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Published by THE MANTHAN SCHOOL, 2021-07-29 05:40:45



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["Fitl in the blonhs with the correct vowels. m m- -m@\\\\t @ffiffi \\\\jt.4 --.J f, t\\\\- (_d ..|,\\\".\\\"..,.n ,w SKITL FOCUS: . Observation . Association . Word buildino","Replace the flrst [ette,r. q,nd,ma,he n\u20acw,words, d, 1., :fi] b s sKILt Focus: . observation . AssociBtion . word buirding . creative thinking 50","It t ml t n v-pa-,-r,',,,,,, J +w,w ww Fe. ffi j-. +r, 1 ,. wF@ effi *G @ :!!@lw@41 a.w*@i+. i44 @ SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Aisociation . Word buildino . Creative thinkino","R\\\"irronge the letters to form words' koob ouseh t[od pplea arc hisJ r'\\\\\\\"-,t gnik gOmon JoeL SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification ' Association ' word building ' (reative thinking","romme Mahe Gr$ rncng wordl;lfi:,Sot ton'#fti&fhe word,'olephont', SIOLL FOCU$: . Observation r Assoeiation . Cteative thinking r Word building 53","*ilT,-qp ! 'A' comes 'An' comes beJore beJore wo rds that ; words that begLn with ' o| egL. n wr.,tnI W#ft vowet consonont s o unds. so\\\" un:'d's''. \\\"i .:' r. a hen l,);,. .. :.1 l: Read the following oloud. i' '\\\\Y,\\\\\/-\\\\o----P4 ) a, bog \\\\tF_] 4i $11 a cat on en egg 0wl on on er*u**-l'e* lce cream appLe o.n um breLl,a a, net a pen SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Use of ,a, and ,an, 54","qAf @nd aAaa cow Filt in the\\\" blanhs with,'c' or batt cd,rrot, axe bed mug l'' ,;; - eng.a rne bI us SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Use of 'a' and ran' 55","#ms ffimd'CIfiory' @one w*- mang bun I DUnS ffone nmp' monu bats bat one roPmffi*-@W man9 kites kite one p ffi*, [Xt, pen one manu cup cups one mong tln tlns '..,.. one mong W*ffiffiffipot pots SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . 'one' and 'many' 56","omeamdrMry, one i.,' mAnU bird ..;4 DL:--lJr-cs one a fi ia gS }-- borl ;Tf-U '\\\", one in ;:il,?.{!,. =n jug mang jugs one mong von vclns one fnf'girncE FIU mang tobles table EG manu one w* stcrs' star wwffi *\\\" Sl0tt FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . ,one,and ,many, 57","omeo ffimd offimmryo Add 's' to each word. rat @@@ mar @- &*f_fi*F.W&r kite ffi#&# pot ffiwffi WWIloton, penc[[ {^t'qJgAr t tt. 'i ffiffi queen,","o@reo omd onnory' Add 's' to eoch word. bun @ top- ^{. #p### $- 7 pen %\\\\ \\\\fffr\\\\P uaoDte qt It- l-g. dog batt % ffiw,@m cot ffi# ffi%W SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . 'one' and 'many' 59","# dl;t, TOp ffiffid tsoGGonn v Looh at E.l ne .- Circle the correct word. Plcf,Ure. : The cars are on the I shetJ. The ba[[s are on the I shetJ. Wp ffimd Doum Looh of the picture. Circle the correct word. The bog is The girl is looking [ooking I I building","mrgmdWffi Look, ct the picture. Circle the correct word. The buses are the b rtdge. the brldge. The boat ls 0ffideffiffiffiffi l-ooh at the picture. Circle the correct word. -lIllne DooKs The pencil is tI t,n| e o| aq. I the box. ;\\\" .;,SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . *.\\\"Or.rU 61",",-F ..6\\\\>oT MffiMflMK\\\"t't, Looh of the picture. Cire [e the correct word. Ram is slttlng in the row. Anu is slttlng in the row. ffiffiffiffiWMw Looh at the picture. circle the correct word. The cat is ,r, l the toble. The rat [s th.e tabl,e. SKILI- FOCUS: ' Observation ' Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary buildinq 62","tffimffi ffi$ffit:\\\\--t,'*$\\\"h ffififfid] h Looh at the picture. Circle the correct word. Anu [s Tom [s in Jron t oJ \/ hqrfrlrud [n frnru{. nj' \/ fi:ehin th,e tree. the tree. ffimffiffi{Mm Looh at the plcture. Circte the correct word. The car [s The b us [s trr{'rtJr\\\" I fm1 nvtauJ'rcryt rrLer.t I Jar r;vv-rrJ U J'r rrrrr th,e tree. the tree. SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabularv buildinq 63","Fitt in the blanhs with 'in' or 'on'. Thc first onc hcs,bccn done for gou. ir.1 The pencit is the box. 2. The dog is the tabte. - 3. The eggs are 4. The cat [s 5. The pen is 6. -tlne cat $ the [ad der. the rug. 7. The bug is . 8. The dog is","Looh at the pictures. Write the position,ne[I. Choose the words fto* the tist. 'J on t.lne oI roncnI es in Jront oJ the tree behind the tree fteer the tree { :: . ;::. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabularv buildinq .i'rrr'.i 65","Looh at the pictures. Write the position of the cct. Choose the words frorn the [ist. , under the box ln the box behind the box on the box SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 66","i e i Eg 9 * E f a t a car Jar awag Jrom the house a, cer neer the house _j a Jish in the bowl a botl on the tabl,e SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association ' Comparison . Creative thinking",".p,',F*t\\\"r',;rii #i3 q3 Where ls the ow[? It [s iJ,,t'i{\\\"{,k the box. Where is the owt? f t is i:' the box. Where ls the root? ',t 'f i,s i,r ,,i , thg so[[. Where [s the bus? It the tree.[s jf']',Jf'ti\\\" \\\\.r \\\\,r{. : Where is the el,ephont? ft [s i''\\\"r the zoo. SKILL FoCUs: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building ' Creative thinking","","This is a dog. This [s c cow. w This ls o, cup. This rsa Q This is a book. This is o, gate. SKILL FOCUS: ' observation ' Identification . Association . Listening . Speaking.. Creative thinking","n -lInr.s $. a bag. -II nl.s [. s a, pt.n. w Th[s,[s a hen. This ls o\\\" cap. nts..fl . . a pen. I [s t This [s o t[n. SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Listening . Speaking . Creative thinking","","eook md Uftil0o 8. This [s o 9. This [s a 10. This ls a 11.This[sa 12. This is a 13. This ls a 14. Thts ls o SKIII FOCUS: . Observation . Identification,. Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 73","","","Thb\\\"ooTh@tooo Write the correct word. \\\\\\\\-\/@)?,r*p l rhisrsa $ 2.rhar is a Bt '* 3rhis tso 4. is a {ff\\\\6i 9 n 5.rnrs [sa $ 6.rhat rs a SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building","","Thk'ooThgft$oo Look ot the pictures and colour the ht word red. .c ,a- cot. #;\\\"e -* This [s a dog. >)-sT--\\\\ ffi nI en. l LJil d&b That ls a stc.r- I ,. ..,r1:.,\\\"\\\". ctr. ) Jar. '! ffiw \\\"Fl nts ts o. bott. I OELL. weIttl. \/Hdffi, *f I \\\"ti: !!w u lvswlffi t\\\\ai;ti\\\"!Hit$7 J -ITlnat [s a {,E.$b JKf.\\\\ ': , ::fi l -- I I This is an SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabularv buiidinq 78","","","umffi[h,ThHP', Looh at the pictures cnd o,nswer the questions. Whot is this? What is this? Whet is this? SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building","UmgBAmoM Looh at the pictures cnd q,nswer the quest,ions. Whot are these? r\u20ac, What are these? *stu What are these? What are these?","mmffiAreM Looh at the pictures cnd onswer the questions. {t {D Wh,at are those? ''DD {D {D What ere those? What ore those? ffffffiii Whot ore those? Whot ore those? *ag SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 83","write the ncmes of the objects instead of the pictures. @rhisison TIl .. ts on ox. hts This is the Are these SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association 84","Write the Rcmes of tlie objects instead of the pictures. nrhisrsa rmi*tThese arei ls this o Are these SKttL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association 85 ll\\\"'.u' :,iiil","[bu.rr-o%oo? Answer the fo[owing questions. ls this an ox? fs this a chair? ls this a bed? ls this an orange? . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 86","","","","Looh ot the pictures. Match the actions with the words. eattng readtng s [eep Ing pl,aging jumpLng singing","","ffiM Filt in the blanhs. Choose the words from the [ist. .1 What [s Krlsh do tng? fll, 'wJl Krlsh is ,M;t-\\\"\\\" 'i':lilli 2. What is Tang a doing? # Tanga [s .t' 3. What [s Anu doLng? Anu [s 4. Whot [s T[na doLng? Tina ls 5. What [s Sonu dotng? Sonu [s runningi eatLngl slngLngi wrltlng iswlmmlng SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabularv buildino 92","sme&oM Looh at the pictures. Answer the following questions. The sentences in the box wi[[ hetp gou. 1. What [s Tom doLng? &, h#-.7a-*'\\\\sll - tl*r'-' t'**\\\"; 2. What [s Morg dotng? 3. What ls the man dotng? 4. Whot ls John do tng? John [s steeplng. The mon is watking. Marg [s eotlng an appl,e. SKILL fOCUS: . Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building :r , 93","Circle the correct word. Jast stow hoppv sad ta short ln out brg sma[[ cl,eon dtrtg otd vounq thin Jat sweet sour SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Identificatiorr . Association . Comparison . Vocabularv buildinq 94","Circle the picture that is the opposite of the one in the box. g t06 AfkiEt .tIil.r1 r atq:I hot wet co [d w fi \\\\( &) ffi ffi down stond %, ffi big smatl tatl hoppv angrv SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building 95","Choose the correct word fro^ the box and complete each sentence. short I thin I smotl I stow I cotd 1. An o @is h{g, but is 2. ls hnt, but ''n ts 3.A fFr -{ ais fr:[[, but t ts ,h sfur,Yitar s is Jnr, bur the @ $is4. rhe 5. An W isJnsf, buta ## ts SKILL FOCUS: ' Observation . Identification . Association . Comparison . Vocabulary building , , t.: . t..r . tt ..t t.,:rt:","' si' ut*6f\\\"-l fftifff'T 3aa \\\"[' \\\\fte\\\"tfi t\\\"'3n-ut't \\\" \\\"''\\\" : :...,.'......'..1 i@:$6. The neppe, but the r,'tt,',f'.i,.;ii.,.:,ioi}:'til 7. The ts open, but the 8.4 ls sharp, but a ii ,\/ rti is i tz\/ i 9.X - \\\"l'l' is hard' butra 1 0. The is dr!,\\\"but the SKILL FOCUS:. Observation.ldentification. Association.'Comparison. Vocabulary building 97","Rmmnoe Recd the words that go with the pictures. Colour the pictures. a, red box o vlotet frock a green bottte o brown cow SKILL FOCUS: . Observation . Conversation skills . Creative thinking"]

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