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182120019-Passport-G2-Teacher Companion Book-English-Part1-A

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2019-01-21 03:34:52

Description: 182120019-Passport-G2-Teacher Companion Book-English-Part1-A


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Day 2/5 Day Annual Day: 7/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 4 min Practice: • Read the words from Exs. 3.1 and 3.2 aloud to learners. • Ask them to raise their hands and identify the genders of the naming words. • Learners can then be asked to start writing answers to the exercises and complete the task as homework. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) What are the masculine gender nouns for the following: ‘vixen’, ‘daughter’, ‘aunt’? ‒ CW HW Complete Exs. 3.1 and 3.2 as homework. Page 48

Day 3/5 Day Annual Day: 8/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Complete the table by sorting words into proper or common nouns and according to their genders (Grammar)  Understand the uses of capital letters and full stops in sentences (Language in Use)  Identify punctuation marks and their uses (Language in Use) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 14 min Practice (5 min): Ask learners to complete Ex. 3.3 independently. Ask them to discuss and share the answers with the class. Peer Learning – Pair (9 min): • Divide the class into pairs and ask them to read the practice paragraph given under ‘Language in Use’. • Explain the rules of using capital letters and full stops in sentences. Read aloud the ‘Remember’ box. • Then, ask learners to discuss with their partners and rewrite the paragraph using capital letters and full stops in the provided space. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 4 min CW HW Ex. 3.3 ‒ Page 49

Day 3/5 Day Annual Day: 8/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 10 min Monitoring Comprehension: • Read aloud the sentences on Pg. 7 to learners. • Explain to them that sentences without punctuation marks do not convey the intended meaning. • Read the chart on Pg. 8 and explain each of the three punctuation marks. • Draw three columns on the blackboard and ask learners to share sentences in which these punctuation marks can be used. Write them in the appropriate columns. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) How do we begin a sentence? CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 50

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 9/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise punctuation and capitalisation by completing exercises based on them (Language in Use)  Form sentences by joining words and phrases (Formal Writing) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 4 min Interactive Discussion: • Pair up learners. Ask them to read the sentences under Ex. 4.1. • Encourage them to underline the mistakes and correct them. Nominate learners to share answers with the class. • Learners can then be asked to start writing answers to Ex. 4.1 in their books. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 14 min CW ‒ HW Ex. 4.1 (5 min) Ex. 4.3 (5 min) Ex. 5 (4 min) Page 51

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 9/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 5 min Interactive Discussion: • Keep the class split in pairs. Ask them to read the sentences under Ex. 4.3 and discuss the answers. • Nominate learners to share their answers with the class. Ask them to justify why certain punctuation marks are used in the sentences instead of the incorrect ones given in the exercise. • Learners can be asked to complete Ex. 4.2 as homework to further practise using punctuation marks and capital letters. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 52

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 9/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 6 min Activity Method: • Write a few scrambled sentences on the board and ask learners to unscramble them by taking turns. E.g.: is my this house – This is my house./Is this my house? Also include words from the table under Ex. 5. • Discuss and come up with a list of sentences that can be formed by combining the words in the substitution table under Ex. 5. Ask learners to write down any five sentences. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW Ex. 4.2 ‒ Page 53

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 10/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Read the story, observe the picture and write the elements of the story (Creative Writing) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 13 min Direct Instruction (6 min): Introduce the elements of a story to the learners (main character, setting, etc.). You can explain the elements to them using the picture or another story that they are familiar with. Interactive Discussion (7 min): • Ask learners to look at the picture under Ex. 6 and try to understand what is happening in it. On the board, make a storyboard that lists the observations that learners make about the passage and picture. • Classify the points as related to the characters, setting, events and so on. Read the passage in Ex. 6 aloud. Explain the meaning of the passage and difficult words that learners do not understand. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 9 min CW HW Ex. 6 ‒ Page 54

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 10/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 7 min Monitoring Comprehension: • Ask learners to read the passage under Ex. 6 silently. Ask them to also share what they think its title should be. • Ask learners to complete the table on Pg. 12. • Go around the classroom to check if learners have understood what ‘characters’, ‘setting’, ‘events’ and ‘title’ mean. • Elicit a few responses to ensure that all learners are on the same page regarding the elements of a story. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 55

My Reflections Progress Passbook 5 What went well while teaching this lesson? Extra days taken till previous lesson (if any) (Previous lesson’s last row) What will I do differently for the next lesson? Planned days for this lesson Actual days taken for this lesson Extra days taken for the current lesson (if any) Total extra days taken till this lesson (if any) Names of learners who need individual attention: For the Next Lesson Handhold these learners: Challenge these learners:  Speed up by ___ days OR Slow down by ___ days  Academic Coordinator’s Signature: Page 56

English Textbook Allocated Teaching Days 3 Speed up/Slow down Plan Non-detailed Prose: Lesson 2 – The Orange Lesson Connect Butterfly Theme: My Family and I Day No. Planned Summary of Day’s Plan This lesson is about the journey of a butterfly, Jiggy, who finds out Date that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Day 1 Let Us Start, I Read Desired Learning Outcomes for the Lesson Day 2 I Understand, I Speak L S Day 3 Language Game, Connect the Dots • Listen to and repeat • Speak about the things the words with the one likes about oneself short ‘o’ and ‘u’ and one’s classmates sounds • Practise describing what one imagines seeing R W • Read the story with • Write answers to appropriate voice the questions modulation and based on the pronunciation lesson • Read the questions that follow the lesson Lesson Preparation Notes IMAX Resources Other Resources 1) IMAX English Textbook 1) Set of flashcards with words with the short ‘o’ and ‘u’ sounds (Day 1) Page 57

Day 1/3 Day Annual Day: 11/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise the pronunciation of words with the short ‘o’ and ‘u’ sounds (Listen and say aloud)  Discuss questions leading to the lesson (Warm Up)  Read the lesson with appropriate voice modulation (I Read) New Words: lily, patterns, sets off, wise, stripes, bright, strong Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 13 min Practice (5 min): • Drill the pronunciation of words with the short ‘o’ and ‘u’ sounds with the class as a whole. Ask learners to share more words with the same sounds. • Show them flashcards with more words with these sounds and ask them to indicate which sounds the words make. Interactive Discussion (8 min): Begin by reading out the ‘Warm Up’ questions and discussing the learners’ responses to the questions. Encourage as many learners as possible to share their experiences and opinions. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) Can you say a few rhyming words for ‘not’, ‘bug’ and ‘fog’? CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 58

Day 1/3 Day Annual Day: 11/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 13 min Reading Aloud: Nominate learners to read aloud the story turn by turn. Provide feedback on voice modulation, pronunciation, clarity and volume. Ensure that you do this in a positive and non-threatening manner. Class Pulse Check Duration: 2 min 1) Who is Jiggy? (Pg. 9, Q. 1) 2) How can you tell that Jiggy is strong? (Pg. 9, Q. 2) ‒ CW HW Ask learners to read the lesson as homework. Page 59

Day 2/3 Day Annual Day: 12/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Discuss and write the meanings of the new words (New words)  Practise speaking about what one likes in oneself and one’s classmates (I Speak)  Practise describing the garden from the story (I Speak) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 23 min Monitoring Comprehension (8 min): Write the words from Ex. 1 on the blackboard. Write the meanings in a separate column. Invite learners to match the words with the appropriate meanings. Then, ask learners to complete Ex. 1 independently. Interactive Discussion (15 min): Divide the class into pairs for the public speaking and story telling activities under ‘I Speak’. Allow them to discuss the topic for public speaking. Nominate learners to share their sentences after they have discussed. Allow learners to volunteer and come forward for story telling. Assign colouring of the butterfly as homework. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 6 min CW HW Ex. 1 Ask learners to colour the butterfly on Pg. 11. Page 60

Day 3/3 Day Annual Day: 13/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Play the word chain game (Language Game)  Integrate the theme of the lesson with other subjects (Connect the Dots) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 15 min Activity Method: • Ask learners to show you the butterfly that they have coloured. Commend them for their efforts. • Read the instruction given under ‘Language Game’ for the word chain game and play it with the learners. Encourage learners to spell the words. Correct them if needed. Make sure that everyone gets an opportunity to participate in the game. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 61

Day 3/3 Day Annual Day: 13/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 14 min Questioning (10 min): Divide the class into pairs and ask learners to read the Maths Fun. Ask them to mentally calculate and find out the answer. Encourage them to share their answers with the class. Also ask them to explain their answer. Reading Aloud (4 min): • Read aloud the facts given under the EVS Fun. Explain the concept of camouflage and how it helps animals to be safe in the wild. • As a follow up ask learners to think and suggest the names of animals who might use this technique to protect themselves against predators. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 62

My Reflections Progress Passbook 3 What went well while teaching this lesson? Extra days taken till previous lesson (if any) (Previous lesson’s last row) What will I do differently for the next lesson? Planned days for this lesson Actual days taken for this lesson Extra days taken for the current lesson (if any) Total extra days taken till this lesson (if any) Names of learners who need individual attention: For the Next Lesson Handhold these learners: Challenge these learners:  Speed up by ___ days OR Slow down by ___ days  Academic Coordinator’s Signature: Page 63

English Workbook Allocated Teaching Days 5 Speed up/Slow down Plan Module 2: The Orange Butterfly Prior knowledge needed (for the learners): Day No. Planned Summary of Day’s Plan Date  Grammar: Nouns and subject pronouns  Language in Use: Rules to convert singular nouns to plural nouns by adding ‘-s’ and ‘-es’ Day 1 I Listen, Vocabulary Desired Learning Outcomes for the Lesson Day 2 Grammar V G Day 3 Grammar • Identify and write • Differentiate between names of things subject and object Day 4 Language in Use related to nature pronouns Day 5 Formal Writing, Creative Writing L • Rewrite sentences and paragraphs by replacing • Identify and use nouns with the correct singular and plural subject or object pronouns nouns W • Write sentences using given pictures and words • Identify parts of a story and rewrite it Lesson Preparation Notes IMAX Resources Other Resources 1) IMAX English Workbook 1) Chits with names of things related to nature (Day 1) 2) Chart: Subject & Object Pronouns (Day 2) 2) Pronoun flashcards (Day 2) Page 64

Day Day Annual Day: Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: Note to Teacher: The module page is a summary of the topics covered in this module. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 65

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 14/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise listening to and writing spellings of sentences dictated (I Listen)  Identify and write words related to nature (Vocabulary) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 10 min Practice (5 min): • Ask learners to write down the sentences dictated from the Teacher Reference section. • Ask learners to exchange their notebooks with their partners and check the answers while you write them on the board. Brainstorming (5 min): • Discuss and come up with a list of insects and other animals one can see in nature. • Discuss the insects shown under Ex. 2.1. Ask learners to identify and tick the names of these creatures. • Discuss the answers in class. Class Pulse Check – Duration: 10 min CW ‒ HW Ex. 1.1 (5 min) Exs. 2.1 & 2.2 (5 min) Page 66

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 14/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 9 min Activity Method: • Write a few words related to nature on paper chits. Call a learner forward to pick a chit. • Ask the learner to draw what is written on the chit, and the other learners should guess the word. Continue this activity for three to four rounds. • Then, ask learners to identify each picture under Ex. 2.2 and write its name against each image. • Discuss the answers in class. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 67

Day 2/5 Day Annual Day: 15/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Differentiate between subject and object pronouns (Grammar)  Replace nouns with subject or object pronouns (Grammar) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 8 min Activity Method: • Divide learners into groups. Distribute flashcards with pronouns to learners. • Read a few sentences with missing pronouns and ask learners to show the correct pronoun flashcard that fits each sentence appropriately. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) She gave water to them. – Identify the subject and object pronouns in the sentence. Duration: 5 min CW HW Ex. 3.1 – Page 68

Day 2/5 Day Annual Day: 15/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 15 min Direct Instruction (5 min): Explain subject and object pronouns to learners by reading out the explanation on Pgs. 17 and 18. The IMAX chart on subject and object pronouns can also be used for this. Write a few sentences on the blackboard and ask learners to identify the pronouns. Monitoring Comprehension (10 min): • Write a few subject pronouns on the left side of the board and ask learners to frame sentences using them. • Then, write the underlined words from Exs. 3.1 and 3.2 on the right side of the board. Invite volunteers to match the underlined words with the correct pronouns on the left side. • Ask learners to complete Ex. 3.1. Provide answers on the blackboard and have them check their work for any mistakes. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 69

Day 3/5 Day Annual Day: 16/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Revise subject and object pronouns (Grammar)  Practise pronouns by completing exercises (Grammar) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 15 min Brainstorming (7 min): Ask learners what they know about pronouns in general and subject and object pronouns in particular. Encourage them to give examples as they explain. Then, ask them to complete Ex. 3.2 and share their answers with the class. Practice (8 min): • Invite learners to read each sentence under Ex. 3.3 aloud, and ask the others to point out the correct pronoun replacement for the underlined words. • Learners can then be asked to write answers to the exercise. • Discuss the answers so that learners can check their work. • Ask learners to make different sentences using the same nouns and pronouns. Class Pulse Check – Duration: 14 min CW – HW Ex. 3.2 (7 min) Ex. 3.3 (7 min) Page 70

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 17/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Identify singular and plural nouns and complete practice exercises based on them (Language in Use) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 12 min Activity Method (6 min): Collect a few objects from learners. (e.g.: pencils, erasers, colours, books, etc.). Show one pencil and ask learners how many there are. Then, show two or three pencils and repeat the question. Elicit the correct responses from learners. Do the same with the other objects, and then introduce the learners to the terms ‘singular’ and ‘plural’. Direct Instruction (6 min): Explain the rules of adding ‘-s’ and ‘-es’ to form plurals with the help of the explanation in the book. Write a few words ending in ‘-ch’, ‘-sh’ and ‘-ss’ on the board and ask learners to tell you the plural forms. Correct them when needed. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) How can ‘church’ be made plural? Duration: 8 min CW HW Ex. 4.1 (4 min) – Ex. 4.2 (4 min) Page 71

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 17/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 4 min Activity Method: • Divide the class into pairs. • Ask each learner to write five words in their singular forms. • Learners should then be asked to exchange their notebooks with their partners and write the plural forms of those words. The pair that finishes first with all the correct answers wins. Ask them to share their answers with the class. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 72

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 17/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 4 min Practice: • Ask learners to complete Exs. 4.1 and 4.2 for practice. Once they are done, invite learners to share their answers with the class. • Assign Ex. 4.3 as homework. Class Pulse Check – CW HW Ex. 4.3 – Page 73

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 18/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Make sentences using the given words (Formal Writing)  Identify and rewrite the main parts of a story (Creative Writing) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 5 min Brainstorming: • Ask learners to observe the pictures on Pg. 22 and ask them what they see. • They can use the pictures as hints to understand the meanings of the words. Explain the ones that learners are unable to understand. • Ask learners to brainstorm and come up with sentences which have the given words in them. • Ask them to read out their sentences to check whether they are correct. Provide feedback where needed. Class Pulse Check – Duration: 15 min CW – HW Ex. 5 (7 min) Ex. 6 (8 min) Page 74

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 18/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 9 min Direct Instruction (4 min): • Explain the three main parts of a story to learners. • Read the description under ‘Creative Writing’. Nominate learners to read the jumbled paragraphs. Peer Learning – Pair (5 min): • Ask learners to form pairs and discuss the beginning, middle and end of the story and mark them. • Once this is completed, ask learners to raise their hands to share the beginning, middle and end of the story. • Then learners can start writing the story and complete the task as homework. Class Pulse Check – CW HW Ask learners to – complete Ex. 6 as homework. Page 75

My Reflections Progress Passbook 5 What went well while teaching this lesson? Extra days taken till previous lesson (if any) (Previous lesson’s last row) What will I do differently for the next lesson? Planned days for this lesson Actual days taken for this lesson Extra days taken for the current lesson (if any) Total extra days taken till this lesson (if any) Names of learners who need individual attention: For the Next Lesson Handhold these learners: Challenge these learners:  Speed up by ___ days OR Slow down by ___ days  Academic Coordinator’s Signature: Page 76

English Textbook Allocated Teaching Days 5 Speed up/Slow down Plan Poem: Lesson 3 – A Book for My Mother Lesson Connect Theme: My Family and I Day No. Planned Summary of Day’s Plan This poem is about a girl who wants to gift something nice to her Date mother on her birthday. She realises that her mother loves books and so decides to write one for her. Day 1 Let Us Start, I Read Desired Learning Outcomes for the Lesson Day 2 I Understand L S Day 3 I Speak • Listen to and repeat • Speak about a one’s the rhyming words favourite book or from the poem story Day 4 Language Game, Connect the Dots • Discuss ways of making someone happy Day 5 Speaking Project, Reading Comprehension R W • Read the poem with • Write answers to appropriate voice questions based on modulation and the poem pronunciation • Write an acrostic • Read the questions that poem follow the poem • Practise picture reading Lesson Preparation Notes IMAX Resources Other Resources 1) IMAX English Textbook – Page 77

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 19/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise saying aloud the rhyming words (Listen and say aloud)  Discuss questions leading to the poem (Warm Up)  Read the poem with appropriate voice modulation and pronunciation (I Read) New Words: shelf, fairies, monsters, faraway, idea-pot Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 10 min Practice (2 min): Drill the rhyming words given under ‘Listen and say aloud’ with the class as a whole. Activity Method (3 min): Ask learners what they understand by ‘rhyming words’ along with a few examples. Then, write a few words on the blackboard and ask learners to share rhyming words for each. Peer Learning – Pair (5 min): Ask learners to pair up with their partners and discuss the first ‘Warm Up’ question. Then, ask learners to share their ideas and opinions on the second question with each other first and then with the class as a whole. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 78

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 19/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 18 min Reading Aloud (9 min): • Nominate learners to read aloud the poem by taking turns. Encourage learners to read slowly with appropriate voice modulation. • Have learners reread the poem at least two times for better familiarity and understanding. Summarising (4 min): Ask learners to summarise the main idea of the poem in their own words. Ask leading questions to help learners if they miss any aspect of the central idea. Interactive Discussion (5 min): After you have discussed the central meaning of the poem, ask questions such as: ‘What does your mother like to do?’, ‘Do you know when is her birthday?’ and so on to help learners relate better to the poem. Be sensitive to learners who do not have mothers and speak about an adult who is close to them. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) What does the girl’s mother like to do? (Pg. 14, Q. 1) 2) What does the girl want to gift her mother? (Pg. 14, Q. 2) ‒ CW HW Ask learners to read the poem at home. Page 79

Day 2/5 Day Annual Day: 20/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Discuss and write the meanings of the new words (New words)  Write answers to the questions based on the poem (Literature comprehension, Value-based questions) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 19 min Activity Method (9 min): Write sentences with words from Ex. 1 on the blackboard, but with blanks like in 'fill in the blanks' questions. Ask learners to appropriately fill in with words from Ex. 1. Then, have them complete Ex. 1. Monitoring Comprehension (10 min): • Discuss the ‘Literature comprehension’ and ‘Value-based questions’ with learners. Encourage them to discuss the possible answers. • Learners can be asked to start writing the answers in class and complete Ex. 3 as homework. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 10 min CW Ex. 3 HW Ex. 1 (5 min) Ex. 2 (5 min) Page 80

Day 3/5 Day Annual Day: 21/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Speak about your favourite story or book (I Speak)  Discuss in a group ways of making someone happy (I Speak) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 29 min Activity Method (14 min): Divide the class into groups for the public speaking activity under ‘I Speak’. Ask them to discuss the questions and volunteer to speak in front of the class. Impress upon learners the importance of reading for building language skills and also learning more about the world. Interactive Discussion (15 min): Ask learners to sit in a circle. Carry out the discussion as instructed for the circle time activity under ‘I Speak’. Try to get as many learners involved as possible. Command learners on their ideas. Also take this opportunity to talk about the joy of reading. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 81

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 22/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Write a poem by following the instruction and observing the example (Language Game)  Integrate the theme of the lesson with other subjects (Connect the Dots) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 19 min Brainstorming (7 min): Write the sample poem on the blackboard. Explain how learners have to develop the acrostic poem. Write the word ‘MOTHER’ on the blackboard. Encourage learners to share other meaningful words that go with it. Ask them to write their own poems. Provide assistance if the task seems difficult for a few. Peer Learning – Pair (6 min): Ask learners to read the Maths Fun in pairs and complete the activity. Ask a few pairs to volunteer to share what they have found out about the shapes of their books. Ask them which shape most of their books have. Interactive Discussion (6 min): Read out from the EVS Fun and ask learners to share about activities that they do along with their family members. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 10 min CW ‒ HW Language Game Page 82

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 22/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Duration: Transactional Tip(s) ‒ Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 83

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 23/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Develop and deliver a speech about spending time on holidays (Speaking Project)  Observe the pictures carefully and complete the activities based on them (Reading Comprehension) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 14 min Interactive Discussion (4 min): Divide the class into pairs. Explain the topic to learners and ask them to observe the pictures under ‘Speaking Project’. Allow them to discuss the hints and their experiences with each other. Activity Method (10 min): • Invite learners to speak about their experience of spending time on holidays turn by turn. • You can use the Speaking Rubric provided in this Teacher Companion Book to provide more individualised feedback to learners. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 8 min CW HW Passage 1 (4 min) ‒ Passage 2 (4 min) Page 84

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 23/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 3 min Peer Learning – Group: Divide the class into groups and ask them to observe Picture 1. Encourage them to speak about what they can see in the picture. Nominate learners to describe the picture in their own words. Then, have them read the questions and answer them. Discuss the answers with the class as a whole. Note to Teacher: Please ask learners to change option (D) for Q. 2) from ‘yellow’ to ‘purple’. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 85

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 23/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 4 min Peer Learning – Pair: Divide the class into pairs and ask them to observe Picture 2. Encourage them to speak about what they can see in the picture. Nominate learners to describe the picture in their own words. Ask learners to mark the answers in their books. Discuss the answers with the class as a whole. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 86

My Reflections Progress Passbook 5 What went well while teaching this lesson? Extra days taken till previous lesson (if any) (Previous lesson’s last row) What will I do differently for the next lesson? Planned days for this lesson Actual days taken for this lesson Extra days taken for the current lesson (if any) Total extra days taken till this lesson (if any) Names of learners who need individual attention: For the Next Lesson Handhold these learners: Challenge these learners:  Speed up by ___ days OR Slow down by ___ days  Academic Coordinator’s Signature: Page 87

English Workbook Allocated Teaching Days 1 Speed up/Slow down Plan Module 3: A Book for My Mother Prior knowledge needed (for the learners):  Vocabulary: Meanings of age-appropriate words Day No. Planned Summary of Day’s Plan Date Day 1 I Listen, Vocabulary Desired Learning Outcomes for the Lesson V G • Match words to – their meanings • Identify synonyms of given words L W – – Lesson Preparation Notes IMAX Resources Other Resources 1) IMAX English Workbook 1) Flashcards with sets of synonyms (Day 1) Page 88

Day Day Annual Day: Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: Note to Teacher: The module page is a summary of the topics covered in this module. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 89

Day 1/1 Day Annual Day: 24/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise listening to and writing the spellings of words dictated (I Listen)  Identify the synonyms of underlined words (Vocabulary)  Match words to their meanings (Vocabulary) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 14 min Reading Aloud (5 min): Read the words for dictation from the Teacher Reference section, and ask learners to write them down. Then, ask learners to volunteer to write words on the blackboard for the rest of the class to check. Activity Method (9 min): • Divide learners into groups. Prepare flashcards with sets of synonyms. Prepare a set of around 20 cards. • Jumble the cards and give them to the groups. The group that can match the correct word pairs together the fastest wins. Class Pulse Check Duration: 1 min 1) What are the synonyms of ‘small’, ‘big’ and ‘joyful’? Duration: 9 min CW HW Ex. 1.1 (5 min) – Ex. 2.1 (4 min) Page 90

Day 1/1 Day Annual Day: 24/66 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 5 min Monitoring Comprehension: • Ask learners to read the sentences given under Ex. 2.1 silently. • Ask them to read out the correct option from the two options in each sentence for Ex. 2.1 to check whether they have understood the concept of synonyms. Learners can then be asked to complete Ex. 2.1 in the class. • Assign Ex. 2.2 as homework. Class Pulse Check – CW HW Ex. 2.2 – Page 91

My Reflections Progress Passbook 1 What went well while teaching this lesson? Extra days taken till previous lesson (if any) (Previous lesson’s last row) What will I do differently for the next lesson? Planned days for this lesson Actual days taken for this lesson Extra days taken for the current lesson (if any) Total extra days taken till this lesson (if any) Names of learners who need individual attention: For the Next Lesson Handhold these learners: Challenge these learners:  Speed up by ___ days OR Slow down by ___ days  Academic Coordinator’s Signature: Page 92

IV – Teacher Reference Usage Tip: Hints/suggestions for the teacher to refer while answering textbook/workbook questions Sub-Sections: 14. Teacher Reference Material a. Teacher Reference for Textbook b. Teacher Reference for Workbook Page 93

Page 94 Teacher Reference: Textbook Theme 1: My Family and I Lesson 1: Tiger’s Stripes Let Us Discuss 1) What made the tiger angry? Ans. The tiger’s missing stripes made him angry. 2) What did the old lady on the hill know? Ans. The old lady on the hill knew magic. I Understand Exercise 1: New words Please note: The meanings of the new words are provided at the end of each lesson. Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What did Bruno ask Tiggy to do? Ans. Bruno asked Tiggy to meet the old lady on the hill for help, as she knew magic. 2) What did the old lady say when Tiggy knocked on the door? Ans. The old lady asked Tiggy to go away. 3) What melted the old lady’s heart? Ans. Tiggy’s big tears melted the old lady’s heart. 4) Why were all the animals overjoyed in the end? Ans. All the animals were overjoyed in the end because the tiger got his stripes back and there was peace in the forest again. Tiger’s Stripes

Teacher Reference: Textbook Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Was Tiggy a good son? Why do you think so? Ans. Learner’s response Sample: Tiggy was a good son. He was worried about his father and disliked seeing him angry or upset. He tried his best to solve his father’s problem. He wanted to make his father happy. 2) Describe the old woman on the hill in your own words. Ans. Learner’s response Sample: The old woman on the hill was very, very old. She was wearing a tattered gown and she knew magic. Page 95 Language Game Crossword puzzle Can you solve this crossword puzzle using the given clues? 1T IC 2M A G 3S T 5P TE PT 4T E R R I F I E D A C I R L E D 6T I R I N G 7M E KD L 8S T R I P E S Tiger’s Stripes

Page 96 Teacher Reference: Textbook Down 1) The lady wore a tattered gown. 3) You have to sprinkle the magic powder. 5) There was peace in the forest again. Across 2) The old lady on the hill knew magic. 4) All the animals were WHUULÀHG. 6) The long trip was tiring. 7) The old lady’s heart melted when Tiggy cried. 8) The tiger’s stripes were missing. Connect the Dots Maths Fun ¾ There are 12 tigers in a nature park. 4 of them are sent back to the forest, and 2 new tigers are brought to the park. How many tigers are there in the nature park now? Ans. There are 10 tigers in the nature park now. Tiger’s Stripes

Lesson Tiger’s Stripes 1 Module 1 Page 97 Section Name What I Will Learn I Listen Word dictation Vocabulary Spellings and Grammar jumbled words Naming words – Language in Use masculine and Formal Writing feminine gender Creative Writing nouns Punctuation Make sentences using given words Elements of a story 1

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