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Published by Ajiheadlines Headlines, 2022-02-15 15:58:54



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2022 sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥j≥ EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION EXTENDED TO MARCH 7th C≥Uym\\- t- ]mf- nk- n¬sh®v °p-∂-Xv. tImhnUv alm-am-cn-sb-Øp-S¿∂v Pqsse 21 apX¬ 24 hsc sP.- Uª- yp. amcnb- ‰v I¨h≥ j≥ Ign™ {]mh-iysØ I¨h≥j≥ \\S-°p- sk‚-dn¬sh®v \\S-°p∂ I¨h≥js‚ Hcp-°-߃ hm≥ km[n-°m-Ø-Xn-\\m¬ CØ-h-WsØ ]ptcm-K-an-°p-∂p. hSt° Ata-cn-°-bnse Iv\\m\\mb I¨h≥j\\v \\√ cPn-kvt{S-j-\\mWv e`n-°p- a°-fpsS amam-¶-ambn Adn-b- s∏-Sp∂ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F ∂-Xv. hnhn[ bqWn-‰p-I-fn¬ I¨h≥j≥ I¨h≥j-\\n¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p- hm≥ CØ-hW hfsc anI® Int°m-^p-Iƒ hnP-b-I-c-ambn CXn-t\\m-SIw {]XnI- c- W- a- mWv hSt° Ata- cn-°-bnse Iv\\m\\mb a°- \\S-°p-Ibpw hfsc kPo-h-amb ]¶m-fnØw fn¬ \\n∂pw e`n-®p-sIm-≠n-cn- e`n-°p-I-bp-ap-≠m-bn. C\\nbpw hnhn[ bqWn- ‰p-I-fn¬ I¨h≥j≥ Int°m-^p-Iƒ ]q¿Øo-I-cn-°p-hm-\\p-≈-Xn-\\m¬, Cu bqWn- ‰pI- f- psS A`y¿∞\\- s- ba- m\\- n®v I¨ h≥j≥ cPn-ÿ sNøp-hm-\\p≈ Early Bird Family Package cPn-kvt{S-j≥ (tijw t]Pv 6 ¬) DALLAS KICKOFF February AT KNAITHOMMAN HALL, 19th 6.30pm Christ the King Knanaya Catholic Church 13565 Webb Chapel Rd, Farmers Branch, MIAMI KICKOFF February 26th 7.30PM TX 75234 At Knanaya Community Center , South Florida 14790 SW 24th St. Davie, FL-33325 TAMPA KICKOFF SANJOSE KICKOFF February 19th at 8.00pm Tampa Knanaya Community Center. March 6th at 12.30 PM SAN ANTONIO KICKOFF At St. Mary's Knanaya Catholic Church Hall 324 Glory Ave, Sanjose. CA February 20th at 6.00pm SACRAMENTO KICKOFF ST. Vincent DePaul Catholic Church Parish Hall March 6th at 5.30PM 4222 SW Loop 410, At St. Paul Church Hall 8720 Florin Rd, Sacramento. CA San Antonio, TX 78227.

2 PATRON PRESIDENTIAL His Excellency Mar Mathew Moolakkat Archbishop of Kottayam MESSAGE +91 481 256 327 [email protected] {]nb Iv\\m\\mb amXm-]n-Xm-°-sf, ktlm-Zco ktlm-Z-c-ßsf, SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR AXn-ssi-Xy-Øns‚ \\Sp-hn-epw, tImhnUv F∂ alm-am-cn-bpsS AXn-{]-k-c-Øn-\\n- Rev. Msgr. Thomas Mulavanal Sb- ne- pw, Cu Imeb- f- h- n¬ hSt° Atac- n°- b- ne- pS- \\- ofw sI.k- n.k- n.F- ≥.F- .b- ps- Sbpw (310) 709 511 AXns‚ AwK-kw-L-S-\\-I-fp-sS-bpw, t]mj-I-kw-L-S-\\-I-fp-sSbpw B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ [email protected] hnhn[ I¿Ω ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ \\S-Øp-I-bpw, Ch-bn-se√mw hfsc kPo-h-ambn ]s¶- SpØv, Cu ]cn-]mSnIsf√mw h≥ hnP-b-am-°p-Ibpw sNbvX hSt° Ata-cn-°-bnse Officers apgp-h≥ Iv\\m\\mb a°-tfmSpw AXp-t]m-se-Xs∂ bqWn‰v `mc-hm-ln-I-tfmSpw t]mj- I-kw-L-S\\m t\\Xr-Xz-tØm-Sp-ap≈ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. FIvkn-Iyq-´n-hns‚ \\µnbpw PRESIDENT A`n\\- µ- \\- ß- fpw BZya- mbn Adnb- n®- ps- Im≈- s- ´. sI.k- n.k- n.F- ≥.F- .t- bmSpw Iv\\m\\mb Cyriac Koovakattil kwL-S-\\-I-tfm-Sp-ap≈ Iv\\m\\mb a°-fpsS kvt\\lhpw Xmev]-cy-hp-amWv Cu ]cn- (630) 673 3382 ]mS- nI- f- psS hnPb- Ø- n\\- m[- mc- w. hcpw Zn\\ß- f- n¬ \\ΩpsS kapZ- mb- Ø- nse F√m {]mb- [email protected] Øne- p≈- h- c- ps- Sbpw A`nc- pN- nbv°v A\\pk- c- n®v hnhn[- ß- f- mb ]cn]- mS- nI- f- mWv Bkq- {XWw sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Cu ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fn-se√mw \\nß-tf-h-cp-sSbpw kPoh ]¶m- EXE VICE PRESIDENT fnØw A`y¿∞n-°p-I-bm-Wv. John C. Kusumalayam (845) 671 0922 Adn-bn-®n-cp-∂-Xp-t]mse Xs∂ \\ho-I-c-W-k-an-Xn-bp-ambn _‘-s∏´ tIknse [email protected] tImSXn \\S-]-Sn-I-fn¬ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. \\ntbm-Kn-®-h¿°v I£n-tN-cp-hm≥ km[n- °p-I-bpw, Ch¿°p-th≠n tIcfm sslt°m-SXnbnse ko\\n-b¿ Ukn-t·‰v AUz. GENERAL SECRETARY Fkv. {ioIp-am¿ \\ap°v th≠n tIkv hmZn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. CXn-t\\m-S-\\p-_-‘n- Lijo Matchanickal ®p≈ ^≠v kam-l-c-W-Øn¬ CXn-t\\m-SIw kl-I-cn-®-h¿°v sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. (917) 359 5649 FIvknI- yq´- oh- ns‚ t]cne- p≈ \\µn Adnb- n®- ps- Im≈- p∂- p. C\\nbpw CtXmS- \\- p_- ‘- n®v [email protected] `mcn® sNe-hp-Iƒ D≈-Xn\\m¬ F√m kap-Zmb kvt\\ln-Ifpw Cu kwcw-`-Øn¬ kl- I-cn-°-W-sa∂v A`y¿∞n-°p-∂p. JOINT SECRETARY Jitty Puthukkeril sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥js‚ Hcp-°-߃ hfsc `wKn-bmbn ]ptcm-K-an-®p- (346) 754 2407 sIm≠- nc- n°- p∂- p. sI.k- n.k- n.F- ≥.F- . I¨h≥j≥ F∂Xv hSt° Atac- n°- b- nse [email protected] Iv\\m\\mb a°-fpsS am{X-amb BtLm-j-am-Wv. Cu IpSpw_ Iq´m-bva-bpw, Hcp-abpw X\\n-abpw Du´n-bp-d-∏n-°p∂ Cu I¨h≥j≥ h≥ hnP-b-am-°pI F∂Xv hSt° TREASURER Ata-cn-°-bnse Bflm-`n-am-\\-ap≈ Hmtcm Iv\\m\\m-b-°m-c-s‚bpw IS-abpw I¿Ø-hy- Jaimon Kattinacheril hp-am-Wv. hfsc \\√ ]¶m-fn-Ø-amWv CXn-t\\m-SIw Cu I¨h≥js‚ cPn-kvt{S-j- (813) 502 3447 \\n¬ e`n-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. Bb-Xn\\m¬ km[n-°p∂ F√m-hcpw Cu I¨h≥j- [email protected] \\n¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-h≥ Bflm¿∞-ambn {ian-°-W-sa∂v A`y¿∞n-°p-∂p. REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS kvt\\l-tØmsS Arizona/ Los Angeles/San jose/ \\nß-fpsS {]kn-U‚v Las Vegas/Sacramento kndnbIv Iqh-°m-´n¬ Shiju Appozhiyil (818) 522 2301 Canada Jomon Kudiyirippil (647) 839 4114 Chicago Justin Thenganatt (847) 287 5125 San Antonio /Dallas Jude Kattappuram (817) 874 5296 Minnesota/Ohio/Detroit Phinu Thoompanal (630) 974 7383 New York Jenny Thadathil (732) 491 5366 Philadelphia/Boston/Washington Raju Parackal (215) 919 1240 Tampa/Atlanta/Miami Jomon Chemmarappallil (954) 401 9688 Houston Sabu Mulayanikunnel (310) 904 3081 KCYLNA PRESIDENT Bennett Vadakara (832) 512 8463) KCWFNA PRESIDENT Dr. Divya Vallippadavil (281) 797 6362 AUDITORS Simon Koithara Cyril Valimattom LEGAL ADVISOR Jobil Chorath KCCNA PRO Simon Muttathil (847) 910 4531 [email protected]

3 sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥j≥ Nn°mtKm Int°m^v ss^hv Ãm¿ Hmbn¬ {Sm≥kvt]m¿t´-j≥ Iº\\n tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tkgvkv tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tk-gvkmb sdmWmƒUv ]q°p-tº-epw, k≥Pp ]pfn-°-sØm-´n-bn¬\\n∂pw sk\\-‰¿ temd a¿^n cPn-kvt{S-j≥ kzoI-cn- °p-∂p. CS-Øp-\\n∂pw jn_p apf-bm-\\n-°p-t∂¬, tXmakv ]qX-°-cn, aPp Hm´-∏-≈n-bn¬, kndn-bIv Iqh-°m-´n¬, PÃn≥ sXß-\\m-´v, en≥k¨ ssIX-a-ebn¬, sska¨ ap´-Øn¬ F∂n-h¿ kao-]w. Nn°mtKm: C≥Uym\\t]mfn-kn¬ h®v \\S-°p∂ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.- GOLD SPONSOR F. I¨h≥js‚ Nn°mtKm doPn-b≥ Int°m^v D÷z-e-hn-P-b-am- bn. 2022 Pqsse 21 apX¬ 24 hsc \\S-°p∂ I¨h≥js‚ tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tk-gvkmbn, ss^hv kv‰m¿ Hmbn¬ {Sm≥kvt]m¿t´-j≥ Iº\\n DSaIfmb tdmWmƒUv ]q°p-tºepw, k≥Pp ]pfn-°-sØm- ´nb- nepw $ 15000 \\¬Ins- °m≠v I¨h≥js‚ tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tk- gvkmbn. P\\p-hcn 15-˛mw XobXn i\\n-bmgvN sshIn´v Nn°mtKm sI.- kn.-F-kv. IΩyq-Wn‰n sk‚-dn¬ h®v \\S∂ I¨h≥j≥ Int°m^v C√n-t\\mbnkv tÉv sk\\-‰¿ temd a¿^n DZvLm-S\\w sNbvXp. tdmWmƒUv ]q°p-tº¬, ent‚m Hd-h-°pgn, ^nen∏v amWn-]-d- ºn¬, _ntPmbn ame-Øp-t»-cn¬, Nn°m-tKm-bnse tam¿tKPv hyh- km-b-cw-KsØ {]apJ Iº-\\n-bmb en¶¨hpUv tam¿tKPns‚ DS- a-bmb k≥Pp ]pfn-°-sØm-´n-bn-ens‚bpw DS-a-ÿ-X-bn-ep≈ ss^hvÃm¿ Hmbn¬ {Sm≥kvt]m¿t´-j≥ Iº\\n tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tk-gvkmbn I¨h≥j-\\n¬ cPn-ÿ sNbvX-Xn-ep≈ \\µnbpw kt¥m-jhpw sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F {]kn-U‚ v kndn-bIv Iqh- °m-´n¬ Adn-bn-®p. I¨h≥js‚ kn¬h¿ kvt]m¨k-dmbn sk‚ v tacokv s]t{Sm-fn-b-Øn-\\p-th≠n AeIvkv & B≥Pe Iqh-°m-´n¬ $10000 \\¬In-s°m≠v I¨h≥j\\n¬ cPn-kv‰¿ sNbvXp. Nn°m- tKm-bnse C‘-\\-hn-X-c-W-cw-KsØ {]apJ Iº-\\n-bmWv kndn-bIv Iqh-°m-´nens‚ DS-a-ÿ-X-bn-ep≈ sk‚ v tacokv s]t{Sm-fnbw Iº- \\n. Chsc IqSmsX $ 5000 \\¬In saKm kvt]m¨k-dmbn tPmkv & kpa sF°-c-∏-d-ºn¬ ^manen, Nmt°m & ^ntem-an\\ Nn‰-e-°m´v ^man-en, ]p∂qkv& {]Xn` Xt®´v ^manen, Pkven≥ & Sm\\nb πmØm-\\-Øv, Pn\\p & ao\\ ]p∂-t»-cn¬ ^man-en, PÃn≥ & tima sXß-\\m-´v, sska¨ & knPn ap´-Øn¬ F∂n-h¿ I¨h≥j-\\n¬ cPn-kvt{S-j≥ sNbvXp. CXn-s\\-Øp-S¿∂v $3000 \\¬In {Km≥Uv (tijw t]Pv 10 ¬)

4 Our Dr. Mathew Thirunelliparambil & Family Sajan Melandasseril & Family Binoy Pootharayil & Family Proud Kuriyan Thottichirayil & Family Sunny Mundaplackil & Family Biju Pootharayil & Family Grand Binoy Assarikuttu & Family Ninal Mundaplakil & Family Rony Puthanparambil & Family sponsors Jobil Chorath & Family Philp Mundaplackil & Family Thomas Puthethu & Family Kuruvilla Edukkutharayil & Family Rex Padikkaparambil & Family Shaji Palliveettil & Family Siby Kadalimattam & Family Saibu Pathiyil & Family Kunjumon Thathamkulam & Family Binu Kaithakkathottiyil & Family Jairose Pathiyil & Family Peter Thirunelliparambil & Family Febin Kaniyalil & Family Biju Perikalathil & Family Thampy Viruthikulangara & Family Jaibu Kulangara & Family Shaji Pinarkayil & Family Mohan Mammoottil & Family Soy Kuzhiparambil & Family Raju Pinarkayil & Family


6 2022 sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥j≥ Im\\U Int°m^v hnP-b-I-c-ambn \\S-Ø-s∏´p Im\\U: 2022 P\\phcn 8˛mw XobXn i\\n-bmgvN Iv\\m\\mb ImØ- enIv Atkm-kn-tb-j≥ Hm^v Im\\-U-bpsS B`n-ap-Jy-Øn¬ \\S-Ø- s∏´ {InkvXpa- k- v˛\\yqCb- ¿ BtLmj- ß- t- fmS- \\- p_- ‘- n®v 2022 Pqsse 21 apX¬ 24 hsc C≥Uym-\\-t]m-fn-knse sP.-U-ªn-bp. amcn-b‰v I¨h≥j≥ sk‚-dn¬ h®v \\S-°p∂ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥js‚ Im\\U doPn-b≥ Int°m^v at\\m-l-c-ambn \\S-Ø-s∏- ´p. sI.-kn.-F.-kn. {]kn-U‚ v kn_nƒ \\otc-‰p-]md A≤y-£X hln® ao‰nw-Kn¬, 4h¿jw IqSn \\S-°p∂ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥j- \\n¬ Im\\-U-bn¬\\n-∂p-≈-h¿°v kuI-cy-{]-Z-amb C≥Uym-\\-t]m-fn- kn¬ h®v \\S-°p∂ I¨h≥j-\\n¬ ]s¶-Sp-t°-≠-Xns‚ Bh-iy- IX At±lw hnh-cn-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. sSmsdmt‚m sk‚ v tacokv Iv\\m\\mb CS-hI hnImcn ^m. ]t{Xmkv Nº-°c {InkvXp-akv ktµiw \\¬In. sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. {]kn-U‚ v kndn-bIv Iqh-°m- ´n¬ apJy-{]-`m-jWw \\S-Øp-Ibpw sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. I¨h≥j- \\n-te°v Im\\-U-bnse apgp-h≥ Iv\\m\\mb IpSpw-_-ß-sfbpw £Wn- °p-I-bp-ap-≠m-bn. I¨h≥j≥ Int°m^v {Km≥Uv kvt]m¨k-dmb AeIvkv amXyp am\\-bv°-∏-d-ºn¬\\n∂pw cPn-kvt{S-j≥ kzoI-cn-®p- sIm≠v Im\\U B¿.-hn.-]n. tPmtam≥ IpSn-bn-cn-∏n¬ DZvLm-S\\w sNbvXp. 70 ¬∏cw kvt]m¨tkgvkv Int°m-^n-t\\m-S-\\p-_-‘n®v I¨h≥j-\\n¬ cPn-ÿ sNøp-I-bp-≠mbn. sk{I-´dn Zo]p ae-bn¬, \\mj-W¬ Iu¨kn¬ AwKw tPmPn h≠≥am-°o¬, n.F- ≥.F- . I¨h≥j≥ Im\\U doPnb- ≥ Int°m^v {Km≥Uv hna-≥kvt^mdw {]kn-U‚ v enPn ta°c XpS-ßn-b-h¿ {]kw-Kn-®p. kvt]m¨k-dmb AeIvkv amXyp am\\-bv°-∏-d-ºn¬\\n∂pw B¿.-hn.- ]cn-]m-Sn-I-tfm-S-\\p-_-‘n®v hnhn[ Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ kwL-Sn-∏n-°p- ]n. tPmtam≥ IpSn-bn-cn-∏n¬ cPn-kvt{S-j≥ kzoI-cn-°p∂p. I-bp-≠m-bn. ^nen∏v Iq‰-Øm≥]d-ºn¬, knPp apfbn¶¬, tkmPn≥ IÆm-en¬ XpS-ßn-b-h¿ ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ°v t\\XrXzw \\¬In. sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F. KCCNA CONVENTION REGISTRATION I¨h≥j≥ CHALLENGE LUCKY DRAW (H∂mw t]Pn¬ \\n∂pw XpS¿®) Register for KCCNA 2022 Convention Before February 12, 2022 and get a Change to win a free room for 4 nights at the convention or $750 Cash Award Sponsored by Jaibu Kulangara (Through Lucky Draw) am¿®v 7 hsc \\o´nh- b- v°pI- b- p≠- mb- n. Cu kuIcyw {]tbm- s^{_p-hcn 12 \\v apºv cPn-ÿ sNbvXv \\dp-s°-Sp-∏n-eqsS Hcp P\\- s- ∏S- pØn am¿®v 7 \\v apºv $1249 \\v cPnÃ- ¿ sNøph- m- \\p≈ Ahk- cw D]t- bmK- n°- W- s- a∂v sIkn.k- n.F- ≥.F- . {^ow dqw kz¥w B°p-hm-\\p≈ kph¿Æm-h-kcw FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv A`y¿∞n-®p. I¨h ≥js‚ tKmƒUv kvt]m¨k¿ Bbn apt∂m´- ph- ∂ ss^hv Ãm¿ Hmbn¬ KCCNA is introducing a ‘1 Week Challenge- Convention Registration Lucky Draw {Sm≥kvt]m¿t´j- ≥ Iº\\- ns- bbpw, kn¬h¿ kvt]m¨k¿ event! Bb sk‚ v tacokv s]t{Sm-fnbw Iº-\\n-sb-bpw, saKm kvt]m¨tk-gv kmbpw, {Km≥Uv kvt]m¨tkgv kmbpw Here is how you can enter the draw apt∂m´- ph- ∂ apgph- ≥ kapZ- mb- mwK- ß- s- fbpw sI.k- n.k- n.- F≥.F- . FIvknI- yq´- oh- ns‚ t]cne- p≈ \\µn Adnb- n°- p∂- p. All Family Sponsorship and higher package that are received by 11.59 pm on Febru- C\\nbpw Ign-bm-hp∂ F√m-hcpw {Km≥Uv kvt]m¨k¿, ary 11th, 2022, will be put into a drawing at the National Council meeting in Huston, TX saKmk- vt]m¨k¿ XpSß- nb ]mt°P- pI- ƒ FSp°- ph- m≥ on February 12th, 2022 {ian-°-W-sa∂v A`y¿∞n-®p. bph-P-\\-߃°pw Ip´n- Iƒ°pw apXn¿∂-h¿°p-w A`n-cp-Nn-bv°-\\p-k-cn®v hnhn-[- At the National Council meeting, we will draw one registration. The winner of the reg- Xcw BI¿jI- a- mb ]cn]- mS- nI- f- mWv I¨h≥jt- \\mS- \\- p- istration will get a choice $ 750 cash award or one extra room for 4 nights at the 2022 _‘- n®v {IaoI- c- n°- p∂- X- v. KCCNA Conention in Indianapolis. Thankyou for Jaibu Kulangara for your generous support for the KCCNA Convention! You may be the lucky winner! The hotel has only 65% double queen rooms, Rooms are selling out fast! If you want a double room, please complete your registration ASAP (Register & Payment), as it will be on a first come first serve basis!! Don’t wait, go ahead and register now at Thanks Lijo Matchanickal Cyriac Koovakattil KCCNA General Secretary KCCNA President

7 2022 KCCNA CONVENTION MEGA SPONSORS John & Ancy Kooplicat Family Jinu John Punnasseril & Family Simon & Siji Muttathil Family Justin & Shoma Thenganatt Family Vijayan & Lucy Nedumcheril & Family Jerry & Anni Muttathil Family Punnose & Prathibha Thachettu Family Jeslin Plathanathu & Family Jose & Suma More pictures Aikkaraparambil of the Mega Sponors are Family coming in the next KNANAYA TIMES

8 2022 KCCNA CONVENTION GRAND SPONSORS Tose &Ajitha Kandarapallil Alex Mullapallil & Family Babu & Lissy Mulayanikunnel Biju & Bincy Poothurail Jino John Madathil Jiby & Manju Kollapallil Jairose Pathiyil James & Mannu Thirunelliparambil Peter & Deepa Thirunelliparambil Jopai & Julie Puthethu Ninal-Elsy Mundaplackil Binoy Poothurail Raju & Siby Pinarkyil Rex & Linu Padickaparambi Saji & Anitha Panayaparambil

2022 KCCNA CONVENTION GRAND SPONSORS 9 Saji & Betty Mullapallil Saju Kannampally Shaji & Priya Pinarkyil Thampy Virthikulangara Thomas Poothakary Benoy Assarikutt and family Binu Kaithakkathottiyil and family Febin Thomas Kaniyalil Binu Jisha Poothurail Jaibu Mathew Kualangara Jobil Cyriac Chriath Kuruvilla & Susan Edukutharayil Mathew and Maya Chirapurathu Thomas & Sheeja Kandarapallil Bijoy & Jessie Karukaparambil Sajan and Treesa Mudiyoorkunnel Soy & Simla Kuzhiparambil Saju & Ruby Kaithamattathil

2022 KCCNA 10 CONVENTION GRAND SPONSORS Nimi Thuruthuvelil Dr.Mathew Thirunelliparambil Shaji Palliveetil Shibu Mulayanikunnel Maju Ottapallil More pictures of the Grand Sponsors are coming in the next KNANAYA TIMES ss^hv Ãm¿ Hmbn¬ {Sm≥kvt]m¿t´-j≥ Iº\\n bi v hmt\\m-f-ap-b¿Ønb Nn°mtKm IΩyq-Wn-‰n-tbmSv F{X-]-d- tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tkgvkv (aq∂mw t]Pn¬ \\n∂pw XpS¿®) ™mepw XocmØ \\µnbpw IS-∏mSpw Ds≠∂pw Cu I¨h≥j≥ hnP- b-I-c-ambn am‰p-hm≥ ImWn-°p∂ \\√ a\\- n\\v F√m-h-tcmSpw \\µn-bp- kvt]m¨tkg- vkmbn I¨h≥j≥ Int°m^v Zn\\Ø- n¬ Xs∂ 41 IpSpw- s≠∂pw sI.k- n.k- n.F- ≥.F- . {]knU- ‚ v kndnb- Iv Iqh°- m´- n¬ ]d™- p. _ß- ƒ cPnÃ- ¿ sNøpI- b- p≠- mb- n. tKmƒUv kvt]m¨tkg- vkv, kn¬h¿ C≥Uym-\\-t]m-fn-kn¬ h®v \\S-°p∂ I¨h≥j-\\n¬ Nn°mtKm kvt]m¨tk-gvkv, saKm-kvt]m¨tkgvkv, {Km≥Uv kvt]m¨tkgvkv Iv\\m\\mb IΩyqW- n‰- nb- n¬\\n∂pw hfsc \\√ ]¶mf- nØ- a- p≠- mI- ps- a∂pw F∂n-hsc IqSm-sX 212 ^manen cPn-kvt{S-j≥ I¨h≥j≥ Int°m- C\\nbpw hf-sc-b-[nIw t]¿ cPn-ÿ sNbvXv Cu I¨h≥j≥ D÷z- ^n-t\\m-S-\\p-_-‘n®v cPn-ÿ sNøp-I-bp-≠m-bn. Hcp kaqlw F∂ \\ne- e-hn-P-b-am-Ip-sa-∂-Xn¬ kwi-b-an-s√∂pw sI.-kn.-Fkv. {]kn-U‚ v bn¬ Db¿∂v {]h¿Øn°- p∂ Nn°mt- Kmb- nse Iv\\m\\mb kaql- Ø- ns‚ tXmakv ]qX-°cn ]d-bp-I-bp-≠m-bn. t\\´-߃ Akq-bm-h-l-am-sW∂v NSßv DZvLmS\\w sNbvXv {]kw-Kn® C√n-t\\mbn tÉv sk\\-‰¿ temd a¿^n {]kw-Kn-®p. I¨h≥j≥ Int°m-^n\\v Nn°mtKm doPn-b-W¬ sshkv {]kn- U‚ v PÃn≥ sXß-\\m-´v, sI.-kn.-F-kv. FIvkn-Iyq-´ohv AwK-ß-fmb sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F.-bpsS Ncn-{X-Ønse Xs∂ G‰hpw IqSp-X¬ en≥k¨ ssIXaebn¬, tPmkv B\\aebn¬, B¬_n≥ sF°-tc- cPn-kvt{S-j≥ H‰ Znhkw \\S∂ kw`hw CXn-\\v apºv D≠m-bn-´n-s√- Øv, jn_p apf-bm-\\n-°p-t∂¬, aPp Hm´-∏-≈nbn¬ F∂n-h¿ t\\XrXzw ∂pw, Iv\\m\\mb kapZ- mb- Ø- ns‚ A`na- m\\- a- mb sI.k- n.k- n.F- ≥.F- .b- psS \\¬In. Jaibu Mathew E. A. Enrolled to pracitce Before IRS 7215 W. Touhy, Suite5, Chicago, IL 60631 Office: 774-792-2117, 312-718-6337 Cell Fax: 773-792-2118, [email protected] *Free Electronic Filling * Refund in 24 Hours



KCCNA _ Career Seminar 13 KCCNA conducted a Career Seminar on “ How to select the right col- \\ho-I-cW kan-Xn-bvs°-Xn-sc-bp≈ lege and right major”. The seminar was conducted on Saturday Decem- tIkn¬ A∏o¬ \\¬Ip-hm-\\p≈ ber 4th via Zoom. We had the following panelist on the call: A\\p-hmZw sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F \\ntbm-Kn-®-h¿°v e`n-®p Dr. Shiens Akasala – Executive Director Organon & Co. Darin Vegalil – University of Connecticut with a Major in Busi- G‰hpw {]nb- Iv\\m\\- mb amXm]- nX- m°- sf, ktlmZ- co ktlmZ- c- - ness/Economics ßs- f, Jake Thottam – University of Pennsylvania with a Major in Nurs- ing Iv\\m\\mb kap-Zm-b-Øn-s\\-Xnsc 2021 G{]n¬ 30-˛mw XobXn Phinu Thoompanal – Georgia Tech with a Masters in Biomedial tIm´bw k_v tImS-Xn-bn¬ \\n∂pw h∂ hn[n-s°-Xnsc, A∏o¬ Engineering \\¬Ip-hm-\\p≈ A\\p-hmZw≥.F \\ntbm-Kn® hy‡n- Isabel Karathuruthel – Columbia University with a Major in Math Iƒ°v _lp. tIm´bw Pn√m tImS-Xn-bn¬ \\n∂pw C∂v e`n-®n-cn- Education °p-∂p. Shana Viruthakulungara – Duke University with a major in Cultur- ally- Specific Innovation to Reduce Health Disparities for Black P\\p-hcn 6, 7 Xob-Xn-I-fn-embn _lp. tIm´bw Pn√m tImS-Xn- and Brown Women. bn¬ CXn-\\mbn \\S∂ hmZ-Øn¬ i‡-amb hmZ-߃ Db¿Ønb Priya Pachikara – University of Philadelphia with a Doctorate in sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F. \\ntbm-Kn® ko\\n-b¿ Ukn-t·‰v AUz. Fkv. Physical Therapy {ioIp-am¿ kmdn-t\\mSpw CXn-\\mbn sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F. sb klm- Alton Akasala – Columbia Law School, previously has a Bachelors bn® AUz. sI.-‰n. tPmk^v kmdn-t\\mSpw, AXp-t]m-se-Xs∂ in Finance from Rutgers sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F. sb hnizm-k-Øn-se-SpØv Rß-tfm-sSm∏w Sachin Kaippallil – University of Texas Medical School \\n∂ temIs- aº- mS- pa- p≈ \\√h- cmb Iv\\m\\mb a°t- fmS- pa- p≈ sI.- Shawn Muliyanikunnel – University of Houston with a major in kn.-kn.-F≥.F. FIvkn-Iyq-´o-hns‚ \\µn Adn-bn-®p-sIm-≈p-∂p. Computer Science Carol Mazhuvancheril – Brooklyn College with MFA in Acting – ssZh-Øm¬ Xnc-s™-Sp-°-s∏´ Iv\\m\\mb kap-Zm-bsØ ]cm- Although he could not join us as he had an urgent audition to at- P-b-s∏-Sp-Øphm≥ Hcp i‡n-tbbpw ssZhw A\\p-h-Zn-°n√ F∂- tend. Xns‚ sXfnh- mWv sI.k- n.k- n.F- ≥.F bv°pth≠n Cu tIkv hmZn- Our KCCNA President Cyriac Koovakattil provided opening remarks °p-hm≥ {]K-¤-\\mb ko\\n-b¿ AUz-t°-‰n-s\\-Xs∂ \\ap°v e`n- for the seminar. He expressed how important this topic is for our kids ®Xpw AXp-hgn Cu tIkn¬ A∏o¬ \\¬Ip-hm-\\p≈ A\\p-hmZw who are embarking college. He stated as a North American Knanaya e`n-®Xpw. Community Organization, we should provide many perspectives to our young generation so they can make the right choice for their future. Cu tIkns‚ hnP-b-Øn-\\mbn sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F bv°v sNøp- The Seminar started with a presentation from Dr. Shiens Akasala, af- hm≥ ]‰p-∂-sX√mw sNøpw F∂pw AXn-\\mbn GX-‰w-h-scbpw ter that all the panelist gave their perspective as to why they selected t]mIp-sa∂pw Hcn-°¬IqSn Dd-∏p-\\¬Ip-∂p. their college and major. There was over 130 participants on the call. Towards the end of the call, we had a Question and Answer session in kvt\\l-tØmsS which participants were able to ask the panelist questions. Overall, this was a great seminar for our high schoolers and their parents. KCCNA is kndn-b°v Iqh-°m-´n¬ entPm a®m-\\n-°¬ planning to conduct more sessions on career seminars in the next com- sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F. {]kn-U‚ v sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.F. sk{I-´dn ing months, so Stay Tuned! Thanks Lijo Matchanickal KCCNA General Secretary

14 KCYLNA YOUTH summit On December 18th-21st, KCYLNA conducted our biennial Youth Summit at Tampa Florida. This Summit is a large gathering of High School Students all over the nation. The activities included, Olympic games, Hypnotist, Cultural Program, and a Sports tournament. This event was memorable for all the kids and they will not forgot the relationships and experience along the way. For our competitions, Chi- cago won Basketball and cultural program, while volleyball was won by Tampa. This event could not be done without the help of KCCCF, KCCNA and our many chaperones, directors and volunteers.



17 Aby Chemmacheril A Knanaya Unsung Hero Who attained 3 National Sports Emmy Awards! Aby was born and raised in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Him he attained a job at Fox News as a VizRT Artist. He also and his family moved to New York when he was 11 years worked for News 12 in New York City prior to landing his old. He had a passion for animation at a young age. He current position with MLB Network where he is a Viz De- went to the School of Visual Arts in NYC and received a sign Manager, creating real-time graphics for MLB Net- BFA in Computer Arts. While in school, he interned at work and NHL Network. Due to his excellent animations, Fox News Channel for two semesters. After graduation, he was given one of the most prestigious awards, not once, not twice but THREE TIMES. Aby, its with humbleness and pride, KCCNA would like to recognize you as our Knanaya Unsung Hero as you achieved 3 with 3 National Sports Emmy Awards! Mayookham fashion pageant ‘KCCNC congrats Sweeta Geo Thenguthara for her achievement in beauty pageant. We are so proud and happy she won 2nd Runner up in Mayookham fashion pageant. Mayookham’ was a fashion pageant for malayalee women over 17 years of age resid- ing in the US and Canada organized by FOMAA Women’s Forum in association with Flowers TV USA. She won the Title of Western Region Queen and later advanced to the National Finals. She won 2nd Runner Up crown ?? title in the Nationals. Also got the ‘Make an Impact’ award. She is from our community and we are so proud of Sweeta Adn-bn∏v hSt° Atac- n°- b- nse I\\v m\\mb kapZ- mb- mwK- ß- f- psS awKf- I- ¿Ωß- ƒ, hnhml Biwk- I- ƒ, P∑Z- n\\- mi- wk- I- ƒ, hm¿jnI BtLm- j-߃ XpS-ßn-b hnh-c-߃ sI.-kn.-kn.-F≥.-F.-bpsS apJ-]-{X-amb Iv\\m\\mb ssSwkn¬ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂- Xm-Wv. ]c-ky-Øns‚ hen-∏-Øn-\\-\\p-k-cn-®mWv \\nc-°p-Iƒ \\n›-bn-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈-Xv. ]c-ky-߃ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-hm≥ sI.-kn.- kn.-F≥.-F. {Sj-d¿ Pbvtam≥ I´n-W-t»-cn-bp-ambn _‘-s∏-Sp-I.

Women’s summit 18

19 KCCNC - Silver Jubilee Inauguration ÿew hnev]-\\bv°v tIm´bw Pn√bn¬, t]cq¿ st stephens ]≈n°pw ]pfnaqSv Ihebv°pw kao]w 40 sk‚ v kvYew samØamtbm / `mKnIamtbm sImSp°p∂XmWv. Xmev]cyw D≈h¿ Xmsg ImWp∂ \\ºdn¬ hnfn°pItbm / WhatsApp sNøpItbm sNøpI . Phone number 0017735430199 advt


21 Detroit news Despite the limitation of the current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic we thank everyone from Kid's Club and KCYL that was able to come today for National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and the parents that were able to spend the day with us and bring their children. Thank you also to Vicar and Spiritual Director Fr. Jemy Puthusseril, KCS Detroit-Windsor President Alex Kottoor and Execu- tive committee, and our community for making this event possible. We would also like to thank all the KCYL board members for executing this event and the Kid's Club for their participation. Thank you also to Kids' Club and KCYL director Jain Kannachanparambil for all the support and help with coordinating this event. We would also like to take this time to thank all the officers and staff of the law enforcement department of the USA and the officers and staff of Berkeley Police Department, Canton Twp Police department, Northville Twp Police department, Novi Police Department, Farmington city Police Department, Bloomfield hills Police Department, Madison heights Police Depart- ment, Troy Police Department, Rochester Police Department, Sterling Heights Police Department, and the Shelby Twp Police department for their dedi- cated service and commitment to keeping our com- munity safe and allowing us to visit today to de- liver these plaques as a token of our appreciation. We have many more plans for 2022 so we ask for the continuous support of our community. Thank you, Kevin Kannachanparambil KCYL President

22 BZ-cm-RvP-en-Iƒ

23 ]c-ky-߃ \\¬Imw Iv\\m\\mb kapZ- mb- mwK- ß- f- psS t\\XrX- zØ- n¬ \\SØ- p∂- {]ÿm\\- ß- f- ps- Stbm _nkn\\-  - pI- - fps- Stbm ]ck- yß- ƒ Iv\\m\\mb ssSwkn¬ {]kn≤- oI- c- n°- ph- m\\- p≈ kph¿Æmh- k- c- w ]mgm°- msX D]t- bmK- n°- q... \\nßf- ps- S- ]c- k- yß- ƒ Iv\\m\\mb ssSwkn¬ {]kn≤oI- c- n°- ph- m\\pw ]ck- yØ- ns‚ \\nc°- pI- ƒ Adnb- ph- m\\pw sI.k- n.k- n.F- - ≥.F- . Sjd- ¿ Pbvtam≥ I´nW- t- »c- nbpa- mbn _‘s- ∏S- pI- . Mob:813-502-3447. E-mail:[email protected] Page Design by: [email protected] +91 9447662082

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