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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-09 05:41:58

Description: 202110552-SUMMIT-STUDENT-WORKBOOK-EVS-G03-PART2


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by classklap ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES WORKBOOK – PART 2 Enhanced Edition 3

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX presents the latest version of the Summit series – specially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Maharashtra state board textbooks. The Summit series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Maharashtra state board textbooks. The larger aim of the NCF 2005 regarding science teaching is to acknowledge and address the dynamic nature of science by focusing on the development of skills to acquire and process information scientifically. It also recommends the use of graphics, illustrations and pictures to help students to engage with concepts and ideas better. Below are some salient features of the Summit EVS workbooks series:  Arrangement of questions based on the RUAH (Remember, Understand, Apply and Higher Order Thinking Skills) model based on Bloom’s Taxonomy  Stimulating Application and Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) questions that ensure students engage with the content and not just focus on rote learning  Effective use of concept-maps to enable learning of structures, processes and phenomena  Exposure to locally relevant environmental problem solving  All textbook questions that require space for writing have been included Overall, the IMAX Summit series aims to enhance the development of scientific temper along with the inculcation of healthy habits, skills and values that promote environmentally sensitive and culturally responsive democratic citizenship among students. – The Authors

Workbook Features Concept Map Remembering A graphic organiser to be used to Questions aimed at helping students to recap the main points covered in the recollect critical information regarding lesson the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’ of the concept Application Understanding Applying the understanding of the concept to questions related to real-life Questions aimed at helping students scenarios engage with the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the concept Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Extending the application of the concept to more advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills Formative Activity Activities that can be used for the Activities that can be done to enhance Formative Assessments learning Inside the Lab Hands-on experience provided for creating, designing something innovative and/or useful

Contents Page No. Lesson 1 9 14 Inside the Kitchen! 16 15. Our Body 24 16. Sensory Organs 32 17. Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body 40 18. My Family and Home 47 19. My School 54 20. Our Community Life 60 21. Public Services for Community Life 67 22. Who Fulfils Our Needs? 74 23. Growing up and Growing Old 82 24. Our Clothes 90 25. Changes in Our Surroundings 26. As We Go from the Third to the Fourth Standard Inside the Lab 97 Activity C: Body Map Activity D: Family Tree Activity E: Grow a Plant Note: Lessons in blue colour are from Social Studies and lessons in green colour are from Science.

Lesson Inside the Kitchen! 14 Concept Map Complete the given concept map. Inside the Kitchen Preparation of food Methods of cooking frying: pakodas, pooris cooked food: rice chapati, poori and so on ______________________: rice (1) ______________________________ roasting: bhakaris fruits, cucumbers, tomatoes (2) steaming: modaks, idlis Fuels used 1 biogas cooking gas Sun coal firewood kerosene

Remembering Method of cooking a) roasting Very Short Answer Questions b) steaming 1) Match the following c) frying d) boiling Items 1) 2) 3) 4) 2

Answer in one word 2) A substance that can burn is called: Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ 3) A combustible substance that can be used conveniently for obtaining heat is called a: Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ Mark true or false 4) Cooking gas gives out smoke. [] 5) We eat fruits mostly without cooking. [] 6) Modaks are prepared by roasting. [] Strike out the wrong word 7) Camphor is a combustible/incombustible substance. 8) Cooked food is easier/difficult to digest. Short Answer Questions Answer in brief 9) W hat are the advantages of heating foodstuffs when preparing them for eating? (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3 10) How does the use of firewood harm the environment? (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Inside the Kitchen!

11) What are the advantages of using gas for cooking? (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions Mark true or false 12) Beetroot can be eaten raw. [] 13) A solar cooker uses heat from wind for cooking. [    ] 14) Cooking on gas requires a lot of time. [    ] 15) Hot plates need heat from the Sun to cook food. [    ] Short Answer Questions Think and tell 16) Which method of heating is used for preparing the following dishes? dhokla, dal, karanji, thalipeeth, basundi, curry (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________________________________ 17) Make a list of vegetables that are eaten without cooking them. (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Long Answer Question What’s the solution? 18) The smoke from the coal stove blackens the kitchen walls. (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Application Very Short Answer Questions 5 Strike out the wrong words 19) Hot plates/Firewood produce smoke. 20) Potato/Cucumber can be eaten raw. Short Answer Questions Think and tell 21) Make a list of all the dishes that can be made from milk. (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Inside the Kitchen!

22) Name the dishes made using harbhara. (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question Find out: 23) How is khoya made from milk? Write out the information and present it to the class. (Textbook, Pg. 85) Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question Think and tell 6 24) Y our aunt stays in Kashmir. She wants to buy a solar cooker for daily use. What would you suggest to her? Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Activity 25) Have you noticed? (Textbook, Pg. 82) 7 a) Papad may be roasted or it may be fried. Take two papads of the same kind. Roast one. Fry the other. What is the difference in their taste? Which one do you like better? Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ b) Peanuts may be eaten plain or roasted. What is the difference in their taste? How do you like to eat them, plain or roasted? Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ c) What is the difference in the taste of a raw potato and a boiled potato? Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Inside the Kitchen!

Formative 26) Different ways of cooking: Stage 1: Choose any three states of India and mark them neatly on a map. Stage 2: Find out one special dish prepared in each state. Write its name in the correct state. Stage 3: Answer the following questions: • What is the main ingredient of the dish? • How is it made? (roasting, steaming, frying, or any other process) • What is it eaten with? • Would you like to try it? Present this information to your class. You can use pictures and add more information too. 8

Lesson Our Body 15 Concept Map Complete the given concept map. Our Body Torso Head chest eyes abdomen hair nose back mouth _________________________ (1) chin ___________________head (2) Legs Arms 9 thigh upper arm foot _________________________ arm (3) shank hand

Remembering Very Short Answer Questions Fill in the blanks 1) The leg is joined to the torso at the ____________________________. (Textbook, Pg. 91) 2) T he part that joins the foot and _____________________ is the ankle. (Textbook, Pg. 91) 3) We use our __________________________ to jump, hop, climb and so on. 4) No two persons are exactly _____________________________. (Textbook, Pg. 91) Mark true or false 5) Our thumb is one of the main parts of our body. (Textbook, Pg. 91)[ ] 6) We can climb stairs with the help of our legs. (Textbook, Pg. 91) [ ] 7) The neck bends forward and backward. (Textbook, Pg. 91) [ ] 8) The torso can bend only at the waist. (Textbook, Pg. 91) [ ] Short Answer Questions Answer the following 9) What is the part that joins the head and the torso called? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 10 ________________________________________________________________________________ 10) Which are the three parts of the leg? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Understanding Very Short Answer Questions 11 Fill in the blanks 11) Some of our body parts can bend. That is why we are able to make __________________________________. (Textbook, Pg. 91) 12) Legs, arms and ears are __________________________________ organs. Answer in one word 13) How many parts is the leg divided into? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 14) How many parts of the body make up the torso? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions Answer the following 15) Which parts of the body form the torso? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 16) Which are the three parts of the arm? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Our Body

Long Answer Question Give reasons 17) There are so many people in the world, but none of them look exactly alike. Why? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Very Short Answer Questions Strike out the wrong word 18) All of us are same/different in our looks. 19) To hold a ball we bend our fingers/head. Short Answer Questions Think and tell 20) What was the little boy able to do because Tai picked him up? (Textbook, Pg. 90) 12 Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

What’s the solution? 21) You want a box from a very high shelf where your hand cannot reach. (Textbook, Pg. 90) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question What’s the solution? 22) Y our friend has forgotten to bring her spectacles. How will you solve the difficulties she faces in the class? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 13 Think and tell 23) Your friend’s leg is in a plaster cast. What difficulties will he/she face? (Textbook, Pg. 91) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Our Body

Activity 24) Try this (Textbook, Pg. 88) a) Stand in front of the mirror and move your neck as shown in the pictures. These are all the directions in which your neck bends. b) Paste the pictures of various movements of hands and arms in the space given below. Ans. 14

Formative 25) Sign Language Stage 1:  Observe your class for a week. Find out the four most common requests that you and your teachers make to each other. For example, ‘Please be quiet.’ Stage 2: Create a hand sign for each of the four requests. F  or example, if someone puts both their hands straight up and waits silently, it means ‘Please be quiet.’ Stage 3:  Make a chart to show the four hand signs that your class has decided and what they mean. 15 Our Body

Lesson Sensory Organs 16 Concept Map Complete the given concept map. Sensory Organs Nose Ears to ____________________________________ (1) to smell Tongue to ____________________________________ (2) Skin 16 to feel Eyes to see

Remembering Very Short Answer Questions Fill in the blanks (Textbook, Pg. 100) 1) Our eyes tell us how _________________________________ something is. 2) Our ears tell us which direction a _______________________________ is coming from. 3) The smell tells us that the air is ____________________________. 4) Our _________________________ tells us that something is hot. 5) Our tongue feels as if it is burning when we eat a ____________________________. Strike out the wrong words 6) In case we smell something foul, we eat/do not eat that food. 7) A fragrance is a form of sound/smell. 8) Eyes can guess the smell/distance of objects. Short Answer Questions Think and tell 9) Y esterday’s yoghurt is spoilt. It cannot be eaten. How would you know that? (Textbook, Pg. 100) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 17 ________________________________________________________________________________ 10) S ome ingredients we use in the kitchen are named below. What are their colours? (Textbook, Pg. 100) a) Turmeric: __________________________________________________________ Sensory Organs

b) Coriander leaves: __________________________________________________________ c) A ripe chilli: __________________________________________________________ d) Salt: __________________________________________________________ e) An unripe tomato: __________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions Answer in one word Which sensory organ gives you the following information? (Textbook, Pg. 100) 11) The guava is sweet. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 12) The cuckoo is singing on the tree outside. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 13) The sunflower is yellow. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 14) The incense stick has a nice fragrance. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) The medicine is bitter. 18 Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 16) The towel is rough. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________

Short Answer Questions 19 What can be done? (Textbook, Pg. 100) 17) D  inner is ready and mother has asked Sakina to call Grandpa. But, Grandpa cannot hear at all. How will Sakina tell him to come? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Think and tell 18) What help do we get from our sensory organs? (Textbook, Pg. 100) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 19) I n summer, how can we tell, without even looking outside, that it is raining nearby? (Textbook, Pg. 95) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question What’s the solution? (Textbook, Pg. 95) 20) a) There is a foul smell in the house. b) A food item is giving off a rotten smell. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Sensory Organs

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Very Short Answer Questions Answer in one word 21) A person who cannot hear well, can use a: Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 22) We can fight disability by being: Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions Think and tell 23) Why is co-ordination necessary? (Textbook, Pg. 100) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 24) What is meant by ‘sensory organs’? (Textbook, Pg. 100) 20 Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

25) What would be the benefit of knowing the direction from which a sound comes? 21 (Textbook, Pg. 95) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Find and tell 26) How are the two hands used while roasting peanuts? (Textbook, Pg. 100) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question Answer the following 27) How are movements co-ordinated when stitching cloth on a sewing machine? (Textbook, Pg. 97) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Sensory Organs

Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question Observe and write 28) When playing cricket, the ball is to be hit with the bat. Which parts of your body do you use to do so? How do you co-ordinate your movements? (Textbook, Pg. 100) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 29) Those who cannot hear at all use sign language. Find out more about it. (Textbook, Pg. 100) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 22 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Formative 30) Different is wonderful! Stage 1:  Everyone is different and unique. Each one’s body can and cannot do different things. In early days, people with different bodies were called ‘disabled’. ‘Disabled’ means ‘someone who cannot do something’. Nowadays, this word is replaced by the words ‘differently abled’. This means that people can do things differently. Make a list of 5 ways in which people can be differently abled. Stage 2: Find out five ways in which the government and people make it possible for differently abled people to feel comfortable and safe. For example, there are ramps and slopes in many places to help people in wheelchairs. Stage 3: Find out the names of five differently abled people and what they do. It would be best if you can find out the names of people from your town or city. If there is no one you know, then find the names of five famous differently abled people and what they do. For example, Sudha Chandran is a dancer. She has one leg. 23 Sensory Organs

Lesson Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body 17 Concept Map Complete the given concept map. Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body Clean body Clean teeth Clean hands before milk teeth every meal. Rinse hair once a week We get them when and cut nails once a week. we are ____________________. (1 ) Clean our sense organs Fall at the age of 7 or 8 once a week. and we get permanent teeth. 24 permanent teeth Brushing every morning and night and rinse our mouth Cleaning using a ______________ and a toothpaste (2) Drawbacks of not cleaning stomach upset tooth decay occurrence of diseases

Remembering Very Short Answer Questions 25 Fill in the blanks 1) ______________________ ______________________ start falling at the age of seven or eight. (Textbook, Pg. 105) 2) The teeth that we get when we are infants are ______________________________. 3) When milk teeth fall, we get a set of ______________________________ teeth. 4) The false teeth that look like the real set of teeth are called ______________________. Strike out the wrong word 5) If the permanent/milk teeth fall, we won’t get any new ones. 6) Dentures are false/real teeth. 7) As we grow old/young, our permanent teeth fall. 8) The affected gums result in the mouth smelling bad/good and also oozing pus or blood. Short Answer Questions Answer the following 9) What will happen if we do not keep ourselves clean? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Think and tell 10) Which is the best method of washing your mouth clean? Why? (Textbook, Pg. 103) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions Fill in the blanks 11) If rotting _____________________ ______________________ remain in the mouth, they cause teeth to fall. (Textbook, Pg. 105) 12) If we use a brush and ______________________________, we can clean the gaps between our teeth properly. (Textbook, Pg. 105) 13) W e must clean our _______________________________ and gums while brushing our teeth. (Textbook, Pg. 105) Strike out the wrong word 14) We must rinse our mouth properly with water before/after having our meal to remove the food items that may have got stuck. 15) The food particles that get stuck between the teeth result in a bad/good breath. Short Answer Questions Give reasons 16) Why do our gums get affected? (Textbook, Pg. 105) 26 Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Think and tell 27 17) Which is the best way to brush your teeth? Why? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Questions Answer the following 18) What are the benefits of using a brush and toothpaste for cleaning one’s teeth? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 19) Why do we fall ill, if our teeth are not clean? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body

Application Very Short Answer Questions Fill in the blanks 20) We must keep our five ________________________ _______________________ clean. (Textbook, Pg. 105) 21) We must wash our hands before we _____________________________. Short Answer Questions Give reasons 22) Why should we not allow nails to grow? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Think and tell 23) Why must we wash the grapes we buy from the market before eating them? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 28 ________________________________________________________________________________ 24) Why must we wash our hands before having a meal? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Long Answer Questions Give reasons 25) Why is it a custom to wash one’s feet and hands on coming back home? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 26) It is more important to brush your teeth before going to bed at night than to brush them in the morning. Why is that so? (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) 29 Short Answer Question What’s the solution? 27) Y our friend has a toothache. He is not telling anyone because he is afraid of the dentist. But, it is necessary for him to go to the dentist. (Textbook, Pg. 105) Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body

Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 28) F ind out from a doctor what home remedies should be used if someone gets cut or bruised. (Textbook, Pg. 105) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Formative 29) Old Beliefs 30 Stage 1: Find out two practices that your grandparents followed about health and hygiene. For example, ‘do not cut your nails at night’ or ‘sprinkle water around your plate before you eat.’ Stage 2: Find out the logical reason why they followed these practices.

Stage 3: D raw a picture of how these habits have changed and write one sentence explaining why. For example: We can cut our nails at night We use steel plates with a raised edge so that insects because we have electric do not crawl into our plates. lights. They help us see clearly Some people sit at dining tables. at night. 31 Pearly Teeth, Healthy Body

Lesson My Family and Home 18 Concept Map Complete the given concept map. My Family and Home Family Chores to help nuclear family my family ________________ family (1) Welcome and ___________________ extended family guests. (2) caring for the ___________________ Festivals I celebrate of elders (3) keeping the house and national festivals surroundings clean harvest festivals festival of lights 32 festival of colours What I do during festivals? Wear traditional clothes. Wish one another. Decorate our house.

Remembering Very Short Answer Questions 33 Fill in the blanks 1) India gained independence from the British on _________________________________. 2) Uncles, aunts and cousins are our _____________________________________. 3) Warli is an __________________________ tribe. 4) In a ____________________________ family, only parents and children live together. Think and tell 5) What does a clean and tidy house feel like? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 6) What can we do with paper, glass and metal garbage? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 7) What is the main occupation of our country? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 8) What does loud noise cause? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions Think and tell 9) What do festivals include and why are they celebrated? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ My Family and Home

10) How can we keep our environment clean? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions Strike out the wrong word 11) The main occupation of India is fishing/agriculture. 12) Sesame is a good food during winter/summer. Answer in one sentence 13) What does a family provide? (Textbook, Pg. 111) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 14) Who takes care of us when we are ill? (Textbook, Pg. 111) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 15) When do members of an extended family come together? (Textbook, Pg. 111) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions 34 Think and tell 16) Who are the members of your extended family? How are you related to them? (Textbook, Pg. 107) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________ 17) What kinds of activities occur during a festival? (Textbook, Pg. 111) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question Answer the following 18) What is an extended family? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Very Short Answer Questions 35 Circle the correct word 19) Wet garbage is useful in making manure / plastic. 20) We use chemical colours during Holi. They are healthy / harmful. Short Answer Questions Think and tell 21) Why should every person in the house share the house work? My Family and Home

Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 22) Why do we eat sesame and jaggery during Makar Sankranti? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question Answer the following 23) What environment friendly items can we use to decorate our house? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) 36 Short Answer Question Find and tell 24) “Many of our festivals are related to the agriculture and environment”. How? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 25) M ake a list and draw pictures of ornaments and utensils of your grandparents’ time. (Textbook, Pg. 111) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 37 Formative 26) My family tree Stage 1: S it with your parents and complete this family tree. Make sure you add new branches if needed. My Family and Home

MY FAMILY TREE grandfather grandmother grandfather grandmother father mother me Stage 2: How many members of your family live in joint families and how many live in 38 nuclear families? One example is given:

Family member’s name Joint family Nuclear family How many people and their relation to you live together? Meena Kulkarni  12 (maushi – Maternal Aunt) Stage 3: Write a paragraph to describe an event where you met your entire extended 39 family. It could be a wedding, a birthday or a festival. If you have not yet met your entire family, write a paragraph to describe how it would be to meet everyone together. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ My Family and Home

Lesson My School 19 Concept Map Complete the given concept map. My School History Things we learn olden times: Students went to a teacher’s house. personal and public _________________________ (1) medieval times: Both teachers and students came to a common place. how to handle quarrels modern times: A building called a school was made and students were taught. personal ______________________ (2) Spreading education Notable people Understanding right in education against exploitation 40 Savitribai Phule: introducing By stopping __________ labour (3) education to girls Rabindranath Tagore: setting up and running ‘Shantiniketan’ Maulana Azad: shaping our education system Mahatma Gandhi: core values of education

Remembering Very Short Answer Questions 41 Fill in the blanks 1) The modern school system was introduced by the ____________________________. 2) Going to school on time teaches us ___________________________. (Textbook, Pg. 118) 3) _____________________________ borrowed from the library should be returned on time. (Textbook, Pg. 118) 4) Each child must get the ____________________________________ to attend school. (Textbook, Pg. 118) Strike out the wrong word 5) Rabindranath Tagore started his school in Bolpur, Gujarat/West Bengal. 6) Maulana Azad was the first Health/Education Minister of independent India. 7) Personal and public hygiene keeps us organised/healthy. 8) In the year 2008/2006, the Right against exploitation was expanded to include child labour. Short Answer Questions Answer the following 9) What games do you play in school? (Textbook, Pg. 118) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 10) What facilities does a school offer? (Textbook, Pg. 118) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ My School

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Very Short Answer Questions Put a ‘’ against a correct statement and a ‘’ against a wrong statement. 11) ‘Shantiniketan’ was the name of the school that Rabindranath Tagore started in Bengal. [    ] 12) Girls’ education opportunities were less in medieval times. [   ] Circle the correct words 13) Rabindranath Tagore wrote our constitution / national anthem. 14) 11th of November is observed as the National Awareness / Education Day. Short Answer Questions Think and tell 15) How should a quarrel be resolved? (Textbook, Pg. 118) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 42 Find and tell 16) N ame the people who began to educate girls in Pune after the British introduced the modern school system. Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Long Answer Question Answer the following 17) How was the modern school system formed? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Application Very Short Answer Questions 43 Answer in one word 18) In which year did Rabindranath Tagore get a Nobel Prize? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 19) All forms of child labour are: Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Questions Find and tell 20) What were Mahatma Gandhi’s views on education? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ My School

21) How has school benefited us so far? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question Answer the following 22) What are the rules that need to be followed while using school facilities? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question Find and tell 23) If adults quarrel and get into a physical fight whose help is taken and how are they 44 taught a lesson? Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 24) W hat efforts will you take to make your school an ideal school? Draw up an action plan in brief. (Textbook, Pg. 118) Ans. ________________________________________________________________________________ 45 ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ My School

Formative 25) Do sparrows go to school? Stage 1: Write what the young ones of the following animals are called. • deer: ___________________________________________________________________ • dog: ___________________________________________________________________ • cat: ___________________________________________________________________ • tiger: ___________________________________________________________________ Stage 2: Read up about the habits of the young ones of these animals. Answer the following questions: • How long do the young ones stay with the mother ? • What does the mother do for the young one? • Do these animals go to school? Stage 3: Make a presentation about how you think these animals learn skills for life. 46

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