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Home Explore Home Emergency Guide - Dorling Kindersley DK

Home Emergency Guide - Dorling Kindersley DK

Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-03-27 05:55:51

Description: Home Emergency Guide - Dorling Kindersley DK


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250 USEFUL ONLINE SITES AND ADDRESSES Useful online sites and addresses FIRST-AID GENERAL HEALTHCARE Family Health International ORGANIZATIONS P.O. Box 13950 Agency for Healthcare Research Triangle Park American First Aid Research and Quality NC 27709 4306 State Route 51 South 2101 E. Jefferson St., Tel: (919) 544-7040 Belle Vernon, PA 15012 Suite 501 Online: Tel: (800) 831-9623 Rockville, MD 20852 Online: Tel: (301) 594-1364 HealthNet Canada Online: 4271 - 99 Fourth Avenue American Red Cross Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B3 P.O. Box 37243 American Alliance Canada Washington, DC 20013. for Health, Physical Tel: (613) 220-0623 Tel: (800) 435-7669 Education, Recreation, Online: Online: and Dance 1900 Association Dr. National Institute on Aging National Safety Reston, VA 20191-1598 Building 31, Room 5C27 Organization Tel: 1-800-213-7193 31 Center Drive, MSC 2292 1121 Spring Lake Drive Online: Bethesda, MD 20892 Itasca, IL 60143-3201 Tel: (301) 496-1752 Tel: (630) 285-1121 American Health Online: Online: Care Association 1201 L St., N.W. The Emergency Medicine and DIY HELP Washington, DC 20005 Primary Care Home Page Tel: (202) 842-4444 Online: AmeriSpec: Online: Home Inspection Service MASTER TRADESMEN The ServiceMaster Company American Institute One ServiceMaster Way of Homeopathy Lockmasters, Inc. Downers Grove, IL 60515 801 N. Fairfax Street, 5085 Danville Rd. Tel: (800) WE-SERVE Suite 306 Nicholasville, KY 40356-9531 Online: Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel: (800) 654-0637 Tel: (888) 445-9988 Online: Arctic Council - Emergency Online: http://www. Prevention, Preparedness, Master Builders Association and Response 2155 112th Ave NE Suite 301, 5204-50 Avenue American Medical Bellevue, WA 98004 Yellowknife, NT XIA IE2 Association Tel: (800) 522-2209 Canada 515 N. State Street Online: Tel: (867) 669 4725 Chicago, IL 60610 Online: http://eppr.arctic- Tel: (312) 464-5000 Online: NATURAL DISASTERS Emergency Services American Medical Alzheimer’s Association WWW Site List Women’s Association 919 North Michigan Avenue, Online: www.district.north- 801 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 1100 Suite 400 Chicago, Illinois 60611-1676 Alexandria, VA 22314 Tel: (800) 272-3900 Southern Union Gas Tel: (703) 838-0500 Online: Company Online: Emergency Tel: American Red Cross (800) 959-LEAK/959-5325 Canadian Health Network P.O. Box 37243 Online: www.canadian-health- Washington, DC 20013. Tel: (800) 435-7669 Online:

USEFUL ONLINE SITES AND ADDRESSES 251 Disaster Survival The Weather Channel Online SPECIFIC HEALTH Planning Network Online: PROBLEMS 669 Pacific Cove Drive Port Huenene, CA 93041 The Weather Network American Academy of Allergy, Tel: (800) 601- 4899 (USA and Canada) Asthma, and Immunology Online: Online: 611 East Wells Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel: (414) 272-6071 Environmental Protection United States Online: Agency Geological Survey Ariel Rios Building National Earthquake American Academy 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, Information Center of Dermatology N.W. Washington, DC 20460 Box 25046, DFC, MS 967 P.O. Box 4014 Tel: (202) 260-2090 Denver, Colorado 80225 Schaumburg, Online: Tel: (303) 273-8500 IL 60168-4014 Online: Tel: (847) 330-0230 Federal Emergency Online: Management Agency Vortech Storm Tel: (800) 480-2520 Research Organization American Academy Online: P.O. Box 1233 of Ophthalmology Danbury, CT 06813-1233 P.O. Box 7424 Geological Association Online: San Francisco, of Canada CA 94120-7424 Department of Earth Sciences Tel: (415) 561-8500 Room ER4063, Alexander home SECURITY Online: Murray Building American Society Memorial University of for Industrial Security American Academy of Newfoundland 1625 Prince Street Orthopaedic Surgeons St. John’s, NF A1B 3X5 Alexandria, Virginia 6300 North River Road CANADA 22314-2818 Rosemont, Tel: (709) 737-7660 Tel: (703) 519-6200 Illinois 60018-4262 Online: Online: Tel: (847) 823-7186 Online: Geological Society of America Canadian Resource Centre P.O. Box 9140 for Victims of Crime Boulder, CO 80301-9140 100 - 141, American Diabetes Association Tel: (303) 447-2020 rue Catherine Street 1701 North Beauregard Street Online: Ottawa, Ontario Alexandria, VA 22311 K2P IC3 Tel: (800) DIABETES National Oceanic and Tel: (613) 233-7614 Online: Atmospheric Administration Online: National Weather Service American Epilepsy Society 1325 East West Highway National Organization 342 North Main Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 for Victim Assistance West Hartford, Online: 1730 Park Road NW CT 06117-2507 Washington DC 20010 Tel: (860) 586-7505 National Severe Tel: (202) 232-6682 Online: Storms Laboratory Online: 1313 Halley Circle American Gastroenterological Norman, Oklahoma 73069 The National Center Association Tel: (405) 360-3620 for Victims of Crime 7910 Woodmont Ave., Online: 2000 M Street NW, Seventh Floor, Suite 480 Bethesda, MD 20814 The Global Earthquake Washington, DC 20036 Tel: (301) 654-2055 Response Center Tel: (202) 467-8700 Online: Online: Online:

252 USEFUL ONLINE SITES AND ADDRESSES American Heart Association Meningitis Foundation National Electrical National Center of America Inc. Contractors Association 7272 Greenville Avenue 6610 North Shadeland 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Dallas, TX 75231 Avenue, Suite 200 Suite 1100 Tel: (800) AHA-USA-1 Indianapolis, Indiana Bethesda, MD 20814 Online: 46220-4393 Tel: (301) 657-3110 Tel: (800) 668-1129 Online: Online: American Lung Association National Glass Association 61 Broadway, 6th Floor National Alliance of Breast 8200 Greensboro Drive, NY, NY 10006 Cancer Organizations Suite 302 Tel: (212) 315-8700 9 East 37th Street, 10th Floor McLean, VA 22102-3881 Online: New York, NY 10016 Tel: (866) DIAL-NGA Tel: (888) 80-NABCO Online: American Stroke Association Online: National Center National Pest 7272 Greenville Avenue National Eczema Association Management Association Dallas TX 75231 for Science and Education 8100 Oak Street Tel: (888) 4-STROKE 6600 SW 92nd Ave., Ste. 230 Dunn Loring, VA 22027 Online: Portland, OR 97223-0704 Tel: (703) 573-8330 Tel: (800) 818-7546 Online: Online: Crohns and Colitis Foundation National Roofing of America Contractors Association 386 Park Avenue South, National Prostate 10255 W. Higgins Road, 17th Floor Cancer Coalition Suite 600 New York, NY 10016 1158 15th St., NW Rosemont, IL 60018 Tel: (800) 932-2423 Washington, DC 20005 Tel: (847) 299-9070 Online: Tel: 202-463-9455 Online: Online: Head Injury Resource Center Plumbing-Heating-Cooling 212 Pioneer Bldg TRADE ASSOCIATIONS Contractors – National Seattle, WA 98104-2221 Association Tel: (206) 621-8558 American Society of Heating, 180 S. Washington Street Online: Refrigerating, and Air- P.O. Box 6808 Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Falls Church, VA 22040 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. Tel: (703) 237-8100 Online: Atlanta, GA 30329 Online: Tel: (800) 527-4723 International Society for Online: Plumbing Related Associations Sexual and Impotence & Organizations on the Web Research American Wood-Preservers’ Online: www.plumbingweb. Online: Association com/assn.html P.O. Box 5690 P.O. Box 94074 Granbury Texas 76049-0690 Security Industry Association Toronto, Ontario M4N 3R1 Tel: 817-326-6300 635 Slaters Lane, Suite 110 Canada Online: Alexandria, VA 22314-1177 Online: Tel: (703) 683-2075 Canadian Security Industry Online: MAGNUM, Inc. Online: The National TRAVEL ADVICE Migraine Association 113 South Saint Asaph, Travel Advice Suite 300 5545 South 1025 East Alexandria, VA 22314 South Ogden, UT 84405 Tel: (703) 739-9384 Tel: (800) 854-3391 Online: Online:

INDEX 253 Index A severe 31 ear drops, administering 167 tooth knocked-out 38 eye drops, administering 166 abdomen, swollen 126 blood eye ointment, administering abdominal pain 120–1 coughing up 106 in feces 132 166 children 124–5 in semen 152 febrile seizures 43 women 122–3 boundaries of yard fever 76–7 abrasions 33 fencing, broken or unstable liquid medicines, giving 168 accident prevention nose drops, administering home 172–7 205 yard 178–9 gate, broken or unstable 205 166 air-conditioning problems security 179 resuscitation techniques 194–5 break-ins 216–17 airlock in water pipe 190 breasts 12–16, 18–19 alcohol, safe limits 72, 79 problems 154–5 symptoms of illness, assessing ambulance, calling 11 self-examination 69 anaphylactic shock 28 breathing 70–1 animal bites 58 checking for 14 temperature, measuring 70 ankles, swollen 148–9 checking rate 68, 71 vomiting 118–19 ants 208 children’s problems 112–13 chimney fire, putting out 183 anus, problems 127 rescue breaths, giving 16–17, choking 22–3 arm babies 24 broken 44 19 clothes on fire, putting out 182 painful 144 shortness of breath 110–1 cockroaches 208 sling 63 broken arm 44 cold weather, extreme 230–1, asthma attack 26 broken leg 45 246 giving medication to baby burns 48–9 complementary remedies 163 burst water pipe 188 confusion 92–3 or child 167 consciousness, checking for 12 attic safety 177 C constipation 132–3 contraceptives, hormonal 159 B car stuck in snow 231 contact lens, pain or irritation carbon monoxide alarms 173, 98 babies convulsions 42 asthma medication, giving 185 febrile 43 167 cardiopulmonary resuscitation coughing 106–7 choking 24 children 108–9 resuscitation techniques see CPR CPR (cardiopulmonary 12–15, 17, 20 caring for a sick person 164–9 resuscitation) 12, 18–20 carpet stains 210–11 cuts 33 back pain 140–1 ceiling, leaking 187 bandaging 61–3 central-heating problems D bathroom safety 176 bedroom safety 176 192–3 dehydration 128 chemicals in eye 37 preventing 165 child’s 177 chest bees 209 diarrhea 128–9 bites 57–8 pain 134–5 children 130–1 bladder, poor control 137 penetrating wounds 32 bleeding childbirth, emergency 40–1 difficulty speaking 91 children difficulty swallowing 115 abnormal vaginal 158–9 abdominal pain 124–5 disasters, natural heavy periods 157 asthma medication, giving hormonal contraceptives 159 emergency kit 224–5 mouth 38 167 planning for 220–5 nose 39 bedroom safety 177 post-disaster survival pregnancy, vaginal 158 breathing problems 112–13 purpura 97 choking 22–23 244–9 coughing 108–9 discharge, vaginal 160 diarrhea 130–1 doors chain 213

254 INDEX doors (continued) fever 74–5 I hinge bolts 214 bringing down 164 hinges badly fitting 203 children 76–7 impotence 150 locks 212, 213, with rash 96–7 injuries jammed 215 deadbolt 214 fires in the home head 29 mortise lock, damaged 215 escaping from 181 spinal 46 peephole 213 precautions 172, 173, 180 sprains and strains 47 security devices 212 putting out 182–3 insects sticking 202 control 208–9 wood rot 204 first-aid equipment 60 stings 59 fleas 208 intruders, dealing with E floods 228–9 216 foot, applying a bandage 62 itchiness, relieving 165 ear foreign object in eye 36 drops, administering 167 forgetfulness 92–3 J earache 102 frostbite 55 frozen water pipes 188 joints early warnings 223 fuse problems 197–8 painful 146–7 earthquake 238–9, 243 sprains 47 electrical fire, putting out 183 G electrical problems 196–9 K electrical wire, worn 199 garage safety 179 electricity and water, dangers protection from natural kitchen safety 174 disaster 222 of 187 L emergency, action in 10–1 gas leaks 184–5 erection failure 150 gate, broken or unstable 205 leg evacuation from home genital irritation, women 161 broken 45 glands, swollen 80–1 painful 145 domestic emergencies 173 glass family disaster plan 223 ligaments natural disasters 224 replacing 200–1 sprains 47 exercises, relaxation 169 securing broken pane 200 torn leg 145 eye grease stains 210–11 chemicals in 37 gutters, leaking 207 lightning 227 contact lens 98 locks drops, administering 166 H foreign object in 36 door 212, 213 ointment, administering 166 hall safety 175 jammed 215 painful or irritated 98–9 hand mortise damaged 215 vision, disturbed or impaired windows 212, 213 applying a bandage 62 loss of voice 104–5 100–1 painful 144 lumps 80–1 wound 35 head injury 29 breasts, self-examination 69 headache 84–5 scrotum 151 F heart testes 151, self-examination attack 25 facial pain 90 palpitations 136 69 fainting 53 heat family members, dealing with exhaustion 51 M exposure 246 stranded 245 heatstroke 52 major seizures 42 faucet, leaking 190 height, assessing children’s 71 medicines hoarseness 104–5 silencing drips 190 home first-aid kit 60 complementary remedies 163 faulty appliance, fuse and plug home medicine chest conventional 162–3 162–3 home medicine chest 162–3 checks 197 home safety 172–7 liquid, giving to children 168 febrile seizures 43 hornets 209 vomiting, effect on 117 feeling faint 82–3 hurricane 234–5 mice 209 feeling unwell 72–3 hypothermia 54 mortise lock, damaged 215 fencing, broken or unstable mouth bleeding 38 205

INDEX 255 mouth (continued) plumbing problems 186–91 speaking, difficulty 91 stings 59 poisons, swallowed 56 spider bites 57 tooth knocked-out 38 pregnancy spinal injuries 46 splinters 34 muscles abdominal pain 122 sprains 47 pulled leg 145 vaginal bleeding 158 stains on carpets and strains 47 pulled leg muscle 145 pulse, taking 68 upholstery 211 N children 70 stairs safety 175 purpura 97 stings 59 neck, pain or stiffness 142–3 storm, severe 226 nose R strains 47 stroke 30 bleed 39 radiator problems 193 structural problems 200–7 blocked, relieving 165 rash 94–5 sunburn 50 drops, administering 166 survival, post-disaster numbness 88–9 purpura 97 with fever 96–7 244–9 O rats 209 swallowed poisons 56 rectum, problems 127 swallowing, difficulty 115 overflow pipe, dripping red wine on carpets 211 sweating, excessive 78–9 191 relaxation exercises 169 resuscitation techniques 12–20 heat exhaustion 51 P rewiring a plug 197 swellings 80–1 roof, leaking 206 pain abdomen 126 abdominal 120–1 S ankles 148–9 arm 144 scrotum 151 back 140–1 safety testes 151 chest 134–5 home 172–7 symptoms, assessing 68–69 eye 98–9 yard 178–9 children 70–1 facial 90 hand 144 sandbags 228 T joints 146–7 scalds 49 leg 145 scorpion stings 59 taking a pulse 68 neck 142–3 scrotum, problems 151 children and babies 70 periods 156 security in the home 212–14 urination 138–9 seizures temperature of body febrile seizures 43 palpitations 136 febrile 43 fever 74–5, panic attack 168 major 42 children 76–7 passing out 82–3 semen, blood-streaked 152 hypothermia 54 path safety 179 shed safety 179 measuring with a patio safety 179 shock 27 thermometer 68 anaphylactic 28 children 70 door locks 212 shortness of breath 110–11 peephole in door 213 sink, blocked 189 tendons, strains 47 penis problems 152–3 sitting room safety 175 testes periods skillet fire, putting out 183 skin problems 151 heavy 157 general problems 94–5 self-examination 69 painful 156 rash with fever 96–7 thermometer 68, 70 pest control 208–9 relieving itchiness 165 throat, sore 103 pet stains on carpets and stings 59 difficulty swallowing upholstery 211 sunburn 50 115 pipes, water smoke alarms 173 soothing 164 airlock in 190 snake bites 57 tick bites 58 burst 188 snow, car stuck in 231 tingling 88–9 dripping overflow 191 sore throat 103 toilet, blocked 191 frozen, thawing 188 difficulty swallowing 115 tooth, knocked-out 38 leaking 207 soothing 164 torn leg ligament 145 plug, electrical 197 tornado 236–7 tsunami 242–3 tubular bandage 62

256 INDEX • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS U W sticking 202 see also glass unconsciousness 21, 82–3 wall socket, faulty 199 wine on carpets 211 fainting 53 wallpaper, grease on 211 women resuscitation techniques wasps 209 abdominal pain 122–3 12–20 water breast problems 154–5 genital irritation 161 upholstery stains 210, 211 conservation during a periods, heavy 157, urine disaster 247 painful 156 vagina, abnormal bleeding appearance of 138 electricity and, dangers of bladder, poor control 187 158–9, 137 discharge 160 inability to pass 137 plumbing mishaps 186–91 wood rot 204 painful urination 138–9 purifying 249 woodworm 209 pet stains on carpets and tank, leaking 187 wounds upholstery 211 yard safety 178 applying a dressing 61 weight cuts 33 V assessing adults 69 eye 35 assessing children 71 grazes 33 vagina wheezing 114 penetrating chest 32 abnormal bleeding 158–9 wildfire 232–3 discharge 160 windows boarding 234 vertigo 86–7 frames with wood rot 204 vision, disturbed or impaired hinges badly fitting 203 insulating 230 100–1 joints damaged 202 voice, loss of 104–5 locks 212, 213 volcanic eruption 240–1 sash damaged 203 vomiting 116–17 security devices 212 children 118–19 Acknowledgments Cooling Brown would like to thank Derek ILLUSTRATORS Coombes, Elaine Hewson, and Elly King David Ashby, Kuo Kang Chen, Peter for design assistance, Kate Sheppard for Cooling, Chris King, Patrick Mulrey, editorial assistance, Dennis Fell for advice John Woodcock on air conditioning, and G. R. Coleman. PHOTOGRAPHERS Dorling Kindersley would like to thank Matthew Ward, Trish Grant Andrea Bagg and Martyn Page for their editorial help, and Franziska Marking for PICTURE CREDITS picture research. Colin Walton 210b, Corbis 236, Photodisc 240, 241, 242 MODELS Philip Argent, Flora Bendall, Imogen JACKET PICTURE CREDITS Bendall, Jennifer Bendall, Ross Bendall, Pictor International front bl, front br; Alison Bolus, Eleanor Bolus, Dale Buckton, Popperfoto front bc; Science Photo Library Angela Cameron, Madeleine Cameron, BSIP, Laurent front tr; Stone/Getty Images Shenton Dickson, Olivia King, Michel back tc, back tl, front tc, front tl, spine. Labat, Janey Madlani, Tish Mills All other images © Dorling Kindersley. INDEX For further information see: Patricia Coward

EMERGENCY CONTACTS • In the event of an emergency In case of an emergency please call go to the nearest telephone Name................................................................................ and dial 911 Telephone ........................................................................ Cell ................................................................................... • Ask for the police, ambulance or fire department Relative Place of work Name .................................................................. Name .................................................................. Address............................................................... Address............................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Telephone .......................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Cell...................................................................... Taxi service Neighbour Name .................................................................. Name .................................................................. Telephone .......................................................... Address............................................................... ............................................................................ Local police station Telephone .......................................................... Cell...................................................................... Address............................................................... ............................................................................ School Telephone .......................................................... Name .................................................................. Landlord or superintendant Address............................................................... ............................................................................ Name .................................................................. Telephone .......................................................... Telephone .......................................................... School Burglar alarm company Name .................................................................. Name .................................................................. Address............................................................... Address............................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Telephone .......................................................... Telephone ..........................................................

Physician Gas Name .................................................................. Gas supplier ....................................................... Address............................................................... Telephone .......................................................... ............................................................................ Gas engineer...................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Emergency telephone ....................................... Cell...................................................................... Location of gas main......................................... Local hospital ............................................................................ Name .................................................................. Water Address............................................................... ............................................................................ Water supplier ................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Plumber .............................................................. Local pharmacist Telephone .......................................................... Cell...................................................................... Name .................................................................. Location of water main valve........................... Address............................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Telephone .......................................................... Electricity Dentist Electricity supplier ............................................. Telephone .......................................................... Name .................................................................. Electrician........................................................... Address............................................................... Telephone .......................................................... ............................................................................ Cell...................................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Location of service box ..................................... Emergency telephone ....................................... ............................................................................ Vet Contents insurance company Name .................................................................. Name .................................................................. Address............................................................... Address............................................................... ............................................................................ ............................................................................ Telephone .......................................................... Telephone .......................................................... Emergency telephone ....................................... Policy number .................................................... Town council or community board Home insurance company Telephone .......................................................... Name ............................................................... Address ........................................................... Flooding information ......................................................................... Telephone ....................................................... Policy number.................................................

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