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SSCI Post Event Report

Published by rahul.surendran, 2015-09-30 04:30:47

Description: SSCI Post Event Report


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Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 - 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru, IndiaTransforming Indian cities towards a sustainable and smart future Post Event Report Researched & Developed by

Conference PreviewThe Sustainable Smart cities India conference was jointly inaugurated by Dr. A. Ravindra IAS (Retd.) Chairman,Smart Cities India Foundation; Mr. Tallam R Dwarakanath President, FKCCI; Ms. Patricia Barandun, DeputyRepresentative, UN Women; Mr. Frans-Anton Vermast, Senior Strategy Advisor, Amsterdam Smart City.The 2 day conference was well attended by over 400+ delegates with 56% from the government sector. TheConference started of with 382 delegates taking the Clean India Pledge (Swachtta Shapath). Experts from 44city municipalities attended the conference which was primarily focused on discussing the ground realities ofIndian Cities, Smart concepts, International case studies and guidelines.Ms. Karuna Gopal presented a Keynote opening presentation on “Is India ready for Smart Cities?”. Theconference also hosted 20+ sessions including 3 case studies from Gujarat International Financial TechCity, Amsterdam Smart City & Tel Aviv Yafo Municipality. These thought provoking sessions led to immenseinteractions from the participants who posted about 70+ questions to the speakers and panelists in 2 days.There were some handpicked solution providers who showcased their products and services at this forum.Some of the topics that was covered are : Financing smart city projects, Smart Energy, Citizen engagement,Urban development, Inclusive cities, Smart and green buildings, Smart technology, Costing smart cityprojects, Urban Mobility, Engendering cities, Safe cities, Sectors covered, Smart city guidelines, Drawbacksof smart citiesEnergy efficiency, & Smart Environment.The “National Summit on Sustainable Water and Sanitation” was officially launched at this event.A part of the registration fee of the participants was donated to “Swachh Bharat Kosh”. The conference wassupported by Honorable Minister of Urban development, Government of Karnataka, Federation of KarnatakaChambers of Commerce and Industry, City Managers’ Association of Karnataka, All India Association ofIndustries, & Smart Cities India Foundation.The conference concluded with bringing out clarity on smart city amongst participants. The experts presentguided the shortlisted cities in proposal creation for the smart cities challenge. The “Sustainable Smart CitiesIndia” is an educational series for the government and privates sector on smart cities and the Second Editionis scheduled to take place on the 16-17 November 2015 in Mangaluru.

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Supported bySmartcity Partners Smart Lightning PartnerSmart BIM Partner Keynote Partners Associate Partners Networking Solution Providers Bag Partner Lanyard Partner 3

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, BenagaluruSmart Suburb Partner Association Partner International trade partnerKnowledge Partner Hospitality Partner Official Magazine PartnerOfficial Construction & Technology Magazine Partner Media Partners 4

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Guest of HonorTallam R Dwarakanath Patricia Barandun President, Deputy Representative FKCCI UN WomenAdvisory & Expert Speaker PanelDr. A. Ravindra IAS (Retd.) Gautham RKChairman,Smart Cities India Foundation Head – Operations, Sustainability, ExcellenceFormer Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka Cushman & Wakefield (I) Pvt LtdKaran Grover Karuna GopalPrincipal Architect PresidentKaran Grover & Associates Foundation for Futuristic CitiesM Selvarasu Rajesh PhadkeDirector, LEAD Consultancy & Chief Architect & PlannerEngineering Services (India) Pvt Ltd GIFT CityFrans-Anton Vermast Zohar SharonSenior Strategy Advisor, Chief Knowledge OfficerLow Carbon & Connected Urban Planning Tel Aviv-Yafo MunicipalityAmsterdam Smart City Pratap PadodeR. K. Misra Founder & DirectorFounder Director Smart Cities Council IndiaCenter for SMART CitiesShyam Khandekar Dr. Ravindra KumarFounder Principal Scientist, Transportation planning divisionMy Liveable City CSIR-Central Road Research Institute 5

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Speakers & PanelistsManisha Bhartia Peter CoxStudio Leader – Urbanism Operations Director IndiaBDP - India WTP Cost ConsultantsHarinarayanan K.V Prabhu RamachandraCEO, South Asia DirectorLighting Technologies WebNMSRohan Desai Prakash ShahDirector Head – Technical SupportEnviro Analysts & Engineers Pvt Ltd Elematic India Pvt. Ltd.Chandra Shekar LH Anil DevEngineering Manager Chief Technology Officer & CEO (India)Tekla Climaveneta Climate Technologies (P) LtdDr. Pulak Ghosh Y.P. SinghProfessor, Quantitative Methods Head - Technology, Product Solutionsand Information Systems & ManufacturingIndian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) FenestaDr. Chandrashekar Hariharan Anjlee AgarwalChairman, Zed Group and The FactorFour Executive DirectorFoundation SamarthyamCo-chair, IGBC chapter Anup NaikRama NS Director - ArchitectureCEO, Space Matrix Architects and PlannersElectronics City IndustrialTownship Authority Gopal Devanahalli Chief Operating OfficerAnju Pandey Manipal Health EnterprisesProgram Specialist,UN Women Nandita Shah Director,Suneeta Dhar AksharaDirectorJagori 6

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Delegate Breakdown - Industry 4% 5% 56% Government Authorities 6% Architectural Firms Builders and Real estate Developers19% Airports, Malls and Business Parks Universities and Colleges 10% NGOs33 412 4Speakers Participants Panel Discussions13 22 10Partners Media Partners Solution Providers 7

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, BenagaluruDelegate Breakdown - Job Titles MP, MLA, MLC 7 8 Mayors & Dy. Mayors Commissioners 21 26 Councillor and Corporator 27 49 CXOs, Presidents & VP 44 56MDs, Directors, GMs, AGMs, Heads 37 Architects, Urban & Town Planners 30 City Engineers 42 Managers (Projects, Architecture, 23Construction, Property Management) 42 Professors, Research, Advisors & Consultants Technology specialists and solution providers Associations Other StakeholdersVendor to Delegate Ratio = 1 : 41Number of Questions posted by the 73auidence in two days 8

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Solution providers fromAustralia ItalyFinland RussiaGermany USAIndia382 People took the Swachh Bharat Pledge 44 Cities Attended 9

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Photo Gallery 10

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Photo Gallery 11

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, BenagaluruDay 1 Agenda Thursday - 3rd September 2015Conference Inauguration Floating crowd of382 Took the Swachhta Pledge 400+Is India ready for Smart Cities?– Karuna Gopal Sustainability concepts for smart city developments - M Selvarasu Case study of Amsterdam Smart City Financing smart - Frans-Anton Vermast cities project - R. K. MisraDiscussion onbuilding smart& responsiblecitizens to buildbetter cities Building blocks of a smart city Smart Cities – - Gautham RK Creating opportunity from digital disruption Creative Habitats - - Aamer Azeemi Smart Cities, Innovative Communities, Human Ingenuity - Karan Grover Smart Cities - The energy perspective - Anil Dev 12

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Agenda Friday - 4th September 2015 Day 2Floating Greenfield Case Study: GIFT - Acrowd of smart city - Rajesh Phadke300+ The promises and pitfalls of SMART CITIES - Shyam Khandekar The open IoT platform for tomorrow’s Cities - Prabhu RamachandranApplication of building economics principles to strategic city and project planning - Peter Cox Being smart about cities A Personalized, - Manisha Bhartia Interest and Location based City - Zohar Sharon Smart sustainable transport system in smart city - Dr. Ravindra KumarSmart Constructionfor Smart Cities -Prakash Shah Energy Efficient Discussion on Engendering urban Lighting Technologies planning and urban spaces - Harinarayanan K.VEnvironmental Sustainability solutionsfor Brownfield cities- Rohan DesaiDiscussing the smart cities guidelines 13

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Photo GalleryKaruna Gopal, President, Honored by Dr. A. Ravindra, IAS (Retd),Foundation Futuristic Cities Chairman, Smart Cities India FoundationM Selvarasu, Director, Honored by Mark White, Production Head,LEAD Consultancy NispanaFrans-Anton Vermast, Senior Strategy Honored by Dr.Rafeeq Ahamed.S,Advisor, Amsterdam Smart City Member of Legislative Assembly, Tumakuru City CorporationGautham RK, Head – Operations, Sustainability, Honored by Anuradha Naren, Director,Excellence, Cushman & Wakefield NispanaKaran Grover, Principal Architect, Karan Honored by N. Shiva Shankar Swami,Grover & Associates Deputy Commissioner, Mangaluru Municipal Corporation 14

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Photo GalleryChandra Shekar L.H., Honored by Jagadish Kumar,Engineering Manager, Tekla Director, NispanaR. K. Misra, Founder Director, Honored by Smt. Mangala Annappa,Center for SMART Cities Hon'ble Mayor, Shivamogga city corporationAamer Azeemi, Managing Diretor, Honored by Narendra Kumar,Cisco Systems Managing Director, NiispanaAnil Dev, Chief Technology Officer & CEO, Honored by M Selvarasu, Director,Climaveneta Climate Technologies LEAD ConsultancyRajesh Phadke, Honored by Dr.D.G.Nagaraj, Health Of-Chief Architect and Planner, GIFT City ficer, Mysuru City Corporation 15

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Photo GalleryShyam Khandekar, Founder,My Liveable CityZohar Sharon, Chief Knowledge Officer, Honored by Shri. Sudhakar S. Sonawane,Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality Hon'ble Mayor, Navi Mumbai Muncipal CorporationPrabhu Ramachandran, Director, WebNMS Honored by Jagadish Kumar, Director, NispanaPeter Cox, Operations Director India, Honored by Jagadish Kumar,WTP Cost Consultants Director, NispanaDr. Ravindra Kumar, Principal Scientist, Honored by Smt. Lalitha Ravish,CSIR-Central Road Research Institute Hon’ble Mayor, Tumakuru City Corporation 16

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Photo GalleryHarinarayanan K.V, CEO, South Asia,Lighting TechnologiesManisha Bhartia, Studio Leader – Urbanism, Honored by Soumyalatha,BDP – India Assistant Commissioner of Police, Bangalore Traffic PolicePrakash Shah, Head – Technical Support, Honored by Aashad.R.Shariff K.M.A.S,Elematic India Pvt. Ltd. Commissioner, Tumakuru City CorporationRohan Desai, Director, Honored by Sheetal N Singh, Co-ordinator,Enviro Analysts & Engineers Pvt Ltd City Managers' Association of KarnatakaPatricia Barandun, Deputy Representative, Sheetal N Singh, Co-ordinator, CMAK,UN Women Honored by Anuradha Naren, Director, Nispana 17

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Panel DiscussionBuilding smart and responsible citizens 18

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Panel DiscussionCan digitalization of cities, boost its performance? 19

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Panel DiscussionEngendering urban planning and urban spaces 20

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Panel DiscussionDiscussing the smart cities guidelines 21

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Photo GalleryGopal Devanahalli, Chief Operating Officer, Susmita Nag, Marketing Head, FenestaManipal Health Enterprises honored by Dr. A. Ravindra, IAS (Retd)honored by Dr. A. Ravindra, IAS (Retd)Dr. A. Ravindra, IAS (Retd), Rama NS, CEO, Electronics Cityhonored by Narendra Kumar Industrial Township Authority honored by Dr. A. Ravindra, IAS (Retd)Anjlee Agarwal, Executive Director, Anju Pandey, Program Specialist, UNSamarthyam, honored by Anuradha Naren Women, honored by Anuradha NarenSuneeta Dhar, Director, Jagori Dr. Chandrashekar Hariharan, Chairman,honored by Anuradha Naren Zed Group, honored by N Ramesh, Chairman, Shivamogga Urban Development AuthorityAnup Naik, Director – Architecture, Space Dr. Sujit Kumar honored by N Ramesh,Matrix, honored by N Ramesh, Chairman, Chairman, Shivamogga Urban DevelopmentShivamogga Urban Development Authority Authority 22

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Photo GalleryOfficial launch of Sustainable Water & Sanitation Smart Citizens & Nispana Family Smart Citizens & Nispana Family 23

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Media Pre-Conference Press Meet Venue: Press Club of Bengaluru Date: 28-08-2015 Number of18media covered Complete coverage of the press meet on 11experts attended the press meet 24

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Media 22 Media Partners Print ads7 16Press releases 25

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benagaluru Attendee listAjmera Realty CSIR-Central Road Research InstituteAmsterdam Smart City Cushman & Wakefield Andra Pradesh housing board Davanagere City CorporationArtha Properties Desai project consultant Pvt LtdAscendas Design ZoneAssets builders Dhammanagi DevelopersBangalore Development Authority (BDA) Directorate of Municipal Administration, KarnatakaBangalore International Airport Directorate of Municipal Corporation ChennaiBangalore Traffic Police DLFBangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board (BWSSB) DSP Design AssociatesBDP – India Electronics City Industrial Township AuthorityBelagavi City Corporation Embassy Property Developments Pvt ltdBelgavi Municipal Corporation Entox BiogeneBellary Municipal Corporation Foundation for Futuristic CitiesBhadravathi Municipal Corporation Fountain Head ArchitectsBhatkal Municipal Council Gadag - Betageri Municipal CorporationBijapur Municipal Corporation GIFT CityBrigade Group Gokak Municipal CorporationCenter for SMART Cities Golden Gate Ventures Pvt. Ltd.Centre for Internet and Society GOVT. OF KARNATAKACentury Real estates Haliyal municipal councilChitradurga Municipal Council Harihara city Municipal CouncilCity Managers’ Association of Karnataka Hassan City Municipal CouncilCoimbatore Municipal Corporation Hosakote City Municipal CouncilCollege of Architecture Hubballi - Dharwad Municipal CorporationCon-Tech CCRC Pvt Ltd Hubli-Dharwad Urban Development AuthorityCornerstone Properties Pvt Ltd Indian Institute Of ManagementAssociation of Consulting Civil Engineers Karnataka Urban Water Supply andMangalore Centre Drainage Board (KUWS&DB) 26

Sustainable Smart Cities India 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Bengaluru Attendee listIndian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) Phoenix Group (Palladium Constructions)Indian Navy Pondicherry Town & Country Planning AuthorityITC Limited Provident Housing LimitedJagori Ramanagara City Municipal CouncilJPA Tulja Architects Renaissance Holdings & DevelopersK Raheja Corp Robertsonpet Municipal CorporationKamlesh Mistry Architects Salem Municipal CorporationKaran Grover & Associates SamarthyamKarnataka Rural Infrastucture Development Ltd Samruddhi RealtyKrishnae Infrastructure Shivamogga city corporationLEAD Consultancy & Engineering Services Pvt Ltd Shivamogga Urban Development AuthorityMandya Urban Development Shridi Sai Developer Pvt. Ltd.Mangalore Municipal Corporation Smart Cities India FoundationMangalore Urban Development Authority Space Matrix Architects and PlannersManipal Health Enterprises Sushant School of Art & ArchitectureManipal University Tandon Urban Solutions Private LimitedMumbai International Airport Tel Aviv-Yafo MunicipalityMunicipal Reforms Cell Town and Country Planning Govt KarnatakaMy Liveable City TP Virajpet Municipal CouncilMysore City Corporation Transcon DevelopersNational Highways Authority of India Transport Department Government of KarnatakaNavi Mumbai Muncipal Corporation Trichy Municipal CorporationNaya Raipur Development Authority Tumakuru City CorporationNewarch Design Consultants Pvt. Ltd. UN WomenOulgaret Municipality, Puducherry Urban Development BelgaumOzone Group Viraj ProjectsP & S Consultants Zed Group and The FactorFour FoundationCity & Industrial Development Corporation of Federation of Karnataka Chambers of CommerceMaharashtra Ltd. (CIDCO) and Industry (FKCCI)LEAD Consultancy & Engineering Services Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) 27

SuSsutasitnaainbaleblSemSamrat rCt iCtieitsieIsndIniadia 33&&44SSeepptetemmbbeer r22001155, ,VVivivaanntatabbyyTTaaj,j,BBeennaaggaalulururu, India Testimonials\" I have attended two days summit on Sustainable Smart Cities India 2015 organisedby niSpana . The summit was very useful especially for tier two cities like Tumakuru.We have gathered useful information from the speakers. Hope to get more such kind ofsummits from niSpana in the coming days. I thank you and niSpana for having organ-ized such a useful summit\".Dr. Rafeeq Ahmed. S, Member of Legislative Assembly, Government of Karnataka“I am associated with Nispana “The list of speakers for the Nispana'sevents for past several years. Sustainable Smart cities program wasNispana always taking very very impressive. They were passionatechallenging and innovative subject and wanted Indian citizens to have betterfor discussions with great delivery to quality of life in cities. Topics chosen wereaddress country future needs. You also very relevant to Indian requirement.have done a great job once again Such seminars are required to have a betterin this direction in brining all critical understanding of Smart cities and make thestakeholders under one stage right choices within budget.”and created a great platform for Mrs. Rama,collaboration, debate and develop CEO, Electronic City Township Authorityroad map for future direction.This is possible only by Nispana “Loads of congratulations for a successful event!with great team of professionals It went off seamlessly. The participation wasworking in this organisation. I wish impressive both in terms of numbers and an eclecticNispana for many more success in mix of practitioners. The agenda was well balanced.he coming year as our country need I am sure the panel discussions and individualcontributions from everyone for expert presentations brought a huge learning tobetter India tomorrow” those present.” Ms. Anju Pandey,Mr. M Selvarasu, Program Specialist, UN WomenDirector,LEAD Consultancy & EngineeringServices (India) Pvt Ltd“It was a very delightful journey of 2 days in the conference.I appreciate the support that you’ve (Nispana) given to ourentire team in meeting prospective clients in the conference.”Ms. Kavita Malluvajhula,Business Development, Geokno India Private Limited 21288

SuSsutasitnaainbaleblSemSamrat rCt iCtieitsieIsndIniadia 3 & 4 September 2015, Vivanta by Taj, Benaggaalulururu, India TestimonialsMerit: It was excellent conference I ever attended,extra ordinary speeches/speakers, Topics wereoutstanding.Demerit: There was very less time for questionnaire/interactions.Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, DGM,Engineering, K Raheja“I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Centre for “Thanks very much for this opportunity.Internet and Society, Bangalore to thank your Organisation for It was extremely essential to have aorganising such an insightful event. It was very enlightening session on Gender equality and manyto listen to the experts at the event and draw from their congratulations for getting a wonderfulexperience and views. I thank Nispana for being very co- speakers and audience at the summit.operative and initiating an event in this direction. I look forward Look forward to more such collabrativeto attending more events.” forums for awareness raising andMs. Vanya Rakesh, Programme Officer capacity building of city officials andCentre for Internet and Society planners.” Ms. Anjlee Agarwal, Executive Director, “Thank you for visioning this Access Consultant, Samarthyam space(Gender Equality) at your forum. I think it also gave us an “I enjoyed participating in the Panel enormous opportunity to listen to new Discussion in the Smart Cities ideas and people and to ideate on a Conference. Any Smart City blueprint world of tomorrow. Congratulations would be incomplete without thinking for an excellent and an engaging about how Healthcare can be made conference.” affordable and accessible to all the Citizens. I thank the conference Ms. Suneeta Dhar, Director, Jagori organizers to invite me to this panel discussion to share my thoughts.” “Nispana has come a long way in the short span since inception. The quality Mr. Gopal Devanahalli of speakers and participants is top- Chief Operating Officer flight. Speaks eloquently for the ded- Manipal Health Enterprises Private ication of the entire team. In 20 years Limited of 'seminar-ing' I have not seen a more captive audience, rapt, engaging and participative.” Dr. Chandrashekar Hariharan, Chairman, Zed Group and The FactorFour Foundation 21299

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