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S c o p e a n d S e q u e n c e ,i READING VOCABULARY BIG QUESTION 1 How a r e a n im als d iffe re n t from one a n o th e r? Life Science f Amazing Animals Reading te xt w ords skin, mammals, eggs, am phibians, scales, Subject and Object Pronouns gills, feathers, wings, fur Fish have gills. 6P ag e Informational Text (Nonfiction) They have gills. Reading Strategy Listening te xt w ords head, eye, ear, m outh, leg, body Gills help them breathe. 1 Compare and Contrast Word Study Compound Words Page 16 Leo and Lily's Adventure Reading text w ords worm, berries, hunt, escape, creep, fight, Adverbs of Frequency Story (Fiction) peck, pinecone, squawk Lily always escapes. Reading Strategy Lily is usually very nervous. Compare and Contrast Listening text w ords strong, gentle, patient, smart, calm, fierce Leo som etim es tries to catch Lily. [►J How do th in g s ch a n g e ? Physical Science 3 What Is Our World Made Of? Reading text w ords flow, solid, liquid, gas, heat, steam , ice, Sim p le Past o f V erb To Be freeze, m elt It was a liquid. Now it's a gas. Page 26 Informational Text (Nonfiction) They were hard. Now they're soft. Reading Strategy Listening te xt w ords ice pop, balloon, kettle, popcorn, icicle, 4 Cause and Effect candle Page 36 Let's Make Ice Cream! Word Study Nounsand Verbs Play (Fiction) Reading text w ords cream, sugar, salt, pour, plastic bags, Sim p le Past o f Verb To Be Reading Strategy mixture, open, closed, freezer Was the freezer door open? Cause and Effect Yes, it was. Listening te xt w ords coffee, tea, salad, fruit, vegetables, pasta Were the students happy? No, they weren't. [ ►1 How a re th in g s d iffe re n t now from long ag o ? I Then and Now Reading text w ords travel, communication, airplane, news, Sim ple Past Regular Verbs letter, text m essage, e-mail, radio, Internet People listened to the news on the radio. Page 46 Informational Text (Nonfiction) They didn 't watch the new s on TV. Listening te xt w ords boat, bus, m otorcycle, cable car, truck, 6 Reading Strategy horse Main Idea and Details Page 56 Word Study Words in A lphabetical Order Tell Me a Story, Grandpa Reading text w ords arrive, ask, check, enter, poor, crowded, clerk, Sim ple Past Regular Verbs visit, sick Did they travel by ship? Historical Fiction Yes, they did. Listening te xt w ords couch, chair, lamp, clock, bathtub, sink Reading Strategy Did they arrive in tw o days? Sequence of Events No, they didn't. -------- --- --------- ----- ----- wC BIG QUESTION 4 When do we u se su b tra ctio n ? Math 7 Subtraction Reading text words minus sign, subtraction, take away, column, Sim ple Past Irregular Verbs row, test score, single-digit number, double-digit number, left Alma bought five cookies. She didn't buy four. Page 68 Informational Text (Nonfiction) Olivia gave her sister tw enty stickers. Listening te xt w ords clean, dirty, tired, hungry, thirsty, full She didn't give her twenty-six. Reading Strategy Reread Word Study Syllab les Bandar, the Greedy Monkey Reading text w ords let go, steal, dig up, hide, jar, greedy, bored, Sim ple Past Irregular Verbs baker, cook Did Bandar go to a candy store? Fable Yes, he did. Listening text w ords knee, nose, foot, arm, face, hand Reading Strategy Did he let go o f the candy? Beginning, Middle and End of a Story No, he didn't.

Billy Gus Layla Dot JE T SPEAKING '€> © WRAP UP LISTENING WRITING Animal Body Parts Expressing Sympathy Task Descriptions of different animal Are you OK? body parts No. M y leg hurts. Talk and w rite about favorite anim al groups. Oh, no! (W o rkbo o k) Listening Strategy Listening for specific information Describing an Animal Pronouns • Review Story Rabbits are very gentle. They are very gentle. Describing Anim als Eagles have feathers an d wings to help • Project Descriptions of animals them fly. Task ma in iia ii ru _iu ic vr_aius Talk and w rite ab out an anim al and w hat it is like. Listening Strategy (W o rkbo o k) . Review Listening for details Units 1 and 2 (Workbook) 1 3 ^5 5 5 -5 5 5 5 fl How Things Change Accepting a Request Task • Review Story Descriptions o f changes in states Please pass thejuice. Talk and w rite about a thing that can change state. • Project Sure. Here you go. (W o rkbo o k) Listening Strategy Thanks. IY IIA IU IC Listening for details Contractions Describing Food and Ingredients The ice p o p s weren't in the freezer. Water isn ’t a gas. . Review Creating M ixtures Tell m e about the party. Task Descriptions of food and drink m ixtures M y friends were there. The ice cream Talk and w rite about a favorite food and drink OUnits 3 and 4 (W orkbook) Listening Strategy was tasty. m ixture. (Workbook) Listening for specific information Asking for Som ething to Be Task Social Studies: History Repeated Talk and w rite about som ething people did long ago What country do you come from? but they don't do now. (Workbook) Life Then and Now Would you repeat that, please? An interview with Grandma Adding -e d to Some Verbs • Review Story Listening Strategy Describing Travel and Transport 1visited m y grandmother. He arrived in New York Listening for specific information Where did you travel? yesterday. • Project 1traveled to Washington. Interview an Adult In a Museum How did you travel there? Task Children discuss w hat they are Talk and w rite about traveling to a place 100 years • Review looking at ago and traveling there today. (Workbook) Units 5 and 6 (Workbook) | 3 j Listening Strategy Listening for details Subtraction Problem s Offering Task Subtraction word problems Would you like som e fruit? Talk about and w rite an interesting subtraction Listening Strategy No, thank you . I'm full. problem. (Workbook) Listening for number details How about some water? Yes, please. I'm thirsty. Contractions Bandar didn't let go of ■R eview Story Number Problem s Karen doesn't like fruit salad. Math problem poems Say a Math Problem the candy. ■P r o je c t Listening Strategy Twenty cow s sa t in som e trees. Subtraction Board Game Listening for number details Five fell down and hurt their knees. ■R e v ie w How many cows were left in the trees? Units 7 and 8 (Workbook) Task Talk and w rite about three things that w ere done last night. (Workbook)

UNIT READING VOCABULARY GRAMMAR BIG QUESTION 5 How do people g et along with e a ch o th e r? Following Rules Reading text w ords traffic light, take turns, polite, clean up, Possessive Pronouns litter, librarian, crossing guard, principal, lifeguard Those are your things. Those things are yours. Informational Text (Nonfiction) Whose book is this? It's hers. Reading Strategy Listening text w ords kitchen, living room, cafeteria, classroom, Page 86 Categorize swimming pool, crosswalk to Word Study Phrasal Verbs Page 96 The Please and Thank You Book Reading text w ords knock, thoughtful, rude, grab, pass, Can and May Poems pu t away, invite, wash, share Can I play? Yes, you can. M ay I com e in? No, you m ay not. Poems (Fiction) Listening text w ords computer, laptop, camera, headphones, tablet, cell phone Reading Strategy Theme BIG QUESTION 6 Why should we ta k e c a re o f th e E a rth ? Earth Science w Natural Resources Reading text w ords resources, wood, landfill, land, trash, smoke, Prepositions of Place sunlight, reduce, reuse There's sm oke in the air above the city. Page 106 Informational Text (Nonfiction) The landfill is across from the park. Reading Strategy Listeni ng text w ords camp, hike, ride a horse, surf, fish, ski The trash can is behind the tree. ffi Main Idea and Details The tree is in front o f the trash can. Word Study Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns Page 116 A Juice Carton's Diary Reading text w ords carton, diary, paper, blow, shelf, Prepositions of Place 13 Diary Entries (Fiction) recycling plant, machine, stationery store, rescue Where's the fountain? Reading Strategy Listening text w ords time, week, nine o'clock, nine-fifteen, It's across from the statue. Page 126 Setting nine-thirty, nine forty-five Is there a trash can behind the tree? Yes, there is. 14 CE BIG QUESTION How d o es m usic m ake u s fe e l? Music Page 136 How Music Makes us Feel Reading text w ords high, low, excited, sleepy, wolf, feelings, Prepositions of Time Informational Text (Nonfiction) right, wrong, trum pet Pedro listens to slow music at night. Reading Strategy Listening text w ords proud, smile, nervous, yawn, unhappy, cry Su m m arize When does Amanda listen to slow music? Word Study Synonyms She listens in the morning. Olga's Flute Reading text w ords notes, wait, worried, the flu, tears, solo, Adverbs of Time hummingbird, record, musician This m orning, Olga goes to school early Story (Fiction) fo r extra practice. Listening text w ords have lunch, give a concert, m ake a mistake, Reading Strategy sign an autograph, talk to fans, do an interview When did M ark go to music class? Characters He w ent yesterday morning. BIG QUESTION 8 What m akes things move? Physical Science 15 Forces and Movement Reading te xt w ords push, pull, movement, ground, throw, speed, Com parative Adjectives heavy, light, easy A ball is lighter than a desk. Page 146 Informational Text (Nonfiction) Is a desk heavier than a ball? Yes, it is. Reading Strategy Listeni ng text w ords computer mouse, stapler, suitcase, broom, What's slower than an airplane? 16 Cause and Effect door, desk drawer A train is slow er than an airplane. Page 156 Two Stubborn Little Goats Word Study Antonyms Fable (Fiction) Reading text w ords stubborn, angry, goat, mountain, west, east, Superlative Adjectives Reading Strategy forward, horns, wet I'm the you n gest person in my family. Theme Listening text w ords basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, hockey, Is theju iciest grass on East Mountain? g o lf Yes, it is. O BIG QUESTION 9 How do we m ake a r t ? A rt Page 166 Shapes in Art Reading text w ords crescent, star, spiral, oval, straight, nature, Q u an tifiers collage, sculpture, pattern There are a lot o f shapes. Informational Text (Nonfiction) There aren't any triangles. Listening text words photograph, origami, drawing, mobile, There is a lo t o fpaper. Reading Strategy oilpainting, mosaic There isn't any red paint. Text-to-Self Connection Word Study Flomophones Origami Reading text w ords shiny, fold, edge, crane, seal, crumple, Q u an tifiers waves, climb, golden Panel Story (Fiction) Did M aki have any pencils? No, she didn't. Listening text w ords markers, scissors, glue, watercolors, chalk, H ow m any seals were there? There was one seal. Reading Strategy colored pencils How much paper was there? There was a lot of paper. Text-to-Self Connection PLA YSCRIPTS Bandar, the Greedy Monkey Two Stubborn Little Goats

LISTENING SPEAKING WRITING WRAP UP Social Studies: Community A p o lo g iz in g Task • Review Story It's m y turn. Talk and w rite about three rules in th e home. • Project Rules in Different Places No, it isn't. It's Felix's turn. (Workbook) Descriptions of rules in different places Oh, you're right. I'm sorry. Rules Poster Listening Strategy Subject-Verb Agreement • Review Listening for specific information Being Polite He is careful with scissors an d glue. Areyou using that computer? They were tired yesterday. Units 9 and 10 (W orkbook) | 3 j Polite or Rude? Yes, 1am. But we can share. Task Dialogues showing different kinds Great. Thanks. Talk and w rite about a thoughtful person. of behavior (W orkbook) Listening Strategy Listening for specific information Clean or Polluted? Reprim anding and Apologizing Task •Review Story Descriptions of land and water states and how Please don't litter. Use the trash can. Talk and w rite about three natural resources seen they affect activities Sorry. Where is it? every day. (Workbook) ■Pro ject It's in front o f th at tree. Natural Resource Collage Listening Strategy Oh, I see it. Thanks. Verb Tenses to Show Time Listening for details I go to school. I'm going to school. I went to school. •Review Task Units 11 and 12 (W orkbook) Earth Awareness Week Describing Conservation Activities Talk and w rite about som ething that has been Descriptions of different conservation activities I recycled m y milk cartons. Did you? recycled. (Workbook) Listening Strategy Yes, I did. I recycled m y m ilk cartons, Listening for specific information too! The School Concert Giving Opinions Task Descriptions of different feelings and reactions Please turn dow n the music! Talk and w rite about music and feelings. (Workbook) Why? Listening Strategy I don't like pop music. ■R eview Story Listening for details Really? It's m y favorite. ■Pro ject Interview w ith a Pop Star Describing Music and Emotions Using And and But Music Mobile A reporter interview s a pop star I gave a concert. I was proud. Then I I'm singing and playing the piano. signed autographs. I was excited. Aden is excited, but I'm nervous. •Review Listening Strategy Iplayed the piano. I was nervous. Units 13 and 14 (W orkbook) Listening for details Task Talk and w rite about favorite music and w hat it sounds like. (Workbook) Things We Push and Pull Offering to Help Task Descriptions of actions that require movement Phew! 1can't m ove this. It's too heavy. Let me help you. Talk and w rite about pushing and pulling. Listening Strategy Thanks. That would be great! (W orkbook) Listening for specific information No problem. ■R eview Story Sport and Movement Describing Sports Com parative and Superlative Endings Descriptions of different sports and actions 1run, ju m p , and throw the ball. Sm all... sm aller... smallest ■Pro ject You're playing basketball. Heavy... heavier... heaviest Forces Poster Listening Strategy Listening for details Task ■R e v ie w Talk and w rite about speed and m ovem ent in a Units 15 and 16 (W orkbook) n sport. (Workbook) Art Class Com plim enting Task • Review Story Descriptions of types of art and shapes Wow! That's a really great mobile! Talk and w rite about favorite kinds of art and the Listening Strategy Thankyou. shapes used in it. (W orkbook) • Project Listening for details You're very go od a t art. Thanks. And you're good a t math! Using Com m as in Lists Art Report Making Art M y sister bought glue, a box o f markers colored n Descriptions of art and art tools Describing Art pencils, scissors and chalk. • Review Listening Strategy It's a picture o f the rainforest. 1used Task Unit5 „ and 18 (Workbook) Q Listening for specific information green and brown pieces o f stone for Talk and w rite about art tools used in art projects. the trees. (Workbook) WORLD MAP You m ade a mosaic.

In units WATCH LEARN READ f and 2 a video about about anim al a cat and bird anim als. adventure. /ou will: groups. V

WRITE MAKE about what anim al anim als are like. picture cards. oBIG QUESTION How a re anim als d ifferen t from one another? O aWatch the video. 0 Look at the picture. What do you see? 1 How many anim als can you see? 2 Where do you think they are? G Think and answer the questions. 1 What anim als do you like? 2 Which anim als help us? 0 Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you know about animals?

W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.02 mammals eggs amphibians scales feathers wings fur O Read the sentences. Write the words from © . 1 Birds have two of these. Orangutans don't have these. w in g s 2 Chickens lay these. Some people eat them in the morning. 3 These are all over an im a ls'b o d ie s._____________________________________ 4 An elephant and an orangutan are part of this group. 5 Frogs are part of this group. 6 Many anim als that live in water have these to help them breathe. 8 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Animals and Animal Body Parts

Before You Read PREVIEW T h i n k What do you know about fish? Do you like frogs? In this text, we Why? Why not? learn about different kinds Compare and Contrast of animals and To compare things, we tell how they're the same. the groups they Honeybees and birds both have wings. belong to. To contrast things, we tell how they're different. This text is an Honeybees make hives. Birds make nests. informational text. Informational texts Read the text. What's the sam e? What's different? tell us about our Check (✓) the correct column. world. Mice and hamsters are both Life Science mammals.They both have fur, four legs, and run fast. Hamsters live inside and mice usually live outside. Both animals are small. Sam e Different 1 Fur? y 2 Four legs? 3 Inside or outside? 4 Big or sm all? O Look at the title on page 10. W hat do you think the text is about? Reading: Compare and Contrast Unit 1 9

ALL anim als can breathe an d move, but th e y 're VS different in m any a m a z in g w a y s . Here w e look at how they are the same and how they are different This helps us put them into groups. 7 feathers wings All birds have two legs, two wings, and feathers, and most birds can fly. The wings and feathers help them fly and the feathers help keep them warm. Birds lay eggs with hard shells. They keep the bab y birds inside safe from animals that w ant to ea t them. Fish have gills to help them scales breath e in water. S c a l e s all over their bodies help keep •Think them safe from dan gerous fish that want to bite them. They How are fish different don't have legs, but their fins from birds? and tails help them swim. Fish l a y their e g g s in water, and their e ggs are soft.

Am p h ib ian ? T h in k Amphibians are very interesting How are amphibians b e c a u s e they can live on land an d in the sam e a s fish ? water. Amphibians need to have wet skin, so they live in w e t p laces. They la y their soft e g g s in water. They have gills when they're young and the gills help them breathe in water. Most amphibians, like frogs, have legs that help them walk and jump on land. Mammal? How are mam m als different Some mammals live on land from am phibians? an d some live in water. W hales are water mammals, and cats, rabbits, and lions are land mammals. Hair or fur covers most land mammals' bodies and this helps keep them warm. People are mammals too! Mammals don't lay eggs. Their babies drink milk from their mothers.

Understand Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. 1 The bird group f ( K © $1 2 The fish group 3 The amphibian group □ o□ 4 The mammal group □ □o □ □o © Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. Frogs have wet skin. T h a t’s cool! 0 How are birds and fish the sam e? How are they different? Circle Same or Different. 1 How they breathe 3 What covers their bodies Sam e C D ifferen O Sam e D ifferen t 2 How they lay eggs 4 How they move Sam e D ifferen t Sam e D ifferen t O Answer the questions. 1 Wheredoamphibianslive? 2 How do amphibians move? 3 What do mammals have all over their bodies? T h in k What do you think? o&~~-- ^ 1 Why can't birds live under water? 2 Why do frogs need to live near water? 1 2 Unit 1 Comprehension

G ram m ar in Use W orkbook ir„ G ram m ar Ipages 006-007 J3 Jo Listen and sing along. We Love A n im als! © 1*04 mm Fish have gills to help them breathe. How do mam m als keep w a rm ? They have gills to play in the sea! Do you know? Birds have wings to help them fly. They have fur to play in the snow! They have wings to play in the sky! How do amphibians breathe when Animals! Animals! We love animals! they swim? Believe it or not, they use their skin! Animals! Animals! W e love animals! © L e a r n G ra m m a r Pronouns Fish have gills. They have gills. Gills help them breathe. Do gills help fish breathe? Yes, gills help them breathe. How do gills help fish? Gills help them breathe. What anim als have these things? Practice with your partner. Birds have them. They’re w ings. Grammar: Subject and Object Pronouns Unit 1 1 3

C o m m un icate W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.05 Q Read the clues and write the words. legs 1 Some anim als have two of these and some have four. 2 Eyes, ears, and mouth are on this for most animals. 3 Most anim als have two of these to see with. 4 This body part can open and close. Most anim als eat with this. 5 Elephants have two big ones but fish don't have any. 6 A tiger's legs help move this from place to place. L iste n in g T h in k Are fish and bird body parts the sam e? Why or why not? Q Listen. How m any of these an im als live in the ocean? © i.oe O Listen ag ain and circle the correct anim al. © 1-07 1 g o ld fish /sta rfish 4 m ice/sp id ers 2 ca ts/ra b b its 5 liza rd s /fro g s 3 w h ales/elep h an ts 6 h o neyb ees/eag les 1 4 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Body Parts • Listening: Specific Information

S p e a k in g 0 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. © i-os Word Study Compound Words Compound words are two words put together to make a new word, star + fish = starfish honey + bee = honeybee Look at the pictures and complete the compound words. 1 flake 3 house 2 fly 4 fish W r it © Tell your partner three things about your favorite anim al group. Now write about them in your W orkbook. EBEHSfr Speaking: Expressing Sympathy •Compound Words Unit 1 15 BIG QUESTION Q I think animals belong to different groups. How a r e an im als d iffe re n t from I think animals have one another? different body parts.

UNIT 2 Get Ready W ords © Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i.oq worm berries hunt peck pinecone squawk O Complete the sentences. Write the words. 1 Birds at their food to eat it. 2 A ________________grows on a pine tree. 3 Strawberries are my favorite kind o f________________ 4 Some anim als in the rainforest for their food. 5 The dog and the cat don't like each other. They often 6 A ________________is a long, thin anim al. It lives underground. 7 Bobby's pet bird can out of the window. 8 Cats c a n ________________very quietly. Other anim als can't hear them coming. 4 Birds can loudly. It's a funny sound! 1 6 Unit 2 Vocabulary: Anim al Words and Verbs

Before You Read J PREVIEW T h i n k How can anim als help people? Leo and Do you help at home? Lily’s Compare and Contrast Adventure Remember, to com pare things, we tell how they're the In this story we same. To contrast things, we tell how they're different. read about the adventure of a Read the text. What's the sam e? What's different? cat, Leo, and a Write the words in the Venn diagram . bird, Lily. Hugo and Ivan are ten years old. This story is an Hugo lives in a big house in the adventure story. country and Ivan lives in a small Adventure stories apartment in the city.They both are usually exciting have pets. Hugo has a big dog and because a lot of Ivan has a small goldfish. things happen. O Look at the title and pictures on pages 1 8 -1 R. Guess the things that happen. Reading: Compare and Contrast Unit 2 1 7

Read Leo a n d Lily's .r r Adventure r / tv - I, g p M I/4 Leo and Lily live in a big garden near a forest. Lily is red and yellow. She’s friendly, but she is usually very nervous. Lily flies from tree to tree in the garden and she hops in the grass. She eats worms, nuts, and berries. Leo is black and white. H e is very fast and very clever. H e’s brave, too. H e climbs trees in the garden and he hunts for mice ... and birds! Leo sometimes tries to catch Lily, but Lily always escapes. Leo can run fast, but Lily can fly.This makes Leo angry! One day, Leo sees Lily in the garden. Leo wants to catch Lily. He creeps through the garden very slowly and quietly. But Lily sees Leo and she flies aw ay into the forest. Leo chases Lily. Lily flies and flies and Leo runs and runs. Soon they are a long wag from the garden and they don’t know the w ay home. It’s dark in the forest. Leo and Lily are scared.

Leo and Lily hear a noise. It’s a fox! The fox is hungry. It wants some dinner. It wants to eat Leo! Leo tries to fight the fox, but the fox is very big. Lily is in a tree. She pecks a pinecone. The pinecone falls and hits the fox on the head! Leo escapes and climbs up the tree.The fox is angry. It can ’t climb trees. Leo and Lily w ait in the tree for a long time. At last, the fox goes away. Leo and Lily are safe, but they want to go home now. Lily flies up very high. She sees the garden! She squawks happily. Lily shows Leo the w ay home. But Lily is small and her wings are tired. She sits on Leo’s back and Leo carries Lily home. Leo and Lily are safe at home in their garden a g a in .T h e y ’re friends now. Lily flies around the garden and Leo never tries to catch her ... Well, hardly ever!

Understand Com prehension T h in k What do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. >cM—^ 1 Why Leo and Lily don't like each other 2 Their adventure in the woods □ □ □i i i i i 3 How Leo escapes from the fox □ □ □i i i i i □ □ □4 Why Leo and Lily are friends at the end i ii ii © Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. Lily pecks the pinecone. It ’s funny! © Com pare and contrast Leo and Lily. Write the words in the Venn diagram . can fly scared clever can run friendly Number the events in the correct order. o Leo tries to fight the fox. q Leo chases Lily. Leo and Lily wait in a tree. Lily shows Leo the way home. T h in k What do you think? 1 Which anim als can be pets? 2 Can animals help each other? 20 Unit 2 Comprehension

Gram m ar pages 014-015 1 G ram m ar in Use ^o Listen and sing along. C a t s a n d B ird s © i . n Meow! Squawk! Meow! Squawk! Meow! Squawk! Meow! Squawk! My cat and bird alw ays fight. I usually have to shout. They never get along together. I sometimes sa y they m ust be friends And fighting isn’t right. Or I w on’t let them out! Meow! Squawk! Meow! Squawk! I hardly ever sleep at night. W h y ca n ’t my cat and bird be friends And treat each other right? 0 Adverbs of Frequency Lily alw ays escapes. always y y y y Lily is usually very nervous. usually y y y Leo som etim es trie s to catch Lily. som etim es >/</ Leo hardly ever tries to catch Lily now. hardly ever y Leo and Lily never fight now. never X Practice with your partner. Me Name ... I alw ays ... He / She alw ays ... I usually ... He / She usually ... I som etim es ... He / She som etim es ... I hardly e v e r ... He / She hardly ever ... I n e v e r... He / She never ... O Now tell the class I always eat ice He sometimes watches about your partner. cream in the summer. TV in the evening. Grammar: Adverbs o f Frequency Unit 2 21

C o m m un icate W ords © Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.12 strong gentle patient smart calm fierce O Circle the correct answer. (True) False True False 1 An elephant can be big and strong. True False 2 A lion is always gentle and calm. True False 3 A dog can be fierce and patient. True False 4 A monkey can be smart. 5 A mouse is always strong and fierce. L iste n in g T h in k What anim als do you think are smart? Why? © Listen. Where are the children? © 1.13 O Listen again and check (>/) the correct anim al. © i*m 2 34 22 Unit 2 Vocabulary: Adjectives • Listening: Details

S p e a k in g o Describe an anim al. Your partner tells you the anim al group it belongs to. Use the words in the boxes to help. © 1.15 Eagles have feathers and w in g s to help them fly. W hat These anim als have ... anim al group are they in? 1 -3 3 —- They can ... E a g le s a re in They re in ... the bird group. W riting Study Pronouns Some words can take the place of nouns. These words are called pronouns. Rabbits are very gentle. They are very gentle. Write the pronouns for the underlined words. 1 My friends and I are playing. 2 The dog is barking at Tom. 3 The drums are very loud. 4 The city is dangerous. 5 Lions can be fierce. W r it © Tell your partner about an anim al that you know. Say w hat it is like. Now go to your W orkbook and write about it. Speaking: Describing an Animal • Writing: Pronouns Unit 2 23

W rap Up o Listen and read along. © M6 Billy's pet is a fish The students are learning about anim al groups. Layla's pet is an am p h ib ian . B o o d o e sn ’t h a ve legs bu t she h a s fin s. S h e ’s v e r y s m a rt! Dot's pet kitten is a m am m al. T h is is C h a rlie . He has beautiful w h ite fu r. H e ’s v e r y strong! Gus's pet is a bird. Am azinq! Z a k has a pet lizc Eddie has beautiful feathers. He likes to fly around my room. 2 4 Review

oP r o je c t : M a k e A n im a l P i c t u r e C a r d s Make anim al picture cards. • Draw or find a picture of one anim al for each card. • Write the name of the anim al below the picture. • Write three facts about the anim al group on the back of the card. r abbi t mmq/ G rou p Mammals have f “ r ot Covering -fheir b o d i e s , Most mammals have two o r fo u r legs. ftAammal b a b ies d rin k ft)ilk from th eir m others. O Put your Animal Picture Cards on the wall. This is a rabbit. Tell the class about an anim al. Rabbits have fu r all over their bodies. O Play a gam e with your partners. Place your Picture Cards picture-side down on a desk. Partners read the sentences on the backs of the picture cards and guess the animals. a© Watch the video. W h a t did you learn about © Think more about how animals the Big Question. are different? BIG Q UESTIO N 0 © Complete the How a r e an im als Big Question different from Chart. one another? Project: Anim al Picture Cards • Big Q uestion!

In units WATCH LEARN READ 3 and 4 a video about how about w hat things about how to m ake things change. are m ade of. ice cream . you will:

*? BIG QUESTION e How do things change? O aWatch the video. 0 Look at the picture. What do you see? 1 What is the weather like? 2 Where do you think this is? © Think and answer the questions. 1 What things change? 2 Can you hold water in your hand? 0 Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h at do you know about how things change? 27

UNIT 3 Get Ready W ords O Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © .1 17 I ’/\\\\ A A m ' ’ r solid gas heat steam ice freeze melt 0 Write the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Water is a (\\j_iqj _u__i_d/V s o lid ....... .in...d..r.i.n..k..s..t.o...m...a.k..e...t.h..e..m. c..o..l.d.... g a s / i c e 2 ■..We put -------- 3 On a hot day, ice cream can m e l t / f r e e z e------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 We can't hold a in our hands. solid /g as 5 We cold water to make it hot. fre e ze /heat 6 Water in a river can over stones. m elt/flow 7 A book is a aas/so lid 8 You can see on very hot water. steam /ice 4 On a very cold day water can fre e ze ^ m elt 28 Unit 3 Vocabulary: Forms and States

Before You Read PREVIEW T h in k Are there any liquids in your backpack? iWODQlG QS ©ODD3 W hat solids are in your kitchen at home? LnjQ(2^]@ <5)0? In this text, we Cause and Effect learn about what things are made of. Cause and effect tells how one event makes This text is an another event happen. in form ation al text. Remember, A cause is why something happens. informational texts tell us about our The effect is what happens after the cause. world. Cause Effect Physical I w ater the plants. They grow. Science The ice cream is in the sun. It melts. Read the sentences. Match the causes and effects. In the w inter, it's sometimes cool and rain y. W hen it's very cold, it snows. When there's a lot of snow, children don't go to school. They stay home and they're happy. In winter, there's often ice on the streets, and sometimes people slip and fall. Cause Effect 1 It's very cold. • a Sometimes people fall. 2 There's a lot of snow. • 3 Children stay home. • b It snows. 4 There's often ice on • c Children don't go to the streets. school. • d They're happy. O Look at the pictures on pages 30 - 31. W hat do you think the text is about? Reading: Couse and Effect Unit 3 29

Qs © q dlp 00 0 J A Everything in o u r w o rld c o m e s in three different states: solid, liquid, or gas. Solids Liquids Gases S A liquid is a thing The air that you that can flow. Some b re ath e is a g as. We We can see and feel liquids are thick, and can't usually see a gas solids. Some solids som e liquids are thin. but sometimes we can are hard, and some Juice and milkshakes feel it w h e n it m oves. solids are soft. Trees are liquids. Can you On a windy day, we and feathers are solids. think of other kinds can feel the wind on You're a solid, too! of liquid? our bodies.

Things can change from one state to another when we make them hot or cold. When we make water When ice or snow When we heat very cold, it freezes heats up, it melts and water, it boils and and changes to ice. changes back to water. changes to steam. Look at these three pictures of things changing from one state to another. The snow was a Think\" solid and now W hat’s the c a u s e of it's a liquid. the snow m elting? W hat’s the effect? The water was a liquid and now The water was a liquid and it's a solid. now it's a gas. T h in k T h in k W hat’s the c a u s e of What’s the cause of the w a te r freezing ? the w a te r boiling? W hat’s the effect? W hat’s the effect?

Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. o& ~ \" ^ 1 Solids 2 Liquids 3 Gases O Ask and answer W hat’s your favorite part? the question. W ater can change to a solid or a gas. It ’s interesting. 0 Match the causes and effects. Cause Effect 1 Water freezes. • a It melts. 2 We heat ice. b It changes to ice. 3 Water boils. c It changes to steam. 0 Complete the statements. 1 We can see and feel this. It can be hard or soft. This is a solid 2 This flows. It can be thick or thin. It's a 3 We cannot usually see this. Sometimes we can feel it. It's a T h in k What do you think? 1 Why do we boil liquids? 2 Can all solids change to liquids? 3 2 Unit 3 Comprehension

W orkbook Gram m ar pages 024-025 G ram m ar in Use o Listen and sing along. T h e Snow m an © mr ' This was my snowman. Those were his black eyes, My wonderful snowman. A nd that w as his red nose, B u t n o w he’s melting a w a y ! B u t n o w he’s melting a w a y ! His name w as Joe, my man He w a s n ’t small, he w as of snow, very tall, A n d now he’s melting a w a y ! A n d n o w he’s melting a w a y ! Q B n zE zm Sim ple P ast o f Verb To Be It w a s a liquid. Now it’s a gas. They were hard. Now they’re soft. o ooo O 0 0 .0 .. W hat w as it then? W hat is it now? Practice with your partner. Then ------------- It w as an orange. V. — J G Look around the classroom. Find something that has changed from one thing to another. Tell your partner about it. Grammar: Simple Past o f Verb To Be Unit 3 3 3

C o m m un icate W ords © Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i.20 ---------------- 1^ - ------------- ^ ice pop balloon kettle J icicle candle popcorn O Read the clues. Write the word. 1 People think I'm fun to play with. If I get too big, I pop! What a m i? b alloon 2 I help people heat water for drinks. What am I? 3 I can grow on a house when it's very cold outside. What am I? 4 I get noisy when people make me hot. People eat me. What am I? 5 People use me to see in the dark. Be careful! I'm hot. What am I? 6 I'm very cold and people eat me on a hot summer day. What am I? L iste n in g T h in k What's inside a balloon? Listen. W hat happens to popcorn? © 1.21 Q Listen ag ain and number the words in the order you hear them. © 1-22 balloon d | ice pop % □ a| | kettle □ e b | icicle □ □ f 1 popcorn candle □ c □ 3 4 Unit 3 Vocabulary: Nouns •Listening: Details

S p e a k in g o Listen and repeat. Then practice with your partner. Use the words in the box to help. © 1.23 Please p ass the juice. chips c o o k ie Sure. Here you go OK. Thanks. % You’re welcom e. Of course. No problem. Word Study Nouns and Verbs Remember, some words can be nouns and verbs. Noun: Steam Verb: She steam s is a gas. the carro ts. Read the sentence. Write the word. 1 Look! The eagle chicks can fly ! 2 My friend and I ____________ videogames together. 3 We at the pond in the summer. W r i t e Tell your partner about a thing that can change state. 35 Write about it in your W orkbook. Speaking: Accepting a Request • Words That Can Be Nouns and Verbs Unit 3 BIG QUESTION Q I think solids can become liquids. How do I think liquids can Q things become gas. change?

I U1 1 1N1 Ii Tt jm L Get Ready A L W ords © Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.24 cream sugar pour plastic bags mixture open closed freezer O Look at Q and write the words. 1 Food: salt 2 Things in a kitchen: O Complete the sentences. Write the words from © . 1 I the milk into the mixture to make a milkshake. 2 When the door is I can see outside. 3 When the window is I feel hot. 3 6 Unit 4 Vocabulary: Foods and Mixtures

Before You Read PREVIEW T h in k Do you like ice cream ? Do you have parties with Let’s your friends? M ake Cause and Effect Ic e Remember, a cause is why something happens. The effect is what happens after the cause. Cream ! Read the causes. Write the effects. This story is a ploy. A play is acted on Omar feels awful. He’s really cold. His a stage by actors. mother heats some water and makes him some lemon tea. Omar drinks the tea and feels warm. He takes a short nap and when he w a k e s up he’s hungry! His mother heats water in a pot, and puts in some chicken, carrots, and onions. Omar eats the soup and feels good again! Cause Effect 1 Omar is really cold. His mother makes him tea. 2 Omar drinks fhe fea. 3 He’s hungry. •4 Om ar eafs fhe soup. © In the story, students m ake something that is cold and sweet. W hat do you think it is? Reading: Cause and Effect Unit 4 3 7

mn Let’s lM a k e j Cream! GMrasd.eW3 teoaocdhesr M s . W o o d s : T o d ay is our sch o o l party. Let's g o to the cafeteria M ark and get the ice cream you bought Students y e s t e r d a y . It's in the freezer. Mr. Jenkins Students: Oh, no! It's liquid! Science teacher Luis: Yuck! Ju d y: That w as our ice cream! rk W a s the freezer d oo r o p en ? M s . W o o d s : Yes, it w a s . It w a s W hat is le c a u se of the ice cream m elting? open all night. N o w there's no o Think ice cream for the party. O' What is the effect of Mr. Jenkins: W hat's wrong? the ice cream m elting? W hy's everyone so sad? M s . W o o d s: It w a s our jo b to bring the ice cream for the p a r ty , but it m e lted . N o w w e c a n 't h a v e ice c r e a m . Mr. Jenkins: Sure you can! You can m ake ice cream . I can teach you! Students: Yippee! Mr. Jenkins: OK, kids. G e t big and small plastic bags, cream , sugar, vanilla, and salt. Then com e to my classroom. Students: Ready, Mr. Jenkins! Mr. Jenkins: M y freezer w a s closed all night, so I have ice. N ow , let's make ice cream.

S tu d en ts: Yes! Let's m ake ice cream ! Mr. Jenkins: M ix the sugar and vanilla and cream. Students: Mix the sugar and vanilla and cream. Done! Mr. Jenkins: Pour the cream, sugar, and vanilla mixture into the small bag. Students: Pour the cream, su gar and vanilla mixture into the small bag. Done! M r. J e n k in s : Put the salt a n d the ice cu b e s into the big b ag. S t u d e n t s : Put the salt a n d the ice cu b e s into the big b a g . Done! Mr. Jenkins: N o w put the small b a g in the big b a g . S t u d e n t s : Put the s m a ll b a g in the big bag. Done! Mr. Jenkins: N ow shake, shake, shake! W hat do you have? Luis: H ey! Look! q O What is the W e have ice cream! effect of And w e didn't use a freezer! shaking the m ixture? S tu d e n ts : H o w is the ice cream , Mr. Jenkins? Mr. Jenkins: It's great! Can I have some more?

Understand Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like about the play? Check (%/). Why? Give one reason. ^ 1 Mr. Jenkins helps the students. 2 The students make ice cream. 3 People eat the ice cream. © Ask and answer k W hat’s your favorite part? the question. LI The students make ice cream . I like ice cream . © Read the causes. Write the effects. Effect a The ice cream melted. Cause b 1 The fre e z e r door w a s open all night. c 2 The students don’t have ice cream . 3 They make ice cream. © Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer. 1 The students need to bring fruit to the party. T r u e F a l s e 2 The students pour the mixture into a bag. True False 3 The ice cream wasn't good. True False T h in k What do you think? o 1 Why did Mr. Jenkins help the students? 2 What was fun about this school party? 4 0 Unit 4 Comprehension

W orkbook Gram m ar pages 032-033 G ram m ar in Use o Listen and sing along. Making Ice C ream © 1*6 J 3 4 Where were you yesterday? Where were you yesterday? We were at a party. We were at a party. It w a s fun to m ake ice cream It w a s fun to m ake ice cream W ith all our friends! With all our friends! W a s the ice cream in the freezer? No! It w a s quick to make. W a s the ice cream in a bag? Yes! Shake, shake, shake! © L e a r n G r a m m a r Simple Past o f Verb To Be Was fhe fre e z e r door open? Yes, it w as. Were the students happy? No, they w e ren ’t. Where w a s the ice cream ? I t w a s in the freezer. Ask your partner questions about the picture. Use the words in the box. W as the No, it w indow open? w a s n ’t. icecream door window books students © Think of a mixture. W hat things are in it? Ask your partner. Grammar: Simple Past o f Verb To Be with Wh- and Yes / No Questions Unit 4 41

C o m m un icate W ords © Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.27 coffee tea salad fruit vegetables pasta O Think about the words in Q and add them to the chart. We w ash ... We don’t w ash ... 1 salad 1 2 2 3 3 L is t e n in g _________________________________ T h i n k W hat foods do you like to mix? ^ © Listen. W hat liquids and solids do we heat? © 1.28 O Listen again and check (>/) the ingredients you hear. Then circle the correct food. © i-2q y water 2 cucumbers 3 tomatoes oranges milk [! ) tomato carrots juice sausage sausages avocado onions fru it /tea salad /co ffee v e g e ta b le s/ p a sta 4 2 Unit 4 Vocabulary: Food • Listening: Specific Information

S p e a k in g © Take turns to ask your partner about the school party, yesterday. © 1.30 W ritin g S t u d y _____________________________________________ Contractions Remember, contractions are two words joined together. We make contractions by taking aw ay a letter and adding an apostrophe (). is + not = isn’t w as + not = w asn ’t are + not = aren ’t were + not = weren’t Read the sentence. Write the contraction. 1 The ice pops w e re n ’t in the freezer, (were not) 2 Water a gas. (is not) 3 Coffee and tea solids, (are not) 4 The refrigerator _______________ on all night, (was not) W r i t e Tell your partner one of your favorite foods. Is it a mixture? Now write about it in your W orkbook. Speaking: Describing Food and Ingredients • Writing: Contractions Unit 4

Units 3 and 4 o Listen and read along. © 1.31 Billy and Dot start to make dinner. Gus puts the food away. L e t ’s m a k e d in n e r. W e can h a v e pasta, vegetables, fruit, and cream. Put the ice pops in the freezer, G us. And heat the w ater, please, Dot. Look at the It’s s te a m . It w a s W here are the T h e y ’re in the water! a liquid and now vegetables? water. Now it’s a g as! C ool! it’s soup! Dot looks for the cream but The ice pops weren't in the freezer. the cream was in the freezer. 1 Uh-oh! They were 1mWu solids and n o w th e y ’ re Oh, no, Gus! Look! Ice cream . a liquid! Sorry! It w a s a liquid and now it’s a solid! Cool!

P ro je c t: Make a Mixture Book This is vc soup. o Write about three food mixtures. • Draw or find pictures. it's a mi/fure. • Write sentences about the mixtures. It's licjuid- Q Display your Mixture Book. 1+ a lso has so lid Tell the class about one of the f/r'n p s in it mixtures in your book. This is soup. It ’s a m ixture of so lid s and liquid. O Walk around the room. Look at the books. Choose your favorite mixture. Say why it's your favorite. Ic e cream is a m ixture of cream , fru it, and ice. I like it! V. Q Watch the video. | 3 BIG QUESTION 0 0 Think more about A /—• How do things e Complete the /A change? Big Question k -V— Chart. Project: Mixture Book • Big Question 2

In units WATCH LEARN READ a story 5 and 6 a video about things about things now about a man who now and long ago. and long ago. cam e to New York you will:

WRITE about MAKE something people a report about did long ago. an interview. BIG QUESTION €> How are things different now from long ago? aO Watch the video. 0 Look at the picture. What do you see? 1 How did people travel then? 2 Why were there so many people? O Think and answer the questions. 1 Did your grandmother have a cell phone when she was young? 2 Are you the same now as you were three years ago? O Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you know about how things now are different from long ago?

W ords o Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.32 travel communication airplane news tr v. -r--t---^-—j yt\\ = J text message letter e-mail radio Internet O Read the sentences. Write the words. 1 We fly on this to go somewhere far away, a irp la n e 2 We can send these to our friends. 3 We listen to this to hear songs or news. 4 This is something you do if you like to go to new places. 5 E-mail and text messages are examples of this. 6 This is something we use a lot to find information. 7 We can turn on the TV or listen to the radio to hear this. 4 8 Unit 5 Vocabulary: Travel, Communication, and News

Before You Read PREVIEW T h in k How do you get to school? Can your grandparents HMD RTTTT1 use the Internet? MB Main Idea and Details This text is an The main idea is what a text is about. There is one main informational text. idea. Other sentences in the text tell us more about the It is on a website. main idea.These are called details. Remember, informational texts wMaysnaeibgighbfoarrmho,oadnwd aitswvearsyqduiifefteraenndt lsoanfeg. aTghoe.reThere tell us about our weren't a lot of buildings or people. It's different now. world. (T f —— “ Social Studies: There was My neighborhood was a big farm. very different long ago. History T There weren't a lot of It was quiet and safe. buildings or people. Write the main idea and details. Ali was different a long time ago. He was a naughty fliotrtlescbhooyo.l.NNoowwhhee's'saaglwooadyssteuadrelyn.t. He was always late O Look at the title on page 50. What do you think the text is about. Reading: Main Idea and Details Unit 5

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