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Home Explore Nature Guide_ Snakes and Other Reptiles and Amphibians_clone

Nature Guide_ Snakes and Other Reptiles and Amphibians_clone

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-02-24 06:25:52

Description: Nature Guide_ Snakes and Other Reptiles and


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index 349 Scaphiophryne gottlebei 312 South American pipe snake 250 Telmatobiidae 291 Scaphiophryne marmorata 312 Southern alligator lizard 189 Telmatobius culeus 291 Scaphiopodidae 265 Southern grey tree frog 274 temple viper of Penang 115 Scaphiopus couchii 265 Southern hognose snake 88 tentacled snake 77 Sceloporus malachiticus 152 Southern marbled newt 242 Teratoscincus scincus 170 Sceloporus occidentalis 152 Southern Pacific rattlesnake 111 Terrapene carolina 213 scheltopusik 188 Southern water snake 83 Terrapene carolina bauri 213 Schreiber’s green lizard 176 spadefoot toad 263 terrapin 200 Scincidae 125,181–85 Testudinae 222 Scincus scincus 182 common 263 Testudines 9, 200 scrub python 31 Couch’s 265 Testudinidae 215–21 scutes 8, 202, 216 Western 263, 265 Testudo graeca 222 sea turtle 17 Spalerosophis diadema 74 Testudo hermanni 222 secret toadhead agama 125 Spea hammondii 265 Testudo horsfieldii 222 sedge frog 318 speckled worm lizard 197 Texas horned lizard 151 setae 154 spectacled caiman 225 Thamnophis atratus 85 sharp-ribbed newt 241 Sphaerodactylidae 170 Thamnophis atratus atratus 85 sharp-snouted rock lizard 178 Sphenodon guntheri 223, 231 Thamnophis elegans 86 shingleback 184 Sphenodon punctatus 223, 231 Thamnophis elegans terrestris 86 Shinisauridae 196 Sphenodontidae 231 Thamnophis sirtalis 84–85 Shinisaurus crocodilurus 196 spiny devil 15 Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus 84 short-tailed python 35 spiny lizard 152 Theloderma asperum 333 Siamese crocodile 230 spiny reed frog 316 Theloderma corticale 333 side-necked turtle 202 spiny-tailed gecko 166 thick-tailed gecko 164 sidewinder 109 spiny-tailed lizard thorny devil 132 Sinaloan milksnake 66 Geyr’s 135 tiger salamander 234, 236, 238 Siphonopidae 240 North African 135 Tiliqua gigas 183 Siphonops annulatus 250 ocellated 135 Tiliqua rugosa 184 Sistrurus catenatus 113 splendid leaf frog 284 Tiliqua rugosa konowi 184 skink spotted puddle frog 326 Tiliqua scincoides 183 spotted python 27 Timon lepidus 176 Eastern blue-tongued 183 spotted running frog 320 toad 252, 253 emerald tree 14, 181 spotted salamander 236 fire 181 spur-thighed tortoise 222 anatomy 252 New Guinea blue-tongued 183 Squamata 9, 124–25 families 253 red-eyed crocodile 185 square-marked toad 293 feet 253 sandfish 182 Standing’s day gecko 160 fertilization 252 striped legless 180 Sternotherus odoratus 209 habitat 253 sleepy lizard 184 sticky frog limbs 253 slender glass lizard 188 Kinabalu 310 tubercle 253 slender salamander 247 rufous-sided 310 tokay gecko 154–55 slender treefrog 275 Stigmochelys pardalis 221 tomato frog 309 slimy salamander 248 stinkpot 209 Sabava 309 slow worm 187 strawberry poison dart frog 306–07 tortoise 200 small-scaled snake 101 striped legless skink 180 African spurred 221 smoky jungle frog 287 Strophurus spinigerus 166 Aldabra giant 216–17 smooth green snake 68 Strophurus taenicauda 166 desert 219 smooth newt 240 stubfoot toad 295 Galapagos 13, 148, 216, 218 smooth snake 54 stumpy tail lizard 184 habitat 200 snake sunbeam snake Hermann’s 222 anatomy 22 Asian 26 hidden-necked 200 family 23 neotropical 26 Horsfield’s 222 fang 22 Surinam toad 256 Indian starred 215 movement 23 swamp rattlesnake 113 leopard 221 shedding 22 pancake 220 venom 22 T radiated 215 snake-necked turtle 201 shell 200 snake temple 115 tailed frog 254 side-necked 200 snapper 207 taipan spur-thighed 222 snapping turtle 207 Trachemys scripta 214 soft-shell turtle 208 coastal 101 Trachemys scripta elegans 214 soft spiny-tailed gecko 166 inland 101 Trachemys scripta tetrataenia 84 Solomon Island horned frog 322 Takydromus sexlineatus 177 Trachycephalus resinifictrix 280 Sonoran coral snake 92 taliang knobby newt 243 Trans-Pecos ratsnake 51 Sonoran mountain kingsnake 65 tegu 175 Trapelus mutabilis 127 South American bullfrog 287 Argentine black and white 175 treefrog 253, 278, 315 South American bushmaster 112 red 175 Cope’s grey 274 South American coral snake 92 Teiidae 174–75 file-eared 330

350 index harlequin 332 Typhlonectes natans 251 web-footed gecko 158 Jade 332 Typhlonectidae 234 West African dwarf crocodile 223 Northern grey 274 Typhlopidae 24 West African green mamba 91 Southern grey 274 Typhlops vermicularis 24 West Cameroon forest tree frog 315 West Cameroon forest 315 Western banded gecko 167 Australian green 276 U, V Western banjo frog 267 barking 273 Western bell frog 275 Cuban 277 Uma notata 152 Western diamondback rattlesnake duck-billed 281 Underwoodisaurus milii 164 European 272 Uromastyx acanthinura 135 15, 106–07 green 273 Uromastyx geyri 135 Western fence lizard 152 Mediterranean 272 Uromastyx ocellata 135 Western rat snake 71 mission golden-eyed 280 Uroplatus fimbriatus 163 Western spadefoot toad 263, 265 slender 275 Uroplatus phantasticus 163 Western terrestrial garter snake 86 white-lipped 276 Varagua caecilian 234 West Iberian painted frog 260 White’s 276 Varanidae 125, 192–95 whipsnake Yucatecan shovel-headed 281 Varanus acanthurus 192 treehole frog 311 Varanus albigularis 194 Balkan 62 tree snake 56 Varanus gouldii 192 green 62 triangle frog 322 Varanus gouldii flavirufus 192 large 62 Tribolonotus gracilis 185 Varanus komodoensis 193 long-nosed 50 Trimeresurus albolabris 114 Varanus niloticus 194 whiptail lizard 174 Trimeresurus popeiorum 114 Varanus prasinus 195 white-lined leaf frog 284 Trioceros jacksonii 144 Varanus salvator 193 white-lipped pit viper 114 Trionychidae 208 variegated gecko 170 white-lipped python 30 Triprion petasatus 281 veiled chameleon 139 white-lipped treefrog 276 Triturus cristatus 242 viper white-spotted reed frog 317 Triturus pygmaeus 242 White’s treefrog 276 Trogonophis wiegmanni 125 asp 122 white-throated monitor 194 Tropidophiidae 25 common lancehead 104 woma 28 Tropidolaemus wagleri 115 desert horned 15, 118 wonder gecko 170 Tropidophis melanurus 25 gaboon 117 wood turtle 211 Truando toad 253 nose-horned 121 worm lizard 125 tuatara 223, 231 Orsini’s 23, 123 European 198 Tupinambis 175 Russell’s 119 five-toed 199 Tupinambis rufescens 175 saw-scaled 15, 55, 118, 120 speckled 197 Turkish gecko 153 Vipera ammodytes 121 Zarudny’s 198 turquoise dwarf gecko 157 Vipera aspis 122 turtle 200 Vipera berus 123 X, Y, Z alligator snapping 207 Vipera ursinii 123 Blanding’s 210 Viperidae 23, 102–23 Xantusiidae 186 box 213 Viperinae 23 Xenopeltis unicolor 26 Chinese soft-shelled 208 viperine snake 82 Xenopus fraseri 257 common musk 209 viviparous 125 Xenopus laevis 257 common snake-necked 201 viviparous lizard 179 Xenosauridae 190 common snapping 207 Xenosaurus grandis 190 Eastern mud 209 W yellow anaconda 44 European pond 210 yellow and black poison dart frog green 19, 204–05 Wagler’s pit viper 115 habitat 200 Wallace, Alfred Russell 331 302 hawksbill 13 Wallace’s flying frog 331 yellow-bellied sea snake 99 hidden-necked 200 wall lizard 177 yellow-bellied slider 200, 214 leatherback 13, 206 warty chameleon 138 yellow-bellied toad 261 marine 200 warty newt 242 yellow-lipped sea krait 100 Mississippi map 212 waterdog 246 yellow ratsnake 71 Northern map 212 water dragon yellow-spotted night lizard 186 painted 214 Yucatecan shovel-headed treefrog red-eared 214 Asian 133 sea 17 Australian 8 281 shell 200 Eastern 131 Yunnan firebelly toad 262 side-necked 200, 202 water frog 253 Zamenis longissimus 76 snake-necked 201 edible 336 Zamenis situla 75 snapping 207 water snake 77 Zamenis lineatus 76 wood 211 banded 83 Zarudny’s worm lizard 198 turtle frog 268 puff-faced 78 Zootoca vivipara 179 Tylototriton kweichowensis 243 Southern 83 Tylototriton verrucosus 243 waxy monkey leaf frog 285

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