Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesQuality Management for Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation Service Providers DiplomaGain the necessary knowledge and skills needed to implement a quality management system in your organization.Use quality assurance and control processes to achieve consistent quality and improve customer service. DIPL-87Requirements: 4 Required coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* Visit and enter the 6-character code for more information. 69 Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY COURSESCIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDSafety Management in Civil Aviation DiplomaImplement the safety strategies and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) agreed by the air transport communityto further improve aviation safety and efficiency. Safety is now data-driven and the prescriptive approach to safety is changing to aperformance-based approach. DIPL-11Requirements: 4 Elective coursesCOURSESAdvanced Safety Management Systems Air Transportation Management(SMS) in Civil Aviation Online Code*: TCVG-10Online Code*: TCVG-30 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d Get a head start in the industry with this insider’s view of theFor Service Providers who have implemented a Safety air transportation system. Review aviation-related businessesManagement System in accordance with ICAO Annex 19 and Doc and organizations and the role they play in shaping the industry.9859, and who wish to develop further. Polish your management and presentation skills while workingAlso available in Spanish with experienced instructors and class peers on a unique course integration exercise.Air Transport Economics Also available in Spanish and FrenchOnline Code*: TCVG-49 CAA Compliance with ICAO SARPS | Length: 5d Online Code*: TCVG-56Leveraging IATA’s unique industry insight, look deeper into | Length: 5dthe economic and policy developments that shape the globalair transport industry. This course provides economic impact Gain the planning and management skills to ensure that yourstudies that will allow you to examine financial forecasts, industry State legal and regulatory framework is up to date and compliantprofitability, and regulations. with international obligations. Close any gaps in critical areas related to safety and security oversight and ensure adequateAir Transport Statistics provisions for economic aspects of civil aviation law and regulations.Online Code*: TCVG-58 Civil Aviation Management | Length: 4d Online Code*: TCVG-45Statistical data are compiled by airlines, airports and civil aviationauthorities applying international standards. Understand the | Length: 5ddifferences between the data gathered by ICAO, IATA, ACI andothers, and be able to leverage this global knowledge to give your The essentials you need to know about CAA functions andorganization a competitive edge. responsibilities. This introductory course outlines regulatory frameworks, ICAO Annexes, SARPs, business management, finance, and the principal safety regulation and oversight responsibilities. Also available in Spanish70

TRAINING CATALOG | CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY COURSESCustomer Service for Civil Aviation EASA – NAA Initial Airworthiness InspectorAuthorities (CAA) and Air Navigation Service(ANS) Providers NewOnline Code*: TCVG-24 Online Code*: TCVT-63 | Length: 5d | Length: 4dLearn how to create and implement a successful customer This course provides participants with the core knowledgeservice strategy for your organization by analyzing theory, needed for the approval and surveillance of organizations involvedcase studies and best practices. in production of aviation products, parts and appliances within the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) regulatory system, under EASA Part 21 Subparts F and G.EASA – NAA Air Operations Inspector Emergency Response Planning for CAAs and Air Navigation Service Providers New Online Code*: TCVG-43Online Code*: TCVT-65 | Length: 5d | Length: 10d Prepare your emergency plan using this ‘all hazards approach.’This course provides participants from both the regulatory Review your organization’s emergency planning mandate,and operational environments with the core knowledge and functions and responsibilities in order to provide the bestcompetencies required to understand the process of compliance response to an emergency or disruption and guarantee businesswith European Community rules in respect of Commercial Air continuity.Transport (CAT) Operations.EASA – NAA Continuing Airworthiness Integrated Aviation Management System -Inspector New IAMSOnline Code*: TCVT-64 Online Code*: TALS-11 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dThis course provides participants with the basic core Learn how to use a ‘system of systems’ approach to aviationcompetencies required by an Airworthiness regulator, for safety, quality, risk and business management.inspectors, management and execution personnel involvedin aircraft continuing airworthiness activities from both the Management of Aviation Quality and Serviceoverseeing CA side and the overseen aviation industry entity side.Also available in SpanishEASA – NAA Flight Crew Licensing Online Code*: TCVG-15Inspector New | Length: 5dOnline Code*: TCVT-67 Manage aviation quality and service with a systemic, | Length: 5d process-driven approach according to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems requirements. Learn how to recognizeThis course on the EU Aircrew regulation is intended for and implement the key processes associated with a qualitytraining of NAA inspectors in order to fulfil their obligations in management system, increase customer satisfaction, and reducerelation to the holders of aeronautical licenses and certificates costs.and organizations involved in training, evaluation or medical Also available in Spanishcertification of aircraft crew members. 71

TRAINING CATALOG | CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY COURSESManaging Aviation Policy and Regulation Performance-based Navigation (PBN) Operational Approvals for CAAs and AirlinesOnline Code*: TCVG-26 Online Code*: TCVT-38 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dKey concepts are presented as to how to manage economicregulation and develop successful aviation policies. The course This course addresses the Performance-based Navigation PBNprovides an opportunity to develop skills, strategies and approval process from the perspective of the state regulator astechniques to influence aviation policy. well as the air operator.Also available in FrenchManaging the Creation of Autonomous Civil Planning and Strategic Direction in CivilAviation Authorities AviationOnline Code*: TCVG-55 Online Code*: TCVG-14 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dExploring case studies and best practices, learn how to develop Apply the latest strategic management theories to civil aviationan institutional reform project management plan, including planning and management, to create effective, long-term plansmission, strategy and structure, to create an autonomous Civil such as Civil Aviation Master Plans.Aviation Authority, which divides aviation regulatory responsibilitiesfrom those of service delivery.Managing the Safety Oversight Function Quality Management Systems (QMS) for Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) and AirOnline Code*: TCVG-13 Navigation Service (ANS) Providers | Length: 5d Online Code*: TCVG-22Understand the practical application of the ICAO Universal Safety | Length: 5dOversight Audit Program (USOAP) within a civil aviation authority,including the demands it places on CAAs and their stakeholders. Learn how to apply the latest quality requirements in accordanceDiscover management concepts and programs that will assist you with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),in ensuring safety in day-to-day operations. International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) and EuropeanAlso available in Spanish Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).Operational Risk Management (ORM) in Civil Safety (SMS) and Quality ManagementAviation (QMS) Processes in Civil AviationOnline Code*: TCVG-60 Online Code*: TCVG-38 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dApply the latest in risk management to everyday aviation Learn how to build a management system that integrates safety,operations across the organization at every level of the decision- quality and risk processes across your operations. This coursemaking process. focuses on the importance of change management, structuralAlso available in Spanish changes to your organization, and the streamlining of processes. Also available in Spanish72

TRAINING CATALOG | CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY COURSESSafety Management Systems (SMS) for Civil State Safety Program (SSP)Aviation Online Code*: TCVG-90Online Code*: TALS-03 | Length: 5d | Length: 5d Learn how to develop, implement and maintain a StateAs specified by ICAO in Annex 19 and Doc 9859 Safety Safety Program (SSP) in compliance with the relevant ICAOManagement Manual, this course provides the necessary Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), namely ICAOinformation and guidance to apply in your organization an Annex 19 and Doc 9859 Safety Management Manual (SMM).effective Safety Management System that meets State safety Also available in Spanish and Frenchoversight requirements. The course explains safety policy andobjectives, safety risk management, safety assurance and safety Strategic Management for Civil Aviationpromotion and gives many practical examples. AuthoritiesAlso available in Spanish and French Online Code*: TCVG-44Senior Civil Aviation Management | Length: 5dOnline Code*: TCVG-06 Comprehensive case studies and classroom exercises will help | Length: 10d you understand the latest in civil aviation strategic planning. You will learn how to improve business planning processes soExploring case studies and best practices, learn how to develop that you are prepared to respond to critical events, manage youran This comprehensive, practical course for senior managers stakeholders, and develop policy.covers all the main areas of responsibility for Civil AviationAuthorities (CAAs). Learn how to plan and deliver efficientand effective civil aviation regulatory and operational servicesto meet national and international air transportation policies andobjectives. Participants will work in teams to apply the conceptsand principles learned in the course.Also available in Spanish 73

Dangerous forbidden or restricted. We work closely with localGoods governments and ICAO to develop regulations thatRegulations are effective and efficient, and that ensure the safe transport of dangerous goods by air.Some items may endanger the safety of an aircraft Our DGR courses and diplomas help you to stayor persons on board, and the air transportation up-to-date with the latest industry regulationsof these dangerous materials can either be and procedures, and ensure that your dangerous goods shipments comply with industry standards. Learn how to use our industry-recognized DGR manual and gain your certificate to handle dangerous goods shipments.DIPLOMASDangerous Goods Operations DiplomaDevelop a solid foundation for your cargo career by learning the regulatory requirements to handle the transport of dangerous goods by air.The regulatory requirements for transporting dangerous goods by air are complex, detailed and change frequently. The IATA DangerousGoods Regulations Operations Diploma helps you understand the intricacies of the regulations, allowing you to safely and efficientlyhandle this special cargo. DIPL-16Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS COURSESDANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDDangerous Goods Quality Specialist DiplomaThis diploma will provide you with the skills to teach all aspects of the Dangerous Goods Regulations. You will be equipped withknowledge of the most current regulations, instruction methodologies and the expertise you need to prepare your organization for auditor inspection. You will be able to train all categories of dangerous goods training, including instructing a variety of staff engaged in theshipment of goods by air. DIPL-43Requirements: 4 Required courses and 1 Elective courseCOURSESDangerous Goods Management and Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) -Regulatory Updates New Recurrent - Category 6Online Code*: TCGP-74 Online Code*: TCGP-04 | Length: 2d | Length: 3dAs a manager involved in the transportation of dangerous goods Maintain your IATA qualification and learn how to identify andby air, this course will give you a high level overview of the classify dangerous goods items, verify that goods are properlymanagement of dangerous goods (DG) for cargo and passengers. packed, marked and labeled, and fill in the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods.Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) - Also available in Espaňol, Français, MandarinInitial - Category 6 Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) -Online Code*: TCGP-03 Shippers and Packers - Category 1, 2 New | Length: 5d Online Code*: TCGP-92Gain the skills to accept, handle and process shipments | Length: 3dcontaining dangerous goods according to the mandatory IATADangerous Goods Regulations manual. Study the operational restrictions, packaging instructions andAlso available in Espaňol, Français, Mandarin other regulatory aspects related to the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. Gain the skills to accept, handle and processDangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) - shipments containing dangerous goods according to the regulatoryInstructor Refresher requirements of ICAO Technical Instruction and IATA DGR.Online Code*: TCGP-05 Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for Auditors and Inspectors | Length: 3d Online Code*: TCGP-66Update your understanding of the latest dangerous goodsregulatory initiatives. You must hold a valid DGR certificate and | Length: 5dhave a minimum of two years’ teaching experience.Also available in Mandarin Learn how to perform a dangerous goods audit by breaking down and analyzing each audit stage. Practice techniques to deliver measurable results, and learn how to collect evidence in order to measure compliance with corporate policies, standards and regulatory requirements, and other aviation regulatory agencies. 75

TRAINING CATALOG | DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS COURSESDangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR)for Cabin Crew, Passenger Handling Recurrent Category 3and Security Personnel Online Code*: TCGP-14Online Code*: TCGP-42 | Length: 40h | Length: 6h Completing this course fulfills ICAO and IATA trainingIf you are involved in the security screening of passengers and requirements and extends your qualification to handle andcrew members, know how to treat the items that can pose a threat process dangerous goods for an additional 24 a flight. Maintain your IATA qualification and receive the current edition of IATA DGR Manual and Training Program Book 1.Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for Infectious Substances Shipping GuidelinesFlight Crew and Load Planners Online Code*: TCGP-43Online Code*: TCGP-39 | Length: 10h | Length: 6h Examine the technical aspects of how to ship infectiousLearn how to comply with requirements to train flight crew and substances by air (Division 6.2 Category B), and how to promoteload planners in accordance with IATA DGR. safe and efficient handling practices in the workplace.Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Infectious Substances Transportfor General Cargo Acceptance Personnel Online Code*: TCGP-22Online Code*: TCGP-40 | Length: 3d | Length: 6h Study the technical aspects of shipping infectious substances byLearn how to comply with training requirements in processing air (Division 6.2 Category A and B). Learn how to reference thecargo, mail or stores other than dangerous goods. current Infectious Substances Shipping Guidelines in order to promote safe and efficient handling practices at your workplace.Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for Also available in SpanishRamp and Warehouse Personnel Infectious Substances Transport - TrainOnline Code*: TCGP-41 the Trainer | Length: 6h Online Code*: TCGG-10Fulfill your dangerous goods training requirements as a freight | Length: 5dforwarder, operator, or ground handler. This course will show you how to train personnel at all levels aboutDangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Initial the intricacies of shipping infectious substances by air.Category 3Online Code*: TCGP-13 | Length: 40hThis course fulfills ICAO and IATA training requirements andqualifies you to handle and process dangerous goods for carriageof by air for a 24-month period.76

TRAINING CATALOG | DANGEROUS GOODS REGULATIONS COURSESInstructional Techniques for DGR - Shipping Lithium Batteries by AirCategories 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Online Code*: TCGP-52Online Code*: TCGH-02 | Length: 2d | Length: 5d The IATA DGR and the U.S. 49 Code of Federal RegulationsLearn how to incorporate active learning into your dangerous (CFR) are responsible for ensuring the safe transport of lithiumgoods awareness training by practicing a variety of adult learning, batteries. This course is designed to support you with meetinginstructional design and facilitation techniques in the classroom. these regulatory requirements and covers all aspects of theYou need to have a valid DGR certificate for categories 4, 5, 7, 8, identification, packing, marking, labeling and documentation.9, 10, 11, 12. Also available in Spanish and MandarinAlso available in MandarinProfessional Skills for DGR Instructors - Transport of Dangerous Goods by SeaCategories 1,2,3,6 Online Code*: TCGP-81Online Code*: TCGH-01 | Length: 3d | Length: 5d Gain a detailed understanding of International MaritimeGain the skills to plan a Dangerous Goods training program, open Dangerous Good (IMDG) Code regulations and requirementsa training session, use active learning, sequence learning activities in relation to classification, packaging, vehicle packing and vesseland conclude a training session, ensuring that your participants stowage. This entry-level course is designed for professionalswill be able to apply the learning back on the job. new to the transport of dangerous goods.Also available in Spanish, French and Mandari 77

Environment are designed to help you responsibly addressand Fuel environmental challenges such as noise, emissions and waste management, as well as understand theReconcile the demand for air transport and the need economics of the emissions cap-and-trade policiesto mitigate its environmental impact. These courses and carbon offset programs affecting aviation. Fuel conservation courses give you insight into practices for planning, utilizing and conserving fuel while maintaining quality and certainty of supply.DIPLOMASAviation and the Environment DiplomaReconcile the demand for air transport and the need to mitigate its environmental impact. Be up-to-date on aviation environmentalissues and master the knowledge and strategies required to operate sustainably in the aviation industry by emphasizing on newtechnology, improved operations and modernized methods of airspace. By following the Diploma you will also understand the economicprinciples of emissions cap-and-trade policies and carbon offset programs that impact aviation. DIPL-89Requirements: 4 Elective coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | ENVIRONMENT AND FUEL COURSESCOURSESAviation and the Environment Carbon Markets and Sustainable Alternative Fuels NewOnline Code*: TCVG-05 Online Code*: TALG-17 | Length: 5d | Length: 4dGet up to date on environmental issues in aviation and how toaddress them through new technology, improved operations, This course will allow you to analyze carbon market dynamics,modernized methods of airspace, and airport management. Learn strategies and pricing, and understand the environmental impactshow to identify key factors for a sustainable industry and develop of SAF. Using cost-benefit analysis, you will also learn about theyour own environmental assessment methods. financial implications of SAF to airline operations, supply chain logistics, and emissions trading schemes.Aviation and the Environment - ManagingGreen Airports Climate Change and AviationOnline Code*: TCVG-80 Online Code*: TALG-12 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dMake your airport ‘greener’ with sustainable aviation! Understand This course will provide you with the foundation on climate changehow to manage noise, local air quality, land use planning, water and international climate policies.and waste management, biodiversity preservation, communityrelationship management, major risk prevention and Environment Fuel Efficiency and ConservationManagement System (EMS) implementation. Online Code*: TALF-42Aviation and the Environment with ATAGGlobal Sustainable Aviation Summit | Length: 3dOnline Code*: TCVG-89 Learn how to create and implement a successful customer service Want to save 3% to 5% on your fuel bill? Perform a | Length: 5d fuel efficiency audit of your own organization and undertake a structured implementation and cultural change program. See howBe up-to-date on aviation environmental issues and their to develop a fuel cost calculator and track the performance ofmanagement, with a special emphasis on new technology, your conservation initiatives.improved operations and modernized methods of airspace and Also available in Frenchairport management.Aviation Fuel Management Essentials Sustainable Aviation - Improving Environmental PerformanceOnline Code*: TALF-06 Online Code*: TCVG-01 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dFind savings for your airline with these best practices for jet fuelmanagement. You will learn how to prepare your airline’s fuel Sustainability implies a way forward for aviation to be safe,budget, select the best jet fuel pricing and supply options for your efficient, affordable, and responsive. Learn how aviationairline, and manage the fuel tendering process. contributes to economic progress, social development andAlso available in Spanish environmental stewardship. Then develop benchmarking methods to put your organization on track for a sustainable future. 79

Fares and to your customers. These courses will help you stayTicketing on top of changing resolutions so you will accurately price journeys and avoid costly errors or rules thatEven though fares can be automatically calculated, result in customer disappointment and costly debityou need to keep your pricing skills sharp to be sure memos for your travel agency. Simulations, alongyou provide competitive quotes and the best advice with practical journey pricing exercises, will ensure you know how to select correct fares, apply the principles of mileage pricing, collect taxes, and interpret rules.Leads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | FARES AND TICKETING COURSESCOURSESAccounting and Financial Management for BSP and BSPLink Training for Travel AgentsTravel Agencies New in AfricaOnline Code*: TTTG-93 Online Code*: TTTG-02 | Length: 15h | Length: 1dLearn to speak accounting language, grasp accounting principles Designed for IATA Accredited Travel Agents, learn more aboutand interpret financial statements to assess and steer your local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) andbusiness. Governance.Advanced Skills in Journey Pricing and BSP and BSPLink Workshop for AirlinesTicketing in EuropeOnline Code*: TTTG-15 Online Code*: TALF-82 | Length: 19h | Length: 1.5dGain confidence in pricing more complex journeys that apply A fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learnexceptions to standard pricing principles. more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) and Governance.BSP Agent Best Practices and CommonSolutions BSP and BSPlink Workshop for Travel Agents in EuropeOnline Code*: TTTG-48 Online Code*: TALF-36 | Length: 2h | Length: 1.5dIdentify common challenges faced by travel agents in BSPand gather solutions and best practices. A fully customizable workshop is designed for IATA AccreditedAlso available in Spanish Travel Agents to learn more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) and Governance.BSP Agent Billing Reports and Procedures BSP Essentials for Travel AgentsOnline Code*: TTTG-46 Online Code*: TTTG-49 | Length: 2h | Length: 2hLearn about the Agent reporting process in the Billing andSettlement Plan (BSP) and how to interpret billing reports. Learn to use BSPLink efficiently, interpret billing reports toAlso available in Spanish reconcile financial accounts, adhere to the reporting calendar, identify debt, credit card fraud prevention best practices andBSP Agent Remittance Procedures manage or follow up on ADMs and ACMs. This course bundles six modules rich with BSPLink simulations. Each of six courseOnline Code*: TTTG-47 modules is available independently. Also available in Spanish | Length: 2h 81Examine the Agent Remittance process of the Billingand Settlement Plan (BSP), including the reporting calendarand debt identification.Also available in Spanish

TRAINING CATALOG | FARES AND TICKETING COURSESBSP Essentials for Travel Agents: Fundamental Skills in Journey PricingFinal Examination and TicketingOnline Code*: TTTG-50 Online Code*: TTTG-14Demonstrate your knowledge of the Billing and Settlement Plan | Length: 70h(BSP) for travel agents and earn an internationally recognizedcertificate. Learn the language of fare construction and fare rules so youAlso available in Spanish provide your customers with the best advice and the lowest fare for their air itinerary. Also available in FrenchBSP Standard Documents and Procedures Global Distribution Systems Fares and Ticketing Course - AMADEUSOnline Code*: TTTG-45 Online Code*: TTTG-26 | Length: 2h | Length: 1dMinimize costs through a better understanding of ticketingauthority and the traffic documents used in BSP. Learn to use Amadeus to price journeys using the mileage system.Also available in Spanish Global Distribution Systems Fares andCASS and CASSlink Workshop for Airlines Ticketing Course - GALILEOin Europe Online Code*: TTTG-28Online Code*: TALF-34 | Length: 1d | Length: 1.5d Learn how to use Galileo to price journeys using theThis fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learn mileage system.more about local IATA Cargo Account Settlement System (CASS)and Governance. Global Distribution Systems Fares and Ticketing Course - SABRECASS and CASSlink Workshop for CargoAgents in Europe Online Code*: TTTG-29Online Code*: TALF-33 | Length: 1d | Length: 1.5d Learn to use Sabre to price journeys using the mileage system.A fully customizable workshop is designed for IATA Accredited Introduction to BSPlinkand Associate Cargo Agents to learn more about local IATACargo Account Settlement System (CASS) and Governance. Online Code*: TTTG-44 | Length: 2h Explore Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) reporting and remittance processes and BSPLink user functionality. Also available in Spanish82

TRAINING CATALOG | FARES AND TICKETING COURSESPassenger Fares and Ticketing - Advanced Special Fares and Ticketing - IntermediateOnline Code*: TALF-24 Online Code*: TALF-40 | Length: 10d | Length: 5dFor experienced ticket and rate agents. This course will help In this course, you will learn to effectively quote special fares fromyou master normal fare construction and currency conversion pricing units, apply the most restrictive conditions and the newprocedures. Learn how to calculate fares for journeys with surface formula for fare construction.sectors and how to assess the impact of indirect travel limitationson fare construction and embedded surface sector. Ticket Repricing, Exchange and ReissuePassenger Fares and Ticketing - Basic Online Code*: TTTG-91Online Code*: TALF-28 | Length: 30h | Length: 5d Master the principles behind ticket alterations, including ticket exchanges, reissues, and revalidations. Study ticketing proceduresWith the abundance and complexity of today’s fare options, as well as refund processing and the collection of rebooking fees.your clients expect you to provide a service that is accurate, fast,and more affordable than the competition. This course teaches Travel Agency Fees: A Professionalthe language of fare construction and fare rules so you can Approachprovide your customers with the best advice and the lowest farefor their itinerary. Online Code*: TTTG-13Also available in Spanish | Length: 2.5hRepricing Exchanges and Reissues Learn best practices in implementing or setting of agency fees, the types of fees collected by travel agencies, and bestOnline Code*: TALF-54 to communicate them. | Length: 4d Travel and Tourism WorkshopThis course prepares you to apply the latest exchange/reissue Online Code*: TALF-74and netting procedures, manage Electronic MiscellaneousDocuments (EMD), handle refund requests, and re-price tickets | Length: 5dusing either historical or current fares and exchange.Also available in Spanish The Travel and Tourism Workshop provides you with a broad understanding of the global Tourism sector, and equips you withRevenue Management - Introductory the knowledge and skills to maximize the business potential of this industry for your market.Online Code*: TALM-05 | Length: 3dStudy the key factors affecting airline performance and therevenue management methods used to measure and controlthem. Through a series of practical exercises, this course preparesyou to make accurate forecasts and implement the right approachin your organization. 83

Finance and airline’s bottom line. With this practical approachAccounting to training, you will gain a clear understanding of the intricacies and complexities of revenue accounting.In a climate of uncertainty and economic downturns, Courses provide updates on revenue accountingknowing the tools to protect and maximize your procedures and resolutions in the IATA Revenuehard-earned revenue is crucial for improving your Accounting Manual (RAM) so that you can identify improper accounting transactions and avoid costly rejections and disputes.DIPLOMASRevenue Accounting and Control Diploma - Passenger StreamIn a climate of uncertainty and economic downturns, getting the vital tools and techniques to protect and maximize your hard-earnedrevenue emerges as a crucial element to improving your bottom-line. DIPL-19Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COURSESCOURSESAccounting and Finance for Non-Finance BSP and BSPLink Workshop for AirlinesManagers in EuropeOnline Code*: TAPH-44 Online Code*: TALF-82 | Length: 3d | Length: 1.5dThis course introduces you to balance sheets, cash flow A fully customizable workshop is designed for airlines to learnstatements, financial ratios, income statements, budgeting, and more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP)forecasting concepts. Learn the language and techniques of and Governance.accounting to be comfortable looking through an annual report.Develop the ability to use financial statements to assess a BSP and BSPlink Workshop for Travelcompany’s performance. Agents in EuropeAirline Finance and Accounting Online Code*: TALF-36Management | Length: 1.5dOnline Code*: TALF-50 A fully customizable workshop is designed for IATA Accredited | Length: 45h Travel Agents to learn more about local IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) and Governance.Analyze and control your airline’s financial performance with thisintroduction to airline capital structure and cost classification, Card Payment Policies and Fraud Preventioncash management and financial planning. Apply your knowledgethanks to hands-on experience with airline case studies. Online Code*: TALF-44Airline Financial Management | Length: 3dOnline Code*: TALF-01 Get to know the developments in the payment card industry that will impact your business. This course will help you to understand | Length: 5d PCI DSS card security standards so you can determine what to include in your fraud prevention strategy and ultimately reduceLearn key tools for analyzing the financial performance of your costs when accepting card payments.airline. This course will show you how to read airline financialstatements, identify key indicators of financial health, and Integrated Approach to Passenger Revenuebenchmark your airline’s performance against its competitors. Accounting and ControlBSP and BSPLink Training for Travel Agents Online Code*: TALF-19in Africa | Length: 5dOnline Code*: TTTG-02 Increase productivity with a complete review of your passenger | Length: 1d revenue accounting and control activities. This course will review ways to improve your sales audit and interline billing processes,Designed for IATA Accredited Travel Agents, learn more about providing practical examples of interline activities and theirlocal IATA Billing and Settlement Procedures (BSP) and financial impact.Governance. 85

TRAINING CATALOG | FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COURSESInternational Financial Reporting Standards Passenger Proration - Advanced- Introduction Online Code*: TALF-57Online Code*: TALF-47 | Length: 5d | Length: 3d Improve your skills for calculating the prorate value of passengerStudy key International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) used flight and excess baggage. Assess your entitlement in accordancefor preparing financial statements in the airline industry. with the Multilateral Proration Agreements- Passenger (MPA-P). Also available in SpanishIntroduction to the BSP System and Passenger Proration - FundamentalsLanguage Online Code*: TALF-56Online Code*: TTTG-43 | Length: 5d | Length: 2hLearn how the IATA Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) works This course shows you how to apply the rules of the Prorateand how it benefits a travel agency. Be able to interpret and use Manual Passenger (PMP) and the Multilateral ProrationBSP terminology. Agreement-Passenger (MPA-P) within your organization.Also available in Spanish Learn how proration can be a useful tool for maximizing an airline’s revenue through pricing policy and fare structuring.New Distribution Capability Readiness Also available in SpanishOnline Code*: TALG-22 Sales Accounting and Control | Length: 3d Online Code*: TALF-09Gain exclusive insight into the future of distribution from a | Length: 5dmember of IATA’s Distribution Data Exchange (DDX) WorkingGroup. Learn about the latest NDC developments and pilot Achieve maximum accuracy in your passenger sales accountingprograms, and understand how NDC will change the way the activities. Learn how to carry out sales accounting functionsaviation industry operates and markets its products. according to industry standards, analyze sales transactions, implement ticket control procedures, and apply refunds.Passenger Interline Accounting and Control Tax Planning and Compliance for International Airline ProfessionalsOnline Code*: TALF-10 Online Code*: TALG-16 | Length: 1.5d | Length: 3dReferencing the latest Revenue Accounting Manual (RAM),this course helps you to understand and apply RAM resolutions so This course offers you the combined topics and knowledgethat you will receive the appropriate entitlement and achieve cost- of IATA’s courses on indirect tax, direct tax, and the tax treatmenteffectiveness by eliminating unnecessary rejections and disputes. of flight and cabin crew members.Also available in Spanish86

Ground will equip you with leading practices for balancingOperations performance with safety, and cost effectiveness with customer satisfaction, so you can provide theSafety and on-time performance are—and will level of service your clients expect. Standards arecontinue to be—top priorities for service providers essential to keep our industry safe and efficient.and their airline clients. The ability to deliver on both We develop all ground operations training usingis a must. This selection of courses and diplomas industry reference material, including the Airport Handling Manual (AHM), the IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM), and ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices.DIPLOMASAirside Operations Excellence DiplomaA selection of our top courses for ramp lead agents. Through four practical and technical courses, learn to perform ramp handlingservices according to industry standards. Gain confidence in your ability to achieve safety while optimizing your station’s On-TimePerformance (OTP). DIPL-58Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesGround Operations DiplomaGain management and operational knowledge about efficient ground operations for airlines and ground service providers. DIPL-39Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* Visit and enter the 6-character code for more information. 87 Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | GROUND OPERATIONS COURSESCOURSESAircraft De-icing Operations Management Aircraft Weight & Balance Refresher NewOnline Code*: TAPG-02 Online Code*: TAPP-56 | Length: 3d | Length: 3dLearn the ICAO, IATA, EASA, and FAA aircraft de-icing standards, Get up to speed with new information and standards on the keyplus your legal responsibilities when managing these operations. topics and refresh you skill set.This course is open to airline, GSP, airport, and regulator staff,with the goal of coordinating an efficient winter operation plan Aircraft Weight and Balancebetween all stakeholders. Online Code*: TALP-01Aircraft Marshalling and Ramp Hand Signalswith RampVR | Length: 5dOnline Code*: TAPG-06 This course is designed for existing professionals with proven training and experience records. | Length: 1d Airport Ramp ServicesThis course covers the principles of ramp communicationsbetween the ground and cockpit crew, based on the IATA Online Code*: TAPP-51standards in the Airport Handling Manual (AHM) and IATAGround Handling Manual (IGOM), with practical virtual reality | Length: 40htraining using RampVR. Whether you are new to the industry or a recent recruit, thisAircraft Turnaround Coordination and course provides a solid foundation for professional developmentLoading Supervision in the field of ground operations. You will learn the basics of ramp services, plus the ground handling and safety standards you needOnline Code*: TAPG-57 to know to work safely on the ramp. | Length: 4d Airport Services - Passenger HandlingLearn the essential technical aspects of aircraft handling and Online Code*: TALP-10loading, so that you can lead your ramp team and optimize the useof ground service equipment and manpower. | Length: 5dAircraft Turnaround Coordination and LeThis intensive crash course is designed to make you bothLoading Supervision with RampVR New customer-focused and knowledgeable in the many roles you may fill as a front-line employee. Course topics include customer serviceOnline Code*: TAPG-40 and conflict management best practices, combined with a review of international passenger and baggage handling standards. | Length: 5d Baggage Claims and ProrationLearn the essential technical procedures for aircraft handlingand loading to optimize the use of ground service equipment Online Code*: TAPG-62and manpower. | Length: 3d Learn baggage pro-rate from the moment of payment of passenger claim until the agreement is made and the settlement of pro-rate amounts between respective carriers takes place. Looking at various case studies, this course will help you better understand the essentials of the baggage proration process.88

TRAINING CATALOG | GROUND OPERATIONS COURSESBaggage Tracking - Implementation and Ground Operations ManagementCompliance New Online Code*: TALP-52Online Code*: TAPP-49 | Length: 70h | Length: 3d Learn how to supervise an airline station in a self-handled orLearn how to implement Resolution 753, a new requirement out-sourced environment. Get the latest trends in passenger andfor IATA members to track baggage. Coming into affect in June baggage handling. This course comes with a complimentary copy2018, the aim is to further reduce baggage mishandling through of the IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM).cross-industry tracking for every baggage journey.Business Aviation Handling and Fixed-Base Human Factors in Ground OperationsOperations, FBO Online Code*: TAPG-03Online Code*: TAPP-38 | Length: 3d | Length: 3d Human error is the leading cause of accidents in our industry.The lucrative business aviation niche market requires a higher This course reviews the top human factor issues for groundlevel of service and customization than standard ground services. operations, providing tips for improving safety and effectivenessThis course will show you best practice to incorporate into your in your operations. This course is recommended for managementFBO business model that will help you meet client expectations and operational staff alike.and deliver consistent service. IGOM Implementation and StandardizedCrisis Communications and Media Response Proceduresfor Airport and Station Managers Online Code*: TAPP-41Online Code*: TAPP-39 | Length: 3d | Length: 2d Learn the scope, applicability and benefits of the IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM).Is your local staff prepared to speak to the media in the event Passenger Assessment and Travelof a crisis? This course lets you practice your ability to provide Document Checksadequate, structured information to the media so you can handleimmediate media response, before the corporate media response Online Code*: TAPP-34team takes over. | Length: 3dDocument Control Systems Practices that can save your airline from costly delays andOnline Code*: TALS-05 penalties. Based on the latest trends and industry best practices, this course provides tools to identify forged documents and | Length: 4d potentially disruptive passengers.This hands-on course gives you a test environment to build your Passenger Ground Servicesown document control procedures, including process mapping,referencing, and amendments. Online Code*: TALP-51 | Length: 45h Learn what it takes to work at one of the airline industry’s most visible airport positions and obtain the skills you need to provide assistance and related passenger services at the check-in, gate and concourse of your airport. 89

TRAINING CATALOG | GROUND OPERATIONS COURSESPassenger Ground Services with Amadeus Standard Line Maintenance Agreements NewAltéa DCS Online Code*: TAPG-55Online Code*: TALP-51-AMA | Length: 3d | Length: 45h A dedicated course for line maintenance buyers, sellers andObtain the skills you need to provide assistance and related contract managers. Learn how to use the IATA Standard Groundpassenger services at the check-in, gate and concourse Handling Agreement to its fullest potential as a commercialof your airport. agreement and services description document for line maintenance services.SGHA Version 2018 & SLA Refresher New Station/Ground Handling ManagementOnline Code*: TAPP-55 Online Code*: TALP-02 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dGet up to speed with new information and standards on the key A review of management responsibilities on the ramp and in thetopics and refresh you skill set. This course is designed for existing passenger and cargo terminals, this course equips you to improveprofessionals with proven training and experience records. the On-Time Performance of your station. Learn key ground handling functions, from marshaling to pushback, check-in toSGHA-SLA and Effective Negotiation deicing within the framework of the IATA Airport Handling Manual.Behaviors Station Operations ControlOnline Code*: TAPP-32 Online Code*: TAPP-35 | Length: 5d | Length: 4dThis course covers the IATA Standard Ground HandlingAgreement section by section, giving you the foundations For operations officers at GSP control centers and self-handlingto write the Annex B and Service Level Agreement accurately airlines. Learn key skills to run safe, efficient ground operations:and effectively. Learn how to enhance cooperation, efficiency aircraft handling, resource planning, standard messaging, basicand savings in your negotiations through technical training and slot requests and more.exercises that replicate today’s global marketplace.90

Law and International air transportation is governed byRegulations a complex and fragmented system of regulatory agencies, requiring regulators and legal staff to have a global perspective of regulatory processes. This selection of courses leverages IATA’s extensive international presence to facilitate the cross-border provision of air services in a safe, secure, and economical manner.DIPLOMASAeropolitical and Industry Affairs DiplomaThe Aeropolitical and Industry Affairs Diploma is designed to offer a general overview of the regulatory and legal regimes,as well as the international industry affairs applicable to all aspects of the aviation industry. DIPL-57Requirements: 4 Elective coursesIATA - Embry-Riddle US Aviation Law DiplomaIATA in partnership with Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU), have combined their expertise in aviation and continuingeducation to offer a Diploma in U.S Aviation Law. The diploma provides a comprehensive overview of U.S. regulation and legislation,and their application to aviation. Through a series of four courses, participants will be introduced to administrative law and the roleof the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the rule making process, the FAA enforcement process, and role of NTSBs in theappeals process. You will also have an in-depth review of airline contractual agreements, international air law, aviation insuranceprotocols and coverage. DIPL-90Requirements: 4 Required coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* Visit and enter the 6-character code for more information. 91 Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | LAW AND REGULATIONS COURSESLAW AND REGULATIONS DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDInternational Air Law DiplomaA comprehensive overview of the legal regimes applicable to all aspects of the aviation industry. DIPL-35Requirements: 4 Elective coursesCOURSESAircraft Acquisition and Financing Aviation Law and Policy in the EU and ASPAC: Liberalization, CompetitionOnline Code*: TALL-04 and Consumer Protection | Length: 4d Online Code*: TALL-15Before making the right decision, you need to know your options. | Length: 3dThis course introduces you to the key leasing and financingschemes available for the purchase and operation of aircraft, Learn about the most recent developments in European (EU)including straight purchases, secured loans, and government/ Union and Asia Pacific aviation legal systems, including changesmanufacturer assistance. to liberalization, competition and consumer protection laws.Also available in SpanishAirline Contract Law Aviation Law for Managers (non-lawyers)Online Code*: TALL-03 Online Code*: TCVL-01 | Length: 4d | Length: 5dUnderstand the basics of contract law and drafting principles. Acquire a general understanding of public international aviationIdentify the sources of airline contract law, such as international law and how it is applied to air navigation services, airlines, civilair law, interline, and distribution agreements between airlines. aviation authorities and airports. Designed for non-lawyers, thisReview aircraft and engine purchase agreements, aircraft charter course was developed in partnership with the EUROCONTROLand wet and dry leases. Institute of Air Navigation Services.Aviation Antitrust/Competition Law Consumer Protection in Air TransportOnline Code*: TALL-16 Online Code*: TALM-02 | Length: 2d | Length: 3dAn overview of the core principles of antitrust/competition rules This course provides a clear overview and interpretation of theapplicable to the airline industry in most countries and outlines EU Regulation 261/2004 that will improve how you handlethe steps to identify and avoid the risks of infringing competition passenger claims when applicable.laws. It’s becoming more and more important for aviationprofessionals to be aware of the competition law regulationwhen doing business.92

TRAINING CATALOG | LAW AND REGULATIONS COURSESEuropean Union (EU) Aviation Law International Air Law for Lawyers and Legal ProfessionalsOnline Code*: TALL-06 Online Code*: TALL-01 | Length: 3d | Length: 5dGain up-to-date knowledge of the challenges faced by airlinesoperating to, from or within the European Union (EU). Learn how Strengthen your understanding of air service agreements andto respond to unique challenges and regulatory innovations in the learn how to negotiate between public and private internationalEU and prepare for the inauguration or expansion of services from air law. Understand the importance of the Chicago Conventionand to the EU. in relation to public international air law, and the definitions and conditions of code share agreements.Global Aviation Competition/Antitrust Law Also available in SpanishOnline Code*: TALL-13 Law of Aviation Insurance | Length: 3d Online Code*: TALL-07Gain a clear understanding of the relevant practical issues of | Length: 3dcompetition laws worldwide with a specific focus on EU and USregulations. Review the issues of compliance and enforcement Gain clarity on the main aviation insurance conventions andthrough practical exercises and case studies, using real life protocols, types of coverage available, and practices for insuringexamples. hull and liability risks. Learn how to identify the legal factors an aircraft operator should take into consideration when purchasing insurance coverage. 93

Safety ensure a safe working environment no matter what your role. Productivity and safety go hand in hand,Safety is the industry’s top priority and everyone’s and this selection of courses including State Safetyresponsibility. Our safety training is hands-on, with oversight capabilities, will help you cultivate youra focus on practical implementation to help you technical, operational and executive management skills; whether you are managing an SMS, ensuring regulatory compliance, or preparing a response plan.DIPLOMASIntegrated Risk Management (IRM) DiplomaLearn the integrated risk management techniques developed by IATA for aviation operations. Through four courses, review IRM skillsand theory to manage the multiple risks that affect aviation organizations and the industry. DIPL-65Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesSafety Management for Airlines DiplomaGain a complete and updated knowledge on the current safety management issues and best practices. DIPL-31Requirements: 2 Required courses and 2 Elective coursesLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* V isit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | SAFETY COURSESCOURSESAircraft Recovery Crew Resource Management for Instructors (CRMI)Online Code*: TALS-15 Online Code*: TALS-43 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dGain the necessary skills to effectively handle an aircraft recoveryevent. Course content is based on the Aircraft Recovery Task This course lets you practice teaching techniques that will makeForce (ARTF) Part One and meets the training requirements set your CRM training effective and motivating for your ICAO for disabled aircraft operations. Throughout the course, you will be asked to present mini lessons, receiving valuable feedback from our experienced instructor andAirline Safety Investigation your classmates.Online Code*: TALP-25 Developing an Effective Safety Culture | Length: 5d Online Code*: TALS-28This course enables airline staff members to participate in an | Length: 2daircraft accident and serious incident investigation in accordancewith ICAO Annex 13 standards. Special attention is given to A functional safety culture brings open communication,understanding the underlying causes of accidents and incidents in continuous improvement and increased productivity, but requiresorder to improve safety and prevent future occurrences. continuous effort from all levels of the organization. This course presents a rigorous approach to aligning organizational cultureAirside Operations - Safety Compliance with safety culture, allowing you to reinforce safety in your organization.Online Code*: TALP-07 EASA Fuel Tank Safety - Level I | Length: 5d Online Code*: TALS-29Safety compliance in airside safety operations is key to avoidingcostly incidents and damaging accidents. This course will | Length: 1ddemonstrate how to align with the latest best practices andregulations, providing detailed explanations on the role of airside This convenient one-day course provides in-class familiarizationsafety in the SMS. training for maintenance and quality managers as required by the European Aviation Safety Agency and similar authorities.Crew Resource Management (CRM) EASA Fuel Tank Safety - Level IIImplementation Online Code*: TALS-37Online Code*: TALS-44 | Length: 2d | Length: 3dThis course examines the complex threat and error environments This comprehensive course meets European Aviation Safetycommon to today’s workplace, providing best practices to increase Agency fuel system safety training requirements for all staffflight safety. A recognized standard throughout the industry, IATA’s involved in inspection standards and maintenance procedures.CRM training is used by leading airlines to improve teamwork Learn the theoretical and practical fundamentals for ensuring thewithin their crews and reduce the frequency of accidents. integrity of a system’s features and preventing unsafe conditions. 95

TRAINING CATALOG | SAFETY COURSESEmergency Planning and Response Introduction to Safety Management Systemsfor Airlines (SMS)Online Code*: TALP-04 Online Code*: TCVG-70 | Length: 3d | Length: 10hThis course gives you essential skills to take on a leadership role Understand the function, role and importance of developing andin an airline emergency response organization. Learn about the implementing a Safety Management System (SMS), and how youdesign, implementation and optimization of an ERP according can build a positive safety culture in your industry practice and regulatory requirements. Review trainingmethods that will help you deliver exercises and rally support from Introduction to Safety Managementinvolved parties. Systems (SMS)EU Ramp Inspection Program (RIP) Online Code*: TCVG-72Essentials | Length: 2hOnline Code*: TALS-38 This course will help participants and organizations understand the | Length: 2d function, role and importance of developing and implementing a Safety Management System (SMS).Understand the EC SAFA program principles your airline mustfollow to comply with international safety standards. Learn what IOSA-SMS Requirementsitems are checked during a SAFA audit, consequences of auditresults, and the link to the EU list of air carriers subject to an Online Code*: TALS-22operating ban. | Length: 3dFatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS) IOSA is a key component in the industry’s efforts to improve aviation safety, with leading airlines from all regions incorporatingOnline Code*: TCVT-33 IOSA standards into their operations. This course shows you how to comply with the latest IOSA provisions for SMS implementation. | Length: 3dBring the benefits of a Fatigue Risk Management System to Managing Aircraft Accident and Incidentyour team or organization. Referencing the most recent ICAO Investigationmaterial, this course will show you how to implement FRMS policy,documentation and processes that can also be integrated with your Online Code*: TCVG-16Safety Management System. For air crew, operations and safetymanagers. | Length: 5dHuman Factors in Aviation Learn aviation incident and accident investigation requirements, techniques and working practices. Acquire a structured approachOnline Code*: TCVT-05 to managing safety to prevent incidents and accidents. This course provides an overview of ICAO Annex 13. | Length: 5d Risk Management ImplementationHuman error has become a major concern for air crews,maintenance practitioners and air traffic management. This course Online Code*: TALS-33provides a comprehensive overview of human factor research andmethodologies to help you understand how people can perform | Length: 5das safely and efficiently as possible on the job.Also available in Spanish and Italian This course is an intensive, hands-on workshop that will enable you to confidently identify and manage risks in your department or station.96

TRAINING CATALOG | SAFETY COURSESRoot Cause Analysis Safety Management Systems (SMS) - Train the TrainerOnline Code*: TALS-42 Online Code*: TALS-35 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dLearn the Root Cause Analysis techniques that are essentialfor compliance with ICAO and EASA SMS requirements This course provides you with the skills and experience you needand conformity with IATA’s IOSA and ISAGO audit programs. to deliver effective SMS training. Learn how to comply with ICAOThis course covers problem solving and corrective action planning SMS requirements and how to develop SMS training relevant toprocesses you can apply in your organization to start improving your organizational needs.your operational performance.Safety Interviewing of Aviation Agents and Safety Management Systems (SMS)Witnesses for AirlinesOnline Code*: TCVG-41 Online Code*: TALS-01 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dAcquire a general understanding of public international aviation This systematic SMS approach ensures both safer operationslaw Practice your skills to obtain valuable safety information and improved overall efficiency through improved organizationalwhen taking part in an incident or accident investigation. structure, staff accountabilities, policies and procedures.This course equips you with practical interview techniques Developed in accordance with ICAO Annex 19 provisions,for overcoming common pitfalls, and interpreting verbal and this course helps you fulfill SMS requirements and establishnon-verbal communication. a functional SMS within your operations.Safety Management System (SMS) Safety Performance IndicatorsRecurrent New Online Code*: TALS-50Online Code*: TALS-65 | Length: 3d | Length: 2d Define any required corrective actions, monitor known safety risksStay abreast with the latest Safety Management Systems (SMS) and detect emerging ones using safety performance indicators.developments and practices and meet the ICAO SMS recurrent Provide your regulator evidence of the effectiveness of yourtraining requirements. SMS and gain knowledge and skills necessary to develop safety performance indicators in your organization.Safety Management Systems (SMS) - Safety Risk ManagementImplementation and Control New Online Code*: TALS-46Online Code*: TALS-06 | Length: 3d | Length: 3d Review your safety risk management process according to theThis practical course gives you the expertise to implement ICAO safety performance requirements. Learn how to improvea successful SMS in your organization. Learn the latest tools and your operational safety by correctly identifying hazards, providingprocesses to develop a manageable workload. Understand the effective controls to mitigate safety risks, and reducing equipmentimportance of proactive risk management and learn how to loss and damage.promote and maintain a safety culture within your organization. 97

Security in the air, on the ground or in management, this selection of diplomas and courses will help you doThreats to our industry continue to evolve in scope your part in keeping our industry safe. Many of ourand complexity. And in an industry as interconnected existing courses have been updated to includeas ours, effective security can only be achieved the latest screening techniques and inspectionthrough a coordinated effort. Whether you work procedures used to expedite the movement of people and goods across international borders.DIPLOMASAviation Security Management DiplomaAn AVSEC Manager must have oversight of the multiple activities performed in day-to-day operations, while keeping on top ofcontinuous regulatory development. This diploma validates your ability to manage your team, suppliers, resources, and businessprocesses in line with current industry standards. With this industry recognized diploma, you will learn all the necessary securitymeasures in response to dynamic security demands. DIPL-28Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseAviation Security Operations DiplomaIf you manage an airline, airport or cargo security operations, you have to work closely with numerous stakeholders on the job.This Diploma validates your understanding of the key players in aviation security: their organizational structure, operating procedures,and regulatory requirements. You will gain and expand your knowledge of security in a selection of operational areas. DIPL-27Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseLeads to Diploma eTextbook Classroom Printed Textbook Virtual eLearning* Visit and enter the 6-character code for more information. Contact: [email protected]

TRAINING CATALOG | SECURITY COURSESSECURITY DIPLOMAS CONTINUEDAviation Security Screening DiplomaDesigned to give newly recruited security staff a clear career path in aviation security, this diploma prepares trainees to work in accesscontrol, x-ray screening and checkpoint supervisory roles. An introductory course taken via distance learning teaches the currentsecurity issues and practices in aviation. Three classroom courses build screening skills according to EU regulations using simulationprograms, real x-ray images and equipment. Trainees are also given further options to focus their skills in passenger screening,air cargo screening or aviation security training. DIPL-64Requirements: 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courseCOURSESACC3 Aviation Security Independent Validator Airport Security Operations OptimizationOnline Code*: TCGP-31 Online Code*: TSAP-02 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dBy 2019 there will be thousands of air carrier stations, As an airline security manager, you have to react to airline andregulated agents and known consignors requiring validation and airport regulations as quickly as they develop. This course givesre-validation. This course will help you become an Independent you access to the most current industry developments andValidator who provides the ACC3 designation to businesses provides planning exercises to integrate into your operationswishing to ship into the European Union. so you can be sure you are always up-to-date. Also available in SpanishAir Cargo Security Aviation Cyber SecurityOnline Code*: TSCG-02 Online Code*: TSCS-59 | Length: 5d | Length: 3dPrepare your business to meet the latest cargo securityregulations with threat assessment and planning techniques you This course will help your organization determine where to startcan easily apply within your operations. Designed for airline, cargo in what can seem like a never-ending effort to protect yourservice provider and government authority security staff, this information and systems.course uses practice scenarios to review threats at multiple pointsin the supply chain. Aviation Security AwarenessAlso available in French Online Code*: TSCS-13Airline Security Operations Optimization | Length: 40hOnline Code*: TSAL-02 Whether you work with passengers, cargo or at a security | Length: 5d checkpoint, you play a role in keeping the industry safe. This course introduces you to the security measures and regulations you needAs an airline security manager, you have to react to airline and to know to work responsibly, outlining practices you can use on theairport regulations as quickly as they develop. This course gives job to identify potential security access to the most current industry developments andprovides planning exercises to integrate into your operations soyou can be sure you are always up-to-date. 99

TRAINING CATALOG | SECURITY COURSESAviation Security Crisis Management AVSEC Background Vetting and InsiderSimulation New Threat MitigationOnline Code*: TSCS-14 Online Code*: TSCS-60 | Length: 3d | Length: 3dA unique opportunity through gaming simulation to examine Based on recommendations from the ICAO Universal Securitysecurity dilemmas using the IATA computerized platform - Audit Program and the IATA Security Manual, this course helpsSCENARIO. you develop an employee background vetting program that fits the context of your company.Aviation Security Management Behavioral Analysis and Predictive Screening StrategiesOnline Code*: TSCV-02 Online Code*: TSCS-37 | Length: 5d | Length: 5dSecurity threats are unpredictable, constantly taking new forms.Through daily simulation exercises, this course lets you test your Designed for experienced screening staff working in airports,ability to work under pressure in a range of day-to-day operational airlines and for law enforcement units, this course shows youand crisis situations. This course is recommended for airline and how to detect suspicious signs and behavior before even makingairport managers, law enforcement staff, and government officials. contact with a passenger. An important new development inAlso available in Spanish security screening, these techniques can help increase efficiency and reduce queuing times.Aviation Security Management - Advanced Consignment Security Declaration (e-CSD)Online Code*: TSCV-01 Standards and Implementation | Length: 5d Online Code*: TSCS-48This course helps you see the big picture when it comes to | Length: 3dmanaging the internal and external factors that affect your AVSECoperations. Learn how to select contractors, facilitate customer Endorsed by ICAO and adopted by a growing number of countriesservice, and evaluate the effectiveness of your procedures and around the world, the CSD is recognized as the industry standardscreening points. for documenting secure cargo throughout its journey. If your business is planning to go paperless, this course will explain theAviation Security Train the Trainer messaging standards and technical requirements you must meet to implement the e-CSD.Online Code*: TSCS-06 Customs Security and Facilitation | Length: 5d Online Code*: TSCS-04You have to be more than a security expert to deliver effectivetraining. This course gives you opportunities to practice your | Length: 3dteaching skills, from lesson planning to in-class delivery to studentassessment, so you can ensure clear, engaging instruction. Tightened security on goods crossing international borders canCovering training skills plus a mini AVSEC refresher, this course mean new, labor-intensive processes for your business. Learn howis ideal for new trainers. to apply WCO SAFE framework, EU Authorized EconomicAlso available in Italian Operator and US Air Cargo Advanced Screening Program requirements without complicating your business processes.100

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