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1 MATHEMATICS WORKBOOK PART-2 Name: ____________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: ______ School: ____________________________

Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. ClassKlap presents the latest version of the VISA NEP series – updated and revised after considering the perceptive feedback and comments shared by our experienced reviewers and users. Designed specifically for CBSE schools, the VISA NEP series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005. Therefore, our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. The aim of the NCF 2005 regarding Mathematics teaching is to develop the abilities of a student to think and reason mathematically, pursue assumptions to their logical conclusion and handle abstraction. The VISA NEP Mathematics textbooks and workbooks for CBSE schools offer the following features:  Structured as per Bloom’s taxonomy to help organise the learning process according to the different levels involved  Student engagement through simple, age-appropriate language  Supported learning through visually appealing images, especially for grades 1 and 2  Increasing rigour in sub-questions for every question in order to scaffold learning for students  W ord problems based on real-life scenarios, which help students to relate Mathematics to their everyday experiences  Mental Maths to inculcate level-appropriate mental calculation skills  S tepwise breakdown of solutions to provide an easier premise for learning of problem-solving skills  S upplemental practice questions included at the end of each chapter, for revision and exam preparation Overall, the ClassKlap VISA NEP Mathematics textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books aim to enhance logical reasoning and critical thinking skills that are at the heart of Mathematics teaching and learning. – The Authors

I Recall I Remember and Understand Aims at revising the prerequisite Provides opportunities for practising knowledge for the concept from the basic elements involved in the the previous year/chapter/ learning of the concept concept/term I Apply Applies the understanding of the concept to questions related to real-life scenarios I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Extends the concept to more advanced and challenging questions that meet the criteria of higher order thinking skills Practice Questions Aims at revising the chapter with supplemental practice questions

Class 1 5 Subtraction 5.1 Subtract 1-digit and 2-digit Numbers.....................................1 6 Time 6.1 Earlier and Later........................................................................7 6.2 Long and Short........................................................................10 7 Money 7.1 Identify Common Currency Notes and Coins.....................19 7.2 Put Together Small Amounts of Money................................23 8 Measurements 8.1 Measure Short Lengths Using Non-Standard Units...............29 8.2 Compare Heavy and Light Objects.....................................33 9 Data Handling 9.1 Collect, Represent and Interpret Data.................................43

Chapter Subtraction 5 Concept 5.1: Subtract 1-digit and 2-digit Numbers 5.1 I Recall Multiple Choice Questions Look at the objects given. A few of them are crossed out in each question. Write the remaining number of objects. 1) [ ] ] (A) 6 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 4 ] 2) [ [ (A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 5 3)  (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 [] 5.1 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The difference between 6 and 3 is _______. (A) 6 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 3 1

5) In the given picture, cross out the table with only 2 items. How many tables are left?  [ ] (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 9 (D) 6 6) In the given picture, cross out the animals which can fly. Find the number of animals left. [] (A) 10 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 8 Fill in the Blanks 7) 5 – 1 = ______________ 8) A line on which we write numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on is called a ___________________________. 9) The symbol for subtraction ‘–’ is read as __________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Using fingers, subtract 6 from 7. Solution: 11) Cross out the kids with balls in the picture. How many kids with other activities remain? 2

Solution: O 12) Solve the following: 9 –6 Short Answer Questions 13) Subtract 3 from 9 using the number line. Solution: 14) Subtract 34 from 77 using vertical subtraction. Solution: TO – Subtraction 3

5.1 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Ram has 10 chocolates while Rita has 20 chocolates. How many more chocolates does Rita have? Solution: Short Answer Questions 16) There are 45 students in 2 groups. If one group has 22 students, find the number of students in the other group. Solution: 17) Jharna baked 14 cookies for her school cookie festival. If she sold 12 cookies, how many cookies were left? Solution: 5.1 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Malti has 15 fruits. Her friend Leela has 25 fruits. Both want an equal number of fruits. How many fruits should Leela give to Malti? Solution: 4

Practice Questions 1) Solve using fingers: a) 9 – 2 b) 8 – 3 c) 5 – 2 2) Subtract 4 from 5 by writing the numbers in columns. 3) Fill in the blanks. OOOOO 7 86 –6 –5 – – –4 3260 4) Subtract 3 from 8 by writing the numbers in columns. 5) Maya had 46 marbles. She kept 6 of them in box. How many marbles are left? 6) Subtract the numbers using the number line. a) 2 from 4 b) 4 from 6 c) 1 from 3 d) 6 from 9 e) 1 from 8 f) 1 from 1 7) Subtract 51 from 72 by writing the numbers in columns. 8) Box A has 3 pens. Box B has 2 pens more than Box A. Box C has 3 pens more than Box B. How many more pens are there in Box C than Box B and Box A together? 9) Solve using vertical subtraction: a) 76 – 43 b) 82 – 21 c) 44 – 21 10) Fill in the blanks. TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 89 78 7 8 97 –6 3 – – 3 – 8 – 5 – 8 – 4 6 67 52 11 40 00 00 11) Subtract 46 from 99 by writing the numbers in columns. 12) Nirupam has a fish tank. It had 2 fishes till Sunday. His father bought 1 fish on Monday, 1 fish on Tuesday and 2 fishes on Wednesday. How many more fishes did Nirupam’s father bring than the number of fishes till Sunday? Subtraction 5

13) Solve using number line: a) 6 – 5 b) 3 – 2 c) 7 – 4 14) Aditya has 16 biscuits. He gave a few of them to his sister. Now, he is left with 9 biscuits. How many biscuits did he give to his sister? 15) Subtract the numbers by the vertical or column method. a) 4 from 5 b) 6 from 6 c) 65 from 77 d) 44 from 88 e) 80 from 90 f) 25 from 86 16) Sony has 9 matchsticks. His sister Honey has 4 matchsticks less than Sony. How many matchsticks are there with Honey? 17) Subtract 69 from 69 by writing the numbers in columns. 18) Hamza drew 16 rectangles. Reshma drew 29 rectangles. Who drew more and by how many? 1 9) A shopkeeper sold 29 balls on Monday. He sold 19 balls on Tuesday. How many less balls did he sell on Tuesday than Monday? 20) Ronald has 40 toy cars. Raheem has 10 toy cars less than Ronald. Ramana has 10 toy cars less than Raheem. Find the number of toy cars with Ramana? 6

Chapter Time6 Concept 6.1: Earlier and Later 6.1 I Recall [ ] (D) evening ] Multiple Choice Questions ] 1) Ravi can see the rising Sun every __________________. [ (A) night (B) morning (C) afternoon (D) evening 2) Sunita has her dinner every ______________. (A) afternoon (B) night (C) morning [ 3) People eat breakfast in the _______________. (D) evening (A) night (B) morning (C) afternoon 6.1 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) The time at 12 noon is called ___________. [] (A) morning (B) mid-day (C) midnight (D) afternoon 5) What do you say to your parents when you get up in the morning? [ ] (A) Good morning (B) Good afternoon (C) Good evening (D) Good night 6) The Sun rises in the ___________. [] (A) afternoon (B) evening (C) morning (D) midnight 7

Fill in the Blanks 7) The time between 12 midnight and 12 noon is called ___________________. 8) Earlier or ___________________ are words used for events happening at different times. 9) The time 12 o’clock at night is called ___________________. Very Short Answer Questions Tick () activities done earlier. Cross out () activities done later. 10) climbing up the rope 11) finishing the race 12) planting trees 8

Short Answer Questions 13) Tick the activity which comes earlier. a) painting the wall b) filling water 14) Arrange the following activities. Begin from what you do earlier. wearing shoes, having lunch at school, wearing socks, going to school Solution: 6.1 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Which part of the day do the pictures show? Time 9

Solution: Short Answer Questions 16) Write two activities you do in the - a) morning – b) evening – 17) When do you go to school? When do you return from school? Solution: 6.1 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) a) Sam completed his homework after his dinner. When did he do his homework? b) After school, Raju went to a party. When did he go to the party? Solution: Concept 6.2: Long and Short 6.2 I Recall [] Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of these activities is done earlier? (A) showering (B) waking up in the morning (C) having dinner (D) having lunch 10

2) Rajesh is making a word from the given image. Which of the following ] steps comes later than the others? [ (A) (B) (C) (D) 3) F our animals went to the pond, one by one. Which picture comes earlier than the others? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) Time 11

6.2 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) Which of these takes the least time to get filled? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) 5) Which of the following takes the most time? [] (A) cutting vegetables and making food (B) eating food (C) filling water in a glass and drinking (D) eating chocolate 6) Which of the following takes the least time? [] (A) brushing teeth (B) taking a shower (C) wearing uniform (D) tying shoe laces Fill in the Blanks For each event, write more or less in the blank. 7) Reading a page takes ______________ time than reading a book. 8) Filling a glass with water takes ______________ time than filling a bucket. 9) Baking a cake takes ______________ time than eating a biscuit. 12

Very Short Answer Questions Which of the following takes more time? 1 0) growing a plant growing a tree Solution: 11) filling water in a bucket filling water in a glass Solution: 12) walking running Solution: Time 13

Short Answer Questions 13) Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box: more time, less time a) saying a to z or saying 1 to 100 _______________ ________________ b) eating four grapes or eating four apples _______________ ________________ 14) Tick the activity that takes less time than the other. a) b) 14

6.2 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Which activity will take less time than the other – riding on the back of a camel or travelling by bus? Solution: Short Answer Questions 16) Tick the activities that take more time. a) b) 17) On which two activities do you spend more time in the evening? Solution: Time 15

6.2 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Observe the class timetable given below. Answer the questions that follow. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Music English Library Story English Maths telling 2 Maths Maths Maths Story Recitation EVS telling 3 A/V PT English EVS EVS Story telling 4 EVS EVS EVS A/V PT English 5 Story Drawing Drawing English Story – telling telling 6 Dance Dance Drawing Games Games – a) How many drawing periods are there in a week? b) Which period is more in number on a Thursday? Solution: 16

Practice Questions Read the questions and find the part of the day when the activities happened. 1) Maya’s father took her to buy clothes after coming home from school. When did they go to the shop? 2) How can we say whether it is night or day? 3) Srija brushed her teeth and went to play on a Sunday. When did she go to play? Arrange the following from what you do earlier to later. 4) reading and writing in school, playing, coming from school, brushing teeth 5) eating food, paying bill, ordering food, leaving the restaurant Look at the pictures below. State which picture shows day and which picture shows night. 6) 7) Which activity in each of the pairs will take longer to finish? 8) drinking a glass of water or drinking a glass of hot milk 9) travelling to other city or travelling to other part of your city Time 17

Which activity in each of the pairs will take shorter time to finish? 10) washing clothes or watching a movie 11) eating samosa or eating biryani 12) Write ‘E’ for earlier activity and ‘L’ for later activity. 13) Name a work that can be done: a) after breakfast b) before breakfast 14) Write ‘M’ for more time and ‘L’ for less time to finish the activity. 15) Number the containers as 1, 2, 3. The container that takes the least amount of time to fill is numbered 1. The one that takes the most amount of time is numbered 3. a) b) 18

Chapter Money7 Concept 7.1: Identify Common Currency Notes and Coins 7.1 I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) The early coins were made of _____________. [ ] ] (A) gold and silver (B) bronze and silver ] (C) bronze and gold (D) copper and gold 2) Which one of the following activities can we do with money? [ (A) buy vegetables (B) chop vegetables (C) cook vegetables (D) boil vegetables 3) What do we give the shopkeeper to buy things? [ (A) toffees (B) stones (C) marbles (D) money 7.1 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) Which of the following coins are used in India? [ ] [ ] (A) ` 3 (B) ` 1 (C) ` 6 (D) ` 20 [ ] 5) How is 1 rupee written? (A) ` 1 (B) 1 ` (C) 1 R (D) 1 r 6) Identify the given currency. (B) a coin of ` 2 (A) a note of ` 2 (D) a note of ` 5 (C) a coin of ` 5 19

Fill in the Blanks 7) 100 paise = ________ rupee 8) The money used in a country is called its ___________________________. 9) The notes and coins used to buy things is called ________________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Is the following a note or a coin? Write its value. Solution: 11) Write the value of the following note. Solution: 12) Write the value of the following note. Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Write in figures and words. 20

Solution: 14) Write in figures and words. Solution: 7.1 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Write the price of the object given. Solution: `5 Short Answer Questions 16) Guess and tick the correct price of the following objects. a) a bouquet of flowers b) a bat ` 200/` 10 ` 5/` 100 Money 21

17) Guess and circle the price of the following items. a) a bunch of balloons b) an eraser ` 1/` 50 ` 5/` 50 7.1 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Deepti has a note each of ` 500, ` 50 and ` 100. The box shows some items with their rates. Write the names of the items that Deepti can buy for: a) ` 500 b) ` 50 c) ` 100 Select only one item for each amount. Item Price Item Price a dress ` 500 balloons ` 50 a t-shirt ` 200 ` 100 22 an ice cream

Solution: Concept 7.2: Put Together Small Amounts of Money 7.2 I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) is written in figures as ____________. [ ] (A) ` 10 (B) ` 100 (C) ` 1 (D) ` 50 2) is written in figures as ____________. [ ] (A) ` 2 (B) ` 1 (C) ` 10 (D) ` 50 3) is written in figures as ____________. [ ] [] (A) ` 1 (B) ` 2 (C) ` 50 (D) ` 10 (D) ` 2 7.2 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) ` 1 + ` 3 = __________ (A) ` 1 (B) ` 4 (C) ` 3 Money 23

5) ` 4.50 is read as __________. [] (A) four rupees fifty paise (B) fifty paise four rupees (C) four and fifty rupees (D) rupees four fifty 6) Rupees and paise are separated by a __________. [] (A) dot (B) semicolon (C) comma (D) inverted commas Fill in the Blanks 7) ` 10 + ` 20 = ________ 8) 3 coins of ` 10 make __________________. 9) Money is written in rupees and __________________. Very Short Answer Questions 10) Find the total money. Solution: 11) Find the total amount of money. Solution: 12) Find the total money. Solution: 24

Short Answer Questions 13) Rita has four notes of ` 20 and 4 coins of ` 5. How much money does she have in total? Solution: 14) Saurabh has five notes of ` 10 and 1 coin of ` 1. How much money does he have in all? Solution: 7.2 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Circle the notes used to buy the basket of fruits. ` 100 Short Answer Questions 16) Prabha and Lakshmi have money as shown. How much money does each of them have? Money 25

Prabha: Lakshmi: Solution: 17) Nazeem and Anish have money as shown below. How much money does each of them have? Who has more money? Nazeem: Anish: Solution: 26

7.2 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) A  run buys a pencil box. It costs ` 30. Arun gives the shopkeeper ` 50. The shopkeeper returns ` 20 by giving two notes. Which are the notes that the shopkeeper gave? Solution: Practice Questions How are the following written in figures? 1) a) 9 rupee b) 78 rupees c) 65 rupees 2) Write the value of the given coin in figures and words. 3) Write the value of the given note in figures. 4) Which note will you use to buy a t-shirt that costs ` 100? Money 27

5) Which note will you use to buy a bicycle that costs ` 1951? 6) A  nusha has the following coins and notes. How much money does she have in all? 7) N itya has two notes of ` 20 and 2 coins of ` 5. How much money does she have in all? 8) Circle the coins or notes used to buy a cricket bat worth ` 210. 9) Find the total money. a) ` 5 + ` 10+ ` 2 = _______ b) ` 10+ ` 20+ ` 50 = ________ 10) M aya wants to buy a sweet for ` 5 and a chocolate for ` 12. How much money should she have? 11) H ow many 1-rupee, 2-rupee, 5-rupee and 10-rupee coins together make 20 rupees? 12) How many 10-rupee and 20-rupee notes together make 50 rupees? 13) Akash has three notes of ` 10 and 2 coins of ` 10. Which items from the following can Akash buy? Item Cake Drink Chocolate Chips Cost ` 25 ` 35 ` 30 ` 50 14) R aghu has three notes of ` 20 and 4 coins of ` 10. Akhila has one note of ` 50 and 5 coins of ` 10. Who has more money? 15) Cost of a pen is ` 2. Shika has ` 10. How many pens can she buy? 28

Chapter Measurements 8 Concept 8.1: Measure Short Lengths Using Non-Standard Units 8.1 I Recall Multiple Choice Questions 1) Choose the smallest shape among the following. [ ] (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which of the following is the smallest? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) 3) Which of the following is the tallest lamp? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) 29

8.1 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions ] 4) Hand span, cubit, foot and pace are ______ units of measurement. [ ] (A) non-standard (B) standard (C) both (A) and (B) (D) not 5) How many hand spans represent the [ breadth of the cupboard? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 6) How many cubits is the length of the cloth? [] (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 Fill in the Blanks 7) The breadth of the window is ________ hand spans. 30

8) The width of the race track is ___________ paces. 9) The length of the box is _______ hand spans. Very Short Answer Questions Answer the following using the words - ‘hand span’, ‘cubit’, ‘foot’ or ‘pace’. 10) How will you measure the length of a classroom? Solution: 11) How will you measure the height of a book? Solution: 12) How will you measure the width of a bed? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Which body parts are used to measure hand span, cubit, foot and pace? Solution: Measurements 31

14) Write two objects in your classroom whose length can be measured using hand span and cubit each. Solution: 8.1 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) How will you measure the length of your house? Solution: Short Answer Questions 16) Measure the given items using cubit. Object Number of cubits a) height of a table __________ cubits b) height of a door __________ cubits 17) Measure the given items using hand span. Object Number of hand spans a) TV __________ hand span b) bag __________ hand span 8.1 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Estimate the lengths using hands and feet. Check if your guess is close to the actual measure. 32

Object Estimate Actual Measure Your friend’s height Maths workbook Concept 8.2: Compare Heavy and Light Objects 8.2 I Recall [] Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following animals is the heaviest? (A) (B) (C) (D) 2) Which vehicle is the lightest? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) Measurements 33

3) Which of the following is the lightest? [] (A) (B) (C) (D) 8.2 I Remember and Understand [] Multiple Choice Questions [] 4) Which of the following objects is the lightest? (A) (B) (C) (D) 5) Which of the following is the heaviest? (A) (B) (C) (D) 34

6) Identify the lightest animal among the following. [] (A) (B) (C) (D) Fill in the Blanks Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words ‘Heavy’ or ‘Light’. 7) _____________ _____________ 8) _____________ _____________ 9) _____________ _____________ Very Short Answer Questions Number the following objects from the lightest to the heaviest, where 1 is the lightest and 5 is the heaviest. 10) Measurements 35

11) 12) Short Answer Questions 13) Number the following objects from the lightest to the heaviest, where 1 is the lightest and 3 is the heaviest. a) b) 36

14) Arrange the objects from the heaviest to the lightest. 1 2 3 4 Solution: 8.2 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Circle the heavier object. Short Answer Questions 16) Compare the weights of the objects. Measurements 37

Solution: 17) Tick the heaviest and cross the lightest. 8.2 I Explore (H.O.T.S.) Short Answer Question 18) Answer the following: a) If A (Box A) is heavier than (Box B) B and (Box B) is heavier than (Box C) C , then which box is the heaviest? b) If (a giraffe) is taller than (a deer) and (a deer) is taller than (a rabbit) then who is the shortest animal? 38

Solution: Practice Questions 1) Find the length of the aquarium. 2) Find the length of the door mat. 3) Find the length of the board. Measurements 39

4) Find the height of the plant. 5) Find the distance between two pillars. 6) Find the length of the cycle in hand and leg spans. a) b) 40

7) T he length of a rope is 12 hand spans. The length of another rope is 13 hand spans. What is the total length of both the ropes? 8) F ather’s pace is equal to 5 spans of my hand. I measured the length of the door with my hand span. It is 10 hand spans long. Represent this length in father’s pace. 9) Read the picture and find the length of the rope. 10) A  ditya’s father has two ropes. One is 15 cubits long and other is 10 cubits long. He tries to tie a rope between two polls to hang the wet clothes. The distance between the polls is 12 cubits. Which rope will he use? 11) Write the names of any three objects that are: a) lighter than your school bag. b) lighter than a refrigerator. 12) Write the names of any three objects that are: a) heavier than a door. b) heavier than a bicycle. 13) B ag A has 3 watermelons. Bag B has 15 empty water bottles. Which bag is lighter? 14) If the weight of 12 bananas is equal to the weight of 6 apples, a) h ow many bananas will be equal to the weight of 3 apples? b) how many bananas will be equal to the weight of 12 apples? c) how many apples will be equal to the weight of 4 bananas? Measurements 41

15) Compare the following objects. Write 1 for the lightest and 5 for the heaviest. a) b) c) 42

Chapter Data Handling 9 Concept 9.1: Collect, Represent and Interpret Data 9.1 I Recall Multiple Choice Questions Look at the given shapes and answer the questions. 1) How many are there altogether? [] [] (A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 4 (D) 1 [] 2) How many squares are there? [] (A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 9 (D) 2 43 3) How many are there? (A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 4 9.1 I Remember and Understand Multiple Choice Questions 4) A group of objects put together is called a _____. (A) collection (B) data (C) information (D) none of these

5) Identify the collection in the picture. [] (A) a collection of books (B) a collection of balloons [ ] (C) a collection of shoes (D) a collection of ice creams 6) How many zebras are there in the picture? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 Fill in the Blanks Look at the objects shown below. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 7) The total number of glasses is ________. 8) The total number of toffees is _____. 9) The total number of cupcakes is ______. 44

Very Short Answer Questions Look at the shapes and answer the questions. 10) How many triangles are there? Solution: 11) How many different shapes are there in the given picture? Solution: 12) How many circles are there? Solution: Short Answer Questions 13) Look at the figure and answer the questions. a) How many are there? b) How many are there? c) How many are there? d) How many are there? Solution: 14) Look at the given picture and answer the questions below. a) How many brinjals are there? b) H ow many fruits and vegetables are there in all? Solution: Data Handling 45

9.1 I Apply Very Short Answer Question 15) Shami had a few erasers, pencils and sharpeners. Look at the picture and find the number of erasers he has. Solution: Short Answer Questions 16) Nisha went to a bakery along with her father. She bought the items given in the picture. Make collections of each type of item. Solution: Items Collection No. of items 46

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