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Home Explore Oxford Grammar for Schools 3 Student Book

Oxford Grammar for Schools 3 Student Book

Published by catherinescrossculturalcafe, 2022-09-16 07:49:19

Description: Oxford Grammar for Schools 3 Student Book


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* 7 Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning *9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 8. Give your own ostays the same. * answers. ÿ These are good books. JWhat ¿oes your be friend look like? _These books are qooA. he's short He's got dark hair. ÿ That lesson was interesting. ._That Was on interesting lesson 1 This is a heavy bag. 2 Those drinks were expensive. 10 Work in groups. Read the instructions and play the game. 3 This party will be good. 4 That's a strange photo. Instructions 5 That test was easy. 1 Choose a word card. Keep it secret. 2 Write down three adjectives to describe it. 3 Read your three adjectives to your group. 4 The first person to guess the card wins a point. 5 Play again. 6 These are beautiful flowers. a ladybird snow 7 This is a slow computer. the USA 8 Those shoes are nice. a strawberry a tiger chicken ice-cream £§ Gilt MsKhih§ 0ts GRzm§. opera Then listen and check. _ÿ What does your best friend look like? d_ football 1 How are you feeling? choco ate a tree a baby 2 What's your schoolbag like?_ _3 How was your weekend? 4 What's the weather like today? _ 5 What's your bedroom like? - 6 What are your neighbours like?_ a It was good, thanks. a mountain the sun b They're quiet but friendly. c It's warm. It's cloudy. music d She's tall. She's beautiful. e It's small. It's got white walls. a lemon f It's old. It's dirty. It's heavy. g I'm happy. I'm hungry. 1- the town or a train the sea city you are i in now It's co\\A. It's Wet. It's big. Yes. One point for you. 100 Adjectives

Adjective order When we use two or more adjectives, they usually follow this order: Article Size Age Colour Nationality Material Noun big old black dog the modern French cotton an small white chair a Japanese wooden a shirt car the table vw small cheap woollen metal leather cotton French wooden *1 Are the adjectives in the correct order? Tick / the sentences that are correct. OChange the order of the adjectives that are wrong. ÿ I'd like an old leather jacket. _/_ ÿ We found a(metal smaTpbox. ¿'»mQII nieta _1 Ineed a paper white bag. 2 They put everything in a big cardboard box. _3 Let's get some modern wooden furniture. _4 There were some small white mice. _5 He's a Spanish old actor. _6 Is that a new glass vase? 7 I'm wearing cotton blue socks. _ 8 He's got blue big eyes. - _9 We watched an old Russian film. _10 Ican't find my grey woollen jumper. _11 I'd like an American big car. _12 She's got black short hair. _13 Use the new white cups. Unit 18 101

*12 Complete the descriptions of the people and things. Use the adjectives in the box. big blue woollen green red Egyptian short metal paper black-and-white brown cotton old small long wooden German small white 000 y É6YPT ÿÿ r s ÿ It's a Sma11 shoe. 5 She's got hair. door. _1 It's a _ sheets. —6 They're _ cups. _2 They're — robots. _7 It's a scarf. 3 They're - film. _8 He's got _ eyes. 4 It's an _ _9 It's a car. * 13 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures in exercise 12 but cover the adjectives and sentences. How many descriptions can you remember? *14 Write about each of the topics below. I |Self-evaluation Rate your progress. * i 2 An important possession 3 Write about its age, size, colour and material. 4 Where does it come from? 5 Why is it important to you? 6 A special person 7 What does he / she look like? 8 Write about his / her hair and eyes. What is he/she like? 9 Write about his / her character and personality. 10 11 A SPECIAL POSSESSION 12 IAave an old ring. It's Small an¿ it 13 ¡Sn't beautiful but it's 14 important to me. ItWas ... 102 Adjectives

Adverbs Ican recognize and use adverbs of manner, time and frequency. Types of adverbs and adverbs of manner Most adjectives change to adverbs of manner like this. Most regular Adjectives Adjectives adjectives ending in -y ending in-6/e + ly \"ily -bly nice -> nicely angry -> comfortable -> angrily comfortably Already, quickly, and always are There are some irregular adverbs of manner. good -> well different kinds of adverbs. They give information He's a good swimmer. -* He swims well. about time, manner and fast fast frequency. She's a fast runner. —> She runs fast. Adjectives describe nouns hard -> hard They're hard workers. -> They work hard. (things and people). She has a quiet voice. Jqf N We usually use adverbs after verbs. (ÿ\\ÿqIt'sóñóisy dóg. \"~ ~ ' She sings beautifully. ...They often answer questions with What ? However, we use adjectives after the verbs be, seem, Adverbs of manner describe how people do things. become, get, look, feel, taste, smell and sound. She speaks quietIy. The dog barks noisily. Her voice sounds beautiful. You'll get hungry. ...They often answer questions with How ? * 1 Change the adverbs into adjectives. £23 O 19.1 Listen and write the correct adverb. Use the adjectives below. _ÿ nicely nice_ 3 easily noisy careful clear fast 1 quickly 4 hard happy polite quiet slow _ÿ He's working carefuWy 2 well _ 5 beautifully __1 She's speaking _2 He's riding his bike very *2 Circle the correct form. 3 She's speaking 4 He's working _ Oÿ You walk slow /(ÿjowTÿ 5 They're singing very _6 He's asking 1 You seem sad / sadly today. _7 She's walking 2 She plays volleyball good /well. Unit 19 103 3 Are you angry / angrily with me? 4 lean speak French, but bad /badly! 5 Ican easy / easily finish this book today. 6 Are you sitting comfortable / comfortably? 7 Read it careful / carefully. 8 My feet are getting cold /coldly.

S4 O 19.2 Listen.Which animals are the people Write six sentences using words and phrases from below. Work talking about? Write the number. in small groups. Read your sentences to your group. Are any of your sentences the same? My best friend ¿anees Very badly. hy sister Works Jna r¿. _parrots _hummingbirds I my sister my best friend can run my brother can paint can ski \"W walks work(s) eat(s) ants tortoises cook(s) sing(s) dance(s) 9? read(s) draw(s) people play(s) golf / football / chess speak(s) English / French / Chinese / Arabic cheetahs dogs _2_ well quickly hard slowly very o O***j 19.3 Choose a verb and an adverb for badly easily each animal. Listen again to check. beautifully clearly Verbs realistically sec, hear and smell move speak 7 Work in groups. Act an action from the run communicate shine box with an adverb from the box. Can Adverbs your friends guess the adverb? clearly funnily slowly brightly Actions fast say 'hello' write your name clap your hands __1 Dogs fee. Uear and SmeU very Well close your book ask for a dictionary 2 Ants stand up and sit down again 3 Parrots 4 Tortoises Adverbs of manner 5 Cheetahs quickly slowly quietly funnily nicely angrily happily clearly 6 Hummingbirds Are you Writing your name s\\ow\\y?J 104 Adverbs

Adverbs of frequency We use adverbs of frequency to say how often something happens. 0% 100% ,e< »ieV Itnever rains here. Italways rains here. We often use these adverbs of frequency with We put the adverb after be and auxiliary verbs the present simple. like don't, can and have. We rarely go to the cinema. You're always hungry! Jane sometimes wears glasses. He can usually do it. She doesn't often sit there. We use ever with the present simple and present perfect to ask about habits and experiences. We also use adverbial expressions to talk about Do you ever go running? Have you ever readthis book? frequency. These expressions go at the end of the We can also use often and never with the present sentence. perfect when we talk about experiences. I'veoften thought about it. present simple + every day, on Wednesdays They've never been here. Shephones me every day. They meet on Fridays. We put the adverb before main verbs. present perfect +once, twice, a few times Robert hardly ever walks to school. She always wakes up early. He's visited us twice. I'vebeen to Paris a few times. * 8 Put the words in brackets in the correct ©9 O 19.4 Read and ask your partner the questions. Listen and repeat. Say the chant place in these sentences. with a partner. uSuaWy Do you always brush your teeth? Do you? Do you? Cariabasÿ a big breakfast, (usually) Yes, Ialways brush my teeth. Ofcourse Ido! Do you ever bite your nails? Do you? Do you? 1 You phone me. (hardly ever) Well, Isometimes bite my nails. Isometimes do that. 2 He's been to hospital, (a few times) 3 The train's late, (often) Are you ever late for school? Are you? Are you? 4 Have you climbed a tree? (ever) No, I'm never late for school. Ofcourse I'm not. Do you always make your bed? 5 My grandma's very kind, (always) Do you? Do you? 6 Do you have bad dreams? (ever) ...Yes, Ialways make my bed 7 How do you drink milk? (often) ...Well, Iusually make my bed 8 There's anybody in that café, (rarely) Well, Ioften make my bed ... but sometimes Iforget! Unit 19 105

Adverbs of time: still, yet, already We use still, yet and already to show how we feel about events in time. Are you a teenager yet? We use still to show that something is taking or lasts a long time. It goes after auxiliary verbs and be, but before main verbs and negative auxiliaries or modals (e.g. haven't, can't). Lily still hasn'tdone her homework. I'm still waiting for the bus. We use already to show that something is happening or has happened more quickly than is normal or expected. Already can go before the main verb or at the end of the sentence. I'vealready cleaned the bathroom. I'vecleaned the bathroom already. We use yet at the end of questions and negatives to emphasize 'up to now' Do you know the answer yet? No, not yet. She hasn't written the letter yet. We can use still, yet and already with the present simple, present continuous and present perfect. 510 Choose the correct answers. *12 Look at the events in the box. Put a tick * in the column that's true for you, then ÿ CD They're not ready still /(ijet) write sentences with still, already or not yet. Use the present simple, the present 1 Wait! Ialready / still can't find my bag. continuous or the present perfect. 2 ) Has Julia finished eating yet / still? Life events still already not yet SO Ídon't believe it! You still / yet haven't finished that book! 4 What do you want for lunch? be at school Q Erm... I've still / already had lunch! be a teenager get my own phone 5 Has it stopped raining? visit a foreign O No, not already / yet. country 6 ) We've got Mr Wood for maths again live with my family this year. learn to swim O Do you still / already have Mr Wood? We've got a different teacher this year. Oÿ I've had lunch but I'm sti11 hungry! learn to drive Complete each sentence with still, yet or already. choose my career meet my _1 Have you phoned Billy ? 2 I've had a holiday but I'm _ thinking about husband/ wife my next holiday! __3 Ihaven't met your new friends 4 Wow! You've _ done your homework.That Try) rh'l) at school. Try] already a was quick! teenager. Ihaven't got my oWn pinone yet. 5 Pat got in the bath at seven o'clock and he's there now. 6 That film was scary! I'm thinking about it! 106 Adverbs

£13 Work in small groups. Compare your *16 Work in groups. Read your sentences. * answers. Do your friends think your ideas are right? I'm ftill at school. ][ [Aetoo. Wel .~ÿOily can Speak English JIhaven't chosen my career yet. aqree! ÿThat's true. me.y?frbat's the same for Hut he speaks English ilowly.ÿÿ *14 Are the adverbs in the correct place? Tick / That's not a pro\\>\\emÿ the sentences that are correct. Correct the Mhe speaks clearly.ÿNÿ sentences that are wrong. ÿ Have you yet told her? X _have you fold her yet? 1 She can well speak French. 2 The train hasn't left yet. 3 He slowly drives. 4 Ihave sometimes eggs for breakfast. 5 I've drunk all my water but I'm still thirsty. § Ste'istosady ssisf ¡gssÿs'íí*times! r1 Self-evaluation Rate your progress. 7 Idon't watch usually the news on TV. 1 *15 How well do you know your group? Complete 2 the sentences with the names of people in your 3 4 group. can speak English well. 5 6 ÿ Oily 7 8 1 is usually happy. 9 10 2 has never arrived late for school. 11 3 can already ride a motorbike. 12 4 always speaks politely to 13 the teacher. 14 15 5 is sometimes late for school. 16 6 draws well. Unit 19 107 7 hasn't eaten any fruit yet today. 8 can swim fast. 9 often makes people laugh. 10 speaks quickly. 11 has been abroada few times. 12 never sits quietly!

Comparative and superlative adjectives Ican recognize and use comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives. Comparative adjectives We use comparative adjectives when we Giraffes are taller compare two people, places, animals or objects. than elephants. Elephants are taller than horses. Giraffes are taller than elephants. &v Adjectives change to comparative adjectives like this. Adjective Comparative adjective tall taller big* bigger nice nicer * Double the final consonant in adjectives that end vowel + consonant: big -> bigger Adjectives ending with -u Adjective Comparative adjective -9- 1 \"9 hungry friendly hungrier friendlier Long adjectives ( -Giraffes are the talle-st-animals in Africa.) (two or more syllables) We can use comparative adjectives after Adjective Comparative adjective be, look, get and feel. difficult more difficult We usually use than after comparative adjectives. intelligent more intelligent They're more expensive than apples. Irregular adjectives We can sometimes use a comparative adjective on its own to describe a change. Adjective Comparative adjective The weather's getting colder. (= colder than it was before) Ifeel better now. (= better than Ifelt yesterday) good better bad worse * 1 Write the comparative form of these adjectives. ÿ fast -» faster_ 7 funny 1 long —ÿ _ 8 strong 2 thin -> _ 9 small 3 special —ÿ _ 10 good 4 easy -» _ 11 nice 5 slow -> - 12 pretty 13 red 6 beautiful -» _ 108 Comparative and superlative adjectives

*2 O 20.1 Write these sentences in the correct 4 Write more sentences about the order. Listen and check, then listen and repeat. x pictures in exercise 3 with 6e or /oo/c + a comparative adjective. Use the ÿ bikes / than / cars / faster / are adjectives in the box. £Cars are faster finan bike?. colourful safe interesting fast noisy quiet friendly slow happy sad 1 worse /the /getting /weather's dangerous young 2 gold / paper / more / is / than / expensive Janet ¡s younger than EAith. EAith looks happier than Janet. 3 are /stronger /you /me /than 4 better / getting / English / my / is 5 giraffes /taller/ lions /are /than O* 5 Complete the questions with the comparative form of the adjective in brackets and than. 6 than /heavier /stone /wood /is ÿ Are your shoes cleaner than (clean) my 7 looks / that / comfortable / bed / more shoes? 8 more / your / mine / than / book / interesting / looks _1 Are you _ (old) me? 2 Is your chair (comfortable) J 3 O 20.2 Listen to the questions and tick / the mine? correct picture. correct picture. _3 Are your hands _ (big) mine? 1 Janet 4 Is your bag (heavy) my 5 kAbñareSg+?firltmfoss__ (interesting) a unteresung; books? (intelligent) _6 Are computers people? al/l (l A _ 7 Were people in the past (complicated) ÿ4§ _(happy) people today? _ (safe) b 8 Is English girls at other languages? 9 Is the countryside _the city? 10 Are boys (good) sport? If *6 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5 with a partner. Jre your shoes cleaner than my shoes? 4 Maze a Maze b I¿on't know, let's compare. I No, your shoes are cleaner than my shoes! ~ Unit 20 109

Superlative adjectives * 7 Comparative or superlative? Circle the correct We use superlative adjectives when we compare form. a person, animal, place or thing with all of the group they are in. ÿ What's stronger /ihestrongest)bone in the That giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo. human body? Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. 1 Is a lion bigger / biggest than a tiger? Adjectives change to superlative adjectives like 2 What's hotter / the hottest place in the world? this. 3 Who's younger / the youngest person in this Short adjectives class? Adjective Superlative adjective 4 Excuse me, where's nearer / the nearest post office? young the youngest 5 This computer is getting slower / the slowest. rich the richest 6 You're getting taller / the tallest! sad the saddest* 7 Your hair is longer / the longest than mine. 8 He's more / the most intelligent person in my * Double the final consonant in adjectives that end vowel + consonant: family. sad -» the saddest, wet -» the wettest O*8 O 20.3 Write the superlative form of these adjectives. Listen and repeat. Adjectives ending with -y _ÿ nicest -> tine nicest _1 long-» _ Adjective Superlative adjective 2 good-» funny the funniest 3 sad-» _ happy the happiest 4 tasty-» - Long adjectives (two or more syllables) 5 difficult-» _ Adjective Superlative adjective 6 noisy-» - comfortable the most comfortable 7 safe-» _ delicious the most delicious 8 bad-» - Irregular adjectives 9 dry-» _ Adjective Superlative adjective 10 colourful _11 funny -». 12 thin —» good the best *9 Complete the sentences. bad the worst We always use the before superlative adjectives. ÿ Mu grandma is the oldest person in mu familu. Ronny's the funniest person in the class. 1 He's _ (young) musician in the band. After superlative adjectives we usually use in or 2 That's _ (comfortable) chair in the on before the name of a place. It's the biggest lake in Europe. room. It's the most dangerous place on Earth. She's. (tall) player in the team. 4 The Amazon is _ (long) river in South America. (short) month of the _5 February is (thin) book on the shelf. _year. 6 It's 7 The double bass is (large) instrument in the orchestra. 110 Comparative and superlative adjectives

£10 Write the questions with superlative Which is the best gift for each person? adjectives.Then use the questions to Talk in pairs, using the words below. interview a partner. Then compare your choices with other pairs. Who's the youngest person in your family? expensive fun cheap safe beautiful My cousin Frank. He's Six months o\\¿. useful interesting nice special ÿ Who / young / person / your family? some grapes some flowers Who's the youngest person in your family? some 1 What / beautiful / place / in this country? a puzzle book chocolates 2 What /bad /day of the week for you? 3 What /good/ part of the day for you? Peter 4 Where /near /supermarket? 5 Who / tall / person / in this class? a necklace some flowers a magazine 6 Who / clever / person / in your family? *3 7 Who /good /singer /in the world? Your aunt a pair of Milly socks 8 What /old /area /in this town? a blanket a toy rabbit 9 What / important / thing / in your life? a camera some earrings 10 Who / important / person / in your life? 11 What / interesting / book / on your bookshelf? 12 What / expensive / thing / in your room? Your teacher a box of a plant chocolates a pen # a book Which is the best present for Peter? Grapes are nice, I>utthe puzzle book is more interesting. Yes, Itliink the puzzle book is the best present Unit 20 111

£12 Complete 1-8 with the superlative forms of the adjectives. Do not answer the questions yet. General knowledge quiz (long) snake in the world is A ÿ the python B ÿ the cobra C ÿ the anaconda 1 The deepest (deep) ocean on Earth is: _7 For humans, (dangerous) A ÿ the Atlantic Ocean animals in the world are B 5ZÍ the Pacific Ocean A ÿ snakes B ÿ sharks C ÿ the Indian Ocean C ÿ bears _ (dry) desert on Earth is: A ÿ the Gobi Desert, China B ÿ the Sahara Desert, Egypt C ÿ the Atacama Desert, Chile _3 Scientists believe (old) livinc (noisy) animal on land is a kind species of animal in the world is a kind of: A ÿ wolf B ÿ elephant A ÿ insect B ÿ crab C ÿ bird C ÿ monkey Self-evaluation Rate your progress. (heavy) animal in the world is A ÿ the blue whale B ÿ the saltwater crocodile C ÿ the hippopotamus _ (large) cut diamond in the world is: A ÿ theCullinan 1 B U the Koh-i-Noor C ÿ the Millennium Star * 13 Work in teams. Can you guess the 9 answers to the questions in the quiz? 10 11 *14 O20.4 Now listen to the answers to the quiz. 12 OWHow many correct answers did your team get? 13 14 112 Comparative and superlative adjectives

Units 18-20 Read the text. Choose the correct words Reading and writing from the box and write them next to 1-9. Look and read. Choose the correct words already oldest bigger biggest and write them on the lines. in more most of rarely yet hot air balloon eet motorbike Lake Baikal and Olkhon Island rocket train walking Lake Baikal in Russia is the olderf lake ÿ You must drive this slowly in town but you in the world. It is also the world's _can drive it fast on the motorway, car lake.With an area of 730 km2, Olkhon Island 1 It's faster than a plane. _ 2 This is the most peaceful way to travel in the is _ than any other island air. _ 3 -Lake Baikal. It's a beautiful place 3 Lots of people do this every day. It's the oldest and it 4_ rains there. 5_ way of moving about. _ people on Olkhon are fishermen or farmers. But _4 It's the longest form of transport. It's got a lot of wheels. _these days tourism is becoming a 6_ important part7 the economy _5 It's got two wheels. It's bigger and faster than a bicycle. on Olkhon and all around the lake. A tourist 2 Read the text. Circle the correct answers. organisation called the Great BaikalTrail is My great aunt Emily is than /(the)/ a oldest _building a 1,800 km footpath around the lake. person 1in / of / at my family. She's ninety-five They haven't finished the path 8 years old but she is 2 already / yet / still fit and well. She's very 3 calmly / calm / calmly. She but walkers can 9_ use some parts sleeps 4 good / well / often at night. And she seems happier 5 that / than / of all my other efit. family and friends. OLkHISOLNAN* So what's great aunt Emily's secret? She eats very 6 health / healthy / healthily. She isn't a vegetarian but she hardly 7 never / ever / rarely eats meat. She eats lots of rice and vegetables and she eats 8 fresh / fresher / freshly fish four times a week. Also, she gets up at 5.30 a.m. every day. She 9 ever / always / every says, 'The morning is the best part 10 at / in / of the day.' Revision 5 113

Listening Speaking OA O R11.1 Listen and draw lines. 6 Work in pairs. Student A look at the information Helen Charlie Louise below. Student B turn to page 156. Complete the table. Ask your partner questions to get the information you need. Use the prompts. m The smallest bird 'O M in the world The Bee Hummingbird Name yes, a little Bigger than a bee? no Bigger than a large blue;redand green spider? Colour female Male bird or female bird bigger? never How often / male sit on the eggs? mr 5P, The biggest flower Sÿ° in the world o Name The Raffles'ia Robert Isabel Andy Heavier than a one-year-old child? 5 ©R11.2 Listen and write. There is one Bigger than a large ©example. bicycle wheel? STUDY HABITS Colour ÿ Read? ¿¡t/ickly_ Smell 1 Write? slowly and - How often / it / produce a flower? _2 At home? No, because it's MWhat's the sÿaWest bird in the WorId? and noisy ¿y (rThe 6ee t\\umminybi.rA.\\ 3 At the library? Yes, at the town library because it's bigger and _ than the (ÿWhat's the b'xÿestdoVJer in the World?J school library he Raf//efia.~ÿ 4 Study and listen to music? _ 5 Review notes? -a month 114 Units 18-20

Prepositions of place Ican recognize and use in, on, at and other prepositions of place to talk about location and position. In, on and at When we talk about place we often use the Where's Andorra? prepositions in, on and at. Go and look on the Internet. We use in with three-dimensional spaces like rooms, houses, bags, cities and countries. the cupboard the photo the car in my bedroom the picture space The satellite is in space. Where's the computer? The hat is in a box in the cupboard in my bedroom. It s un¿er the newspaper* We also use in with pictures and photos. There are two tigers in the picture. Where s the newspaper* Jane's in this photo. It's on the table! Look! It's in front of you! \\A//\"\\ i i/ÿ /\\ aw yf tfwo-d/ÿli.mi e/>ns/\\«ios\\nal n IJ/A % I Ia m /* We use on with areas like walls, desks, maps and floors. We use at to show where things happen: the ceiling TV the radio the fountain the top school the station my hand on the floor at the cinema the bottom the Internet the table There's a spider on the ceiling! Let's meet at the station. Put the boxes on the floor. Where's Tommy? He's at school. We also use on with the radio,TV and the Internet. My brother was on TV yesterday. We also use at with the top and the bottom. Ireadabout it on the Internet. There's a tree at the top of the hill. Your shoes are at the bottom of the stairs. Circle the correct preposition. 7 Kelly's on / at school. 9ÿ Leave your books(on)/ at the? table. 8 Are you in /on this photo? 9 I'll see you in / at the bus stop at eight o'clock. 1 You've got paint in /on your arms! 10 Let's sit on / at the grass. 2 There's some milk in / at the fridge. 11 Room 3 is at / on the top of the building. 3 He works at /on the new university. 12 There's some writing at / on the ceiling. 4 It was very dark in / on the forest. 5 They live on / in Brazil. Unit 21 115 6 Don't put your bag on / at the ground! It's wet!

* 9 Look and write in, on or at. Complete the questions with in, on or at.Then use the questions to interview a partner. _ÿ Have you got anything in your pockets? 1 Do you ever write _ your hands? 2 Have you got a T-shirt with a picture _ it? _What's the picture? work at the 3 Who in your family is _moment? the cinema or 4 When were you last _theatre? your bag? 5 What's 6 Do you listen to music -your bedroom? 7 Have you ever been _ TV? ÿ They're at the beach. 8 When you're _ home where do you play? Where do you do your homework? Where do 1 She's _ the car. you eat breakfast? _2 It's _ the car. 9 Do any of your friends or family members live _ Australia? 3 They're the bus stop. 10 Is anyone in your family _ university? 4 It's _ the painting. 5 It's _ the painting. /iave you got anything in your pockets? 6 He's _the newspaper. (Ye?, I'Ve got some money and a 7 They're a tennis match. v _8 She's home. S3 O21.1 Look at the picture. Listen and write 'true' or 'false'. Correct the false sentences. * ÿ Tri ue ÿ False _ 1 _ 2 116 Prepositions of place

Other prepositions of place Like in and on, these other prepositions of place describe an object's location in relationship to another object. It'sin front of the sun. It's behind the tree. It's above the balloon. (at a higher level) W/////S ÿ It's below the bird. It's near the house. It's between the books and the photo. (at a lower level) It'snext to the tennis racket. t It's under the bed. (covered by) It's opposite the photo. 5 O 21.2 Listen and tick / the correct pictureÿ O*6 Circle the correct preposition. ÿ What's that above /(behind)/ below your ÿ back? Show me! © 1 Carrots grow near / under / behind the ground so you can't see them. 2 There's a big tree behind / below / between the school. 3 We live on the second floor. Mr Cox lives next to / above / below us, on the first floor. 4 Istood near / below / opposite the fire and it was hot. 5 Stand behind / between / in front of the tower. I'lltake a photo of you. 6 Can Isit opposite / next to / behind you at the cinema? 7 Someone's coming! Quick! Hide behind / under / above that wall! 8 Ican't see the TV! You're standing next to / behind / in front of it! Unit 21 117

* 7 Look and read. Add the missing prepositions. behind between in in front of next to en on on opposite under aoDaot MY BEDROOM 'qooodi My beAroom is on the first -floor 0D0OOC —of the house. We live 1_ a block of Hats Ican see the -flats from my bedroom window. There are some music posters 2- the Wa II. tAost of my clothes are 3-the Wardrobe, but there are lots of shoes 4_ my bed. My books' ar\\¿ other things are 5-the shelves. There's a biÿ mirror 6_ the shelves _anA the WarAro be, anA some stickers 7 the mirror. I've got two tables. One is 8-the WinAoW anA the other is 9-my bed. _The raAiator keeps the room Warm. It's 10 the table. «» x Write about your bedroom and your classroom. Answer the questions. My bedroom 1 Where is your bedroom in your house or flat? 2 What's above and below it? 3 Do you have these things in your bedroom? If so, where are they? a clock posters photos a lamp books shelves a wardrobe a chair clothes shoes a rug a mirror atable a radiator or air-conditioning unit MY BEDROOM My bedroom is atthe top of the house. Our kitchen is beloW it. The neighbour's kitchen is above it. My bed is next to the window anA there is . .. My classroom 1 Where is your classroom in the school? 2 What's above and below it? 3 Where do you sit in the classroom? 4 Do you have these things in your classroom? If so, where are they? notices signs charts a clock shelves pictures a fire extinguisher books a bin a computer rubbish a radiator or air-conditioning unit 118 Prepositions of place

9 Work in pairs. Describe and draw.Your pictures should match. 1 Student A Draw the objects in the first row on picture 1, then describe your picture The box iS next to student B. Now listen to student B and draw the objects in the second row. to the tree and 2 Student B Listen to student A and draw the objects in the first row on picture 2. the AlQrnOr)A Now draw the objects in the second row and describe your picture to student A. \\S in the box. diamond mfossil box ladder , 7777777777777777ÿ hot-air balloon fence f spade table Student A Student B groun secret room groun il secret room iio Talk in small groups. Where are these r * things in your home? JSelf-evaluation Rate your progress. a clock posters photos a lamp books 1 shelves a wardrobe a chair clothes 2 shoes a rug a mirror a table a radiator 3 4 or air-conditioning unit 5 I Where ¡s your dock? 6 cÿ- 7 It's on the Wall. 8 9 JWhere are your posters? 10 -ÿ-(I IIhaven't got posters! J Unit 21 119

Prepositions of time Ican recognize and use prepositions of time. In, on and at When we talk about time we often use the Istarted reading this Atten o clock tinis book atten o'clock ¡o the prepositions in, on and at. morning, you ÿeon? umorning on V\\th August. aü¿ We use in with years, seasons, months and parts of the day. We go skiing in the winter. He's going to the USA inJune. Iget up at six in the morning. We use on with dates, days and parts of days. The concert is on 3rdMay. MrAshton teaches us on Fridays. We use at with clock times and other regular No, atten oclock in the morning times (e.g. the weekend and traditional festivals). Itfinishes at ten o'clock at night. on Ifth August lastyear! What do you do at New Year? * ¿*• L Cf nommpnlleatfeottnKea Circle íne correcf preposifton. .fijzDl.DA3 ÿ We came home in /{at)lunchtime. rnnuaicntinnc .A 1 See you in /on Wednesday! conversations 2 He was born in / at 1972. 3 The film starts at /on six o'clock. with in, on or af.Then listen and check, 4 Bats and foxes don't sleep in / at night. 5 My birthday is in /at the spring. Use the questions to interview a j 6 We play tennis at / on Fridays. partner. 7 Ialways do my homework in / on the morning. 8 There's a music festival in / on 2nd May. ÿ When did you start school? * ÿ Write the words in the correct place. _In 2006. four o'clock October the evening Mondays 1 When do you do sport? the weekend 19thJanuary night the winter Friday morning half past six 2006 -Mondays,Thursdays and Fridays. his birthday break-time 2 Is your birthday _ the autumn? in on at No, it's -the spring. four o'clock _3 When does this lesson finish? quarter to three. _ _4 When do you brush your teeth? the morning and bedtime. 5 When will you next see your grandparents and cousins? _ my birthday. 6 What do you have for breakfast _ school days? Cereal and milk. 120 Prepositions of time

Time expressions We also use the words before, after, ago, every, this, last and next to talk about time. Before / after + noun / date / time I'lltidy Idid my homework before breakfast. She bought it the day before yesterday. room before We can go to a café after school. I'llsee you the day after tomorrow. V Weekend Time period + ago weeks Isaw him five minutes ago. We use last and next in questions like this: Dinosaurs lived200 million years ago. When did you last ...? Every + day / week / month / season / year (= What was the last time that you ... ?) Iplay football every Saturday. (= on Saturdays) When will you next ...? We have a barbecue every summer. (= When will be the next time that you ... ?) Igo to the dentist every six months. GWhen did you lastsee Gemma? This + part of day / week / month / year CHThis morning. Itold you this morning!(= earlier today) CI)And when will you next see her? I'lltell you this afternoon. (= later today) You must do your homework this week. QThis evening. Last / next + day / week / month / year The police came last Wednesday. What are you doing next month? *4 Complete the sentences with the words O 22.2 Look at the calendar.Today is Ointhe box. Wednesday 16th May. Write time expressions ago ago after before every O** j5 every Iest last next next with before,after,ago,every, this, last and nexf.Then listen, check and repeat. _ÿ Istayed there 1astsummer. MAY JUNE have a break? 1 When will you MTW T F s s MT W T F s s 1 2 34 56 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15( 16 )17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 Isaw Fred the day _ yesterday. __3 It happened six months 4 When did you _ go on holiday? 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 _5 Charlie's coming the day tomorrow. ÿ Sunday 13th May = XUree days ago _6 Igo to Bella's house _7 We're preparing for exams Friday. _ _ _1 June = n_ m_ month. 2 2nd May =t w a 8 It all happened a long time _3 Friday 18th May = the d. a. 9 We have the same problem t winter. 4 23rd May, 30th May, 6th June, 13th June, _20th June = e_ W _5 Monday 14th May = the d_ b -y w_ 6 7th—11th May = I_ 7 14th-18th May = t_ w_ Unit 22 121

6 O22.3 Quiz. Work in teams. Can you guess the answers? *7 Delete the wrong phrase in Then listen and check. each box. General knowledge quiz ÿ on my birthday in 13th June ÿ How often does the football 5 When do bears go to sleep for in the summer World Cup take place? the winter? 1 every two or three hours A ÿ every two years A ÿ in October two or three hours ago B ÿ in December at two or three hours B BÍ every four years 6 And when do they wake up 2 on breakfast 1 When did France win the again? at breakfast World Cup? A ! J in February or March B ÿ in April or May after breakfast A ÿ in 1998 7 When did the Internet begin? 3 at month B ÿ in 2002 this month A ÿ this century (2000-now) last month 2 When were the first Ancient B ÿ in the last century (1900 4 in 2010 Olympic Games? ...1999) A ÿ about 1300 years ago in midnight B [ ] about 2800 years ago x. in February 3 When did the first modern 8 When did the Chinese invent 5 45 minutes ago international Olympics take fireworks? a week ago place? A ÿ about 1400 years ago Monday ago A ÿ in 1896 B ÿ about 400 years ago B ÿ in 1924 6 at JuIlj in July 4 How often do the winter 9 When did the French build the last July Olympics take place? Eiffel Tower? 7 on the last day of June A ÿ every two years at the end of the day B ÿ every four years AD after 1900 in 31st January B ÿ before 1900 8 this week 10 How often do people vote next 10 o'clock for President in the USA? last month A ÿ every five years in 9 every Friday afternoon December on Friday afternoons in Fridays B ÿ every four years in November 10 20th August ago before 20th August on 20th August 11 after evening after the lesson after ten o'clock 122 Prepositions of time

*8 Work in small groups. Take turns to answer a question. Move one square each time you get a question right.The first person to reach the finish is the winner. WAen did you Ia$t eat some rice? No, tJnafs Wrong. IAad J— Did you has/e Sonne yesterday? Some two Weeks ago. h't+r \\Z> When When will is your tei you next go When did When did you last eat birthday? you last ÿ11 on a train? some rice? eat some ichHocola_te? OOOOOOOO *When did When do you usually hT| When did have a 41. oooooo o When did holiday? When will you last wash you last wear you last have your hands? a hat? an eye test? you be 18? V m Sf r When do When did Wftéñ cfo usually i you last ÿ«ra%Z5 krortl/frti do sport? When do you see fireworks? When will When do W you next go 5ÿÿ yywouu uuosuuuaully; //hen will you ÿ When do to a party? wake up? When will next go the you usually you be 21? rTtw WKMhairdresser's? eat fruit? When did When do When do you wake up !ÿ you get this morning? * you usually ÿ presents? watch TV? When will you be 40? Unit 22 123

* 9 Add the missing prepositions and time expressions. 'I love mornings! Iget up at 'School finishes 4_ half _'We go skiing 10_ the six o'clock and Igo running past three. 5-school, winter. It's the same 11 year: we ski 12_ the 1-breakfast. Ican't run Igo to the park with my morning, then we have lunch with a full stomach!' Amy, 16 friends.' Tom, 13 at one o'clock. 13_ lunch we always watch a film.' Jane, 13 __ 'I'm from Switzerland. Our _National Day is 1st August. _'What's my typical week? Igo to school 14 day from 6 year we have a barbecue with friends and Monday to Friday. Ialways family. _ the eveningN/V4 K/ X» V*VV IV* «St V*I» N/« VV*VA VI Cjl V* If ««/ 7 'Istarted a new school a few play basketball -15 months2 Ilike it. I've we watch fireworks. 8_ Wednesday afternoons. I got some new friends there. year it rained9- don't do much 16-the We chat together 3_ 1 st August but we still had a weekend. Ijust relax.' break-time.' Isabel, 13 good time.' Sally, 15 Robert, 14 * /f Choose four of the topics below. Write r three sentences about each one. my mornings my evenings my school day jSelf-evaluation Rate your progress, my birthday my holidays my last holiday a festival in my country a typical weekend 1* a typical school day a typical week New Year summer winter autumn spring 2 3 Autuían Ilike autumn because my b¡irtlnAay 4 ¡S ¡o October. Tine new sc\\noo\\ year 5 sSteaprttesm¡nbteinr eI.a.u.tumn. So every 6 124 Prepositions of time 7 8 9 10

Units 21-22 3 Read the email. Choose the right words and Reading and writing write them on the lines. 1 Look and read.Write 'yes' or 'no'. ÿ There is a cup on the table, yes - 1 The woman is sitting next to the window. Inti Raymi (or 'Festival of the Sun') is an important Andean celebration. It takes place every summer 1_ Cusco, Peru.The festival started during the Inca Empire,about 800 years _2 There is a red suitcase above the man. Every year 3_ June, many visitors go to _3 There is a green rucksack under the woman's Sacsayhuamán, an area 4_ Cuzco, to see seat. a theatrical performance of Inti Raymi.This tradition _4 There is a newspaper between the man and started 5_ 1944. the woman. 5 7.tetmisGtsmim__ÉSÍ (S) 9fí 3 if) 9f) Sí 1 on tRis in 4 near against on 2 Read the email. Choose the correct words 2 last ago before 5 in on at from the box and write them next to 1-7. ....4 Read the letter and write the missing words. . .aqo Write one word on each line. e„t , bet.ween before . in las.t near next on thisagft.erevery -J Dear hr 0arr, 2 3ulÿ r ÿ ThanK \\|Ou -for ÿcur application We Dear Jason, wono_uld liKe +o invi-fe \\ja< -for an interview Would you like to come and stay with me and my Wednesday is 3ulÿ 1_ io30 a1m+ .¡5Plolecaas+eecdo2m_e +o cur central oí-fice family at the weekend? We're going to be -the -firs-t floor _1_ our holiday cottage 2_ of Cavendish Heuse, Mil-ton Road the sea. We go there 3 year. It's in a _Ycm are welcome -to ¿-faÿ -for lunch _beautiful location, 4_ a lake and a forest. 3 -the interview This will be We will spend some time 5 the beach _served -for all interview candidaies and maybe have a barbecue 6_ the 4 -the G-arden Room Please evening. What do you think? Let me know. let us Know 5_ week Cbefore Frank io 3uKj) if you would like -to a++end -the _P.S. I phoned you 7 interview night but there was Ycurs sincerely no answer.Where were you? Mar\\j Whi-te Revision 6 125

Listening write Speaking 5 O R12.1 Listen 7 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Can you find 10 differences? Picture 1 HILLVIEW SUMMER CAMP TIMETABLE ÿ Tennis lessons: Where? Inthe sports hall (next to the swimming pool) _1 Tennis lessons: When? At ten o'clock 2 Music session: When? _ 3 Music session: Where? In the room _ _the café ,at four o'clock. 4 Film: When? 5 Film: Where? In Room 4, _ Reception 6 OR!2.2 Listen and tick / the correct picture, ÿ Where is Debbie? Picture 2 1 Where are the theatre tickets? 2 Where is the theatre? 3 When did Andy last go to the theatre? (in picture 1tine handbag is on tine 126 Units 21-22 chair but in picture 2 it's on tine ÿfloor near tine door.

Question words Ican recognize and use question words. Who, where, what, when, why, how We use question words (who, where, what, when, why and howj when we ask for information. Questions with question words usually have the same word order as yes/no questions. Do you like it? Yes, Ilike it. Whot's in that box? IA on't know. Why do you like it? Is he leaving? Yes, he's leaving. Where has itcome from? When is he leaving? Didit happen? Yes, it happened. How did it happen? Will you go? Yes, I'llgo. ÿZÿWho sentit?ÿ\\ Where will you go? Didyou do it? Yes, Idid it. P\\y grandparents. What didyou do? We often use who as the subject how ¿o you know? of a question, without do, does or did. Because of the stamps ' Who likes pizza? l and the Writing. .When are you ÿ Who wrote this? going to open it? We can also use it in the same Nowt Hut please stop pattern as a yes/no question. asking questions! Can you talk to someone? Yes, Ican talk to someone. Who can you talk to? O* 1 Circle the correct question word. 6 Who / How did you talk to? ÿ Why /(When)does the film start? Ci At seven o'clock. Q Lots of people. 1 Í Who/ Where has the books? 7 Í Who/ What said that? CÜ Kate. Q Me. 2 What/ How will you open it? SO How/ When are you meeting him? CU With the key. Q Tomorrow. 3 Where / What did you eat? 9 Who/ Where is your best friend? Q At home. CZi John Davies. 4 Í What/ Where did you eat? 10 What/ Who are you going to do? Cl Chicken and rice. Ci I'll phone the police. 5 Where / Why is he at the hospital? Unit 23 127 Q He's visiting George.

* 2 Complete the questions with the words below. Write down your answers to the how how what when where questions in exercise 4. Then ask and where who who who why why answer the questions with a partner. CDÿ Who _are you going with? f Who mokes you \\augh? brother. J Q My sister. *6 Work in pairs. Read the sentences and o_i _are you sad? * think about your partner. Circle the O Because Ifailed my exam. _2 CD answer you think is true or write your did you go? own answer. Ask your partner OTo the shops. questions. How many of your guesses were right? 3O is your teacher? Q Mrs Harris. 4O did you break it? Ithink my partner ... Q Idropped it. drank tea Icojjee Imilk Ijuice I 5 CD _ is Perth? hot chocolate at breakfast. Q In Australia. _6 CD came to school by bus Iby car / said that? on Joot Iby train today. O Anna. _7 CD is planning to study Ido sports did he buy? Iwatch TV Imeet jriends at the Q A notebook. weekend. SO -_can we meet? last bought something this morning O_9 do you get to school? Iyemday Iwo days ago Ia mk O Iwalk. ago Ia long time ago. io CD -_ did you say that? will go on holiday with jriends I j:amily Ijriends and j:amily next Q Because it's true! year. 3 O 23.1 Listen and answer the question is going home Ito a club I about pronunciation.Then listen again and to a jriend's house Ito the park Orepeat. Do the last words in these questions after school today. —go up or down %? how what what when where who Who makes you laugh? Whot did you | Who do you live with? -dnnk of breakfast?ÿJ fsJuice. \\ ÿ £4 Read these sentences. Be sure to make your voice go up and down correctly. Who makes you laugh? r IWas right! And how did A Who makes you cry? Who do you live with? you come to school toAay? Who do you talk with? Who do you learn with? On foot. Was Wrong! 128 Question words

Questions with what + noun and how + adjective / adverb We can ask questions with what + noun. *8 Work in pairs. Act out the fishing What kindof music do you like? conversation again. Change the answers to questions 1-6 to make your What time is it? own story. What colour are her eyes? We also ask questions with how + adjective / JftoW long ¿¡A you stay there? adverb. How longis the film? About two InourSyZÿ How high is that mountain? We ask questions about quantity with how many O* 9 Complete the questions with the words below. and how much. (For more information, see unit 3.) fast kind many much How many sisters have you got? often size time well How much water have we got? *7 O23.2 Complete the conversation with ÿo How buj_ was it? ©what or how. Listen and check.Then act out CU The same size as a cat. CD1 How _ do you wash your hair? the conversation with a partner. Cl Every day. 2 ) What _ did you get home? CD About ten o'clock. CD How _ does he play tennis? Q He's an excellent player. CD4 How __ did that game cost? Q £40. O _5 What do you want? What did you do yesterday? Cl Medium, please. Q Iwent fishing at the lake. _6 ¿-3 What of bird was it? Onow long did you stay there? Q A parrot. o-__Q About forty-five minutes. many fish did you catch? _7 Í 3 How exams are there? CI Just one. Cl Five. _C> 2 big was it? _8 ) How can you drive on the CU About 50 or 60 cm - like this. motorway? o*__ kind offish was it? Q 70 miles per hour. Q I'm not sure. O 4-colour was it? CÜ Grey. CD 5_ heavy was it? Cl About one kilo. o<__ did you do with it? Q Iput it back in the water. Unit 23 129

no Write the questions in the correct order. fS> y*12 How many questions? Work * Then use the questionMsi tIoU iInIIterview a in teams. Think of as many * partner. questions for each statement as Oÿ this / how / lesson / is / long you can. The team with the most _how long ¡S th\\S 1esson? questions wins. 1 got /cousins /how /you /many /have 2 did /who /you /breakfast with /have 3 sort of/ what /do /like /you /music I've goto new bike. 4 today / water / drunk / have / much / you / how 5 where /you /your homework /do /do 6 are / you / why / wearing / shoes / those Icar Speak French and Japanese. 7 walls / are / your / colour / bedroom / what 8 by / how/ you /often /do /travel/ bus 9 wake up/ what/ you /time /did II'm going to see 10 you /did /last /a photo /when /take \\ÿa film toñíg Í11 Complete the second question so that * it means the same as the first. Use three, four or five words. Then interview a partner. f*\\y aunt'sjust Ua¿ a baby. ÿ Do you live in the city centre, near the city or I've gat an appointment in a village? With the AentisttoAay. Where Ao you live? Ive aot some new shoes 1 Did you get up at six o'clock or seven o'clock _today? get up today? What 2 Can you ride a bike very well or not very well? -ride a bike? 3 Have you got blue eyes, green eyes or brown eyes? What _ got? 4 Are you learning English because you want to _or because you have to? learning English? 130 Question words

13 General knowledge quiz.Work in two 514 Imagine you can interview your * favourite film star, pop star or teams, A and B.Team A look at the sportsperson. Write fifteen questions information on this page.Team B look for the interview. Use question words. at the information on page 155. Ask about the topics below. Team A 1 Prepare quiz questions from the information. The past 2 Ask team B your quiz questions. childhood memories school days 3 Answer questions from team B. important experiences 4 The team with the most correct answers wins. Now Jr how o\\¿ ¡s tÿachu Pichu? daily routine likes and dislikes Ithink it's 100 years old. special places important people old!~ÿNo,it's (oOO years The future Machu Picchu hopes goals dreams plans Machu Picchu is around 600 years old. It is 2,400 metres QUESTIONS FOR... (name) above sea level. 1 Where Were you bom? 1 200/ 400/ 600 years old? 2 What did you like at school? how o\\¿ is Wachu Picchu?_ 2 2400 / 2600 / 2500 metres above sea level? Crocodile, baby crocodile 1Self-evaluation Rate your progress. A crocodile has about 65 teeth. A baby crocodile is 1 only about 20cm long. 3 65 / 75 / 85 teeth? 2 3 4 baby crocodile: 20cm / 50cm / 80cm long? 4 The human brain 5 6 The human brain uses about 25 per cent of the glucose 7 8 in our blood for energy. It is 9 not fully developed until we are 18 years old. 10 5 brain fully developed: 14/18/25 years old? 11 12 6 brain uses 15% / 25% / 40% glucose in our 13 blood for energy? 14 Unit 23 131

Question tags Ican recognize and use question tags in conversation and to check information. CThis is the right house, isn't it? A positive statement has a negative A question tag is a short question that we can add at the end of tag. a statement. We form it with the auxiliary verb + subject. The subject of the tag and the statement are the same. + - The auxiliary verb in the tag reflects the verb in the statement. You're coming with us, aren't you? Ican leave it here, can't I? The film has already started, hasn't it? You'll like that, won't you? Gabrielspeaks Russian, doesn't he? She understands, doesn't she? They stayed a long time, didn't they? He toldyou the story, I'm right, didn't he? aren't I? Note: I'mright, aren't I? (amn'tl?) A negative statement has a positive tag. - + You weren't angry, were you? She couldn't do it, couldshe? Itisn't very nice, is it? You've never met Lee, have you? *1 ©24.1 What are the people in the picture *2 O 24.2 Choose the correct tag. Then listen, saying? Match 1-6 with a-f.Then listen and check. check your answers and repeat the sentences. i ÿ She wasn't here, FINISH 0 was she? ÿ wasn't she? 1 He looks happy, doesn't he? 1 It isn't easy, 2 That was a big meal, wasn't it? 3 It's cold today, isn't it? ÿ is it? ÿ isn't it? 4 She's going to win, isn't she? 5 He can't get it, can he? 2 Alice can't swim, 6 We haven't met before, have we? ÿ can she? ÿ can't she? 132 Question tags 3 You like this music, ÿ do you? ÿ don't you? 4 He saw us, ÿ didn't he? ÿ did he? 5 You've lost your ticket, ÿ have you? ÿ haven't you? 6 You aren't going to do it, O are you? O aren't you? 7 I'm fast, ÿ aren't I? ÿ ami? 8 This has never happened before, ÿ has it? ÿ hasn't it?

*3 O 24.3 Circle the correct answer. Then o *4 Add the correct subject from the box to each tag. listen, check your answers and repeat the they they it yet* he we you she I £sentences. ÿ You're Italian,aren't you ? ÿ She 's /(was)swimming, wasn't she? 1 They were happy, weren't 2 Ican wear this hat, can't- 1 Philip hasn't phoned / didn't phone, has he? _3 Your sister's passed her exam, hasn't 2 Jane plays / played tennis, didn't she? _4 Kate and Charlie didn't know, did 3 It 's going to / will work, won't it? 5 The music was good, wasn't _ ? 4 They can't / couldn't do it, could they? 6 You and your sister play golf, don't - 5 You 're eating / eat fish, don't you? 7 Your dad's a pilot, isn't _ ? 6 He isn't going to leave / hasn't left, is he? 8 You and Ihave the same surname, don't 7 This programme 's / was interesting, isn't it? 8 You 're not lleeaavviinngg // won'tilleeaavvee,, are you?r *** jÿ Work in three teams, A, B and C. Read the instructions and play the game. Instructions Take turns to make sentences with the question tags below. When you use a tag correctly, you 'win' it and write your team's letter on it (A, B or C). When you 'win' a tag it is out of action for the rest of the game. Think fast! You only have 10 seconds for your turn! The team with the most tags at the end wins the game. hasivt she? can't sVvz? «reiA/t we? haven't O LSIA/t it? vv/// we p) weren'tt NJOU? AO.5 Uz? a.m 1? ft doesn't it? didn't ttey/j Have I? r didn t tAey flreiA/t I? shouldn t OJC? 5d v/ov\\+ v/e? v/asn+ he? do i/v/t c-fliA, he? e/ic/ he.? Cÿ~It~'si/your turn, team OK ...the {¿on'tyou?' tag. wou Walk to $cV\\oo\\> ¿on't you? - \\J ÿJrCorrect sentence. You ivin the tag. ?B Unit 24 133

Question tags in conversation * 8 Complete the questions with question ItWas a fenny film, Wasn't it? tags. Then add responses from the box below. Yes, it Was. IIauqheA a Iof! We can use question tags to make conversation. It'sa lovely day, isn't it? Lucas didn't like it, did he? Here, the tag means:'I think you will agree with my statement.' 6 Add the correct tags to the conversations. No, he might fall. have you? is it? did she? can she? won't it? Actually, Ifell asleep in the middle. hasn't he? were they? don't you? doesn't he? Yes, the view's amazing. Actually, Ithink it's too big. ÿ CD You like cheese, Aon'tyou? O No, Idon't, actually. Yes, Idon't understand. D1 > He has lunch at school, _ No, Ithink it's got a virus. Q y#!,- teste CDÿ It's beautiful here, ¡sr'f it? CD2 She can't ski, _ dü Yes, tlÿe viewV amazing. Q_C1 ) It's not working, Q Yes, she can, actually. 2 He shouldn't do that, 3 C 3 He's got a dog, - Q- Q Yes, Ithink so. _3 It's strange, 4 CD It isn't funny, _ O No, it isn't. Q 5 CD It'll be cold, _4 £ 3 The newTV's great, CD No, Idon't think so. Q CD _6 You've never been to Italy, 5 ) That was exciting, O Yes, Ihave! Lots of times! Q_ C _7 ) Jim and Alice weren't playing, O19 O 24.4 Listen and check your answers to exercise 8.Then act out the conversations with Q No, they weren't. a partner. 8 CD She didn't phone,_ Q No. 17 Look again at exercise 6. Does speaker 2 agree or disagree with speaker 1 in each conversation? Write A (agree) or D (disagree). ÿD 2_ 4_ 6_ 8_ 1_ 3 _ 5 _ 7 _ 134 Question tags

Question tags to check information We use question tags to check urove, isn Yesj Ithink so information. 79plus 2 1 makes 100, doesn't it? i You eat meat, don't you? No, itisn't! Egypt is in Africa. Here, the tag means: 'Is the statement correct?' 10 O 24.5 Listen to people checking information. *11 O 24.6 Add the question tags. Listen Where are the mistakes? fa and check, then practise reading the conversations with a partner. 8tin ÿ £_ Your sister's left school now, hasn't she? Friday érth March Q No, she finishes next summer. ~7 p.m. - Midnight O Oh, OK. Charlie Jenkins phoned about Saturday job _1 O vou went to the USA last year, Q Yeah, we had a really good time. 2 : ) A spider's got six legs. Q No, it's got eight legs, Oh yes, Ithink you're right. Oí3' will see you again, O Of course you will! Don't worry. 1 Paris _4 Í It's made of glass. 2 re¿, white an¿ bice Q No, it's made of plastic, 3 about (o5,000 No, it's definitely glass. Feel it. H IHth July Q Oh yes. Richard / Mar\\j X 5 James can swim, 3acK / Bella / O No, Idon't think he can, actually. 6 3 It isn't raining, - QYes,I'mafraid it is. Largesi rain-fores* Produces 20% of in -fhe world +he worlds oxygen The Anaz-on Rainforesj) Has plan+ and K/iV\\e /Most of i+ animal species different is in Ecuador coun+ries Unit 24 135

212 f What personal information would you Talk in groups. Use your sentences with question tags from exercise 12 to check * s like to check? Work in groups. Write if your ideas are correct. sentences with tag questions for the Paul, your birthAay's people in your group. Use these topics. in Jt/ne; isn't it? birthdays hobbies family likes and dislikes experiences habits and routines future plans No, it's in Jcly. A [Aolly, you like rock music, Paul, your birthAay's in June, isn't it? VA on't you? ¡ fAolly, you like rock music,Aon'tyou? - ÿAndy, you'\\Je got two brothers, haven't you? Yes, that's right Sorah,you're go¡09 to swimming dub tomorrow, aren't you? 14 Work in small groups. There are ten errors (scientific, historical, mathematical, geographical) in this picture. Can you spot them? Look at page 154 to find the answers. New Delhi zebras Leonardo da Vinci INDIA Oranges are full of üinted the Elephant? vitamin A 1ona Lisa. can't jump Portuguese sunflowers in Brazil 11*11=121 Versuvrue Buenos Aires Butterflies 1 VENEZUELA make honey Self-evaluation Rate your progress. Ha_ carbon beef 1 2v ~ dioxide 2 The Netherlands 3 won the World 4 Cup in 2010. 5 = silver People first 6 landed on the moon 7 in the 1420s. 8 camels Fish and eggs 9 are full of 10 Ag is silver, isn't it? vitamin B 11 12 136 Question tags Yes,J think so. 13 -\\T~ 14

Units 23-24 Reading and writing Read the letters and write the missing words. 1 Match 1-5 with a-h to complete the Write one word on each line. conversation. You don't have to use Dear Oscar haven'+ \\jou all the letters. WUere are 1 ÿ C> L_ answered m\\) phone calls? I'm worried Q I'm fine, thanks. a\\~l3)0_buo?uSih\\j)e0—udgaidYvoevujcmureelams\\je+omusrpbeaeadKrd3r+euosliasO, s\"IcaasrK?eadn, d 1 O— she replied,(I don'+ Know 1+ was a long Q Yes, Iwent to the cinema. +ime ago' Wow she's worried abou+ you --foo You are OK, 4 ÿou? 20 — Please, please wri+e. Q Joe and Heidi. IVs| 3D- Dear Ivy Q 'Down in the City'. Thank you jor your letter. You seat your 40 — letter to my old address. I've moved house and O Yes, it is. started a new school. Ididn't hear your phone calls. How t5h-e Interntimete,s6_did ijouyocua?ll?I'vWehen? sO — You've got O About half past ten. put my email aadgdareins,s7_at the end oj this letter. a That's a really long film, isn't it? you? It was so You will write b How arc you? c What kind of film is that? good to hear jrom you. OP.sSc.a8r_ is Julia? d You went out last night, didn't you? e Who did you go with? f What time did you get home? g What film did you see? h How long did it last? Read the emails. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. how ts many much kind what when where who why r for sale JiJ Dear Julia Bicycle: £30 Contact Julia at Dear Tom _li_ the bike still for [email protected] I'm interested in your holiday sale? What 1 of TO R.BNT _cottage, but I'd like some more bike is it? 2_ colour Holiday Cottage for information.3 is it? How sixpeople;becadzifotl views is it? bedrooms does it have? £<*-5c a week Email Tom at big is the garden? Can tom85<f(a)i/ Ben you send me a photo? Thanks Bella Lyell Revision 7 137

Listening Speaking O R13.1 Listen and tick / the correct picture 6 Work in pairs. Student A look at the information ÿ Where are Paul and Sandra? below and student B turn to page 157. Complete the table. Ask your partner questions 1 Why does Paul need new shoes? to get the information you need. Use the 2 How does Paul pay for the shoes? prompts. Dave Bus to city centre number 9 bus stop / it leave from forty-five minutes long /the journey three pounds much / a single ticket cost every ten minutes often / the bus leave 2.20 time / next bus where /buy a ticket? on the bus Train to city centre platform / it leave from long / the journey much / a single ticket cost often / the train leave time / next train where / buy a ticket? What bus stop ¿oes the bus \\ to the city centre leave from? J Number nine. What platform ¿oes the train \\ Jto the city centre leave from? Number seven. Sidney Carla Mandy 138 Units 23-24

Conjunctions Ican recognize and use the conjunctions and, but, or, because and so to link ideas in sentences. And, but and or Ilike ¡t but it's very hot an¿ spicy! We use conjunctions to link ideas together when we speak or write. We use them to show ideas like similarity, difference, reason, options, and result or consequence Ilike it because its hot and Spicy! We use and to link two similar We use but to contrast two We use or to talk about two ideas in one sentence. different possibilities or options. The sun's shining. It's3 7 °C. different ideas in one sentence. We can sit outside. We can sit inside. The sun's shining and it's 37 °C. The sun's shining. It's-5°C. We can sit outside or inside. It'ssunny and warm. The sun's shining but it's -5°C. It'ssunny but cold. Do you want to sit here or go inside? OChoose the correct conjunction. * 2 Read and complete the sentences with and, ÿ She has black hair(and)/ or brown eyes. but or or. 1 Would you like to stay in and / or go out this ÿ All my friends liked the film ... evening? .. beA Ithought it was boring. 2 Ihave a bike or / but Idon't use it. ..and lloved it too. 3 Ican play the guitar and / but the piano. 1 You can have chocolate sauce ... 4 Ithink she's a doctor but / or a teacher. I'm not ___you have to pay extra. sure. strawberry sauce. 5 Ilike pizza and / but Idon't like pasta. _-_-_-was latefor school ... 6 That tiger is beautiful but / or it's very 1missed the first lesson. dangerous. ---Ididn't missthe exam. _Would you like to go to the beach ... go to the mountains? _ have a swim in the sea? Unit 25 139

S3 Match 1-7 with a-h and add and,but or or. *6 O 25.1 Listen.Which intonation pattern do all ÿ Icould come at 1 b_ the questions below have - a, b or c? Listen _1 Do you want a pen _ Oagain and repeat the sentences. 2 He's very kind a b 3 She likes walking _ c _4 Was it easy _1 Do you prefer hot food or cold food? _5 It was difficult _2 Are you over the age of 12 or under the _6 There were lots of sheep age of 12? 7 We can stop now _3 Do you prefer watching sports or doing a _ running. sports? b or 2 o'clock. 4 Do you live in a house or a flat? _ _c _ have a break. Use the questions in exercise 6 to interview a partner. d no cows. Work with a partner.Take turns to ask _e _ helpful. questions about the choices. Use Do f a pencil? you ...or... ?or Are you ...or... ?and g _ Idid it. the prompts. h -difficult? Do you prefer chess or computer games? *4 Play this memory game in small Iprefer computer games because they're groups. Take turns to add an item to the more exciting,bet Ilike chess too. list. Ilwentto the shop and Ibought a pen. IWent to tine shop and I bought a pen and an apple. IWentto the shop and Ibought chess / computer games a pen, an apple and a /oaf. y JIWentto the shop and ... books /TV Talk in pairs. How many ways only child / brothers and sisters can you finish these sentences? cats /dogs Computers are expensive but ... Snow is beautiful but ... ...Money is important but Chocolate is nice but ... ...Cars are useful but ...Sunshine gives us vitamin D but Computers ore expensive a morning person / butthey are useful. ü-m\" an evening person 140 Conjunctions

Because and so In writing we usually use because in the middle of a sentence. In speech we can also use it at the Because and so are conjuctions.We use because beginning of a sentence. to give the reason for a fact or situation. It answers questions with Why? Why has he got wet hair? ÿ J» ÿ CÿX Because he's been swimming in the sea. We use so to talk about the result of something. It answers the question What happens next? Fact or situation Reason Fact or situation Result He's got wet hair. He's been swimming. She felt ill. She went to the doctor. He's got wet hair because he's been swimming. She felt illso she went to the doctor. It's cold because the window's open. Iwas tiredso Iwent to bed. I'm happy because Ipassedmy exams. The birds were beautifulso Itook a lot ofphotos. *9 O 25.2 Listen and tick / the correct picture. $10 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions from exercise 9. Think of ÿ Why didn't you come to the party? different reasons. 1 Why aren't there any more biscuits? Jdidn'tyou come to tine party? 2 Why are you late for school? ÿ üecause IWas od holiday 3 Why are you going to the supermarket? V 4 Why have you got that backpack? 9*11 Choose the correct conjunction. ÿ Ilive a long way from school because (soj A Igo by bus. ED 1 He's hungry because / so he didn't have any breakfast this morning. 2 You broke it because / so you can pay for a new one! 3 Fish makes Alison ill because / so she never eats it. 4 The Atacama Desert is dry because / so it hardly ever rains there. 5 Ryan wanted to buy a new computer because / so he got a job. 6 Iwoke up early because / so Iwent for a walk. 7 She can't walk because / so she's hurt her leg. Unit 25 141

*12 O 25.3 Listen to two people playing a game. *14 O 25.5 Complete the second part of the OTick all the'odd ones out' they find. conversation with the conjunctions in the box. Odd one out OThen listen again and check. Rules of the game but or because so and because Work in small teams. Find as many 'odd ones out'as you can. Q Group 2 - well, the vase is the 'odd one out' Group 1 because it isn't for drinks 1_ the cup is —ÿ2? 0 /7 the 'odd one out' because it hasn't got ÿtk° flowers on it. 0 0\"ÿ £ ) OK. Group 3. The doctor's the only woman zebra whale 2-she's the 'odd one out'. Group 2 Q Yes, and the thief's the 'odd one out' because vase the teacher, the taxi driver and the doctor all help people 3_ the thief doesn't help people. £ y And the teacher is the 'odd one out'A_ she works in the day but the others all - sometimes 5_ always - work at night. O Brilliant! Group 3 $15 Work in pairs. Find the 'odd ones out' in * each group. Use the points system from exercise 12. ÿ MW ÿ Group 4 doctor taxi driver teacher thief ÿ T-shirt boots Points sandals flip flops 2 points for every 'odd one out' you find. Group 5 5 points for an'odd one out' reason that no other team thinks of. *13 O 25.4 Circle the correct conjunctions in the \\ conversation.Then listen again and check. Jfce. D bicycles Group 1 - the zebra, the tiger and the fish all roller speedboats cars blades have two colours or /(but)the whale is only Group 6 one colour, 1 so / because the whale is the mouse jellyfish bee scorpion 'odd one out'. The sar\\¿a\\s are the odd ore OYes, 2 but / because the fish is also the 'odd out' because they aren't bice. one out'. /And the T-shirt ¡S the O Why? odd one out' because ... Q 3 And / Because the others are all animals. ¡Q4 Or / But the whale is a fish! O No, it isn't. It lives in the water but it isn't a fish 5 or / because it has to have air. Q Oh, yes! 142 Conjunctions

*16 Work in pairs. Read the letter from a magazine and make decisions about your trip. * Think about the reasons for your decisions. Make notes. Congratulations! You have won a 'round-the-world' travel ticket! You and a friend and your two families can travel around the world for six weeks - free! Now it's time to make some important decisions! 3 Transport 1 Route How would you like to travel? Which way around the world would you like to travel? Option A: east to west Option B: west to east by coach by ship on horseback ...ShaII We or . ..? <p I'd like to do this port of theÿ by hot-air balloon Itj' 2 Cities 4 Luggage Which cities would you like to stop in? Choose SIX. What form of luggage will you take? Choose ONE. If you're not sure where they are, find them on a map. better Toronto because ... New York 0xford Tokyo backpack suitcases London paris Ban9k0k, 5 Equipment Cairo What will you take? Choose FIVE. .. .Anqeles Shanghai ~Mexico*>C.i.ty Mumbai T río dejaMiro Canberra WocldI'dyoliukepItrloiekfegeor.t.too.sgo.o....tao.n.d....o.r . ÿ?y We need to take ...because ... ÿ don't need to take ... ... We ItWill be cold in ... bSoec.a..use *17 Tell the rest of the class about *18 Write to the magazine about your plans * your plans in exercise 16. 'f* for your trip around the world. We're gtooiengastot bteracavuesIefr.o.m. Thank you for my prize! West bWeec'dauliskee.t.o. travel from West to east Unit 25 143

*19 Choose the correct answer. *2 1 Join the pairs of sentences to make one * ÿ Has she got blue eyes or _ eyes? sentence. Use and, or, but, because and so. a green \\7\\ b she got green LJ The new sentence will be the number of words in brackets. --1 Idon't like it because ÿ It's beautiful. It's very expensive. (6 words) It's beautiful bat it's very _expensive. a boring Q b it's boring O 1 Iwant to go home. I'm cold. (8 words) __2 She can sing and a can dance ÿ b dance ÿ 3 You can have a sandwich or _ hot food. 2 You can do it now. You can do it later. (7 words) a some ÿ b can have some O 3 Ididn't feel well. Iwent home early. (9 words) 4 It's nice but _ very expensive. 4 He can ski. He can snowboard. (5 words) na it's b is G 5 It started raining so _ home. a we went ÿ b went 'ÿ 5 Istarted the book. Ididn't finish it. (9 words) _6 Do you prefer maths or ? a art O b prefer art O 6 I've studied conjunctions. Now Ican use them correctly. (10 words) /*20 Choose three of the topics below. Write ' a short paragraph about each one. Use and, or, but, because or so to link ideas in | jSelf-evaluation Rate your progress, your sentences. A longjourney Í m§{§óM(¡8Ü0 my'mit8ISflQjwm? 2 3 How did you feel? 4 A time Iwas ill 5 Why did you get ill? How did you feel? 6 What happened? 7 8 A time Iwas late for something 9 What were you late for? Why were you late? 10 11 What happened? 12 When Ireceived a gift 13 14 Who gave you the gift? Why did they give it 15 16 How did you feel? to you? 17 When Igave a gift 18 19 Who did you give it to? Why did you give it 20 21 How did they feel? to them? /\\ LONG JOURNEY * m IWent to tine beach in the car With my family. ItWas a longjourney because tahne¿re..W. as a lot of traffic on the roaAs 144 Conjunctions

Zero conditional Ican recognize and use the zero conditional. If a chameleon Wants to hi¿e on There are different kinds of conditional sentences. Inzero conditional sentences, we use the present yellow $an¿, its jkin goes yellow. simple in both clauses. We use if to link the clauses. Yes, ctn¿ the skin changes colour § if the chameleon is angry, too. We use zero conditional sentences to describe Condition Result things that always happen. You press that button. The door opens. We also use it to talk about things that happen in the same way every time. These can be scientific or If+ present simple present simple technical facts, or personal habits. Ifyou press that button, the door opens. Ifyou mix redandyellow you get orange. He doesn't go out if the weather's bad. The result clause can come before the condition clause. We only use a comma (,) when the if clause Conditional sentences show a link between two comes first. events. Result Condition <- v V_ IIIJ. The door opens if you press that button. All conditional sentences are formed of two clauses. The'condition'clause describes the cause and the 'result' clause describes the effect. O*1 O26.1 Match 1-6with a-g. Listen * 2 O26.2 Listen and number the pictures. and check, then listen and repeat. _ _ ©ÿ If you don't eat healthy food, <3 1 If you don't eat, 2 If you don't drink, _ _3 If you don't sleep, _4 If you stay too long in the sun, 5 If you spend too much time alone, 6 If you don't do any exercise, _ a you get hungry. b you get unfit. c you get sunburn. d you get thirsty. e you get lonely. f you get tired. g you get ill. Unit 26 145

3 O26.3 Complete the sentences with the * Cover the sentences in exercise 4. Look at the pictures. How many definitions Ocorrect form of the verbs in brackets.Then can you remember? listen again and check. 1 A rainbow If it (be) sunny and How well do you know your partner? Guess, and circle, your partner's raining at the same time, this appears answers. Then talk to your partner to (appear) in the sky. see if you are right / or wrong /. 100°C If you _ (heat) water to this temperature, it _ (boil). Venus flytrap This plant _ (close) if You ... //X __an insect or spider (walk) on it. cry / don't cry if you watch a sad film. (get) this colour if you Purple You laugh / don't laugh if someone tickles your feet. __ (mix) red and blue. Brown You (see) this if you get in a bad mood / feel fine if you _ (mix) all the colours of the rainbow don't have any breakfast. together. are patient / impatient if you have to wait for something for a long time. Cacti These plants (be) OK if they read / sleep / look out of the -(not get) much water. window / listen to music / start a 100°C Water _ (freeze) if it . conversation with a stranger if you go on a long train or bus journey. (cool) to this temperature. ask for help / don't ask for help if you _8 Icicles These can't do something. (form) if water get angry / stay calm if someone (drip) and (freeze). gets cross with you. * 4 O26.4 Complete the zero conditional get anxious / feel happy if someone talks to you in English. definitions with the verbs in the correct form. Listen and check. say hello / smile / don't do or say anything if you see your neighbour. feel happy / anxious if someone gives you a baby to hold. You Aon't cry if you Watch a saA -film,yj V ;I not true! Icry! be cut get heve keep - that's, mix need rain use wear No, ÿ Tissues You use these if uou have a cold. S Write about your partner. Use the _1 Sunglasses People _ these if it / information from exercise 7. very sunny. EAwarA cries if he Watches Q SoA _2 Grey You _ this colour if you film bc/t he Aoesn't laugh if someone black and white. tickles* h'ts feet tie ... _3 An umbrella This you dry if it 4 A plaster You this if you your finger. 146 Zero conditional

* 8 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the 'Action' and 'Result' verbs in the correct form. É>|oiO ie ootatle Pull the lever (0r once rOUSiC- d back Slow fcsK tU lever for 4 hedei fOdSSdgC* for to stop. hah<Al& hg the chocolate. bell for a hot £barinrgosbovttÿ/ Press tKe Utton for qUs$ of cold Action ÿ If you blow the whistle once, music plays blow blow press _ _1 If you _ the whistle twice, the music _ pull push turn ring 2 If you the lever, the machine you a back massage. Result _ _3 If you _ the lever, the machine _ your head. 4 If you the handle, you chocolate. get give get bring § IIfyGu_ íteM,8robot_ youo tomeal. V Ml V MV. V k/l II IM massage ptety stop 6 If you _ the button, you _ a glass of cold water. Work in small groups. Design one of the machines below.What levers, buttons and handles does the machine have? What do they do? Write about the machine using zero conditional sentences. The Hot Day Machine r1 The Snowy Day Machine Self-evaluation Rate your progress. The 'I Can't Get to Sleep' Machine The'I Need to Get Fit'Machine THE SNOWY DAY hACMNE 1 Ifyou press this buitonj your clothes 2 get Warmer and 3 4 no Explain your machine to other groups. Whose machine do you like the best? 5 * 6 TlniS ÍS our machine. It's called 'The SnoWy Pay ÿ 7 Machine'. It'svery ycleetvWera. rImf eyrouanpdreisfsytohuis... 8 \\b uitonj your clothes 9 10 Unit 26 147

Units 25-26 Read the article. Choose the right words below Reading and writing and write them on the lines. Match 1-5 with a-h to complete the Reading conversation. You don't need to use all the letters. Reading is an excellent way to improve your English.There are lots of stories for students ÿo It's nine o'clock. of English,¿o_ why not look for one in a k_ your school library 1_ bookshop today? 1 ) Ilike this green paint - and Ilike this Of course, there will be a lot of words that blue paint. you don't understand, 2_ you don't Q— fíggtitomrtjatoímry má 2 OK. Anything else Ineed to know? It slows you down you use a Q— dictionary all the time. Keep reading, 4- 3 What do you mean? you will find that some new words appear Q— again 5_ again. Make a note of these 4 ; ) OK, I'll be careful. Can we start now? words 6_ check them in a dictionary. Q— You don't need to read different kinds of CD5 Oh no! I'll go and get some. books in English. 7_ you like reading Q— crime stories in your own language, it's a a If you get this paint on your clothes, it doesn't wash out. good idea to read crime stories in English. b Yes, and we've got a lot to do, so wc should Don't try to read books that are above start now. _your level 8_ they will be too difficult ...c Ithink so but we haven't got any brushes! 9 you won't be interested in them. d We need this because the paint is very old. Remember, you don't just have to read e Yes. Don't get paint on your clothes because books.You can read newspapers 10_ it'll ruin them. f If you do that, the paint dries very quickly. magazines in English too. g OK. If you do that, Ican put these newspapers ÿ(so) because but 6 and because so down. 7 If So Because 1 or but so 8 because so but h The blue's lovely, but there isn't a lot of it, so 9 but and if 2 if but because don't use too much. 3 because if or 10 or but so 148 Units 25-26 4 so and if 5 or but and

Listening Speaking 3 O R14.1 Listen and write. 5 Look at the pictures and tell the story. 0 VITAMINS AND MINERALS IN OUR DIET 5 ÿ A balanced diet rice, pasta, meat, fish, cheese, nuts, fruit and vegetables 1 Vitamin _ keeps us healthy -found in tomatoes, potatoes and peppers _2 Vitamin A good for growth and our _ 3 Vitamin important for strong muscles 4 Vitamin D good for our bones and _ _5 Vitamin D in fish and milk and from 4 ©R14.2 What do the buttons on the TV 3 Qremote control do? Listen and write a letter (a-f ) in each box. a makes picture brighter 6 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. b switches TV on and off Do you prefer mornings or evenings? Why? c changes TV to DVD What do you do if you wake up very early in d makes sound louder the morning? e changes channel What do you do if you feel tired and sleepy in the afternoon? f makes sound quieter Do you prefer reading or listening to music at bedtime? Why? What do you do if you can't get to sleep at night? you prefer morning? or evening? in f Iprefer morning* D> I Because J ... in Revision 8 149

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