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Home Explore Oxford Mathematics K

Oxford Mathematics K

Published by catherinescrossculturalcafe, 2022-08-21 10:28:51

Description: Oxford Mathematics K


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4 a Draw lines to share 6 bananas between 2 monkeys. b How many each? 5 a Draw lines to share 10 muf f ins between 5 children. Could 10 muffins be shared fairly bet ween 4 children? b How many each? 6 a Draw lines to share 9 sheep between 3 pens. b How many in each? 48 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 a Draw more balloons to make the shares fair. b How many each? c How many altoge ther? 2 a Draw more doughnuts to make the shares fair. b How many each? c How many altoge ther? 3 Tick the fair shares. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 49

UNIT 2: TOPIC 1 Halves Ho w many halves make a whole? 1 whole 1 half 1 half Guided practice 1 Colour half. 50 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 Half or whole? Half Whole Half Whole Half Whole Half Whole Half Whole Half Whole OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 51

2 Circle the pic ture that shows halves. a Halves need to be the same size. b c d 52 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Draw a line to make halves. 2 Show 2 ways to cut the square in half. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 53

UNIT 3: TOPIC 1 Money We use money to buy all sor ts of things. food clothes books pe t s Coins and notes are also called cash. Guided practice 1 Tick the places where you would need money. at the movies walking in the park at the supermarket asleep in bed at an ice - cream shop in a restaurant 54 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 Ava dropped all her coins. How many did she have? 2 Ben emptied his money box. a How many coins does he have? b How many notes does he have? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 55

3 Flynn and Hannah compared their coin collec tions. 10 20 50 2 DOLLARS DOLLAR 50 Flynn Hannah a How many does Flynn have? Flynn and Hannah’s coins are from all around the world! b How many does Hannah have? c Who has more? Flynn Hannah 4 Draw lines to match the coins that are the same. 56 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Draw 2 different places you might need money. 2 Ellie went shopping. Circle the coins she would need to buy the following: a $ 5 b $ 2 c $ 8 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 57

UNIT 4: TOPIC 1 Sorting Squares Triangles Circles Guided practice You can sort in lots of ways, such as by size or colour. 1 a Colour the squares red b Colour the triangles blue c Colour the circles green 2 How many: a ? b ? c ? 58 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 a Circle all the small shapes. b Colour the rec tangles blue 2 a Colour all the clothes red b Colour all the animals brown c Circle all the bottles. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 59

3 Circle the item that doesn’t belong. a b c 4 Draw lines to sor t the items. 60 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Sor t the items into groups by colouring. Could you sort the items another way? 2 Draw the shapes sor ted into groups. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 61

UNIT 4: TOPIC 2 Repeating patterns Shape pattern Pic ture pattern Guided practice The rule for the picture pattern is 1 Continue the patterns. cat, cat, dog. a OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S b c d 62

Independent practice 1 Complete the patterns. a b c d e OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 63

2 Draw the par t of the pattern that repeats. a b c 3 Finish the colour patterns. a b c Where can you nd patterns? 64 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Use the shapes to make a pattern. a b 2 Circle the shape that doesn’t belong in the pattern. a b OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 65

UNIT 4: TOPIC 3 Creating and describing patterns and can make this pattern: Or this pattern: Or even this pattern: Can you make any other patterns with these shapes? Guided practice 1 Draw 2 dif ferent patterns with these shapes. 66 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 a Circle the par t of the pattern that repeats. b How many items did you circle? 2 a Circle the par t of the pattern that repeats. b How many items did you circle? 3 a Circle the par t of the pattern that repeats. b How many items did you circle? 4 a Circle the par t of the pattern that repeats. b How many items did you circle? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 67

5 a Circle the mistake. b Draw the correc t shape. 6 a Circle the mistake. b Draw the correc t shape. Ho w did you kno w which shape to dra w? 7 Circle what comes nex t. a b 68 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Choose from these shapes to make your own pattern with: a 2 repeating shapes. b 3 repeating shapes. 2 Follow the direc tions to f inish the pattern. a Draw a in the 1st space. b Draw a in the 3rd space. c Draw a in the 2nd space. d How many repeating shapes are there in the pattern? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 69

UNIT 5: TOPIC 1 Length, height and area Length Longer Shor ter Taller Shor ter You need to line the ends of objects up to check which object is longer. Guided practice 1 Circle the longer item. 2 Circle the shor ter item. 70 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 Draw a line that is: a longer. b shor ter. 2 Draw a building that is: a taller. b shor ter. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 71

A rea The sur face of the blue book is bigger The blue book has a than the green book. bigger area. You can place one object on top of another to compare their areas. Guided practice 1 Circle the shape with the bigger area. 72 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 a Cover the front of a book with square blocks. How many did you need? b Cover the front of a different book with square blocks. How many did you need? c Draw the book with the bigger area. Try putting one of your books on top of the other to see which has a bigger area. 2 Find and draw an objec t with 3 Find and draw an objec t with an area of about 8 blocks. an area of about 12 blocks. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 73

Extended practice 1 Find and draw something: a longer than your hand span. b shor ter than your hand span. c taller than you. 2 Find and draw something with an area: a bigger than this book. b smaller than this book. 74 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

UNIT 5: TOPIC 2 Volume and capacity Volume The amount of space an item takes up is called its volume. Takes up more space Takes up less space Guided practice 1 Circle the item that takes up more space. 2 Circle the item that takes up less space. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 75

Independent practice 1 Draw something that takes up more space than: 2 a Make this objec t with blocks. b Use the same blocks to make this objec t. c Circle the objec t that needed more blocks. 76 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

The amount a container can hold is called its capacity. Holds more Holds less Guided practice 1 Circle the container that holds more 2 Circle the container that holds less OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 77

Independent practice 1 Draw something that holds more than: a b 2 Match the words and pic tures. Empty 78 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 a Choose 2 empty containers. b Fill with water to find which container holds more. c Draw the containers. Holds more Holds less 2 a Choose 2 empty boxes. b Fill with blocks to find out which box takes up more space. c Draw the boxes. Takes up more space Takes up less space OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 79

UNIT 5: TOPIC 3 Mass You can lift objects with your hands to see if they are heavy or light. This is called hefting. Heavy Light Guided practice 1 Circle the heavier objec t. 2 Circle the lighter objec t. 80 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 He f t each pair of objec ts. Circle the heavier one. 2 He f t each pair. Circle the lighter one. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 81

3 Heavy or light? Heavy Light Heavy Light Heavy Light Are bigger objects always heavier? 4 Colour the easiest objec t to push or pull. 5 Colour the hardest objec t to push or pull. 82 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Draw something heavier than: 2 Draw something lighter than: 3 a Draw an objec t that is easy b Draw an objec t that is hard to push or pull. to push or pull. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 83

UNIT 5: TOPIC 4 Time I get up at I star t school at I get home at 7 o’clock. 9 o’clock. 4 o’clock. For o’clock times, the big hand is on the 12 and the little hand tells you what hour it is. Guided practice 1 Circle the event that happens first. 2 Draw lines to match the clocks and the times. 84 10 o’clock OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 Draw lines to show the order. 2 a Circle the things that take a long time. b Circle the things that take a shor t time. OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 85

3 What time is it? o’clock o’clock o’clock o’clock o’clock o’clock 4 Tick the things that happen at night. 86 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Draw something that you do: a in the morning. b in the af ternoon. 2 About what time do you: a go to bed? b eat lunch? c go to school? o’clock o’clock o’clock OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 87

UNIT 5: TOPIC 5 Days of the week Saturday Sunday If today is Wednesday, yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow will be Thursday. There are 5 weekdays and 2 weekend days. Guided practice 1 a Write the days of the week in the right order. Tuesday Monday Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday b Write your favourite day of the week. 88 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 a Colour the weekdays blue b Colour the weekend days red Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2 Draw lines to show: a the days you go to school. b the days you have spor t at school. Monday Tuesday c what day it is today. Wednesday Thursday d the day af ter Saturday. Friday Saturday Sunday OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 89

3 Draw something you do on: a Monday. b Friday. c Saturday. d Sunday. 4 a Today is . . b Yesterday was Days of the week . always start with a c Tomorrow will be capital letter. 90 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Fill in the missing days. a Monday Wednesday b Sunday Monday 2 What day comes af ter: What smaller word is at the end of all the days of the week? a Tuesday? b Friday? c Thursday? d Sunday? 3 What day comes before: a Monday? b Saturday? c Wednesday? d Friday? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 91

UNIT 6: TOPIC 1 2D shapes Circle Triangle Square Rec tangle 2D stands for t wo-dimensional. 2D shapes are at. Guided practice 1 a Colour the circles red b Colour the squares green 2 a Colour the rec tangles blue b Colour the triangles yellow 92 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 Draw lines to match the shapes that are the same. 2 a Trace the straight lines in blue b Trace the cur ved lines in red OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 93

3 How many: corners? corners? sides? sides? corners? corners? sides? sides? A side is a straight line that joins one corner of a shape to another corner. 4 How many: a triangles? b rec tangles? c circles? 94 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Extended practice 1 Draw a shape with: a 4 corners and 4 sides. b no corners and no sides. c 3 corners and 3 sides. 2 How many: a squares? b circles? c triangles? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 95

UNIT 6: TOPIC 2 3D shapes Sphere Cube Cylinder Cone 3D stands for three-dimensional. 3D shapes are not at. Guided practice 1 a Circle the spheres in red b Circle the cubes in green 2 a Circle the cylinders in blue b Circle the cones in yellow 96 OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S

Independent practice 1 Match the drawings with the real objec ts. 2 a Draw the 2D shape that makes up the faces of a cube. b How many sides does a cube have? OX FOR D U N I V E RSI T Y PR E S S 97

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