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NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 1 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

Theme 3: Heritage 8 Module 8 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 What is for Dinner? 9 Module 9 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14 My Kite Theme 4: Imagination and Adventure 10 Module 10 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Who is the Winner? 11 Module 11 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 Riya and the Tooth Fairy NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 2 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

Lesson 8 What is for Dinner? Module 8 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Grammar Words related to Language in Use seasons Formal Writing Use of ‘this’, ‘that’, Creative Writing ‘these’ and ‘those’ Question words Make sentences with given words Complete sentences with given words NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 3 1 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

Dictation 2) Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) B C Vocabulary A Words related to seasons The four main seasons are spring, summer, monsoon and winter. Spring is the best season, as it is not too hot or too cold. Flowers start blooming. Many baby birds and animals are born in this season. 2 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 4

Summer is very hot. Everyone enjoys cold drinks and ice creams. It is also the mango season. Monsoon is the rainy season of India. It is very important for farmers. Children love to play in the rain. We see many colourful umbrellas. Winter is cold. We wear sweaters to keep warm. People enjoy drinking hot soup and milk. Exercise 2.1: Circle the word that best describes each picture. One is done for you. 1)  2)    3)   cold  snowing hot windy wet hot cold rainy hot What is for Dinner? 3 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 5 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

4)   5)   6)   rainy sunny  windy winter summer monsoon winter spring monsoon Exercise 2.2: Underline the correct word or words to complete each sentence. One is done for you. 1) It is windy and rainy / sunny and cloudy during a storm. 2) The day is wet and cold / hot and sunny during summers. 3) I like to have hot milk and soup / ice cream and watermelon during the winter. 4) We use sweaters and jackets / umbrellas and raincoats in the rainy season. 5) Spring is the best season because the weather is not hot or cold / snowy and cloudy. 6) It is best to fly kites in spring because it is windy/sunny. Grammar Use of ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’ This is a bicycle. That is a bicycle. 4 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 6

This is a tree. What is for Dinner? 5 That is a tree. These are socks. 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM Those are shirts. These are vegetables. Those are fruits. NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 7

Remember: Near Far this that singular these those plural Can you point out various things in your classroom using ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’? Exercise 3.1: Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ or ‘those’. One is done for you. 1) that book 2) marbles 3) cupcake 4) cup 5) flowers 6) ships 6 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 8

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets. One is done for you. 1) Give me that (these/that) dress. 2) I live in (that/those) house. 3) (That/Those) pencils belong to me. 4) Maya wants (those/this) toy. 5) Give (that/these) gifts to your teacher. 6) (Those/This) picture looks very good. Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blanks with ‘this’, ‘that’, ‘these’ or ‘those’. One is done for you. 1) This house is beautiful. 2) park is far away. 3) I want bag. What is for Dinner? 7 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 9 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

4) colours are very pretty. 5) glasses are mine. 6) dog is friendly. Language in Use Question words Who is your best friend? Where is the Taj What is the name of your Mahal? class teacher? Can you answer the questions given above? Words such as who, where and what are used to ask questions. They are called question words. Question word Use Examples Who Use who to ask questions •  Who will bring the ball tomorrow? about a person or people. • Who will go to the market? 8 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 10

Question word Use Examples Where Use where to ask •  Where does Swami live? questions about a place or position of something/ •  Where is my new bag? someone. Use what in questions •  What do you do in the office? to know more about a •  What is in the box? person, animal, object What or action. Exercise 4.1: Complete each sentence by adding a question word at the beginning and a question mark at the end. One is done for you. 1)     3)      2)    Who sat on my chair? 4)    is your name do you live         5) 6) do you use to cut paper can I find a toy shop wants to come to the market with me Exercise 4.2: Given below are a few answers. Fill in the blanks with the correct question words. One is done for you. 1) We use an umbrella when it rains. Ans. What do we use when it rains? What is for Dinner? 9 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 11 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

2) Meena is on the tree. Ans. is on the tree? 3) Miss Rita is my teacher. is your teacher? Ans. 4) I am drawing a landscape. are you drawing? Ans. 5) It is nine o’clock. is the time? Ans. 6) The keys are in the drawer. are the keys? Ans. Exercise 4.3: Match the answers to the question words. There can be more than one correct question word for each answer. One is done for you. Answer Who What Where 1) M iss Robbins is taking us   to the park. 2) The Red Fort is in Delhi. 3) My favourite hobby is dancing. 4) My school is next to the post office. 5) Paul is my best friend. 6) The favourite colour of Misha is blue. 10 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 12 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

Formal Writing Exercise 5: Match the following to make five correct sentences. One is done for you. 1) Aisha and her brother a) are buying him new clothes for Diwali. 2) Their grandmother b) is a country with many festivals. 3) His parents c) is playing Holi with her friends. 4) Shalini d) are getting ready to celebrate Eid. 5) India e) is telling them a story. 1) Aisha and her brother are getting ready to celebrate Eid. 2) 3) 4) What is for Dinner? 11 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 13 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM

5) Creative Writing Exercise 6: Look at the picture and complete the given sentences about Diwali. Use the phrases in the box. Add a full stop when you complete a sentence.  decorate   lamps   new clothes   sweets   of lights 1) Diwali is the festival 12 2/16/2018 11:09:29 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 14

2) We wear our houses. 3) We 4) We light 5) We eat . What is for Dinner? 13 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 15 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Lesson 9 My Kite Module 9 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Opposites 14 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 16

Dictation 2)  Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1)  3)  4)  5)  6)  7)  8)  B C Vocabulary A Opposites An opposite is a word that is completely different in meaning from another word. Look at the pictures below of a few words and their opposites. My Kite 15 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 17 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Exercise 2.1: Look at the pictures and match the opposites in Column A and Column B. Column A Column B 1) a) 2) b) 3) c) 4) d) 5) e) 6) f) 16 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 18

Exercise 2.2: Match the words in Column A to their opposites in Column B. One is done for you. Column A Column B 1) tall a) small 2) high b) soft 3) clean c) low 4) big d) short 5) hard e) cold 6) hot f) dirty Draw a picture of any one pair of opposites given above to show the difference in the meanings of the words. My Kite 17 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 19 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Lesson 10 Who is the Winner? Module 10 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Grammar Words related to school Language in Use Formal Writing Verbs and helping verbs Creative Writing Punctuation Answer questions about a picture Describe a picture using simple sentences 18 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 20

Dictation 2)  Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1)  3)  4)  5)  6)  7)  8)  B C Vocabulary A Words related to school We go to school almost every day. There are many things that we carry to school or see at school. We also meet different people at school. Who is the Winner? 19 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 21 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Let us read some words that are related to school. Here are a few more words: exam – bell – teacher – school bus – principal – classmates – 20 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 22

Exercise 2.1: Circle the words that are related to school. bedsheet desk P.T. teacher kitchen car bell Exercise 2.2: Find words related to school in the word search below. Use the words in the box to help you. school book blackboard teacher student classroom lesson B F I NS T UDEN TC X B L AC K BOA R DG T E ACH E RWU L S Q O K B OO K P R M F Y L L E S S ONHA Z T VD A J E C L A S S R OOM Grammar Doing words or verbs Riya and her friends are very active. They paint, sing, dance and play. Rahul loves to paint. Riya plays the violin. Anuja clicks pictures, and Varun exercises. The words paint, play, click and exercise are action words or doing words. They are also called verbs. Who is the Winner? 21 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 23 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Helping verbs Some verbs do not show actions but help the main verb to name the action. Such verbs are called helping verbs. Helping verb Usage Example is are used with ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘it’ Rama is doing her homework. am and singular nouns Main verb: doing used with ‘you’, ‘we’, The children are playing in the ‘they’ and plural nouns garden. Main verb: playing used only with ‘I’ I am walking. Main verb: walking Exercise 3.1: Circle the verbs in the sentences given below. One is done for you. 1) I eat an apple every day. 2) I jump on my bed. 3) Birds fly in the sky. 4) Sam rides a bicycle. 5) A deer runs very fast. 6) Rima reads a book. 22 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 24

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with ‘is’, ‘am’ or ‘are’. One is done for you. 1) Anil is swimming in the pool. 2) A ship sailing in the sea. 3) I Meenu. 4) This a lotus flower. 5) They reading. 6) We happy. Exercise 3.3: Look at the words in the box below. Then, look at each picture and choose the verb related to the picture. One is done for you. kick cut ring climb brush wear 1)      2)      kick Who is the Winner? 23 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 25 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

3)   4)    5)   6)    Language in Use Punctuation Read the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences by using the correct punctuation marks and capital letters. new delhi is the capital what is there in the box my birthday is in march of india 24 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 26

Let us recall the use of capital letters and a few punctuation marks. Capital letters and Uses Examples punctuation marks • N ew Delhi is the • U se capital letters to Capital letters begin proper nouns capital of India. (names, places, people). • My book is in the bag. • U se a capital letter for the first letter in a • I ate two pieces of sentence. toast for breakfast. • U se a capital letter for the word ‘I’. • Use a full stop at the • This is my house. end of a sentence. • My brother likes to Full stop eat apples. • U se a question mark at • W here are you the end of a question. going during the holidays? Question mark • W hat is there in the NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 27 box? Who is the Winner? 25 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Exercise 4.1: Read the given sentences. Rewrite them using the rules of punctuation and capital letters. One is done for you. 1) ali and ram are boys Ans. Ali and Ram are boys. 2) the store was closed on monday Ans. 3) what do you like to eat Ans. 4) i love to eat ice cream Ans. 5) the cat jumped on the wall Ans. 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM 26 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 28

6) when is your birthday Ans. Exercise 4.2: Read the given sentences carefully. End each sentence with a full stop or a question mark. One is done for you. In The Garden Do you see the worms? I like growing potatoes An orange fell from a tree Is the Sun out The flowers are pretty Did the bird drop a seed Today is a nice day Planting a garden is fun Who is the Winner? 27 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 29 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Exercise 4.3: Underline the letters that should be in capital letters. Then, rewrite the sentences with capital letters, full stops and question marks wherever needed. One is done for you. 1) rita and renu are good friends Ans. Rita and Renu are good friends. 2) birds use their wings to fly Ans. 3) what is your name Ans. 4) my mother drives a red car Ans. 5) did it rain yesterday Ans. 28 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 30

6) i think february has 28 days Ans. Formal Writing Exercise 5: Read the numbers and connect the dots. Then, colour the picture and answer the questions. One is done for you. Who is the Winner? 29 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 31 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

1) Where is the bug lying? 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM Ans. The bug is lying in the middle of a flower. 2) What is the bug doing? Ans. 3) How many petals does the flower have? Ans. 4) How many leaves are there on the stem? Ans. 5) Give the bug a name. Ans. 30 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 32

6) What is another word for ‘bug’? Ans. Creative Writing Exercise 6: Look at the picture and fill in the blanks to complete the given sentences. Who is the Winner? 31 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 33 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

This is a picture of . There are many . I think live here. The colour of the sky is . I think the picture looks . 32 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 34

I like the . Who is the Winner? 33 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 35 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Lesson 11 Riya and the Tooth Fairy Module 11 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Vocabulary Grammar Alphabetical order Language in Use Describing words – adjectives Formal Writing Simple present tense Creative Writing and present continuous tense Complete sentences about a picture Story writing 34 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 36

Dictation 2)  Exercise 1.1: Word dictation 1)  3)  4)  5)  6)  7)  8)  B C Vocabulary A Alphabetical order The English alphabet starts with the letter ‘A’ and finishes with the letter ‘Z’. We always write the letters of the alphabet in the same order. a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W- X-Y-Z This order is called the alphabetical order. Have you ever noticed your names in the teacher’s attendance register? It is in alphabetical order. It is easy to find names written in the alphabetical order. Riya and the Tooth Fairy 35 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 37 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM

Example: • Read the first letters of the words in the list below. ant, bat, cat, dog, egg, fan, goat We began the list with the word that starts with the letter ‘a’. The next one starts with ‘b’, the next with ‘c’ and so on. Exercise 2.1: Rewrite these words in alphabetical order. One is done for you. milk   cabbage   grapes   onion   dal   banana 1) banana 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Exercise 2.2: Read the words in each group. Number the words (1, 2, 3 and so on) to put them in alphabetical order. Colours Animals Vehicles Family Fruits Things ___ red ___ mouse ___ car ___ mother __ watermelon ___ chair ___ blue ___ tiger ___ train ___ brother ___ mango ___ table ___ yellow ___ bear ___ plane ___ sister ___ pear ___ pencil __ orange ___ giraffe ___ van ___ father ___ strawberry ___ mat 36 2/16/2018 11:09:30 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 38

Grammar Describing words – adjectives We went to a beautiful beach on Sunday. It was a bright day. The big waves of the sea greeted us! My parents had brought tasty sandwiches and juicy apples for us. We were so excited! After playing in the water, we spent time making a sandcastle. Our sandcastle looked strong and grand. All of us were very happy. What can you say about the words ‘beautiful’, ‘bright’, ‘big’, ‘tasty’, ‘juicy’, ‘excited’, ‘strong’, ‘grand’ and ‘happy’? They are describing words or adjectives as they tell us more about nouns. Adjectives that point out the quality of nouns are called adjectives of quality. Riya and the Tooth Fairy 37 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 39 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM

Let us look at some examples. Example Quality black crow colour beautiful crown look quiet church sound big room size triangular flag shape taste spicy food weather snowy morning feel soft blanket 38 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 40

Quality Example behaviour naughty child smell sweet-smelling flowers Exercise 3.1: Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives from the words given in the box. One is done for you. big   cold   clean   dirty   hot   sweet 1) Boiling water is hot. 2) An elephant is . 3) Chocolate is . 4) The socks are . 5) After a bath, Sonu is . 6) Winter is . Riya and the Tooth Fairy 39 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 41 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM

Exercise 3.2: Draw a star on top of the describing words in these sentences. One is done for you. 1)  The ripe mangoes fell off the tree. 2) The fat cat is sitting on the mat. 3) The kind man helped a woman. 4) The birds on the tree sing a sweet song. 5) Reema is walking on the uneven path. 6) That is a strong tree. 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM 40 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 42

Exercise 3.3: Draw or paste a picture of yourself in the box below. Fill in the blanks with words that describe you. hair. 1) I have 2) My eyes are . 3) I am . 4) My clothes are in colour. Riya and the Tooth Fairy 41 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 43 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM

5) My voice is . . 6) My handwriting is Language in Use Simple present tense and present continuous tense Read the sentences below. Sam paints every day. Neha and Atif go to My grandfather reads school at seven o’clock. the newspaper in the afternoon. All these sentences talk about actions that happen regularly or often. They show the simple present tense. Can you think of five actions that you do every day? Write them below. One is done for you. 1) I brush my teeth every day. 2) 42 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 44

3) 4) 5) Now, look at this picture of people in a park. What is happening in it? Riya and the Tooth Fairy 43 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 45 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM

A boy is painting. A girl is riding a bicycle. Two boys are playing near a tree, and a boy is fishing. Another boy is taking a photo of a tree house. The verbs in the above passage show actions that are happening now. The passage is written in the present continuous tense. Can you think of five actions that people around you are doing right now? Write them below. One is done for you. 1) My friend is reading. 2) 3) 4) 5) 44 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 46

Exercise 4.1: Underline the doing words or verbs that are in the simple present tense. One is done for you. 1) I play with my friends every day. 2) The Sun rises in the east. 3) Ramu goes for swimming every day. 4) Sarah likes slow music. 5) Nusrat writes neatly. 6) I read stories every night. Exercise 4.2: Complete each sentence by changing the verb in brackets to the simple present tense. One is done for you. 1) Rita cooks (cooking) breakfast every morning. 2) She (driving) too fast. 3) My mom (bake) the best cakes. (reading) a book 4) I (living) in New Delhi. every night. 5) Manoj 6) We (playing) with our friends every evening. Riya and the Tooth Fairy 45 NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 47 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM

Exercise 4.3: Tick the correct words from the brackets. One is done for you.  1) Tim (swims/swimming) every day. 2) The girl is (dances/dancing) well today. 3) The children are (play/playing) right now. 4) Look! The cow is (eats/eating) grass. 5) The baby is (cry/crying) for milk. 6) They (sell/selling) vegetables in the market. 46 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 48

Formal Writing Exercise 5: Imagine that you have a magic cup. Fill in the blanks with information about adventures with your magic cup. 1) My magic cup in colour. 2) The magic cup can I want. 3) My favourite drink is with . , 4) One day, my friend wished for Riya and the Tooth Fairy 47 and it appeared. 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 49

5) My friends and I have fun with my magic cup. Creative Writing Exercise 6: Number the sentences in the correct order by looking at the pictures. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) • A woodcutter ran to the house and saved Red Riding Hood. [    ] • She told the wolf that she was going to see her Grandma. [    ] • One day, Little Red Riding Hood was sent to see her Grandma. [    ] • The wolf tried to eat Red Riding Hood. [    ] • On the way, she met a wolf. [    ] • The wolf ran to Grandma’s house. He pretended to be Grandma. [    ] 48 2/16/2018 11:09:31 AM NR_181910004_BGM_Maple G1_Workbook English_Term2_text.pdf 50

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