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Home Explore A DOG ON A LOG_clone

A DOG ON A LOG_clone

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-03-17 06:32:29

Description: A DOG ON A LOG


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By T. Albert Illustrated by:

A Dog On A Log is just a fun story for the young reader. It may impart sense of rhyme and rhythm but is intended to evoke a smile. Published by Monkey Pen Ltd

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On a beach by a tree, sat my family and me.

Then shouted a hog, \"There's a Dog On A Log!!\"

A Dog On A Log? Well, how can that be?

He must be saving that big, frightening flea.

Now why would a dog be saving a flea?

Especially in the water on the branch of a tree.

I couldn't believe what I saw happen next.

Even that Dog On A Log was perplexed.

The flea pulled on a rope and up came a boat.

I'll bet you can't guess what happened next.

A flea family ran from the dog's little toe.

They got into the boat and began to row.

Once on the shore, they ran through the sand.

Over a cookie in my left hand.

Right to the hog, that's where they went.

They found a new home with an unpleasant scent.

As for the Dog, he's still riding that log.

As for me-Ouch-I think I have a flea.

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A Dog On A Log is just a fun story for the young reader. It may impart a sense of rhyme and rhythm but is intended to evoke a smile. Please share our books with your friends and family to support our mission. Thank you Illustrated by Published by

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