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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-08 09:07:11

Description: Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY


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I Read We all love stories, don’t we? Just as there are many stories, there are various ways of telling them. You can read a story in a storybook, or you can watch one on television. We hear stories from our friends and watch a story performed in the theatre. Some of these ways of storytelling are very old; they have become what we call traditions. In which category of storytelling do you think puppetry falls? And how old do you think is this tradition? Do you know what a puppet is? Very simply, a puppet is a doll that is brought to life by a storyteller to narrate a story. The person who controls the doll is called the puppeteer or ‘sutradhar’. The doll can ancient be made out of any material, such as wood, cloth, clay and so on. The puppeteer moves the doll using strings, rods and his hands. It is believed that puppetry began in India. From the ancient times, puppets have been used to tell stories across the different regions of India. Let us read more about them and discover the different kinds of puppets. Let us begin with the string puppets. These puppets have strings attached to various parts of their bodies. The puppeteer pulls a string, and the puppet moves a part of its body. These puppets are also called ‘marionettes’. string puppet from Rajasthan string puppet from Karnataka Shadow puppets, on the other hand, are fla and something shadow puppet from Odisha like paper cutouts. They are usually made of leather. The puppets are pressed against a white cloth with light falling on it. This results in the puppet’s shadow falling on the cloth. The audience then watches and listens to the story through these shadows. glove puppet Glove puppets, as the name suggests, fi on the hands like gloves. The from Kerala puppeteer uses his or her finger to move the puppet. These are also known as ‘hand puppets’ or ‘palm puppets’. Puppet Traditions of India 47 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 51 12/28/2017 11:27:24 AM

Then, we have the rod puppets, which are like glove puppets except that they are bigger and rods are used to control them. Puppets bring the stories alive for us. Isn’t it magical to see lifeless figure suddenly dance, jump and talk? These ancient props rod puppet from West have always entertained and brought props Bengal people together. The puppeteers are master artists who have to practise for several days to give a perfect performance. In olden days, puppeteers would travel from village to village, doing puppet shows. They would leave behind stories and memories. They kept culture and rich heritage intact through their puppet shows. Nowadays, puppetry is no longer as popular as it was. The medium intact of telling stories has changed. We can now see stories on TV and read them in magazines, story books and comics. But the charm medium of stories remains the same. Let Us Discuss 1) What is a puppet in simple words? 2) What do we call a person who controls puppets? 3) What are string puppets also called? 4) What are glove puppets also called? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words 12/28/2017 11:27:24 AM Word traditions ancient props heritage 48 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 52

Word Meaning intact medium Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What are the different ways in which a story can be told or shown? Ans.  2) What is a puppet made of, and how does it move? Ans.  3) What are shadow puppets? How are they used to tell stories? Ans.  4) What is the difference between rod puppets and glove puppets? Ans.  Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) D o you think traditional art forms such as puppetry should be encouraged? Why or why not? Ans.  2) Do you think that storytelling is an important art form? How can we contribute to this wonderful tradition in our homes and schools? Ans.  Puppet Traditions of India 49 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 53 12/28/2017 11:27:24 AM

I Speak Story telling The entire class sits in a large circle for this activity. One student begins with a sentence that starts a story. For example, ‘Once upon a time, there was a big, black dog.’ The second student in the circle adds a sentence to continue the story. Everyone must contribute to the story. Group activity The class needs to get into two groups for this activity. Each group has to create a puppet show. You can use socks to make sock puppets for this activity. Each group needs to think of a short story and present it to the rest of the class through a puppet show. Language Game Words to look for: Find these words! HERITAGE PUPPETEER S P SWS E Z H B T R E T MH SHADOW PUPPET C T Q T DMH V R E E G E N U R Y R OO Z L A X F E A P X Q STORIES WB K I E R D I Q T T T PWE STRING PUPPET M I DNN I I H S X E I UV S U X I A T GN E Z S P R P I L SUTRADHAR X Y U I X I P L S R P EWF E TRADITION Z KO Z B Z P UAAU HOP V ANCDA J P H P N PODAC R E B R K D DW Z P GH A N D Z B X GWA Z R R Q E M H V J KVB I R ZDB L I DT S F T J P L T MZ K J Y H U RCD R T S U Y OQ U P F D A U D F S N S V N S X QM Y C P H V Q P 50 12/28/2017 11:27:24 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 54

Connect the Dots Maths Fun A cottage industry made 4000 puppets for a company in Denmark. If one puppet costs ` 344, how much money would the company have to pay? Social Studies Fun Did you know that the World Puppetry Day is celebrated every year on 21st March? Every culture has its own tradition of puppetry. Shadow puppets, for example, are very popular in Indonesia. Here is a picture of Indonesian shadow puppets. A Note to Parent Let your child make puppets with waste material or old socks. Help your child to develop an interest in puppetry by telling them stories and helping them create a puppet show. This is a fun way to reconnect them with our tradition and culture. Puppet Traditions of India 51 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 55 12/28/2017 11:27:24 AM

Lesson The Elephant’s 8 Nose Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Words with two syllables – verbs (second syllable is stressed) present decrease upset decide increase require reject rewrite Warm Up • Do you know anybody who asks a lot of questions? Who is it? • N ame a question that you have always wondered about. Have you tried to find the answer? Let us now read a story about how elephants got their trunks. 52 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 56

I Read Long ago, there was a time when elephants had no trunks. Their noses were no bigger than boots. But an elephant’s child named Jumbo changed all that. He always asked many questions. He asked his aunt, the Ostrich, why her tail claw feathers grew just so. Aunt Ostrich hit him with her hard, hard claw. He asked his tall uncle, the Giraffe, what made his skin spotty. Uncle Giraffe spanked him with his hard, hard hoof. hoof Still, he was full of curiosity! He asked questions about curiosity everything that he saw, heard, felt, smelt or touched. One fine morning, Jumbo asked a new question. He asked, ‘What does a crocodile have for dinner?’ ‘Shush’, said all the animals in a scared voice. But he would not shush. He met a bird. She told him where he could find an answer. ‘Go to the Limpopo River’, she said. So, off he went. shush After a week of walking, Jumbo reached the edge of the river. He stepped on what he thought was a log of wood. It winked one eye. ‘Excuse me, but have you seen a crocodile in these parts?’ he asked politely. The creature winked the other eye and half lifted his tail out of the mud. Jumbo stepped back because he did not wish to be spanked again. ‘Come nearer, little one’, said the crocodile, ‘for I am the crocodile.’ Jumbo grew excited and kneeled down. ‘I have been looking for you all these days’, he said. ‘Will you please tell me what you have for dinner?’ ‘Come nearer, little one, and I’ll whisper’, said the crocodile. Jumbo put his head close to the crocodile’s mouth. The crocodile caught him by his little nose. Jumbo knew he was in big trouble. He sat back, and he pulled and pulled. They both pulled and pulled. Jumbo’s nose kept stretching and stretching. At last, the crocodile let go of Jumbo. Bfuddudd! Fell Jumbo, right on his big, broad back. He looked at his swish nose. He could not see where it ended! It was loooong! So long that he could swish it around! The Elephant’s Nose 53 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 57 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM

He wrapped his nose in cool banana leaves and waited for it to shrink. He waited and waited. But nothing happened. He could still swish it all around. So, Jumbo went home swishing his trunk. Whenever he wanted a fruit to eat, he could pull it down from a tree. He did not need to wait anymore! One evening, he came back to his dear family and said, ‘How do you do?’ They looked at him and asked, ‘What have you done to your nose?’ ‘I got a new one from the crocodile on the banks of the Limpopo River’, said Jumbo. ‘I asked him what he had for dinner, and he gave me this to keep.’ And so it remains to this day. Looooooong!  – Adapted from ‘The Elephant’s Child’ by Rudyard Kipling Let Us Discuss 1) What would Jumbo always do? 2) Why did Jumbo go to the Limpopo River? 3) What did Jumbo wrap his nose in? 4) Who gave Jumbo his new nose? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word claw spanked hoof curiosity shush swish 54 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 58

I Speak Story telling Look at the pictures given below. Describe what is happening in them. Narrate the events in the form of a story and give it a title. Colour the pictures after narrating your story. 3 1 2 The Elephant’s Nose 55 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 59 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM

Group activity Get into groups of five. Choose a wild animal from the options given below. Find out more about it. How big or small is it? Where does it live? What does it eat? Take turns to narrate this information in class. You can tell a short story about the animal too! Language Game Crossword puzzle Solve this crossword puzzle with names of different farm animals, birds and objects. Use the clues for help. 56 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 60

2 2 1 5 10 3 8 4 7 6 11 6 12 3 12 9 13 95 11 10 4 13 8 1 7 11 Clues Down Across 1. g o ___ s ___ 3. ___ o r ___ e 2. c ___ ___ 4. t ___ r k ___ y 5. e ___ g 6. ___ o a ___ 7. r o ___ s ___ e r 9. s h ___ ___ p 8. f a ___ ___ e r 10. t ___ u c ___ 11. ___ o g 11. d o ___ k ___ ___ 12. __ __ n 13. p __ __ NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 61 The Elephant’s Nose 57 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM

Connect the Dots Maths Fun Jumbo’s nose was growing at a rate of 17 mm each minute. How long would his nose grow after the crocodile pulled on it for 19 minutes? Science Fun Fun facts about elephants • The trunk of an elephant is a combination of its nose and upper lip. • Elephant trunks are actually very short at birth. They become longer rapidly in a few days. Elephant babies sometimes step on their trunks by mistake! • The elephant trunk can lift weights of up to 400 kg! A Note to Parent Children are curious by nature. We can encourage this curiosity by making questions fun and interesting. For example, during breakfast, ask your child what they think Japanese people eat for breakfast. Let this start a train of questions on the similarities and differences between nations, states and communities. Do your research and share interesting trivia with your child. 58 12/28/2017 11:27:25 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 62

Lesson A Musical Journey 9 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Rhyming words Word Rhyming words Word way, day sing unwilling play – fin mine, divine – Warm Up • Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you like? • Can you say what the seven notes in music are? Let us read a poem in which the poet realises that she loves classical music. NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 63 59 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

I Read Classical music was the pits screwed up unenthusiastic Sa–re–ga–ma–pa–dha–ni melodious It was outdated and old fashioned What use was it to me? Mummy told me to practise I would run away to play That’s the pattern we followed Day after day, all the way. One day we had visitors Mummy told me to sing I screwed up my face Unenthusiastic and unwilling. Somehow I got started And found it actually sounded fin Sa-re-ga-ma-pa-dha-ni The melodious voice was mine. Then I realised I love classical music It’s heavenly and divine. – Manjula Shukla Let Us Discuss 1) What kind of music is mentioned in the poem? 2) What does the poet do when her mother asks her to practise music? 3) How does the poet describe her voice? 4) How does the poet describe classical music in the end? 60 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 64

I Understand Exercise 1: New words Meaning Word classical music pits screwed up unenthusiastic melodious heavenly divine Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What did the poet think of classical music in the beginning? Ans.  2) What was the pattern that the mother and the poet followed day after day? Ans.  3) What did the poet’s mother ask her to do when they had visitors? Ans.  4) What did the poet realise in the end? Ans.  A Musical Journey 61 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 65 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Which art form interests you the most? Why? Ans.  2) You will not know whether you can do something until you try it. Do you agree? Justify your answer with an example. Ans.  I Speak Public speaking Collect information about any Indian musical instrument. Talk about it for two minutes in front of your class. Group discussion Divide yourself into groups. Discuss how music plays an important role in our lives. Language Game The adjective game You have 30 seconds to underline all the adjectives in the poem. The student who completes the activity the fastest and without any mistakes will be the winner. Ans.  62 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 66

Connect the Dots Maths Fun Nisha is a classical singer who practises singing for 3 hours a day. For how many hours does she practise in May if she doesn’t practise on the 4 Sundays in that month? Science Fun Our brains are divided into two parts – the left and the right. If you are right handed and good at numbers, it is the left side of your brain that is more powerful. In the same way, if you are left handed and creative, your right brain is more powerful. However, music is one of the things that need coordination between the right and left sides of the brain. You need the left side to help master notes and techniques. The right side helps with adding emotions and melody to a song. Left Brain Right Brain Logic Emotion Analysis Intuition Organisation Spirituality Administration Interpersonal skills Maths and Science Art and music Knowledge/facts Belief Detail ‘Big picture’ A Note to Parent Encourage your child to listen to classical music. Listening to soothing music is good for your child. Remember, they may not enjoy it unless you do. Devote some time of your day or week to music. A Musical Journey 63 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 67 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

S3 Speaking Project My favourite festival India is known as the ‘land of festivals’. There are many cultural and religious festivals that we celebrate through the year. Festivals are a time for bonding with family and friends and for spreading happiness. All of us have a favourite festival. Which is your favourite festival? Speak for two to three minutes on your favourite festival. Keep the following pointers in mind as you speak: • Name your favourite festival. • Speak about why it is celebrated. • Share a story about it. • Describe how you celebrate it and why it is your favourite festival. 64 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 68

R3 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the story and answer the questions given below. There was an old king who liked to ride his elephant to town just after sunrise. After the rides, he would send the elephant to its trainer and his wife, who would bathe and feed it. One day, the king fell ill, and his son decided to sell the elephant to the circus. The elephant was very sad. Its trainer said, ‘Don’t be sad. You will be taught many tricks, and you will be happy to see children who will love you.’ True enough, as soon as he entered the ring, the children clapped their hands and called out to him. Everybody loved the elephant, and he was happy travelling across the country with the circus. On one of his trips, he arrived at his old hometown. His wish to see his trainer and the king grew stronger every day. One day, he ran away from the circus and reached the palace. He was shocked to see it broken and empty! The elephant turned back, and tears rolled down his eyes. Suddenly, he heard someone calling out his name. He looked back and saw his trainer. Immediately, he ran towards him, lifted him onto his back and went back to the circus. Everybody was happy to see the elephant. The trainer joined the circus and helped in training the other elephants. 1) Where would the king send the elephant after the rides? Ans. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2) What did the king’s son decide when his father fell ill? Ans. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 69 65 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

3) Write the correct pronouns for the words given below. a) king – ____________________________________________________________________ b) palace – ____________________________________________________________________ c) wife – ____________________________________________________________________ 4) Write a word from the passage that rhymes with ‘guide’. Ans. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) trainer a) unexpectedly 2) shocked b) coach 3) suddenly c) felt upset and surprised Passage 2 Read the story and answer the questions given below. It was a bright and sunny morning. A large group of young boys gathered in the forest with their bows and arrows. But they were not ordinary boys. They were the five Pandavas and the hundred Kauravas. A fierce rivalry between them had begun to grow when they were just children. The royal children learnt the skills of using weapons from Dronacharya. He was one of the greatest warriors of his time. He had learnt the secret of powerful weapons from Parasurama. The Pandavas and the Kauravas were quick to learn. Each of them had his own favourite weapon. Duryodhana and Bhima favoured the mace and Yudhisthira the spear. Arjuna was fascinated by bows and arrows. The twins Nakula and Sahadeva were most comfortable with swords. The guru treated all his disciples equally. However, he liked Arjuna the most because Arjuna practised his art with great concentration. Soon, he became the best archer among all. Duryodhana and his brother Dushasana did not like this and openly criticised their guru for favouring Arjuna. As a reply to their criticism, Dronacharya arranged for a test to pick out the best archer from among them. On that day, 66 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 70 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

Guru Dronacharya asked the students to gather by the forest near his ashram. He had placed a wooden bird with a clearly painted eye on one of the trees. The task was to hit the wooden bird in the eye. 1) What was Yudhisthira’s choice of weapon? Ans. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2) Who was the best archer among all? Ans. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3) Write the comparative form of the adjectives given in brackets to fill in the blanks. a) Ram’s house is ____________________________ than his. (large) b) This dog is running ____________________________ than mine. (fast) c) The bird flew ____________________________ than the others in the sky. (high) 4) Write a word from the passage that means ‘to do again and again to get better at something’. Ans. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) rivalry a) preferred 2) favoured b) disapproved 3) criticised c) competition Reading Comprehension 67 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 71 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

Why are we studying this theme? Human beings have the wonderful gift of imagination. With the help of our minds, we can take off into other worlds and make the impossible, possible. Writers and poets are very good at expressing their imagination in words. Let us read two stories and a poem and go on flights of fantasy. NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 72 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

Lesson The Great Race 10 Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Words with more than four syllables multiplication imagination generosity personality overpopulation identificatio responsibility enthusiastically Warm Up • Different countries and cultures follow different calendars. The solar calendar is based on the Earth’s movement around the Sun, whereas the lunar calendar is based on the Moon’s movement around the Earth. Which calendar is followed the world over? • Do you know which calendar is followed while deciding the festival dates in India? Let us read an interesting story that will tell us why the Chinese calendar is named after twelve different animals. NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 73 69 12/28/2017 11:27:26 AM

I Read Long ago, the Jade Emperor of China invited all the animals to a swimming race. He declared that the firs twelve animals would each have a year of the zodiac named after them. All the animals lined up along the river bank. The rat and the cat were poor swimmers. They asked the strong ox to help them. ‘Of course’, said the kind ox. ‘Just climb on my back. I will take you across the river.’ zodiac They had almost reached the other bank when the rat pushed the cat into the water. Just as the ox was about to win the race, the rat leapt onto his head and then onto the bank to finis first ‘Well done’, said the emperor to the proud rat. ‘The firs year of the zodiac will be named after you.’ The poor ox had the second year of the zodiac named after him. Shortly after them, an exhausted tiger clawed his way to the river bank. The third year of the zodiac was named after him. The next to arrive was the rabbit. He had reached the shore by floatin on a log. The Jade Emperor declared the fourth year after his name. exhausted Just then, a dragon swooped down to take fift place. The emperor asked, ‘Why didn’t you win the race when you can fly? ‘I needed to make rain for a few thirsty animals and swooped people. Then, I blew a puff of wind to help the rabbit floa to the river bank.’ puff ‘Well, that was very kind of you. You will have the fift year of the zodiac named after you’, declared the emperor.  The next thing the Jade Emperor sneaky heard was the sound of the horse’s hooves. Suddenly, a sneaky snake wriggled out from around one of the horse’s hooves. The horse was surprised and jumped wriggled backwards, giving the snake a chance to take the sixth place. The poor horse had to be satisfie with seventh place. 70 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 74

Not long afterwards, a raft arrived, carrying the goat, the monkey and the rooster. The emperor said that the goat would be the eighth zodiac animal. The monkey would be the ninth and the rooster the tenth. The next animal to finis was the dog. His reward was to raft have the eleventh year named after him. rooster There was only one place left in the zodiac. Finally, the emperor heard a grunt from the boar. ‘You took a long time to cross the river’, said the emperor to the boar. ‘I was hungry and stopped to eat’, explained the boar. boar ‘You have still done well’, said the emperor. ‘The last year of the zodiac will be named after you.’ As for the cat, he was too late to have a year named after him. He felt very angry with the rat. Since then, cats have never been friends with rats. From that day onwards, the Chinese Zodiac has followed this cycle of years that was named after these twelve animals.  – a Chinese folktale Let Us Discuss 1) What did the Jade Emperor declare? 2) Which animal came first? 3) Which were the animals in the story that were kind and helpful? 4) According to the story, why have cats and rats not been friends since the race? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words The Great Race 71 Word Jade Emperor 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM zodiac exhausted NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 75

Word Meaning swooped puff sneaky wriggled raft rooster boar Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) How did the rat reach the river bank first Ans.  2) Why did the dragon not reach firs even though it could fly Ans.  3) Which animals arrived together on a raft? Ans.  4) Name the order in which the twelve animals arrived at the river bank. Ans.  72 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 76

Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) Why is the snake called ‘sneaky’ in the story? Ans.  2) Which animal’s efforts do you appreciate the most in the story? Why? Ans.  I Speak Role play This is an activity to help you to practise your speaking or conversational skills in English. Conversation 1 Act out the following situation with your partner in front of the class: Situation: Mahesh introduces his cousin Anand to his friend. Mahesh: Hello, Zara, how are you? (greeting) Zara: Fine, thank you. How are you? Mahesh: I am fine too. (responding to the greeting) Mahesh: Zara, meet my cousin, Anand. Anand, meet my friend, Zara. Zara: How do you do? (responding to the first introduction) Anand: I am fine. How do you do? Mahesh: Zara, yesterday I saw your brother at the railway station. Was he going somewhere? Zara: No. He had gone to the station with my grandparents to help them to carry the luggage. Conversation 2 Enact the given situation with your partner in front of the class. The Great Race 73 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 77 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM

Situation: A conversation between a shopkeeper and a customer. Shopkeeper: How can I help you? Customer: Can you show me some shoes, please? Shopkeeper: Sure, which colour and size? Customer: Black. And size eight, I think. Shopkeeper: How about these shoes? Customer: They seem to fit well. Could you pack these shoes, please? Shopkeeper: Certainly! Here is your packet. Customer: Thank you! Group activity Make groups of three. Write a noun on a slip of paper and fold it. Then, exchange the slips with your group members. You have to speak on anything related to the word on your slip for 30 seconds. Time each other to see who speaks for the longest time. Language Game Which head is blowing fire? Dragons are a symbol of good luck in China. The dragon also represents the fifth year of the zodiac. Solve this dragon puzzle by matching the head that is blowing fire with the body. Once you finish it, write down as many words that you can think of that start with the letter ‘z’, e.g. ‘zodiac’. How many have you got? 74 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 78

Connect the Dots Maths Fun You learnt how to make tangrams in the previous grade. Look at the tangrams of the Chinese zodiac, and try making them on your own. Social Studies Fun China has the world’s largest population. Hence, the Chinese New Year is celebrated by one fifth of the world’s population! ‘Xinnian kuaile’ means ‘Happy New Year’ in Chinese. It is pronounced ‘shin nee-an kwai le’. 2017 is the year of the rooster, while 2018 is the year of the dog, and 2019 is the year of the boar. A Note to Parent We follow the Gregorian calendar the world over. Familiarise your child with the local calendar used in your culture. It is important to remain connected with one’s heritage. The Great Race 75 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 79 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM

Lesson Adventures with the 11 Fairies Let Us Start Listen and say aloud Here is a tongue twister to practise the ‘ch’ and ‘w’ sounds. Try saying it aloud as fast as you can. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Warm Up • Have you ever sat quietly and observed plants, trees or flowers after a shower of rain? How do they look? • Do you like the rains? Why or why not? Let us read a story about the narrator’s adventures with rain fairies. 76 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 80

I Read What I am about to tell you happened a long, long time ago. I was staying with my aunty, Nalini. She lived in an old house with a big garden that had many flowers I loved staying with her. I used to play in her garden in the mornings and then help her cook. Most important of all, I could have breakfast in bed! I slept on a sofa, which was placed against the wall in her bedroom. As I would drift off to sleep every night, drift off damp I would stare at this big, damp stain on the wall. The stain would take different shapes each night – animals, people, fairies. One rainy night, something very strange happened. I saw something come out of the wall suddenly. It looked like a human figur made of cotton, except that it was dark – as dark as the thunderclouds. I felt a human figur touch my shoulder. I looked closely and saw a beautiful woman. In a deep, sweet, kind voice, she said, ‘Good evening! My name is Storm. Don’t be afraid of me; I’m a good fairy. Want to come with me?’ She offered me her hand. It was a slim hand and smelled of raindrops. I was so surprised that I could not answer. ‘Come along, you’ll love the place I am taking you to’, said the fairy. The next thing I knew, I had been carried by her from the warmth of my bed and transported through the bedroom wall, through the middle of that damp stain. soaring We moved up, soaring high. As we fle faster and faster towards the sky, we wandered through the air as the lightning struck and thunder roared behind us. But I wasn’t scared at all. I felt confiden as I held onto Storm’s hand. The rain seemed to come in waves, softly murmuring through the sky. Storm smiled at me, as we went up higher and higher. Then, just as smoothly wandered as we had ascended, we began to floa back down. We descended through a fog and went towards an area fille with light. In the blink of an eye, we were bathed in sunlight and around us were seven fairies. Each was just as beautiful and kind as Storm. They all smiled at me. The fairies had thin golden paintbrushes in one hand and a painter’s palette palette in the other. Suddenly, the fog cleared and underneath it appeared flowers plants, animals and many more things. But strangely, each one of them was completely colourless. Adventures with the Fairies 77 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 81 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM

The seven fairies floate towards the flowers plants and the animals. Slowly, they started to create magic with their paintbrushes. What a scene it was! I was so stunned by all this that I was left speechless. But an even bigger surprise was in store! I looked back at the path and saw a lovely rainbow! One of the fairies started to play an instrument. I had never heard such sweet speechless music in my life. I danced, sang and clapped along with them. I wanted to ask so many questions to the fairies. As I opened my mouth, I suddenly heard Nalini Aunty’s voice saying, ‘So now you have started singing in your sleep, have you? I think you need a good breakfast. Come on. I’ll bring you some hot milk and your favourite puri with aloo sabji.’ As I nibbled on my breakfast, I kept thinking whether I should tell her what I’d seen. Would she believe me? Then, she suddenly asked, ‘So, did you enjoy your journey through the damp stain?’ nibbled My breakfast was getting cold. I was also going to be late for school. I didn’t have time to answer her. Anyhow, I still believe that whenever it rains, Storm and her friends come to visit us. They leave everything looking bright, fresh and new.  (Source: Let Us Discuss 1) Why did the narrator love staying with Nalini Aunty? 2) What did Storm’s hand smell like? 3) What did the fairies have in their hands? 4) What was the author doing in the dream just before it ended? 78 12/28/2017 11:27:27 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 82

I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words Word drift off damp soaring wandered in the blink of an eye palette stunned speechless nibbled I Speak Group activity Sit in groups of three for a picture-description activity. Describe any object shown in the picture to your group without naming it. The others will listen to the description and guess which object is being described. Adventures with the Fairies 79 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 83 12/28/2017 11:27:28 AM

Pair discussion Divide your class into pairs. Discuss the following questions with your partner. Then, share your combined thoughts with the class. Did the narrator actually have that adventure, or was it a dream? Have you ever had a dream that felt real? What happened? Language Game Down Crossword puzzle 1. heavy rains and wind Solve the crossword puzzle with the help of the given hints. 1 2. a shiny light that we see before it rains 2 3 Across 4 3. a n arc of seven colours after rains 4. a loud sound heard on rainy days 5. water falling from the sky 5 80 12/28/2017 11:27:28 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 84

Connect the Dots Maths Fun The narrator slept for 7 hours that night. How many minutes did she sleep for in all? Hint: 1 hour = 60 minutes Social Studies Fun Did you know that it rains on other planets as well? But the rain there is not made of water. It is made of other chemicals. A Note to Parent Enjoy monsoons with your child by making paper boats and floatin them together, appreciating the wonderful season. Monsoon treks can be great fun. Find places around your city where you could go for a monsoon trek with your child. Adventures with the Fairies 81 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 85 12/28/2017 11:27:28 AM

Lesson The Owl and the 12 Pussycat Let Us Start Rhyming words Word Rhyming words money guitar are, star, car Listen and say aloud note fowl love owl sing Word tarried ring day honey nose away stood boat shilling wood will above quince hill sand married Moon hand – grows willing – mince spoon 82 12/28/2017 11:27:28 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 86

Warm Up • Have you ever seen a pussycat and an owl? Where? • D o you think that two animals can be friends? According to you, which animals can be friends with each other? Let us read a poem about an owl and a pussycat who are on a journey that leads to their marriage. I Read The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, T hey took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five pound note. pound The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar, ‘O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are, You are, You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!’ Pussy said to the Owl, ‘You elegant fowl! How charmingly sweet you sing! O let us be married! Too long we have tarried: But what shall we do for a ring?’ charm ingly They sailed away, for a year and a day, elegant To the land where the Bong-Tree grows And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood With a ring at the end of his nose, His nose, His nose, With a ring at the end of his nose. The Owl and the Pussycat 83 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 87 12/28/2017 11:27:28 AM

‘Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling shilling Your ring?’ Said the Piggy, ‘I will’. quince So, they took it away, and were married next day By the Turkey who lives on the hill. They dined on mince, and slices of quince, Which they ate with a runcible spoon; And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the Moon, The Moon, The Moon, They danced by the light of the Moon. – Edward Lear Let Us Discuss 1) What are the names of the mentioned animals? 2) Where did the Owl and the Pussycat go? 3) What was the colour of the boat? 4) How was the Owl’s song? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM Word pound elegant charmingly tarried shilling mince 84 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 88

Word Meaning quince runcible Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) What did the Owl and the Pussycat take on their journey to the sea? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2) What was the Owl doing on the boat? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3) What did the animals in the poem do for a ring for their wedding? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4) How did the Owl and the Pussycat celebrate their wedding? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) The Owl and the Pussycat carried a few things along when they went to sea. If you went sailing for a year and a day, what would you take with you? Why? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) D o you fin this poem funny? Why? What are the things and words that you think are nonsensical in the poem? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Owl and the Pussycat 85 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 89 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM

I Speak Group discussion Divide your class into three groups. Each group turns the poem into a story. Give wings to your imagination and think of what would happen once the Owl and Pussycat got married. Add that part to your story, and narrate it to the class. Role play Form groups and play the characters from the poem. Enact the whole poem with actions and props. Your props can be a jar of honey, a few notes of money, a coin for a shilling, a small ruler that can be used as the guitar and so on. Language Game Word search Find words from the poem in this word search table. Use the images as hints to find the words. Z P I FGP B E T POUND WD U T I F L DB TMT F I ACH J A K H NOO L R QC CDNAMU Z E L E GAN T DEY F L IO 86 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 90

Connect the Dots Social Studies Fun Indian rupee Different countries in the world have different names for their currencies. The Indian currency is called the ‘rupee’ and the ‘paisa’. United States Similarly, the currencies of some other countries are as follows: dollar 1) US – United States Dollar, 2) UK – Pound sterling, 3) France – Euro, 4) China – Renminbi, 5) Argentina – Peso Science Fun Did you know that owls and cats have a lot in common? Both owls and cats can see well in the dark. They both can also hear very well. Owls and cats both catch mice and eat them. Owls are, in fact, often called ‘the cats of the air’. A Note to Parent Good poems stay with us for a lifetime. Introduce your child to other popular childhood poems. Here are a few famous poems that you can introduce to your child. a) ‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth b) ‘Jabberwocky’ by Lewis Carroll c) ‘Poor Old Lady’, an anonymous poem The Owl and the Pussycat 87 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 91 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM

S4 Speaking Project My favourite story of imagination and adventure Writers and filmmakers have very creative imaginations. Sometimes, they write stories that cannot happen in real life. Some stories are full of magic, superheroes or mythical creatures. They might take place on another planet or in another undiscovered world. Think of your favourite story or film in which impossible things happen. Share the story with your class and say why you liked it. 88 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 92

R4 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the story and answer the questions given below. Last Sunday, little Phulmani went to see a jatra with her parents. She was thrilled to see the jatra. The next day, when she narrated the story of the performance to the class, her teacher said that jatra is actually a kind of folk theatre. This kind of theatre is performed under different names in different parts of our country. It is called ‘tamasha’ in Maharashtra, ‘nautanki’ in northern India and jatra in Bengal. Most of these folk theatres are based on mythological incidents or characters. India has a rich heritage of classical dance forms, and each deals with a mythological narrative. The dancers wear colourful costumes and dance in harmony with music. Kathak is a dance of northern India, while Bharatanatyam, Mohiniattyam, Kuchipudi and Kathakali are all from southern India. Manipuri and Odissi are dance forms of eastern India. Such a wide variety of dance forms cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Phulmani came to know that Indian kings and rulers patronised classical music and dance in their courts. Emperor Akbar loved to listen to the songs of Tansen. Our country is so big that we have many different styles of classical music like Hindustani and Carnatic. Each of these styles began in temples and developed down the ages. 1) What did the teacher say a jatra was? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Who did Emperor Akbar like to listen to? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 93 89 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM

3) Rewrite the sentences by correcting spelling and punctuation errors. a) i am very found of signing and dancing. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ b) My favorite dance is kathak I like bharatanatyam to. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ c) I want to partisipate in a dance compitition next ear. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) The meaning of ‘mythological’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) character a) supported or sponsored 2) heritage b) role in a play 3) patronised c) cultural traditions that are passed down through generations Passage 2 Read the story and answer the questions given below. Welcome to the Arctic! That is the cold, windy area around the North Pole. It includes the Arctic Ocean and the land near it. Snow and ice cover the ground for most of the year. The walrus, polar bear and snowy owl are a few animals that live in this habitat and survive the cold. A walrus spends most of its time in icy water. It has a thick layer of blubber, or fat, under its skin to keep it warm. When a walrus swims, blood flows away from its skin to important organs inside its body. That keeps heat from leaving the walrus’s body, and its skin turns white. When it is warm again, its skin turns pink. A polar bear has special fur to keep it warm. Each hair is shaped like a straw. The shape helps direct sunlight towards the bear’s black skin, which collects and holds in heat. Polar bears also have a layer of blubber under their skin. A snowy owl has two layers of 90 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 94

feathers that cover its entire body. The bottom layer, which is soft and fluffy, is called ‘down’. The outer layer of feathers is thick. In strong wind, the snowy owl may hide on the ground behind a pile of snow or rocks to block the wind. 1) Which are the animals that live in the Arctic? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What happens when a walrus swims? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Fill in the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Adjective Comparative Superlative a) thick ______________________ _____________________ b) special ______________________ _____________________ c) warm ______________________ ______________________ 4) The meaning of ‘blubber’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) habitat a) soft, fine feathers 2) down b) continue to live in difficult conditions 3) survive c) the natural home of an animal Reading Comprehension 91 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 95 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM

Why are we studying this theme? Travelling the world, meeting people and learning about different cultures is not only exciting but also important. This is how we grow as people. But when travel is not possible, what better way than to read! Let us read a story, a play and a poem in which you get to travel along with the authors and enjoy journeys in your mind. NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 96 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM

Lesson The Herculean 13 Task Let Us Start Words proven sturdy react accomplished salute pursuit firml convincing Warm Up • According to you, what qualities should a hero have? • If you were a hero, what qualities would you like to have? Let us read a story about the ‘hero’ of Rome, Hercules, who was famous for his strength and his love of adventure. NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 97 93 12/28/2017 11:27:29 AM

I Read King Eurystheus was worried. Hercules had proven his courage and strength by completing the ten previous difficul tasks that had been given to him. He was becoming popular. People had started calling him a hero. ‘The next task must be even more dangerous and challenging’, thought the king. ‘It is important that he loses so that the countrymen can see me as their hero again.’ Garden of the King Eurystheus called Hercules to his court and Hesperides congratulated him. He set him the challenge of getting golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides. Hercules set out in pursuit of this new challenge, pursuit and on the way, he met a beautiful nymph. He nymph asked her for help. She told him to seek the old man of the sea, who was the best navigator. ‘But there is one condition – you need to hold him tight. It is difficul to maintain a grip on him. He can change forms’, warned the nymph. Hercules found the old man sleeping on the shore. He quietly moved navigator towards him and held on to him tight before he could react. The old man woke up, startled. ‘Who are you?’ he screamed. ‘I am Hercules. I need your help to show me the way to the Garden of the Hesperides. startled The old man struggled to get free. However, Hercules held on even tighter. The old man turned himself into a deer. He then turned into a kraken – a sea monster resembling a giant octopus. He tried to scare Hercules but failed every time. kraken Finally, the old man told him about the Hesperides, who were the goddesses of the evening. He said that the golden apples were in a garden on an island. To get to the island, Hercules would need to take the help of Antaeus, who was a short- tempered man. Hercules thanked the old man. After some time, he met Antaeus. ‘What do you want from me?’ yelled Antaeus. ‘I want you to show me the way to the Garden of the Hesperides.’ ‘How dare you?’ Antaeus was angry. He attacked Hercules. Hercules fought back and lifted 94 NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 98 12/28/2017 11:27:30 AM

Antaeus high up in the air. Antaeus got scared. ‘Please put me down. I will answer all your questions.’ Antaeus told him that the Garden of the Hesperides was guarded by a never-sleeping, hundred-headed dragon named Ladon. Only mythology Atlas could enter the garden and take the golden apples. According to Roman mythology, it was believed that Atlas had been carrying the weight of the Earth on his Ladon shoulders for over a thousand years. Hercules knew that convincing Atlas would be next to impossible. So, on his way, he thought of a plan. He also knew that Atlas hated carrying the Earth on his shoulders. When Hercules reached the Garden, he said, ‘I salute you, Atlas. You have been holding the Earth for so long.’ ‘I am so tired’, exclaimed Atlas. ‘I can help you to ease the load for some time. You only have to get me three golden apples from the Garden of the Hesperides’, offered Hercules. Atlas agreed and brought back the golden apples for Hercules. He Atlas could do anything for some rest. ‘You are great, Atlas! It is quite a tough task to hold the Earth’, said Hercules. When Hercules returned with the three golden apples, the king was shocked and nearly fainted. Let Us Discuss 1) Why was King Eurystheus worried? 2) What was the eleventh challenge given to Hercules by King Eurystheus? 3) Who guided Hercules at the beginning of the challenge? 4) Who guarded the Garden of the Hesperides? I Understand Meaning Exercise 1: New words The Herculean Task 95 Word adventure 12/28/2017 11:27:30 AM courage NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 99

Word Meaning Garden of the Hesperides pursuit nymph navigator startled short-tempered mythology fainted Exercise 2: Literature comprehension 1) Why did the king want Hercules to lose a challenge? Ans.  2) How did the nymph help Hercules? Ans.  3) W ho was standing outside the gate of the garden? What did Hercules offer to do for him? Ans.  4) How did the old man at the sea try to scare Hercules? Was he successful? A ns. Exercise 3: Value-based questions – Judgement and appreciation 1) What are a few of the important qualities of Hercules that helped him succeed at his task? Ans.   96 12/28/2017 11:27:30 AM NR_BGM_9789387552746-Passport-G4-Textbook-English-FY_Text.pdf 100

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