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Home Explore Home Emergency Guide - Dorling Kindersley DK

Home Emergency Guide - Dorling Kindersley DK

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-03-27 05:55:51

Description: Home Emergency Guide - Dorling Kindersley DK


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150 FAMILY ILLNESS Erectile dysfunction Occasional incidences of erectile dysfunction, or ! Nonmedical advice failure to have or maintain an erection, are not that Treatment from a uncommon. Difficulties are usually caused by factors nonmedical source could such as stress, fatigue, anxiety, or alcohol. Physical result in the incorrect causes are not common. If erectile dysfunction diagnosis being made occurs frequently, consult your doctor for advice. or the wrong treatment Safe and effective treatments are available. given. It is important that you consult a doctor, who START Are you How often do can rule out any medical interested you fail to cause of your erection achieve or problems, before having in sex? maintain an any form of treatment. erection? Yes ACTION Only No occasionally MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Frequently Certain illnesses, such ACTION ACTION as diabetes, can lead to erectile problems. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Some drugs, including TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR those prescribed for if you are concerned high blood pressure Lack of interest in about any problems and antidepressants, sex is likely to reduce with your sexual can also have an effect your ability to achieve performance. Most on sexual performance. an erection. men have occasional erection problems, Are you currently most likely due to receiving anxiety – for example at the beginning of a treatment for new sexual relationship an illness? – or due to factors such as fatigue or drinking Treatment too much alcohol. No treatment ACTION Do you wake up with an ACTION MAKE AN APPOINTMENT erection? MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Sometimes TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Anxiety about your Never if you cannot identify sexual performance a possible cause for is the most likely your erection problem explanation for your from this chart. problem. A physical cause is unlikely.

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION• TESTES AND SCROTUM PROBLEMS 151 Testes/scrotum problems Check regularly for lumps or swellings in the testes, ACTION the sperm-producing organs, and the scrotum, the sac containing the testes (see Testes: self-examination, !DIAL 911 OR CALL EMS p.69). The cause may be minor, but there is a You may have possibility of cancer of the testis, which is easily torsion, or twisting, treated if diagnosed early. Painful swelling in the of the testis, especially genital area requires immediate medical attention. if the pain is severe, which can result in What is the Does the problem permanent damage if affect one or not treated promptly. START nature of your both testes? A less serious possible cause is inflammation symptoms? One of the epididymis (sperm-carrying tube), Pain and Both especially if you also swelling have a fever. ACTION Painless ACTION enlargement in MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR CALL YOUR DOCTOR NOW or near testis You may have one of Internal damage to the Generalized the following disorders testes is a possibility. painless of the scrotum: an accumulation of fluid, Have you had swelling of a hernia, or varicose an injury in the the scrotum veins. However, the slight possibility of genital area None of cancer of the testis within the past the above needs to be ruled out. 48 hours? Injury No injury ACTION ACTION ACTION MAKE AN APPOINTMENT MAKE AN APPOINTMENT SEE YOUR DOCTOR TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS if you cannot identify You probably have a a possible cause for You may have an cyst in the epididymis your testes or scrotum infection of the testes (sperm-carrying tube in problem from this chart. or epididymides the scrotum). However, (sperm-carrying tubes). the slight possibility The cause could be a of cancer of the testis viral infection, such as needs to be ruled out. mumps, or a sexually transmitted disease.

152 FAMILY ILLNESS Blood in the semen Penis problems Blood-streaked semen is usually caused by leakage If you have erectile dysfunction, see p.150 from small blood vessels in Pain or soreness of the penis that is not related to the testes or epididymis. A injury is often due to infection in the urinary tract single episode is unlikely to or skin of the penis. Inflammation may be caused be a cause for concern, but, by friction during sexual intercourse. You should if it recurs, you should consult your doctor if there is any change in the consult your doctor. It is also appearance of the skin of the penis. important to consult your doctor if you notice a blood- START What is the When does the stained discharge that is not problem? pain occur? related to ejaculation or if you notice blood in your urine. Painful or Only with sore penis an erection ACTION Only when Discharge urinating GO TO ANOTHER CHART from penis At other times Painful urination, p.138 Foreskin problem ACTION How is the foreskin Change in !DIAL 911 OR CALL EMS affected? appearance of Inability to replace a retracted foreskin After retraction, erect penis (paraphimosis) can cannot be replaced restrict the blood flow. None of After childhood, the above • While waiting, place cannot be fully an ice pack against the retracted affected area. Balloons when ACTION ACTION urinating SEE YOUR DOCTOR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT None of WITHIN 24 HOURS TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR the above or go to a clinic for You may have ACTION sexually transmitted Peyronie’s disease, diseases. You may which causes curvature MAKE AN APPOINTMENT have an STD infection of the erect penis. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR such as gonorrhea. An abnormally tight foreskin may cause these problems.

Has the painful ACTION PENIS PROBLEMS 153 erection now MAKE AN APPOINTMENT ACTION subsided? TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR CALL YOUR DOCTOR NOW Subsided An abnormally tight foreskin may cause You may have an Still present this problem. obstruction to the flow of blood leaving the Has your penis ACTION penis, which causes become prolonged painful MAKE AN APPOINTMENT erections and can inflamed? TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR damage the penis. Only tip You may have balan- ACTION inflamed titis, which causes the head of the head of the MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Whole penis penis to become itchy, TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR inflamed sore and inflamed. You may have an Neither Do you have any allergic reaction to the of the following latex in condoms or to ACTION a contraceptive cream. on the skin of MAKE AN APPOINTMENT your penis? • Keep the skin moist TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Ulcers with an emollient cream or go to a clinic for such as petroleum jelly. sexually transmitted Sore areas diseases. This may be • Use a mild soap. a chancre caused by Blisters • Topical corticosteroid syphilis, or it could be cancer of the penis. None of creams may help to the above reduce inflammation. Have you noticed either of ACTION ACTION the following on MAKE AN APPOINTMENT MAKE AN APPOINTMENT your penis? TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Flat, painless or go to a clinic for or go to a clinic for sore sexually transmitted sexually transmitted diseases. You may diseases. Any of these Small, fleshy have genital warts. skin symptoms may be lumps the result of an STD, such as genital herpes. Neither ACTION MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR if you cannot identify a possible cause for your problem from this chart.

154 FAMILY ILLNESS What is the nature of your Breast problems symptoms? It is important to familiarize yourself with the normal look and feel of your breasts so that you Small, hard are able to detect any changes in them (see Breasts: lump in breast self-examination, p.69). Most breast problems are not serious, but consult your doctor if you notice any Swollen, hard, and changes. Minor conditions clearly related to breast- tender breasts feeding usually respond well to simple treatments. Redness of part or Are you Where is the all of one breast problem? START breastfeeding None of In the breast the above a baby? On the nipple ACTION Breastfeeding MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Not TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR breastfeeding if you cannot identify ACTION What is the a possible cause for nature of your your breast problem MAKE AN APPOINTMENT breast problem? from this chart. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Single lump in How is These symptoms may the breast your nipple be caused by minor problems that are easily A nipple has affected? treatable or that need changed in no treatment. However, appearance Tender only such changes must be when feeding investigated promptly Discharge from to rule out the chance the nipple Tender and of breast cancer. painful all Breasts feel the time ACTION tender ACTION MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Breasts feel TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR lumpy and hard MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Discharge from the None of nipple may be caused the above if you cannot identify by a local infection or a possible cause for a hormonal problem. your breast problem However, the possibility from this chart. of breast cancer needs to be ruled out.

ACTION ACTION BREAST PROBLEMS 155 MAKE AN APPOINTMENT SEE YOUR DOCTOR ACTION TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS TRY SELF-HELP MEASURES if the lump has not You may have mastitis disappeared within a (a breast infection Overfull breasts are week or if the breast causing inflammation) common, especially becomes painful or red. or even a breast abscess, when you first start The lump may be particularly if you are breastfeeding and your caused by a blocked also not feeling well. milk supply has not milk duct. yet adjusted to your • Continue to baby’s needs. ACTION breastfeed from both • Continue to TRY SELF-HELP MEASURES of your breasts. breastfeed your baby This problem may be a Does either of at regular intervals. result of your baby not the following latching on to your • Take an analgesic nipple properly. apply? such as acetaminophen. • Make sure that your You are due to menstruate • Place a heating pad baby takes the nipple and the surrounding within 10 days or covered hot-water area into his or her bottle on the affected mouth properly. You might breast(s). be pregnant CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Neither or breastfeeding or breastfeeding adviser if you are still ACTION adviser if you are having problems when concerned. you use the correct MAKE AN APPOINTMENT feeding technique. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR ACTION ACTION if you cannot identify MAKE AN APPOINTMENT a possible cause for TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR TRY SELF-HELP MEASURES your breast problem from this chart. if you are concerned. Your symptoms may The problem may be due to cracked simply be the result nipples, usually caused of hormonal changes by your baby not associated with the latching on properly. menstrual cycle that can lead to premenstrual •Keep your nipples breast tenderness. dry between feedings ACTION and use moisturizing cream. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Breast tenderness is or breastfeeding common during adviser if the problem pregnancy. If you are persists or makes not sure whether you breastfeeding difficult. are pregnant, perform a home pregnancy test.

156 FAMILY ILLNESS Menstrual period pain Many women experience mild cramping pain in the ACTION lower abdomen during menstruation. This pain is considered normal unless it interferes with everyday MAKE AN APPOINTMENT activities; it can usually be relieved by an analgesic. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR If you regularly have severe pain or if your periods become unusually painful, consult your doctor to An increase in rule out the possibility of infection or disorder. menstrual pain is a side effect of some IUDs. START Are your ACTION menstrual Do you have periods more TRY SELF-HELP MEASURES an intrauterine painful than contraceptive Some pain experienced device (IUD)? usual? during your menstrual period is quite normal. IUD No worse than usual • Take an analgesic No IUD Worse such as ibuprofen. Have your than usual menstrual periods MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Have you had an TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR become heavier unusual vaginal or longer? if pain interferes with discharge normal activities. Heavier between periods? Have you had Longer No discharge any of the following? Neither Discharge Lower abdominal ACTION ACTION pain between MAKE AN APPOINTMENT SEE YOUR DOCTOR menstrual periods TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS Lower back pain You may have fibroids You could have pelvic between periods (noncancerous tumors inflammatory disease, in the uterus) or which causes infection Fever endometriosis. This is in the reproductive a condition in which organs. None of the tissue that usually the above lines the uterus becomes attached to ACTION other organs in the abdomen and bleeds MAKE AN APPOINTMENT during menstruation. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR if you cannot identify a possible cause for your menstrual pain from this chart.

MENSTRUAL PERIOD PAIN• HEAVY MENSTRUAL PERIODS 157 Heavy menstrual periods If you bleed between periods, see p.158 ACTION Some women lose more blood than others during their menstrual periods. If normal sanitary protection MAKE AN APPOINTMENT is not sufficient, if bleeding lasts longer than 5 days, TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR or if you notice that you are passing blood clots, the bleeding is probably excessive. If you are concerned Some IUDs can cause about heavy menstrual periods, consult your doctor. menstrual periods to be heavier than normal. START Are your Do you have menstrual an intrauterine ACTION periods heavier contraceptive or longer than device (IUD)? MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR usual? IUD Heavy, painful periods About the same No IUD may be an indication that you have fibroids Heavier Have you had a (noncancerous tumors or longer single heavy in the uterus) or endometriosis, which ACTION menstrual period causes the tissue that that was later usually lines the uterus MAKE AN APPOINTMENT than usual? to become attached to other organs in the TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Yes abdomen and bleed during menstruation. Some women regularly No have heavy menstrual Are your periods, sometimes ACTION menstrual accompanied by pain periods more in the lower abdomen. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT painful than However, the loss of TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR significant quantities usual? of iron through heavy if you are concerned bleeding could make about the cause of More painful you susceptible to iron- your late period. Late deficiency anemia. periods may be heavier The same or than usual. However, if less painful you are sexually active there is a possibility ACTION that you have had an early miscarriage. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR if you cannot identify a possible cause for your heavy menstrual periods from this chart.

158 FAMILY ILLNESS Abnormal vaginal bleeding Vaginal bleeding is considered abnormal if it occurs ! Bleeding in outside the normal menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, pregnancy or after menopause. Although there is often a simple If you have any vaginal explanation, you should always see your doctor if bleeding during pregnancy, you have any abnormal vaginal bleeding. If you you should contact your are pregnant and you notice bleeding, you should doctor immediately. If the consult your doctor immediately. bleeding is heavy, dial 911 or call EMS. Although some START Are you ACTION causes of bleeding are not pregnant? serious, it is important to rule CALL YOUR DOCTOR out miscarriage or problems More than 14 such as a low-lying placenta weeks pregnant IMMEDIATELY or partial separation of the placenta from the wall of Less than 14 Bleeding at this stage the uterus. weeks pregnant of pregnancy could be due to a problem with Is the bleeding Not pregnant the placenta (see box similar to above right). that of a • Rest in bed until you normal period? receive medical advice. Do you have ACTION Like a period unusual pain in the lower CALL YOUR DOCTOR Different IMMEDIATELY back or How long abdomen? You may be having a has it been miscarriage or you since your last Lower could have an ectopic menstrual back pain pregnancy. period? Abdominal pain • Rest in bed until you Less than 6 months Neither receive medical advice. More than 6 months ACTION CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY Bleeding at this stage of pregnancy could be the first sign of a threatened miscarriage. • Rest in bed until you receive medical advice.

ABNORMAL VAGINAL BLEEDING 159 Does either of ACTION ! Hormonal the following contraceptives MAKE AN APPOINTMENT In the first few menstrual apply? TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR cycles after starting hormonal contraception You have only if you are concerned. or changing to a different recently started Irregular periods are type of oral contraception, having periods fairly common in the spotting is fairly common. first year or so of If abnormal bleeding You are over 40 menstruation. persists or develops when you have had no previous Neither ACTION problems, you should consult your doctor. He or ACTION MAKE AN APPOINTMENT she may examine you and TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR change the dosage or type MAKE AN APPOINTMENT of hormonal contraceptive. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR if you are concerned or if your pattern does ACTION if you are concerned. not return to normal Your menstrual periods within three menstrual MAKE AN APPOINTMENT may become irregular cycles. Having an TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR as you approach occasional irregular menopause. period is unlikely to You may have a indicate a serious cervical abnormality, Have you problem if the period such as cervical had sex in the was normal in all erosion (which causes past 3 months? other respects. fragile tissue that has a tendency to bleed to Had sex Have you noticed form on the surface of bleeding within the cervix), the Not had sex development of a few hours precancerous cells, or ACTION of having sex? cancer of the cervix. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Bleeding after TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR having sex Bleeding after Bleeding menopause may be unrelated to due to a minor problem having sex affecting the vagina or cervix, such as cervical ACTION ACTION erosion (in which the cervix becomes covered MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CALL YOUR DOCTOR NOW with delicate tissue, TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR which has a tendency Bleeding, especially if to bleed). However, the if you cannot identify accompanied by pain possibility of cancer a possible cause for in the lower abdomen, of the uterus needs your abnormal bleeding may be the first sign of to be ruled out. from this chart. an ectopic pregnancy or of an impending miscarriage, even if you were not aware of being pregnant.

160 FAMILY ILLNESS Vaginal discharge If the discharge contains blood, see p.158 ACTION A thin, clear or whitish discharge from the vagina is normal. This discharge will vary in consistency CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR and quantity with the stage of the menstrual cycle, during sexual arousal, and during pregnancy. An if you are concerned abnormal discharge is usually caused by infection or if you develop and should be investigated by your doctor. genital irritation. These forms of contraception What are the ACTION sometimes cause an increase in normal START characteristics of TRY SELF-HELP MEASURES vaginal secretions. your discharge? You may have thrush, Do any of the particularly if you also following Thick and white have genital irritation. apply? Normal • If you have had these You are taking appearance but oral contraceptives heavier than usual symptoms before, try an over-the-counter You have Greenish yellow product recommended an IUD by a pharmacist. None of You are the above CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR pregnant ACTION if this is the first time None of you have had these the above MAKE AN APPOINTMENT symptoms. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR ACTION Do you have if you cannot identify either of the MAKE AN APPOINTMENT a possible cause for following? TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR your discharge from this chart. Fever if you are concerned or if you develop genital ACTION Lower irritation. Increased abdominal pain vaginal secretion is MAKE AN APPOINTMENT normal in pregnancy. TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR Neither ACTION or go to a clinic that ACTION specializes in sexually MAKE AN APPOINTMENT transmitted diseases. SEE YOUR DOCTOR TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR You may have a WITHIN 24 HOURS vaginal infection such Cervical erosion, which as bacterial vaginosis. You could have pelvic causes fragile tissue to inflammatory disease form on the surface of (an infection of the the cervix, may be the reproductive organs). cause of your discharge.

VAGINAL DISCHARGE • GENITAL IRRITATION (WOMEN) 161 Genital irritation (women) Itching and/or soreness in the genital area are ACTION symptoms of genital irritation, which is often caused by chemicals in toiletries or detergents. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Avoid these products and the irritation should TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR clear up. Genital irritation may also be due to infection, but often there is no obvious cause. If You may have a skin the irritation is persistent, consult your doctor. condition, such as eczema, that affects the genital area. Have you Have you noticed Have you been any change in using a new START noticed an the appearance toiletry item or unusual vaginal of the skin in the new laundry discharge? genital area? detergent? Unusual Skin changes Yes discharge No skin changes No No unusual discharge Does either of ACTION the following ACTION TRY SELF-HELP MEASURES apply? GO TO ANOTHER CHART You may be sensitive Your periods to an ingredient in the Vaginal discharge are irregular or new product. (p.160) have stopped • Discontinue use of ACTION You are over 45 the new product. SEE YOUR DOCTOR Neither WITHIN 24 HOURS • Use only water to ACTION These symptoms may wash your genital area. be due to diabetes. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR Have you been urinating You may have pubic if the irritation has not lice or irritation caused cleared up in 3–4 days. more than by an infection or usual? allergic reaction. ACTION Urinating more MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE YOUR DOCTOR No increase A change in your hormone levels due to menopause may be the cause of irritation.

162 FAMILY ILLNESS Home medicine chest It is a good idea to keep a small supply of instruments and medicines at home for everyday aches and pains and first-aid emergencies. Many people now take complementary remedies as well as traditional medicines; recommendations for both are given here. All supplies should be kept in their original containers with the manufacturer’s instructions and stored in a locked cabinet out of children’s reach. CONVENTIONAL MEDICINES DIGITAL THERMOMETER PAIN RELIEF FOR ADULTS PAIN RELIEF FOR CHILDREN Use this type of thermometer Acetaminophen, aspirin, and Liquid acetaminophen or liquid for taking a temperature by ibuprofen give relief from ibuprofen provide relief from mouth or armpit pain and inflammation pain, fever, and inflammation AURAL THERMOMETER ANTACID MEDICATION 1% HYDROCORTISONE These are used in the ear and Liquid or tablet antacids can CREAM help relieve the symptoms of are ideal for young children Use this cream to soothe indigestion and heartburn itchy or inflamed skin ORAL SYRINGE A syringe or dropper is SUNSCREEN convenient for giving liquid Creams and oils protect medicines to young children skin from sun damage COLD REMEDIES COUGH REMEDIES ALLERGY MEDICATION Decongestants and lozenges can Use cough mixtures or Antihistamines help control lozenges to soothe dry relieve cold symptoms hay fever, allergic or chesty coughs conjunctivitis, and bites ORAL MOTION SICKNESS PILLS L A X AT I V E R E H Y D R AT I O N Taking these pills prior to Pills help relieve constipation DRINK travel can help prevent This fruit-flavoured motion sickness drink prevents dehydration

HOME MEDICINE CHEST 163 COMPLEMENTARY REMEDIES GARLIC ECHINACEA CHAMOMILE LAVENDER OIL Garlic is a herbal remedy Use this herb to protect This homeopathic remedy This aromatherapy oil that wards off infection against infection and to eases headaches and and maintains a healthy relieve the symptoms of soothes teething pains colds, coughs, and flu and treats stress, nausea, aids relaxation heart and circulation and vomiting ALLIUM ARNICA CREAM VA L E R I A N GRAPHITES NUX VOMICA This is a standard This homeopathic This herbal remedy This homeopathic This homeopathic remedy aids the aids relaxation and remedy is used to homeopathic healing of bruises remedy treats remedy for hay induces sleep relieve eczema indigestion and and sprains and dermatitis upset stomachs fever USING CONVENTIONAL MEDICINES • Never give your own prescribed • Do not stop taking a prescription medicines to another person, even medicine unless advised to do so if you think that his or her by your doctor. symptoms are similar to yours. • Never give a child more than the • Do not use any medicine that is past stated children’s dose of a medicine, its sell-by date or that shows signs of and do not give a child even a small deterioration. Dispose of out-of-date amount of a drug that is intended medicine by flushing it down the toilet only for adults, unless advised to or returning it to the pharmacist. do so by a doctor. • Complete the whole course of any • Tell your doctor if you have taken prescribed medication, even if your or are taking any homeopathic or symptoms have disappeared. herbal remedies. USING COMPLEMENTARY REMEDIES • Take homeopathic pilules no less • Take herbal remedies for short than 30 minutes before or after food, periods only, because the effects of and avoid drinking coffee and eating long-term use are not yet known. strongly flavored foods during a course of medication. • Avoid complementary medicines if • Ensure that only the person taking you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the homeopathic remedy touches it; • Some remedies may interact with otherwise, it may lose its potency. conventional medicines; consult your • Keep the remedies away from any doctor before taking them. other medications and strong smells. • If you have any doubts, consult a homeopath or herbalist for advice.

164 FAMILY ILLNESS Caring for a sick person When looking after a sick person at home, whether a child or an adult, your main concerns will be to ensure that he or she is comfortable and drinking plenty of fluids, that you provide the correct medication at the right time, and that any new or worsening symptoms are dealt with correctly. A sick child or baby can be more demanding, but loving, patient care is one of the best aids to recovery. BRINGING DOWN A FEVER 1 Check temperature 2Relieve fever • A fever is a body temperature that • Drink plenty of cool fluids. • Reduce temperature and relieve is above 100.4˚F (38˚C). See pp.68 and 70 for advice on the different discomfort with an over-the-counter ways of measuring a temperature. analgesic such as acetaminophen. • If you or your child develops a • Give babies over 3 months of age fever, look at the charts on pp.74 and children under 12 years liquid and 76 to check whether medical acetaminophen (not aspirin). help is required or whether the cause can be treated at home. • Cool young children by removing Remove most of their clothing, wiping Provide Wipe skin with clothing and them with a washcloth moistened cool tepid washcloth bedclothes with tepid water, and fanning them, fluids but do not let them get too cold. Use fan to keep room • Children under 5 years old cool are susceptible to febrile seizures (p.43) if they have a high fever and should be watched very closely. SOOTHING A SORE THROAT • Rest your voice by speaking as little • Suck throat lozenges containing a as possible. local anesthetic (these are suitable only for adults). • Drink plenty of fluids, especially • Gargle warm salt water (half a hot or very cold drinks. teaspoon of salt in a glass of water). • Eat ice cream and icicles; they help • Install a humidifier or place bowls ease a tickly throat. of water near radiators to keep the • Take analgesics, such as acetaminophen air moist. or ibuprofen, in the correct doses.

CARING FOR A SICK PERSON 165 RELIEVING ITCHINESS Soothe itchy skin • For itchiness caused by dry skin, by dabbing with calamine lotion moisturize the skin by applying emollients, such as aqueous cream and petroleum jelly, after washing and bathing. • To soothe severe itching caused by chicken pox, apply calamine lotion to the spots. • For severe itching, apply topical corticosteroids sparingly to the area. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions with corticosteroids. PREVENTING DEHYDRATION • If you have a fever or are suffering Give fruit- flavored from vomiting and diarrhea, drink rehydrating plenty of fluids every 1–2 hours, fluids to drink such as diluted orange juice, weak sweetened tea, or an over-the-counter rehydration solution, which contains essential minerals and glucose. • Do not give milk to adults, children, or bottle-fed babies if they are suffering from diarrhea or vomiting. • If a breastfed baby is affected, continue to breastfeed and offer the baby extra fluids. RELIEVING A BLOCKED NOSE • Fill a bowl or basin with hot water and lean over it with a towel pulled over your head. Breathe deeply. • Alternative methods are to rub a vapor ointment on the chest or to use decongestant capsules that are filled with menthol and other strong-smelling oils. ! Important • Do not give steam inhalation treatment to young children. • Older children should undergo steam inhalation treatment only if supervised.

166 FAMILY ILLNESS ADMINISTERING EYE OINTMENT To a child To yourself • Wash your hands thoroughly • Wash your hands thoroughly before before using the ointment. using the ointment. • Draw the child’s lower eyelid away • Draw your lower eyelid away from from the affected eye. the affected eye. • Squeeze a thin line of ointment • Squeeze a thin line of ointment along the inside of the lower eyelid. along the inside of the lower eyelid. • Ask the child to close the eye briefly. • Close your eye briefly. • Explain to the child that his or her • You may find that your vision is vision may be temporarily blurred. temporarily blurred. ADMINISTERING EYEDROPS To a child To yourself • Wash your hands thoroughly before • Wash your hands thoroughly before using the drops. using the drops. • Sit down and lay the child across • Tilt your head backward and your lap, holding his or her head draw the lower eyelid away from the steady. Ask another person to affected eye. help you if necessary. • Drop the eyedrops • Draw the lower eyelid away onto the inside from the affected eye and of your lower lid, drop the eyedrops on to being careful not the inside of the lower lid, to touch the eye taking care not to touch itself or the skin the eye or the skin around around it with it with the dropper. the dropper. • Ask the child to try not • Try not to blink to blink right away. right away. ADMINISTERING NOSEDROPS To a child To yourself • Lay the child on her back with her • Lie down on a bed with your head head tilted back. If she is a very tilted backward. young child, hold her arms. • Drop the nosedrops into • Hold her head still and drop the the nostril. nosedrops into the nostril. • Sniff up the drops, so that • Encourage her to sniff up they do not run out when the drops, so that they do you sit up. not run out when she sits up. • Lie still for a few minutes to allow the drops to settle.

CARING FOR A SICK PERSON 167 ADMINISTERING EARDROPS To a child To yourself • If the drops are being • If the drops are being kept in the kept in the refrigerator, refrigerator, allow them to warm allow them to warm to to room temperature before room temperature using them. before using them. • Lie down or tilt your • Lay the child on his head and squeeze the ear side. Hold his drops into the ear canal. head firmly as you squeeze the drops • Keep your head still into the ear canal. for a minute to allow • Keep his head still the eardrops to settle. for a minute Hold child’s to allow the head still eardrops to settle. GIVING ASTHMA MEDICATION TO CHILDREN 1 Reassure 3Deliver dose • Stay calm and reassure the child • Sit the child or baby on your lap, or baby because he may be place the mouthpiece in the child’s frightened by the mask. mouth or the mask over the baby’s • An asthma attack can be frightening face and depress the inhaler. not only for the child or baby but • Hold the spacer in place until the also for the adult caregiver. child or baby has taken five deep breaths, which should be 2Prepare spacer sufficient to inhale all • Check that the inhaler is of the medicine. working by shaking it and depressing it once. Hold mask • Place the inhaler in the hole over baby’s at one end of the spacer. face • Attach the mask (for a baby or young child) or mouthpiece (for an older child) to the other end of the spacer if it is not already in place. Depress Spacer inhaler

168 FAMILY ILLNESS GIVING LIQUID MEDICINES TO CHILDREN 1 Measure dose 3Place in mouth • Use a syringe or dropper to avoid • For a child, place the tip of spillage and to ensure that you the syringe or dropper well give the correct dose. inside the mouth and angle it toward a cheek. • If you are unsure how to use the • For a baby, syringe or dropper, ask your doctor or a pharmacist to show you how touch his to measure and give a dose of lips with the medicine to a baby or child. syringe or • Always measure out the dose dropper to encourage before you pick up the child him to open or baby; otherwise, you may not his mouth. be able to do the job. 2Reassure child 4 Deliver dose or baby • Slowly press the plunger or squeeze the dropper, allowing the child or • Hold the child or baby securely on baby time to swallow. Do not aim directly down the child or baby’s your lap to give reassurance and throat; this could cause choking. prevent possible struggling. • If the child or baby spits out the • Have a drink ready in case the taste medicine, wait until he has calmed is unpleasant to the child or baby. down and then try again. • If the child or baby is nervous • Mix the medicine with a little jam, about taking the medicine, explain if this helps, but do not add it to a that the drug will help him feel drink because it may stick to the better and stress that it will all sides of the cup. be over very quickly. DEALING WITH A PANIC ATTACK 1 Calm person 2Treat • Stay calm yourself and hyperventilation take the person to a quiet • If the person feels tingling in the place. fingers, it may be caused by too much carbon dioxide in the blood. • Encourage her to breathe more slowly and to imitate you. • Try holding a paper bag against her mouth, so that she rebreathes her own expired air, until her symptoms stop.

CARING FOR A SICK PERSON 169 RELAXATION EXERCISES 1 Get ready 3Relax muscles • Performing breathing and muscle • Lie down, put your arms by your relaxing exercises can help rid you side, and let your feet fall open. of feelings of anxiety. • Wear comfortable, unrestrictive • Shut your eyes. clothing. • Take one or two slow, deep • Choose a warm, quiet room for your relaxation exercises. breaths. Focus on your breathing. • Prepare a firm yet comfortable surface, such as an exercise mat or • Starting with your feet and folded blanket, and have some cushions nearby for extra support. working up to your head, tense the muscles in each part of your 2Start with body, hold for a count of three, breathing exercises then release the tension. • Put one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Rest your shoulders Align your head • Inhale slowly, hold your breath for on the floor with your body a moment, then exhale slowly. • Try to breathe using your abdomen 4 Finish by resting muscles so that the lower hand • When you have completed the moves more than the upper hand. exercises, lie still for a few • Once you are breathing from your moments, keeping your eyes shut, abdomen, feel your lower hand then roll over onto your side. rise and fall with your abdomen. • Draw your knees up slightly and Feel the gentle movement of bend your arms to support your your abdomen body in a comfortable position. Sit on a cushion • After a few minutes, open your for comfort eyes and get up slowly. Use your arms Rest on a pillow to support your for comfort upper body

3 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Fires, burst water pipes, sink blockage, and roof leakage are just a few of the many household incidents that can occur in any home at any time. By knowing how to cope with a wide range of household problems, and having the right equipment for the job, you can minimize any damage to your home and danger to your family. Follow the instructions to fix simple problems yourself by performing tasks such as releasing air from a radiator or replacing a pane of glass. For jobs that are less straightforward, learn how to create a temporary solution until you can arrange for a professional to make a permanent repair. Home safety ................172 Air-conditioning problems ......................194 Yard safety...................178 Electrical problems......196 Fires in the home ........180 Structural problems ....200 Gas leaks ......................184 Insects and pests .........208 Plumbing problems...................186 Furniture and furnishings ...................210 Central-heating problems ................192 Home security .............212

172 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Home safety Your home should be a place of safety and security, yet every year household accidents cause countless serious injuries and many deaths. By being aware of the potential dangers and taking action to make your home as safe as possible, you can do a great deal to reduce the risk of accident. The following room-by-room guide highlights potential trouble spots and provides practical advice on sensible safety precautions. Most household accidents derive from carelessness, so work cautiously and wear safety equipment when undertaking do-it-yourself projects. MAKING YOUR HOME SAFE 1 Be prepared ESSENTIALS • Assemble a basic emergency repair kit (see box, right) and keep it in EMERGENCY REPAIR EQUIPMENT an accessible place. • First-aid kit • Candles and • Make sure that all family members (p.60) matches know where the equipment is kept. • •Flashlight and spare Plugs and fuses • Check that the adults know where batteries (p.197) to find and how to operate the • Lightbulbs • Screwdriver main controls for gas (by the gas meter), electricity (by the fusebox), 3Work safely and water (often located under • If you are doing emergency the kitchen sink). repairs, take all necessary safety precautions, especially if the work • Draw up a family evacuation plan involves electricity. • Wear safety equipment: goggles (p.173) and practice it regularly. to protect eyes from flying debris; dust mask to prevent dust from • Near the telephone, keep a list of entering the lungs; and ear plugs to protect ears phone numbers of an emergency from the noise plumber and electrician, your of power tools. family doctor, and 24-hour helplines for reporting gas and Wear goggles and water leaks. a mask to protect against dust 2Prepare for fire • Install smoke and carbon monoxide Hold tools alarms or detectors (p.173). firmly for maximum • Keep a fire blanket and a dry control powder fire extinguisher that weighs at least 2 lb (1 kg) near the stove in the kitchen. Have the extinguisher serviced regularly. • Buy a metal fire ladder to use when escaping.

HOME SAFETY 173 MAKING A FAMILY EVACUATION PLAN 1 Plan escape routes 3Practice your plan • Decide on the best route for escape • Walk through the escape routes – this should be the usual way in with family members so that and out of your home. everyone knows what to do. • Plan an alternative route to use if • Practice these escape routes on the normal way is blocked. a regular basis, especially after making changes in your home. • If doors or windows need to be • Wear blindfolds during one unlocked to escape, make sure that everyone knows where to find the practice, to simulate dark and appropriate keys. Ensure that the smoky conditions, but be careful doors and windows open easily. with young children and the elderly. 2Plan meeting point !Important • Decide on a safe assembly point • Keep all escape routes free of furniture outside the home where everyone and clutter. can meet following an evacuation. • If you have overnight guests, tell them about • Make sure that the whole family is your evacuation plan so that they will know aware of how to escape and where to meet after evacuation. what to do in the event of a fire. INSTALLING SMOKE ALARMS 1 Choose alarms 3Test regularly • Buy battery-operated or electrical • Check once a month by pressing smoke alarms and take care to the test button. Change the battery choose a reliable brand. in each alarm every 6 months. • For added safety, choose linked • Vacuum the inside of each alarms, which set each other off regularly to keep the sensor when smoke is detected. chamber free of dust. 2Install INSTALLING CARBON • Attach alarms securely to the MONOXIDE ALARMS ceiling at least 12 in (30 cm) away from any wall or light fixture. • Install one or two carbon monoxide alarms • If your home is on one level, put a near sleeping areas and in any room with a boiler or a gas fire; these alarms emit a loud smoke alarm in the hall; if it has noise when they detect the gas. more than one story, install one at the bottom of the stairs and • Place carbon monoxide detectors next to another on each landing. boilers and gas fires; these detectors change color if carbon monoxide is present.

174 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES MAKING YOUR KITCHEN SAFE Turn pan handles Keep appliances near the Store knives away from the wall and unplugged when safely in a front of the stove not in use knife block Use the back burners Keep a fire blanket and fire Wipe up spilled of the stove in extinguisher in the kitchen liquids immediately preference to the and make sure that you and make sure that front ones know how to use them floors are dry before walking on them • If you have a water heater in the • Store matches, sharp items, and kitchen, make sure that the flue is household chemicals well out of kept clear. If you use gas, install a the reach of children. carbon monoxide alarm in the kitchen, as close to the water heater • Try to keep young children out of as possible (p.173). the kitchen when you are cooking. • Unplug or switch off electrical • Turn pan handles toward the wall appliances at the wall when they are not being used. Kettles, electric so that children cannot grab them knives, and blenders are particularly or accidentally knock them. hazardous. • Install guard rails around the stove • Use a ladder to reach high shelves to keep children away. instead of standing on a stool, which could tip over. • Warn children that stovetops – • Never leave a skillet or deep fryer especially electric burners, which may show no signs of being hot – unattended on the stove (p.183). can burn even when the power is off. • Ensure that work surfaces and sinks • Store sharp knives well out of the are well lit so you can work safely. reach of children, ideally in a wooden knife block. • If you have young children, install • Always switch off the electric iron simple security latches on cabinets and drawers that contain hazardous and move it out the reach of liquids or objects. children when it is unattended. • Wipe up spills as soon as possible.

HOME SAFETY 175 MAKING YOUR LIVING ROOM SAFE Do not overload Keep fire guards electrical outlets around the fire at all times Do not let electric Put children’s toys Put nonslip mats Secure bookcases wires trail across the away after use under rugs to and other heavy floor or under the prevent slipping furniture to the walls carpet to prevent them from falling over • Avoid running electric wires across • Secure carpets and rugs firmly so the floor: these could be tripped on. that people cannot trip on them. If you have polished wooden floors, • Never run wires under a carpet place nonslip mats underneath rugs so that they do not move. where people walk; with wear, the carpet may expose bare wires. • Always check an open fire before • Check all electrical wiring regularly: going to bed at night and make sure that a fire guard is in place. frayed insulation can cause fires. • Install a carbon monoxide detector • Don’t overload electric sockets beside a gas fire (p.173). with multi-point adaptors. Use an extension cable with four or six • Unplug or switch off electric fires and socket outlets instead. televisions at the wall socket at night. • If you have an open fire, make sure • Empty all ashtrays and dispose of that you use a fire guard, especially when children are present. their contents safely at night. MAKING YOUR HALL AND STAIRS SAFE • Ensure that halls and stairways are • Mats and rugs on parquet or well lit – especially if children or polished wood flooring can be elderly people are likely to use them. dangerous. Place nonslip mats underneath them to prevent them • Leave a nightlight on at night. from sliding. • If you have young children, • Install extra grab rails on the stairs install safety gates at the stairway entrances, and keep them closed. to assist elderly people. • Check for worn areas of carpet, • Keep the areas at the top and bottom which could cause trips or falls. of the stairs clear at all times.

176 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES MAKING YOUR BATHROOM SAFE Always test the water Install electrical temperature before outlets in the getting into a shower bathroom for electric razors only Install a firm grab rail over the bathtub Control wall-mounted bathroom lighting by pull-cord switches Use non-slip mats in the shower and bathtub • Secure a grab rail on the wall above • Never touch an electrical item with the bathtub to provide extra support wet hands. – especially for elderly people. • Make sure that bathroom lights and • Run the cold water first when wall-mounted heaters are controlled preparing a bath for young children. by pull-cord switches or switches outside the room. • Never leave young children on their • Check gas water heaters regularly own in a bath. to ensure that flues remain clear. • Make sure that shower units are Install a carbon monoxide detector or alarm (p.173). fitted with efficient thermostatic controls, so that there is no risk of • Never mix two types of household anyone being scalded. chemicals, such as bleach and • Store medicines in a locked cabinet bathroom cleaner. The combination can produce poisonous fumes. out of the reach of children. • Keep all such chemicals out of the • Never use an electrical appliance, reach of children. such as a hairdryer or radio, in a bathroom. MAKING YOUR BEDROOM SAFE • Service electric blankets regularly • Never drape a cloth over a bedside and check their wiring for wear light to reduce glare. The heat from and deterioration. the bulb could cause a fire. • Never leave electric blankets on • Keep bedroom floors clear of clutter, overnight unless the instructions especially if elderly people or young make it clear that it is safe to do so. children may get up to use the They may overheat and catch fire. bathroom at night. • Keep a flashlight and your cellular • If bedroom windows have locks, keep phone (if you have one) by the bed the keys nearby – you may need to at night, for use in an emergency. use windows as emergency exits. If possible, leave bedroom windows • Never smoke in bed. You could fall unlocked at night. asleep with a lit cigarette.

HOME SAFETY 177 MAKING YOUR CHILD’S BEDROOM SAFE • Never use pillows or comforters in • When a young child moves out of cribs for babies under 1 year old. a crib, secure guard rails to the bed so that she cannot fall out. • Do not allow very young children to • Make sure that there are no lamps sleep on the upper level of a bunk bed; they may fall out. within reach of a child’s crib or bed. Lightbulbs get hot, and pulling • Make sure that there is no gap on the wire could be dangerous. between the mattress and bed rail • Install plastic covers over electrical through which a child could slip. outlets that are not in use. • Use plug-in nightlights so that children can find their way if they need to get up in the night. • Install removable window guards that allow windows to normally open only slightly for ventilation, but fully during an emergency. Put nonslip mats under rugs Avoid feather pillows Keep bedroom and comforters as floors clear of they can provoke clutter allergies MAKING YOUR ATTIC SAFE • Never use freestanding stepladders • Protect ceilings underneath by to ascend into the attic space: they distributing the weight of stored tend to be unstable and are likely to items. Put heavier boxes at the sides. tip over. Instead, install an attic ladder with a hand rail. Use a pulldown Store heavier items ladder for safety around the edges • Install a light in the attic, preferably of the attic floor controlled from the landing below. Choose a lightswitch that indicates whether the attic light is on or off. • Line the attic floor with floorboards, or attach veneered chipboard to the rafters, so that you can store items and move around safely. • Before storing heavy items, have a carpenter check that the rafters are strong enough to support the extra weight.

178 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Yard safety Yards and outside buildings present many hazards, so safety is an essential part of yard maintenance. Check that garden yard boundaries are secure, especially if children or animals are likely to be outside; that paths and patios are free of debris; and that toolsheds and equipment are securely locked. Gardening itself can be a dangerous pastime, so make sure that you also take the necessary precautions when working with tools and machinery. PREVENTING ACCIDENTS IN THE YARD • Remove or fence off any poisonous • Don’t risk injuring your back by plants or trees in your yard. lifting a heavy load on your own – ask someone to help you. • Keep children and animals away • Never run a powerline along a fence from any area that has been sprayed with weedkiller. or bury it underground when running electricity to a shed or • Cover outside drains with metal workshop. Use special shielded cable underground, or run cable overhead, grills so that children’s feet will not supported by a special wire. When get caught inside them. Grills will in doubt, consult an electrician. also help prevent garbage from blocking drains. • For outside lighting and water- • Fence off ponds, swimming pools, feature pumps, use a 12-volt system with a transformer and house it in a and any other water features in the dry shed or other outdoor building. yard if the space is used by children. • When you are operating electrical • Do not attempt to use a wheel- power tools, such as lawnmowers barrow to move heavy equipment; or hedge clippers, always secure a it will be very unstable. It is much circuit breaker between the piece safer to use a cart instead. of equipment and the power source. Make sure that you wear the !Water danger appropriate safety gear, such as • Young children can drown in as little safety goggles, protective gloves as a few inches of water. Even a and if necessary ear protectors. bucket of water poses a danger. • If you have a pond, take the precaution Wear safety of stretching strong plastic netting goggles to over the pond and securing it firmly protect eyes with wooden pegs. • For complete peace of mind, consider Wear ear protectors filling in a pond and choosing a if tools are noisy safer water feature, such as a small fountain. Choose protective • Make sure that any water barrels gloves for yard have secure lids. work

YARD SAFETY 179 MAKING PATHS AND PATIOS SAFE • Uneven or broken pavement can • During the winter, watch for a build- cause people to trip and fall. Mend up of algae slime, which can make or replace cracked pave- surfaces extremely ment as soon as possible. slippery. Clean algae-coated • Icy steps are dangerous. walkways with a stiff brush and Lay self-adhesive strips soapy water, of abrasive material on or use a high- step treads. pressure washer. • Alternatively, coat the • Prevent algae treads with a mix of from building up sharp sand and exterior- again by treating grade PVA adhesive. the surface with a herbicide. Use a wire brush to remove slippery algae SECURING BOUNDARIES • Make sure that boundary gates are • If you have dogs or young children kept locked and that bolts are well who use the yard, block off any gaps out of the reach of young children. in hedges or fences through which they could escape. • If a gate leads onto a road, secure a • Remember that as dogs and children latch that a young child cannot operate. Alternatively, fit a small bolt get bigger, fences may need to be out of sight on the outside of the gate. raised or strengthened. MAKING GARAGES AND SHEDS SAFE • Always keep garages, workshops, • Never install fluorescent lighting and sheds securely locked. near moving machinery, because it produces a faint strobe effect that • Store hoes, rakes, shovels, electrical can confuse the senses, making the use of such machinery dangerous. equipment, and sharp tools, such as saws and knives, well out of the DO’S AND DON’TS reach of children. DO DON’T • Label all dangerous materials and • Use a garage ramp • Run a car engine in ensure that container lids or caps when you are working an enclosed space. are firmly closed. beneath a car. • Leave a hot tool on a • Store garden chemicals, such as • Wear a dust mask work bench to cool and goggles to down. Hang it up pesticides and fungicides, out of protect yourself from somewhere out of the reach of children. Never pour dust when sanding. reach until it is cool. expired chemicals down sinks or drains; dispose of them safely. • Store garden chemicals • Leave unattended and tools safely out of power tools plugged • Keep chemicals in their original the reach of children. in or switched on. containers. Never store them in other bottles.

180 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Fires in the home Statistics show that once fire takes hold, you have less than 3 minutes to escape the flames and toxic smoke, and get to safety. With such a limited period of time, it is vital to have organized safe escape routes from your home and to have regular fire drills with the whole family. Install fire ladders to give you a better chance of escaping from upper floors. If a fire is small, try to put it out yourself using water, a fire extinguisher, or a fire blanket. However, if the flames are still burning after 30 seconds, you should leave the building immediately. To give yourself advance warning of a fire, install smoke alarms on every floor of the house and make sure that they are tested regularly. ACTION PLAN Are you in the Is the fire Do you have a small? fire blanket or START same room as extinguisher Yes that you know the fire? how to use? Yes No No Yes ACTION Can you safely No enter the room EVACUATE BUILDING AND DIAL 911 OR CALL Have you to assess THE FIRE DEPT managed to the fire? (see Escaping from a domestic fire, p.181). put out Yes the fire within No 30 seconds? Yes No ACTION OPEN WINDOWS AND DOORS TO CLEAR REMAINING SMOKE.

FIRES IN THE HOME 181 ESCAPING FROM A HOUSE FIRE 1 Alert the family DO’S AND DON’TS • A smoke alarm may warn you of smoke or fire, or you may see a DO DON’T fire start. Check that everyone in the home is aware of the fire and • Feel doors and door • Use elevators. is leaving quickly. handles with the back • Jump from upstairs of your hand before • Follow the escape opening them. windows unless forced or told (by the fire route chosen in • Close doors and department) to do so. your evacuation windows behind you. plan (p.173). • Underestimate the • Keep keys by all speed at which a fire locked windows. can spread. Close doors 2Evacuate building behind you • If possible, close internal doors and windows as you go, to confine Guide the spread of smoke and fire. children • Do not open a door without first to safety touching the door or its knob with the back of your hand to see if it is ! If you are trapped hot. Heat indicates fire within that upstairs room, so choose another route. • Move into a room where rescuers will • If there is thick smoke, place a be able to see you. handkerchief over your mouth and • Close the door and wedge a blanket nose, and crawl as low as possible. at its base to prevent smoke from • If fire or smoke blocks your escape entering. route, find another way out. • Open a window and shout for help. • Once you are out of the building, • Use a fire ladder (see box below). meet at your agreed assembly point and check that no one is missing. 3Dial 911 or call the fire department • Tell the dispatcher your address, if anyone is still inside the building, and if anyone is injured. !USING FIRE LADDERS • Help the elderly and children get onto the • Following the instructions, extend and attach ladder and climb down safely. Reassure them and tell them not to look down. the ladder to the building’s facade. If possible, • Use the children’s harness that accompanies attach the ladder so that it does not pass over the fire ladder for a baby or young child. lower windows; otherwise, there is a risk that you might climb down into flames.

182 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES TACKLING A FIRE 1 Sound the alarm USING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS • Do not attempt to put out a fire AND BLANKETS yourself unless the fire is small, you discover it early, and you have • Point the nozzle of a dry chemical fire a fire extinguisher or fire blanket. • If you have doubts, dial 911 and, extinguisher at the base of the flames and if necessary, evacuate. sweep it from side to side. OR 2Protect yourself • Take the fire blanket out of its container and • Make sure that you can retreat quickly and safely from the area if give it a shake to open it up. the fire gets out of control. • If the fire is still burning after 30 • Hold the blanket up so that it shields seconds, evacuate the house at once and dial 911. your hands from the fire. • Drop the blanket onto the flames and leave it there until the fire is out. PUTTING OUT CLOTHES ON FIRE 1 Prevent flames 2Smother flames • Wrap yourself or the victim in a from rising thick wool or cotton blanket, rug, or coat to smother the flames. • If someone else’s clothes are on Do not use materials that contain synthetic fibers to tackle the fire. fire, force the person to the ground so that the flames do not rise up • Roll yourself or the victim around and burn his face and air passage. on the ground until you are • If your own clothes are on fire, sure that the flames are extinguished. lie down immediately to prevent the flames from Roll the victim on rising up and burning your the ground to ensure face and air passage. If you the flames are out try to run for help, the movement will simply fan the flames. Use a thick woolen rug or blanket to smother the flames

FIRES IN THE HOME 183 PUTTING OUT AN ELECTRICAL FIRE 1 Switch off power 2Smother flames • Unplug the burning appliance or, if • Drape a fire blanket over you cannot safely reach the wall the appliance to stifle the socket, turn the power fire, or douse the flames off at the fusebox. with a dry chemical fire extinguisher (see • If a computer monitor box opposite). or television is on Place the fire fire, the screen could blanket over the explode: protect yourself burning monitor by approaching it from from behind the back or the side. DEALING WITH A CHIMNEY FIRE 1 Evacuate 2Summon help • Many chimney fires are explosive; • Dial 911 or call the fire bricks become projectiles that department immediately. move like cannonballs. • Ensure that the chimney is checked • Do not try to extinguish the fire. and cleared by a chimneysweep Evacuate the house immediately. before you light another fire in the grate. PUTTING OUT A SKILLET FIRE 1 Approach fire 2Smother flames • Turn off the heat supply. • Cover the flames with a fire blanket • Do not attempt to move the pan: (see box opposite). If you do not the flames may blow have a fire blanket, toward you. use a towel or dishcloth that has • Do not put water been wrung out in water. on a fire that is in a skillet or deep Protect your hands fryer: the water as you approach a will disperse the burning skillet burning fat and spread the fire.

184 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Gas leaks Natural gas is not poisonous but when combined with air, it becomes highly explosive and can destroy a home. Do not attempt to do gas repairs yourself. This is one of the few areas of domestic maintenance in which any kind of repair or remedial work must be performed by a professional. Because natural gas has no smell, an artificial odor (methyl mercaptan) is added to both gas lines and tanks so that leaks can be detected quickly. If you smell escaping gas, you should take immediate action. ACTION PLAN START Can you smell ACTION ACTION gas inside or outside the CALL GAS COMPANY WHEN THE ROOM IS IMMEDIATELY. WELL VENTILATED AND home? YOU CAN NO LONGER Are any SMELL GAS, RELIGHT Outside electrical THE PILOT LIGHT. appliances Inside or lights Has a stove, turned on? boiler, or pilot ACTION light gone out? Yes LEAVE THEM ON, WITH Yes THE EXCEPTION OF AN No ELECTRIC FIRE, WHICH No SHOULD BE TURNED ACTION OFF. EXTINGUISH ACTION ANY FLAMES AND DO NOT TURN ON VENTILATE THE ROOM. ANY APPLIANCES OR TURN THE GAS OFF AT LIGHTS. EXTINGUISH THE MAIN AND CALL Has a gas ANY FLAMES. YOUR GAS COMPANY stove burner IMMEDIATELY. been left on? ACTION Yes TURN THE BURNER OFF AND OPEN WINDOWS No TO VENTILATE ROOM.

GAS LEAKS 185 IF YOU SUSPECT A GAS LEAK 1 Avoid danger DO’S AND DON’TS of explosion DO DON’T • As soon as you smell gas, or if • Extinguish any flames • Turn on any lights or you suspect that a gas appliance and cigarettes. electrical appliances. is leaking but you cannot smell anything, immediately extinguish • Ventilate the room. • Use your home or any flames, such as cigarettes • Check gas appliances cellular telephone or candles. until you are outside. and pilot lights. • Switch off any electric fires. • Forget to relight pilot • Do not touch any other electrical • Turn off the gas supply lights once the leak at the main or on the has been fixed. appliances, including light gas cylinder. switches. Operating anything electrical could create a spark that 3Check for leak could ignite a concentration of gas. • Check all gas appliances and turn off the gas supply at the main 2Ventilate room (next to the meter) or on the gas cylinder for bottled gas. • If you find a gas jet left on, turn • Send family members outside until it off immediately. Open windows and any external doors. the smell of gas has disappeared. 4 Summon help • If you cannot identify the source of the leak, or can identify it but realize you should not attempt to fix it, evacuate the home. • Call your regional gas supplier’s emergency number from outside your house. • Keep the family out of the home until the gas company advises you that the danger has passed. • Warn neighbors that you have detected a gas leak. • Once repairs are complete, do not forget to relight all the pilot lights in the house. !Carbon monoxide alert • When the siren sounds or the detector • Carbon monoxide detectors either set off alarms or they change color when they changes color, ventilate the room by opening sense the presence of the gas in the air. external doors and windows. These detectors should be installed near • Switch off the leaking appliance (or turn off boilers or other appliances using gas, the gas at the main if you are unsure of the such as gas stoves. source). Call a professional to repair it.

186 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Plumbing problems Water in the wrong places can cause considerable damage, but the ability to make emergency repairs can prevent a minor problem from becoming a disaster. In a plumbing crisis, knowing the basics, such as where to find your main shutoff valve and how to drain the system, can make the difference. ACTION PLAN Is water Is water coming ACTION from the attic START leaking from or roof? GO UPSTAIRS AND CHECK THAT ALL THE the ceiling? Yes UPSTAIRS FAUCETS ARE TURNED OFF Yes No Do you have No ACTION access to the floor above? Is water leaking GO UP TO THE ATTIC from a kitchen AND CHECK FOR A Yes BURST PIPE OR appliance? DAMAGE TO A WATER No TANK. REPAIR IF Yes NECESSARY (see Burst ACTION pipe, p.188, or Fixing No a leaking water tank, CALL THE BUILDING p.187). CHECK THE SUPERINTENDENT ACTION ROOF AND REPAIR OR CONTACT YOUR LEAK (see Leaking LOCAL WATER IF A DISHWASHER OR roof, p.206) DEPARTMENT WASHING MACHINE IS LEAKING, CHECK Is a radiator ACTION DOOR SEALS, SUPPLY or pipe AND DRAIN PIPES leaking? IF YOU ARE STILL NOT SURE OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION Yes THE LEAK, TURN OFF THE WATER AT THE IF THE RADIATOR IS No MAIN SHUTOFF VALVE, LEAKING, REPAIR IT DRAIN THE TANK, AND (see Radiator leaking, CALL A PLUMBER p.193). IF A PIPE HAS BURST, REPAIR IT (see Burst pipe, p.188)

PLUMBING PROBLEMS 187 LEAKING CEILING 1 Turn off water main ESSENTIALS • Go to the main shutoff valve and turn off the water. PLUMBING TOOL KIT 2Drain system • Pipe repair tape • Vise grips • Pipe-thread seal • Closet auger • Bolts with rubber tape and metal washers • Pipe wrench • Sink plunger • Epoxy resin sealant • Turn off the boiler to keep the 4 Find source of leak pipes from overheating. • If the water is coming through the • Run the faucets upstairs and flush ceiling, check the room or the apartment above. toilets fed by the water tank to reduce the water level in the tank. • If the water is coming from the 3Relieve pressure attic area, check for a burst pipe • Use a bucket to catch water or damage to the water tank and leaking from the ceiling. fix any leak (p.188 and below). • If there is a hairline crack, enlarge If the pipes and tank are sound, it with a screwdriver to increase look for holes in the roof itself the flow and reduce the weight and repair if necessary (p.206). of water on the ceiling. !Dangers of water • If the ceiling is and electricity bulging, put more buckets • If water is dripping from a light fixture or in place, then punch a hole. onto an electrical appliance, do not touch the switch, the light fixture, or the appliance. Enlarge the crack in Turn off the power at the circuit breaker or the ceiling with a fuse box and call an electrician immediately. screwdriver FIXING A LEAKING COLD WATER TANK Some homes have a tank with open the drain valve of the Put rubber and a pump for constant house cold water tank. metal washers pressure. Others may have a on both sides repairable reservoir in the attic • Flush toilets, then open all of the hole or basement. cold water faucets. Insert a bolt • Shut the main valve. Arrange into the hole • Plug a small hole by drilling for disposal of cold water. and inserting a bolt with • Close the hot water valve at rubber stops on either side. For corner hole, wipe dry; the hot water tank. Then use an epoxy resin sealant.

188 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES BURST PIPE 1 Locate frozen pipe 3Shut off water • Water expands as it freezes, which supply can cause old pipes to split open • If a compression joint is destroyed, or a compression joint (where two it will need to be replaced. lengths of copper piping are • If the joint is damaged, shut off the joined) to push apart. water supply to the pipe by closing • If you have copper pipes, check the gate valve. If the pipe does not the compression joints to see if have one, turn off the main and any have been pushed apart. drain the entire water system by • If you have lead pipes, look for ice turning on all the faucets. where the pipe wall has cracked. • Water pipes will freeze only in an 4 Repair joint uninsulated roof space, outside, or • Thaw the joint (see box below). in a house with no central heating. • Unscrew the joint, wrap teglon tape around the threaded parts, 2Repair burst pipe then refasten the joint. • If the pipe wall is damaged, wrap pipe repair tape ! around the crack. The teglon tape will • Thaw pipe (see box strengthen the seal below) if necessary. • Call a plumber to make a permanent repair. Wrap pipe repair tape around the damaged pipe to seal it THAWING FROZEN PIPES • If, during winter, you turn • If there are cracks, then Apply gentle heat to the frozen area on a faucet and no water proceed to step 2 above before thawing the pipe. comes out, the pipe may • Use a hot-water bottle, hot be frozen. cloths, or a hairdryer to • Find the pipe that feeds it, gently heat the pipe or joint. If the water inside boils, the and tap it gently with a pipe may burst. mallet; you will hear a dull • Do not use a blowtorch thud at the frozen section, to thaw any type of pipework: the intense heat which may be bulging under is likely cause damage. the pressure of the ice. • Check the pipe carefully for any cracks.

PLUMBING PROBLEMS 189 BLOCKED SINK 1 Use sink plunger CLEAR BOTTLE TRAP • Smear petroleum jelly around the rim of a sink plunger. • If the sink is still blocked, place a bucket • Block the overflow outlet with a piece of cloth, then position the underneath the bottle trap below the plunger over the drain. Run sink and unscrew the base. 2 in (5 cm) of water into the sink. • Pump vigorously for a few minutes • Push a clotheshanger or “snake”(a to clear a minor blockage. • If this fails, use flexible length of metal) down the drain a commercial to try to push the blockage out. drain cleaner or pour carbonated • If this is unsuccessful, try working up soda dissolved in hot water through the trap bottom and along the down the drain. waste pipe. Try to pull any debris back toward you Block the overflow rather than outlet with a cloth pushing it further away. Pump the plunger over the drain • Replace the trap base and fasten securely. Remove the base of the bottle trap 2Check U-bend 3Check main drain • For a U-bend with a drain plug (a • If the pipe remains blocked, there small capped outlet at the bottom could be a problem in the drain. of the U section), put a bucket in • Call a drain cleaner to come and place, then unscrew the plug using clear the drain. a wrench. Unscrew both sides • Wedge a piece of wood in the of the U-bend to remove blockage U-bend to keep it steady as you Place a bucket underneath work. Clear any to catch water debris, then replace the drain plug. • For a removable U-bend, unscrew the joints and lift out the U section, draining the water into a bucket. Clear debris from the pipe, then replace the U section.

190 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES LEAKING FAUCET 1 Turn off water 2Call plumber • A leaking faucet is both a nuisance • Most leaking faucets are caused and a waste of valuable water. by faulty washers. • You will need to remove the faucet • In cold weather, dripping water cover to replace a washer, which may be tricky if you have modern can freeze in the pipes overnight, faucets that are complex in design. which may cause pipes to burst. If you feel unsure about tackling the job, call a plumber. • In hard water areas, a faucet that SILENCING DRIPS keeps dripping may stain sinks and baths with mineral deposits. • Until a faucet can be repaired, silence the • Before starting on any repair noise by tying a piece of string around its spout. Put the other end of the string in work, turn off the water supply. the drain. The water should now trickle down the string and into the drain. • Close the “speedy” on the pipe, if it has one. AIRLOCK IN PIPE 1 Release air 3Use garden hose • If no water comes out and the pipe • If this fails, connect one end makes a banging noise when you of a garden hose to the faulty turn on a faucet, there is probably faucet and the other end to a an air lock in the pipe. main-fed faucet, such as the • You may be able to release the air kitchen sink faucet. by using a rubber mallet to tap along the • Turn on the faulty faucet, then pipe leading from the the main-fed one. The pressure faucet. of the main water as it enters the faulty faucet should drive the air Tap the pipe lock out of the pipe. gently to dislodge the airlock • When the pipe stops banging, 2Turn on faucets turn off the faucets and remove • If you cannot find the air lock in the hose from the main faucet. this way, turn all the faucets on full to try to drive out the air. • Drain off the water in the hose, then disconnect the hose from the faulty faucet. • If air locks occur repeatedly, call a plumber.

PLUMBING PROBLEMS 191 BLOCKED TOILET 1 Try to clear toilet 3Use plunger • If the contents of the toiletbowl do • If the toilet is still blocked, get not flow away when the toilet is a toilet plunger or improvise by flushed, the toilet is blocked. tying a plastic bag around the • Do not keep flushing in the hope head of an old mop. that this will remove the blockage: • Pump the plunger up and down water may build up in the bowl in the bowl, but be careful not to and overflow. use too much force: you risk • Use a bent wire coat hanger or a cracking the bowl. snake to remove a blockage just • If the toilet beyond the bend. remains blocked, or you prefer 2Try water force not to try • If this fails, bail some water out any of these of the bowl to reduce the level. techniques, • Pour a bucket of water into the call a plumber. toilet. If the blockage is minor, the force of the water rushing Plunge firmly but down into the bowl can be carefully so that you enough to dislodge it. do not crack the bowl DRIPPING OVERFLOW PIPE 1 Locate problem 2Check float valve • A dripping overflow pipe from and float a water tank or toilet cistern • Check the float valve first. If the indicates that the correct water washer is worn, water will continue level is not being maintained. to trickle into the tank or cistern even when the float has reached • Do not ignore a dripping overflow: its uppermost position. • Examine the float to see if it the drip could suddenly turn into a is leaking. Give it a shake to see serious leak, which could cause a whether there is water inside. flood, or the water may freeze and • If necessary, buy a new washer or result in a burst pipe. float to replace the faulty one. • Look in the water tank or lift 3Call plumber • If the valve is broken, you will the cover of the cistern. Floating need to call a plumber to repair it. on the water is an object attached to the tank or cistern side. This float is joined to a float valve, which should close off the supply from the main when the tank or cistern is full.

192 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Central-heating problems A hot-water heating system – which is composed of a boiler and circulator, radiators or baseboard, and an expansion tank – can stop working if the circulator jams, or if a radiator develops a leak or has air trapped in it. Dealing with these problems is usually straightforward. Use the action plan to identify the problem, then follow the instructions on the opposite page. Alternatively, call a plumber or heating specialist. ACTION PLAN What is your Are the timer Is the circulator and thermostats pumping START heating water? set correctly? problem? Yes Single radiator Yes No not working No No radiators ACTION ACTION working TRY RELEASING AN AIR Radiator or RESET THERMOSTATS LOCK IN THE PUMP joint leaking OR TIMER (see Circulator jammed, p.193) Is any part of Is the joint or the radiator the radiator ACTION itself leaking? warm? CALL IN A PLUMBER Joint TO FIX YOUR SYSTEM Yes Radiator ACTION No ACTION SEAL HOLES IN ACTION RADIATOR (see Radiator REPAIR JOINT (see leaking, p.193) BLEED RADIATOR Radiator leaking, (see Radiator not p.193) ACTION working, p.193) CHECK VALVE IS OPEN (see Radiator not working, p.193)

CENTRAL-HEATING PROBLEMS 193 RADIATOR NOT WORKING 1 Check valve 3Bleed radiator • Check that the valve at the bottom • Install an air bleed key on the air of the radiator is fully open. bleed valve at one end of the top of the radiator. 2Check thermostats • Look at the main central heating • Hold a cloth underneath the valve thermostat and the radiator’s own thermostat (if present) to and turn the key counterclockwise check that both are set correctly. until you hear air hissing out. • Turn the key clockwise as soon as water, which may be hot, starts dripping out. RADIATOR LEAKING 1 Find leak 3Seal small hole(s) • Pinpoint the source of the leak. • Run a hose from the central Water can escape through a loose heating drain valve (usually under joint between the pipe and radiator; the boiler or on the last radiator or through tiny holes in the in the system) to a drain or sink, radiator, caused by corrosion. then drain the system. The sealant flows through and seals the leak. 2Repair joint • Tighten the nut with a pipe wrench. • The sealant is only a temporary • If water still leaks, turn off the heating and call a plumber. repair, so replace the radiator soon. CIRCULATOR JAMMED 1 Find valve 2Release air lock • Turn off the circulator (this will • Expel any air from the circulator be near the boiler) and find the as if you were bleeding a bleed valve. radiator (see above). • If the circulator is • Place a screwdriver still jammed, call a plumber or central in the bleed valve heating specialist. and have a cloth ready to catch the Turn bleed valve water that will be to release air lock released when the air lock is released.

194 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Air-conditioning problems There are two main types of air conditioning: central systems and single-room units. Both circulate clean air that is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Problems with central air conditioners are generally best dealt with by an air- conditioning specialist, but you can usually perform basic maintenance of room units yourself, such as checking thermostat settings, cleaning the filter, repositioning the sensor, and cleaning the condenser. ACTION PLAN Is the system Is the fan ACTION blowing? START or unit CLOSE THEM. Yes humming? Are the doors No and windows Yes ACTION open? No SUSPECT THAT A FUSE Yes ACTION HAS BLOWN. CHANGE THE FUSE (p.197). No THE SENSOR OF A ROOM UNIT MAY Does the ACTION NEED REPOSITIONING system or unit OR THE CONDENSER cut out or have THE FILTER MAY MAY NEED CLEANING short cycles? NEED CLEANING (see Air conditioner (see Inefficient air cuts out, p.195). Yes conditioner, p.195). ACTION No Is the thermostat IF YOU STILL HAVE NOT ACTION set correctly? SOLVED THE PROBLEM, ASK A SPECIALIST TO THE THERMOSTAT MAY Yes CHECK THE SYSTEM NEED RESETTING OR UNIT. (see Inefficient air No conditioner, p.195).

AIR-CONDITIONING PROBLEMS 195 INEFFICIENT AIR CONDITIONER 1 Reset thermostat 3Clean filter • If the air conditioner is switched • Clean the filter with some warm on but the fan is not blowing, water containing a mild detergent, check the temperature setting on then rinse it in clean water and the thermostat. If the thermostat dry it thoroughly. is set too high for the current • Replace the filter and turn the conditions, the air conditioner unit back on. will not be stimulated to operate. Clip filter back • Reset the thermostat to a lower into place after cleaning temperature. The fan should start to work right away. 4 Install new filter • If your unit has a disposable filter, 2 Remove filter check its condition. If it has turned • If the fan is working efficiently black, is warped, or has holes in but the room or house is still too it, then it needs replacing. warm, the filter may need either • Remove the old filter and replace cleaning or replacing (depending it, following the manufacturer’s on the type of air conditioner). instructions. Then replace the front panel, and turn the unit back on. • For a central system, ask an air- conditioning specialist to clean or replace the filter, as appropriate. • For a room unit, unplug the unit at the wall. Remove or lift up the front panel, depending on the design, and remove the filter. AIR CONDITIONER CUTS OUT 1 Reposition sensor 2Clean condenser • For a room unit, unplug the unit • For a wall-mounted room unit, at the wall. Remove the front remove the condenser (the part panel and filter. of the unit outside the room) first. The condenser in a window- • Check the thermostatic sensor; it mounted room unit can be cleaned in place. should be near, but not touching, the evaporator coils. Move it away • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove from the coils if necessary. the dust and lint that has collected • Replace the filter and front panel on the condenser. and plug in the unit. • For a central system, get an air- • For a central system, get an conditioning specialist to clean the condenser for you. air-conditioning specialist to reposition the sensor for you.

196 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES Electrical problems We all take electricity for granted – flick a switch and a light comes on, plug in the television and it works – but fuses can blow, electrical equipment can malfunction, and wiring can become damaged or overheated, posing a potential fire hazard. By equipping yourself with some basic electrical knowledge, you will be able to rectify common problems quickly when they occur. ACTION PLAN START Has one ACTION ACTION electrical appliance or CHECK THE CIRCUIT TURN ON MAIN several failed? BREAKER BOX FOR A SWITCHES AND BLOWN FUSE OR CIRCUIT BREAKERS Several “OFF” CIRCUIT (p.198) Are the main One Are lights or switches and appliances in circuit breakers Have you only one area switched on? checked both the plug and affected? No fuse (p.197)? Yes Yes Yes No Do your No neighbors Have you lost have power? ACTION electricity throughout Yes PLUG A WORKING the house? APPLIANCE INTO THE No OUTLET. IF APPLIANCE Yes FAILS, REPLACE THE ACTION OUTLET (p.199) No THERE IS PROBABLY ACTION ACTION A LOCAL POWER FAILURE. REPORT REPLACE FUSE OR CALL AN ELECTRICIAN PROBLEMS TO YOUR REWIRE PLUG IF ELECTRICITY SUPPLIER NECESSARY (p.197)

ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS 197 FAULTY APPLIANCE 1 Check plug ESSENTIALS • Loosen the large screw between the pins and remove the plug cover. ELECTRICITY TOOL KIT • Check the wiring inside the plug • Flashlight and batteries • Spare plugs for loose connections. • Plug fuses • Fuse wire (for rewirable fuses) or cartridge • Check that each wire is securely fuses (for replaceable fuses) attached to the correct terminal – black to Hot, white to Neutral, and • Outlet analyzer brown (if present) to Ground (see • Voltage tester (for checking whether live Rewiring a plug, below). electricity is present) • If the plug is a sealed unit, you will • Small screwdriver have to call an electrician to check • Wire cutters/strippers why the appliance is not working. 2Check fuse DO’S AND DON’TS • Turn off appliances on the circuit, if known. DO DON’T • Locate the fuse box and examine the filament strips visible through • Turn off appliances • Touch plugs, outlets, the mica window of each fuse. at the wall outlet or switches if your • A blown fuse has a melted strip, when not in use. hands are wet. seen through a halo of smoky metallic residue. • Switch off the wall • Replace a blown fuse • Unscrew the threaded ceramic fuse outlet and remove with one of higher from its receptacle, and replace it the plug before you amperage: this can with one of the same amperage. attempt to repair result in overheated • Turn fixtures and appliances on an appliance wiring and fire. again, one by one. • Have your wiring • Attempt electrical checked by a work unless you are professional at least confident that you once every 5 years. know what to do. REWIRING A PLUG • Remove the plug cover, • Cut each wire to length (each Hot wire Ground wire (black) (brown) loosen the terminal screws, one should be long enough and ease out the cord. to reach its terminal) and use Neutral wire strippers to remove 1⁄4 in wire (white) • Position the cord on the (6 mm) of insulation from the end of each wire. plug with the wires placed in their correct positions to • Replace the cord in the gauge whether you need to remove any of the cord’s plug, fit the cord grip outer insulation. loosely, and push each wire carefully into its terminal. • If necessary, use wire strippers • Tighten each terminal screw to cut away 2 in (50 mm) of the outer insulation, then down on to its wire and refit reposition the cord. the plug cover.

198 HOUSEHOLD EMERGENCIES ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FAILURE 1 Look for faulty 2Check circuit cartridge fuses breakers • When power fails in one part of • Most modern homes are now the house, turn off the affected equipped with circuit breaker appliances and lights right away switches instead of less consumer- and then go to the service/fuse box. friendly ceramic, cartridge, or rewirable fuses. Many local codes • If the service has cartridge fuses, require them because they are not as prone to consumer error turn off the fuse box toggle switch in replacement. and open its cover. • Most circuit breakers have a key • You will need to determine which identifying the rooms affected by fuse has blown using a continuity each switch. tester. Remove each fuse, touch one end with the alligator clip of • If your unit has miniature circuit the tester, and the other with the probe. If the bulb of the tester breakers (MCBs), look for one in does not light, the fuse is blown. the “off” position and simply flick it back on, or push the reset button. • Replace the blown fuse(s) with one of the same amperage. Replace the faulty cartridge fuse Push the switch back to the “on” position ! Replacing fuse wire 3 Identify recurrent • Rarely, some homes will have fuses fault with replaceable wires. These must be replaced with wires rated with the • If the MCB switch will not stay in same gauge as the melted one! Call an electrician to check the service and the “on” position, or the fuse blows to replace fuse wires. again when you turn the power back on, try to identify the fault. • Never use any conductor (wire, strip, • Check to see whether any light coin, or foil) as a substitute for a fuse or fuse wire. bulbs have blown, then switch off all appliances on that circuit and switch them back on one at a time. • If you cannot find the cause of the problem, call an electrician.

ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS 199 FAULTY WALL OUTLET 1 Look for signs 2 Replace outlet of damage • Check for scorch marks on an out- • If possible, buy a new outlet that let or around the base of plug pins; these indicate poor connections. is identical to the old one so the • If you have already checked or wires will be in the same place. fixed the plug (p.197), and the appliance works in another socket, • Switch off the power at the circuit the outlet is probably faulty and will need to be replaced. breaker/fuse box and take out the • If any part of the outlet is wet, do relevant fuse (or flip the switch to not attempt to replace it – ask an the “off” position if your unit electrician to do it for you. has MCBs). Reconnect the • Remove the fixing screws from wires to the new outlet the outlet and pull it out of its bracket. Note which wires lead to which outlet terminals. • Loosen the terminals to free the conductor wires, then connect the wires to the correct terminals of the new outlet. • Put the new outlet into the old mounting bracket and screw it into place. WORN ELECTRICAL WIRE 1 Look for signs 3 Make repair of damage • If the sheathing on an electrical • If the inner wires are undamaged, cord is damaged or worn, you could be electrocuted if you wrap insulating tape around the touch the exposed inner wires. cord as a temporary measure until an electrician can replace it. 2 Check inner wires • Unplug the cord at the wall. Extend the • If the inner wires are damaged, tape beyond do not use the appliance until an the damaged electrician has replaced the cord. area on both sides Wrap the tape in overlapping layers

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