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English Workbook_6_P_2.pdf 1 10/18/19 1:01 PM 6 Part - 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________

5BCMFPG$POUFOUT 6OJU No. $POUFOU 1BHF/P Unit-6 Unit-7 2. My Shadow 13 3. Gulliver's Travel 14-47 Unit-8 CCE Based Practice Questions 1. P.T. Usha, the Golden Girl 2. Indian Cricket Team 3. Ranji's Wonderful Bat CCE Based Practice Questions 1. Half the Price 48-75 2. The Sheik's White Donkey CCE Based Practice Questions Extra CCE Examination – based Material 76-98 1

6/*5 SESSION 7 MY SHADOW – READING 7.1 Reading and Comprehension - Word Meaning Noun India-rubber ball buttercup a ball that can bounce a small bright very high yellow wild flower sleepyhead heel a sleepy person the curved back part of one’s foot. dew little drops of water 2 that collect at night on grass, plants, and other cool surfaces Adjective arrant complete (used to emphasise how bad something/ somebody is) UNIT 6

LESSON 2-MY SHADOW 7.2 Reading and Comprehension - Summary This poem written by Robert Louis Stevenson is about how a shadow is perceived by a child. The main themes of the poem are curiosity and wonder. The poem begins with the speaker describing his shadow who follows him everywhere. He says that the shadow is “very, very” like him. Every part of the shadow is similar from the “heels to the head.” He does whatever the child does. When he sees the child jump into his bed, the shadow jumps before him. He finds it funny how the shadow likes to grow in a different way, unlike normal children who grow slowly. The child is fascinated by the way his shadow sometimes shoots up tall like an India- rubber ball and sometimes he gets very small as if it he doesn’t exist at all. He also has the strange ability to shrink and grow quickly, not at all like a normal boy. One morning, when the child gets up before Sunrise and goes out, the shadow doesn’t follow him. Instead, he stays in bed fast, asleep. The child assumes that he is probably sleeping because he was too lazy to get out the bed. Self–Assessment How well did I read the poem? Fill in the boxes using yes / somewhat / no. I enjoyed reading the poem. I got the idea of the poem on my own. I got the idea with the help of my friends in the group. The teacher helped me to understand the poem. I used the glossary given at the end of the poem. UNIT 6 3

SESSION 8 MY SHADOW – LITERATURE 8.1 Literature - QA Q1. Which line in the first stanza tells that the speaker and the shadow are alike? A. “He is very, very like me from the heels upto the head”. This line tells us that the speaker and the shadow are alike. Q2. What does the shadow do when the speaker jumps into bed? A. When the speaker jumps into bed, his shadow jumps even before him. Q3. What is the funniest thing mentioned in the second stanza? A. The funniest thing mentioned in the second stanza is about the way the speaker’s shadow likes to grow. Sometimes shoots up tall like an India-rubber ball and sometimes he gets very small as if it he doesn’t exist at all. Q4. When does the shadow disappear ? Why? A. The shadow disappears when there is no Sun. When the light falls on persons and their shadows are formed. When there is no light the shadows are not found. Q5. What does the shadow do when the speaker gets up before the Sun? A. When the speaker gets up before the Sun, the shadow doesn't follow him. Instead, he stays in bed fast, asleep. The speaker (the child) assumes that he is probably sleeping because he was too lazy to get out the bed. Q6. Why does the speaker call the shadow a lazy little fellow? A. The speaker calls the shadow a lazy little fellow because he doesn't follow him. Instead, he stays in bed fast asleep. So, the speaker calls the shadow a lazy little fellow Q7. How old do you think the speaker is? Is he/she playful, angry, or stupid? A. I think the speaker is a little child. He is in a playful mood. UNIT 6 4

SESSION 9 GULLIVER’S TRAVEL – READING 9.1 Reading and Comprehension - Word Meaning Noun inhabitant monster a person who lives a big, cruel and in a particular place frightening person hedge reaping hook a row of closely a curved blade with planted low growing a short handle to cut trees forming a grass or crops boundary curiosity apron the desire to a piece of cloth that learn or know is worn to protect our clothes crew reaper a group of people one who cuts who work together and gathers crop (usually on a ship or an airplane) UNIT 6 5

LESSON 3-GULLIVER’S TRAVEL Noun barren dry and empty with few or no plants Verb purring a soft, low, rumbling sound made by a happy cat. 9.2 Reading and Comprehension - Summary This story is about Gulliver who was once caught in a land of Giants. On 16th June 1730, Gulliver and his crew discovered land. The captain of the ship sent a dozen men to fetch water if they could find some. As Gulliver was exploring the place for water, the crew suddenly left him behind and rowed towards the ship. Gulliver noticed that they were trying to escape from a Giant who was walking towards them. To escape from the Giant, Gulliver climbed up a steep hill where he saw fields of barley and corn rising up to forty feet. While Gulliver struggled to climb the six feet high steps, he saw another Giant in the field. His voice sounded like thunder. Gulliver was extremely frightened and astonished. He ran to hide. Seven more Giants came to the field to reap corn with a very big reaping hook. When one of the giants approached where he lay hidden, he screamed loudly. One of them picked Gulliver up, looked at him closely and then called his friends. When Gulliver was placed on the ground he tried to speak in several languages but they could not hear him because he was too tiny. The farmer took Gulliver home where his wife gave him crumbled bread. Their one–year–old son tried to put Gulliver’s head into his mouth but dropped him when Gulliver screamed loudly. The wife caught him in her apron. She put him on her own bed and covered him with a clean white handkerchief where Gulliver dreamt of his home, wife and children. UNIT 6 6

SESSION 10 GULLIVER’S TRAVEL – LITERATURE 10.1 Literature - QA Q1. Why was Gulliver left alone on the island? A. Their captain had sent Gulliver and some men in search of water. But they couldn’t find any water or inhabitants. When Gulliver was exploring the place for water, he saw his crew leaving him behind and rowing towards the ship. He noticed that they were trying to escape from a huge creature who was walking towards them. He couldn’t catch up with his crew as they went away speedily. Thus, Gulliver was left alone on the island. Q2. What did the monster do? A. When Gulliver screamed, the monster picked him up between his thumb and forefinger and brought him close to his eyes, sixty feet above the ground. He looked at Gulliver with curiosity and blew his hair aside to get a better view of his face. Then he called his friends and gently placed him on the ground. Q3. How big are the monsters? A. The monsters were so big that the water of the ocean reached only to their knees. They were more than sixty feet tall. Q4. What did the baby do? How was Gulliver saved? A. The baby grabbed Gulliver from the table and put Gulliver’s head into his mouth. Gulliver shouted so loudly that the baby dropped him. The mother held her apron under Gulliver and saved him. Q5. Have you ever lost your way? What did you do then? Share your experience. A. Yes, I have lost my way once. Last year, during Pongal holidays. I visited my grandparents. One Sunday, we went to see a fair. There were so many shops of every kind, such as toys, ornaments, food, and many rides too. I was very excited. One of the shops caught my attention and went up close to look. When I turned around, I couldn’t see my grandparents anywhere. I wandered around looking for them, but I couldn’t find them. I got so scared. I started crying. Then, a kind gentleman who saw me crying took me to the Lost Persons office. The person there announced my name in the mike, hearing which, my grandparents came looking for me. I was so relieved. Really it was an unforgettable experience in my life. UNIT 6 7

---------- CCE BASED PRACTICE QUESTIONS------------ )#03'1  \"! '#&*.(#.&/-01')'.2*/..2''. /'- '22*/. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. A PIECE OF POPCORN A piece of popcorn Escaped from the pan And flew across the kitchen Like Superman. It ping-ponged back and forth Between the oven and the freezer. Then it shot up to the ceiling Like a daredevil trapeze. I tried and tried to catch it, [] But it never missed a trick. So finally I gave up B. oven And ate a licorice stick. D. pan I. Choose the right answer. 1. Where did the popcorn escape from? A. packet C. cooker 2. Whom is the popcorn compared to, when it flies across the kitchen? [] A. trapeze B. superman C. eagle D. house-fly 3. The popcorn shot up to the ceiling like a __________________________. [ ] A. trapeze B. superman C. rocket D. kite 4. What did the child finally eat? [] A. popcorn C. licorice stick B. cake D. banana UNIT 6 8

MY SHADOW II. Write the meanings of the given words from the poem. 1. Ping-ponged - 2. Trapeze - III. Write rhyming words for the following words. 1. Freezer - 2. Trick - UNIT 6 9

)#03'1  7  '#&*.(#.&/-01')'.2*/..2''. #22#(' '22*/. Read the following passage to answer the questions given below. THE SHIPWRECK Most people have never heard of the Sultana, although her wreck is the worst one in U.S. history. Other news, like the assassination of President Lincoln, overshadowed the tragedy. The Sultana was a passenger steamship on the Mississippi River. In April 1865, the Civil War had just ended, and Sultana was carrying thousands of Union POWs (Prisoners Of War) back North after their release from captivity. After the war, the government paid passenger ships for each soldier they ferried home. Sultana was approved to carry 376 passengers. When she left from New Orleans in April, towards Cincinnati, she was carrying as many as 2,500, most of them ex-POWs who were weak, sick or injured. Several of the boilers onboard the ship were damaged. They’d been leaking on previous voyages and were always quickly repaired. On this trip, Sultana had to repair her boilers several times before the ship docked at Memphis for a regular stop. At Memphis, the crew again repaired the boilers, and Sultana left for Cairo, Illinois, just after midnight on April 27. Most of the soldiers would get off at Cairo. Sultana was moving against a strong current, severely overloaded, and she was making little progress. The boilers couldn’t handle her load. At about 2:00 a.m., they exploded, breaking the ship in half. The force of the explosion killed many passengers and threw others hundreds of feet into the water. The ship was immediately turned into a ball of flames, and there were no life boats. So anyone still alive jumped into the water. Many of the soldiers couldn’t swim, and those who could, were weakened by their suffering during the war. Hardly any of them survived. More than 1,500 and possibly as many as 1,900 people died. The exact number is unknown because there were no accurate passenger records. The Sultana shipwreck hardly got any attention. The Civil War had just ended, President Lincoln had been assassinated a week and a half before and there was a manhunt on for John Wilkes Booth, who shot the President. The deaths of a shipload of soldiers just released from POW camps hardly made any impact on the public. I. Choose the right answer. 1. What was ‘Sultana’? [] A. a passenger train C. a passenger ship B. a passenger plane D. a cargo ship UNIT 6 10

GULLIVER’S TRAVELS 2. Who were (was) the ‘Sultana’ carrying? [] A. POWs B. passengers C. President Lincoln D. John Wilkes Booth 3. When did the Civil War in America end? [] A. 1840 B. 1855 C. 1865 D. 1880 4. How many passengers was ‘Sultana’ approved to carry? [] A. 376 B. 2000 C. 1500 D. 1900 5. Who was assassinated at that time? [] A. President Roosevelt C. President Washington B. President Lincoln D. President Monroe II. Answer the following questions. 1. Describe the passengers on board the ‘Sultana’? A. 2. What was the condition of the ship when it started the journey? A. 3. When did she leave for Cairo, Illinois? A. 4. Why didn’t the Sultana shipwreck get any attention? A. UNIT 6 11

GULLIVER’S TRAVELS III. Pick out words from the passage that mean the following. 1. Murder of a political leader - 2. Misfortune - 3. Transported by ship - 4. Exact - 5. Search for a person who has escaped after a crime - IV. Write the opposites of the following words from the passage. 1. Regular x 2. Weakened × 3. Captivity x 4. Disembark × 5. Worst x 1'#3*5'!1*3*.( '22*/. I. Write a paragraph describing the picture given below. Hints: What natural disaster do you see in the picture? What causes it? What destruction does it cause? What precautions should be taken by people? Think of the weather, time/month of the year when such disasters occur-in the monsoon, by the end of June. Rivers overflowing, houses destroyed; people trying to cope with the disaster and survive using boats to move around; lack of food and fresh water; rescue missions by the Government. UNIT 6 12


SESSION 1 6/*5 P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL – READING Oral Discourse Why sports and games are important for children? Hints: • Sports and games involves exercise and thus improves physical fitness. • It also increases the sportsmanship qualities in an individual • It helps in team building and one can make more friends. • Talk about any of your favourite sport/game and why you like it 1.1 Reading and Comprehension - Word Meaning Adjective instinctive puny arising from small and weak natural ability earnest sheer serious; complete and not distracted by total; nothing anything other than; unrelated to the goal remote far away immense very large in size, amount, or degree UNIT 7 14

unassuming LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL polite; modest meticulous paying careful Verb attention to every detail enhance to make greater conversing or better talking drifting derive moving slowly get or gain and steadily from something from one place to another 15 Noun serenity calmness Adverb vigorously with strength and energy UNIT 7

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL 1.2 Reading and Comprehension - Summary Pilavullakandi Thekkeparambil Usha, popularly known as P.T.Usha was born on 20th May 1964 in the village of Payyoli, Kozhikode District, Kerala. She was the second daughter of Paithal and Lakshmi Amma. In November 1973, Balakrishnan, a dedicated physical education teacher discovered Usha’s talent while he watched her play blind man’s bluff with a group of other children. The same evening, she heard the life–changing words - On your Marks. Get set. Go. In 1975, when she was 11 years old, she injured her heel while practising for the long jump for her first Sub–Junior District Meet. Despite the injury, she participated and emerged as the individual champion at the meet, winning all the events she participated in. The tiny girl with the white bandage on her heel was the crowd’s favourite. Usha did well in academics and was always among the top three in her class. She passed her VII exams with first class grade. She then joined the Sports Division for girls at Cannanore, which had special facilities for sports in addition to regular studies. This is where she met her guru Madhavan Nambiar. Usha and Nambiar were inseparable. Usha trained regularly on the beaches of Payyoli. Nambiar introduced sand training in her programme which was popularised by other great athletes like Edwin Moses, Milkha Singh and Sriram Singh. Usha won two silver medals in the 1982 New Delhi Asian Games, stood in the 4th place in the 400m at the 1984 Jakarta Asian meet and four Golds and one Silver at the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul. P.T.Usha is considered to be a gifted child, who achieved international success through immense hard work and determination. A Professor of English in Usha’s hometown quoted saying that no youngster coming from a remote town of rural origin in the history of independent India caught the imagination of youth and general public as Usha had. She achieved international success through dedication and immense hard work. Self–Assessment 16 How well did I read? Fill in the boxes using yes / somewhat / no. I enjoyed reading the passage. I got the idea of the passage on my own. I got the idea with the help of my friends in the group. The teacher helped me to understand the passage. I used the glossary given at the end of the passage. UNIT 7

SESSION 2 P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL – LITERATURE 2.1 Literature - QA Q1. At what age was Usha’s sports talent recognised first? Who did it? A. Usha’s sporting talent was recognised for the first time when she was 9 years old in 1973. A dedicated physical education teacher, Balakrishnan discovered her talent. Q2. What quality do you notice in Usha, while she practised athletics from a young age? A. The qualities of seriousness, sheer dedication and immense hard work can be seen in Usha. She was also meticulousness and systematic. Q3. How was Usha in her studies? A. Academically, Usha was an extremely bright student. She was always amongst the top three in her class and was popular with her teachers. She passed her standard VII exams with a first class grade. Q4. How does Usha’s life inspire the young girls of our country? A. Usha’s life continues to inspires the young girls of our country. Though Usha came from a rural background, she made the impossible possible. She practised regularly with dedication and achieved success. She proved that any girl, whatever be her background, can achieve anything with constant practice and determination. Q5. What qualities in Usha made her great in athletics? A. The qualities of sheer dedication and immense hard work of Usha made her great in athletics. Q6. Can you name some great Indian women athletes who may have been inspired by P.T. Usha? A. Some great Indian women athletes who might have been inspired by P.T.Usha are M.D. Valasamma, Kamaljeet Sandhu, Jyotirmoyee Sikdar, Aparna Popat, Asha Agarwal and Manjeet Kaur. Q7. List different events in athletics. A. Shotput, long jump, high jump, discus throw, running races, javelin throw, hurdles, relays, triple jump, pole vault, hammer throw, etc., are different events in athletics. UNIT 7 17

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL Q8. Write on ‘‘the time line’’ given below the important events from the life of P.T.Usha. A. 1964 : P.T.Usha was born in 1964. 1973 : Balakrishnan, the physical education teacher, discovered Usha’s talent. 1975 : She came first in all four events. She participated in the Sub–junior District Meet. 1977 : Madhavan Nambiar found Usha and took on the role of her guru 1982 : Usha won two silver medals at the 1982 New Delhi Asian Games. 1986 : She won four gold medals and one silver medal at the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul. Q9. Write whether the following statements are True or False in the brackets. A. 1. P.T. Usha is also called the golden girl. (T) 2. She is the only daughter of her parents. (F) 3. Usha was the individual champion in the Sub-junior District Meet. (T) 4. Usha was an average child in her studies. (F) 5. Madhavan Nambiar alone was responsible for her international fame. (F) UNIT 7 18

SESSION 3 P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL – VOCABULARY 3.1 Vocabulary I. Sports and Games The following is the list of some sports and games. Classify them into sports and games. Q1. Add some other games or sports you know to the list. Volleyball Baseball Skiing Running Motor racing Badminton Carrom Sailing Soccer Cricket Lawn tennis Swimming Chess Table tennis A. Sports Games (Single person participation Group participation and and takes less time) takes more time) Running Volleyball Badminton Soccer Table tennis Baseball Skiing Cricket Swimming Hockey Sailing Football Lawn tennis Basket ball Motor racing Rugby Cycling Kabaddi Carrom Kho-kho Chess Throw ball II. Synonym Pick out from the reading passage the synonyms of the following words. Q1. devoted title-holder attained exceptional small happily tranquility increase talented UNIT 7 19

A. 1) devoted LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL 2) small 3) talented : dedicated 4) title-holder : tiny 5) happily : gifted 6) attained : champion 7) tranquility : joyfully 8) exceptional : achieved 9) increase : serenity : extraordinary : enhance III. Sports Goods Look at the following sports goods. Q1. Write the number of the sports item and its name in your notebook. You may use the words from the box. weights goggles shorts a tennis racket a volley ball running shoes a football skirt a basketball a track suit a football football socks a cricket ball a shuttle cock running shoes a hockey stick A. 1) shorts 2) football socks 3) running shoes 4) a hockey stick 5) a football skirt 6) a track suit 7) a tennis racket 8) a cricket ball 9) a shuttlecock 10) goggles 11) weights 12) running shoes 13) a volleyball and a football UNIT 7 20

SESSION 4 P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL – GRAMMAR 4.1 Grammar I. Adjectives and their order in a phrase Look at the following sentences from the reading passage. Usha was a tiny village girl. She was an extremely bright student. The underlined words are adjectives. They describe Usha. We may use more than one adjective to describe a person, place or thing or an object. They may give us information about things like quality, colour, age, make, shape etc., of a person, place, thing or an object. Quality : a pleasant day Size : a small room Age : a young man Temperature : a hot day Shape : a square table Colour : a black cat Order of adjectives When we use two or more adjectives to describe a noun, we have to take care of their order. The position of the adjectives depends on how closely they are related to the noun. Though hard and fast rules cannot be given, the following guidelines will be of some help. Adjectives : usual order determiners quality size/ colour/ past material noun (articles, age/ origin participle table shape demonstratives, possessives) beautiful old brown handmade wooden Indian Example: It is Rani’s beautiful old brown Indian handmade wooden table. Q1. Rewrite the following sentences with the correct order of adjectives. A. 1. Usha was born at farm mother’s old her house. Ans. Usha was born at her mother’s old farm house. 2. Usha is dark little a shy girl. Ans. Usha is a shy little dark girl. 3. There are flowers some beautiful rose white in our garden. Ans. There are some beautiful white rose flowers in our garden. UNIT 7 21

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL 4. It is new my textbook English. Ans. It is my new English textbook. 5. Sunitha was dressed in saree Kancheepuram expensive an silk. Ans. Sunitha was dressed in an expensive Kancheepuram silk saree. II. Phrases Look at the following sentences paying special attention to the underlined phrases. 1 Usha joined the Sports Division at Cannanore to improve her sports talent. 2. Nambiar introduced the sand training in her programme to enhance her performance in athletics. The underlined phrases in the above sentences are used to talk about the purpose of activity and answer the question “why” as shown below. Eg : Why did Usha join the Sports Division at Cannanore? . . . to improve her sports talent. Why did Nambiar introduce her sand training? . . . to enhance her performance. Q1. Ask and answer the following questions as shown in the example. A: Why do people go to the library? B: They go to the library to read books. Why do people go to school / post–office / the cinema / hospital/ market / bus–stand I railway station? Why do people use a watch / an umbrella / a toothbrush / a microscope /a mirror/shoes? A: Why do people go to school? B: People go to school to study. A: Why do people go to the post–office? B: People go to the post-office to post letters. A: Why do people go to the cinema? B: People go to the cinema to watch movies. A: Why do people go to the hospital? B: People go to the hospital to take treatment. A: Why do people go to the market? B: People go to the market to buy vegetables and groceries. A: Why do people go to the bus–stand? B: People go to the bus - stand to travel by bus. UNIT 7 22

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL A: Why do people go to the railway station? B: People go to the railway station to travel by trains. A: Why do people use a watch? B: People use a watch to tell time. A: Why do people use an umbrella? B: People use to protect themselves from sun and rain. A: Why do people use a toothbrush? B: People use a toothbrush to clean their teeth. A: Why do people use a microscope? B: People use a microscope to see extremely tiny things. A: Why do people use a mirror? B: People use a mirror to look at themselves. A: Why do people use shoes? B: People use shoes to protect their feet. Q2. Make sentences using the clues given. The first one is done for you. Smt. Lakshmi Devi is an old woman. Eg: She / like / eat / sweets – She likes to eat sweets. She / like / eat / soft things - she / hate / eat / hard things - One day she / -want / eat / palkova - She / ask / her neighbour / buy / some palkova - The young woman / agree / get / some - She / promise / buy / a kilo - The old woman / promise / pay her later - In the market / the young woman / remember / buy / something for Lakshmi Devi. - She bought pakodis! - The old woman / refuse / pay. A. She likes to eat soft things. She hates to eat hard things. One da` y she wanted to eat palkova. She asked her neighbour to buy some palkova. The young woman agreed to get some palkova. She promised to buy a kilo. The old woman promised to pay her later. In the market, the young woman remembered to buy something for Lakshmi Devi. She bought pakodis. The old woman refused to pay her. Q3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs in the brackets. 1. Reema is planning to take admission in French classes from next year. (take) 2. She practised to walk with a pitcher on her head. (walk) 3. My grandfather has promised to take care of Sheru, the dog, in our absence. (take) 4. I have no idea how they are planning to celebrate the New Year’s Eve this year. (celebrate) 5. I have decided to accept the job in view of my financial position. (accept) 6. My mother dislikes to work alone in the kitchen. (work) UNIT 7 23

SESSION 5 P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL – WRITING 5.1 Writing Q. You have read about P.T. Usha. Using that information and any other information you may have, try to write a short profile of this great athlete. You can use the following skeleton if you like. A. P.T. Usha - The Payyoli Express Name : ___P_I_L_A_V_U_L_L_A_K_A_N__D_I_T_H_E_K__K_E_P_A_R_A__M_B_I_L_U_S__H_A______________ Father’s Name: _____P_A_I_T_H_A_L_______________________________________ Date of Birth: 20 - 05 - 1964 Place of Birth: Payyoli, Kozhikode District, Kerala Name of the Coach: Madhavan Nambiar Brief Biographical Sketch: Pilavullakandi Thekkeparambil Usha, popularly known as P.T. Usha was born on 20th May 1964 in the village of Payyoli, Kozhikode District, Kerala. She was the second daughter of Paithal and Lakshmi Amma. The sprint queen, P.T.Usha has been associated with athletics since 1979. She made her international debut at the Moscow Olympics in 1980. She won two silver medals in the 1982 New Delhi Asian Games, stood in the 4th place in the 400m at the 1984 Jakarta Asian meet and four Golds and one Silver at the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul. Achievements in Olympics: 1. missed Broze at the 1984 os Angeles Olympics, 400m hurdles by 1/100th of a second 2. set a new Commonwealth record of 55.54s in the semi-final to qualify for the finals Achievements in Asian Games: 1. two silver medals in the 1982 New Delhi Asian Games 2. four Golds and one Silver at the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul Records Set / Broken: 1. National record at State Athletic Meet at Kottayam, 1977 2. youngest Indian sprinter in Moscow Olympics (16 years) Medals Won: 1. two silver medals in the 1982 New Delhi Asian Games 2. four Golds and one Silver at the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul Awards and Honours: 1. Arjuna award recipient in 1984 2. Padma Shree in 1984 UNIT 7 24

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL Q. Suppose you have Rs. 10,000 to spend on sports equipment. Write in your notebook the things you would want to buy as the Secretary of the Sports Club in your school, write a letter to M/s India Sports, Hyderabad, to place an order for these sports goods. You should ask them to send you the price list of the goods before you place the final order. A. Hyderabad 22–07–2019 From K. Basava Raj, Secretary, The Sports Club, ZP High School, Lakshmipalli. To M/s India Sports, Hyderabad. Sir, Subject: Order for sports equipment for the school Sports Club I am Basava Raj, Secretary of The Sports Club of our school at Lakshmipalli. We are in need of some sports equipment for our school sports club. The following are the items required for our club: S.No. Name of the item No. of items 1 Volleyball net 2 2 Volleyballs 6 3 Basketballs 6 4 Cricket balls 8 5 Stumps 12 6 Hockey sticks 24 I request you to send me the catalogue of the available items and their prices along with the price list of the above items as early as possible. Once I receive the price list from you, I will be able to discuss the details with our committee before placing the final order. I look forward to your swift response. Yours sincerely, K. Basavaraj Secretary, The Sports Club ZP High School, Lakshmipalli. UNIT 7 25

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL Q. The Telangana Sports Club, Hyderabad has decided to collect data about the popularity of sports in schools in your locality. Prepare a notice about the Telangana Sports Club’s visit to your school. A. NOTICE ZP HIGH SCHOOL LAKSHMIPALLI Date: 0710-2019 This is to inform all students that some members of the A.P. Sports Club, Hyderabad will be visiting our school on 09-10-2019 at 10 AM to collect data about the popularity of sports in our locality in order to make their efforts more focussed. You are requested to cooperate with them. You will be seated in your respective classes and classes will continue as scheduled. S/d- Principal Q. Self Assessment: 26 How well did I write? Fill in the boxes using yes / somewhat / no. I was able to explain / describe / narrate well. The sentences I used were properly connected. I was able to express my ideas in apt words. The ideas were arranged in proper sequence. I used proper punctuation marks. How well did I edit my work? Fill in the boxes using yes / somewhat / no. I deleted the excess words. I corrected the wrong forms of words. I corrected the punctuation errors. I added new words wherever necessary. I corrected the misspelt words. UNIT 7

SESSION 6 P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL – STUDY AND LISTENING 6.1 Study and Listening Study Skills Q1. Read this questionnaire and write your answers in the notebook. The points you get depends on your choice of answer, a, b, or c. Look at the table given below the questionnaire for points. For example, if your answer to question 1 is b, you will get 0 points. Mark your answers and calculate your score. Then you will know how sporty you are. How sporty are you? 1. How often do you play sports in a week? a) Three times b) Never c) Everyday c) Play sports with friends 2. What do you like to do on a Sunday afternoon? c) Often a) Watch television b) Study 3. How often do you watch sports on television? a) Never b) Sometimes 4. During the last world cricket cup a) I watched some of the matches. b) I watched most of the matches. c) I didn’t watch any of the matches. 5. What do you think of your physical education classes at school? a) I hate them b) I think they are O.K c) I love them 6. Which of these do you have? a) A lot of sports books, magazines and equipment. b) Some sports books, magazines and equipment. c) No sports books, magazines and equipment 7. Do you ever think of becoming a famous sports player? a) Never b) Sometimes c) Often 8. Do you plan to participate in sports this weekend? a) Yes b) May be c) No UNIT 7 27

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL Give the questionnaire to the members of your group and tell them how sporty they are. Score: Less than 5 points – you hate sports. From 5 to 9 points – you like sports. More than 9 points – you love sports. A. Student Activity Points Question a Points c Question a Points c No. 1 b 2 No. 0 b 2 1 0 2 5 2 1 0 1. 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 0 6 2 1 0 3 2 1 7 4 8 Listening Skills Q1. Your teacher will read the story. “The Olympic Champion and the Ducks.” Listen carefully and say whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False statements in the brackets. A. 1.The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia. (T) 2. Olympic Games are held once in a year. (F) 3. Bobby Pearce learnt sculling from his father. (T) 4. When Bobby won his first race, he was six years old. (T) 5. Myers slowed down the boat because he loves animals. (F) 6. People praised Bobby for his kindness towards the innocent creatures. (T) 7. He lost only a single race. (F) 8. He completed thirty-three races in his life. (F) Q2. Given below are some statements expressing the views of some people about sports and games in schools. Discuss them in your group. Each member should either agree or disagree with the statement and give reasons. One member should record while the others give their opinions. After everyone has finished, the group leader can summarise and present the conclusions before the class. Sports/games slow down students’ progress in their studies. When school children participate in sports/games, they become tired. UNIT 7 28

LESSON 1-P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL Girls should not be encouraged to participate in sports/games When girls take part in sports/games, they become masculine and insensitive. Participating in sports/games is a mere waste of time. Sports/games spoil the entire career of students. The success rate is very low in sports/games. A. 1. All our group members disagreed with the statement that sports / games slow down students progress in their studies. 2. All our group members disagreed with the statement that girls should not be encouraged to participate in sports / games. Nowadays, girls show unusual skill in all the areas. In some areas, they even better boys. So, girls too should be encouraged to participate in sports / games. 3. All our group members disagreed with this statement too. It is a foolish to say that sports make girls masculine and insensitive. The examples of so many sportswomen proves so. 4. All our group members disagreed with this. They opined that participating in sports / games give us a chance to prove ourselves. We learn how to interact in a team. We develop sportsmanship, leadership qualities, teamwork and communication skills. We maintain good health. We learn to treat both victory and defeat equally. All these qualities would be helpful when we grow up. 5. Our group entirely disagreed with this statement. In fact, sports / games provide us a good chance to reach higher positions. In each and every professional course, sports / games quota is observed separately. Also, there are numerous players who have made a mark in sports / games through sheer dedication. 6. Opinions over this statement are divided. Many felt that with advanced techniques and sports goods a difference can be made. Some opined that success rate is low because of strong parental beliefs that there is no future in sports / games. People's mindset is changing. But there is a still a long way to go. 7. We concluded that with proper support from parents and of course, the government, achieving success won't be difficult. Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal, Sachin Tendulkar, Abhinav Bindra, Mary Kom, Geeta Phogat are some sports persons who parents supported and stood by them. UNIT 7 29

SESSION 7 INDIAN CRICKET TEAM – READING 7.1 Reading and Comprehension - Word Meaning Noun Verb fence toss (here) boundary to throw lightly Adjective tense nervous and blazing not able to relax burning brightly 7.2 Reading and Comprehension - Summary Cricket is a game that brings together the whole of the Indian nation. In this poem, the victory of the Indian Cricket team and the might of the Indian players are depicted. Dhoni becomes the boss of the game when the umpire tosses the coin. Gambhir’s century would make Bret lee suffer a knee injury. Sehwag gets Ponting tensed with his boundaries. The third umpire declares Taylor out when his run out is taken. Even the blazing sun cannot stop the Indian team from scoring the runs. The Indian cricket team proudly lifts up the cup they win. Self–Assessment How well did I read? Fill in the boxes using yes / somewhat / no. I enjoyed reading the poem. I got the idea of the poem on my own. I got the idea with the help of my friends in the group. The teacher helped me to understand the poem. I used the glossary given at the end of the poem. UNIT 7 30

SESSION 8 INDIAN CRICKET TEAM – LITERATURE 8.1 Literature - QA Q1. Do you like the poem? Give reason for your answer. A. ( write Yes, I like the poem or No, I don’t like this poem) ( give reason for liking or disliking the poem) Q2. Write a similar poem by changing the names of players of another cricket match. A. When umpire tosses the coin, Gavaskar is the boss. When Sachin hits a century, Ratnayake has an arm injury. When Srikanth hits a sixer, Ranathunga gets a blister When De Silva’s run out, It is their teams time out When India is in need of ten runs, A six and a four is got at once. When India gain the victory, Our name is in history. UNIT 7 31

SESSION 9 RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT – READING 9.1 Reading and Comprehension - Word Meaning Verb growled glaring made a deep, rumbling staring angrily sound to express anger swung streaked (past tense of swing) moved very fast in a specified direction moved with a wide curved movement scampering to move in a hurry Noun innings century a period of time in a a hundred game during which a team or a single UNIT 7 player is batting 32

LESSON 3-RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT Adverb firmly in a strong way 9.2 Reading and Comprehension - Summary This story written by Ruskin Bond is about a boy named Ranji. He was the youngest member of his cricket team. During a match with a visiting team, sixty runs had to be made for victory and only one good batsman remained, who was Ranji. But Ranji was out without scoring any runs and the visiting team won. Ranji’s coach told him that he has to score more runs and do better next time to stay in the team. He was very upset. While walking back home, Ranji passed by the Sports Shop of Mr. Kumar, a State player who once scored a century against Tanzania. On being questioned by Mr. Kumar, Ranji told him about his performance in the match. Mr. Kumar then gave him his lucky old bat with which he scored a century. Ranji spent a week nervously waiting for the Saturday’s match. He practiced with his neighbour Koki, who would bowl to him in his garden. On Saturday, the team captain Suraj won the toss and chose to bat. The visiting spin bowlers took down two wickets along with the team captain Suraj. When it was Ranji’s turn, the first ball streaked past the bowlers scoring four runs, which was followed by many more boundaries. He was not out with a score of fifty–eight and the school won the match. On his way back home Ranji stopped at Mr. Kumar’s shop and told him about his victory and that the bat truly was a lucky one. UNIT 7 33

SESSION 10 RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT – LITERATURE 10.1 Literature - QA Q1. What kind of inspiration do you get from this incident? A. One must not lose confidence under any circumstances. With determination, one can achive anything. One must not lose heart when one faces a defeat. We must continue to try to reach our goal without giving up. Q2. What role did Mr. Kumar play in making Ranji successful? A. Ranji had talent but he was not confident enough. He lost confidence in himself when he scored only a few runs in his past match. When Kumar gave him his lucky bat, Ranji’s confidence level soared and he scored an unbeaten 58 runs. In this way, Mr. Kumar played an important role in making Ranji successful. Q3. Have you been inspired by anyone in any field like the one above? if so, describe him/her. A. (Yes, I have been inspired by the life story of or No, I have not been inspired by the life story of anyone). ( describe the person who inspires you) Q4. Do you think that the bat was really a lucky one? Do you believe in such things? Share your ideas with your group. A. Yes, I think that the bat was really a lucky one. (or) No, I do not think so. (Give reasons for your answer). UNIT 7 34

---------- CCE BASED PRACTICE QUESTIONS------------ Chapter-1: P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. Milkha Singh, also known as the Flying Sikh, is a former Indian track and field sprinter who was introduced to the sport while serving in the Indian Army. Milkha Singh was born on 20th November, 1935. His birthplace was Govindpura, a village in the Punjab Province of British India (now Muzaffargarh District, Pakistan) in a Sikh Rathore Rajput family. He was orphaned during the Partition, when his parents, a brother and two sisters were killed in the violence that ensued. Mikha was persuaded by his brother, Malkhan, to attempt to join the Indian Army. He successfully gained entrance in his fourth attempt, in 1951. While Milkha was stationed at the Electrical Mechanical Engineering Centre in Secunderabad, he was introduced to athletics. As a child, he had run the 10km distance to and from school. Milkha finished sixth in a compulsory cross-country run for new recruits and was selected by the army for special training in athletics. Milkha Singh was the only Indian male athlete to win an individual athletics gold medal at the Commonwealth Games until Vikas Gowda won the discus gold medal at the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Milkha also won gold medals in the 1958 and 1962 Asian Games. He represented India in three consecutive Olympics – the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome and the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The race for which Singh is best remembered is his fourth-place finish in the 400 meters final at the 1960 Olympic Games. Singh’s fourth-place time of 45.73 became the Indian national record which he held for almost 40 years. I. Choose the right answer. 1. What was the nickname of Milkha Singh? [] A. Lightning Singh B. The Flying Sikh C. The Fastest Arrow D. The Shooting Star. 2. Who influenced Milkha to join the Army? [] A. Father B. Brother C. Teacher D. Sister UNIT 7 35

P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL 3. Who introduced Milkha into sports? [] A. Malkhan B. Vikas Gowda C. The Army D. Rajput family II. Answer the following questions. 1. What was Milkha Singh’s best remembered achievement? 2. What activity in Milkha’s childhood helped him later to gain entry into athletics? 3. How did Milkha Singh become a member in the army? III. Write the meaning of the following words from the passage. 1. sprinter - 2. ensue - 3. recruit - /%#$4,#16 '22*/.  I. A list of sports terms are given below in Column A. Match them to the appropriate sport they belong to in Column B. Column A Column B 1. decathlon [] a) billiards 2. alley [] b) chess 3. spider [] c) football 4. plodder [] d) athletics 5. gambit [] e) table tennis 6. full toss [] f) badminton 7. dribble [] g) volley ball UNIT 7 36

P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL 8. double eagle [] h) boxing 9. Seemiller [] i) cricket 10. lollipop [] j) golf II. Write down the opposites of the given words 1. patient × 2. tiny × 3. systematic × 4. enhance × 5. rural × III. Correct the errors in the numbered sentences and write them down. 1. Usha had a regular train run on the beach of Payyoli. (2) She preferred to be trained lonely. (3) The vast of the beach gave her a sense of freedom. (4) She ran joyfully and freely, and she derived her strength in the serenity and peace of her beloved Kerala surroundings. (5) Mr. Nambiar introduced her sand training in her programme to enhance her performance in the athletics. IV. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. In 1975, Usha was 11 years old and was practising vigorously for the sub-junior District Meet – her first ever. With three days to go, Usha badly injured her heel, while practicing for the long jump. The day of the event; all eyes were on her; she was so puny, so unbelievably tiny that she was the crowd’s favourite even before the race started. A white bandage on her heel won her even more sympathy. She came first in all the four events she participated in -100m, 200m, long jump and high jump. She was also the individual champion at the Meet. UNIT 7 37

1. What is the meaning of: a) vigorously P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL A. b) puny 2. What part of speech is the word: individual? A. 3. Make a sentence using the word ‘tiny’. A. 4. She came first in all the four events she participated in. (Change into Past Perfect Tense.) A. 1#--#1 '22*/.  I. Arrange the adjectives in the correct order and rewrite the sentences. 1. Rectangular, interesting blue, small, the car is parked in my space. A. 2. I bought a silk, long, Italian, red, beautiful, tie. A. 3. My uncle lives in a brick, ancient, gigantic, lovely house. A. 4. They all received new small gold dazzling several coins. A. 5. She owns a brown, large, old, stunning dog named Boris. A. UNIT 7 38

P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL II. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in the brackets. 1. The car has stopped _________________ twice today. (work) 2. I promise to _______________________ neatly from today onwards. (write) 3. Varun enjoys _______________________ to music. (listen) 4. I can’t help ______________________ chocolates whenever I see them. (eat) 5. Rekha forgot ______________________ her homework yesterday. (do) III. Fill in the blanks using the given choices. Write only letters (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E) as your answers. It was November 1973 when a _______(1) Physical education teacher called Balakrishnan discovered Usha while ________(2) with a parent. His eyes, ever ____________(3), kept drifting to a group of small girls playing blind man’s bluff just across the field. __________(4) there a pair of feet that were moving extraordinarily fast? Was that tiny, dark girl in her blue skirt and white blouse moving like an instinctive____________ (5)? 1. (A) dedication (B) nice (C) dedicated (D) nicely 2. (A) conserving (B) playing (C) conversing (D) searching 3. (A) watchful (B) seeing (C) blinking (D) looking 4. (A) Was (B) Where (C) Why (D) How 5. (A) sportswoman (B) jumper (C) athlete (D) runner Conventions of Writing '22*/.  I. Read the following passage and rewrite it using proper punctuation marks. he asked what’s your name child the shy little girl hardly raised her eyes from ground usha she whispered and added from Class IV UNIT 7 39

Creative Writing P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL '22*/. I. You are interested in becoming a member of the Youth Sports Club in your locality. Write a letter to the Secretary of the Sports Club, asking him about the procedure for membership. Also, mention your interest and talent in various sports. UNIT 7 40

P.T. USHA, THE GOLDEN GIRL II. Observe the picture and write in about 120 words the thoughts that come to your mind. (Hints: Festival - Dasara - Bommala Koluvu - The girl is dressed for a special occasion - the setting is something like a puja - all her toys are kept in front of the goddess - a family member probably asked her to pose for the photograph) UNIT 7 41

Chapter 2: INDIAN CRICKET TEAM '#&*.( #.& /-01')'.2*/. .2''. #22#(' '22*/. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow: Choose Your Sports By Martin Dejnicki Let’s turn off our video games, and run outside from so many sports, we may choose and decide. Baseball, soccer, and basketball are fun, Let’s grab some friends, and play in the sun. In baseball, you will be, running around, When you hit the ball, it’s a beautiful sound. In soccer, you pass the ball, using your feet, Drink lots water, and watch out for the heat. In basketball, the best sound, is a swish, Making ten in a row, is a wonderful wish. Whatever sports, you decide to play, Enjoy them with friends, each and every day. I. Choose the right answer. 1. Which of the following sports is not mentioned in the poem? [ ] A. Baseball B. Soccer C. Basketball D. Cricket 2. In the line – ‘making ten in a row’, what does ten refer to? [ ] A. Baskets B. Runs C. Marks D. Throws UNIT 7 42

THE INDIAN CRICKET TEAM 3. Which of the following is not true according to the poem? [ ] A. We should drink lots of water. B. We should switch off our video games and play outside. C. We should enjoy playing sports alone. D. We may choose from so many sports. II. Write rhyming words for the given words from the poem. 1. outside - 2. around - 3. swish - Creative Writing '22*/.  I. Everyone likes to play games. Which game do you like the most? Imagine that you are a sports person. Write about the sports you play in 8-10 sentences. You can include- name of the game, rules, things required, number of players and the competition held. UNIT 7 43

CHAPTER 3: RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT '22*/. '#&*.( #.& /-01')'.2*/. .2''. #22#(' I. Read the following passage to answer the questions given below. One day a father took his young son on a trip to the country with the purpose of showing him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” “Very good, Dad!” “Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked. “Yeah!” “And what did you learn?” The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches into the middle of the garden, they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole area.” When the little boy had finished, his father was speechless. His son added, “Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are!” Isn’t it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humour and a positive attitude towards life, you’ve got everything!You can’t buy any of these things. You can have all the material possessions you can imagine, but if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing! I. Choose the right answer. 1. Where did the father and son spend a day and a night? [ ] D. In a field A. In a hotel B. In a cottage C. In a farm 2. Which among the following is a thing that you can buy? [] A. Garden B. Love C. Family D. positive attitude II. Answer the following questions. 3. Why did the father take his son to the country? 4. What did the boy understand from his trip? 5. ‘it all depends on the way you look at things’ – Explain. UNIT 7 44

RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT III. Write the meaning of the following words from the passage. 1. imported - 2. creek - 3. patio - IV. Write the opposites of the following words from the passage. 1. imported × 2. whole × /%#$4,#16 '22*/. I. Correct the errors in the numbered sentences and write them down. The score stand at fifty-three for four wickets. (2) Another sixty runs had to be made for success, and only one good batsman remained. (3) All the rest were bowlers which could not make many runs. It was Ranji’s turn to bat. (4) He was most young member of the team, only eleven but strong and bold. Ranji prepared to face the bowler. (5) The hard, shiny, red ball come speeding towards him. UNIT 7 45

RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT II. Read the paragraph and answer the questions. He walked slowly to the wicket. The bowler took a short run and then the ball was twirling towards Ranji. And then a thrill ran through Ranji’s arm as he felt the ball meet the bat. CRACK! The ball hit firmly with the middle of Ranji’s bat, streaked past the helpless bowler and sped towards the boundary. Four runs! And that was only the beginning. Now Ranji began to play all the strokes he knew. He sent the fielders scampering to all corners of the field. 1. What is the meaning of: (a) scampering (b) twirling A. 2. What part of speech is the word: firmly? A. 3. Make a sentence using the word ‘streaked’. A. 4. He sent the fielders scampering to all corners of the field. (Change into Present tense.) A. 1#--#1 '22*/.  I. Fill in the blanks using the given choices. Write only letters (A), (B), (C), (D), or (E) as your answers. Ranji took the bat and gazed at it with ________ (1) and delight. “Is it really the bat you made a century ________ (2)?” he asked. “It is,” said Mr. Kumar. “It ___________ (3) get you a hundred runs too!” Ranji spent a __________ (4) week waiting for Saturday’s match. He asked Koki the girl next door, to bowl to him in the garden. Koki bowled ______ (1) well. 1. (A) suspense (B) disbelief (C) awe (D) feeling (D) from 2. (A) for (B) with (C) for (D) would (D) relaxed 3. (A) may (B) can (C) should (D) rather 4. (A) nervous (B) nervously (C) tension 5. (A) quite (B) quiet (C) too UNIT 7 46

RANJI’S WONDERFUL BAT Conventions of Writing Session  I. Read the following passage and punctuate using proper punctuation marks. on his way home ranji stopped at mr kumars shop we won he said and i made fifty-eight- my highest score so far it really is a lucky bat Creative Writing '22*/.  I. Your school planned to conduct a drawing competition on the occasion of children’s day. Imagine that you are the head student of your school and write a notice inviting the students. UNIT 7 47

SESSION 1 6/*5 HALF THE PRICE – READING Oral Discourse Enact the scene depicted in the above picture. Hints: • Choose a friend to assign the role (gatekeeper and the man with the basket) • Plan a conversation where the gatekeeper is questioning the man about the basket • The man informs the gatekeeper about the contents of the basket. • You can decide if the gatekeeper allows/disallows the man to enter the gate 1.1 Reading and Comprehension - Word Meaning Verb set off cheat to begin a journey to behave in a dishonest way Noun lash a hit with a whip whip a long thin piece of rope or leather UNIT 8 48

LESSON 1-HALF THE PRICE 1.2 Reading and Comprehension - Summary This story is about Jalraj, a wise old fisherman who lived in a town near the Arabian Sea. He wanted to get his daughter married but he did not have enough money. Following the advice of his friends, he decided to take the help of the Raja who ruled their town. One day, he caught a very big fish in his net. He took this as a gift to the Raja. The gatekeeper at the Raja’s palace did not let him in. He demanded Jalraj to share with him, half the price of whatever the Raja would give for the fish. Jalraj agreed and the gatekeeper let him go inside to see the king. Jalraj paid his respects to the Raja and placed the fish at his feet. The Raja who heard about Jalraj’s wisdom earlier, requested him to stay for dinner and asked him what he wanted in return. Jalraj requested the Raja to give him two hundred lashes. The Raja was taken aback at this strange request. He refused at first but had to finally agree, as Jalraj insisted. When Jalraj was about to be whipped, he asked the king to call the gatekeeper inside. The gatekeeper was called in and Jalraj asked the Raja to give a hundred lashes to the gatekeeper. The fisherman explained to the shocked gatekeeper that he was getting two hundred lashes for the fish and based on their agreement half the price would be a hundred lashes. The Raja understood the situation. He immediately ordered his men to give all two hundred lashes to the gatekeeper and dismissed him from his service. The Raja appreciated Jalraj for his cleverness and wisdom and promised to get his daughter married to the bridegroom of his choice. Self–Assessment How well did I read? Fill in the boxes using yes / somewhat / no. I enjoyed reading the play. I got the idea of the play on my own. I got the idea with the help of my friends in the group. The teacher helped me to understand the play. I used the glossary given at the end of the play. UNIT 8 49

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