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Home Explore 1981


Published by lynette, 2019-05-13 23:44:35

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1981

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1981


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REMEMBER THE TIME OF YOU IFE HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Midvale, Utah Volume XIX Delmar F. Schick, Principal Theme/ 1

Good Morning Yesterday, You 2/Theme

Wake Up And 1) At this time of year, Mother Nature really gives us beauty 1n the outdoors. 2) Our school sp1rit wouldn't be number one without our Drill Tearn. 3) The crowd in the stands watch with real intent as the Vars1ty Football Team stomps Cottonwood into the ground. 4) The Hillcrest Varsity Football Team g1ves Cottonwood a real game for 1ts money 5) Nathan Tischner gets h1mself ready for the \"Fansllcks\" 6) Twenty-four hour tra1ning is needed for our Songleaders and Vars1ty Cheerleaders. 6 Theme/3


1) Wes Spencer shows us how It's done at Fnsbee Frolics 2) Lee Peacock concentrates on many th1ngs. 1nclud1ng golf 3) Coach Walker Intensely watches the HHS football team 4) \"I pledge alleg1ance to the flag \" 5) Curt1s Howa hits the d1rt for H1llcrest I) Chns Garrett represents the hv1ng dead at H1llcrest Suddenly I 's a d I• d Theme / 5

The Memories You Lef 1) The Burnmg of the \"H\" was one of the 3 different activities we've had this year 2) The f1rst couple to arrive at the Home- coming Dance was Cheryl Pelt and Kerry Casaday 3) What's th1s? It's Steve Little, the alm1ghty man, the Studentbody Vice Pres1dent 4) Enc Varoz makes a shoe- stnng tackle. 5) Isn't John Boswell a real cut1e for the Homecoming activities? 6) Band members show their spirit at every game 7) Lisa Baer cheers the Husk1es on to victory 6/Theme

Behind, Remember. Theme/7

1) Sp1nt Leader Ma1leann Allan gets diS- gusted at the Sophomore football game 2) Greg Madsen takes a break on school lime 3) Go get 'em Sophomores 4) Are Shane Sm1th's and Chns Bowen's mmds really on the game? 5) Sophomores break through for a TD 8) Some students show splflt by weanng Husky hats. 7) Lin- da Mancuso shows un1que techn1que 1n serv1ng Do Re berT 8/Theme

aughter A · d h Tears, Theme/9

The Shadows Of Misty 10/Theme

Yesteryears? 1) Sandra Fish gives it all she has to come in ftrst. 2) Sk1 Club advertises for membership at the Homecoming parade. 3) Tension builds as Lisa Derricott watches the Vars1ty Football game. 4) Wendy Walker and Nathan Tischner express their feelings toward each other 1n the \" Fantasllcks\" 5) Lynda Mayne shows her grace and style. 6) Students re- lieve their minds from class work by gathenng on the school lawn at lunch. 7) M1ke Evans, a staff photographer, takes a motivating shot from the Fall point of v1ew. 7 Theme/ 11

1) Derek Coulter doesn't believe the th1ngs he learned 1n Algebra . 2) \"I can't believe I ate the whole thing \" 3) Kev1n Sullenburger putts the ball1n 1ts place 4) Cool, clean Rocky Mnunta1n spring water. 5) Gee. I w1sh I were a Sp1nt Leader like Margo Arch1blad 6) Pam Wright brings Husky spint down to earth. 7) The faces of Darla Sh1rley and Deanna Downs show sophisticahOn

And All The Others 14/Theme

In Between.- 1) Downtown Salt Lake. taken by Alan Brady 2) Here come the Homecommg At- tendants. 3) Homecoming Queen Yvonne Anderson is crowned by John Boswell. 4) Coach Simonson doesn't believe what is happen1ng 5) Enc Varoz makes a slip past Cottonwood. 6) We even have F.B.I. spys at the Hillcrest games Theme/ 15



- I I I I ---

Varsity Football/ 17

Big Green Hulks Out HILLCREST VS Granger 34-14 HILLCREST VS Cottonwood 23- 7 HILLCREST VS Bonneville 10-21 28-10 HILLCREST VS Alta 28-14 HILLCREST VS Kearns 28-14 HILLCREST VS Layton 28- 7 HILLCREST VS Bingham 13- 7 HILLCREST VS Brighton Quarter Final HILLCREST VS Skyline 19-2 Semi-Final HILLCREST VS Roy 7-10 Football team makes a complete metamorphosis to change from a 2 and 7 record to a 8 and 2 record. This year's football team went fur- ther than any football team in the his- tory of Hillcrest High school. The last football team went to the quarter finals and lost . This year the football team took the Region championship and won the quarter final game, but lost the semi-final game to Roy with a close battle with the ending score of 10-7. The team was determined, after their loss to Brighton last year, to have a winning season. They worked hard, ending up with an 8-2 winning season and a Region Title. Coaches Simonson, Walker, Wider- berg, and Haslem put in many hours with the football team to help them reach their goal. 1) Enc Varoz gets runn1ng room, thanks to h1s blockers 2) Vars1ty Defens1ve backs and line backers L toR, 1st row · Bryan Scott. Mark Ash - ton, Chamnan Pheng, R1chard Warner. Kevm Wayman. Ray Homer 2nd row Coach Walker, Jeff Schn1der, John Tschaggeny, Steve FranciS, Kelly Harns. Greg Romero, Enc Varoz, Curt1s RadJen, Paul Myers, Dave Lundberg, Coach Si- monson. 3) JV Lmeman, 1st row. L to R. Jared Sw1nk. M1ke Fronk, Tony Bowthorpe. Russ Allen. Todd Allen . 2nd Row· John Dunn, Dell Despa1n . Bnan Markos1an. John Hunsaker, McRae Whitlock, K1rk Brady, Jerry North. 3rd Row. Lee Peterson . Alan Jarv1s, Wade Dawson, Jeff Kohler, Jess Savage, Greg M1ya, Greg Fa1rbanks. Brad White- Sides. Coach Haslem 18/ Varstty Football

1) The mean Huskies work as a team to tackle the opponent 2) Varsity and JV offensive backs and receivers. L toR, 1st Row: Curt1s Howa, Jeff Wilcox, Dan Z1rker, 2nd Row· Coach W1derberg, Enc Ra1cahn. Blake Jensen. Mike Amerman , Dean Prescott Dave Furguson, Gary Mortensen. V1ctor Quezada , Jerry Mika, Scott Shuman. Brad Llewelyn. 3rd Row· Mark Kendzior. Joel Wells, J1m Webster, Kurt Jam1son. Brett Varoz, Mike Gunnarson, Allen Middlesworth, Steve Segh1n1, Derek Tolman, Scott Morrey, Steve Wilson. 3) Vars1ty L1neman. L to R, 1st Row· Kerry Casa- day, Ch1p Hess. Ray Greer, Dave Jeffnes, Alan Nelson. 2nd Row: Warren Nelson, Mark Red- mon, Doug Trester, Rex Suiter Tracy Poulsen, Paul Ward. Coach Haslem. 4) Curtis Howa takes off for a pass 1n the game aga,nst Bnghton. 7

4 20 /Varsity Football

Special Honors Special honors went to Tracy Poul- sen, Paul Ward, Curtis Howa, Eric Varoz, Alan Nelson, Greg Romero, Mark Redmon. and Doug Troster, for All-Region 1st Team, All-District 1st Team. Mark Redmon, Tracy Poulsen, and Eric Varoz made All-State 1st Team. Paul Wards and Curt1s Howa made All- State 2nd Team. Honorable Ment1ons went to Steve Francis, Mark Ashton, and Dan Zirker. 1) The s1deline cheers as the b1g green team takes 11 1n for 6. 2) Awesome Mark Redmon takles h1s opponent and makes First Team All- State. 3) Jeff Wilcox drops back to pass 1n the Homecom1ng game aga1nst Alta 4) Rex Buller takes 5 dunng a tough game. 5) Tracy Poulsen. Mark Ashton. and Paul Ward work together to bnng down a colt 6) Th1s years 1980-81 Regoon Champs 5 Varst Foo ball / 2

JV 7-0 JV show with their 7-0 season, a willtng, hard-working spirit. The JV Team worked hard with the varsity. Coaches Mont Widerberg and Jerry Haslem helped the JV with their great season and helped to prepare them for next year. 1) JV Football team 1980-81 L toR, 1st Row: Gary Mortensen, Dave Ferguson, Tony Bowthorpe. Dean Prescott, Blake Jensen. Eric Ra1cahn. Victor Quezada. Jerry M1ka . Mark Kendz1or, Steve Seghini 2nd Row: Coach Haslem. Russ Allen. Derek Tolman. Dell Despa1n, Steve Wilson, K1rk Brady, Jared Swink. Scott Morrey. Mike Amerman. Joel Wells, Alan Midlesworth. Todd Allen. Scott Shuman. Coach W1derberg . 3rd Row· Greg Fa1rbanks. Alan Jarvis. Wade Dawson, John Dunn, McRae Whitlock. Mike Gunnerson, Brett Varoz, Jess Savage. Jeff Kohler. Kurt Jamison. Brian Markosian. Brad Whitesides. Greg M1ya. M1ke Fronk. Jerry North. 2) Brett Varoz adds the extra pomt w1th Joe Wells hold1ng 3) M1ke Amerman looks for runn1ng room. Ju ior Varsity 1980-81 HILLCREST VS Granger 19- 0 HILLCREST VS Cottonwood 13- 6 HILLCREST VS Bonneville 29-12 HILLCREST VS Alta 20-14 HILLCRESTVS Kearns 23-10 HILLCREST VS Bingham 14- 6 HILLCREST VS Brighton 25- 13 4 221 Junior Varstty Football

Sophomores 1980-81 Sophs Go HILLCREST VS Granger 7- 6 For It HILLCREST VS Cottenwood 12-13 Sophomores went for it! They won 4 out of their 7 games. They HILLCREST VS Bonneville 24- 0 worked hard and long for a good season. Their coaches Greg Wil- HILLCREST VS Alta 16- 3 liams, Frank laccobazi, and Paul Smith spent many hours with the HILLCREST VS Kearns 28- 0 team during the season . HILLCREST VS Bingham 7-23 This was a building year for the Sophomores, start1ng the1r rigorous HILLCREST VS Brighton 13-25 traming for Vars1ty. 1) Sophomores 1980-81 Football Team 1st Row L to R M1ke Peterson, Jeff Rodgers. Allen Childs, Cra1g Butterfield . 2nd Row· Coach lacobazz1. Gordon Bell, Steve Haws. M1ke Brewer, Zachary Dykman. Darryl Niel- sen . Kelly P1ckenng. Kent Rushton. M1ke Spikier. Shane Hudson. Mike Tholen 3rd Row· Coach Will1ams. Bnan Joos. Kepp Myers. J1m Crane. R1ck Cook, Doug White, John Neel, Dave Anderson. Kyle Jensen, Troy M1tchell. Bnan Maddox, Ken Wayne. Trent Eyre. Dann Caputo. Chns Webster. Coach Sm1th 4th Row· Wes Spencer. Chad Keller Brad Eckert . Ken Tolman, Kelly Clay- ton. Jerry Thompson. Dan H·11 Ph1l Bonney. Brent Staber. Jeff Thomas. Bob Ecker. Clay Chnstensen. Allen Gntton. 2) Chad Keller looks for a rece1ver down held 3 Sophomore Football /23

Freshmen 1980-81 Frosh Get A HILLCR ST VS Btngham 24- 0 Good Start HILLCR ST V Brighton 6- 12 Freshmen started off their high HILLCREST VS Jordan 27-14 school career with a great 7-1 season, HILLCREST VS Alta 19- only losing one game to Bingham. HIL LCREST VS Btn ham 6- 7 Coaches Neff, Babcock, and Cox HI LL REST VS Brighton 27- 7 worked long and hard with the team for HI LLCREST VS Jordan Alta 26-13 a great season. Good job Freshman. 1) B1g green brakes through the hne 2) Darin Monsen k1cks for an extra point 3) Freshman football team. left to nght. Front Row: Tony R1co. Glade Ridd, Robert Harmon. David Maxfield, Bruce Tobler. John Stidham, J1m Maxwell, Steve W. Powell, Joey Bulher, Steve Jones. Second row · Jerry LeFever. Scott Fouser, Martie Martin- eau. Chad Metter. Ben Sm1th,M1ke Carson, Joey VanValkenberg. Taun Lung , Brent Parkin, Jessie Mortensen Third row· Brian Greene, Jim Thompson. Cameron Harken. Tom Maynard, Jerry Norr, Dav1d Rudelich, M1ke Stewart , Larry Froisland, Troy Hamson. Dann Monsen, Greg Burr Fourth row: Bryan Pryor, Zane Schipaan- board. Arron Hill, Mike Westphal Todd Gray, Tim Rodartie, Randee Vichvilli, Pete Dasovich. M1ke Sm1th. Randy Everett. N1ck Koncar, Ron1e Mor- tensen. Robert Oldroyd F1fth row· Darin Casper, Joey Long, Steve Clark. Mike Mesh, Brian Miller, Riley Clayton.• Gene Perry, M1ke Hahan, Nathan Scott, Tom Green. Eric Maxfield, Randy Warner. David Haraguchi, Marty Haws. Sixth row: Coach Babcock, Brad Thomas. Dan Dansie, Erick Fris- trup. Brett Nielsen. Brook Hatfield, Scott White, Bob M1llerberg. Brian Rich1e, Robert H1ll, Brian Jones, Brent Burnham. M1ke Fesserden, Bill Robertson, J1m Tollistrup, Coach Neff 3 24 I Freshman Football

Exercise, Exertion, Exaltation Dear Mom, Remember me, your son? My team and I are return- ing home after running 1,000 miles since the end of the school year. All our efforts finally paid off-we won the State Championship. All the rest of the Huskies would like to pay tribute to us by having an assembly for parents and student. Please come. 1) Clockw1se from top; Coach Raynor Pearce. Kenny Behrmann. Tylan Draper Dave Jenk1ns Andy Norton. Jace Brewer. Kevm Gnff1n, Patnck LOUIS 2) H1llcrest starts for lead positions 3) Kenny Behrmann puts his best foot forward 4) Kev1n Gnlf1n (front) and Tylan Draper pushing to their lim1t 3 4 State Cross Country / 25

A First For Girl's Cross Country. With 1980 being an election year, all 3 issues are being disputed. The touchiest issue IS ERA . ERA is showmg up once again in the athletics department. The girl's cross country is finally getting an \"equal\" chance for a state and reg1on trophy. In years before, all g1rls were wel- come to run, but they ran only for person- al satisfaction. This year they can be in- cluded 1n Hillcrest's w1de array of team victories. These g1rl's, under the direction of Coach Raynor Pearce, have won over half of their dual meets. Three of these meets were won by forfeit. Hillcrest was one of the first schools to put together a g1rl's team. This marks the beginning of a new \"era\" for cross country competition. 1) Left to right, first row: Marilisa Robertson. Amy Snyder. Cherie M1tchelt. Lanette Rob1nson Second row: Sandra Fish Lisa Rob1nson. An1ta Lassig, Alisa Bruner Third row: L1nda Bnnghurst Gretchen Sny- der. Apnl Nelson. 2) Sandra Fish and Ali .a Bruner take a break to watch the competition . 3) The end 1s 1n s1ght for Lisa Rob1nson. HILLCREST Alta 34-22 HILLCREST vs Kearns 15-45 HILLCREST s Bn hton 29-28 HILLCREST vs Gr nite 15-45 HILLCREST s 81 gham 15-45 26/Cross Country

If You Guys Don't Hustle Once upon a time there were 26 lean, young men who made up the Hillcrest Cross Country Team. Out of these 26 only seven could compete 1n the exhausting event. Runn1ng from what, nobody knows, but for what was perfectly clear. They were pushing themselves to the ulti- mate goal, a state trophy. In addition to the compet1!1on with oth- er schools there was tough competition with1n the team. All team members prac- ticed hard during the \"athletic hour\" to increase their speed. Many ran an extra five or six miles on the1r own to build en- durance Coach Raynor Pearce was al- ways close behind them, stopwatch in hand, issuing such constructive remarks as, \"If you guys don't hustle, the girls w1ll beat you back.\" These remarks appar- antly helped. The team is undefeated in dual meets. 1) Lefl lo nght. f1rst row : John Maclaren. tan Tol- man. Kev1n Griffin, Wayne Jesen, Jace Brewer. Ken Behrmann . Second row: David M1ller. Dale Hughes. Tylan Draper. Andy Norton. Greg Telesco. Randon Draper. Third row: Jeff Morrey. Ray ODonzz1. Dav1d Dyches. Patnck Lou1s. Rus Despa1n, Henry Batista. Kim Magnus. Fourth row· Reed Porter. Robert Tol- man, Gary Eisert, Aaron Norton. Bnan Lucker. Abhi- Jit Dasgupta Dave Jenkms. 2) Husk1es and Hawks stra1n for lead pos1t1ons 3) Andy Norton makes the f1nal turn. 3 Cross Country/27

And They're Off Tension builds as the runners take their marks. At the sound of the gun the adrenaline begins to flow, and they're off! The girls track team along with the help of Coach Walker had a suc- cessful season. They practiced many hours preparing for each meet. These girls are to be con- gratulated for their hard work and dedication. 1) Bern1ce Bla1mer and Lori Christensen work toward the fln1sh line. 2) Lanette Rob1nson stretches out before running. 3) Lisa Jenkins stretches Linda Bnnghurst to get ready for a hard day at practice. 3 28/Girls Track

Run For Your Life Coach Pierce and the Boy's Track Team made sacrifices with extra effort, and hours striving to make H.H.S. number 1. They competed in events such as: hurdles. shot-put, javelin, high jump, long jump and other running events. 1) Hillcrest trackman shows h1s ability as he throws the Javelin. 2) J1m Duke w1nds up and lets the d1scus fly 3) Joel Johnson g1ves h1s all to get over the hurdles. 23 Boys Track/29

Boys Tennis- What A Racket 3 4 30/Tennis

6 Here we are at the Hillcrest Open, we are at the end of the match be- tween Harvey the Husky and Bert the Bengal. Harvey has won the first three sets 6-3, 6-2, 6-1. Th1s IS the last set. Harvey is winning 40-15. He serves-ace - Hillcrest wins. With Seniors Steve Glazier, Ron McFadden, Carlos Esqueda, and Shaun Wells returning, Hillcrest en- joyed a good season. 5 1) Steve Glaz1er hits a perfect forehand . 2) Ron McFadden serves to ga1n the lead 3) Carlos Esqueda a swmg1ng single 4) Ron McFadden returns with a tough sw1ng 5) The marquis says it all. 6) Coach Cra1g Stark 7) Equ1pment nece•.sary for tennis. 7 Tennls/31

A Hole In One QUESTION: What do you call a person who uses a club to hit a little ball in a little hole. ANSWER: A Hillcrest High golfer. Hillcrest has done just that. They won 7 out of 12 matches and took 2nd place in Region and 7th place in State Competition. Good job golfers!! At region,John Kunkler shot 80 and won 2nd place, Trou Olson shot 81 taking 4th place, and Junior Lee Peacock tied the school record by shooting 33 at a region meet aga1nst Alta. 1) John Kunkler and Kev1n Sullenburger watch as opponent shoots. 2) Lee Peacock stud1es h1s shot carefully 3) Back row · Mark Jensen, Joel Johnson. Kevin Sullenburger, Lee Peacock, Todd Tolman. Coach Jim Ji- mas. Front row Brad Neilsen, Troy Olson. John Kunkler, Mark Buck. and Ke1th Lacome. 3 32 /Golf

Golf Scores 1980- 81 HILLCREST 181 Kearns 112 HILL CREST 19 Alta ~ 1 2 HILLCR ST 2 2 Brighton 17 HILLCREST B1ngham 14 HILLCREST Kearns 1 HILLCREST 14 Alta 6 HILLCREST 13 Bnghton 26 2 HILLCREST 13 B1ngham 6 , HILLCREST 17 Kearns 3 HILLCREST 17 Alta 3 HILLCREST 4 Bnghton 16 HILLCREST 7 B r gham 13 Reg1on 327 2nd Place State 43 7th P r 4 1) Todd Tolman u h1s sho a V1ew Golf Course 2) ~ r y Olson tees Johnson one 4 f Hr lcre- many good g Mark Buck putt~ vr bog e dunng B match

In Tennis Love Means Nothing The girls tennis team was not full of love. At the Canyon Racquet Club they took second place 1n reg1on. losing only to - yes you guessed it - Brighton. Congratulations girls! 1) J.V tennis team. Back Row- Mrs. Schm1dt (coach). Jod1 Bartus. Debby B1shop. Conn1e Gregory Front Row-Julie VanWagenen . Reggie Wright 2) Linda Mancuso returns the ball w1th an overhead smash 3) Linda Mancuso prepares for the return. J 2 34/Tennis

1 -4 1)Julie VanWagenen pract1ces stance. 2) Debby 81shop poses for the photographer 3)Varslty tenn1s team; Back: Mrs. Schmidt (coach). L1sa Anderson. Susan Landers. Lmda Mancuso. Kns- tin White Front: M1chelle Turpin, Lianne William- son. Janet M1edlinger. Tennts / 35

Head Over Heels In Gymnastics One of the more dedicated groups at Hillcrest is our 1) Front row. left to right: Chen Henne, Kim Zaharias, Laura Dayton, gymnastics team. They prove their dedication every morn- Carla Thomas. L1sa Baer 2nd row· Assistant Coach Dorothy Schmidt, ing by coming to school at 7 a.m.; and Coach Anne Jodi Perrin, Tracy Andrew, Andra Jones. Kathy Martineau. Suzee Ert- Overlien says, \"They are very hard working.\" man , Natalie Sacca, Becky Hall, Coach Anne Overlien 3rd row · Kathy Walley, Trish Hill, Jack1e Anderson, Lisa Jenkins, Wendy Perrin. Jean1e A new member of the team taking the \"star spot\" is Bateman. Jennifer Dyke. Julie Welker. Yvonne Anderson . 2) Natalie Hernon Felix (picture unavailable). The \"star\" refers to Sacca springs 1nto action. 3) Lisa Baer stands at attention 4) A b1g step when he partictpated in the 1968 Olympics. The \"spot\" for Jennifer Dyke. 5) Julie Welker flips out 6) Hillcrest gymnasts show refers to his new position at Hillcrest. Hernon assists Coach Overlien and helps the girls in their routines. Hernon un1que coordination dunn,_g w.arm-up has never worked with a school team before, but he enjoys the new challenge. 36

56 Gymnastics/ 37

Swimmers Get In The Stroke Of Things After three years in existence, the of improvement 1n the last two years. Hillcrest swimming team has not been The swimming team practices many the largest team in the school's history hours a day and doesn't believe in tak- or the most successful as far as team ing vacat1ons. standings go. But when measuring the Considering the time and the work, individual accomplishment, success. then the fact that Hillcrest doesn't self-discipline, and dedication of the even have a swimming pool, or an age few who started and stayed with the group swimming program that feeds team they stand among the best that into the school, it then becomes easier Hillcrest has seen. and easier to understand why so few In the last three years well over 100 people have been able to stick with the people have gone out for the swim- team and become successful. ming team; of those. six people re- So, to the swimmers who have found main, two of which started with the the capacity within theselves to hang original 1978-79 squad. Junior co-cap- tough - CONGRATULATIONS. tain Tom K1rk and Senior Mike Fletcher started with the newly founded team in 1) Dave Mt ler, Mt e Fletcher Vance Sperry, Tom 1978 and have since established them- Ktrk and Roger Bennett (not ptctured) represent selves as state contenders in their spe- Hillcrest 's swtmmtng team. 2) Swtmmer com- cialty events. petes m the Butterfly event 3) Mtke Fie cher demonstrates the Backstroke. 4) Dave Mtller Senior Roger Bennett and Freshman rests between events. 5) Coach Dave Ryland Vance Sperry started swimming this record~ swtmmers\" ttme w' h help from hetr year and are making vast Improvement manag• !r 6) T >m Ktrk relaxes after a vtgorous through hard work and determination. workt .ut 7) M1 e Fletcher and Ktm Vanleeuwen Joyce Atkinson is Hillcrest's lone girl pose for a sho alter a swtm mee swimmer and she, too, has made a lot 5 7 S 1mm1ng139

1) Jeff Wilcox skies for a shot 2) Eric Varoz jumps h1gher than h1s opponent to score 3) Scott Petling1ll works his way under the basket during the game w1th Olympus 3 40/Varsity Basketball

2 1) Scott Allen rises above h1s opponent 2) J1m Phillips f1nds an open shot 1n a close game 3) John Boswell adds a foul shot to secure a victory. 4) Brett Varoz drives h1s way toward the basket dunng the HHS vs South game 4 Varsity Basketball I 41

Big Shots Show Their Stuff Traveling, charging, three seconds, techn1cal, personal foul, backcourt, double dnbble, palming, and goal tend1ng are just a few obstacles in the way of a basketball team. They had some big shoes to fill this year. They worked hard and fought every game out to the end, but sometimes they didn't end up with the winning score. We still think our Basketball Team is the greatest. 1) Hillcrest H1gh Basketball Team 1980-81 . Front Row, Left to Right : Blake Jensen. Jeff Wil- cox, Kurt Jam1son, Brent Thomas. Mike Gunnar- son, Enc Varoz. Back Row· Coach Dan Cowan, Alan Nelson. J1m Phillips, Jess Savage, Scott Pettingill, John Boswell. Todd Jensen, Jeff Koh- ler. Brett Varoz. Scott Allen. Brad Whitesides, and Coach Jim J1mas. 2) Jim Phillips shoots over h1s opponent's heads 42/Varsity Basketball

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