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182120037-Passport-G3-Teacher Companion Book-English-Part1-A

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TEACHER s IMAXs COMPANION ucces BOOK English Latest Edition 3Class Part 1 Module A

Contents – Part 1A Section No./Name Sub-section Sub-section Name Pg. No. 1 IMAX Textbook Features 2 I – Remembering and Understanding 3 (To be read and understood before the 2 IMAX Workbook Features 4 first teaching day and to be revisited 3 IMAX Curriculum Framework 13 during the PSO1) 4 IMAX Teacher Companion Book Features 18 5 Transactional Tips 24 II – Application 6 LSRW in the IMAX Class 26 (To be planned and worked out before 7 Annual Plan – Teaching and Assessments 27 the academic year starts) 8 Annual Planning Tool 28 9 Formative/Periodic Assessment Patterns 30 III – H.O.T.S.: Creating a Rockstar Class 10 Mid-Year/Annual Assessment Patterns 32 (Together, with IMAX inputs and your 11 Teaching Aids List (For Planning) unique approach and implementation 12a Day-wise Lesson Plan – Learning Outcomes Page 35 style, let us create a rockstar classroom) 12b Day-wise Lesson Plan – Content Page 12c Day-wise Lesson Plan – Reflection Page In Part 1C IV – Teacher Reference 13 End-of-Term Reflection (Hints/suggestions for the teacher to 95 refer while answering 14a Teacher Reference for Textbook textbook/workbook questions) In Part 1B 14b Teacher Reference for Workbook 132 V – Appendices 140 (Additional reading resources) 15 How to be a Rockstar Teacher 16a Glossary of Grammar Terms 16b Speaking Rubric

Section I – Remembering and Understanding Usage Tip: To be read and understood before the first teaching day and to be revisited during the PSO1 Sub-Sections: 1. IMAX Textbook Features 2. IMAX Workbook Features 3. IMAX Curriculum Framework 4. IMAX Teacher Companion Book Features 5. Transactional Tips 6. LSRW in the IMAX Class Page 1

Textbook Features Let Us Start Warm Up Activities and questions to Interesting questions to prepare students to focus on arouse curiosity about the pronunciation and help lesson teachers to introduce the lesson Page 2 I Understand I Read Questions to check Variety of literature pieces comprehension of the literature (prose/poetry/drama) piece Questions after the literature – 'Literature comprehension' piece for quick check of under- and 'Value-based questions' standing are only a part of detailed lessons. Language Game Games to improve language I Speak and enhance fluency Activities for students to speak individually or in pairs or Connect the Dots groups on a theme-related topic lAceosmsnonuneltitcdotissPoctthOipheEelinGrtMhasReurySbmsAjeeeccMottsfiotiMnhnethAaRt order to enableSstuTdOenRtsIEtoS A Note to Parent To engage a parent in the relate better to it out-of-classroom learning of their child and conducting WORD MEANINGS activities to reinforce LANGUAGE GAMES the learnt concepts WRITING

Workbook Features Page 3 I Listen Vocabulary Dictation – Words from the lesson Helps to build or sentences with commonly vocabulary with explanations confused spellings for dictation and practice exercises practice Grammar Listening Audio – Questions Introduces and based on an audio piece teaches an aspect of for listening practice (for grammar with explanations and Grades 4 and 5 only) practice exercises Language in Use I Write: Creative Writing Develops an Fosters creative writing skills by aspect of language structure encouraging students to with explanations and practice imaginatively draw from real-life exercises experiences I Write: Formal Writing POEGMRSAMMAR Inculcates writing skills by STORIES introducing formal writing styles by providing samples and WORD MEANINGS adequate practice LANGUAGE GAMES WRITING

Ϭϯ͘/DyƵƌƌŝĐƵůƵŵ&ƌĂŵĞǁŽƌŬ Lesson Grade 1 Grade 2 VOCABULARY Grade 4 Grade 5 1 Words for Pictures (Dolch Spellings and jumbled Grade 3 Prefixes Prefixes 2 Noun List) words Animals and their young Synonyms 3 Names of basic shapes ones Antonyms Spellings: ei, ie, ea and y Number names (tracing) Naming pictures - nature Outdoor activities Make Sentences / Use 4 Words and Their Spellings and jumbled Appropriate Words 5 Sort Colours and Things Meanings - synonyms words 6 Identifying Names of Choosing words as per 7 Vegetables and Fruits Fill in Missing Letters after context 8 Crossword Looking at the Pictures 9 Names of Fruits and Suffixes - 'ness', 'ly', 'ful' and Suffixes - 'ment' and Suffixes: ('ive', 'tion', 'less', 10 Words related to tastes Vegetables 'tion' 'tion' 'able') 11 Sounds That Animals and Animal sounds and Alphabetical order Things Make movements Dictionary guide words Context clues Using a Dictionary 12 Days of the week Larger number names 13 Months of the year (500 and above) Word groups Homophones Synonyms 14 Names of seasons Words and their Words related to seasons meanings - synonyms More on word groups Compound words Ways of Speaking 15 Opposites Opposites Making new words Usage of 'to', 'two' and 16 Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Synonyms 'too' Proverbs 17 Words related to rooms Idioms Making New Words; Words 18 Words related to school and things in a house Synonyms Crossword puzzle and Their Meanings Alphabetical Order Alphabetical Order Words Ending in 'ough' and Magic words - Usage of 'for' and 'since' 'ought' please, sorry, thank you, Rhyming Words; Silent E Synonyms Compound Words excuse me and may I? Words Words with /ks/ sound: Antonyms Usage of 'there', 'their' Antonyms Letter X Sounds and Noises Homophones and 'they're' Homophones Opposites Usage of 'enough' and Feeling words Rhyming Words 'too' Opposites; Rhyming Compound Words Antonyms Usage of 'its' and 'it's' Connectors Words - Names of people with different occupations Usage of 'do' and Synonyms - - Names of musical 'make' More on Homophones instruments - - Antonyms Antonyms - Usage of 'who' and - 'whom' Proverbs - Sounds made by double o - /oo/ - Page 4

PHONICS FRAMEWORK Ln No. Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 1 2 Words with short a sound Start with revision of CVC words - a, e, i Soft and hard 'c' sounds 3 Words with short i sound Start with revision of CVC words - o, u 4 Digraph 'ow' (like a long 'o') v. diphthong Rhyming Words Rhyming Words 'ow' (like in how) 5 6 Rhyming Words 7 8 Words with short o sound Short words ending in a long vowel Difference between 's' and 'sh' 9 sound - eg. no, be, she, so 10 Words with short u sound Difference between 'v' and 'w' 11 Rhyming Words Consonant digraphs (blends) - 'sh' and Rhyming Words 12 'ch' Silent 'b' and 'h' 13 Words with short e sound Rhyming Words 14 15 Consonant digraphs (blends) - soft and hard 'th' sound Words with long a, e sound Initial consonant blends - bl, br, cl, cr Silent 't' and 'w'; Silent 'k' and 'l' Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Words with long i, o sound Initial consonant blends - fl, gl, sk, sl Hard and soft 'g' sounds (gas v. page) Words with long u sound (2 sounds) Initial consonant blends - sm, sn, st, sw gh' and 'ph' pronounced as 'f' (rough, laugh, Rhyming Words Rhyming Words phone, elephant) Rhyming Words CVC words - a and e eg. cat, mat, bat Words with vowel digraph 'ee' eg. feel, se' sounding like 'z' (noise, please, wise) and let, set, get and so on peel, meet, sheep and so on ed' sounding as 'd' v. 'ed' sounding as 't' CVC words - i, o, u eg. lip, sip, bib and Long and short 'oo' sounds eg. moon v. Rhyming Words cot, not, pot as well as cup, mug and good so on Rhyming Words Rhyming Words Grades 4&5 - They will have syllables, syllable stress and pronunciation of commonly mispronounced words. Page 5

Speaking Tasks Grades 1 and 2 Grades 3-5 Sub-Skill Main Skill Type of Speaking Main Skill Sub-Skill Type of Speaking Task Task Listening Listen to others and speak Circle time; Ask and Speak on a range of and topics, express opinions about family, friends and other answer questions; Listening and Public speaking Speaking Speaking and ideas (Individual); Group activity familiar things Show and tell Listening Listening and Develop a topic in an Debate, Group discussion and Poems and stories for Recitation (Individual Speaking organised manner, using recitation on themes related or group) appropriate and relevant Role-play, Recitation Speaking Listening and (individual or group), Story to a child’s life Speaking facts; add descriptive Listening details to support the main telling and Stories for narration; Ask and idea Speaking answer questions about Story telling; Ask and Interpret the speaker's characters, events and places answer questions message (verbal and non- verbal), modulate voice and dramatise, use appropriate body language Listening Ask and answer Listening and Develop conversational Pair discussion; Ask for and and questions; Group Use language for real-life Speaking abilities give directions, Interview Speaking activity Listening Use music to interact with Song Reading and Describe pictures using Picture description and language Speaking appropriate vocabulary Speaking and modifiers Reading Describe pictures Picture reading and Speaking Page 6

Ln Creative Writing No. Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Photo-based writing Join the dots and fill in prompt the blanks (with word Story elements - Photo-based writing Photo-based character 1 box) characters, setting, events prompt (hints) Photo-based writing prompt sketch Draw a picture Editing exercise 1 based on the Biography - hints description (person) Photo-based description Parts of a story - and write a few lines Photo-based character 2 - fill in the blanks beginning, middle, end about it sketch (with prompts) Arranging pictures and/or Colour the picture and sentences in sequence 4 complete the sentences and writing a story Diary Entry (editing) Editing exercise 1 Biography (editing) Arrange the pictures/sentences of the story in correct order and Finish a story (with picture Poster-making 5 write the story. hints) (outline given) Describe a picture using Finish a story (without Look at the picture Finish the story Prompt-based story writing 7 simple sentences hints) and write a story Editing exercise 1 Editing exercise 1 Writing a story - look at Editing exercise Editing exercise 1 pictures and describe the events in simple 8 sentences Describe a picture using Describe objects - picture Finish the story (prompts) 10 simple sentences clues Autobiography (editing) Autobiography (hints) Photo-based Prompt-based story writing story writing - hints Arrange the Character sketch pictures/sentences of the story in correct order and Describe animals or 11 write the story. people - picture clues Photo-based description Story writing with hints 13 - write sentences Story writing - picture clues Diary Entry (editing) Diary Entry (hints) Editing exercise 1 Story writing - hints Character Sketch Write a few sentences on Editing exercise 14 a topic 16 x x x Speech writing (editing) Speech writing (hints) 17 x x x Poster-making (in template) Poster-making Page 7

Ln Grade 2 Formal Writing Grade 4 Grade 5 No. Grade 1 Make sentences - Grade 3 substitution tables Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Tracing letters and Make sentences with the (Explanatory writing - (Explanatory writing - with 1 words x given pictures with prompts) prompts) 1x Make sentences with given words Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing (Explanatory writing - (Explanatory writing - hints) hints) Fill in the blanks - Writing Sentences from Answer questions based on Informal Letter Writing (outline) 2 information about self Picture Clues pictures Editing an informal letter Answer questions based on Informal Letter Writing - 2x x pictures with hints Informal Writing (hints) Fill in the blanks - Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing information about Make sentences with (Explanatory writing - with (Narrative Writing - with (Narrative Writing - with 4 family words picture) prompts) prompts) 4x x Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing (Explanatory writing - with (Narrative Writing - with (Narrative Writing - with Fill in the blanks - Paragraph writing information about (Descriptive - with outline) hints) hints) people and things 5 around you pictures) Note Writing (editing) Informal Letter Writing Editing a report Note Writing (hints) (with hints) 5x x Informal Letter Writing Report Writing (with hints) (independent) Page 8

Ln Grade 2 Formal Writing Grade 4 Grade 5 No. Grade 1 Grade 3 Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Paragraph writing (Narrative writing - with (Persuasive writing - with (Persuasive writing - with 7 Substitution table (Descriptive with hints) picture) prompts) prompts) Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing (Narrative writing - with (Persuasive writing - with (Persuasive writing - with 7x x outline) hints) hints) 8 Substitution table Answer questions Informal Letter (complete Editing an Informal Formal-letter Writing 8x based on pictures the letter by filling gaps) Letter (outline) 10 Answer questions x Informal Letter Writing (with Informal Letter Writing Formal-letter Writing (hints) hints) (with hints) Editing a notice Create simple questions for answers Explanatory Paragraph Paragraph Writing (hints) (Narrative Writing - with given hints) Paragraph Writing (Explanatory Writing - 10 x x Narrative Paragraph (hints) with hints) Notice writing (with hints) Paragraph Writing Informal Letter Writing Edit a Notice Paragraph Writing 11 Complete sentences (Descriptive - pictures) (hints) (Explanatory Writing - with Informal Letter Writing (hints Create a Notice hints) 11 x x - higher order) (unaided) Paragraph Writing (Narrative Writing - with hints) Page 9

Ln Grade 2 Formal Writing Grade 4 Grade 5 No. Grade 1 Grade 3 Paragraph Writing Editing a formal letter Paragraph Writing Create sentences - (Descriptive - hints) Notice Writing (editing) (Research Writing - with 13 words Notice Writing (hints) Formal Letter Writing Note Writing (hints) (with hints) prompts) 13 x x Notice Writing (hints) Paragraph Writing Paragraph Writing Write a few sentences Answer questions (Research Writing - with (Research Writing - with 14 on a topic based on pictures prompts) hints) 14 x x Paragraph Writing Informal Letter Writing (with (Research Writing - with hints) hints) Formal Letter Writing (with hints) Formal Letter Writing 16 x x x (with hints) Report Writing (with hints) Formal Letter Writing 16 x x x (independent) Notice Writing (with hints) Paragraph Writing Informal Letter Writing (Research Writing - with 17 x x x (with hints) hints) Paragraph Writing Formal Letter Writing (Persuasive Writing - with 17 x x x (with hints) hints) Page 10

Class 1 Class 2 Grammar Class 4 Class 5 Class 3 Naming Words: Nouns - Revision of nouns; 1 ex. – Revision of nouns + Revision of nouns Common and Proper Nouns Masculine +Feminine Revision of nouns + Neuter Collective nouns +abstract nouns nouns_1 ex. mixed gender and Common gender Pronouns - Subject Subject pronouns revision Revision + Demonstrative Revision + mixed exercises Doing words: Verbs - Action +introduce object Revision +Relative pronouns pronouns Transitive and intransitive verbs pronouns Irregular verbs - in the past Present participle + past verbs participle Irregular verbs - in the past Use of have and has Revise have, has + Introduce SVO +Subject- verb Subject-verb agreement Direct and indirect object introduce had agreement Articles - Introduction and Articles - Use of a, an, the Articles - Use of a, an, the Use of a, an, the Articles - Revision of Use of Articles - Use of a, an, the +pronunciation aspect of + places where articles 'the ' are not needed a, an, the +pronunciation aspect Use of this, that, those and Possessive pronouns Possessive adjectives + Demonstrative adjectives Demonstrative pronouns + these differentiate from possessive +difference between demonstrative adjectives pronouns demonstrative pronouns Verbs; Helping Verbs Verbs; Helping Verbs Intro to Adverbs; Adverbs of Revision + Adverbs of Revision + Adverbs of time manner degree+ place and frequency Describing words: Adjectives of quantity and Adjectives - degrees (only Adjectives and degrees of Adjectives and degrees of Adjectives - quality number regular); Interrogative comparison (regular and comparison (regular and adjectives irregular) irregular) Use of 'and' Use of 'but' and 'and', 'or' Use of 'but' and 'and', 'or', 'so' Subordinating conjunctions Subordinating Do and does + have and + FANBOYS conjunctions + FANBOYS has Subject, object pronouns Subject, object pronouns +possessive pronouns revision + reflexive pronouns Subject and predicate Direct and indirect object revision + Transitive & Intransitive Interjections Simple & compound Use of, not sentences and more....than Introduction to Gerund Page 11

Class 1 Class 2 Language in Use Class 4 Class 5 Class 3 Punctuation: Capital Revision of Punctuation + Revision of Punctuation+ Revision of Punctuation Letters, Full Stop, comma, exclamation mark Revision of Punctuation comma, exclamation mark +comma, exclamation Question marks +comma, exclamation mark mark, semi colon and colon (basic introduction) Singular - plural Singular plural + (irregular Singular and plural Countable & Uncountable Countable & plurals -Part 1) nouns Uncountable nouns Simple future tense - will, shall Simple present Simple past tense Revision of past continuous Use of 'going to'; Difference Modals of ability and and present continuous between use of 'will' and permission Present continuous Past continuous 'going to' Past perfect Prepositions; in, on, Prepositions - mixed ex. On Present perfect tense + under G1 content; at, at the side present perfect and simple Question Words - Wh of, next to past tense words: Who, What, Where Question words: Revise Prepositions - beside, Prepositions - among, with, Prepositions - towards, G1+When between above, below through, across, to, from Revision Punctuation: Full Stop, Question marks Punctuation: Full Stop, Question Words: What, Who, Negative and positive Transformation of and Capital Letters Question marks and Capital sentences (-ive, +ive; Letters, exclamation mark Where, When, Why, How sentences and questions Questions) Simple present and +comma present continuous Revise contractions+ Revise contractions+ Question tags Revision of Simple present + apostrophe for possession apostrophe for possession simple past; Present continuous +past continuous Simple past, future and Simple past and present present Present and past continuous perfect Prepositions - near, over, Direct and indirect speech; behind, in front of Contractions Use of 'so' and 'because' Use of inverted commas Active-passive Revision of singular- Irregular plurals -Part 2 Irregular plurals plurals + irregular plurals Irregular plurals More irregular plurals Types of sentences - Types of sentences - declarative, interrogative, declarative, interrogative, imperative and imperative and exclamatory (differentiating exclamatory between requests and orders) Order of adjectives Order of adjectives Page 12

04. IMAX Teacher Companion Book Features Indicates the days allocated to cover the lesson For the teacher to indicate the number of days needed to speed up or slow down the plan, if required. Mentions the theme and contains a brief description of the lesson. Bloom’s learning objectives covered under different sections. List of teaching resources that the teacher needs to procure/arrange for before the class. Sections covered Space for the teacher to List of teaching on each day. write notes on lesson resources preparation. provided by IMAX. Page 13

Knowledge that learners are expected to have in order to understand the concept better. This is acquired from the previous lessons or classes. Bloom’s learning objectives covered under different sections. List of teaching resources that the teacher needs to procure/arrange for before the class. Page 14

Indicates the current day Page from the This icon is used to indicate the progress of the out of the total days textbook particular day/period. More details about this allotted for the lesson. icon (or set of icons) are given on a later page. Transactional tips for teaching the content provided on the given page. Detailed explanation and examples of the various transactional tips are provided in sub-section 05 of this book. Quick questions to be asked during the class to check for learners’ understanding as the lesson proceeds. Details of the suggested CW/HW for the day. Page 15

Examples for Reading and Practising the IMAX Calendar The given lesson plan should be covered in the first half of the allocated teaching period (i.e. the 5th Period of the 5 periods allocated for the lesson). The given lesson plan should be covered in the second half of this same teaching period (referred to as Teaching Day going forward). The given lesson plan takes up the full teaching day, the first one out of the 8 allocated for the lesson (Concept in Social/Maths).  Annual Day indicates which day/period you are currently at against the overall days allocated for this semester.  Actual Date blank is for you to fill the date of the day you teach this particular page. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED 3. MYA: Mid-Year Assessment 1. FA - Formative Assessment 4. AA: Annual Assessment 2. PA - Periodic Assessment Page 16

Space for the teacher to share The Progress Passbook is to help his/her thoughts on the teaching the teacher to help in tracking and methodology used for the lesson. planning the remaining syllabus. Number of planned days. Names of learners who Names of learners who Actual number of days need handholding for need additional taken by the teacher to this lesson. challenges for this lesson. complete the lesson. Page 17 This is for the teacher to enter the number of days by which he/she needs to slow down or speed up for the next lesson. This is to match the annual academic plan. This icon is used to indicate the pages of the book where the teacher can spend more time than suggested. This icon is used to indicate the pages of the book that the teacher can speed up when needed.

05. Transactional Tips – Page 1 of 6 Description 1) Silent Reading Benefit ₋ Learners read the text silently. How to Use It ₋ Reading silently improves learners' understanding because it helps them concentrate on what they are Example Skill(s) reading. Learners are also better able to visualize when reading silently. This is an important skill to develop. ₋ Ask learners to read the text silently for a specified period of time. - Silent Reading: Ask learners to read Passage 1 silently and then answer the questions that follow. ₋ Reading Description 2) Reading Aloud Benefit ₋ The teacher or learners read the lesson out loud with appropriate voice modulation and pace. How to Use It Example ₋ Reading aloud helps learners hear the language, learn the pronunciation and enhance their skills of Skill(s) listening and speaking. ₋ Learners listen to the teacher and read silently while the teacher reads aloud. Or, learners read turn by turn, while the others listen. ₋ Reading Aloud: Read aloud the story for the class with appropriate voice modulation and pace. Re-read for better comprehension. ₋ Reading/Listening Page 18

05. Transactional Tips – Page 2 of 6 Description 3) Activity Method Benefit - Learners engage in an activity in either pairs or groups to engage with a concept or with the text or to How to Use It complete an activity. Example - Learners get the opportunity to be active, collaborate and learn. This tip is especially useful for kinesthetic Skill(s) learners who learn best by being active. Description - The teacher provides instructions and the learners follow the instructions to successfully complete the Benefit activity within a specified period of time. How to Use It - Activity Method: Read out the meanings of the new words from the ‘New Words’ table and ask learners to Example mime the words while you read the meanings. Skill(s) - Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing 4) Summarising - Learners convey the main idea of what they have read or heard. - Summarising helps learners learn to focus on essential ideas and to put together important details as a whole. - Learners can be asked to find the main idea or the important facts and supporting details or the sequence or draw conclusions. They can be asked to compare and contrast or distinguish between fact and opinion. Learners can use graphic organisers or present verbally. - Summarising: Sit in a circle with the class and recollect the events of the story turn by turn with the learners. Provide help where required. - Listening/Speaking Page 19

05. Transactional Tips – Page 3 of 6 Description 5) Direct Instruction Benefit ₋ The teacher introduces terms, concepts and mechanics of grammar, vocabulary and/or other concepts. How to Use It ₋ Direct instruction helps promote understanding by presenting information in a well-organised and logical Example manner. Skill(s) ₋ The teacher explains a concept and introduces terms (if any) related to it. The explanation provided in the books may be used extensively. - Direct Instruction: Revise the concept of adjectives with the help of the explanation and examples given in the book. ₋ Listening 6) Practice Description ₋ Learners practise concepts learned or hone LSRW skills further. Benefit ₋ Practice increases accuracy and helps learners engage with language structures and concepts. ₋ Learners practise LSRW through various sections in the IMAX books. How to Use It ₋ Practice: Play the audio the first time and allow learners to listen. Replay the audio and ask learners to Example mark the correct options. Then, discuss the answers with the class as a whole. Skill(s) ₋ Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing Page 20

05. Transactional Tips – Page 4 of 6 Description 7) Brainstorming Benefit - Learners spend around 3-5 minutes on brainstorming on the topic given for speaking or writing tasks. How to Use It - Brainstorming helps develop self-learning and strengthen thinking skills. When used collaboratively it can Example Skill(s) help learners pick up skills - Learners brainstorm on the topic given for speaking or writing in the form of a list or through verbal exchanges. - Brainstorming: Discuss with your partner and make a word splash for food related words. - Listening/Speaking/Writing Description 8) Questioning Benefit - Learners answer questions posed by the teacher to articulate their subjective opinions/understanding of How to Use It a concept. Example Skill(s) - Helps the teacher gauge the level of understanding the learners are at; stimulates learners and helps them focus on a specific aspect of a concept - The class can be divided into groups for conducting quizzes. Quizzes can be done on an individual level as well. - Questioning: Ask learners the meanings of the new words. Encourage them to explain their meanings with the help of the pictures and the contextual clues. - Listening/Speaking Page 21

05. Transactional Tips – Page 5 of 6 Description 9) Monitoring Comprehension Benefit - Teacher asks questions or facilitates an activity to monitor the level of learners’ comprehension of the How to Use It text or of a concept. Example Skill(s) - Monitoring comprehension helps learners to revise, restate, and visualise the text or a concept to ensure more long-term retention. - Learners can respond by using timelines/spider diagrams, thinking aloud, answering questions and/or performing an activity. - Monitoring Comprehension: Ask the ‘Class Pulse Check’ questions and some basic questions about the story read in the previous class as a lead-in to the ‘Literature Comprehension’ section. Then discuss the questions orally and ask learners to mark the answers. - Listening/Reading Description 10) Peer Learning (Pair/Group) Benefit ₋ Learners collaborate with each other in pairs or groups to engage with a concept or practise a skill. How to Use It Example ₋ Learners get the opportunity to develop social skills, gain confidence, improve communication and Skill(s) learn interpersonal skills and develop trust. ₋ Divide learners into pairs or groups and assign a task. - Peer Learning – Pair: Pair learners. Ask the pairs to discuss Ex. 4.1. Ask them to complete the exercise and share their answers with the class. Provide feedback on the answers. ₋ Listening/Speaking/Reading/Writing Page 22

05. Transactional Tips – Page 6 of 6 Description 11) Interactive Discussion Benefit - Discuss the concept/related example/scenario/text with whole class. How to Use It Example - Interactive discussion helps learners speak in class, express their ideas, ask questions, and obtain information to Skill(s) improve their own understanding of the text or a concept. - Start asking questions/sharing examples to begin the conversation. Encourage learners to ask questions and share their ideas. Ask questions which check previous knowledge. This will help decide the focus of teaching. - Interactive Discussion: Read out the ‘Warm Up’ questions and conduct a discussion around crossing the street. Tell learners that they will learn about the rules of crossing the street in this lesson. - Speaking/Listening Page 23

06. LSRW in the IMAX Class Writing (Production skill) — Writing is a form of communication that allows learners to put their feelings and ideas on paper. Micro-skills: produce acceptable core of words and word patterns, use acceptable grammatical forms, convey links and connections in ideas Reading (Comprehension skill) — Reading is the ability to read a text, process it and understand its meaning. Micro-skills: interpret word orders and their significance, infer contexts, recognise the communicative function of written text Speaking (Production skill) — Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning. Micro-skills: produce English stress patterns, produce chunks of language of different lengths, use appropriate registers and conventions Listening (Comprehension skill) — Listening is the skill to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Micro-skills: discriminate between the distinctive sounds of English, listen for different purposes, develop means of retaining information Page 24

Section II – Application Usage Tip: To be planned and worked out before the academic year starts Sub-Sections: 7. Annual Plan – Teaching and Assessments 8. Annual Planning Tool 9. Formative/Periodic Assessment Patterns 10. Mid-Year/Annual Assessment Patterns 11. Teaching Aids List (For Planning) Page 25

07. Annual Plan – Teaching and Assessments +10 Teaching Days are allocated for the remedial sessions to be conducted using IMAX Individualised Worksheets – 5 days per semester Page 26

08. Annual Planning Tool for Teachers (to be filled in during/before PSO1) No. of ‘Teaching Month No. of Assessments Other Non- No. of Periods’ based on Lesson/Concept IMAX Days Buffer Working Days (if any) Teaching Teaching the Subject Time- List to be Teaching Allocated Days Sample Events Days in Table (referred to as Covered Days Total for IMAX Month in School (if any) School ‘Teaching Days’ Apr-18 IWS going forward) 20 None Opening PTM 19 23 1, 2, 3 16 0 7 (1 day) May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Page 27

09. Formative/Periodic Assessment Patterns Two-Semester Formative Assessment – 20 Marks Section Question Type Relevant Section from the Skill Marks Per Number of Total Source of the Questions Books Question Questions Marks Direct Modified Twisted A Vocabulary and Workbook: Vocabulary Vocabulary 2M 2 4M 1 1 0 Grammar Workbook: Grammar Grammar 2M 1 2M 1 0 0 2M 1 2M 0 1 0 Workbook: Language in Use Language in Use 2M 1 2M 2M 1 2M Textbook: I Understand Literature 10 0 Comprehension 5M 1 5M B Literature and Textbook: I Understand Value-based 1M 3 3M 10 0 Writing Questions Workbook: Formal 5M 1 20M Writing/Creative Writing Formal 11 10 0 Writing/Creative Writing Textbook: a) Lessons C Reading b) Reading Comprehension Reading 30 0 Comprehension passages at the end of the unit Comprehension (Seen Passage) Try and solve this for fun. This is not counted in the This question is provided to instil creativity in total marks. D Surprise Question the student and will not be counted towards assessment totals. Total Marks 82 0 Page 28

Periodic Assessment – 40 Marks Section Question Type Relevant Section from the Skill Marks Per Number of Total Source of the Questions Books Question Questions Marks Direct Modified Twisted A Vocabulary and Workbook: Vocabulary Vocabulary 4M 2 8M 1 1 0 Grammar Workbook: Grammar Grammar 2M 2 4M 2 0 0 2M 2 4M 0 2 0 Workbook: Language in Use Language in Use 2M 2M 2 4M Textbook: I Understand Literature 20 0 Comprehension 5M 2 4M B Literature and Textbook: I Understand Value-based 1M 20 0 Writing Questions Workbook: Formal 5M Writing/Creative Writing Formal 2 10M 2 0 0 Writing/Creative Writing Textbook: a) Lessons C Reading b) Reading Comprehension Reading 6 6M 6 0 0 Comprehension passages at the end of the Comprehension unit Try and solve this for fun. This is not counted in This question is provided to instil creativity in the the total marks. D Surprise Question 1 student and will not be counted towards assessment totals. Total Marks 19 40M 15 3 0 Page 29

10. Mid-Year/Annual Assessment Patterns Two-Semester 50 Marks – Beginner/Proficient Marks Number Source of the Questions Source of the Questions Per of Section Question Type Relevant Section from the Skill Total if BEGINNER Paper is if PROFICIENT Paper is Books Question Questions Marks chosen chosen Direct Modified Twisted Direct Modified Twisted Workbook: Vocabulary Vocabulary 3M 2 6M 2 0 01 0 1 4M 1 4M 0 1 01 0 0 A Vocabulary and Workbook: Grammar Grammar 5M 1 5M 1 0 01 0 0 Grammar Workbook: Language in Use Language in Use 5M 1 5M 1 0 00 0 1 Literature and Textbook: I Understand Literature Comprehension 2M 2 4M 1 1 01 1 0 Writing 2 6M 2 0 01 1 0 B Textbook: I Understand Value-based Questions 3M 1 5M 1 0 00 1 0 Workbook: Formal Writing Formal Writing 5M Workbook: Creative Writing Creative Writing* 5M 1 5M 1 0 01 0 0 Reading Textbook: Comprehension C a) Lessons Reading Comprehension 1M 10 10M 5 5 05 5 0 b) Reading Comprehension passages at the end of the unit D Surprise Try and solve this for fun. This is not counted in the total 5M 1 This question is provided to instil creativity in the Question marks. student and will not be counted towards assessment totals. Total Marks 22 50M 14 7 0 11 8 2 * Internal Choice is provided for this section (Internal choice means - for every question in this section, the student will be provided with a choice to answer from one of the two questions provided) Page 30

80 Marks – Beginner/Proficient Section Question Type Relevant Section from Skill Marks Per Number of Source of the Questions if Source of the Questions if A the Books Question Questions Total BEGINNER Paper is chosen PROFICIENT Paper is chosen B Vocabulary and Marks C Grammar 4 Direct Modified Twisted 2 Direct Modified Twisted Literature and 2 Writing Workbook: Vocabulary 3M 2 12M 2 2 0 21 1 Vocabulary 4M 3 Reading 5M 2 Comprehension Workbook: Vocabulary 5M 1 8M 2 0 0 20 0 Vocabulary 3M 2 10M 2 0 0 01 1 3M 1 10M 1 1 0 10 1 Workbook: Grammar Grammar 5M 5M 1 Workbook: Language Language in Use 5M in Use 5M Textbook: I Literature 9M 2 1 0 21 0 Understand Comprehension Textbook: I Value-based 6M 2 0 0 20 0 Understand Questions Workbook: Formal Formal Writing 5M 1 0 0 10 0 Writing Workbook: Creative Creative Writing* 10M 1 1 0 11 0 Writing 5M 1 0 0 10 0 Textbook: a) Lessons Reading 5M 0 1 0 01 0 b) Reading Comprehension Comprehension passages at the end of the unit D Surprise Try and solve this for fun. This is not 5M 1 This question is provided to instil creativity in the student and Question counted in the total marks. will not be counted towards assessment totals. Total Marks 21 80M 14 6 0 12 5 3 * Internal Choice is provided for this section (Internal choice means - for every question in this section, the student will be provided with a choice to answer from one of the two questions provided) Page 31

11. Teaching Aids List (For Planning) – Page 1 of 2 Types of Teaching Aids Names of the Teaching Aids Lessons Used in IMAX resources Chart: Nouns Module 1: Mario’s Cat (WB) Teacher to arrange Module 2: Grandma’s Photographs (WB) Learners to bring Chart: Subject & Object Pronouns Module 4: All for Free (WB) Module 7: The Silly Monkey (WB) Flashcards: Regular and Irregular Verbs Module 8: The Cracked Pot (WB) Module 1: Mario’s Cat (WB) Chart: Adverbs of Manner & Prepositions Module 2: Grandma’s Photographs (WB) Chart: Types of Adjectives & Degrees of Comparison Lesson 5: Training Patchy (TB) Flashcards of punctuation marks Pictures of things used in a birthday party Module 5: Training Patchy (WB) Four slips of paper with jumbled words and words with incorrect spellings Lesson 6: The Rainbow (TB) 25 flashcards with singular nouns written on Module 7: The Silly Monkey (WB) them Chart paper Printouts of a single dictionary page and a list of words that may or may not appear on that page List of sentences to practise subject-verb agreement An age-appropriate poem related to nature Pictures related to seasons Four sets of six sentences with prepositions One’s favourite story Module 7: The Silly Monkey (WB) Page 32

11. Teaching Aids List (For Planning) – Page 2 of 2 Types of Teaching Aids Names of the Teaching Aids Lessons Used in Storyweaver What Does Anu See? Module 1: Mario’s Cat (WB Nouns) resources Avani and the Pea Plant Module 4: All for Free (WB Verbs) Page 33

Section III – H.O.T.S.* - Creating a Rockstar Class Usage Tip: Together, with IMAX inputs and your unique approach and implementation style, let us create a rockstar classroom Sub-Sections: 12. Day-wise Lesson Plan a. Day-wise Lesson Plan – Learning Outcomes Page b. Day-wise Lesson Plan – Content Page c. Day-wise Lesson Plan – Reflection Page 13. End-of-Term Reflection (In Part 1C) *Building Higher Order Teaching Skills to drive Higher Order Thinking Skills in the learners!! Page 34

English Textbook Allocated Teaching Days 5 Speed up/Slow down Plan Detailed Prose: Lesson 1 – Mario’s Cat Lesson Connect Theme: My Family and I Day No. Planned Summary of Day’s Plan This lesson is about a boy who loses his cat and in the process Date discovers that the true magic in life are kindness and friendship. Day 1 Let Us Start, I Read Desired Learning Outcomes for the Lesson Day 2 I Read, I Understand L S Day 3 I Speak • Listen to and repeat • Discuss the meaning words with the soft of a saying and hard ‘c’ sounds • Speak about what one is grateful for Day 4 I Speak Day 5 Language Game, Connect the Dots R W • Read the story with • Write answers to appropriate voice questions based on modulation and the lesson pronunciation • Read the questions that follow the lesson Lesson Preparation Notes IMAX Resources Other Resources 1) IMAX English Textbook – Page 35

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 1/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise the pronunciation of words with the soft and hard sounds for the letter ‘c’ (Listen and say aloud)  Discuss questions leading to the lesson (Warm Up)  Read the lesson with appropriate voice modulation and discuss the new words (I Read, New words) New Words: fluffy, disappear, mongoose, parrot, wise Transactional Tip(s) Duration: Note to Teacher: The Class Outcomes and New Words given above are for Day 1 of Lesson 1: Mario’s Cat. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 36

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 1/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 12 min Activity Method (7 min): • Write words with the letter ‘c’ that make both the ‘s’ and ‘k’ sounds, such as 'case', 'circle', 'circus', 'cunning' and 'cage', on the blackboard. • Make two columns with the headings ‘s sound’ and ‘k sound’ on the blackboard, and ask learners to sort the words based on the sounds. Then, ask learners to read the words in the ‘Listen and say aloud’ table. Interactive Discussion (5 min): Begin by reading out the ‘Warm Up’ questions and discussing the learners’ responses to the questions. Encourage as many learners to share their experiences as possible. You can also speak about your experiences with magic shows. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 37

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 1/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 15 min Reading Aloud: Nominate learners to read aloud the story turn by turn. Provide feedback on voice modulation, pronunciation, clarity and volume. Ensure that you do this in a positive and non-threatening manner. Class Pulse Check Duration: 2 min 1) What does ‘fluffy’ mean? Can you name something that is fluffy? 2) How old was Mario? (Pg. 4, Q. 1) 3) Who was Golly? (Pg. 4, Q. 2) CW HW Ask learners to read the lesson at home. ‒ Page 38

Day 2/5 Day Annual Day: 2/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min Page 39  Discuss and write the meanings of the new words (New words)  Discuss and write answers to comprehension questions and value-based questions (Literature comprehension, Value-based questions) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 17 min Peer Learning – Group (5 min): • Divide the class into two groups and set up a quiz on the ‘New words’ table. Ask the class to discuss the meanings of the words in their groups and write them down along with example sentences. Instruct the groups to be as detailed and accurate as they can. • Then, ask the groups to share the meanings and sentences. Provide your feedback on the meanings that learners have shared. Interactive Discussion (12 min): Discuss the answers to Exs. 2 and 3 with the class as a whole and ask learners to mark the answers in their books. They can then start writing the answers to Ex. 2 in class and complete it and Ex. 3 as homework. Class Pulse Check Duration: 2 min 1) What was Percy doing when he saw the sad cat? (Pg. 4, Q. 3) 2) What did Percy give Macaroni? (Pg. 4, Q. 4) Duration: 10 min CW Ex. 3 HW Ex. 1 (5 min) Ex. 2 (5 min)

Day 3/5 Day Annual Day: 3/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Summarise the story  Talk about friendship with a partner (I Speak) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 27 min Monitoring Comprehension (12 min): • Ask learners to sit in a circle and summarise the lesson in their own words, turn by turn. Ensure that no part of the story is missed out. Provide prompts to help learners if they get stuck anywhere. • Also ask the meanings of the new words and encourage learners to define them in their own words without looking into their books. Activity Method (15 min): Divide the class into pairs for the pair discussion activity under ‘I Speak’. Allow time to the pairs to discuss the proverb. They can then share their opinions with the class turn by turn. Provide feedback wherever required. Class Pulse Check Duration: 2 min 1) Have you ever lost anything important? Who helped you search for it? CW HW Ask learners to come prepared with the – public speaking topic for the next class. Page 40

Day 4/5 Day Annual Day: 4/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Practise public speaking (I Speak) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 29 min Practice: Ask learners to come up turn by turn for the public speaking activity under ‘I Speak’. Provide feedback on body language, voice modulation and content in a structured manner on a one-on-one basis. You can also use the Speaking Rubric provided at the end of this Teacher Companion Book. Class Pulse Check ‒ CW HW ‒ ‒ Page 41

Day 5/5 Day Annual Day: 5/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min  Unscramble words (Language Game)  Integrate the theme of the lesson with other subjects (Connect the Dots) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 24 min Activity Method (10 min): Ask learners to scramble the names of their classmates and challenge their partners to unscramble them. Then, ask them to complete the ‘Language Game’ independently. Discuss the answers with the class. Activity Method (12 min): Read the Science Fun aloud and ask learners to look at the pictures. You can ask them to imitate the gestures depicted as an energiser to get learners moving and physically active. While one learner imitates a gesture, the other learners can guess which gesture the learner is imitating. Practice (2 min): Ask learners to answer the question under Maths Fun. Encourage learners to do this very quickly to see how many of them can do this by the time you count till five. Class Pulse Check ‒ Duration: 5 min CW HW Language Game ‒ Page 42

My Reflections Progress Passbook 5 What went well while teaching this lesson? Extra days taken till previous lesson (if any) (Previous lesson’s last row) What will I do differently for the next lesson? Planned days for this lesson Actual days taken for this lesson Extra days taken for the current lesson (if any) Total extra days taken till this lesson (if any) Names of learners who need individual attention: For the Next Lesson Handhold these learners: Challenge these learners:  Speed up by ___ days OR Slow down by ___ days  Academic Coordinator’s Signature: Page 43

English Workbook Allocated Teaching Days 5 Speed up/Slow down Plan Module 1: Mario’s Cat Prior knowledge needed (for the learners): Day No. Planned Summary of Day’s Plan Date  Grammar: Proper and common nouns, masculine and feminine gender nouns Day 1 I Listen, Vocabulary  Language in Use: Usage of the full stop, comma, question mark, exclamation mark and capital letters Desired Learning Outcomes for the Lesson Day 2 Grammar V G Day 3 Language in Use • List the names of • Choose and sort animal young ones nouns into categories • Match names of • Identify the genders outdoor activities of nouns with their pictures Day 4 Formal Writing Day 5 Creative Writing L W • Rewrite sentences • Write meaningful with correct sentences punctuation marks • Describe a picture • Use capital letters at the correct places Lesson Preparation Notes IMAX Resources Other Resources 1) IMAX English Workbook 1) Flashcards of punctuation 2) Chart: Nouns (Day 2) marks (Day 3) 2) Pictures of things used in a birthday party (Day 5) Page 44

Day Day Annual Day: Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: Note to Teacher: The module page is a summary of the topics covered in this module. Class Pulse Check – CW HW – – Page 45

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 6/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Class Outcome(s) Duration: 1 min Page 46  Write words with their correct spellings (I Listen)  Read out dictation words to practise pronunciation (I Listen)  Identify young ones of animals by looking at their pictures (Vocabulary)  Match pictures of outdoor activities with their names (Vocabulary) Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 15 min Reading Aloud (5 min): Read out the words for ‘Word dictation’ from the Teacher Reference section. Questioning (5 min): Ask learners to read aloud the dictation words that they have written under Ex. 1.1 to practise pronunciation. Then, ask learners to come forward and write the words on the board to share the correct spellings, while the others check their answers. Interactive Discussion (5 min): Discuss the names of animals and their young ones under the ‘Vocabulary’ section. Ask learners to raise their hands and say which animals are shown under Ex. 2.1. They can then complete Ex. 2.1 by filling in the names of the young ones of these animals. Class Pulse Check Duration: 2 min 1) Do you know what the young ones of the following animals are called? a) dog b) lion c) cow d) frog e) owl Duration: 8 min CW HW Ex. 1.1 (5 min) – Ex. 2.1 (3 min)

Day 1/5 Day Annual Day: 6/69 Actual Date: __________ Progress Transactional Tip(s) Duration: 4 min Activity Method: Enact the words given in Ex. 2.2 and ask learners to guess which of the activities you are enacting. Learners can be asked to complete the exercise in their books as homework. Class Pulse Check – CW HW Ex. 2.2 – Page 47

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