Wajarri Yamaji Aboriginal Corporation Winja Wajarri Barna Limited Wajarri Enterprises Limited October is Mental Health Month Make time to ask.. Wajarri Group Newsletter - October 2021 Inside this Issue 1 Introduction 2 Introduction 3 With this month’s focus on Mental Health I just want to ask... Elders Story 4 “G’day How are you going?” SKA Negotiations Update 5 RUOK??? 6 “How’s the family traveling?” Office Update 7 Community Events 8-11 Sometimes all you need to do to help someone is to find the right Land Group Areas 12 words or just sit and listen. Carlleen’s Community Trip 13 Aboriginal Businesses in Meekatharra Mental Health is an illness with symptoms that include depression Wajarri Enterprises Ltd 14 and anxiety .... it’s about wellness not illness, and the state of 15 well-being in your life and how you’re coping. But remember that Boolardy Fencing Contract 16 mental health is complex and people need healthy boundaries and Community Stories 17 strong ways to support their needs. Sponsorship Program 18 Where to get your COVID Jab 19 While trying to control and manage the challenging things that happen Wajarri Office Shoutouts in your life, finding your happy place can help to bring back the smile Burringurrah Ranger Program 20 on your face. Mt Magnet Memorial Match Memories can’t be stolen ... but forgotten is a different story. Please be aware of times when we should ask “RUOK???”, and if you are having trouble coping, speak out to friends and family, see your doctor or visit your medical clinic. Sometimes people can’t tell the difference and just a yarn might help. I would like to send my love to those who helped me find my old self and understand that I wouldn’t have done it without you and for that thank you because ... Carlleen’s back! See you on Country! In between newletters our social media pages can Key Dates keep you up-to-date with what’s going on.. 16 October - WWBL Board Meeting go to 5 November - Wajarri Corporation Board Meeting facebook.com/TheWajarriCommunityOffice Mid to late November - Annual General Meeting (to be confirmed) or visit LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/76211166 1
Elder’s Story Our Elder’s Story section is our way to keep you in contact with our Elders today. We love the yarns they share, bringing family, friends and loved ones together with their stories. I encourage anyone to write or video your elder and send it in, the questions are in the Elders profile below. Warm, light, fluffy questions, not to upset anyone but to share stories. It is okay if you miss one question but we would love to get your Elder story to upload into our newsletter. If you would like to be interviewed, please contact Carlleen in the Wajarri office on 9997 3444 or email [email protected]. Roy Fraser I began by asking “Where are you from?” Roy was born early in 1952 in Meekatharra in Ngoonooru country. Roy was the eldest of 12 children. His mother worked at Meeka School of the Air back in 1958 or 1959 Roy’s not 100% with the year but one or the other. His father was a contractor doing fencing and moving cattle around the Midwest region. Then Roy told me all about his favourite place to play when he was younger. As kids after school, we would all go swimming at the dam... all day till the sun goes down. Getting home late, about 8.30 pm, to be met at the door head down, I was in trouble. There was an old man who grew a watermelon patch that grew wild on the way to the dam. OH, it was lovely with a cheeky giggle. Around town in Meekatharra I would visit all Oldies and chop wood for them and get treats when I finished for this demanding work. Having Cake and Cupa Tea with them then moving to the next stack of wood. Holiday time I would take off bush helping dad with cattle or with fencing getting kangaroo for feed. Getting to ride the horse and motor bikes Dad moved around with his work so we moved too. Staying in Cue for while dad looked after the cattle, I can remember we stayed for 12 months. Then moving to Yalgoo. Roy enjoyed sharing one of his favourite stories. I got to drive a truck at 10 years old, my first job because I helped this old bloke by sorting the toilet pans out. I got ice-cream every Saturday morning. I looked forward to that. I was happy! Two bob was plenty of money then... now it’s a different story. I took my kids back and showed them where I grew up and showed them which towns I stayed in with my mum and dad back in the past... taking the camp over with us for feed. (To break questions up) I asked “What’s your Favorite colour?” Yellow and Blue but to pick one... Red! What do you do for fun now for yourself?? Just collect cans and bottle tops do some gardening to move myself around. Today he does not get to see the sky light up at night, he lives in Perth but he’s doing okay and Mr. Fraser, thanks for sharing your story with Community. Carlleen Dingo Roy at a Mogumber Mission Reunion 2020 2
SKA Negotiations Update On the 3 and 4th of November the Minangu Land Council, the Wajarri Yamaji Aboriginal Corporation and the former ILUA negotiation team will meet to progress the SKA negotiations. Other key matters that were not finalised at the last community meeting held in June 2021 were: • The Benefits Management System (BMS) • Resolution of the Unresolved Area in the Land Group Areas • Finalisation of the Cultural Heritage Managment Plan (CHMP) These matters will hopefully be resolved at the next community meeting which could potentially be held as early as mid November this year. BREAKING NEWS Commonwealth SKA Project Update “On Thursday 14 October 2021 an important milestone in the SKA Project will be reached with Australia and South Africa signing Host Country Agreements with the SKA Observatory. Under the agreements, each country agrees to provide access to a radio quiet site and in return, the SKA Observatory agrees to look after the site in a way that is sensitive to its traditional owners. The Australian Government wishes to give Wajarri people an assurance that, while this is a great milestone for the Project, SKA construction will not start on the ground at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory until the ILUA has been finalised. This includes reaching agreement on a Cultural Heritage Management Plan to ensure the project can proceed in a way that looks after Wajarri heritage. There is a specific clause in the Host Country Agreement that requires the ILUA to be finalised before SKA construction can commence. This however, also means that until the ILUA is finalised, the SKA Observatory is not able to confirm the project will proceed in Australia. The Australian Government and CSIRO continue to work productively with the Wajarri people and the Wajarri Corporation to finalise the ILUA matters on a timeline consistent with the SKA’s construction schedule, to help deliver the significant benefits the SKA project has the potential to bring to the Wajarri people and Australia. We would like to thank the Wajarri people for their ongoing efforts and look forward to working closely with you to secure those benefits for everyone.” 3
RUOK? October is Mental Health Month... Mental Health Week is celebrated each year in October around World Mental Health Day on October 10. Given how critical the early years are for lifelong brain development and functioning, learning, and wellbeing, this year’s theme is: Mental health starts with our children. If you are struggling with your mental health or To find out more and to get are experiencing a crisis and need support there are free resources visit: organisations providing free services that can help you. www.mentalhealthweek.org.au www.ruok.org.au Lifeline 13 11 14 - 24/7 Crisis Support How strong is Thirrili 1800 805 801 - 24/7 After Suicide Support your brain? Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 - 24/7 phone and chat Suicide Callback Service 1300 659 467 How can Phone, online chat and video counselling you make it Good Samaritans 135 247 - 8am to 8pm stronger? R U OK? Day was celebrated on Thursday 9 September, 2021. Our Chairperson Dwayne Mallard attended a number of RUOK events in Geraldton and ended the day with a free sausage sizzle held on the Geraldton Foreshore, ably assisted by our own Carlleen Dingo. 4
Office Update Our Office has Grown! We now have 2 new departments, Heritage/Native Title and Communications. We hope the diagram below will help you to direct any questions to the right area so that we can make sure your enquiry is dealt with quickly and efficiently. General Operations Heritage & Native Title Communications Responsible for the day-to-day Role and Responsibilities Responsible for the delivery of back office functions of the PBC, strategic themes, operational membership services and the Assist the Corporation, the Land matters and consistent messaging enterprise division. Committees and all Wajarri Yamaji via all streams and communication People to maintain, protect, platforms Includes but not limited to: promote and support its traditional • Wajarri Enterprise projects laws and customs. • Ranger Programs • Membership applications Tasks and Activities Includes but not limited to: • Member Benefits Programs • Writing, editing and drafting • Office Enquiries Includes but not limited to: • Protect and manage Native Title social media [email protected] • Newsletters • Membership applications rights and interests • Speeches • Benefit Program applications • Protect and manage Aboriginal • Campaigns • Submissions and grant and queries cultural heritage • Assist with commercial applications • Website content negotiations • Events • Advise on corporate governance and compliance Contact us for.... [email protected] [email protected] • Contributions to newsletters • Information about Land Groups • Information about upcoming and Committees events • Heritage and Native Title matters • Updates to the website including the business directory • Communications to community on our social media pages 5
Community Events Family History Research and Promotion of Service Day Would you like to know more about how our Link-Up Service can support the Stolen Generation community? All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are welcome to attend. WEDNESDAY 17 NOVEMBER 2021 10AM - 2PM BUNDIYARRA ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY CORPORATION EASTWARD RD, GERALDTON WA RSVP Nikita Umbagai 08 9428 3700 All attendees will be required to sign in via the SafeWA app or complete the manual contact register. ICN 1747 On the 30th September Bundiyarra held its NAIDOC Heal Country Event with lots of food, events and activities for young and old!. 6
Land Group Areas 7
Carlleen’s Community Trip: Minangu to Ngoonooru We have had lots of requests for people from the office to get out into community to yarn and find out what you need and answer your questions. This trip to Meekatharra is the first, but we plan on getting out and about a lot more. I’m looking to help you with your applications to become members and tell you how our programs work, like how it takes 10-14 working days for the wonderful team in the office to process each client application and make payments to suppliers. I want to find out about your community events, and get your great stories to include in our newsletters, on our website and Facebook page. Feedback was the most Important thing I was hoping for on this trip, and I received lots of questions about “What Land Group am I in? Hopefully the Land Group Map we have included will help clear that up. I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me to get into the community. Meektharra is where I am heading, into Ngoonooru Country. Starting off in Geraldton, leaving on Highway 123 on Thursday, it’s a clear day to travel and I leave early, knowing I need to make stops at towns along the way and will need to pull up to get pictures. (a 7-hour trip I’m guessing?) First stop Mullewa, next town over 1 hour 11 mins (99.0km). Mullewa is the town before Pindar. The home of the wildflower wreath, where the wreath flower grows on the side of dirt tracks. This special living creation grows every year without any gardener, like every other wildflower, they show up and the crowds seem to find their way in the bus loads. Next stop over is Yalgoo 118 km from Mullewa. Yalgoo is well known as the outback starts here from the Geraldton coast. This small town in the Murchison area was known as a goldmine town back in the day so if you look hard you might find a nugget or two. Dropping off hand sanitiser I had a friendly yarn at the Shire Office, letting local staff know that they can share the sanitiser out into community. Next I checked out the Yalgoo Art and Culture Center where locals around town meet now to complete pieces of artwork while having yarn and catch up with family at the same time. Opening hours are Monday to Saturday 9am to 3pm so if you are passing stop in and see what you can pick up for yourself or friends. 8
Carlleen’s Community Trip: Minangu to Ngoonooru At the end of highway 123 there’s a T junction... a turn to the left takes you into Mount Magnet, 155 km from Yalgoo. A lot of caravans travelling in the holiday break making their way north also travel along this highway. Saturday and Sunday will be Percy Cup Footy Carnival, we have a whole page devoted to the Cup and the teams later on in this newsletter. Thank you Miss Merlyn George , the organiser of ther Football carnival, for providing the story and pictures. It is great to see community getting involved by providing stories for our newsletter. When I met with Miss Merlyn George I also dropped off some more hand sanitiser to be shared out into the community Making good time coming up to Cue 80 km, over 1 hour and 36 minutes in car. Known as the Queen of the Murchison, Cue is packed with history just driving down main drag. Coming up the big hill on the other side of Cue where that one rock hangs on edge, waiting to fall. But yarns around that rock say it’s been sitting there for years. Had to get off road due to Tonka Trucks that need it more than me. But just like when we all were kids, still good to watch them pass! Looking for Blue Bird gold mine site to give me mud map to work out how far out of Meekatharra I am now? Sun in corner of my left eye, thinking can’t be that far to go, starting to feel a smile that its not that far till I pull up. Coming in late on Thursday afternoon into Meekatharra before the long weekend of fun starts. After good night’s sleep I head into Meekatharra Shire to pick up my ticket to the Las Vegas Ball and speak to Warren Dark who tells me of all the events that are taking place during the long weekend. Then I check out Victor’s Center and do a plug for Stardust Jijas and their products, the sponsorship story in this month’s newsletter. I’m also getting lots of feedback on who I need to see whilst in Meekatharra. I see a small group around the café shop for purple bra day and find out that Leighton Café is locally owned and run by a qualified chef and his partner. I was so glad that in a town as small as Meekatharra small businesses are going up in the community. I ask “how you do it Sis ?” Answer “You just gotta get over the paperwork and its all right!” a Andrew Binsair is a talented artist and creator of all the pieces that you will find in his store which is located in the mall in Meekatharra. His range includes family portraits on canvas to shirts and hat wear. Andrew started his brand as Andoz Art Print . You can contact him on 0457688227. I drop off copies of the latest newsletter to organisations around town like Yulella Aboriginal Corporation and have a yarn about our programs and promise to send copies of the next newsletter too. 9
Carlleen’s Community Trip: Minangu to Ngoonooru Thinking it might be good time to go to the cemetery to pay my respects to my loved ones. Getting my grandfather’s baby sister and two aunties, we head out of town. The Shire put chairs out there and it’s peaceful to just sit for a while and listen to the wind and watch the trees dance around in the breeze. Always good to go back to see Pop. Feeling good that I took the time just to visit and sit around and feel comfort, I think that it was worth the trip and I hope this goes alright in the next couple of days while I’m in Meekatharra. Time came where I had to move to get into town and get ready for the Las Vegas Ball 2021 Meekatharra style at the Town Hall. The Renegades kicked the beats off for the long weekend and with Charles Pizza taking care of the feed, the bar was open and the crowd rolled in. Some V.I.P.’s showed up to show their support and bring the high rollers to the event. Great to see that everyone had a boss night!!! Saturday was Race Day and we headed out early as I wanted to get some pictures and check it out before the day gets on track and the event starts. Taking Mrs. Walsh out to grannets for a BBQ and asking her to do a short story about her work of over 25 years of fund raising for Royal Flying Doctors and how she finds her items. Once found she gives them a bit of TLC and paints her designs onto them to give them her special touch. 10
Carlleen’s Community Trip: Minangu to Ngoonooru Sunday was the rides at the oval and the kids walked by early all dressed up and ready for the show, smiling along wicked ways. Groups of little people running along trying to beat each other while they make their way to oval. Well to my surprise the show was free, and all the bags were filled with toys, some they paid for and others they won. It was lovely to see the cheerful little faces enjoying the day going from rides to sideshow alley to win free toys. I could not help myself and had to have myself win a little unicorn pillow for my baby to take home. Yes, I had to get my face painted, call it the little kid in me but I was not missing out and there was no line. I got my tickets and was I ready for the Royal Flying Doctors raffle. Their spokesman reminded people that R.F.D. are there for everyone.. broken hand, foot anything really. This winner was Miss Berta Gilla It was a very enjoyable trip, I talked to lots of people and now know a lot more about what you want to see in the newsletters and what your questions are. I want to thank everyone who made me welcome. I enjoyed the events I attended and the people I met up with. Royal Flying Doctor Raffle Prize donated by Beryl Wilson 11
Carlleen’s Community Trip: Minangu to Ngoonooru Aboriginal Operated Businesses in Meekatharra Ando’s Art Prints https://www.facebook.com/Andosartprints Swan Settlers Market Meekatharra Portraits, fine art, prints and clothing and other merchandise and private commissions all produced by talented artist Andrew (Ando) Binsair Leighton’s Cafe https://www.facebook.com/LeightonsCafe 12 139 Great Northern Hway Meekatharra Great food, cakes and coffee
Wajarri Enterprises Ltd (WEL) The vison of Wajarri Enterprises Ltd is to be a prosperous, sustainable business enterprise for the benefit of all Wajarri Yamaji people. WEL will work and engage with people, organisations and clients that share common values and intention in the preservation and protection of Wajarri culture and the benefit of Wajarri people. WEL does this by: • Supporting and facilitating the growth of Wajarri businesses by providing opportunities to increase capacity and capability and access tender and works opportunities • Developing training and employment opportunities for Wajarri People Boolardy Logistics Services Contract WEL PSG Holdings JV is a joint venture between Wajarri Enterprises Ltd and Pacific Services Group Holding September was a busy month at Boolardy with VIP site Limited. PSG Holdings is an Indigenous owned national visits, and work continuing on flora and fauna, road and construction, maintenance and vertically integrated track, airstrip, and fencing maintenance. services business and has built a strong reputation for We welcomed the Honourable Roger Cook who was outstanding customer service, reliability, on-time delivery escorted on his visit by Tom Booler and Steven Tingay. A and quality. WEL PSG Holdings JV is committed to diversity number of staff completed fire training. and inclusion in the work place and to increasing the Wajarri Traditional Owners who worked during the employment of Indigenous peoples. month were: • Claudine Gilbert - Casual Utility - Pia Community • Brittney Simpson- Fulltime Utility • Lesley Dann – Casual Utility - Pia Community • Lloyd Gilbert– Casual Utility - Pia Community • Rikkiesha Hawkins – Casual Utility - Pia Community • Darren Hawkins – Grounds Person - Pia Community • Serina Simpson - Fulltime Utility • Shinara Christie - Casual Utility - Pia Community Fire extinguisher training Homestead lawn beetle free! Work activities included: • Black beetle has infested the lawns, alternative treatments were trialed with no success so we have returned to treatment with insecticides. • Trees were pruned from around the homestead and compound fences. • Prickly pear and minor shrubs were treated with herbicides. • The Boolardy entrance driveway was dragged Drone survey Boolardy Creek MRO strip looking good with the sled to reduce contours. • Wajarri JV is writing the scope of works for stick rake maintenance on designated tracks. Tracks are well maintained • Track maintenance around Boolardy continues. • Airstrip inspection was completed and passed as serviceable. • Grant Simpson commenced fence repairs on the Boolardy Meeberrie boundary contract. • Drone surveys of Boolardy Creek for future regeneration reporting and the boundary Jermarley Simpson and Brittney Simpson working in kitchen 13 fenceline were carried out by Tierra Australia.
Wajarri Enterprises Ltd (WEL) Boolardy Fencing Contract WEL has engaged Jalyadi Rural Fencing to undertake a contract repairing and renewing the fencing at Boolardy. Owner/operator Grant Simpson has lived and worked on rural stations all his life and named his business after Jalyadi – Mt Wittenoom’s big rock. Established in 2017 and based at Mt Wittenoom Station north of Yalgoo, Jalyadi Rural Fencing is a 100% Aboriginal owned and operated business that services the Murchison area of Western Australia. Grant leads a hard-working team and employs local Aboriginal people wherever possible. 14
Community Stories University science and Aboriginal knowledge to go hand in hand at remote Pia Wadjarri school A new program developed between a Pia Wadjarri School and Curtin University researchers will see science brought to isolated children in the Murchison. The remote Pia Wadjarri Aboriginal community is home to some of the oldest rocks in the world. Key points: • Pia Wadjarri RCS and researchers create an ongoing science partnership at the school • The scientists are impressed with the students' level of local knowledge • The school's principal says the partnership is opening up future pathways for some \"very bright\" students Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School will welcome researchers such as geologists onto country to share knowledge with the students. The program will see scientists visiting the community twice a year, with the students heading to Curtin University in Perth annually, and online video call learning each term. School principal Susan Trigwell said it was an extension of their two-way science and on-country learning method. \"It's this amazing blend of Aboriginal culture and scientific knowledge blended with the Australian curriculum,\" she said. \"The scientists are taking us to the university in February, and the students are going to take Pia rocks … and we will be able to look at, from a modern scientific view, how our rocks are made.\" For more information visit www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-22/pia-wadjarri-science-and-aboriginal-knowledge-taught-to- gether/100480516?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web Pia Wadjarri Community 15
Community Sponsorship Program Sisters Nadine Ryan and Karis Ryder had the vision of Karis Ryder and Nadine Ryan making Traditional Aboriginal Bush Remedies to help people Instagram: @stardust_jija’s with Physical and Spiritual Healing through gifts from Mother Facebook: @stardustJija’s Nature. Website: www.jija’s.com.au Their Grandfather came from Northampton and their grandmother was born in Mullewa, Both girls were born in Geraldton... good old Suncity W.A. They needed a little help for some odds and ends from a local store in Geraldton and we were happy to arrange some sponsorship to help the ladies to get started. All of Stardust Jija’s items are handmade with organic Aussie bush products. Using minerals and oils that hold either healing, detoxing or protection qualities, they create remedies passed on by the Ancestors, here and gone. They consult with Traditional Elders and Cultural Healers to confirm the items are made the right way and the correct way. Their aim is not only to help promote our beautiful and strong country, but also to highlight the people and show how proud we are to call the Mighty Midwest Home. Stardust Jija’s products include cleansing sprays, bush teas, bath soaks, emu oil and candles. They have premade packs for Babies + Children, Bath + Body, Miner’s and Men Packs or you can just create your own. It’s not just Nadine and Karis who create the magic, Family is out every weekend gathering and hunting materials including animals and plants. Stardust Jijas are redefining traditional bush remedies for body, mind and spirit. Purchases can be made online. Beautifully packaged, these make perfect corporate gifts or presents to pamper loved ones. Check them out get your gifts early for Christmas. Congrats Chicks cannot wait for mine in Post Sponsorship Program The sponsorship program was established to invite clubs, associations and sporting groups to access financial assistance to further benefit Wajarri people in the community. Applicants were asked to submit an email detailing who they are, what they plan to do and how this will benefit the Wajarri Yamaji Community. We expect to be able to open up this year’s Sponsorship Program shortly. We will publish the level of funding available and criteria soon, keep a look out on our website. 16
Where to get your COVID Jab! From Monday 13 September, all Western Australians aged 12 years and over can get the COVID-19 vaccination. Getting vacinated is important to keep yourself, your families and your communities safe and strong. All COVID-19 vaccines are free Where can you get vaccinated? You can make a booking at a regional public hospital-based vaccination clinic on the dates listed below or you can book with a participating Doctor, GP respiratory clinic, pharmacy or Aboriginal Medical Service. All community vaccination clinics have bookings for both the Pfizer and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines. Carnarvon Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 October, Monday 18 October Cue Wednesday 20 October Exmouth Tuesday 19 to Friday 22 October Geraldton Tuesday 28 September to Friday 15 Kalbarri October Mt Magnet Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 October Yalgoo Tuesday 19 October Monday 18 October How do I make a booking? The COVID19 Vaccine Team at GRAMS are Online:Go to https://rollup.wa.gov.au/ and select select the Book waiting for your visit! Now button on the home page. This will take you to VaccinateWA, where you need to create an account by following the instructions. CVoamccminuantiitoynCHouvbid Then you will be able to view the next available appointment date and time for the vaccine recommended for you. Open to General Public What do I need to register and create an account with All Welcome VaccinateWA? You will need an email address to create an account with 9.00am till 3pm Monday to Friday VaccinateWA. From the 11th October until 22nd October What if I don’t have an email address or internet access? Call 13COVID (13 268 43) and the team will help you to complete No Bookings Required your registration and book your appointment. Do it for yourself, I do not have a mobile phone, can I still register? your family and You do need a contact number, but a landline is OK as well as a your community mobile. For further information please call GRAMS on Can I register on behalf of someone else? Yes, but where possible the other person must be with you (08) 99566555 during registration, to provide their consent. If registering on behalf of eligible minors aged between 12-15, 17 the guardian details must be provided by the person who is completed the registration. Which Vaccine will I be given? The PfizerCOVID-19 vaccine can be used for people aged under 60. The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for people aged 60 and over. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (Spikevax) is approved for people 18 years and over. You will be offered the suitable vaccine at the time of booking. All vaccines require two doses.
Wajarri Office Shoutouts ORIC Training During September some of our Board Members and office team members undertook 2 days of training with the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC). ORIC’s training programs support the Registrar’s commitment to increase corporate governance knowledge, skills, efficiency and accountability within corporations. This workshop looks at corporate governance for members and directors. Topics include: • you and your corporation • corporate structure • roles and responsibilities of directors, members and staff • the rule book • financial management. Shout Out to Susan Merry I would like to give Shout Out to Miss Susan Merry who I visited at Suzie’s Aboriginal Art studio on 26 August 2021 to have a look at her stunning creations. Aunty Sue lives in Mullewa with her partner Uncle Chubby and their family. Born in Murchison region, she has a strong connection to her country and people. You can find her at 1 Maitland Street Mullewa at the Womens Centre. Although she has not been painting for a long time, art is something that she is passionate about.... painting stories for her children and gran-children. Aunty Susan Merry is also an active member of Bandi Nyarlu Arts and Yamaji Art. Congratulations on your new Studio, it’s lovely... good luck Aunty x Useful Numbers Wajarri Community Office 9997 3444 Real Futures 1800 732 538 Food Bank 9964 8011 MEEDAC Outreach Bus 0429 124 730 Geraldton Regional Medical 9956 6555 Mission Australia 9921 5441 Service Geraldton 9947 2200 9961 1531 Service (GRAMS) Geraldton 9940 3222 St Vincent De Paul 9921 7617 MEEDAC Outreach Bus Geraldton Regional Medical 1800 125 555 Service Mullewa 9921 2749 Service (GRAMS) Carnarvon Salvation Army 9965 2467 Centrecare Geraldton Regional Medical Vocational Training Office 6216 0165 Service (GRAMS) Mt Magnet TAFE Geraldton 1800 672 700 Workskil 18
Burringurrah Ranger Update September has been a busy month for the DBCA Burringurrah Rangers who have completed several training courses, with some courses contributing towards a Certificate II and III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management as part of their Ranger Traineeship. In early September, Charles Snowball, Stanley Hill and Tyrone Hill completed a basic chainsaw course held at Gascoyne Junction. This course focused on safety, maintenance of chainsaws and basic use of the chainsaw. The following week, DBCA staff from the Recreation and Trails unit in Perth travelled to Burringurrah to provide the Rangers with training on trail marking, trail construction and the trail classification system. On 22 September, Rangers, Charles Snowball and Tyrone Hill, met up with Trainee Yinggarda Rangers from Gascoyne Junction and received training on how to carry out flora surveys. This training will allow the Rangers to carry out flora surveys across the Burringurrah lands and was an opportunity for the Rangers to share their traditional knowledge of local flora with DBCA staff. In late September Rangers Charles Snowball and Tyrone Hill completed the DBCA Basic Fire Awareness course that was held at Gascoyne Junction. This course covered safety, appropriate PPE, use of firefighting equipment, radio communications and burn-over drills. During the week of the 13 – 17 of September the Rangers also supported a survival training activity held by the Australian Army’s Pilbara Regiment. This included providing advice on suitable training areas within the Burringurrah Reserve and advice on local bush tucker and medicinal plants. During October, the Rangers will be undertaking conservation projects at Mt Augustus as well as continuing their general day to day duties of managing the Mount Augustus National Park. 19
Mt Magnet Memorial Football Match RESPECT YOURSELF, RESPECT YOUR CULTURE - PG Memorial Match 25 – 26 September 2021 The George Family approached Carole Whitby from the Geraldton Sporting Aboriginal Corporation (GSAC) for assistance to hold a Memorial Football Match for their Family Member who passed away playing football in 2018. There were 100 registered players from 4 teams with players from Mt. Magnet, Mullewa/Yalgoo, Three Springs/Morawa and Cue. The George Family would like to thank GSAC, The Mt Magnet Team WAPOL, Healthway, Mt. Magnet Shire, GRAMS Murchison Outreach and Yulella for making the weekend possible. The skills of the players on display were awesome to watch – young and older. Everyone had a great weekend and hopes that this can become an annual event held somewhere in the Region. Mullewa/Yalgoo - 88 points defeated Three Springs/ Morawa - 48 points. Johnny Narkle won Best Player in the Grand Final, The Cue Team with Henry Little as the Runner-up . Overall Fairest and Best was awarded to D. Little, Runner-up was awarded to M. Wright. Under 18’s Best Player was awarded to Timothy George, the Runner-up was Darren Ryan Jnr. Marilyn George and the George Family would like to sincerely thank very much George Flanagan, Carole Whitby, Adrian Bartlett, Darren Ryder, Warren and Mary Walsh, Polly Dann and the Yulella helpers in the Food Van. Also thank you to all the volunteer boundary umpires, goal umpires and field umpires. Thank you to all the Teams who participated and all the supporters young and old. 2021 medals and trophies Mullewa/Yalgoo and Three Springs/Morawa Teams 20 after the Grand Final
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