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Home Explore 1966


Published by lynette, 2019-05-16 01:18:06

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1966

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1966


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dfl££crest66 Volume• tl Contents 1 TinetPc·n f lunched and Si ·t} Six Them Pa~f' .................. ------------------- ... Page 2 Le.tder hip ..................... --------------- ............Page 4 Publishf'd h • Competition ..... ----------------..·-------- ...........Page 22 Yearhook ~ t.dl in coopN.tlion \\\\ ith tlw E ·plort~tion -----------------....---------------------------Page 54 Student Body of Hillucst f liqh chool. ulturc -------- .............................................Page 114 lidv.tlc. t,,h . Printf'cl h) \\ 7ht•cl\" ri!,!ht 1 ithogmphin(! Company. nlt l.akf' ta h

one of continual progre s ,......, a \\ I teady succe ion of tep into the unknown. Each ~ tep hring. new di:scoverie. and unprecedented Tmowl \\... edge ahout man and 1tis surroundings. Yet, a ltis knowledge increases , 1w gain a deeper realization of the frontier Tw Ita yet to explore. 1965-66 at Hillcrest Higlt chool was a small hut ty- pical part of tlw hi tory of our race. The account of that year is a tory of youth and their search for under tanding, and of those who helped them in their earch. It is the story of our student body's progress in education and Tww thi progre ·s Twlped tlwm to pre pare for a future of opportunity ,......, one of expanding frontier .

In eorly territorial days, tah was lJuiJeJ hy able lead !\\lain offi< c·: JoP.I P. JE'nsl'n, princ ip(l{: lon.t Snarr, clf'rk. ers wlw assembled tlw cliuerse pioneer efforts into a uni- [ied prowarn tltat a< /,ier~<•d slatelwod in 1 96. Buildillfl upon their acllieueme11ts. toclay's politicians and educa lors luwe continued to train Utal1's youtft lo ossurrw po sition of !rust and re ·ponsibility in tlti.· new age of exponsion and urowtll. 4

Clyde V. Buxton Bernarr Fur e Board Member Board Member Reed H. Beckstead up rintendent of chools Paul Mortinson Board Member Employing qualified per onn I and man- aging district affairs are hvo of the func- tion of the superintendent of chool and the assistant superintendent. They are as- si ted by the Board of Education which develop and approve policie , and cure fund for alarie , building , and supplie . They mu t al o provid worth- while and wholesome education for all tudent in Jordan chool Di trict o that every student has an opportunity to de- velop hi potential abilitie . H. W. Jorgensen As i tant uperintendent 6

Supporting student activitie , providing a scholastic at- Joel P. Jensen mo phere, upholding Hillcre t's tandards, and e tabli hing highei goals were the chall nges and re pon ibilities of our Principal school admini tration. Guidance plays an important role in the su cess of a school. Our coun elor provided thi guidance by upervi ing p cial aptitude and scholar hip te t and by di playing a profes- ional and per onal oncern in th deci ions that students made. Wilmer Barnett tudent oun elor A Joel P . J n en watch d. up rintendent Beck tead welcomed the A creditation Committ e wh n th y arne to Hill r t Ia t cember. 7

pani h reading and pronunciation are made ea ier \"\"ith the u of the portable Language Lab. B ing in tru ted by Mr . Ia ella are Jerry Rogerson, 'ola Brown, Joyce Watt , Barry Ruhlander, Gwen Taylor, hri tina Jaramillo, Jim We tbury, and I inda artmill. ommunication - th art of peech, foreign language, PT1ylli Gunnell English compo ition and grammar- i carefully explained to growing mind. by our teachers. ng., Creat. Writ. The e ba ic art enrich youth' understanding by challeng- ing intere t in literature, foreign language , nd the sp cch kill . It i not only in professional field , but in everyday life that the e ba ic. kill are valuable to tudent . Ann Griffith Rozanna Hall pee h. Read. Eng., French

Empha izing the use of gesture , Darwin Ra mu en demon trates the art of good public peaking. John Lyon Eng., Yrbk. adene icdsen /anicl' Ridges Pouwel Vuyk Barl>ara Ward Au lin Walker Engli h Engli h Debate, pee h. Drama Health, English Engli h 9

Maurine Jensen pinpoint large citie on the atla . Frank Kamnikar Acel Lowe a Dan Hrdy relate them to hi torical fa t . Am . Hi t.. Am . Prob. World Hi t., World Geog. While Ronnie Crapo reads exc rpt from the Declaration of lndep nd nee, Kerry Poul en tak note on it. Dealing with problem of the pa t, eeking a more ompl te understanding of our national government, and ultivating knowledge of our world geography are all a pect of ocial cience.

raig mith demonstrates mechanical skill as he place fini bing touches on an architectural drawing. Bruce Beck tead Gordon Mickelsen Raymond Davis Mechani al knowledge of the phy ical Auto. Mech. Mech. Draw., Woodwork world was gained b hard work and stren- oc. Drafting uou endeavor in Hillcre t' indu trial art department. Auto mechani gave boy an opportunity to gain mor knowl- edge with car and engine . and to te t their skill on actual vehicles. Woodwork taught boys how to ·hape pile of lumber into ben hes. plant rs. tool . and tables. Drafting helped tudent to turn line into blu print drawing . lndu trial art taught boy ho\" to cope with mechanical ituation and to apply their knowledge to ever day problem . Elgin Handy Lloyd Lind en. M tal , Adv. Math, lee., Rad. Voc. Metals, Machine Shop 11

Mr. Davis in trucl Jay Ek trom in the u e of the slide rule, Doug Anclerson a ba ic in trument in advanced math matic . lg ., l a th , port From basic algebra and geometry Ia es to highly spe ialized Kenneth Brady our e in trigonom try and coli ge algebra, Hill re t' Math Geometry Department ha fulfilled the ne ds of a large and diversified student body. Capable in truction produ ed participants and Ronald Davis finali ts in uch activitie as the National Math ontest, the lg., Math tah Mathematical Contest. and the terling Cholar ontest. Duain Den ley 4 lath. tage, H alth 12

Max Dickson Allen Myers For those students who are planning to enter the Shorthand, Type, Bookkpg., om. Law professional field. Hillcrest's bu iness department provide exceiient opportunities. They offer both Bookkeeping beginning and advanced classes in bookkeeping, horthand, type. ommercial law, and vocational business. The e courses supply students with the necessary training to either enter the business world or to further their education. ]oan Palmer Fay B. Thomas horthand, Voc. Bus. Dist. Ed.. Type Ma tering the technique of continuous typing from a recorded voice on the xecutary, Billie hell added an- other skill to her ecretarial training. Through practice on th adding machine, Linda Robin on developed proficiency in the touch key method. 13

Providing a <reativ xperiencc for tu- dent. with a de ire to e. eel, our mu ic departmt>nt . hap d the abilitie. of indi- viduaL into tangiblt> achicvem nt.. p- portunitic offered. included su h special- ized t>xperienc s as working with the dane band, p p band, madrigal choir, and individually organized group. . ur app I!a hoir wa · im itt>d to partici pate in the ccond nnual High chool '-Iu. iC' Day at the l 1niversity of l'tah and was seiN ted to ing in thr a lute to Youth Concert V\\ ith the tah ymphony rchestra forth econd con. ecutivc year. Li tening intently for the de ired tone quality of her ba violin, Alfred Morris Liz Taylor typilie the earne tne of our mu ic tudent . Band, Orch .. Ger. 14

Beatrice Densley dapting to fit the need of the tudent . Hillcre t' cience D part- Genetics, Psych.. Health ment created more laboratory oriented cience clas e . The direct re ult of extensive work in the laboratory were the many tudent engaged in science projects. Among these were Jim Elmer and Mike orensen who experimented to extract bromine from the water of th Great Salt Lake; Mike iel on who attempted to con truct a ga Ia er. Earnest tudent . dedicated t a ht>r . and excellent equipm nt com- bined to produce a science department which developed young people well equipped to meet the challenge of the cientific world. injected with alcohol for their proficiency in running hemi try student Dave il on and John Miner. IS

J\\rt Wayne Killpack Glenna Dodge Fine rts omm. rt pplying kill and knov.·ledge -.vas a device u ed by the art teadwr · to attain tud nt intcre t in the fine art. . Paint, arti ti ally applied to a quare of canva.. 6 <ctme a tudy of feeling and mood. mound of lay, through the determination of the . tud nt and the a. L lance of the teacher, wa turn d into a ceramic ymbol of hard work and perfection. ewl} found talents made art an intcr- e ting da wher cr ativity the main tool. Brightened b variou · <olor , an alpine land ape take on reali tic chara leri tiv, a teven reenwall u e hi imagination and arti tic talents. Ken Hutchings pin clay into a ho-.-.1 of int re t and ymmetry on the potter' wh I. 16

Loi Jacob execute a right flank vault a u ·an fo r, Diane Earl. and Mr . chmidtfook on. Dorothy chmidt Required to take on erne ter of phy i al duca- tion in th ir ophomore and junior year , the girls P.E , Dance, Pep luh at Hillcre t learned the values of phy i al fitne through a well·rounded program of alesthenics Beating the outfi ld throw toTom Davis in Boy 'P. E . and sports. T earn gam s included tennis, voll y- comp tition, Karl Thomtl slide · into third base. ball, and field hockey. while individual exerci es involved work-out ' with the balan e b am, uneven parallel bars, and vaulting horse. To determine their progre in th das ·, the girl were required to take a nationwide phy i al fitne te t, the r - ult of which al o helped to d termine their grade . Phy i a! fitne and competitive port. man hip were qualitie , tre ed by Hiller t' phy ical edu- cation program. igorou t' crci e. h lped the boy to trengthen mu de and d velop oordina- tion ; game of ba. k tball , voll ·hall, oftball, and football taught them the advantag . of teamwork and fair pia ·. 17

\\V II cooked meal , fa hionable en . emble , at - lichelle Hintze and Jerri (,len apply procedures taught in a homt>living cia . tra tive window display . and plan . for future home W!.'re kill tau~ht in the Home Economic parlment. In the lothing section , the ~iris \"\\ver taught proper wing method. , fa t about color blend , and urrent fa hion trend . . In the foods !.' tion the tudents incorporat d cooking knov..·l dge \"\\Vith kitchen clean line . and mea uring fa ts to produ e nutritiou meals. Homeliving taught the quail important fact. of aring for a home and the prop r pro edure for raising children . Hillcre t'. pring fa hion show lima. ·ed in a di - pia of th produ t from th Home Economic Oepartmt>nt. crna Jones Joy< e Dansie Clothing Foods Mr. Jen en and 1r. hick v.:ere the guc t. invit d to a formal Ro Green pa.. ed tlw s,tlad to Reese Wilkinson dinn r pr par d by the boy ' cooking Ia . while Robert chultz and Oou~ arritson . t<~rted on Ihe appetizer.

Vlrs. Wright supervise student helpers Vale Potter and Phillip Romero a they <heck out book to 0 nnis Baker, Juli Freeman. and Carma Jon . Taking advantagt' of the sound proof rooms in the library are Kathy Ridd. Pat JCiffith , Trevor Freston and Rick Holt. June Wright Librarian !though its main function wa to provide a wid elechon of literature and a quiet atmo phere for tud . our modern librar al o proved to be an ideal lo ation for pecial te t u h a the Prelimi - nary cholar hip T t, the ational 1 rit cholar- hip T e t. and the Junior chi vern nt te t. dd - ing to it vcr atilit . the library' pe ial fa ilitie in lude thrc oundproofed tudy room and h o large ·workroom , one of which wa r erv d for the chool' literar magazine tali. 19

Cooks Italian spaghetti, gr en salad, pizza, hot rolls and butter, rherr quare , slopp joes . . . a quick glam e over the v..·eekly menu , whi h i: po t d each week in the main hall , give th obs rver only a . mall idea of the many task faced ea h day h our cook . They w re re pon ible not only for planning and preparing nutri - tiou. and appetizin~ meaL but al o for maintaining the friend! . atmo. phere \\.\\hi h made thl' lunch hour a relaxing break in the bu choolda). l'vlervine Brown Loui W. Curti Elaine Godfrey Tray of weet potatoe are placed in the oven for baking in pr paration for a \\.veil-balanced lunch. Elain William. By using time- aving d vi e uch a. th automati bread !icing m hin , the cook wer able to prepare chool lunche more efficiently. 20

n:w ring the telephone and checking <lu records were just Wayne Parker William Wyker two of the numerous tasks perforrnt>d by the clerks \" ho helped to keep the high chool op ruling ffi iently ca h duy. Custodian repair light fixture in the gym as a part of chool maintenance. Faro! Le ter lona narr Wilma Thompson Acting as the \"right arm\" o~ the admini trution a well a the information bureau of the chool, our clerk were kept busy an- wering telephones, greeting visitors, filing ard . typing reports. and dupli ating important noti e in order to keep Hill re t' bu ine affairs running moothly. Putting in extra hour of work ach week. our cu todian found th maint nan e of one of the newe t and large t high hool buildings in the tate to b an endle ta k of washing v indows, waxing floor , und repla ing worn-out lighting fi ture . 21

Like mo ·t other groups of people, tlw early \"ince tTwt time. form, of competition have pioneers frequently found tltemselues en expundecl witf1 a wowing cl'orld, tmtil t1wy now inPolue all level· o[ life, including a gaued in tests of strengtTt or skill, witlt money, hio!ly-sorltisticated program o/, clwol sports. property. or simple self respect ut stake. One Outlooks luwc changed also: o . clwol can of tlw most importcwt contest· in the deuel opnwnt of tlw \\Vest was tfte race between lose a game and still l>e proud ol it team - the> Union Pac i{it Hoilroad ompany and proud of tTw cl'o)' they plcned tlwir best to the Eo tern Pacific l~ailrocul ompany to see the uery end. Yet tlw spirit remain the same; tfw cle. ire to proue onself better tlwn wTtich could lay the moo.;t track [or tlw {irst another: the desire to be first is, a{ter all. the transcontinental railro<1d. \\Vorkin!J {rom op spirit of competition. posite ends of the cowttry, these two com panics met at Promontory Point, Utah, in 1 69. Driving of the \"Golden 'pike\" at Promontory Point. tah. 1ay 10. I 69. 23

Ru hinj:! to th j:!oalline . manager Randy Campbell arsit_ football manager \"'ere Rand , nticipate. a toU< again . t Judg<> . Campbell and alvin Gunder on. ~rs a~~ Jootba,ee With a rigorou training program outlined by oach Lovat, the var ity quad began the eason w 11-prepared and onfident. Opposition encountered ._,. a tough, how- ewr, and th Hu kie achieved only limited ucce on the gridiron. \\Vith a record of only one win and one tie, the team lo . t the re t of th ir game. . Battling di ouragem nt as well as oppo ing team . the Hu kie fought ruggedly to maintain team spirit. Tim Lovat Larry Ray Coach Assistant Coach Jim Bcal Alan Borl! !eve Glover End Guard Guard Rand Beckstead l .d Or;,k;ll '1.1ark Hickman Guard Quarterback Hal/back Kelly Elder Dan Hrd, Terry Jen en Guard Tac~le Hal/hack 24

Dave, ln. mro Dave::-, ~h Richard lrno Pt'lc I· iva Ron I .ittI field Bill ~!itch II Hal/bacl< Quarterbarh End Fullback Tatkle End hristopher. on 'l.fick '\\forgan Mark 1'-t.nHo Crail! Smith Gan rullm('r Kcf,;n '\\Iiiier CPnler Halfback CeniN rullback Center enter Jim ElmN eal 0 tier Bryan Poul en Dnn \\\\'ntannb Roger f'ursr John liner Hal/back End Tackle Ilol/back End Fullback rant l\"<'uSnN K~nt nl Joe Zduni h Royce Gardn r Center Tackle Guard Quarterback 25

Arm out tretched to receive the ball. Dave '\\las< aro Blocking a 'kyline tackler. Richard Zrno giv<•s 'raig rnith the i tackled by a Jordan end. neee. sary time to punt the hall out of Hillcrest territory. Br akin~ through the Jordan line, Oav eely gain valuabl yardage for Hill ·r t. 26

Sco re-boctrJ Hillcre t 19 ......• .......... ..... ..... ......................... Davi 31 Hillcrest 6 .......................................................... Cypru 0 Hillcrest 6 ............................................................ Granite 20 Hillcre t 0 ................................. ........ .......... kylin 57 Hillcre t I 3 ..................................................... Bingham 13 Hillcre t 0 . ..................................................... . Tooele I Hillcre t 0 ................... ......... ......... .. ............ Jordan 7 Hillcre t 7 ................... ....................................... Murray 19 Hillcre t 7 ............................................................ Judge 14 A Richard Zrno watches, Rand Beck tead blo k arrying th ball for Hill re t. Rand Beck tead twi t the progre of the Judge ball ·arri r. to avoid a per i tent Bingham ta kler. 27

ar ity quad member loo en up after half-time at the kylin game. Jordan' attempt to gain yardage with a wing pa . i Joe Zdunich lear. the path forTerry Jen en in poiled by Terry Jen n' defen ive effort. a go d gain again. t Bingham. With th help of effectiv Hiller st blocking, Craig 'mith pick up hard-earned ardage again t kyline. 28

Bottom Row :vlar<· B<'<'SI<'v, managN : :-.1ont Mill rburg, ·t ve lkrr. Jon LonJI . :;;helton . John \\\\'hill'. Randy Edg.. Ron Bullock. \\.1nrvin Knud.I'll, Ru ell '\\orth. \\.lil..<' D .. hn. RohNt \\Val h. lm JOrdon , :vlark Krahenbuhl (manager) Ru ·sell :-.Iyn , Jerry Moon, hra llunt. Tom Brad. ha\"· Jeff T<'bbs. Randy Ball, D ean T a ylor, Danny Davocs, Rick B..nder Row Two · Larry Butler, Bill Row four \\.likr :'vlcCI<' ry ( manaJ!cr) . Rex Buchanan. DouJI Jen . on, ott Arko, T<'d Cordingl<'y. Robert Brillll· . Richard · lr bury, Ri<hard \\Vynn, Da,i . ott Kat il.t s, Pat Knihbe. Jo.. \\\\'hitinJ!. D cnni , teadman, Jdf Jen - kin ., Brent , r<'n e-n , Gail \\.I<Donnld . Paul torga . ouch ndcr on, onch Oavi I Icy, Paul \\Vat,mah<'. P<'t<'r \\an \\'ulkrnhu•!l· Vane\" Chri ten en. Gust. Ross Hugh es. Phil Alford . Row Tl~re<' . I'enton Quinn . raig Griffeth , Bill Exemplifying the enthusiasm of the sophmore team, Dean Taylor lo t'S hi excitement in cheering for touch- down against kyline. S~h-onwre- ::footb~ee D pite a di couraging win-lo r ord, the ophomore di played great pirit and ndurance on the gridiron. nder Coa h nder on' rigid program of training, quad member d veloped a unity of kill and team coordination that will trength n Hillcre t' future teams. S core-b octrcL Hiller t 0 .............. .. ................ ............................ . ranite 13 Hillcre t 6 ......... .. .. .......................................... ....... k line 26 Hillcre t 13 ..... .. ............................................................. Bingham 0 Hillcre t 12 ....................................................................... Too le 1 Hillcrest 0 .. ................................................................... _ . Jordan 0 Hill re t 0 ................................................................... . Murray Hillcre t 7 ......................................................................... Judg 13 29

Rand B eckstead dribbled in to hoot a lay- up in th e Jord a n -Hillcres t gam e. One of the horte t teams in tah' Cia competition , our ba ketball quad relied on peed and a curacy to com - pen at for th ir la k of h ight. \\Vinning i game out of eleven, they narrowly mi ed qualifying for the state tournament in a final playoff with Murray High chool for e ond pia e in our region . Sco re-b oa,nl January 7 Bingham 670000·-·--oo--. _ Hill re t 61 .. January 14ooooOOOOOOOoOOOOO 000000000000000 Tooele 69 Hill r t 60 .... January 21 Murray 5oooooOOOOoOOOOO • oooOOoooooooooo Hillcre t 61 January 2 Judge 630000000000000000000 o ••••• ooOOoOOOOooOOO Hiller t 5 February 4 Jordan 610 oooooOOOOOOOOOOO 0 OOoOOoooooooooo February B i n g h a m 7300000000000000 February 11 Tooele 500000000-0 0000 0 ebruary 1 Murray 560000000 .... 0 Hillcre t 69 0000000000000000000 February 25 .. Judge 5700 .. 000000 ...... Mar h 2 .... Jordan 6100.000000 .. 0000 .. 0 Hiller t 50 0 0 000000000000000 Hillcre t 52 00 ooooooooooooooo l a r c h 4 M u r r a y 5500 .... 000o000000o0 0 0 (Regional playoff) Don Gust Art Hughe Assistant Coach Coach 30

Ron Gardner o.n c ~1a~cnro George Richard, Larry Urr} ar ity ba ketball manag r ·were Ri k .Fonoard Guard Tydegger, Tillman haplin, Jame. Guard Fonvard Jarduno, and rant Fue ner. ferry Jenst•n John Chufar Richard Zmo 'E-al Ostler Guard Center Forward Fom•ard 31

Hillcrest players John hufar and Rand Bee k. trained for .t rebound ,lt Binl!h, m' ba kt\"t . Richard Zrno added two point to Hill re t's score by ucce fully br aking through Too le' defen e. Action remain d at it p ak throughout the entire game a Hillcre l w nt on to b at Murray by two points. 32

Rand Beckst<>ad leaps to int<-rc <•pt <1 r<>hound under ( rranitc' s ba ket. :.··-: ':~~; __ . ~- . -~ -~ -~- . :· __ ,..._....:;.·-\": ln the play·off for second place in Re- gion Three. Richard Zrno attempt a et-up to rai e Hillcrest' core. Hillcre t Huskies struggle to retain pos e ion of the b II in the lurra game. 33

gLLrt-lo r ~rs [tj Sco re-b o\"'rcl B~~utba,ee Eiillcre. t 6 .... ......... january 6 . ..... . .. . Hingh,un 51 Winning all but on of their ba ketball game . Hillcre. t 63 .............../anuary 13 ............ T ooel<' 24 the junior varsit) ba ketball team <ompleted a uc<e ful :ea on under th dir • tion of oach Hillne t 13 ......... January -0 .. .. .. .. . \\-lurray H Hillen~ t 51 ............. January 27 ......... ..... .Judge 36 on u t. aining experien e and further de - veloping their ba ketball 0 kills, the four juniors Hillnest 4() .......... February 3 ............... Jordan 45 and five 0 ophomores vvho compri d the team pre pared for var. ity a<tion ne.·t year. I lillcre t February 7 ---·-·-·-·· ... Bingham 44 I lillerest 5 .......... February 10 ... ......... T ooclc 53 Hiller t 79........... February 17 ............. 1urray 44 Hillcrest 79 ..o..o.... February 24 ....... ...... . Judge 45 Hillcre t 62. ........ larch 2 .....................Jordan 6 Hottom Row : Terry J«'n. en, Dan \\Vatanab!', Danny Oa\\'i('.. Jeff Tcbbo. Jim Cutl('r. Row Two: oach Don Gust, Mark Ma. caro, Neal Q,tlt'f, Royce ardnl'r, Ron llotch, Pat Knibb<', Pete Van Valkcnhurg. 34

Hottom Row : '\\fanal(<'r Rock ydiggcr. Paul torl(a, Robert \\\\'nil.. B<'n \\\\'atahomJJ!ir, Danny Davies, Jeff T<'hb:. '\\fanag<'r Tillman Chaplin. Rou · Two Brl'nt ~r<'n\"'\" 'orman \\Vilclen , Da,id l.tkrr lry, lim ( utl er, Paul \\\\'a t,ulilhc, Doug J('nsen . Row Three : Couch l.arry Rny, Crail! Griffeth . Ronn riff<·th. Joe Whitling, Ron Hatch. Pat Knibhc. Peter Van Valkcnburg. Scor~bo~rcl Hill re. t 67............. January 7 .................. Bingham 63 To develop b tier phy i al ondition and perf ct Hill re t 72. ..... .january 11 ................ Too I 22 kill in baskeball, Hiller t ophomore pra ticed many hour undt>r trict oaching. Thi. di cipline Hiller . t 5 ............ January 21 ................ lurray 56 was a factor in their completing an undefeated a on which plar d th m first in Region Thr e Hillcre t 65............. January _, ...................... Judge 43 competition. ophomor who excelled on the team thi year will use their experience ne t y ar Hill re . t . .......... February 1 .................... Jordan 47 as memb r of th varsity team . Hillcre. t 4.... .......... february ............ Bingham 62 I Iill re t 72.... ......... February 11 ................ T ooel 54 Hillcre t 66.......... ....February I ............... :'vlurra 65 Hill r t 6 .. .. .... ....February 2'\" .................... Judge 59 Hillcrest 6 .............. 1arch 2 ....................... Jordan 56 35

Tom Lovat oadt In an attempt to . cor , Bobby l eyba u. <'S .t roll to come from the bottom on the referee' position. eveloping trength and stamina, Hillcre t v.·re - B... t:'-1,,(,., tiers exer ised to keep th ir weight down and to I 13 {{, keep in top phy ical hape. The wre tling team ended the ea on with a 7-4 win-lo. s re ord, and \\ l.trk il\"on a 3 2 leagu re ord which placed them third in 95/h. the region. Two wre tier were al o ent to the tate tournament. fohn II n. on 13 I{(,, G<~rvlullrrl!'r Cad<' :'>lonnw lohn \\\\';1. on 133 lh IRo{b n:-1/,. Cr,tilf Grilli!lts Bohhy l.<·yh.t R.oh!'rt ::-,.,,., l.ortn \\\\;,N 163/hs. 120/h.. 127/hs 112lh. 36

. , 0111 1),1\\\" :'-likt·l lon·, Gent• (;onzala. 120 ll>s 95/b . 112/b. gLutLor R,mdy Klu~tt• Preparing to become var ity wre. tl r , the junior 151/bs Davi.-1 I lui f, 112/h var ity team train J throughout th year, under Da, id :'-l.~rle, the dir ction of Coach ncler on, to develop 120/1, their wre tling skills. They gained much experi- ence h ompeting with other team members a well a with teams from other hool . l.c·t· ;'\\J,,tt•on Bill :-lite hell Stcvr '\\a, lor 1om '\\uttall 13> IIJS. 12() /l,s /j 1lb 123/l>s. ll,1n OJ C'n Bill l'l,lyt•r Fenton Quinn Frank 'mi th 93 lb . 93 /b •. 151/b . I 0 lbs 37

Hiller t's track team began their pring sea on of compc· tiiton Ia t February, by undergoing a rigid program of training and xer i e. A tive parti ipation in ·uch event a the javelin, th di cus, high jump, broad jump, and pole vault tren~th ned Hill r t' team. In addition, prints, da h , and relays, ranging from the 100 yard da h to the mil h lp d give I lill re t a reputation a a tough com- petitor. Dougla nd r on Tom Lovat Coach Coach R, nd Beck lead Rex Buchanan Track manager are Mark Krahenbuhl and Evan mith. Coming within inche of clearing the bar, raig mith bare! nud~e the bar. Rick B rg('r Les nnon Tony Christcn.t'n John hufar Ed Driskill David Eckersley Mike Evans 38

Rounding the urve on Hillcre t' tra k. Mick High hurdling wa one of the mo t difficult tests of peed. coordination. and ~tamina. Morgan and Paul Mon ·on practice to improve their edurance for distance running. Doug Jenson \"-lick Morgan Paul ancc Dave ilsson Ron Perry Bryan Poulsen Dave Ream 1ike Reynolds mith Tony Wand B n Watahomigie 39

raig mith' , ucces ful attempt to clear the twelve foot mark is raptured by time equence photography. Hill rest runners striv{' for an early lead in a sprint against 1ranite. Bryan Poul en put. all hi weight behind the len pound . hot. 40

Antone Gatherum leads avid Boyd, another llill re Zera Hunt Ring the javelin in an effort to competitor from Granite in a meet held at Hillcre t in better hi pr viou di tan attempt . Lester Cannon demonstrates near-perfect form in thro-.ving the di cu . 41

pring sea on approa hed, many of Hill- re t' boy tried out for ba eball. Through train- ing, pra tice, and e, er i e. the Hu kie be am a topnot h l am and a rough omp titor in R gion Three. oring run dep nded on the learn' ·trong offen e of batting and running; trong pitching and fielding ability b came the def n whi h held down oppo ing run . lanager for the team were Alan Gaufin and K ilh layne . Phil abihi Pitcher Danny Davie George Hughe Jeff Jenkin Terrv J<'n. n Left Field Left Field hortstop Pitcher M;k Jones Pat Knibbc Dove Mascaro Marc Ia caro Right field Pitc1U!r Center Field Pir t BasP Kelvin Miller Dale Radovich Dan Watanabe Richard Zrno First Base Third Base Pcond Ba e Third Ba e 42

Larry Ray Danny avie run to fir t in an effort to beat a throw to the ba e. Coach oa hing at third. Mr. u t yell in truction to the runner. 43

fter re e1 mg a fa t pitch, catcher al Boulden prepare to throw the ball to first. 44

Hat flew v~ hen TNry Jen en made it home to _.core a point again t th Tooele team. The umpir hold up hi hand, ignifying the ball i dead. Dan Watanabe over fir t while move to pi k up a ground r. '\\ [ember of Hill re. t's ba eball team wait on the ben< h for their team to bat.

Jim orth practi e. an underhand l\\like 'orenson jumps in wing in one of the trainin~ period a pov,:erful return. of the tennis t am . Laury Hammel prepare for opponent' volley. Holding practice e ion and training periods, the tenni. team b gan a . a. on of om petition by learning the methods and rules of the game. Thi year marked the team'. hwnty-fir t straight victory and third region win. Through hard work, tennis b came a vigorou sport where wins depended on the player' ability. rant Chavez run to end a erve back to hi opponent. Art Hughe Grant luncz Kenny Davis Laury Hammel rail(llawkins ban l lrdy Captain Coach 46

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