Grade :3 Time :150 Subject :English Language Minutes Marks :80 Teacher's Copy Section - A Grammar 45 M 1. Fill in the blanks with the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. __ /5M 1. Ajay _______________________________________ (talk) on the phone. A. Ajay was talking (talk) on the phone. 2. The students __________________________________________ (wait) for the bus. A. The students were waiting (wait) for the bus. 3. My father ________________________________________ (write) a letter to his friend. A. My father was writing (write) a letter to his friend. 4. She _________________________________________ (run) very fast. A. She was running (run) very fast. 5. My friends ________________________________________ (play) football yesterday. A. My friends were playing (play) football yesterday.
2. Do as directed. __ /5M 1. The ducks swim. (Rewrite the sentence in the past continuous tense.) ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. The mother bird fed her babies. (Rewrite the sentence in the present continuous tense.) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Som will drink water. (Rewrite the sentence in the past continuous tense.) ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The girl danced. (Rewrite the sentence in the past continuous tense.) ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. The children will play in the park. (Rewrite the sentence in the present continuous tense.) ___________________________________________________________________________ A. 1. The ducks were swimming. 2. The mother bird is feeding her babies. 3. Som was drinking water. 4. The girl was dancing. 5. The children are playing in the park.
3. Fill in the blanks with the adverb forms of the adjectives in the given __ /4M sentences. 1. He was angry. He spoke ____________________________________. A. He was angry. He spoke angrily. 2. Kavita is careless with her things. She keeps her things lying around ____________________________________. A. Kavita is careless with her things. She keeps her things lying around carelessly. 3. Moiz is impatient. He is waiting for his friend ______________________. A. Moiz is impatient. He is waiting for his friend impatiently. 4. The students are noisy. They climb the stairs ______________________. A. The students are noisy. They climb the stairs noisily. 4. Fill in the blanks with the adverb forms of the adjectives given in brackets. __ /3M 1. The water was __________________________________ (terrible) cold. A. terribly 2. The children danced __________________________________ (joyful). A. joyfully 3. He __________________________________ (calm) walked into the house. A. calmly 5. Look at the pictures. Then, fill in the blanks correctly with the prepositions __ /5M 'near', 'at' or 'around'. 1. The children are dancing _______________________ the stools. A. around
2. John lives __________________ 43A, Karve Road. The apples are lying __________________ the box. A. at/near 3. The windmill is __________________ the house. A. near 4. A. near 5. Ishaan is good __________________ painting. A. at __ /4M __ /2M 6. Complete the passage by using the correct coordinating conjunctions. Ronny listens to his parents, ___________________ he respects them. The three of them spend little time together, ________________ they are very close to each other. They do not fight ______________ do they argue. Ronny works hard ___________________ that he can make his parents proud. A. Ronny listens to his parents, for/and he respects them. The three of them spend little time together, yet/but they are very close to each other. They do not fight nor do they argue. Ronny works hard so that he can make his parents proud. 7. Rewrite the given sentences using 'for', 'nor' or 'yet' correctly. 1. Raima will not go to the library, yet will she go to the theatre. A. Raima will not go to the library, nor will she go to the theatre.
2. I had kept my sweater safely, for I could not find it. __ /5M A. I had kept my sweater safely, yet I could not find it. __ /5M __ /4M 8. Write whether the given sentences are interrogative, declarative, imperative or exclamatory. 1. That is such bad news! A. exclamatory sentence 2. Did I say something to make you angry? A. interrogative sentence 3. She wrote the book with a lot of care. A. declarative sentence 4. Please be seated. A. imperative sentence 5. What a wonderful day it is! A. exclamatory sentence 9. Rewrite each sentence according to the type given in brackets. 1. What a sharp-eyed detective Sherlock Holmes was! (declarative) A. Sherlock Holmes was a sharp-eyed detective. 2. It is very unfortunate. (exclamatory) A. How unfortunate it is! 3. The boy in the blue shirt has won the match. (interrogative) A. Has the boy in the blue shirt won the match? 4. Can you solve these sums? (declarative) A. You can/cannot solve these sums. 5. How humid the weather is! (declarative) A. The weather is humid. 10. Identify whether the underlined words are plurals, possessives or contractions. Write 'Pl' for plural, 'Po' for possessives and 'C' for
contractions. ________ 1. They'll practise the dance today. A. C 2. My cousins came home today. ________ A. Pl 3. It's difficult to talk here. ________ A. C 4. The dog's toy squeaks loudly. ________ __ /3M A. Po 11. Fill in the blanks with the contractions of the words given in brackets. 1. ______________________________________ (She will) go to the park today. A. She'll go to the park today. 2. I __________________________________ (cannot) eat ice cream today. A. I can't eat ice cream today. 3. _________________________________________ (We are) visiting our grandparents. A. We're visiting our grandparents.
Section - B Writing 20 M Formal Writing __ /5M 12. Write a letter to your friend describing a scary dream (also called a 'nightmare') that you had.
Hints: • When did you have the nightmare? • What was the nightmare about? • What happened in the nightmare? • Who did you see in the nightmare? • How did you feel when you woke up? A. Learner's response Sample: 34 Chowrah Lane Hyderabad – 500030 31 March 2020 Dear Amit, How are you? I have something to tell you because I know that you love ghost stories. I had a nightmare two days ago—a very scary one! You were in it too. Both of us were riding our bicycles, and we reached an old house. It looked haunted, but you wanted to go inside. The door was creaky and the windows were broken. When we entered, we heard a loud hoot. Suddenly, I woke up and realised it was a nightmare. The 'hoot' was actually the building watchman whistling outside my house. I was happy that I was safe in my bed and not in the haunted house! Do you have such nightmares? Share them with me if you do. Your friend, Sagar Marking Scheme: Parameter Description Marks Allotted Format sender's address, date, salutation, complimentary close 2M Content Grammar and points are relevant to the given writing 2M topic Spelling 1M sentence construction, spellings
13. Your grandfather, who is a cartoonist, sent you a book on how to make __ /5M simple cartoon drawings. Write a letter thanking him for the gift.
Hints: • Ask him how he is doing, and tell him how you have been. • Thank him for the book, and write why you are excited to use it. • Write about how you plan to use the book. A. Learner's response Sample: 49, Manor 8 Lohegaon Pune 15 April 2020 Dear Grandpa, I am well, and I wish to hear the same from you. I am writing this letter to thank you for the wonderful book you gave me. This book on drawing cartoons is so easy to understand! I have always been proud of the fact that you are a cartoonist. I love looking at your cartoons each time I come to meet you and Grandma. I think I would like to become a cartoonist when I grow up too. I will start drawing animal faces and actions, and then learn to draw human figures. I will send you my first drawing! Once again, thank you for the present. It is one of the best gifts someone has ever given me. I will treasure it forever. With love, Chirag Marking Scheme: Parameter Description Marks Allotted Format sender's address, date, salutation, 2M complimentary close Content Grammar and points are relevant to the given 2M writing topic Spelling sentence construction, spellings 1M
Creative Writing __ /5M 14. Write about an incident when you (or your family) helped your neighbours or when your neighbours helped you (or your family), using the given hints. Hints: • Write about what happened, who needed help and why. • How did you or your family help your neighbours or get helped? • What did you learn from this? A. Learner's response Sample: Last week, my parents went to Shimla to visit my elder brother. I could not go with them, as I had my exams. My neighbours said that they would look after me. They were an old couple who had lived next door for almost ten years. They found it difficult to take care of themselves, but they went out of their way to help me. I was worried about whether I would get food on time or if I would get lonely, but Mr and Mrs Kannan surprised me with their care. Once my parents left, they looked after me quite well. They asked me what my favourite dishes were and prepared them. They invited me to play with their dog whenever I was bored. They kept a room for me, just in case I was scared to sleep alone. They were very sweet. When my parents came back, they were thankful to our neighbours for looking after me. They asked me if I had troubled them, but Mr and Mrs Kannan just smiled and gave me a chocolate instead. Marking Scheme: Description Marks Parameter Allotted Content points are relevant to the given writing topic 2M Grammar sentence construction, spellings 1M and 2M use of grade-appropriate vocabulary, use Spelling of original ideas Expression 15. You are planning to join either the dance club or the music club at your __ /5M school. Write a diary entry about your confusion and thoughts on how
you will choose between the two.
Hints: • Mention the two options you are considering. • Write about the positive and negative points of joining either of them. • Finish the diary entry by making a choice and writing which club you have decided to join. A. Learner's response Sample: Thursday, 13 April Dear Diary, I am thinking about joining a club at my school. The two clubs that I am thinking of joining are the dance club and the music club. But I must choose one, and I am very confused. The dance club has very good teachers. Some of my friends have already joined the dance club. However, the timing does not suit me. Their classes only happen during the weekends. But, I must study on weekends and do a few other things. Also, the fees for the dance club are a little high. On the other hand, the music club's fees are not so high. The classes take place on Mondays and Thursdays after school hours, which is when I have some time. However, these classes need some basic music training, which I do not have. So, I will need to practise a lot at home. I love both dancing and singing. After thinking about all these things, I have decided to join the music club. It will need extra effort on my part, but it is the best choice for me. Piyush Marking Scheme: Parameter Description Marks Allotted Content points are relevant to the given writing topic 2M Grammar and Spelling sentence construction, spellings 1M use of grade-appropriate 2M Expression
vocabulary, use of original ideas Section - C Reading comprehension 15 M 16. Read the following story 'The Golden Goose'. Then, answer the __ /5M questions given below. Once upon a time, a farmer found a goose that laid a golden egg every day. The farmer and his wife were very happy. Every morning, he went to the market and sold the egg. He would then buy things for his daily needs. But one day, the farmer became greedy and got an idea. He thought, 'Why should I take just one egg a day? Why don't I take all the eggs at once and make a lot of money?' The foolish farmer's wife also agreed. They decided to cut the goose's stomach for the eggs. They killed the bird and found nothing. The farmer and his wife realised their mistake and started to cry. 1. What did the farmer find at the beginning of the story? A. The farmer found a goose that laid a golden egg every day. 2. What would the farmer buy after selling the egg? A. The farmer would buy things for his daily needs after selling the egg. 3. Why did the farmer kill the goose? A. The farmer killed the goose because he thought that he could take all the eggs at once and make a lot of money. 4. Which word from the passage means 'wanting a lot more than you need'? A. The word is 'greedy'. 5. What do you think is the moral of the story? __ /5M A. Learner's response Sample: The moral of the story is to not be greedy, otherwise we might be left with nothing. 17. Read the following story 'A Friend in Need'. Then, answer the questions given below.
One day, a mouse, a crow and a deer were playing under a tree. Suddenly they heard their friend, the tortoise, scream. He was trapped in a hunter's net. 'What do we do now?' asked the deer fearfully. 'Don't worry! I have a plan', said the mouse. The mouse shared her plan. The deer ran and lay down in the hunter's path as though it were dead. The crow flew towards the deer and pretended to peck at the deer. The hunter saw the deer. He left the trapped tortoise and walked towards the deer to catch him too. The moment the hunter tried to touch the deer, the crow started flapping his wings and circling the hunter. The hunter kept trying to push him away. In the meantime, the mouse chewed the threads of the tortoise's net. When the crow saw that the tortoise was free, he let out a loud caw and flew away, and the deer got up and ran! 1. Where were the animals playing? A. The animals were playing under a tree. 2. What happened to the tortoise? A. The tortoise was trapped in a hunter's net. 3. What did the hunter do when he saw the deer? A. The hunter left the tortoise and walked towards the deer to catch him too. 4. Which word from the passage means 'caught'? A. The word is 'trapped'. 5. Have you ever helped a friend? Share an incident in one line. __ /5M A. Learner's response Sample: Yes, I have helped my friend. Once, my friend was not able to tie her shoelaces. So, I helped her tie them up. 18. Read the following extract from 'Aladdin and The Magic Lamp'. Then, answer the questions given below. Aladdin and his mother were very poor. One day, a magician arrived and lied to Aladdin and his mother that he was Aladdin’s uncle. He gave them gold and bought a new coat for Aladdin. The
magician then took Aladdin to the forest where he showed Aladdin a cave and asked him to go inside and get the old lamp. When Aladdin entered the cave, he saw that the cave was filled with gold and jewels. Aladdin filled his pockets with gold and looked for the lamp. He found an old and dirty lamp lying in a corner. He took the lamp for the magician and asked him to pull him out of the cave. But the magician refused and asked Aladdin to give him the lamp. Aladdin got scared and refused to hand over the lamp without being saved first. The magician got very angry and closed the cave with a big rock. 1. What did the magician tell Aladdin and his mother? A. The magician told Aladdin and his mother that he was Aladdin’s uncle. 2. What did the magician give Aladdin and his mother? A. The magician gave them gold and a new coat for Aladdin. 3. What did Aladdin see when he entered the cave? A. Aladdin saw that the cave was filled with gold and jewels. 4. Which word from the passage means 'didn't agree to do something'? A. The word is 'refused'. 5. Do you think the magician was good or evil? Why? A. Learner's response Sample: I think the magician was evil because he lied to Aladdin so that he could use him to get the magic lamp.
Section - D Surprise question 5M Try this!
19. Fill in the clues with the past tense forms of the irregular verbs given in __ /5M brackets. Then, complete the crossword puzzle. Clues Across 3. She _________ me two pieces of cake. (give) 4. I _________ to my grandma’s house yesterday. (go) 5. I _________ out the candles with all my might. (blow) 7. Grandma _________ the cake into eight pieces. (cut) Down 1. She _________ a chocolate cake for me. (make) 2. She _________ the rest of the cake to her neighbour’s house. (send) 4. The neighbours _________ delighted to receive the cake. (are) 6. She _________ eight candles. (light) Now, make two sentences with any two of the past tense forms of
the irregular verbs. A. Learner's response Sample: 1. I blew ten candles on my birthday cake this year. 2. My mother cut an apple for me this morning.
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