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Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-07-29 05:40:45



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["tunffie Read, the words,thot go wtth the p'ictures, Cotour the pictures; a btack cat o, btue pen opink hot a Aet{ow Jtower SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Conversation skills . Creative thinking 99","Recd the questions ond onswers. Colour the pictures. .1 What colour is the l,eaf? -\/--. --'--- It is green. '--\/ '\\\\._ \\\\<__ 2. What cotour [s the umbreLl,a? ,\\\\ \\\\ It is bLack. \\\\, j-*.'. .- \\\\ I l t\\\\l \\\\l) 3. What coto ur are these r|bbons ? Theg are red. SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Recognition of colours 100","I 4. What colour is the shirt? f t is blue. 5. Whot colour is the sunJlower? f t is geltow. 6. What colo ur are thes e eggs? O Theg ore brown. O SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Recognition of colours 101","@n@ nnoms Circle the correct word. '------ Jrock 1. a, tt''-\\\"\\\"-*\\\\,b.--t.u*-g*-,\\\"'\/tl green z.a h.eavg Jeather tig ht 3. a, green appl,e red 4.a big bott sma[[","...'.' :",",, r,,,.,r,.:,,,,,r;:{,iiii*i*il.* ;ni*ii.**;;itii;;]l *#;t;Jati- rcs@rNo? rite 'Yes' or 'No'. i nst eoch sentence. A dog has a toit. tiger has a trunk. A J,sh has c toit. A come[ hos o hump. A snake has [egs. SKILT FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 104 .jl ;,.. ., i liir, ',:ai.,::'","rcsorNm A lion has two [egs. SKITL FOCUS:,.. Observation . Identificalion ' Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building","Some things go together. Copg the words. spoons cnd Jorks bread ond butter cup and soucer t: ',.: i :j i plotes and dishes bat and batt SKILL FOCUS:'Observation'ldentification. Association.. Comparison. Vocabulary building. Listening and speaking r06","I Copg,the words. tabte and choir ii Some things 9o rdf*q'str*n*r shoes and socks lock ond kr7 l,r boy and girL I [:l t:] penci[ ond poper SKITL FOCUS: . Observation c Identification i Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking","Join the things that go together. SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Identification . Association . Conrparison . Vocabulary building r08","HWW Answer the questions, 1. How mong Jl,owers ore there? StsstsSA There are ---Si--- Jtowers. 2. How mang girts sre there? There ere g irls. 4. How monu kites are there? There ore kites Vt VV 5. How manu ccrs ere there? There are cors. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabularry building","Hffi frnffimnru 6. How rnang chalrs are th.ere? f#fi#ti;i-J$\\\" u,!i,r,,y,f-:fJuiJ#rPtd# ;; The re are - chalrs. ffinffiffirffiffi 7. How manu dolts are there? W--g $**# W- There are -- dotts. T*_# T-*# 8. How manu bo[[s are th.ere? t\\\\3all,r '\\\\i7a\\\"l, .r?rll, ?. \\\\t 't^:' The re qre ba[[s. '\\\\l?, :,I' {7l rl, t\\\\ ll, tr?rl, \\\\at ^\\\\.rt \\\\a' 9 . How monu mirro rs are there? _I-l nere are mlrro rs. 10. How mong taps are th.ere? x6)ffir--]r{c-u \/* UlJLT? , ru) 1b .Ptaps. The re are Dcao CWo- tL(J- (. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification \\\" Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 110","Dqp o0theWcdh Mondaq atone, Tuesdag together. Wednesdag we watk, When [t's fine weother. Thursdag we Laugh, Frtdag we praV. Saturdog 's ho urs, Seem atmost to Jtg. But oJ ott the dags, We witl'catl Sundag, The best do;, The best do1 oJ ott. There orre seven dogs in a'weeh. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building","-:! 1 I { Dqtroffffierce& Write the names of the dags of the weeh. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building","-DcnpdflheW Draw whet is specict f6r gou on each deg of the weeh. ffi ffi - SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Creative skills","","ffidthd.W Thirtg doys have September, Apr[t, June ond November. rFw$ry Febru,ar1 has twentg ,el.9ht otone, Att the rest have thirtg-one. Excepting [eap Vear, ?$.?9 That's the tlme, When Februor1's dogs D h l\\\"'|.; Are twentg-nlne. 6&a Ar*e -* JIO Auc*tsr JUff lullE :$331 fI t 3s {t su\\\\s -t|t-t ,f ,t,Tt'I-'A_ a- o# NOyfA,tB[n ;\\\"q* Dlfl, DECEhIBEB $-n: 3\\\\ Do\\\\s SKILL FOCUS: . Observation ' Association 'Vocabulary building 115","ffio0@eUem There c,re twelve nonths in c g\u20acs,r. $o) >s Write the nqmcs of the months. s*Itt FOCU* ' observation . Association - vocaburary buirding",", '-;r 'ili l .:,'t'':;: : ..\\\"..:':;","ffioffthercffi Loolc ot the calendai and flll in the months. Repubtic DaV [s [n 2. lndependence DaA [s ln 3.'s Dog ls [n 4. Gondhi Jaganti is [n 5. Children's DaV [s [n SKILT FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building 118 \\\": : :'rj",";#q;4;1;,r{j:t ? !l .l Looh at the picture of on cirPort. Answer the foltowing questions orc[19. .1 How mong aeropl.anes can Uou see? 2. Can gou see o heticopter? 3. Does on oeroptane have wlngs? 4. Does a he[icopte r hove wings? 5. Who Jties on aeroptane? SKILL FOCUS: \\\" Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking 119","fdf,*gi;,n. : i. t:: \\\"- ,. t.i ji\\\"r;il iirr'i . '. .* i!. _f \/{lJr ;''+.,.'.\\\".,q $ Looh at the picture of o railwo,U sto,tion. Answer the following questions ora[[y. 1. Count the number of people in the ratLwag statlon. 2. Whot is the glrl, dotng? 3. What ls the pl.atJorm number? 4. Who checks the tickets on a traln? 5. Who drlves a traln? SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking r20","nny SBorV t rl , ic Itt nt ltr Mg Photo graph ,t I lt I t t nl a m'- ffiiffi.; Mg name ls Ylg blrthdog [s on I star.te d crowting when I wos months otd. I storted watking when I wos months old. SKILT FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking 12I","ffiV Story I storted eoting on mg own when I wos... I storted riding a tricgcLe when I was... | live in... (citg\/town) I tike to eat... : l:, 1.. :l: ,l When I grow up, I wont to be o... SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking","SGooU Reod nnd write. Everumornrnt -KruaCE her teeth. M Risaweors c'anffi MRisahasffi beJore going to schoot. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking","Riga hos at schoo[. Rigo [n the even\\\\ng. aJter pLaging. Rigo does her Riga has Rigo her teeth. wash I plogs i homework lunch dlnner brushes SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Association . Vocabulary building . Listening and speaking 124","ffiffiruffiftmmff A !j Looh ot the picture and fl[l in the blo,nhs. It is Nei['s blrth doA. He is cutting a There are candtes on t.lne caKI e. There ere cotourJul hangtng. Childre n are happg batloons cake Jour SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabularv buildino 125","Sheenonmdthere The pictures tetl o storg. Number the pictures in the right order. Tett the storg in gour own words. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building 126","meenonmdthoffi The pictures tell o storg. Number the pictures in the right order. Tett the storg in gour own words. SKILT FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building","The pictures te[[ a story. Number order. Tetl the storg in gour own 77z_t:- SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabularv buildinq 128","fmfimekdffi cot ond kitten cow and calf dog and puppu & @-w)es^ clttlucK ana duckting goat and kid hen and chick horse ond JoaL tl.ton ana|, cuo| plg and pigl,et sheep ond lomb SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Vocabulary building","GdJ0\\\"oo@*o Whot do gou catl a babg cow? . .o, Whot do gou cat[ a babg goat? What do gou catl a bobg hen? What do gou ca[ o bqb1 d,og? What do gou catl a babg cot? SKItt FOCUS: . Observation ' Identification . Association . Vocabulary building 130","shege&p-^l',i\\\\ cmaewts-\u20acAW*f'.u-t $ ag\\\\monkeys ^\/ry? bl,eat fu*^4u el,ephants chatter ducks trumpet cows gp.'.( quack moo Iio ns }#tur roar ho rseS neigh s nokes hlss nvj;% iil'-w birds 5s.\\\\ oi\\\"iouo\/l;JWzj *\\\\ &4chirp SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Vocabulary building","Cotour the right soirnd. ...'....\\\"......'\\\"'.'.. ffill'l-t' ichotters i roars i :,.g\\\"rrr' i barks J1- :....-..'...'''-..'.-..,..-.-...-...', i ctucks i -t' .{:.............................' i-' '*....-.\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"-.,... , roars i.jl.iCntrps : -i:oi- #-T'*\\\"'. .-i ii..jl.'i ntSSeS ''\\\\'i i qruntsl i n$SeS -j . ,' ..'i..*.. \\\",-- .... w i hoots1::.-.rr\\\"' \\\"\\\"qL.,..,.......'r\\\"\\\"1 .; \\\"''a1.- :i. ftOOS ''i i ctucks j i gruntsi..r\\\"t\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"\\\"'...:.:r' ilua.Ls i.g1.\\\"ii : SKILL Focus: . observation . Identification . Association . Vocabulary building","r MStory Looh o,t the pictures below. Theg telt gou c storg. Numbtr thc sentences below in the correct order to tell the storg. . The capsetter woke up aJter some time. He l,og under atree andsoon stept. He threw his cap down and the monkegs threw their caps down. Theg put the caps on and went up the tree. A caps eLLer wos on his waLJ to the morket. The monkeys come down Jromthe tree. He [ooked up and sow the monkegs wearln g the cops. The do1 wos verV hot ond he wos tlred. . fJis basket wos emptg. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building *uut:j.lil.i5*T,*.uT.{i 133 \\\"**,* ''.'',,.=-\\\"ri,\\\"i:ifi1ig,l},ffi:.r'.,rr::1':il'1i,i:,,i:'j,:::.,1 :","rtb j*,i Looh at the pictures. Tetl the story in gour own word,s. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Vocabulary building r34","Page No. skill ABc Remarks 7,8 Recognises the initial letter sound of words beginning from A toZ 9-L2 Recognises capital and small letters 13-18 Recognises words that begin with the same initial letter sound L9-2L Recognises the initial letter sound of words 22,23 Fills in small and capital letters 24,25 ldentifies the pictures and fills in the missing letters to 26 comolete the words Recalls the five vowels 27 Names oictures based on vowel sounds 28,29 ldentifies and fills in missing vowels 30,31 Recognises rhyming words s2-41 Recognises and matches words with short vowel sounds 42,43 Classifies words based on vowel sounds 44 Makes new words using the five vowel sounds 45 ldentifies and builds words to complete the puzzle 46,47 Recognises short vowel sound words 48 ldentifies rhyming words 49 ldentifies and fills in missing vowels 50,51 Makes new words using vowel sounds 52 Rearranges letters to make meaningful words 53 Makes new words from a single word 54,55 Understands the use of 'a' and 'an 56-59 Recognises and changes singular words to their plural form 6(F55 Understands oosition words 67 Demonstrates fine motor skills and hand-eve coordination 68,69 Recalls position words 72,73 Demonstrates the use of'this' 74,75 Demonstrates the use of'that' 70-79 Recognises the use of 'this' and 'that' 8(F83 Answers'wh' ouestions in full sentences 84,85 Frames sentences using words in place of pictures 13s","\\\\ Page No, skilt AI c Remarks 86-89 Answers in full sentences questions beginning with .1s...? \/ Are...?' 90 Recognises action words 9X-93 Uses action words in sentences 94 Recognises opposites 95 ldentifies opposites from a set of words 96,97 Recognises opposites 98-101 ldentifies colours, demonstrates fine motor skills 102 ldentifies opposites 103 ldentifies colours and demonstrates fine motor skills 104, 105 Answers'Yes\/No' questions 105-108 Recognises that some things go together 109, 110 ldentifies number names tLr,Lt2 Recognises the days ofthe week, understands that the davs of Lt?,tt4 the week begin with a capital letter 115, 116 Demonstrates fine motor skills and hand-eve coordination Recognises the months of a year, understands that the months tt7 of the year begin wlth a capital letter ldentifies what comes before and after a particular month 118 Associates months with festivals 119, 120 Answers questions based on a picture Fills in personal details tzr,t22 Replaces words in place of pictures 723-t25 L20-L28 Logically sequences the story and narrates in own words x29 Recognises animals and their babies 130 Names animals and their babies 131 Recognises animals and the sounds thev make t32 Associates the sound with the animal 133 Logically sequences sentences to form a story t?4 Narrates the story in own woros A B c Demonstrates skill Progressing towards skill Not applicable at this time of the school year 136","e d u nautho ttt td reprodacarbo re5t'v irg\\\\rts %w g,$ =-t;z HeP SK.P rrro JvnP' \\\\, % ealll%tilsr","E-book Easy-to-use Digital Learning Resources Yearly academic calendar . Letter formation videos . Animations on important concepts, rhymes and Flas hca rds- Alphabet, numbers, colours and shapes Audio rhymes Slide shows on phonics Video rhymes Letter game Apps-Rainbow tracing, Magical colours and Alphabet stories Stunning animals ALSO AVAILABLE HEP SENO@R KG LITERACY sKILLs anucaiicl .;',$+ slilIuulflrulilill weisht: 303 Macmillan Publishers India Pvt. Ltd' Web Support: www. resources. macm i I laneducation' i n ]fr www. macm i I lan ed u cation. i n Customer Support Number: +91-81 30588966"]

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