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Oxford Grammar for Schools 3 Student Book

Published by catherinescrossculturalcafe, 2022-09-16 07:49:19

Description: Oxford Grammar for Schools 3 Student Book


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*15 ©9.5 Work in pairs. Look at the picture story. *17 Work in two groups. Write past tense questions Put the pictures in order 1-6.Then listen and for the answers. Use the prompts. check. ÿ what / weather / be / like? What Was the Weather like? It was warm and sunny. 1 (where /Sophia and Rosy /go first?) They went to the forest. 2 (where /they/ sit /in the storm?) They sat on the grass. 3 (where / Sophia and Rosy / have / a picnic?) They had a picnic in a field. 4 (where/ put/ hands/ in the storm?) They put their hands on their heads. 5 (who /the lightning / hit?) The lightning hit Sophia and Rosy. 6 (how /they /feel?) They felt frightened. 7 (where/ be /the MP3 player?) *16 O9.5 Circle the correct answers. Then listen It was in Sophia's pocket. 8 (where /go /after the storm) Oagain and check. They went to hospital. ÿ It(was)/ wasn't warm in the morning. 1 Rosy rang / met Sophia at lunchtime. 2 They ate their picnic / spent some time in the 518 Work in pairs.Tell the story of Sophia forest. and Rosy. Use these verbs. 3 They listened to / sang music in the forest / listen begin be go take have start in the field. ring meet sit put hit find 4 They took / didn't take two MP3 players with It ..Was a Warm and Sonny morning. them. Rosy rang Sophia ana they . 5 They went / didn't go under a tree when the lightning started. 6 Sophia put / didn't put her MP3 player headphones in her pocket. 7 The lightning hurt / didn't hurt Rosy and Sophia a little. 8 The MP3 player was / wasn't OK. 50 Past simple

19 «h y O9.6 Read and listen.Then listen again and complete the song with the verbs below in Othe past simple. Match each part of the song to a picture. Listen again and repeat. walk sit eat spend jump enjoy stay read run be m How was your summer? Did you have a good break? How did you spend each day? Ispent each day _with a group of friends. , We climbed, we 1 _we we swam. , We chatted, we 3 we stayed up late. _ ~We* happy each day ... How was your summer? 4 Did you have a good break? How did you spend each day? Ididn't do much. I5-at home. Ididn't go travelling to Shanghai or Rome. __Idreamt, 16 Ilay on my bed. I_7happy each day ... m How was your summer? Did you have a good break? How did you spend each day? 1 8_ out of the house from morning till night. I9_ the fresh air. _The world felt right. 11in0the fields. _ ...11_ by a1tree. I1h2appy each day £20 Underline five things in the song that you On my last holiday Ichaffed With did on your last holiday.(ÿrcie)fivethings my friends and Istayed up late. that you didn't do. Write sentences. Then Ididn't Walk in the fields. compare your sentences in groups. Unit 9 51

£21 Work in large groups. Ask questions to find the information below. When a classmate says 'yes' write his or her name.The first person with six names is the winner. Find someone who... . .had hot food for breakf ast Sam . didn't spend any money yesterday. . sang a song yesterday. _ . _chatted online at the weekend. . _swam in the sea last year. .. walked in the woods or by the sea last weekend. .. didn't stay up late last night. _ .. _travelled to another country last year. .. tidied his or her bedroom yesterday. - .. _was born in January, June or July. vfDiAyou have hot fooA for breakfast, Kate? j \" - | |Self-evaluation Rate your progress. ÿ 1 No. IAiAn f. 2 ( Did you have hot food for breakfast, Sam? 3 4 Yes, IA\\A. Iha¿ eqqS- 5 *22 Answer the questions below. 6 7 * 8 % What did you do on your last birthday? 9 10 On my Iast birthday Igot up Iate 11 ar\\¿ IhaA pancakes for breakfast. 12 What did you do last ujeekend? 13 \\m What did you do on your last holiday? 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 52 Past simple

Past continuous Ican recognize and use the past continuous to give background information and to talk about interrupted past events. JUL It was a dark evening. Max Butler was walking down a dark, narrow street. The wind was blowing and it was raining. Suddenly, Max heard a noise behind him. He stopped and turned round. We use the past continuous to talk about situations in progress at a time in the past. We often use the past continuous in stories. past <-*r -> now 8.30, running, singing At halfpast eight this morningIwas running to school. The birds were singing. We form the past continuous like this. Affirmative Negative I/ he / she / it wasn't running I/ he / she / it was running we / you / they weren't running we / you / they were running Iwasn't crying. You weren't looking. Pete was working. James andAnna were talking. Questions Was I/ he / she / it running? Were we / you /they running? Yes, we were. No, they weren't. Was the sun shining? Yes,it was. Were Bella and Henry eating? No, they weren't. o*1 10.1 Listen and circle the correct answer. ** 9ÿ Work in pairs. Ask and answer Oÿ He was playing the guitar /(drums) .questions about exercise 1 1 The babies were crying / laughing. Was he playing the guitar? 2 It was / wasn't raining. 3 She was running /walking. Jÿ No,he Wasn't, he Was ploying the Arums. 4 They were laughing /shouting. 5 The birds were/ weren't singing. Were the babie? crying? 6 He was listening to music/ Yesj they were. playing a musical instrument. 7 They were playing tennis / basketball. 8 She was riding a bike / a horse. 9 He was cleaning his teeth / the floor. Unit 10 53

ÿ3 O 10.2 Read the poem and complete it with the verbs from the box. Listen and check, í then listen and repeat. are doing thinking feeling doing sleeping looking were weren't wasn't wearing What were you doing yesterday? What were you *_ yesterday ? We didn't see you at school. We didn't see you at school. We were 1-about you yesterday. We s_ talking about you yesterday. We didn't see you at all. We didn't see you at all. Yesterday, Iwas feeling ill. I feeling well at all, Iwas 2-and resting all day. Iwas _ really bad. Iwas 3_ pyjamas at lunchtime, My face was tired and grey. Iwas lying in bed and 8_ at books, Iwas feeling really sad. _I'msorry you 9 _ feeling well. _ _How 10 you feeling today? I'm feeling much, much better, thanks - Come on, let's go and play! X O Oÿ She Was Writing *4 Complete the sentences with the past 55 ©o 10.3 Listen again and complete the continuous form of the verbs in brackets. * pronunciation information.Then practise reading _ (write) an email. the poem in exercise 3 with a partner. 1 You _ _ (sleep)! 1 We stress / don't stress was and were in the poem. 2 We _ .(have) some 2 We stress / don't stress was and wasn't in the poem. problems with the computer this morning. *6 Complete the questions with the past continuous 3 I_ (dream) about a form of the verb in brackets. flying fish. _ÿ What were you doing (you / do) yesterday? 4 It _ (snow) last night. 1 How (you / feel) yesterday? 5 They _ _ (not / help) us. 2 What -(you/ wear) yesterday? 6 The phone _ (not / work) 3 What English grammar _ yesterday. (you / study) last week? 7 You _ (not / listen) to me. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the _8 She (watch) a film at 17 _seven o'clock. questions in exercise 6. 9 Where _ (they / go)? (it / rain) at six o'clock? 10 _ 11 _ (you / wearing) jeans ÿ1Was studying at icJnool.J yesterday? _ (he /not /look) at it? _12 Why 54 Past continuous

Í8 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. 59 Work in pairs or small groups. Look at Can you find ten differences? Use the * the picture on page 154 for two minutes. past continuous. How many questions can you answer At seven o'clock in the morning together? At seven o'clock in the evening ... ÿ What was the tour guide pointing at? _tie Was pointing at a statue. 1 What was the man taking a photo of? 2 What were the children eating? 3 What was the boy holding? 4 What colour sunglasses was the woman wearing? 5 What was the bird doing? 6 What was the weather like? 7 What was the man reading? 8 What were the two performers doing? 510 Make questions from the prompts. * Then use the questions to interview a partner. ÿ What / you / do at ten o'clock yesterday morning? 1 Where /you /live in 2004? 2 What / you / do at six o'clock this morning? 3 What / you / do at five o'clock yesterday afternoon? 4 What/ you /wear last Saturday? 5 the sun / shine yesterday morning? 6 What colour socks / you / wear yesterday? What Were you doing at ten o'clock yester¿ay morning? Atreven o'clock in the morn¡ng the girl ItWas a sports lesson. Was Wearing her school uniform, bet at IWas running. Seven o'clock in the evening she Wasn't -\\£- Wearing her school uniform. In the morning the boy Unit 10 55

Past continuous and past simple *11010.4 Listen and match a-h and 1-8. We often use the past continuous with the past n simple, especially when we tell stories. We use the past simple to talk about a completed past event. $ The phone rang. 3 To talk about two events that happened at the same time we use the past continuous and the past simple. The phone rang. We were watching a film. 12 Work in pairs. Look at pictures 1-8 in We can link these sentences with when. .exercise 11 Cover pictures a-h. How When Past simple Past continuous many sentences can you remember? When the phone rang we were watching Tine phone rany when We a film. Were eating dinner. Past simple when Past continuous ItWas raining when ... The phone rang when we were _*13 Circle the correct answers. watching a film. ÿ When Kjooked)/ waslookinq out of the Past continuous when Past simple window it snowed /C\\was snowin< We were watching when the phone rang. 1 We worked / were working in the garden when we found / were finding some old money. a film 2 When Imade /was making the cake I We can use two verbs in the past continuous with dropped / was dropping the bowl. and to talk about two past actions in progress at the same time. 3 Icleaned / was cleaning the kitchen when she arrived / was arriving. Iwas doing my homework andmy grandma was 4 When Istarted / was starting school we making soup. lived / were living in the old house. 5 Isaw/ was seeing you when I waited / was waiting for the bus. 56 Past continuous

14ÿÿÿ Work in pairs. Combine different *16 Match the rules. pictures from exercise 8 to make past _ _When we tell a story we use continuous sentences. How many can 1 The past simple for you make? 2 The past continuous for a background information he hurt his hea¿ when he Was ikiing. b the main events and actions The sun was fining when 17 O 10.5 Complete the text with the past simple We Were playing football. ©or past continuous form of the verbs in Work in pairs. Look at the brackets.Then listen again and check. pictures.Try to put the pictures in order from 1-8.Then listen and check. ÿ _This happened (happen) last week when Iwas in the park.The sun 1 (shine) and 12_ (sit) on the grass. 13 (paint) a picture of the ducks on the pond. _Some children 4 -(play) football. Suddenly, their ball ÿ _5_ (hit) my paint pots and the paint pots 6 (fall) over. The blue paint went on my picture and the pink paint 7_ (go) on the grass. -My hands got dirty when I ¥ÿ 8-(clean) my picture so I decided to go and wash them in the pond. Vÿ The ducks 9_ (fly) away when i1\" (wash) my hands because they were scared of me. They 11_ (land) on the grass by my picture.They walked on the pink ÿ _paint, then they 12 (walk) on my picture.They (make) ÿ pink marks all over the paper. ÿ And that wasn't all.When the ducks 1-(walk) on my picture it 4 1_ (start) to rain. By now my 5 picture looked terrible. _116_ (think) about what to do with the picture when a girl 17 ¥ (speak) to me. _'I love your picture/ she 18 (say). So what did Ido? Igave it to her! Unit 10 57

118 Look at the pictures.Write o story called 'Tom's Hat'. Use the past continuous * and the past simple with the verbs in the box. walk wear sit stand snow get on the bus Self-evaluation Rate your progress. get off the bus put give fall pull find .V =ÿ \" see talk give romwat Tom Was Walking to school. ItWas Snowing. We Was Wearing a hat, a Scarf and gloves. ...he got on the \\>us and he /f How does 'Tom's Hat'end? Write the end * of the story. Tom walked into the park. He ... *20 Work in pairs. Read your ending of Tom's Hat'to your partner.Which ending do you like best? OK, here's minytoetnhde¡npga.rWk Wa\\k\\ng 58 Past continuous

Mini-revision Units 8-10 Reading and writing Listening Read the story. Choose a word from the box. O3 O R5.1 Listen and draw lines. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. Alex Milly Vicky Sarah couldn't do didn't don't Jason Jimmy Ben doesn't isn't 're Ve was were Speaking I've got a cousin called Sam. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions together. We often do sports together. We ÿ What / the teacher / do / at the moment? ÿ 1 the sun /shine at the moment? 2 What / you / do / at five o'clock this morning? _meet at the weekend because 3 What / you / have / for breakfast today? 4 you / think about school / at the weekend? he 1 go to the same 5 you/ watch TV yesterday? school as me. 6 your English /get better? At the moment we 2_ -( What's the teacher Aoing at the moment? J playing a lot of tennis because it's summer. -— -i tie's Writing on the boarA. Ialways wear a blue cap for tennis. Sam wears a red cap. Yesterday Ilooked everywhere for my blue cap, but 13_ find it. _When Iarrived at the park, Sam 4 wearing his red cap - and my blue cap! 'You left it here last week,' he explained.'So Iput it with mine. 15_ want to forget it.' Read the story. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. A few months ago, George and his friends were cycling (cycle) in the hills when they _heard a strange noise. George's friends 1 (not stop) cycling, but George stopped and got off his bike. He looked around but he couldn't 2_ (see) anything. The noise stopped. Then George looked down and _3_ (see) something white at his feet. It4 (be) an envelope. He picked it up and opened it. He couldn't believe his eyes. There was £1 0,000 inside! George took the money to the police. _Will someone ask for it? George is still 5 (wait) to hear. Units 8-10 59

Present perfect Ican recognize and use the present perfect to talk about past events, experiences and situations. Present perfect We use the present perfect to talk about past asses. events that are connected to the present in some You haven't lost them. way. We often use it to describe change. I'velost my glasses. They're on your head! (= Ican't find my glasses.) Most verbs have regular past participles.They are She's visited Paris three times. formed like regular past simple verbs. (= She knows what Paris is like.) clean -> cleaned arrive -> arrived We form the present perfect with the present simple of have and the past participle. Affirmative I/ we / you / they've (have) started he / she / it's (has) started Negative study -» studied try -> tried I/ we / you / they haven't started travel —> travelled stop -> stopped ,nheo// scnheo in>ar»scnr>t't ctn itarl He's changedhis name. startea // it 99 it ml I\" it Have you ever tried skateboarding? Questions Other verbs have an irregular past participle form. Have you (I / we) started? Here are some irregular past participles. For a longer Yes, I(we / you / they) have. No, I(we / you / they) haven't. list, look at page 160. Has he (she / it) started? Yes, he (she / it) has. drink —ÿ drunk see—ÿ seen eat -» eaten No, he (she / it) hasn't. swim -> swum fall-» fallen take -» taken go -» been write -> written I'vewritten a letter. Have you seen Andy? * 1 Write the past participles of these regular and Write the past simple and past participles of irregular verbs. O these verbs. 8 chat ÿ phone phoneA Past simple Past participle 1 want 9 brush ÿ know knew knoWn 2 talk 10 build 1 finish 3 leave 11 enjoy 2 catch 4 cry 12 fix 3 forget 5 tell 13 plan 4 do 6 kick 14 think 5 put 7 work 15 give 6 happen 7 break 60 Present perfect

* 3 Complete the sentences with the present Work in small groups. How many responses with the present perfect perfect. Use the verbs in brackets. can you think of? ÿ She 's seen (see) the photo. 1 You look upset. (clean) the floor. 2 You look happy. 1 Paul 3 You look tired. 2 The flowers (not grow) o lot. 4 You look sad. 3 I (tell) Ernie about it. I 4 Shp (not do) her homework. ÍAy bike's At 5 We (have) lunch. ÿ I've lostmy phoned _6 David (not see) us. (win)! 7 We 8 The film _ (not start). *6 What's changed? Work in pairs. Use the 54 Write questions and short answers about the verbs in the box. pictures. Use the prompts. build burn change into cut down fix grow open paint pick plant water Picture 1 ÿ close / the door? have they closeA the Picture 2 _Aoor? No, they haven't. -—-;The mar, has cut AoWn the tree. ) The bird has bcilt a _1 pick /some flowers? 2 build/a tower? 3 win / the match? 4 cut /the trees down? 5 bring / an umbrella?

Present perfect and past simple We use the present perfect to talk about past events when the exact time Imllml irn M of the event is either obvious or not important. hove you I'vefinished this book. Have you ever ridden a horse? in o five I've never eaten sushi. hotel recen When the past time is important, we use terrible1. the past simple and an exact time We often use ever and never with the present perfect when expression. We also use the past simple we ask and talk about experiences. when we give extra information about Have you ever spoken to Frank? an event. Ifinished this book yesterday. I've never playedbasketball. Didyou ride a horse at the weekend? Ididn't do that when Iwas a child. We use recently with the present perfect We can also use these expressions: to talk about events in the near past. once, twice (= two times), lots of times Have you spoken to Frank recently? I've eaten Japanese food once. Ihaven'tplayedmuch basketball recently. He's climbed that mountain lots of times. O* 7 Choose the correct time expression. 19 f What have you or haven't you done ÿ You've worked hard(j¡ecentUj)/ on Monday. s recently? Write true sentences with 1 It snowed recently / in 2010. 2 Has he ever / recently taken a photo of you? ave or haven t + recently. 3 Ihaven't eaten any chocolate ÿ play a computer game yesterday / recently. I've ployed a computer game recently. 1 travel to another town or city 4 She's met Helen in September / twice. 2 tidy my bedroom 5 We saw Jack ever / at nine o'clock. 6 They've never / at the weekend visited us. 3 use a dictionary 7 Did he phone you recently / on Sunday? 8 I've read this book never / lots of times. 4 do my homework *8 O 11.1 Add the words in brackets to the 5 visit my aunts and uncles Ocorrect place in the sentence. Then listen, 6 help with the housework check and repeat. ever ÿ Has he/won a prize? (ever) 1 Have you taken a photo of them? (recently) 7 watch a film on TV 2 She's had a dog. (never) 3 We've talked a lot. (recently) 8 make a lot of grammar mistakes 4 I've broken my arm. (once) 5 It hasn't rained, (recently) 6 You've told that story, (lots of times) 62 Present perfect

no What experiences have you or haven't On.3 Circle the correct answers to you had? Talk about your experiences. Ocomplete part of the conversation. ÿ travel by plane 3 plant a tree 1 break a bone 4 see a scorpion Then listen again and check. Work in 2 go to the desert groups of three. Act out the 5 catch a fish conversation. (ÿIVe travelled by plane two or three times'/) Ivy Hi Dora. How are you? Dora Good.Thanks, Ivy(Tve had)/ 1had the f I've neve#- travelled by plane, j most amazing holiday. Ivy Lucky you! 'What have you done? / - I;Ve travelled by plane \\ots of times. What did you do? Dora It was a very active holiday. One day we v-- 2've climbed / climbed right to the top of OillO11.2 Complete the 'Me' column.Then listen a mountain. to Dora, Jason and Ivy and complete the table. Jason 3I've never climbed / 1never climbed a // =Yes, recently. X = Never. mountain. Tve climbed / 1climbed a big / =Yes, but not recently. hill but not a mountain. Me Dora Ivy Jason Dora This 5has been / was a real mountain. There 6has been / was snow at the climb a // / X top. 7Have you ever climbed / mountain Did you ever climb a mountain, Ivy? stay in a Ivy 8I have / 1did, but not recently. five-star Interview a partner about the activities hotel in exercise 15. Use Have you ever...? camp questions. Use the past simple to give extra information. pick fresh t\\ove you ever climbed a mocntain? fruit f Yes Ihave, bet not recently. Itwasÿ try about -five years ayo. have you ever snorkelling V stayeA in a five-star hotel? try scuba £14 f Write to Dora and answer her questions. diving * / Think of some interesting things you have done. Ask Dora about her experiences. C Hi Dora Thanks for your email. Lucky you! I haven't had a holiday recently, and I've never climbed a mountain, but last month I went to a music festival. It was amazing. Have you ever ...? Unit 11 63

Present perfect with SinC6 ondfor *16 Write the time expressions in the correct place. f\\oW long have you ha¿ a coId? ApfH ten days nine o'clock 2002 two weeks a short time three years 1st October Sunday Iwas eight a few minutes about half an hour since for Since /Monday. April ten ¿ays We use the present perfect with since and for to talk about situations and events in a period of time from the past until now. <past -)f now Monday Tuesday Wednesday I'vehad this cold since Monday. *17 O 11.5 Complete the sentences with since or / \\ I'vefelt ill for three days. for. Then listen, check and repeat. ÿ I've known Ryan for three months. We use since with a point in time (when the 1 Have you had that book _ you were situation or event started). eight? Present perfect since Point in time 2 We've been here _ five minutes. Tve been here since 7.30 a.m. 3 She's worked there _ ten years. _4 Ihaven't seen you She's playedthe violin since she was four. _5 He's been ill August. a long time. We use for with a length of time (the duration of 6 She's played tennis -2009. the event or situation). 7 TInheayi i/vx/eo oheoeonnvery\\/a»i inhanpnpmyi_ ttnheoyi i nnl got Present perfect for Length of time married. I'vebeen here for two hours. 8 You've lost weight -last month. She's playedthe violin for 20 years. / O£18 Write sentences from the prompts. *15 O 11.4 Listen and tick the correct answer. ÿ They / be married - 30 years ÿ a [31 Since Iwas four. TheyVe been married for 50 years. 1 I/ know Lucy - 2008 b 0 Since Iwas ten. 2 You /grow - 1last saw you 1 a |_] For five years. 3 It/ not rain -two years nb For ten years. 4 We / live here - a long time 2 a ÿ Since March. b ÿ Since April. 5 He/ not shave - six months 3 a ÿ For 30 minutes. 6 Her English / improve - she moved to the UK b f~] For 45 minutes. 4 a ÿ Since 2002. b ÿ Since 2007. 5 a ÿ Since half past two. b ÿ Since half past one. 64 Present perfect

19,#™*ÿ Write questions and answers.Then interview a partner. ÿ How long / you / have / your bag? /Abocf six months. _hoW long /iQVe you hoA your bog? 1 How long /you /have /that pen? 2 How long /you /be /at this school? 3 How long / you / know / your best friend? 4 How long /you /study /English? 5 How long / you / live / in your house? 20 Work in pairs.Take turns to ask present perfect questions. You win a point when your friend uses an answer card.The winner is the person with the most points. You must tell the truth! Question cards Have you 1 Have you ... How many You can use these ever times have phrases lots of times. How long recently? have you ...? you ...? Answer cards rn You can only use these phrases once. Self-evaluation Rate your progress. *A ** yA »* 9A No, never. haven't ' »* * For Yes, For Since 1 twice. two weeks Monday. 2 30 minutes 3 For six 4 months. Since Yes, lots 5 January. of times. 6 7 No, I Since Iwas For a few 8 haven't. 9 born. minutes. Yes, Ihave. No, never. Since I 10 was ten. 11 12 No, never. For 13 14 ten minutes. 15 how long Inave you been in this room? 16 17 For 30 minutes. 18 19 That's one point for me! 20 Unit 11 65

The future Ican recognize and use will and be going to to talk about the future. Will and be going to We talk about the future in different ways. In a few minutes IWill eat this fire! We use be going to when we talk about plans and predictions. We use will to talk about predictions and when we I'mgoing to ask the teacher for help. make quick decisions, offers and promises. It'sgoing to be fun. You will love it! I'llphone you this evening. We use be going to + base form to talk about plans and intentions. I'mgoing to wait for them. What are we going to do? We also use be going to + base form to make predictions based on evidence that we can see or feel. Oh no! That bottle is going to fall. I'm going to sneeze!A-tishoo! Subject be going to Base form We also use the present continuous when we talk I **V. piW JV- IIIV. V. JV.I K Wl Kll IUVV4J V V IIV- I I V IUII\\ 'm going to wait. It 's going to be fun. about future arrangements with other people We /you /they 're going to fall. (see unit 8). I'mvisiting my grandparents at the weekend. He's coming home this evening. o*1 12.1 Listen and number the pictures *2 O 12.1 Write the sentences in the correct order. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. _ÿ play / 's / going / to / the piano / he he's Qoino to play the piano. 1 he/the wall /going /to /'s/ paint 2 pick / they / some fruit /'re / going / to 3 he /the letter /going /'s / post /to 4 aren't / they / catch / to / the bus / going 5 to / you /'re / answer / your phone / going 66 The future

S3 ©O 12.2 Listen and answer the questions Work in small groups. Compare your sentences. Who has the same plans about pronunciation.Then listen again and as you? repeat. ÿ JI'm not going to eat any chocolate today. 1 Underline the stressed (strong) words. Really? I'm going to eat $ome\\ after a He's going to win! chocolate tW\\s lesson! JII b What are you going to do? - c They're going to help us. Work in small groups. Ask'Why have d Is it going to rain? you got that ... ?'about the objects in e When are you going to ask her? the pictures. How many different answers with be going to can you f What's going to happen now? think of? 2 How is going to pronounced? JL a /gooig tu:/ ÿ apple camera roll of paper b /gooig to/ O rubber boots map umbrella 54 O 12.3 Match 1-6 and a-f.Then listen and Why ha\\Je you gotan apple? Ocheck. eatÿtj(\\'m going to ÿ Why have you got all that food with you? ÿ I'm going to give itto the teacher. _Have you got any plans for the holiday? _They've knocked down the old cinema! _ Are you OK? Have you got an umbrella with you? _ _Have you bought a present for Sally? _Why are you wearing those old clothes? a I'm going to paint the ceiling. 1*1 ÿ/ b No, I'm not going to give her a present. c Yes, we're going to visit my cousins. d No, look at the sky. It isn't going to rain. e No, Ithink I'm going to be sick. f Yes, but they're going to build a new one. g We're going to have a picnic. *5 f What are your plans? Write a tick (/) / or a cross (X), then write sentences with .'m (not) going to and a time expression from the box after this lesson after school today this week at the weekend this afternoon this evening watch TV ÿ J-I'm going to cook it. eat some / any chocolate ÿ write some / any emails ÿ do my homework ÿ chat online ÿ play a musical instrument ÿ send some / any text messages play some / any computer games ÿ ÿ I'm going to Watch TV after school. Unit 12 67

Will We use will + base form to predict events and Whatw¡II happenI puttherr) ¡ to make guesses and promises about the future. Itwill be very expensive. What will happen? That won't work. No, it won't. Will it work? Yes, it will. Subject will (not) Base form I/he /she /it/ will /'ll win. we / you / they won't know. We also use will when we make quick decisions and The apple Will -float. offers. I'lltake the blue one, please. The key will jink to I'llget you some water. the bottom. * 8 O 12.4 Listen and tick the response you hear. S10O12.6 Listen and repeat. ÿÿ I'm going to try water-skiing. . 1 She'll feel better soon. 2 It'll be a little surprise. [7] You'll love it. 3 I'llsmile at her. ÿ You won't like it. 1 I'm going to stay up all night. 4 Do you think he'll steal it? O You'll feel fine tomorrow. 5 Do you think they'll fail? \\ \\ VOU'U \"in i\\L *v.v/i iiv/i iu»«. A Mo i«/nnt thnt LJ You'll be tired tomorrow. 6 He won't want that. 2 It'll be cold this evening. *11 Complete the + positive and - negative O No, it won't. responses with will or won't and the verb in U Yes, it will. brackets. Read the conversations with a partner. 3 I'm going to do a 10 km run. ÿo I'm going to ask Jim about it. PI It won't be difficult for you. O _- He wor'tteII (tell) you. ÿ It'll be difficult for you. 1 ) I'm going to see that new film at the weekend. _*9 ©0 12.5 Listen. Are the sounds the same (S) or different (D)? on O 20ÿ will Q- You (like) it. still S IZI I'm playing tennis with Billy tomorrow. S ÿ D0 Q - You _ (win). ÿ will while S ÿ Dÿ 3 ) It's the maths exam tomorrow. Ireally 1 won't don't S ÿ on _need to pass it. (pass)! 2 I'll smile S ÿ on 3 won't Q + You want Sÿ ÿÿ 4 he'll _4 ) Idon't want any breakfast. steal Q + You (be) hungry later. 5 she'll shell S ÿ Dÿ 5 ' 3 Idon't want to fall off my bike! 6 she'll feel S ÿ on O- That _ (happen). 7 they'll fail Sÿ ÿÿ 8 it'll little S ÿ D ÿ 68 The future

* 12 Complete the conversations with the words X*14 Write questions about the pictures in exercise 13. below. be cost '11 will will won't won't won't Will itsting her? Will they fit her? ÿ £ Ithink the test will be really difficult. *15 Ask and answer the questions in small Q It Won't groups. 1 Q _ the medicine help? __QYes, itwill. 2 ) Will it take a long time? O No, it Don't worry. JWill itsting her? What Ao you think? O3 Will you _ 13 next year? No, itWon't J Clthink itWi\\\\?p? __OYes, Iwill.InApril. ÿWaybeÿ) 4 Will it be expensive? Jou enjoy it? What ¿o you think? O It will _ about £200. No, IWon't. J C Ithink IWill.ÿÿ O5 Will he be OK? 1/ (mybej __Q Yes, he 6 Will it be dangerous? O No, it You'll be fine. _7 The phone's ringing! OI get it! *13 Look and complete the predictions with will us Wsrk inpain-}n&mwysur panmr and won't. about the future events below. Use Will > you ever...? and the answers below. (J ÿ live in another town or city write a book live in another country record an album ÿ sting 2 enjoy i appear in a film be rich be famous SHOI 4 take play in a rock or pop band speak perfect English invent something /IS] Do you think you'W ever | live in another country? f Ithink Iwill, bet I'm not sure. Do you think you'W ever speak perfect English? 3 help 5 hurt I'm sure IWill! ÿ It Will stinQ her. // I'm sure Iwill. / Ithink Iwill, but I'm not sure. _1 They this. Idon't know. Maybe. 2 You five minutes. X Idon't think Iwill. 3 That XX I'm sure Iwon't. _4 It _5 It Unit 12 69

*17 f Look and write. What are they saying? Complete the offers of help with '11, ' a verb and a noun. Verbs Nouns clean cut fix make the books some new curtains the floor pickup plant wash the grass the shelf some flowers the windows Gemma Oscar Linda Charlie ÿ Jack l'j\\_cleart the WmAoWs _4 Gemma I _5 Mike and Molly We 1 Oscar I 2 Ed and Sue We 6 Charlie I _3 Linda Í 519 Circle the correct form, will or be going to. L ÿ £1 What are your plans for the weekend?ÿÿ 18 How much can you remember? Who's O KjrTgoing to)/ '11 tidy my bedroom. going to do what? Cover the picture in 1 Which of these notebooks would you like? exercise 17 and write the action plan. O Erm... I'm going to / '11 have that one, ACTION PLAN please. ÿ Jack is going to clean tine windows 2 Have you thought about it? 1 Oscar _ Q Yes, Ihave. So, what are you going to / 2 E¿ ar\\¿ Sue will you do? 3 Linda - CD3 They'll/ 're going to get married. Q Really? When did they decide that? H Gemma - 40 Ican't do this. 5 Mike and Molly O I'm going to / '11 help you. (o Charlie - l35 It's a secret. O Iknow. Ipromise I'm not going to / won't tell anyone. 70 The future

*20 Work with a partner. Look at the *22 Write back to George. Include the * choices. Decide who will do what. information below. * 1 wash up /dry up Your plans for tonight and tomorrow 2 have the fruit salad /have the cake Your plans for the summer 3 make the cake / decorate the cake Your predictions about your life 10 years from now 4 chop the salad /make a sandwich Offer to help George with his preparations 5 write the story / draw the pictures 6 hold the ladder /climb the ladder ( I'll Wash up. j I Hut Ihate drying op! Dear George OK. I'll d\\ry up. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time at summer *2 1 Complete the email with will or be going to camp. I ... and a verb from the box. attend be be do do have not be pack phone send write Hi there This will be a short email, I'm afraid. (I promise | jSelf-evaluation Rate your progress, I'll write again soon!) 1 I hope you're enjoying the holiday so far. 1 I'm writing to say that Íl1__ at home for\" 3 4 the next six weeks because I've made an important 5 decision. 1 2_ summer camp this year. 6 7 1 3_ very busy tonight and tomorrow. _1 4 a 'goodbye' meal with my family 8 _this evening, and tomorrow I s 9 my 10 11 bags.I also need to do some shopping before I go - 12 toothpaste, a notebook,things like that. Help! I've got 13 so much to do! 14 15 _1 6 you a postcard and 16 1 7_ you in a few weeks, OK? Is your 17 18 number still 07444 ll7816? 19 20 What (you) this summer? Email me 21 with your plans! 22 George Unit 12 71 P.S.This is my summer homework task:'Where do you _think you 9 10 years from now? What _do you think you 10 every day?' So, how about you, 10 years from now? Tell me.

Imperatives Ican recognize and use imperatives. We use imperatives to give warnings, instructions (LOOKOl/T! ÿ and directions. 6e quiet! Don't =J shout in the library! Imperatives are the same as the base form. Eat this. Be careful! Always cross the roadcarefully. We begin negative imperatives with Don't, Do not, or Never: Don't say that! Do not open this window. Never touch that plant. We use please with imperatives to make them more polite. Please come here. Don't do that,please. *1 O 13.1 Listen and number. * 3 Write these classroom instructions in the correct order. ÿ to /listen /me _Listen to me. 1 the ¿read /story 1 the / read / story 2 name /write /your 3 and/ repeat/ listen 4 use /don't /a pencil 5 with /your partner /talk checkW*2 013.2 Match 1-9with a-j. Listen and '6 a dictionary /don't/ use O7 at page 9/ your books /open Then listen and repeat. 8 your homework /don't /forget ÿ Look _¿ a me. 1 Be b worry. 2 Wash _ c a circle. 9 quiet / be 3 Wait a/-j o/-VtI tltt-1: 4 Turn _ e well! 5 Follow f holiday! 6 Don't _ g careful! h forme! 7 Draw 8 Sleep i right. 9 Have a good _ j your hands. 72 Imperatives

*4 Look and match the directions to the pictures. You don't have to use all the directions. Take the second right. Don't turn left. Turn right. Open the gate. Go north. Go straight ahead. Walk south. Walk east. Go west. Cross the bridge. ÿ Go north. i 0 ©O m *5 Find your way through the maze! Work with a partner. 1 Put your counter on START. 3 Move one square at a time. 2 Follow the instructions. 4 Which colour square do you finish on? ? CO CO TURN DON'T GO GO SOUTH DON'T GO WEST LEFT EAST cm SOUTH GO EAST ANYWHERE OR WEST DON'T GO [DON'TGO] Iÿ, SOYOQRENULGTLROAOERWAEEN(Ij, ADNOYWN'HTEGROE TURN ONTO A TURN TURN CO AROUND YELLOW RIGHT AROUND BACKWARDS T *SQUARE CO AHEAD TURN DON'T GO TURN MOVE CO AHEAD DON'T DON'TCO LEFT LEFT FOUR EAST, NORTH ONTO THE THREE MOVE ANYWHERE NEXT PINK SQUARES OR SOUTH SQUARES SQUARE CO DON'T GO iEAST ONTO A ipTGUHRNTlj [ COahead\" DON'TCO GREEN OR TURN S£ LEFT ÿ two 1 WEST OR BLUE [squares] SOUTH SQUARE Unit 13 73

*6 O 13.3 Treasure hunt! You are at the station. Listen to the directions and mark X on the map for the treasure. o57 13.4 Listen again and tick / the correct instruction. ÿ a /] Leave the station. The tower in The The north river beach b Don't leave the station. The shop/ 1 a ÿ Walk north. swimming b ÿ Walk south. pool 2 a 'J Walk to the river. The supermarket! b [ J Don't walk to the river. 3 a ÿ Cross the bridge. b ÿ Don't cross the bridge. 4 a J Turn left. b 7H Turn right. 5 a ]Open the gate. b [_] Don't open the gate. 6 a Dig in the ground. b Look on the ground. Mystery Tour! Give directions The . and follow directions. station Student A go to page 154. Student B follow student A's directions. Go out of the station. Tmhueseum Walk South to the river. The south *¿ver Cross the bridge and .... * 9 Choose a place on the map to hide your treasure. Keep it a secret. Write directions. Give your directions to another student. Can he or she find the treasure? Leave the station. W////Z Walk to the beach. The forest second right 74 Imperatives

110 Complete the rules in the notices. Use the *11 Work in groups. Make a poster of your * school's rules. Use the ideas below positive or negative imperative of the and your own ideas. Overbs in the boxes. return speak use write The classroom mobile phone listen polite on time /late Dos arid don'ts The playground The canteen litter walk /run shout wait take eat at tke library Please ... Dos and don'ts at our school 1 y _Speak quietly. In the classroom _ .your books on time. 2 / _ .the photocopier. Please... 3 X .in the library books. 4 X / twitch off your mobile_£Í2one,- eat enjoy switch off take touch _/ _/ _/ Dos and don'ts at the art gallery Please... X don't arrive late._ Please ... X -_ X 5 / this X- collection of paintings. Inthe playground 6 / _ your mobile phone.' Please... 7 X _ the paintings. _ m 8 X _ any food. In the canteen / 9 photos of the paintings. keep light pick play put 1Self-evaluation Rate your progress. Dos and don'ts at the park a) '* s sss ...Please 1 _10 / 2 _11 / your dog on a lead. 3 your Utter in the bin. 4 12 X _ loud music. 5 13 X _ fires. 6 14 X _ the flowers. 7 8 hC ft 9 10 11 Unit 13 75

Mini-revision Units 11-13 Reading and writing Listening What does Henry say to Tim? Match a letter 3 O R6.1 Listen and tick / the correct picture. (a-h) with 1-5.You don't need to use all the letters. ÿ Which is Mary's house? Henry if ceCCE7 CCD Q c£=? ÿ Tim No, never. 1 Henry _ m[ ÿD Djap Tim Do you think so? [ nna z [ <==$ 2 Henry _ 1 Which is Mary's street? Tim That's good. But what about jellyfish? And are there any sharks? ¿—£—\\ —É— ¿r * 3 Henry _ 2 Which picture is William Carter? ...Tim Good. Ithink I'm ready I'mjust a bit 3 Which picture is Mrs Basset? _nervous. 4 Henry Tim OK. 5 Henry - Tim Yes, it's beautiful. Let's go! a You won't remember. b I've never seen any here. c Ihaven't been here recently. d Don't worry! You'll be fine. e Yes. We're going to see all kinds offish. g Never? You'll love it. Speaking h Look at the colour of the water! Talk with a partner. Look. Who says these things to you? 2 Read the email and write the missing words. 1 You'll be cold! _Write one word on each line. 2 You've done very well at school recently. Dear Suzy 3 Stop talking! I saw Jack two days ago 4 Have you done your homework? 5 Hurry up! and he told me about your trip. 6 Have you tidied your bedroom? _1 1 been anywhere interesting recently. 7 Be careful! _I'm sure you 2 8 You're going to be late! have a fantastic time. /Ay brfoAtyhmeruamlwaaIyWsaSyaSySSC't/y\"Sif.fry up!' Please 3_ careful. Remember, it's a dangerous place. I've 4_ been there but _I've heard lots of stories about it. s go out into the jungle alone, OK? Write soon. --Fred 76 Units 11-13

Revision 3 Units 8-13 Read the letter and circle the correct answers. Reading and writing ( 1 Look and read.Write 'yes' or 'no'. Dear Charlie FRIDAY 22nd June: CLASS l(m writing)/ write / wrote to you from my VISIT TO THE SCIENCE MUSEUM. hotel room. 1 1was arriving / have arrived / DON'T FORGET! arrived here yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, WARNING I didn't 2 have / had/ having a very good journey. ÿ It's raining, no_ Lots of other people 3 were travelling / travelled / have travelled yesterday, so the roads and _1 The football's broken the window. airports were very busy. My room is nice but Icouldn't 4 sleeping / sleep / 2 The boy with black hair's going to write on the slept last night. People 5 are making / were making / made a lot of noise outside board. - my window. It was terrible. Tomorrow we 6 're exploring / explore / explored _3 It will beTuesday 12th June tomorrow. the Ancient City. I think it 7 was / has been / will be very interesting. 4 The red and white sign on the door means I'll write again soon. 8 Saying / Said / Say 'hello' 'Don't talk.' _ to Nina from me. 5 Two people are wearing glasses. - Betty 6 The class is visiting the science museum on P.S.The restaurant 9 's getting / gets / got noisy Friday 22nd June. - again. Ithink 1 10ask/'m asking /'II ask the _7 The girl with long hair has just dropped her __manager for a different room. book. 1 Revision 3 77

Listening 3 OR7.1 Listen and draw lines. David Jane Oscar Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Jack Smith, then ask and answer questions about you and your partner. Name Jack Smith in the city centre Where / live Spanish and maths What / studying no, never ever / had a job studying inArgentina What / doing / this time last year next summer When will / finish / studies Name Where / live What / studying ever / had a job What / doing / this time last year When will / finish / studies 78 Units 8-13

Can and could for ability and permission Ican recognize and use can and could for ability and permission. Can and could for ability ican But Ican't *1 O 14.1 Listen and tick / the correct pictureÿ skateboarA skateboarA ÿ What can Sarah do? really Well! here. 1 Why is Max late? Can and could are modal verbs. We use them to talk 2 What was the weather like this morning? about possibility, ability and permission. We use can and 3 Where's Sarah? isn'tw talk aboutoaf pnmabiim. 4 How far can Emily's dad run? 5 What can Edward cook? Subject can /can't Base form Unit 14 79 I/he /she /it/ can swim 1000 metres. we /you /they can't dance. Can Subject Base form Can 1/we /she / it/ swim 1000 metres? we / you / they dance? We use could and couldn't to talk about our abilities in the past.We often use a past time phrase. Subject could/ Base Past time phrase couldn't form when Iwas eight. when she was three. I/he/ swim this morning. she /it/ could yesterday. in 2006. we / you / couldn't they We often use can and could for ability to talk about our senses. Ican smell smoke. Ican't taste it. Can you hear me? Icouldn't see it.

u o 14.2 Match 1-8 with a-i, then listen and Write eight sentences using words and phrases from below.Write some check. Practise saying the sentences. sentences about now and some about the past.Write some sentences that are ÿ Can you play d_ true and some that aren't true. 1 Icouldn't find _ Ican skate\\>oar¿. 2 Icould say IcoulA swim wben IWas four. _ can 3 Icouldn't see _ can't 4 Ican hear _ could 5 Can you design things _ couldn't _6 Ican't hear swim underwater speak English 7 Emily's dad could run _ use a computer 8 Ican't cook — skateboard a on the computer? Yes, Ican. cook an egg b my book bag. ride a bike c an egg. IIUC U t_»l l\\C d a musical instrument? No, Ican't. make a cake play a musical instrument e the tree at the end of the garden. do a headstand f some birds and the sea. when Iwas g some words in Spanish when Iwas four. four /five /six ... h any cars or people. in 2006 i 10 km fifteen years ago. Complete the conversations with can, Ocan't,could or couldn't.Then act the conversations in pairs. Oÿ How far ca, you run? Q About two kilometres. Oi _ you dance? _Q No, but I when Iwas young. 2 O How did you know there was a fire? Q I_ see lots of smoke. O3 Does Leo know how to cook? _Q No, he even make a sandwich! O4 Did you ride your bike yesterday? Q No, Ididn't. It was broken and I _ fix it. O5 What's that noise? hear anything. ** j Work in groups. Read your sentences to the other students. Can they guess _Q What noise? I which sentences are true for you? O6 Does Libby like playing the piano? Q Yes, she loves it. She _ play some songs when she was three. Ican cook or e99- Tbat's not true. It\\s true! Ican cook an egg! 80 Can and could for ability and permission

Can and could for permission oor, room You can Watch another film ... betyou car t have / more chocolate. We use can and can't to give and We use can and could to ask for permission. refuse permission. Could is more formal than can. can go... Can I have ...? Could we go ...? can't have ...You 6 Complete the sentences with can or can't. /7 Write one rule with can and one rule with can't for each place. at the cinema at the library at school on a plane at the zoo at the museum You cant talk atthe cinema. W XS W V* | I f W* II X W* I I/IV- ÿ You can't use your phone here. 1 You listen to music here. 8 Work in groups. Choose one of the places in exercise 7. Say the rules but don't say the place! Can the other students guess the place? You can eat sweets. You can't talk. ÿAtthe cinema?ÿ Yes,that's rightj 2 You take photos here. 3 You play ball games here. Unit 14 81

i9 Tick / the correct answer. Í11 O 14.4 Listen again for these responses. _ Oÿ Can I it now? OThen put them in the correct place. Go ahead. No, you can't. Of course. a HI to eat b V] eat OK. I'm afraid not. Sorry, no. Of course you can. _1 No, you use your mobile phone in class. a Q can b H can't 2 _ say something, please? Yes No a ÿ Icould b H Could I Go aheaA. 3 Yes, you _ go to the party. a ÿ can b ~] could Work in pairs. Ask your partner's permission to do something. Use ideas 4 I'm sorry. You _ play football here. from exercises 8 and 10, and your own ideas. Your partner will give or refuse a ÿ can't b ÿ couldn't permission. 5 Excuse me, Mrs Bond, _ Iphotocopy this? Can Itake photos here? a ÿ could b ÿ can't Noj I'm afraid not 6 Could Itake this book home, please? a ' J I'm sorry but you couldn't. b I'm sorry but you can't. Í10O14.3 Listen to the conversations. Is each ©answer yes /or no X? LS j JSelf-evaluation Rate your progress. 82 Can and could for ability and permission i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Might and may Ican recognize and use may and might for possibility, and may for permission. Might and may for possibility O*1 O 15.1 What might happen? Complete the sentences with the endings below.Then listen That balloon and check. might land here. eet-rt pop help you be a fox see a rainbow Way Iuse the binoculars now? ÿ The cat might eat if Might and may are modal verbs. We use might 1 Ithink this might and may to talk about something that is possible, 2 We might but not definite. 1 Subject might (not) /may (not) Base form It might land here. She may want help. We use might / may and might not / may not to talk about present possibilities. is might (may) be might (may) not be isn't There might be a message on it. James may have apen. We also use might / may and might not / may not 3 Is it a dog? It might to talk about future possibilities. will might (may) might (may) not won't 4 The balloon might _ i You might hurt someone. * 2 Are the sentences in exercise 1 about a Itmay landhere. present (P) or future (F) possibility? Write P or F. ...We often use Ithink with might / may and ÿP 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ might not / may not when we are not sure about Unit 15 83 the possibilities. Ithink Imight go home now.

O*3 O 15.2 Listen and repeat. O0 15.4 Add responses a-e to might/mait/: weak Y the conversations in pictures 1-4. It might be a fox. Imight not finish it. OListen and check, then act out the might /ma it/: strong V conversations with a partner. It might be in your bag. The cat might eat it. Ithink you might have flu. Imight ask the teacher. Do you think it might be Carla? d It might snow. *4 Match rules 1-2 with a-b. e It might be a present for me! _1 We pronounce a strong final 't' in might Look at 2 We don't pronounce a strong final 't' in those ciouAs might _ a when the main verb begins with a vowel sound. b when the main verb begins with a consonant sound. *5 O 15.3 Read the sentences. Is the final't' in The postman's bringing a big Omight strong? Tick / or cross X, then listen rce1. and check. Ifeel ÿ Imight keep this card. ÿ terrible. 1 He might buy it. 2 Imight ask the teacher. ÿ 3 She might agree with you. ÿ 4 Do you think we might win? ÿ 5 Imight act in the school play this year. ÿ 6 Imight eat it later. ÿ 7 They might not want it. ÿ There's Someone at .the ¿oor JqIcan't findI /ÿ \" my phone. 84 Might and may

May for permission *8 Write the questions in the correct order. We can use may in questions to ask for permission. OThen practise the conversations with a We also use could but may is more formal. partner. ÿ I/ ask / a question / may ÍAay Iask a question? Yes,90 aheaA. What is it? 1 borrow/ 1/your/ may /dictionary Yes, of course 2 photocopier /may /use/ 1/the course I'm afraiA it's not o*7 15.5 Listen and number the conversations Working at the moment 1-6. 3 my bike/ here/ leave/ 1/ may Yes,of course. It'll be fine here 4 have/ may /a cake /I No, you may not! You've just haA bireakfast! (0 U | jSelf-evaluation Rate your progress, I000 & 1 ÿ0*0 1 2 3 ° I0 0 4 5 000 6 7 0 00 I 8 (oe> Unit 15 85 |f| I

Units 14-15 Reading and writing Listening artin Look and read. Choose the correct words 3 O R8.1 Listen and draw lines. and write them on the lines. Richard Lucy Angie bee bird chameleon horse panda scorpion 0 ÿ It can fly and it can sing, bird Billy Dora Sam 1 You might see this large animal on a farm. Speaking It can run very fast. _ Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. What are the _2 You can see this black and white animal at the zoo. «/. 3 You might not see this animal because it can it i §m change its colour. _ 4 It can fly. It makes honey. _ 5 You might see this small animal in the desert _It can't fly. It might sting you. people saying? Use can, can't, could, couldn't, 2 Read the email. Choose the correct words might or may. from the box to complete the text. eef* can't could couldn't go might -J Dear Kim Please come and visit me!You can come any time - I'm not doing anything! I'm feeling much better now but I still 1_ walk very much. It's so frustrating! The doctors said they 2_ take the plaster off in three weeks but they aren't sure.That means I might not _3_ back to school before the summer A holidays. 4 you do something for me? f Icouldn't SWim underwater _I need my notebooks from school. I asked Jack but V When IWas young! he 5 find them. Ithink they're on a - shelf in the classroom.Thank you! Emily 86 Units 14-15

Have to, must, and shall Ican recognize and use have to and must for obligation, mustn't for prohibition and shall for offers. Have to and don't have to Shall Itidy the That $ very kind of you, arden for you? bc/tyou ¿con t have to. Have to and don't have to are modal verbs. We use have to to talk about I'd ike to. OK, but you mustn't things that are important because of Work too har¿\\ J rules and situations. My sister has to wear a school uniform. Ihave to wear glasses. My eyes aren't good. We use don't have to to talk about things that are not necessary. You don't have to buy a ticket. He doesn't have to work. Subject (don't) have to Base form Do/Does Subject have to Base form I/ we / you / have to leave now. Do I/we /you /they they don't have to have to stop? work. ~ He/she/ it has to v go. Does doesn't have to he /she /it Do youhave to work? Yes, Ido. / No, Idon't. Does she have to study? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. * 1 O 16.1 Listen to the conversation.Then listen o* 3 016.3 Listen and tick / the correct picture. and repeat. o ©| 9Heidi: It's half past three! Ihave to go. Andy: Do you have to go right now? Heidi: Yes, Ido. Ihave to be home at four. & *2 ©O 16.2 Listen again and answer the a ED Oquestion.Then act out the conversation with a partner. How do we pronounce have to? a /htEV 13/ ÿ b /hicf ts/ ÿ fv) i\\ ízU FREE \\\\t» *J rt* A!)I \\\\6í V Unit 16 87 «/ I «/ Ia! 1 b!

Í4 Complete the questions with the correct verbs. J**7 1#ÿ © 16.4 Read and add the missing verbs. cook take pay phone weer wear OListen and check.Then listen and repeat. cook do keep pay spend ÿ Does she have to wear a tie? teach work work write _1 Do you have to _ the beans? 2 Does she have to Jim at nine? 3 Does he have to _ the medicine four Idon't have to spend all day on times a day? my feet. __4 Do you have to _ special boots? Idon't have to 1-and 5 Do you have to -to go into the park? 2_ the house neat. 85 Complete the text with has to, have to, doesn't Idon't have to 3_ for the food have to or don't have to. that Ieat. I've got an easy life! My family My dad works in a factory. You're not a parent, that is true. He has to get up You don't have to do what parents do. very early. My mum You don't have to work. works in a shop. She ...You study and play ... but you might become a parent one day! 1_ ta ke Imight become a parent, that's very the bus to work. She and true. _the other shop workers And then I'll do the things that 2 wear parents do. Imight become a parent, you're a green uniform. _quite right. My brother and 13- take the bus And then I'll have to 4 hard - to school. We pay.We have a day and night! special bus pass from school. _Idon't have to 5 -on the board My little sister is only two so she 5_ with a pen. Idon't have to 6_ things again go to school yet. and again. Do you have to do these activities or Idon't have to 7- every evening not? What about your brother / sister / best friend? Talk with a partner or in till ten. I've got an easy life! small groups. You're not a teacher, that is true. do homework every day You don't have to do what teachers do. keep the house clean keep my bedroom neat and tidy ...You don't have to work. take a bus or train to school help with the cooking You study and play help in the garden ... but you might become a teacher My brother has to ¿o \\ homework every day. J one day! Idon't have to take a \\ Imight become a teacher, that's very - Jbus or train to school. true. And then I'll do the things that teachers do. Imight become a teacher, you're quite right. And then I'll have to 8_ hard - day and night! 88 Have to, must, and shall

Must and mustn't Must and mustn't are modal verbs. We use must $10 Look at the pictures. Circle the correct answer. and mustn't in rules and to give orders. ÿ You((mist)' mustn't stop here. Subject must/mustn't Base form 1 You must/ mustn't pay £5 to go in. You wait here. 2 You must / mustn't run. You must be late. 3 You must / mustn't swim here. 4 You must / mustn't be over 13 to go in. mustn't 5 You must /mustn't turn right. We use must to talk about obligation. Must is STOP similar to have to. You must be there at nine o'clock. You must write in black ink. Mustn't is similar to can't. You mustn't run in the school. You mustn't bringyour phone to school. To ask about obligation we usually use Do Ihave ... ?, not Must I ? Do Ihave to be there at nine o'clock? Do Ihave to write in black ink? *8 ©Ol6.5 Listen. Do we pronounce the -1ÿ, ©'t' in must? Then listen and repeat. Entry ÿ You must arrive on time. jes¡J no £5.00 1 You must eat everuthina. /ues no yu1 1 uu muji cu ic»ci 111 iu. H ana over ycj / 1 ivy 2 You must open the door. No right turn yes/ no Unit 16 89 3 You must learn these facts. yes / no 4 You must bring a hat. yes/ no 5 You mustn't say that. yes / no 6 You mustn't argue. yes/ no o9 16.6 Who is saying 1-8? Guess and match. OListen and check. a sports teacher f police officer b parent c music teacher g doctor h bus driver d museum attendant i science teacher e dentist ÿ You must have lights on your bike at night. £_ 1 You must tidy your bedroom. _ 2 You must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. _ 3 You must try to run faster. _ 4 You must listen to the beat. - 5 You must sit down when we're moving. __ 6 You mustn't take photos in here. 7 You mustn't touch these chemicals. _ 8 You mustn't eat so much chocolate. —

*11 Look at the signs and write sentences with SHOW must and mustn't. YOUR ÿ cross the road TICKET BEFORE You mvftn't cross the roaA._ BOARDING 1 turn left 2 show your ticket 3 put rubbish in the bin 4 walk on the paths 5 light fires 6 take birds' eggs 7 close the gates behind you *12 Cover the sentences in exercise 1 1 and 514 f What do people say to you? Write look at the signs. Can you remember y sentences with must and mustn't. the rules? You must Wear a hat. f You mustn't cross tine roaA. '+I$ lIortt+sf /-¡£ ou or r+-MIr\\ eoar sCw\\a!eets. musTn T *13 Work in groups. How many rules £15 Work with a partner. Can your partner can you write for these places? guess who says the sentences in * Use must and mustn't.Which group exercise 14? can think of the most rules? the city the countryside a museum You must Wear a hat. I the science classroom the sports field ~uthink yo—ur mum says that. your classroom No, my AaA says that. JInthe city you must stop at reA lights. O* 16 Circle the correct answers. ÿ Must you /(ÿo you havejo)wear black shoes You must use peAestrian crossings- to school? You mustn't Arop rubbish 1 You mustn't /don't have to use the photocopier. It's only for teachers. on the pavement. 2 You sit on the sofa all the time. You must / don't have to take some exercise! 3 You mustn't / don't have to take a bus. You can walk there. 4 Imust / have to get up at six o'clock every day. 90 Have to, must, and shall

Shall for offers Idon'tfeel Well. ...We use Shall I + base form to j ÿ [ ShaII Ijing you a song? make offers. No, don't Worry. ShallIcarry your bag? ShaII Itell you a story? ShallImake lunch? 3No, it's OK thanks. ) Look at these replies: ShaII Istop talking? to say 'yes' JYes, that VjouId be very nice. \\ Yes, please. Thank you very much. That would be nice.Thank you. to say 'no' It's OK, thanks. No, don't worry. I'm OK, thanks. Ican manage. O*1 Write the words in the correct order to make offers. ÿ a photo / shall / take / 1 ShaW Itake a photo?_ 1 the door/ shall /I/close 2 wait for/I/ shall /you Self-evaluation Rate your progress. 3 tell you /I /the answer /shall 4 shall /a clue /I /give you uuu *18 Work in pairs and have conversations. 1 Use these ideas or your own. 2 * 3 4 switch the TV on sing you a song light a fire tell you a joke get you a drink tell my mum 5 6 ÿ I'm bored. 7 8 1 I'm worried about my sister. 2 I've got a really bad headache. 9 3 Ican't use this camera. 10 4 I'm thirsty. 11 5 I'm cold. 12 JfI'm bored. ShaW Iswitch the TV on?~ÿ 13 14 No, Aon'tWorry.ÿj (ÿSÿallI 15 16 17 18 Unit 16 91

Should Ican recognize and use should and shouldn't for giving opinions and advice. We use should to give opinions and advice. Subject should (not) Base form I/he /she /it/ should tell him. we /you /they shouldn't be here. We shouldget a taxi. -n_riiTílíl You shouldn't do that. The door should be in the middl< We form questions like this. there $houId be more windows should Subject Base form and the qarden should be biqqei Should I/he /she /it/ leave? we /you /they open it? ShouldItell Dave? Yes, you should. What shouldIdo? ... ...We often use Ithink and Idon't think with should. Ithink heshould leave now. Idon't think you should eat a lotof sweets. o*1 17.1 Look and read. Circle the correct answers. Then listen and check. ÿ The fish should AÿhouldrVt)have legs. 1 The clock should /shouldn't have twelve numbers. 2 They shouldn't have short / long ears. 3 It should /shouldn't have six numbers. 7*7=ÿ8 4 It should have two /four legs. 5 They shouldn't be pink / grey. m 6 The diary should / shouldn't say 'Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday'. 7 The answer should be 49 / 48. .Work in pairs. Cover the sentences in exercise 1 How many sentences can you remember? 92 Should

Work in pairs. Look. How many things O 17.2 Listen again and complete the are in the wrong place? Where should they be? conversations with should or shouldn't. in / on the ... OAct out the conversations with a partner. cage sofa vase fish tank fridge microwave CD rack mantlepiece wall shelf floor table ÿ Shou\\¿ Ibuy it? Q Idon't know. Maybe. _1 (O Itake the flowers? O Yes, why not? 2 O_ he stop? What do you think? _Q No, he _ keep going. He stop now. _O3 What_ _ he do? Q He move his head.The girl phone for help. OComplete the sentences with should and verbs from the box below. be be eat heve have help learn play work ÿ Teenagers shou\\A have computers in their bedrooms. _1 People meat. 2 There _ more public holidays. 3 Teenagers _ credit cards. 3 Teenagers _ credit cards. 4 Boys and girls _ with the housework. The cushion shou\\A be on the sofa. 5 Teenagers _ _ one day a week. 6 All boys _ cooking. An¿ the fish ... 7 All girls _ football. 8 Every weekend three days, not two. *4 O 17.2 Listen and number the conversations 0©Hkl71-4. Do you agree or disagree with the opinions in exercise 6? Work in pairs or small groups. Compare your answers. Use Ithink... and Idon't think ... Idon t think teenagers shouId Aove their computers in their bedroomS- Really? Why not? Teenagers use computers to ¿o their homework. Unit 17 93

*8 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn't *10 f Read the text messages and write O(wearj nannrdl tthhee wu/onrrHdsc iinn hbrrancrlk/oettcs. / reolies. Give advice. ÿ It's cold outside. You rJnouId wear a hat. Hi, I'm really worried about the 1 I_ (eat) any more chocolate. exam tomorrow. Ithink I'm going to I'll feel sick. stay up all night and study. Jenny 3 You _(I / stand) up or sit down? (sit) so close to the TV. It's bad for your eyes. Hi, Can you believe this? Ifound 4 You (touch) that. The a purse in the street today - and paint's not completely dry yet. it's got LOTS of money in it! Vicky 5 That was very kind of him.You says Ishould take it to the police. __ (write) a thank-you letter. What do you think? Ed 6 You (do) what you _promised to do. (be) in Hi, Ineed your advice. Tim was 7 Idon't think they copying answers from Charlie's paper the swimming pool. in the exam today. Should Itell Mr Paul? Polly 8 (she /tell) the teacher? 9 He _ (do) that. It's very dangerous. 10 (we / leave) now? Hi, Emma invited me to her party on Saturday and Isaid 'yes'. But now *9 Look at the pictures.Talk about what Claire has invited me to her party * ítepispiiitoaísf snsl áS: $n i.te §sm night.- 1rsstty mi is go to Claire's party. What should Ido? hiJenny Ithink you $hou\\A . I Self-evaluation Rate your progress. J 4 ÿÿ ÿÿ ÿ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ithink he s houlA buy another ¡ce cream. 7 Yes, ar\\¿ he $houId be careful nexttime! 8 94 Should 9 10

AllllBfttfJMMlW Units 16-17 Reading and writing Listening Read the email. Choose the right 3 O R9.1 Listen and write. words and write them on the lines. -J sj Hi Alice I've just finished making your jumper, and Ithought, _'I must tell Alice!' I really hope you like it. _1 I post it to you or do you want to come and get it from my house?You don't MOUNTAIN HIKE .ÿ Arrive at school 8H5 Cj.rn _ 2_ to pay me for it.A friend gave me _1 Clothes wear light, the wool, so it didn't cost me anything. The washing instructions are very important.You clothes 3_ wash it in cold water, OK? And wash 2 Shoes walking boots or _ it by hand.You 4_ put it in the washing 3 In backpack lunch, drink, _ _machine. Never do that! do the washing-up _and a waterproof jacket I'm really tired! 1 5 4 What food? Sandwiches, fruit, now, but I really don't want to. Ithink I'll just go to bed 5 What drink? _ now and do it in the morning. Sarah _ Speaking _ £ mustn't snail Vmu'stj 4 Talk in pairs. Look at the pictures. What 1 Shall Must Shouldn't are the people saying? Use mustn't, shall, 2 have to have to, should or shouldn't. must should 3 shall You mustn't must have to qo in there! 4 mustn't don't shouldn't 5 shall shouldn't should 2 Read the text. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. ée don't has have must mustn't shall should shouldn't think 'I love playing the piano. Ioften perform at _concerts. A lot of people ask me,'Do you have to practise every day?'Well, 11 practise every day but Iusually practise three or four times _a week. Ilearnt to play the piano when Iwas a child. 12 all children should learn to play a musical instrument. You 3_ to work hard at first. But then it becomes more creative and you 4_ have to think so much - you just'feel'the music. Do you like classical music? 5_ Iplay something for you now?' Units 16-17 95

Units 14-17 Read the conversation. Match 1-5 with a-h.You don't have Reading andWriting to use all the letters. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. ÿ Ol. E Q Hi! Yes, of course. ms i o_ OYes. Would you like a tea or coffee? 2 0— OOK. What about a biscuit? 3D- QYou can eat here, if you like. AO — OlOh, that's a shame. SO— QYes, go ahead. It's in the kitchen. a Ihave to have lunch at work today, unfortunately. b Shall Iput my coat here? c May Iuse your phone for a quick call? d Could Ijust have some water, please? e Hollo. Can Icome in? f Imight not sit down. g No, thanks. Imust go and have lunch soon. h Ican cook a meal for us. Read the email. Choose the words and write them on the lines. mosquitoes postcards injection can't couldn't don't might must sun cream passport rucksack _shall shouldn't can should ÿ You can put lots of things in it. A customs Dear Helen officer might look inside it at the airport. I must_ tell you about the new drama rucksack club at the Lighthouse Theatre. I love it!You 1_ have to be a good actor.You can __1 Are you going to travel to another country? You have to have this _choose from different games and activities.When 2 Are you going to travel to a hot country? started at the club, Iwas shy and 1 2 A doctor might give you this before you go. stand up and speak to the group. Now I can do it 3 You can buy these at popular tourist places. with no problems! You 3_ come with me next time. 4_ I send you the link to You can write on them and send them to your the website? --friends Jane 4 You should use this in sunny places to protect --your skin P.S.I'm not sure, but 1 5_ ask Elizabeth to 5 They might bite you. They can make you ill. come to us, too. What do you think? --They can fly 96 Units 14-17

Listening Speaking 4 O R10.1 Listen and write. 6 Work in pairs. Complete the table. Ask your partner questions to get the information you need. Use Can you....7 and Do you hove to ...? and the prompts. Sunny Vale High School call a teacher / his or her no first name ÿ Go everywhere in the castle? yes stand up / when a teacher yes comes in 1 Explore the castle park? _ 2 Explore Bayham forest in the morning? _ wear / a school uniform yes 3 Wear school uniform? _ 4 You can bring a _ run / in the playground yes _5 You must bring a What subjects / have to do moths and English 5 O R10.2 Who does each object belong to? What sports / can / do tennis, swimming Listen and write a letter in each box. ÿ Alex's sister 0 3 Alex's mum O Your school 1 Alex's grandfather ÿ 4 Alex's dad Q call a teacher / his or her first name SL stand up / when a teacher comes in 2 Alex ÿ wear / a school uniform run / in the playground What subjects / have to do What sports / can / do 5 Alex's brother ÿ Work in different pairs. Ask your partner the questions from exercise 6. Can you caII tine teacher by his or her first name at Sunny Vale high schooI? ÍNo, you can't f Can you caII the teacher by his or [ her first name atyour school? - Yes, you can. j Revision 4 97

Adjectives Ican recognize and use adjectives in sentences to describe people and objects. Winat a beautiful picture! We put an adjective before a noun. It's colourful and interesting. Ilike Adjective Noun i funny films. We ate a big breakfast. We put an adjective after be: be Adjective It 's red. He was nice. But when there is an article (a, an and the), the article goes between be and the adjective. be Article Adjective Noun It 's a red bag. He was a nice man. The film was good. It was a good film. Itisn't beautiful! Sometimes the article changes from a to an or an to It's strange an¿ ugly. a when we use an adjective. When the adjective begins with a vowel we use a; when an adjective begins with We use adjectives to describe nouns (things and a consonant we use an. people). You're crazy! a —ÿ an an -> a That isn'ta beautifulpicture. It's a book. He's an engineer. It's a big book. He's an English engineer. Adjectives stay the same with singular and plural It's an old book. He's a French engineer. nouns. We also use adjectives after become, get, seem and It'sa nice colour. verbs of sensation (look, feel, taste, smell, sound). You seem sad today. I'm getting cold. They're nice colours. For more information on verbs of sensation, see unit 7. * 1 Circle twelve more adjectives in the story. Last week our teacher took us on a(Jantastjc)class trip. We took the train to the city centre to visit two big museums. In the morning we went to the Natural History Museum.We saw lots of old dinosaur skeletons and other interesting things. We had our lunch and a hot drink in a café. In the afternoon we went to the Science Museum. It was good too, but Iwas getting tired by this time. Unfortunately, the journey home was long.The train was late and it was slow. But we sang some traditional songs and told some funny stories, so time passed quickly. 98 Adjectives

*2 Write the opposites. 4 O 18.1 Memory Game! Don't look at bet easy boring fast long late exercise 3. Listen. Are these sentences dirty short modern safe heavy old Oright or wrong? Correct the wrong ÿ cold hot 6 tall _ _sentences. A. 7 early f\\_A 8 difficult _1 dangerous TThe football Was clean _2 short 9 slow yv \"Vv _3 clean - 10 old {That's Wrong! The football Was A 11 young 4 interesting 5 light - O55 ©O 18.2 Listen and answer the questions about pronunciation.Then listen again and * 3 Look at the pictures and circle the correct repeat. adjective.Write phrases with the adjectives. 1 Circle the stressed words in each sentence. Use the nouns in the box. They were(gld)ÿhoes) E She's got a red bag. The meal was expensive. It's a new watch. She bought a white hat. The sea will be cold. 2 Circle the words that we often stress. nouns pronouns HI verbs *-• ÿ articles auxiliary verbs (will, be) adjectives a football a drink an egg a car a ring *6 O 18.3 Circle the correct answers.Then listen an ice cream a TV show a door and check. Listen again and repeat. ÿ clean a dirty footboi ÿ He famous is /vsfamous) 1 hot /cold 1 That's my computer old / old computer. 2 brown /blue 3 fast /slow 2 You tired look / look tired. Are you OK? 4 expensive /cheap 3 It's an good /a good idea. 4 Can Ihave the red pen / pen red, please? 5 big /small 5 We're going to be late / late be. 6 Those pizzas are bigs / big. 6 funny / boring 7 Come on! It's time to ready get / get ready! 7 open /closed 8 This soup tastes good / good tastes. 9 She's a beautiful girl / beautiful a girl. 10 This is an interesting / a interesting story. Unit 18 99

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