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Home Explore 1967


Published by lynette, 2019-05-16 01:13:50

Description: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1967

Keywords: Hillcrest High, hillcrest, Midvale, Utah, class of 1967


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Our \"man on the go\" this year was Dan Watanabe. When he wa~n't rushing from an advanced-pia ement math cia to a Lettermen's lub meeting, he hecame Royce's depend- able side-kick in matter of student glwernmcnt. He chan- nelled tht.: idt.:as of tht.: sometimes unruly tudent ouncil into wmtructivc action and worked for the Huskie with a cool head and quiet ambition. Dan Watanabe Vice President Pam Edmundson Hi wrian There were few people at Hillcrest who worked ~o hard and smiled ) l)ften a~ did Pat Gl ff. ontmually nommated un- officially to paint mural for dance · and plan kit for a.sem- blie., . he willingly demonstrated her creativity and depend- ability. This determination w excel was evident in the per- formance of her duties a.. tudent body secretary. Taking volume. of !1l)tes and writmg hundred. of letter., Par howed enthusia m that rubbed off on Hiller st. Only a girl with a nickname like \"Peelx1l)\" Cl)uld combme :o much fun with . o much get-up-and-g,). The rna.. of events to he re l)rded in Hdlcre t's histllfY ne\\er :eemed H get Pam d \\ n. Hurrying in and out of 1r. chiCk', office with ch,x)l prl1llems on her mind and rushmg through the halls at sch,) 1! l)n an endle ·s number ()f errand , she Mill would meet t.:veryone with a friendly ~mde and a \"Hi!\" Th1s friendly attitudt.: Wl)n the suppl)rt ,)f the . tudent body a well as making friend fl)r Hillcrest. 97

OFFICER ACTIVITY arne plaque on the d ),)r s1gmly \"offioal\" work being done by the executive board. Colorful po ters and bright slogans aided the campaign of the 1966-67 officers last spring. tudent hody officer. fulfill the annual task of dec- oratmg a hristmas tree for the main hall.

Discussing 1deas for Homecommg Week, .ouncll members are, iel- tam, usan Fmdling, Dawn Murley, Barbara Bateman. Row Row One: Robby Conover, tcve Hastings, kent eal, M1ke orensen, John Four: John Jackson, Mark ilsson, Ron Hatch, Tom Erkelens, Tony Wand, Karl Thomas, Pat Knibbe, Bob Haughey, Don annon, M1ke Whiteley, Dan Mmer, Marc Denning, Donna ewton, Maurme Jensen, Pat Keogh, Jeanne H lladay, Dan Mackintosh, Kal Hughes, Mark West, Russ Myer , Elmer Peterson, Janet Kuebelbeck. Rou.' Two: Jim Owens, r::ug Griffeth, Bob Garduno, Bryan Poulsen, Linda Grossmckle. Rou Flu!: teven Peck, Terry Thomas, Wolfgang Peleschka, Brent D. Hurst, Paulme Dearing, Robyn Pnce, haw, Dale Kerksiek, Paul Ostler, teven Tycksen, Gordon marr, Duane KayLynn Harryman, Colleen Caldwell, Janet Jones, Rolayne Mattsson, Les- Petruzzi, Gary Yamash1ro, R1chard Harada, Abe Koos, Abbey Brunetn, Abb1~ale De pam. lee Wilson, Melody Orr, Tineke Van Alphen, Jeannette Wyker, herrie Dumas. Rou Three: Jane Burris, Bonnie Bush, Verla Beebread, Lillie Mar- tmeau, Claud1a John on, Angie Thomas, Kathleen Lloyd, Joyce Watt , ,~ STUDENT COUNCIL Acting a the voi e of the student body, the tudent council ex- pressed ideas and preference ·, pre. ented problem , and decided the i ·sues of the ·cho I. Home-room repre:entatlve were provided with member h1p card · admitting them to meeting. at which they planned activittes for H )mecoming Week, debated the i. ue of locking the parktng 1m, and di. u ed the 1dea l f a computer dance. Working in c mJunction with Mr. hi k and the tudent body officers, this elected group succe.·sfully bridged the gap be- tween students and 'ldmtni ·tratlon. Representat1v s alv1n Gundersen and Lynn Brown tuff nap- kins into a sectwn of w1re mesh while de orating for the tudent ouncil' Homecoming Dance. 99

Ad\\'i or Mr. Lowe explain the general outlmt: of activi- ne · tt) cla~s repre. entative , Ron Hatch, Richard Harada, Dale Fiddstad, Bill helton, Antone Gatherum, and Dale Radovich. BOYS' ASSOCIATION A hright hri~tmas card for each Hillcrest student and the inviting smell of fre~hly popped pt pcorn at basketball games typified the comhmed efforts of the Boys' and Girl ' Ao;sooation,·. Working together to promote friendli- ne. s and a feelm' of fellow, hip within the school and community, they engaged in such activities as supplying a hri~tma. tree and decoratiOns for the tate Detention Home as well as sp n ring a , chool assembly which featured inmates from Utah tate Pri. on as guest speakers. Throughout the year the Boy~' and Girls' Associations coupled ideas to build Hillcre, t's spirit and unity. Asst ciation presidents, Vickie John Miner Pat Knibbe Duane Petruzzi President V icc-President ecretary Bnmhall and John 1iner c m- bine ideas in planning for As,o- ciation Week. 100

Two Girls' Association representatives, Rhonda Phelps and Vicki Brimhall Eva Andresen Fevre, , erve cake at Hillcrest's Opening octal. President Vice-Preszdent GIRLS' ASSOCIATION Tern Clayton arolee Hammel Business Manager ecretary ew acttvities sp,ms,)red by the Hillcrest Gtr!s' Assl ciatton included two special events which were destgned to promote umty and to enhance the previous year's tradttion.. The first, an < pening ocial, hon red the girl and thetr mothers. Another, a special as embly featuring three prison inmates, offered all students a thought-provoking insight int cttizen htp respc n tbilities. The friendly enthusiasm of the Girl ·' A o- ciation Officers and these varied activities laid the foundation for future traditions at Hillcre t. Activities that encompassed a vanety of tnterests were planned hy clas representatives \\'ickt Rowe, Pam Van Orman, olleen hurch, usan olleen aldw~-:11, and ~1r . Ward, advtsor. 101

SAFETY COUNCIL Through the vanous medta l,f films, posters, hall displays, speeches, and prl grams, the afery ouncii taught , tudt:nts the importance of traffic safety. A, a result, the scho<Jl won the right tl) display the grt:en and white safety flag. In additton, the Safety ouncil CO<)perated wtth the T ri-Di tnct 'afety ouncd w atd in plannmg traveling assemhlies and other activ- Ities aimed at promlmng c,,nsctentious dri\\ mg. tudents also participated in state functwns a~ delegates to the tate afety onvention and as reporters for the tate Councd newspaper. The e combmed acnvities represent the effort put forth hy the afety Council in establishing safer dnvmg techniques. Darl Mun ·on update the acCident rating po ter that in- Janette Juretich and Cindy LeFevre emphasize the tragedy that form tudents of Hillcrest's standing among other re- re,ulted from reckless driving. gional high schools. Row One: Crae Baker, Dale Kerksiek, Lynn Brown, Randy Bills, Hatton, Sharlene Conder, Colleen Brown, Peggy Kerksiek, Pam Russell Drake, Brent Michaelsen, teve Hastings, Steve Madsen, Fyans, Kristine Encbon. Rou Four: Priscilla Kay, usan Findling, ~font Mdlerberg, Bryan MillerberJ.(, Bob Me lung. Row Tu·o: D1xie Ellerman, Linda Dahl, Ranee Erekson, Carole Haake, Paula Havens, Lo1s Jacobs, Nanc~· Hdron, Pam Burdick, oleen heri Moore, Michele Malmberg, Kathleen Lloyd, Janette Jure- Ford, Wendy Smith, Kristine Knutson. Row Fiw: Gaylen Dahle, rich, Kathryn Hickson, Corinne Arnell, usan Mascaro, Connie Jerry Kuwahara, Cynthia Eklund, Pam Cavagnolo, ola Brown, Middleton, DyAnn Mom, Darl Jo Munson, Faye Millett. Rou• Pam Cain, Janiece Brady, Beverly Brady, Karan Bond, Linda Three: Janet Lowry, fenuah DeSpain, Janet Kuebelbeck, Pam Hamilton, mdy LeFevre, Eva Andresen, John Ferrin, teve Edmondson, Maunne Jensen, Chris Davis, Delores Dutson, Mickie Mackel prang. 102

Row One: Robert Bn • '\"• Blaine Green, Kenneth Rees, Denni~ Astroth, Hams, Lynne Hansen, Karyn Ielson, Dana Thurber, Robyn Winn. Monte Ritzman, )Im Owens, Lynn Christensen, Lorin \\Viser, Kev Perry. Row Two: Lynda Vis,er, Verla Recbtead, Linda Yorgason, Ro<A.\" Four: Terri Clayton, Pat Goff, andy harp, Hope Mitchell, Deh- Rhonda Phelps, Pam Peterson, Lmda Raymond, usan Trimble, Vicki bie .laughter, Pat Dutson, Dwne Olson, Paulette Welch, Thelma Rowe, Gloria \\Vood, Susan Hawkins, Carolyn Hastings, Barbara Rate- Coleman, Marcella r:IemmJ.!, Derna annm~:, laudia Johnson, Pam man, Jeanne Peten,on, Lynda 'inomiya. Row Three: Yvonne Llovd, Patterson, Carol , mart, Janette Thalmann, hirlee Johnson. Rou· F11 t': Debra Pace, Judy Haueter, Connie Cram, Jannene Ward, Marda Zim- usan Menlove, Lon tam, Donna Taylor, Debra torY, Terry Updyke, merman, Kathy Rutherford, Kay Thornblad, Janine Rowen, • hirley \\'iki Land,atter, Marv Ellen loan, Ed Harada, Dana Vi~:il, John Jack- .on, Rendell Ethermgton, Randy Wheeldon, tephen Workman, Gary Ostlund, Kent , read man, George Littlefield. afety ouncd officers k lk on as l\\.1r. 'kanchy, advu1r, explains the accldent- rating procedure to Mick Morgan, viCe-president; usan Bartholomew, historian; Kathy Wood, secretary of the T ri-Distnct afety ~)unci!; Bill Mitchell, president; and Vicki Brimhall, secretary. Through meaningful di play , afety Council members Lyn Brown, Kev Perry, and Randy Bills warn tudents about the dangers of carele.s driving. Hillcrest's safety flag, being ho1stcd by Dennis Astroth, can only be flown when the students have successfully maintained an accident-citation free record for one week.

President Mike Sorensen Vice-President Athletic!~, debate, dramatic , mus1c . . . Hillcrest seniors, by achievmg high merit m these areas in competition with l)ther s hol'ls, fulfilled the prediction that 1966-1967 would he the \"Year of 'onquest.\" enior al ·o lent the1r talents of artistry, . ingmg, and dancing to the production of such traditional occasiOns as the enior Hop, the en- iors A,c·embly and the emor Dinner-Dance. ~1eritorious efforts, schl)lastic ach1evement, and phys1cal prowess in all aspects of ch I life were rewarded in the spring at the annual Awards' Banquet. Graduation chmaxed this final year of high schtx,J, making It a memorable one for the las, of '.67.~~ .-~~~~·~·~-~~~~·~,~~-~ 104



Dennis G. Chesley Tony Christen en Robby P. Conover Doug Cooley Glenn Cottingham Mike Dansie Keith hristensen Lewis Colebrook Kent Cook Mike Coon Deon Davenport Gaylen Dahle Susan Carrigan Janice ca~ier Dannie usan Chavts Rebecca Collins Ronnie Cressall Chns Davis Linda Cartmill Linn hamberlain Cheryl Christensen Vickie Cowley Rolayne urtts Tonuah Despam Pamela Cavagnolo Constance Cram Becky Chaston Terri Clayton Linda Dahl Coleen Dodge 107

Julie Freeman Jacqueline f1sher Carolyn Gacmk Chris Frampton athy Fredricksen Rita Gm~err 109

Wayne F. Hansen Paul Hackney Ronnie Hamilton Allen Hagen Ru, ell P. Han,en John Hanson Pat A Griffin hirlee Harris Ellen Hansen 110


Pri cilia Kay Pat Keogh andee Kin~ery Pat Lindlev hirlee B. Kehch Jackie Kin. lev Sue Liston Lmda J. Kidd 112

Kathleen Lloyd Marileen Lockwood Michele Malmberg harry Lloyd Josie Lopez 'ancy Martin Roger Koos Alfred A. Krahenbuhl Clarence LaCome 113



Carma Pear,on Jackie Peterson Lynne Peterson Rhon Ia Phelps Kerry Poulsen Linda Lou Raymond Barbara Peter Jeanne Peterson Pam Peterson • ancy Place Rose Ann Raw on Suzanna Reed 116

Rhea Readin~o; Mane Revnold Vicki RoJberl! Gloria Revill Wanda Robinson Rozma Romero 117



lla Wif:(ht Diane WenJ.:ren 120


Inquiring minds, friendly milel:i, and cheering voice became symbolic of the Junior Cia,, as they planned assemblies, produced the Junior Prom, and selected their new class rings. The Juniors were the worker and j1. iners who helped to fuse the student body int~_, a united whole. 1966-67 was their year of work. and for the rel:iponsihilitie, of leadership. Karl Thomas, Vice President ,

Marsha AJioka haron B. Anderson Gaylen Arkmson Ron W. Bateman Kathy Allred Trissa Anderson Orin Bagley 1arc Beesley Joanne Aim Randy Ball Dee Belcher Colleen Andersen Eva Andre en cott Ballard laurie Andersen MIChelle Andrews Bryce F. Barney Debb1e Anderson larry). Barfuss lee C. Bowden lmda A. Ander on Corinne Arnell Randy B. Barnes Tom Bradshaw Pauline Astorga luDonna Ault R1ck Bender Ben Bricker

M. Bekkemellom Janine Bowen Annette Bnnt n \\Iaureen Bush an y ]o Bennett arole Bowth 'rp . lari h n l3wwn \\'ick1e Byam VJckl Berrett lllan Eileen Brown D hbie Blake Jan Boyd .u an Brown ·tarla Byer Lynn Bradfield Ja,qu Rurh nk ancy Carver Karan Bond hwce Bra lfor I Perna anning Beverly Brach I inda Burn Va:ki . IKhael B,>rich Lmda Penny Boulton u' n Brennan Bnnme Bu'h

hnsty Lmk I3riggs reg Brig~o:s M1ke hnsoansen Rita ast1llo Allyson lawson Diana Dell Robert Da> 1d Brig~o:s \\'anee Christensen Shan Christen. en Thelma Coleman J('e Lene Deanng Phil Cabibi Andy Christopherson Valerie Chri tensen Larn: . Butler Gallen W. Call Paul Chmtopherson Mary Cook Linda DeGraw I3ywn Brown James E. Carter Linda Chufar Robyn Davis usan Ecker Tillman Chaplin Rla1r Claw on Pauline A. Dearmg Ralph I3rown Allen j. Christensen Larry ordova lleen hurch Cynthia Eklund janet Edward. Re. ·Buchanan Lynn H. Christen en hene hurich Pe~y La vena [well tanley Crane Susan Erick. en Ron I3ullock Linda\\'. Clark Lynda Fau. ett 125

Robert Cook Mike A. Dahn Jay Ekstrom Chri Ferguson Pam Fyan Carla Green Ted Cordingley Tom Erkelens Margo L. Fish Linda Marie Gallegos Cathy Greer Jerald Coleman Craig S. DeCristo Rendell Etherington Marcella Fleming Virginia A. Gallegos Kathleen Griffis John G. Densley Linda Grossnickle Jim Cutler Terry Fife Kathie Fletcher ancy Garritson Carole Lee Haake Tom Davis Tim Donley Michael Flores Connie Forbush Chris Gates Carolee F. Hammel Danny Davies Dennis R. Doty Ronnie C. Fox Rosemary Gerona Chris Hansen Earl Garduno oleen Ford Wendy Gotberg cott Davi · Randy Edge Delores Fullmer David Eckersley 126

Elmer Ganluno Lynn Green <:Ott Harn on je se H lltclay Alan Gaufin 'teve Greenwall Brent Lamar Hartner Ted \\Y/. Hou keeper Crat~ G. Griffeth Rick J. Golsan James Griego Kevin Hatch R bert E. H ward amuel A. Gordon Ron Hatch David Hughes ratg S. Griffith Kal Hughes Mark Graehl Lee Gue t Ro Hughe Lynn Grave Phil Hansen Zera Hunt Blame F. Green

herr · Han. on Katherine Han en L0rame Holt Mary Ellen Ja<.kman De~bie Har. hfield usan Hawkm Ruth Jacob on ·aren Ha htmoto Dent e Hurrocb Rurh-Jenkm Dtane 11. Her. man Irene Horrocks Carol ·n Ha tin • kn. tie H1ckman Lei h nn Hou wn Vtekie Jenkms Kathryn Hick ln Delan Jenson Becky Hathaway Karma Holt B <kr Hrdv De~bv Hayward Kathy Holt Vtcki Iverson ancy Jenson Mary Lou ]e. sup Dtana Herz Betty Carol Jackson

Eddie Huish tephen Johnson Marv Knudsen Arnell Johansen Colleen Jones Mickey Keenan Kenneth Hutchings Wayne John ·on Mark Krahenbuhl Carol Johnson )ani Jorgensen Wanda Kincaid laudia Johnson Mike lker Greg Jolley Ray Lafeen Ilene Marie Johns n Janette Juretich Lynette King David M. Jurerich Greg Lar en Kristee Kirch Ada Knul en John Jackson John Ledkins leona Johnson Jeff Jenkins Joel Ketner Lawrence Lether hirlee Johnson Beverly Littlefield Roberta Lar on Doug Jenson Lawrence Roy K1rk John P. Lindgren Tina Johnson Kathy Leichrle Gregory Jewkes Yvonne Lloyd Pat Knibbe Janet Lowry \\lick Leyba 129

Jon Long Mike Marquardt Mitchell McAllister Ann Lyon Barhara Matern Margo Miller Dan Dale Lindley Kipp Matthew Micheal . McCleery Robyn Loveless Gayle McKell Karen Mitchell Ronald Jay Mabey Lynda Madsen Shannon McLelland Dean Maim trom teve Mayfield Gail McDonald Kathy Mecham Sheri Moore Bruce Marchant Mont Millerberg harlene Mark Michele Melick Susan Morley David Call Marley Richard Maynard Chris C. Milne Lillie Martineau Mary Ann Meyers Leslie Morri. on Dennis A. Mayne Helen Ross Martinez Faye Millett Helen M ntoya Jeff Matthews Creig J. Maynes Felix Montoya Marion Mascaro DyAnn Mons John McAllister Jerry Moon 130

Kenneth J. Morgan Ru ell orth Jim 0 borne teve Peterson Randy Mousley Byon K. orris Han Olsen teven Perry Roger Mousley Jame . Otte. en Gordon L. Phelp John C. Myers Monte G. aylor Jim Owens William M. Player Rus Myer Dale Payne Mark W. ilsson Mtke el on Ralph Place Neil W. Newbold Earl Parker Victor A. Orn Chad A. Peterson Jim Perkin Joe Ortiz Fenton Quinn, Jr. Gary 0 tlund

Donna '~wton Irene OLon Pam Patter on Ranae Phillips Vickie Pollock Claudia. ichol JoAnn Pedler Cilia Petru:zi Conni~ ichoL Pat Reams Leah Pelle~:rino Platt B~rJene • 'icls n ina Petrlich Elena Perkin RoJ:.yn Gay Potter haron Oliver Yolanda Pacheco Linda Peterson Valeen Palmer herv le Peters0n C0nnie Jo Rasma. on Elva Ortega , herril Reynolds heryl Parson' Jane Pi~rscm Pe~:gie Retallick Joy Ann Osborne

Darwin Ra mussen Kenneth Btl! Rees Byron haver Jolynn Retd David Raymond Monte Ritzman Mike hell Angie Reyes Even Redman Terry Ryan Bill helton Colleen Ridd Briant Richards Felix ae: Janis Risner David eal Larry hepherd uzanne Robert on Reid Roundy Gaylm Ray harp Karma Ro enhan Blaine Ridd Kirt harp Dean T. mith Karen Rosenlund Michael Rogers Heber B. mith Taylor John mith 133

Gaylen Paul Snyder Bob Tuttle Dana Vigil Connie mith Shauna R. Sundberg Connie Thomas Brent H. Sorensen Karl H. Thomas Trino T. Vigil Marsha orensen Paula Takagi Kay Thornblad Gary Timothy Perry L. Walker Maurine . orenson Patricia Tischner John L. Stohel Dave Thomas Phyllis E. Tatum Dennis teadman Peter Van Valkenhurg Carl Wasden Jacque Souher Barbara Taylor andra Tuttle Richard D . Salisbury Byron Wilson Chris ummerhays Pam Van Orman Robert W. Walsh Pat Taylor Lee Staley orman D. Wilden Elva nyder Janette Thalman RobbyWinn 134

Martin Wood MarkWe t Brook Van Seters Lmda Wootton Paul Watanabe Ben Watahomigie Barbara Warmker Eileen Webster Nancy Winget Kim Watts Bill Warner heri Ward Ken Ware Lynne Webb Jim Westbury Lmda Wanberg Su an Zagarich Joe E. Whiting Tony Wand Lorna Wanberg Marda Zimmerman Randy Wheeldon Layne Whittaker John W. White Ann Wilcox

·- ' ..-.. ;-... ·:;_.- Kathee Allred Linda Babcock Deborah Black Birdte Bryant Colleen Caldwell . Christiansen harlene Conder Bonme Davenport Janet Alldredge Caralee Bascom rma Blanco Connie Bullock Candy Carlson A. Chri topher on Terry Cordingler Bonnie Dan ie Denise Ander on Pat Carver Mary Ander on Karen Basso usan Bogge. · Becky Burch Judy Cazier Ada intron Lynn Cowley Deidra Davidson Elizabeth Arnold Lauralee Bean Deborah Breen Patti Burdick Jody Chavis Debbie Clark Vicki Cram Lynette Dean Mary Beck trom Vie Chesley Denise Dahn Marie Ashby Jolene Brigg. Janet Burgon han Christen en usan Clavell Mary Dellagnola Marsha Barben Leslie Bell olleen Brown Ilene Butler ynrhm Coats Linda Despain Dianne Denning herrie Bigler Jeanette Brown harlene Cardwell Pam Collins Jolene Daniels Mary Dam)anovich 137

Carl AI bane. e Tony Brunetti Jack Beckstead Mike Brady Kenneth Bud~e Bill Bush Don Carroll cott Christensen Perry Allen Mckay Baker Richard Beckstead Val Brady Mike Buhler Larry Dutcher Jeff artmill Kevin Conover Tom Brannan D. Butterfield Dave Cartwri~ht Stephen Allen Dick Bean Doug Beer David Brems Darrell Bullock Lee Campbell Craig Casper Robert ook orman Anderson Ralph Baer Russell Beratto Paul Brigg Don Cannon DouJ.(las Chaston Vernon Cook teve Anderson Crae L.Baker David Bru e Don Bullock Kurt Carlson Patrie Chave: Dav1d Cottingham Loren Arment Randy Baker Bob Bergan cotr Buckley Michael Carn Kim hnstensen Thomas Courrier Don Bartholomew Val Berger Michael Burdette Bob Cowley Jeff Arnell Mike Bowman Kim Burgon Kim Burkinsh~w 138

Ola Despain Jamce De pain Jayne Eitner Zenaida Flores Michelene DiBella ancy Doty Gerri Ellerman Chris Forpush VickiE kelsen Susan Fau. ett Terri Dinius herrie Dumas Jan Dinkelman Janett Eavenson Chervl Eves Kathy Friis Sandra Drake Yolanda Fivas Carol Gallegos Kathy Eccles Karen Gallegos Charolet Dumas Kris Ecker 1arcia Fromm Gail Flinders Patricia Dutson ylvia Gerbic JoAnn Eckman 139

Jim Crawford Don C David Dennis M. Egan teven Eissinger Lee Crayk Terry Crehs Larry Eaton fack Cre. sail heldon DeMille Jon Elder John Fericks Kent Demke teven Erickson Dale J. Fieldstad Terry Daniels Craig K. Denning Tony Evans Darrell Fieldstad Larry De. pam Jerald Eldredge Eric Freeman Doug Dell Brian Dory Don Faulkner George Fullmer Donald Davis harles Fner Joe Demarco 140

Mary Gomez haron Greenwall Diane Halpin Kay Lyn Harryman Linda Hou. eholter Anna Isbell Kristine Jensen Karen Johnson Kris Gilbert Linda Gittins Beverley Hansen Cynthia Hatch Diana Hover T\\ianka Iversen uzanne Jen. en Janet Jones Debra Gwilliam Bonnie Graham Connie Hansen Dianne Haueter Kerrie Howa Delores Jeppson LeeAnn Judy Rosalyn Glenn Elaine Houston Cydney Hansen Lynda Hickman Paula Howard Terry Jacob. Karen Johns Pam Kingery Linda Gordon Den. Hatziamallou Ewelleen Hobbs Jody Hubert ~1aureen JacolJ,on Annette Johnson Ro. ·ann Hadley Janet Hansen Kathy Hunick Teresa Jaramillo Darlene Johnson T\\eckr Kauffman anette Grant Julene Hale , hauna Hansen Claudia Hollstein • 1arilyn Hur. t Elame Johnson DeAnn Green Jackie Hoopiiaina Jeniel Jenkins Pe!U!\\ Kerbick Jeanne Harris Kristie Jen. en olleen Kidd 141

cot Glanville Eddie Giron W. Hathenbruck Mike Holloway Joe Jaramillo Glen Kelsch Bill Lines Dan Mackinto h Bob Glave Randy Gerona Alex Henderson Tom Hopkin. Sterling Jenson Michael Kmsley Bruce Lyman he IJon fayne Brian Glover Ron Henneman John Horsley Craig Johnston Ronnie Lyon ArvyMc ealy Chris Goris Kelvin Green Craig Hou. ekeeper David Johnson Kyle Holfeltz Dennis Lander. Bruce MacKay Nick Hafen Monty Green Vance Hilton Stephen Johnson Reed Kartchner Dave Little Richard Harada Rodney Gue~t Brent Hodgs n M1ke Hou ekeeper Terry Jorgenson Bill Kemppainen Craig Middleton Bill Griffith Brad Hokanson John Hyman Pete Karapanos Bobby Kemppainen Robert Luke Jerry Hansen Dan Holladay Frank !vie Mark Larrabee Duane Lyon Bob Mitchell cott Harper Arlen 1ounteer 142

Hope Kay Wendy Lindquist Allison Lund Karen Madsen Kri. tine Knut on Kathryn Klitgaard Janice Lund Lucille Madsen Janet Kocherhans Robynn Lundevall Janet Lloyd \\'iki Landvatter Lucinda Madsen LaRhea Kitt Patrice Lo hhead Chri tine Michael Patti Mangum laudia Leary Michele 1archant Le lie LeFevre ara Logan ancy Macka · Ro~emary 1arlor Vilene LeFevre Linda Mackelprang Irene Martinez Jill Long Lucy Lopez

Bill M1lner Dave Matthews (Ott Myer~ Garland elson Reed Merrell Paul McFarland Richard Ortega Tony Marnne: Rodger Mdler Brent ed David Maynard Doug Monson Steve Nelson Paul Ostler Cary ewbold Ronnie Price Robert Me lung RICk Moore Michael McElhaney Joe Morley ord ickle Jeff Page Lind~ey Mounteer !iff ielson Pat Patterson hane Mo~her D1ck 1elson Richard Paxman 144

Rolayne Mansson usan Mascaro \\ 'alerie 1onrague Karen 'elson Pat 'ielsen Kay 01 ,,n Allee Anne Perkes Robyn Pnce Diane McAllister Barbara McLa hlan Debra Montgomery Glenda ~ewman Randte 'ielsen Kathy Perry onnie Pro,ror 1elody Orr herrie Peterson Arlene Prow De Me urdy erald me Meyers Marsha Moon Lmda 1ewton Mary Ila Mae Osborne Lmda Pett Ttna Reyes Linda Mclff Manlyn Mt!ler Judy Moore Jacque icholls Peggy Ann Owens Echo Pidcock Jeannie Richens Shauna McRae \\'icky Mtller Katrina Donna Price Renae Rigler Connie Meadows Jacque Morns Gwen ickle Kathte unley Debra Pace Dtane Roundy Deylene Moffett ayle Mounteer Lawna Park Pam Faye Price Kristi Milgate Tansy M nroe Darla hana Dean Oeser usan Penfold helley ate Dtane ls n Mary 145

Loren Pearce Ke\\m Peterson Ale.· Pollock Dale Rhodes Joe Lloyd Rees KmK Smnh Joel Pear on Mike Petersen Randy Pollo<..k Vernon Ridd ~ek Rees Lynn mith Bart Perkin Duane Petruzzi Booker PreMon Riley Roberts Mar~hall mith Bruce C. Peterson Steve Pngmore Jay Rogerson Robert Robm.-on Max mith Bruce W. Peterson Joey Phelps Keith Proctor Carl Romero Ron ~outhworth Jack Philhp Merrill Ro~e Paul Rocha Duane Peter on Wayne Prutzman Ken Raleigh K1m orensen Peter Pikul in tan Rasmu en Charles R. Ross Gary Peter on tephen Platt R nald orensen K1rk amow1t: Glenn ~<hulte 146

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