3 Circle the objec ts that can roll. 4 How many: Objects that can roll have at least one cur ved face. a spheres? b cubes? c cylinders? d cones? 98 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice 1 Circle the objec t that does not belong. a b c 2 a Draw some objec ts that b Draw some objec ts that are cubes. are spheres. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 99
UNIT 7: TOPIC 1 Position The tree is nex t to the house. The boy is under the tree. The dog is near the boy. What other words can describe where something is? Guided practice 1 Colour the word that describes the position of each item. a The is under the . above b The is moving towards the . away from c The are above the . below d The is be t ween the and the . on OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 100
Independent practice 1 Draw a ball: a inside the box. b on the table. c nex t to the bat. d bet ween the boy and the girl. e near the cat. f under the car. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 101
2 Le f t or right? a The dog is to the le f t of the cat. right b The cheese is to the le f t of the bread. right c The book is to the le f t of the hat. right Do you write with your left or right hand? 3 a Draw a tree behind the cow. b Draw a boy nex t to the cow. c Draw a balloon above the boy. d Draw a hat on the boy. 102 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Fill in the blanks. a The clock is the books. the table. b The teacher is the teacher. c The board is 2 True or false? a The books are beneath the globe. True False b The apple is bet ween the teacher and the books. True False c The clock is inside the bookcase. True False OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 103
UNIT 7: TOPIC 2 Walk along the path. Directions Turn right Ho w would you Guided practice Walk down to get from the house the bus stop. to the pond? 1 a Draw a red path from the to the . b Draw a blue path from the to the . c Draw a green path from the to the . 104 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Independent practice Your Year 1 Library Year 4 classroom Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 6 Playground G arden Hall Parking Of f ice area 1 Follow the blue path. a It star ts at your classroom the hall . Year 4 . b It ends near Year 2 Year 3 . c It goes past the parking area 2 Follow the green path. a It star ts at Year 6 the parking area . b It ends at the library the garden . c It goes past the hall Year 1 . OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 105
4 Follow the red path. What is your real classroom near? a It star ts at the library your classroom the of f ice b It ends at the garden Year 5 c It goes past Year 4 4 True or false? a You need to walk past the of f ice to get from the True False library to Year 3. b The garden is nex t to the hall. True False c You pass Year 6 to get from the parking area True False to your classroom. d You can’t get from the garden to the playground. True False e Year 3 is closer to the hall than Year 4. True False 5 Star t at your classroom. a Turn right between Year 3 and Year 5. b Turn le f t between Year 6 and the of f ice. c Keep walking. Where do you end up? 106 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice Dress- ups Ac tion f igures Video Teddy Sof t Building games bears toys blocks Spor ts Ar t and Dolls G ames craf t Door 1 a Draw a path from the Door to your favourite place in the toy store. b Circle the places your path goes past. Art Dress - Spor t s Building Ac tion and ups blocks f igures craf t Teddy Sof t Video Dolls G ames bears toys games c Draw a dif ferent way to get to your favourite place. d Circle the places your new path goes past. Art Dress - Spor t s Building Ac tion and ups blocks f igures craf t Teddy Sof t Video Dolls G ames bears toys games OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 107
UNIT 8: TOPIC 1 Yes or no questions Are you a girl? Yes No No Do you own a dog? Yes No Do you have red hair? Yes What other yes/no questions could you ask the girl? Guided practice 1 Answer these questions. a Are you a boy? Yes No b Do you own a dog? Yes No c Do you have brown hair? Yes No d Do you wear glasses? Yes No e Are you at school? Yes No 108 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Independent practice 1 a A sk 5 people if they like bananas. Record their answers in the table. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no b How many said yes? c How many said no? 2 a A sk 5 people if they have ever been on a plane. Record their answers in the table. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no b How many said yes? c How many said no? 3 a A sk 5 people if they walked to school today. Record their answers in the table. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no b How many said yes? c How many said no? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 109
4 Look at the char t. Question: Do you like football? Yes No a How many said yes? Would you have answered yes or no? b How many said no? c Did more say yes or no? 5 Colour the faces to match the answers. Question: Are you 5 years old? Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Yes No a How many said yes? b How many said no? 110 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice 1 Write 2 questions you could ask your class. a Do you have ? ? b Do you like 2 a Choose one of your questions. Write it here. b A sk 5 people your question. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no c Colour the faces to match their answers. Yes No OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 111
UNIT 8: TOPIC 2 I have Pictographs My marbles 7 marbles. Guided practice I have Favourite juices in our class 3 marbles. I have 6 marbles. Ho w many marbles does he have altogether? 1 Look at the graph. a b d c 112 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Independent practice 1 Look at the graph. Favourite treats a Circle the most popular treat. What is your favourite treat? b Circle the least popular treat. c Do more people like than ? Yes No OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 113
2 No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes a Colour the graph to match the answers. Can you swim? Yes No b Did more people say yes? Yes No c How many people said no? d How many people said yes? e How many people were asked? 114 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
Extended practice 1 a A sk 10 people what their favourite colour is. b Colour the graph to show their responses. Favourite colours 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Red Blue Yellow Green Pink 2 Use your graph to answer these questions. a How many like red? Is your favourite colour the most popular? b How many like blue? c How many like pink? d Circle the most popular colour. red blue yellow green pink e Circle the least popular colour. red blue yellow green pink OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 115
GLOSSARY addition The joining or adding of two base The bottom edge of a 2D shape or numbers together to f ind the total. Also the bottom face of a 3D shape. known as adding, plus and sum E xample: + = base 3 and 2 is 5 calendar A char t or table showing the anticlock wise Moving in the opposite days, dates, weeks and months in a year. direc tion to the hands on a clock. Month January 2 017 Year Day Sun Mon Tu e s We d Thur Fr i Sat Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 area The size of an objec t’s sur face. E xample: capacity The amount that a container It takes 12 tiles to cover this placemat. can hold. array An arrangement of items into E xample: 4 cups The jug has 3 cups a capacity of 2 cups 4 cups. 1 cup even columns and rows that make them easier to count. category A group of people or things sharing the same charac teristics. Pink Green balance scale Equipment that balances items of equal mass – used to compare the mass of dierent items. Also called pan centime tre A unit for measuring the balance or equal arm balance. length of smaller items. E xample: Length is 15 cm. 80 cm 116 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
circle A 2D shape with a continuous data Information gathered through cur ved line that is always the same methods such as questioning, sur veys or distance from the centre point. obser vation. day A period of time that lasts 24 hours. clock wise Moving in the same direc tion as the hands on a clock. dierence (be t ween) A form of subtrac tion or take away. E xample: The dierence between 11 and 8 is 3. cone A 3D shape with a circular base that tapers to a point. digit The single numerals f rom 0 to 9. They can be combined to make larger numbers. corner The point where two edges of E xample: 24 is a 2- digit number. a shape or objec t meet. 378 is a 3 - digit number. corner division/dividing Sharing into equal groups. E xample: 9 divided by 3 is 3 cube A rec tangular prism where all 8 faces are squares of equal size. double/doubles Adding two identical cylinder A 3D shape with 2 parallel numbers or multiplying a number by 2. circular bases and one cur ved sur face. E xample: 4 + 4 = 8 2x4=8 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 117
duration How long something lasts. face The f lat sur face of a 3D shape. E xample: The school week lasts for 5 days. face f lip To turn a shape over horizontally or ver tically. Also known as re f lec tion. horizontal flip edge The side of a shape or the line where two faces of an objec t meet. vertical flip edge edge f rac tion An equal par t of a whole or group. eighth One par t of a whole or group E xample: One out of two par ts or 1 2 divided into eight equal par t s. is shaded. 1 8 Eighth of a whole Eighth of a group equal Having the same number or value. friendly numbers Numbers that are E xample: easier to add to or subtrac t f rom. Equal size Equal numbers E xample: 10, 20 or 10 0 half One par t of a whole or group divided into two equal par ts. Also used in time for 30 minutes. equation A written mathematical problem where both sides are equal. E xample: E xample: 4 + 5 = 6+3 = Half of Half of Half past 4 a whole a group estimate A thinking guess. 118 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
hexagon A 2D shape with 6 sides. me tre A unit for measuring the length of 3m horizontal Parallel with the horizon or going straight across. month The time it takes the moon to orbit the Ear th. There are 12 months in horizontal line a year. Ja nua r y Fe b r ua r y March A pril May June July Augus t September jump strategy A way to solve number problems that uses place value to “jump” Oc tober N ove m b e r December along a number line by hundreds, tens and near doubles A way to add two nearly ones. identical numbers by using known doubles E xample: 16 + 22 = 38 fac ts. +10 +10 +1 +1 E xample: 4 + 5 = 4+4+1=9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 length How long an objec t is f rom end to end. number line A line on which numbers E xample: This poster is 3 pens long. can be placed to show their order in our number system or to help with calculations. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 number sentence A way to record calculations using numbers and mathematical symbols. mass How heavy an objec t is. E xample: 23 + 7 = 30 numeral A f igure or symbol used to represent a number. light E xample: heavy 1 – one 2 – two 3 – three OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 119
oc t agon A 2D shape with 8 sides. pat tern A repeating design or sequence of numbers. E xample: Shape pattern ordinal numbers Numbers that show Number pattern 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 the order or position of something in relation to others. pentagon A 2D shape with 5 sides. 1s t 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th pic tograph A way of representing pair Two items that go together. data using pic tures to make it easy to understand. E xample: Pairs that make 4 E xample: Favourite juices in our class 2 and 2 3 and 1 Pair of socks place value The value of a digit parallel lines Straight lines that are depending on its place in a number. the same distance apar t and so will never Hundreds Tens Ones 8 cross. 6 3 parallel parallel not parallel 8 8 6 position Where something is in relation to other items. par titioning Dividing or separating an amount into par ts. E xample: The boy is under the tree that is nex t to the house. E xample: Some of the ways 10 can be par titioned are: 5 and 5 4 and 6 9 and 1 120 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
prism A 3D shape with parallel bases of rhombus A 2D shape with four sides, the same shape and rec tangular side faces. all of the same length and opposite sides parallel. triangular rectangular hexagonal prism prism prism pyramid A 3D shape with a 2D shape skip counting Counting for wards or as a base and triangular faces meeting at backwards by the same number each time. a point. E xample: Skip counting by 5s: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Skip counting by 2s: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 square hexagonal slide To move a shape to a new position pyramid pyramid without f lipping or turning it. Also known quadrilateral Any 2D shape with four as translate sides. sphere A 3D shape that is per fec tly quar ter One par t of a whole or group round. divided into four equal par ts. Also used in time for 15 minutes. E xample: 1 4 split strategy A way to solve number problems that involves splitting numbers up using place value to make them easier to Quarter of Quarter of Quarter work with. a whole a group past 4 E xample: 21 + 14 = 35 rec t angle A 2D shape with four sides and four right angles. The opposite sides are parallel and equal in length. + = + + + = right angle OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 121
square A 2D shape with four sides of tally marks A way of keeping count that equal length and four right angles. uses single lines with every f if th line crossed A square is a type of rec tangle. to make a group. right angle three-dimensional or 3D A shape that strategy A way to solve a problem. In has three dimensions – length, width and mathematics, you can of ten use more than depth. 3D shapes are not f lat. one strategy to get the right answer. E xample: 32 + 27 = 59 width Jump strategy depth 32 42 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 length Split strategy trapezium A 2D shape with four sides 30 + 2 + 20 + 7 = 30 + 20 + 2 + 7 = 59 and only one set of parallel lines. subtrac tion The taking away of one number from another number. Also known as subtrac ting, take away, dierence between and minus. triangle A 2D shape with three sides. E xample: 5 take away 2 is 3 sur vey A way of collec ting data or information by asking questions. turn Rotate around a point. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree two-dimensional or 2D A f lat shape table A way to organise information that that has two dimensions – length and uses columns and rows. width. Flavour Number of people width Chocolate 12 Vanilla 7 Strawberry 8 length 122 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
unequal Not having the same size or week A period of time that lasts 7 days. value. Tuesday Monday Wednesday E xample: Thursday Sunday Saturday Friday Unequal size Unequal numbers value How much something is wor th. E xample: whole All of an item or group. E xample: This coin is This coin is A whole shape A whole group wor th 5c. wor th $1. width How wide an objec t is from one vertical At a right angle to the horizon side to the other. or straight up and down. E xample: This poster is 2 pens wide. ver tical line horizon volume How much space an objec t year The time it takes the Ear th to orbit takes up. the Sun, which is approximately 365 days. E xample: This objec t has a volume of 4 cubes. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 123
ANSWERS Please note that where multiple answer s to a ques tion are possible, the mos t likely answer s have been given as a guide. b Independent practice UNIT 1: Topic 1 1 a 3 2 3 2 Guided practice 7 5 6 1 a – b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show ability to s tar t at the correc t place to for m numbers, Independent practice NOTE: There are t wo possible ways to match the 2 and the 3. Either is correc t. and to follow the lines of each 1 a 8 b 2 c 9 d 3 number accurately. b 3 2 5 4 6 e 5 f 10 g 4 h 6 Independent practice 2 a – f : Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show ability to read 1 a – b Teacher to check. Teacher: and interpre t the numbers correc tly Look for ans wer s that show ability c 7 3 4 5 10 and draw the cor responding number to accurately copy the number s, and of items. check for evidence of correc t star ting point s as student s write numbers Extended practice independently. 1 a 3 b 8 c 4 2 a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 a 5 b 2 c 3 d 5 2 a – c: Teacher to check. Teacher: Look e 6 f4 b 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 for answers that show ability to read 3 a The third group should be circled. c 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and interpret the numbers correc tly b The second group should be circled. and draw the corresponding number 3 a 2 b 3 c 5 d 6 of dot s. e 8 f 10 3 a 3 4 5 7 Extended practice 1 4 a 1 b 3 c 4 d 6 e 8 f9 b 1 6 8 10 5 a 1, 3 b 7, 9 c 4, 6 d 6, 8 e 5, 7 f 8, 10 2 UNIT 1: Topic 3 Extended practice Guided practice 1 a Carriages numbered f rom le f t to right: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. 1 a 6&5 b No b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look 2 a 7&7 b Ye s for ans wer s that show ability to read and inter pre t the numbers in order to Independent practice draw the cor rec t number of people in 1 a 5 b 7 c 10 d 8 e 3 each car riage. UNIT 1: Topic 5 2 a – h: Teacher to check. Teacher: Look 2 a for ans wer s that show ability to draw the correc t number of items to match Guided practice the given totals. 1 a b Extended practice 1 b c c 2 a 8 b 9 UNIT 1: Topic 2 3 a 5 b 7 Independent practice Guided practice UNIT 1: Topic 4 1 a 1 a 8 b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that Guided practice demons trate s tudent s’ under s tanding of “more” by drawing more than 1 a 3 b 1 c 4 d 5 e 2 4 2 9 8 eggs. 124 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
2 a 6 b Teacher to check. b c UNIT 1: Topic 8 Extended practice Teacher: Look for ans wer s that 1 demons trate s tudent s’ under s tanding Guided practice of “more” by drawing more than 6 chocolates. 1 a 3 a 7 b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that demons trate s tudent s’ under s tanding 11 15 16 of “less” by drawing less than b 7 socks. 4 a 4 b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for answers that 2 18 13 17 demonstrate students’ understanding of “less” by drawing less than 4 toys. Independent practice 5 a Same b Less c Same d M o re UNIT 1: Topic 7 1 a e le ve n t welve thir teen four teen fif teen Extended practice 14 13 11 15 12 Guided practice 1 b six teen s e ve nt e e n eighteen nine teen 1 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: 8 Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ 16 19 17 18 ability to star t at the correc t place to for m their number s, and to follow the 2 a 12 b 15 c 14 d 17 3 lines of each number accurately. 3 a 10 b 5 c 15 Independent practice 4 a 10 b 3 c 13 10 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: 5 a 10 b 9 c 19 Look for ans wer s that show ability to 6 a 10 b 6 c 16 accurately copy the number s f rom the 5 box above, and check for e vidence Extended practice of correc t star ting point s as student s write numbers independently. 2 a 12, 15, 16, 19, 2 0 7 b 19, 15, 14, 11 c 15, 18 , 19 3 a 11 b 14 c 16 d 17 e 19 f 20 UNIT 1: Topic 6 4 a 10 b 12 c 9 d 15 e 18 f 19 Guided practice 5 a 13, 15 b 16, 18 c 14, 16 1 d 11, 13 e 18 , 2 0 f 10, 12 2 a 2 5 12 14 16 19 a b c d e f Extended practice b 6 7 10 11 17 20 2 a red b grey c green 1 a c 1 2 5 11 12 15 Independent practice 1 first second third four th fif th six th UNIT 1: Topic 9 b 3rd 1s t 6th 5th 2nd 4th Guided practice 2 1 a 2 a 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 26, 28 4th 2nd 3 a 10, 11 b 19, 2 0 c 22, 23 f 27, 28 5th d 28, 29 e 17, 18 1s t 6th 3rd b 3 f irs t, second, third, four th 4 a cat b cow c dog d f rog 5 a c OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 125
d f 7 and 3 makes 10 Independent practice g 9 and 1 makes 10 1 a h 1 and 9 makes 10 Extended practice Independent practice 1 a 2 b 5 c 4 d 9 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: 2 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that demons trate Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ understanding of the concept of ability to accurately par tition 10 b “more”. Student s should also be able into t wo par t s. Student s’ number to count accurately to draw more 2 a sentence should also match the visual than 7 and 14 items respec tively. representation of the sum. 2 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that demons trate understanding of the concept of UNIT 1: Topic 11 “less”. Student s should also be able b 3 to count accurately to draw less than 3 a Guided practice 15 and 17 items respec tively. 3 a The planes should be circled. 1 a 4 b 2 b 2 2 a 6 b 2 4 a The rainbows should be circled. b 3 Independent practice 5 a The socks should be circled. 1 a b 2 b Extended practice b 4 a 1 a Ye s b Ye s c No d No 2 a c b 14 3 a d b 3 (NOTE: Student s may draw b 29 the lines in a dif ferent order – as e long as they share 3 bananas to each monkey this is f ine.) UNIT 1: Topic 10 5 a 2 a Unequal b Equal Guided practice c Equal d Unequal 1 a 0 and 5 makes 5 Extended practice b 1 and 4 makes 5 c 2 and 3 makes 5 1– 3 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: d 3 and 2 makes 5 Look for ans wer s that show ability b 2 ( NOTE: Student s may draw e 4 and 1 makes 5 to make equal groups independently, the lines in a dif ferent order – as f 5 and 0 makes 5 and to correc tly identif y the number long as they share 2 muf f ins to of items in each group. each child this is f ine. ) Independent practice 6 a 1 UNIT 1: Topic 12 3 1 5 2 4 Guided practice 2 3 4 6 5 5 1 a 2 b 3 8 6 3 1 Extended practice 1–2 a–b Teacher to check. 7 2 9 5 4 b Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show ability to make equal groups 3 a 3 and 3 makes 6 independently and to correc tly b 3 and 4 makes 7 identif y the number of items in c 5 and 5 makes 10 each group. d 4 and 6 makes 10 3 a and d should be ticked. e 2 and 8 makes 10 126 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
e.g. “ I need money walking in the 3 a park because there is a kiosk where UNIT 2: Topic 1 I buy an ice - cream.” Guided practice b 1 a–d Only one half of each shape Independent practice should be coloured in. 1 15 c 2 a 10 b 4 Independent practice 3 a 14 b 12 c Flynn 1 a Whole b Half c Half f Half 4 d Whole e Whole 4 2 a b Extended practice c 1 Student s’ ow n ans wer s. Look for Extended practice d student s who can choose appropriate 1 Teacher to check. Teacher: Look scenarios where money is likely to for ans wer s that show ability to change hands and who understands choose appropriate groupings, such the transac tional nature of money. as identif ying the colours of the 2 a 5 coins should be circled. par ticular foods or dif ferentiating the f r uit s f rom the vege tables. b 2 coins should be circled. 2 Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for c 8 coins should be circled. ans wer s that show ability to choose Extended practice appropriate categories such as size, 1 a shape or colour, and to success f ully UNIT 4: Topic 1 sor t the shapes based on the categories identif ied. Guided practice b 1 a–c c or or UNIT 4: Topic 2 Guided practice 1 a d b e or or c d f 2 a 4 b 5 c 3 Independent practice Independent practice 2 Student s could divide the square in 1 a–b 1 a any 2 of the following ways: b or or c UNIT 3: Topic 1 2 a–c d e Guided practice 1 The following places should be ticked: an the movies; at the super marke t; at an ice - cream shop; in a res taurant. A llow variations in ans wer s if s tudent s can of fer jus tif ications: OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 127
2 a b The f ir s t option with the inver ted b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look triangle and the rec tangle should for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ be circled. under s tanding of “shor ter ” by b drawing a building that is shor ter Extended practice than the one on the page. c 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: Guided practice Look for ans wer s that show ability to follow the direc tions to make a 3 a pat ter n with the given number of repeating element s. b 2 a–c c d 3 Extended practice Independent practice UNIT 5: Topic 1 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: 1 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show ability Look for ans wer s that show ability to Guided practice to make an identif iable pat ter n using cover the f ront of the chosen book s the given shapes, with or without the 1 a without gaps, accurately count the aid of colour pat ter ning. blocks used and use this information 2 a to identif y the one with the greater area. 2–3 Teacher to check. Teacher: Look b for ans wer s that show ability to b selec t objec t s that have an area of approximately 8 and 12 block s, and to then measure the area using the UNIT 4: Topic 3 block s with no gaps be t ween them. Extended practice Guided practice 2 a 1 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: Look 1 Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for answers that show students’ ability for ans wer s that demons trate to make credible choices, and to justify an understanding of patterns by why they chose par ticular items. cor rec tly drawing a pat ter n with repeating element s in sequence. 2 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ Independent practice b ability to make reasonable guesses as 1– 4 It does not mat ter where in the to items with larger or smaller areas sequence the repeating sec tion is circled, than the book, and to justify their as long as the student correc tly identif ies responses. the repeating element s. 1 a A sun and 2 moons should UNIT 5: Topic 2 be circled. b 3 2 a A hear t, a s tar and a f lower Guided practice should be circled. b 3 Independent practice 3 a A cloud and a lightning bolt should be circled. b 2 1 a Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ 4 a A rainbow, sun, cloud and moon under s tanding of “longer ” by drawing should be circled. b 4 a line that is longer than the one on 5 a the page. b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look b for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ under s tanding of “shor ter ” by 6 a drawing a line that is shor ter than Independent practice the one on the page. 1 a Teacher to check. Teacher: Look b 2 a Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ 7 a The second option with the for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ under s tanding of “ takes up more hexagon and the cube should be under s tanding of “ taller ” by drawing space” by drawing an item that has circled. a building that is taller than the one a greater volume than the block of on the page. c h o c o l a t e. 128 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look UNIT 5: Topic 3 UNIT 5: Topic 4 for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ under s tanding of “ takes up more Guided practice Guided practice space” by drawing an item that has a greater volume than the loa f of 1 a b 1 a bread. 2 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for models that show s tudent s’ ability to use the correc t number of blocks. b c The “ T ” shape should be circled. Independent practice 2 10 o’c l o c k Independent practice 1 Independent practice 1 a Teacher to check. Teacher: Look 2 a for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ 2 NOTE: Teacher to check. The ans wer s understanding of “holds more” by below are a guide only. Teacher: drawing an item that has a greater Accept any reasonable ans wer s so capacity than the mug, such as a b A ns wer s will vary, depending on long as student s can justif y their juice bot tle or bucke t. whe ther the lunch box and water choices (e.g. “ We play a board game b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look bot tle used are empty or f ull. at home that is really quick.” ). for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ a understanding of “holds more” by drawing an item that has a greater capacity than the bath, such as a lake or s wimming pool. 2 Empty 3 a Heavy b Light c Heavy b 4 a The apple should be coloured in. b The watch should be coloured in. 5 a The car should be coloured in. b The couch should be coloured in. 3 a 4 o’clock b 1 o’clock c 6 o’clock d 9 o’clock Extended practice e 11 o’clock f 7 o’clock Extended practice 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: 4 ✔ ✔ Look for ans wer s that show ability 1 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: to identif y items heavier than the Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ given items and jus tif y choices ability to use s trategies such as using appropriate language such as pouring f rom one container to “lighter ” and “heavier ”. another to de termine which has Extended practice the greater capacity, and to then 2 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: cor rec tly classif y their t wo container s Look for ans wer s that show ability Look for ans wer s that show according to capacity. to identif y items lighter than the student s’ ability to choose given items and jus tif y choices 2 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: appropriate ac tivities based on using appropriate language such as Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ their understanding of morning and “lighter ” and “heavier ”. ability to f ill each box with block s a f ter noon, and to give reasonable without leaving gaps, and to justif ication for the timing of these 3 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: accurately count and compare the ac tivities. Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ volume of the t wo boxes to cor rec tly ability to make plausible guesses 2 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: classif y them according to volume. about objec t s that are easy or hard Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ to push or pull, and that justif y ability to cor rec tly show “o’clock” ans wer s using appropriate language. time, and to make an accurate estimate to the nearest hour of when they do e veryday ac tivities. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 129
2 a–b Independent practice 1 UNIT 5: Topic 5 Guided practice 1 a Monday Tu e s d a y We d n e s d a y Thursday Fr i d a y Saturday Sunday 2 a Student s should have draw n b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for Independent practice 1 a square. answers that show students’ ability to b 6 write their favourite day correctly, and to of fer logical reasons for why it is 3 their favourite. Independent practice 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2 a–b 2 a A line should be joined to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 4 a 4 b 3 c 2 d 2 Thur sday and Friday. Extended practice b A ns wer s will vary. 1 a c A ns wer s will vary. d A line should be joined to Sunday. 3 a–d Teacher to check. Teacher: b 3 a 4 corners 4 sides Look for ans wer s that show ability b 0 corners 0 sides to accurately identif y ac tivities that c 3 corners 3 sides occur on par ticular days. d 4 corners 4 sides c 4 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: 4 a 4 b 5 c 3 Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s are aware of the days of the week Extended practice and can identif y the day be fore and 2 a Teacher to check. Teacher: Look af ter the current day. 1 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: for ans wer s that show ability to Look for ans wer s that show an identif y and represent common items Extended practice understanding of cor ners and sides, that are cubes, such as dice. and an ability to draw shapes that 1 a b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look mee t the given criteria. for ans wer s that show ability to Monday Tu e s d a y We d n e s d a y T hur sday 2 a 8 b 11 c 3 identif y and represent common items b that are spherical, such as spor t s Saturday Sunday Monday Tu e s d a y balls. UNIT 6: Topic 2 2 a We d n e s d a y b Saturday UNIT 7: Topic 1 c Friday d Monday Guided practice 3 a Sunday b Friday 1 a–b Guided practice c Tu e s d a y d T hu r sday 1 a under b t owa rd s c above d be t ween UNIT 6: Topic 1 Independent practice Guided practice 1 a–f Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show ability 1 a–b to correc tly interpre t positional 2 a–b language to place the ball as instruc ted. 2 a le f t b right c le f t 130 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S
3 UNIT 8: Topic 1 UNIT 8: Topic 2 Guided practice Guided practice 1 a–e Teacher to check. Teacher: 1 a 5 b 7 c 2 d 3 Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ ability to identif y the option that Independent practice applies to them. 1 a Independent practice 1– 3 a–c Teacher to check. Teacher: b Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ ability to f ind ans wer s f rom exac tly 5 s tudent s and record them accurately. Student s should also be able to c Ye s identif y how many of each response 2 a they received. Extended practice Ye s No 4 a 5 b 3 c yes 1 Teacher to check. Teacher: A llow 5 variations on given ans wer s if Ye s No b Ye s c 3 d 5 e 8 s tudent s accurately describe the location of the objec t s. Extended practice a above b on c behind a 3 b 2 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: 2 a Tr ue b False c False Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ Extended practice ability to recognise how to record the 1 a–b Teacher to check. Teacher: infor mation given to them by their UNIT 7: Topic 2 Look for ans wer s that show ability to classmates. Student s should also use the question scaf folds to write 2 have 10 cells of the graph coloured, questions that could be posed to gain Guided practice to represent 10 s tudent s. data. 2 a–e Teacher to check. Teacher: 1 a – c Teacher to check. Teacher: Look 2 a Teacher to check. Teacher: Look Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ ability to accurately inter pre t their ability to draw a direc t route ability to choose a question that is pic tograph. be t ween the t wo locations, s taying appropriate for their classmates. on the path, and to explain how they b Teacher to check. Teacher: Look chose their route. for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ ability to pose their question to 5 Independent practice s tudent s and record the responses 1 a your classroom b Year 4 a c c u ra t e ly. c Year 3 c Teacher to check. Teacher: Look 2 a the parking area b the garden for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ c the hall ability to use their collec ted data to 3 a the library b the of f ice colour the faces accurately. c Year 5 4 a False b Tr ue c Tr ue d False e Tr ue 5 a–c the playground Extended practice 1 a–d Teacher to check. Teacher: Look for ans wer s that show s tudent s’ ability to draw a direc t path using t wo dif ferent routes f rom the door to their favourite location, and to accurately identif y the other locations they pass on the way. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 131
Oxford Mathematics Primar y Years Programme is a comprehensive and engaging series for Kindergarten to Year 6. Designed by experienced classroom teachers, it supports sequential acquisition of mathematical skills and concepts, incorporates an inquiry-based approach, and is fully aligned with the understandings and outcomes of the PYP K– 6 mathematics curriculum. Student Book PY P Teacher Book PY P O x ford Ma thema tics O x ford Ma thema tics Pr imar y Year s Programme Pr imar y Year s Programme A n n ie Fac ch i net t i k A n n ie Fac ch i net t i The series includes: • Student Books with guided, independent and extended learning activities to help students understand mathematical skills and concepts • Practice and Master y Books (Years 1– 6) with reinforcement activities and real-world problems that allow students to explore and apply their knowledge • Teacher Books with hands-on activities, blackline masters and activity sheets, as well as pre- and post-assessment tests for every topic. Oxford Mathematics Primar y Years Programme supports differentiation in the classroom by helping teachers nd the right pathway for every student, ensuring that each child can access the PYP mathematics curriculum at their own point of need. ISBN 978-0-19-031219-0 9 780190 312190 1 How to get in contact: web www.oxfordprimary.com/pyp email [email protected] tel +44 (0)1536 452620 fax +44 (0)1865 313472
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